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Hello everyone,

Apples, you have fun with all your parties.. I'm sure if anyone can pull off gettng things done so you can get to Florida by 1-15, it's you!!!! Have a good Christmas......

Janet, glad you gave yourself a treat and don't feel guilty.... It feels good....

Laura, I'm happy you are feeling good about your decision. I, too, think it is the right one.... Nael will survive and is probably glad to give this gift to you and your parents..... Pics of Nelson were so sweet

Linda, you look so good and your DGD is a sweetie....

Cheri, I have quit worrying about who comes anymore.... My side of the family has always been together, but now the grandkids are married and have kids and in-laws and then add to that my 2 brothers don't get along.... Well, I just put a note in the Christmas cards that I was hosting a Family Get Together at my house on Sat, 12-26 at 6:30..... ot a big sit down meal, just snacky type things and I will make hot sandwiches and the rest is potluck... Whoever comes comes......... I just can't worry about it anymore. Hope yours works out okay.... DH said about the same....next year we leave!!!!!!

Lori, hope you are doing well today..... take it easy, though....

Well, I'm hoping my head cold is a bit better today.. I slept fair... Used a breathing strip on my nose and it seemed to help.... I have a few things to do this morning and then we are going to Bismarck later... My step daughter actually called yesterday to ask if we wanted to get together for supper.... Come to their apartment (first time we have been invited since they moved from here in April after living on us for free for 18 months!) for coffee and then go to supper... We were shocked... They didn't even contact us at Thanksgiving... So, hopefully this will be a good evening... Last Christmas was when her husband let loose and told us how terrible we are and cussed and swore and called us names.... It's a stressor, but I think I'm ready for him...... I'm just going to keep my mouth shut and only speak when I'm spoken to.......

So, I'm off to make some honey butter..... more food gifts.... finished my wrapping this morning and ready to deliver some tomorrow... I'm always glad when that is done.. I only have one gift left and that is a gift certificate for a massage for my mother.... Take care friends.................... HoHoHo..............Julie

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Linda, we were posting at the same time......... I'm sorry you had a down day... I sure get them, too.... Sometimes you just gotta let it out and get it over with... Too many stressfull things for our middle aged bodies to take...... Hope you are better and have a nice day now... Take care........ Julie

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ok guy~ quick note. (DH took Nelson to West Palm Beach today to run around and play and kill time) so I could get some wrapping done. Well, I have done laundry, edited photos and talked on the phone! I better wrap before I get surprised by them!

So proud of my little karate kid! He got his orange stripe last night at Taekwondo. (It's belt #2 for the little dragons) There are three levels there, dragons, karate kids and adults. He was so excited, he acted like he won the Nobel Peace Prize! It was priceless.

Linda~ hugs. Hope today is better. I know how crappy it feels.

Janet~ WTG on getting to the gym. It's real and it happens.

Julie~ hope you are feeling better soon. Colds suck.

Apples~ You need to catch your breath! You are making ME tired! Sorry for the PB. Welcome to the PB club. My cat coco Pb'ed this morning and I stepped in it. uuughhhh! at least when I PB I do it somewhere other than a turkish rug! (hard to see anything on those patters!) I had no idea they even MAKE JD mittens! LOL. I have a package for you, no idea if I will be able to get it out before the holidays. Nels made you a thank you card and bought a little thing for your DH. : ) He wanted to send you his GBH (after I told him you liked it)...awww.. but he ate all the candies off..LOL. ANd LICKED it a couple times..laughing. kids. ; )

I had really get to wrapping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I tell you guys, I hate wrapping?!

Will CBL.... peasout...Laura

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Back from the gym 3.5 mile burned 502 calories...

Yep I think you are all right - after a week of saying no no no - I said yes yes yes and it wasn't that terribly bad - where as before I would continue to eat like that and never get off my but - I would eat and sleep - eat and sleep.< /p>

Linda hugs on your bad day - hell we all have them even when we can't blame pms anymore - I am glad you are feeling better - ya and I get you on the tough love issues - I think they hurt us worse than they do the kids - but sometime we just have to do it.. Hugs..

Apples - Yep gf welcome to the club - I don't do it too often but I still do it occaissionally - usually eating to fast for me and not chewing..

Our little cooker - sure glad I'm rooming w/you :0)... 30 miles is no biggie (isn't that the distant from the airport)

Everyone needs to let us know what time we are arriving at the airport - so we can figure out transportation

I know Eva & I will both be arriving around 4 p.m on Thursday.. Linda - Julie - Meredith (she's in NYC) Melissa & Apples are driving..

Julie - keep doing the airborne - dayquil and you will get better... Hope your evening goes well.

Laura - Love Nelson pictures - On Xmas my DS daddy took him fishing out at the mud banks when he was about 4 - so I could wrap - well the little stinker - put a plastic knive in the ignition and it broke off - this was back in the 70's pre cell phone days and they were out in the middle of no where - we somehow they took off the ignation and you stuck your finger inside and pushed something to get the car started - It was a plymouth Duster - I alway remember this little xmas incident every yr at this time :0)

Well off to the showers - taking Andrew dr's appt - tattoo removal then xmas shopping for his little sis on his mom's side - and I gotta shop for Xmas dinner..

cbl - hugs gangs

Oh ya - I sure do love getting all these Xmas cards :0) Love to you all - Merry Christmas !!

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Good morningl! I had a pretty rough night, I went to bed at 730pm and got up at 8am but probably only slept half of that. If it wasn't the pain, it was having to use the potty, or thirsty, etc. And I got stronger pain pills this time and they are making me very loopy. DH & DD are laughing at me and the things I end up saying etc. I can't concentrate more than a minute or so on anything. The nurse told me in the hospital I'd make a happy drunk. LOL So not sure how to proceed, I have so much less pain this time but can't stand how I am feeling on these pills. I think I will try cutting down to just one vs 2 and see how I do, also have some left over vicodins. They told me these pills I have now (norcal or something like that) are twice as strong as vicodin. So I am sorry I am having a hard time keeping up with the posts, I've read them but don't remember a thing to respond to. LOL

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Laura...maybe it wasn't a PB after all. Maybe I just choked on a Dust Bunny. God knows there's enough of them around. My house takes a back seat during harvest and then to get sprung about Christmas at our house tonight. Oh well, it's getting done. Been up since 4am and tackling it. Have my appetizers made and ready to pop in the oven later today. Just have to roll the meat and cut the cheese. (No pun intended but I have been known to be the QUEEN since LB surgery).

Linda...I have a HUGE Santa collection also. Will post picks if I can figure out why my card reader keep shutting itself off. Sorry about you crappy day yesterday.

Tough love is difficult. But, you just gotta let them figure things out on their own. Hit bottom and work their way back. Love my DS's but no room at momma's house unless there is a desperate need. Both have been (somewhat) renting or owning and on their own since 18. I didn't want them to go but, looking back, YAHOO!

Hey Julie....hope your snotty situation clears up.

Having fun, Eva? Who wouldn't in SF?

Gotta go.

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Laura..congrats to Nels on is 2nd belt...great photos. Better get your A$$ in gear and get those presents wrapped. LOL

Hey Great...don't worry about not being able to remember in your drugged state of mind. We are enjoying your silly posts (just kidding).

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Linda...to answer your ? on DS's. Just my one son (28) with be here with his GF. Youngest (26) lives in Atlanta. Offered to fly him home but he declined. Said too cold here and can't afford to take a week off of work. He's self-employed. Started up a flight school in April. Has a number of instructors under him and now flys out of 22 airports in the area and just cannot get away. Instead, we are flying other son out of there on the 22 of Jan and we will be there already and will have a little Christmas out there. I sent is gifts a couple of weeks ago. He has not been home for 2 yrs but we have been out there. Kids grow up and it's tough on mom's when their cubs are not home for Christmas. I already shed a few tears this morning. He would think I was being just plain silly. But, I raised my boys to enjoy the holidays and get the meaning of the season. I think they do...just not as into it as females are, I believe.

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Up from my morning nap, awaiting DD's return with some McD's nuggets for lunch. Probably my first solid food in a few days. I am kindda nauseaus. I compared my pain pill bottle from last time til this time. They both are hydrocodone or something like that. The old ones say 5mg and the new ones say 10mg. And then my dose is 2 so maybe that's why I am so loopy double the dose and I take oxycontin or something like that as well which I didn't last time. Think I will try cutting the dose in half and take one pill on my next dose. I was fine with that level of dose last time. I can't stand feeling like this. Oh and a side effect is mental/mood swings. DD & DH can vouch for that. I've been on the verge of tears all night and morning long. What do you nurses think of my plan?

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Up from my morning nap, awaiting DD's return with some McD's nuggets for lunch. Probably my first solid food in a few days. I am kindda nauseaus. I compared my pain pill bottle from last time til this time. They both are hydrocodone or something like that. The old ones say 5mg and the new ones say 10mg. And then my dose is 2 so maybe that's why I am so loopy double the dose and I take oxycontin or something like that as well which I didn't last time. Think I will try cutting the dose in half and take one pill on my next dose. I was fine with that level of dose last time. I can't stand feeling like this. Oh and a side effect is mental/mood swings. DD & DH can vouch for that. I've been on the verge of tears all night and morning long. What do you nurses think of my plan?

:smile2:Lori...I am the farthest thing from being a nurse but will speak from experience. If you are getting nauseated, probably best to back off a bit on the pain meds and see how you do with the pain. You don't want it to get to the point where they make you vomit. If you tolerated the lower doses with your first knee, maybe you can this time also. No fun to feel the way you are feeling. :wink2:

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Think I am ready for my crowd which should show up about 5:30 (I backed it off a couple of hours..wanted to be "sane" when they showed up).

On the menu:

Honey mustard chicken breast (cut in chuncks)

Orange glazed chicken breast (cut in chuncks)

Rolled Pastrami, Virginia baked ham and Tomato Basil Turkey breast.

Smoked Gouda, Applewood cheddar, Salsa Jack

Homemade Honeywheat/cottage cheese rolls

Iced Pumpkin/Cranberry and Iced Date Bread

Peppermint White chocolate Fudge

Chocolate Mint Fudge

Peanut Butter Fudge

Raspberry Cheesecake Tarts

Coconut/Peanut Brittle

pumpkin and cream cheese ginger tarts

Holiday 7 layer bars

oatmeal Date Bars

And......a veggie tray to balance it out!

Gotta hit the shower!

Edited by Apples2

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Wow, Apples what a spread, think I'll hit the road and join you. lol

Well not sure about my fill, may be to tight. I tried some chilli today and pb'd. Have had nothing but liquids since thursday. May have to go in and have an unfill. I know I don't want to be this way for Christmas.

Glad everyone else is doing good, all the patients, Laura's decesion (sp) Janet getting rid of her cravings and hitting the gym, school break and done with harvest. Life is good.

Take care all.

Laura K

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Thats just what I did Apples, backed off on some of the pain meds and will see how it goes. I just got up from another nap and was an hour overdue for pain pills, I just took one and will see how it goes. I can't believe people steal drugs to feel like this. LOL If it still doesn't help I will switch to my left overs from the other knee and then call the doc on Monday. I am wondering by being so nauseaus in the hospital and throwing up, that isn't what caused my band to get so tight. So far I'm really not missing those 5 cc's they took out.

Wow sounds like quite the spread you are having tonight? Are you having a Christmas party? (sorry if I missed the post on it).

Oh, DH just spoke to his SD uncle, he's getting in the last of his corn today. They are very relieved to get it in too.

Edited by Great2BThin

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Lori- you are taking Oxycontin and Vicodine together - that's pretty powerful stuff (oxycontin) - Dr Janet agrees - cut back - vicodine makes me sick to my stomach if I take too much and by that I mean the 1st dose is fine - but when I got to take the 2nd dose - i get nauseated - I would love to try oxycontin it's suppose to be good - I have neices who are vicodine addicts - infact - my nephew and his wife got divorced because of it - it affects some pple like speed - like I said - i would never be a vicodine addict - I still have some from my surgery (liquid) it's most likely expired but if something is really hurting me I will mix just a tad of it with liquid Tylenol

Apples - OMW you have fixed all that food and cleaned today - no wonder you got up at 4:30...

Whats salsa jack (jack cheese melted in salsa)

Right now the pastrimee sounds good - I think I got rid of my sweet tooth last night - I want meat...

Ok here is what I have done today - gym as you all ready know -

showered then took Andrew to his appointment - he has been bitching at them that they aren't going high enough with the laser to remove his tattoo (it barely gets red) so this time the turned up the power - I have never seen it this red

he also has this skin thingie (so does DS) it's a fungus and it gives them these little spots of lighter color skin (where as on us it wouldn't even show) well it's on his back - but last night he found some on his arm and about freaked out - so he asked the doc at the tattoo removal place (its a derm place) and they gave him some medicine for it - pretty cool - cuz his step dad paid up front for this tattoo removal thing and I told him he could try and ask them about - but they might shine him on cuz it's not part of the treatment and he has and HMO and needs prior authorization to see a derm doc..

I gotta say both my kids (Andrew & Joseph) know how to get things done...

So after that he didn't want to go Xmas shopping (he stayed out too late last night I think and which I am glad of cuz I didn't want to go to the mall) so brought him home - got his script fill then went to costco - Got prime rib for xmas dinner (oh my was it expensive) asparagus - green Beans - and some lox - they had samples and it was so good - so I got me some - then came home and put that food up and got back in the car and went to Stater Bros for the rest of Xmas foods (got even poorer) and truely will have to go back for rolls and such closer to Xmas since it's still a week away - hope the asparagus last that long..

Lucky Andrew helped bring the groceries in - got them put us and here I am..

LauraK - wait a few days on the unfill - it may settle in and loosen up - are you sure you didn't eat too fast - can you drink Water ok - that's my sign if a fill is too tight - I could barely drink Water or coffee..

Well think I will go turn the t.v. on - get my book and veg for a bit -


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Janet, I can drink ok I don't think I ate to fast. I was able to eat oatmeal tonight so it may still be irratated. I don't think my Dr will do unfill until at least 1 week passes. If I remember right from what his nurse said. She had band done 4 weeks before me. Decided to just take it easy.

Laura K

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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