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Ouch - the timing won't work out for me. We have a friend at Ft. Leavenworth whose husband is deployed. She has to have a radiation treatment for thyroid cancer, and can't be around her small children for 5 days (kinda radio-active!) It won't hurt for her to be around other people, but she has very small children who won't be able to understand why mommy can't hold or hug them. Her mom is coming to stay with the children, and she is going to stay with us during the week that she is unable to be with her children. Her treatment is Feb 12, so that week I will be spending with Julie and rented Project Runway episodes. She is a friend of my DD, was stationed in Korea when DD and her family moved there 2 yrs ago. She is a wonderful person, very creative - she wants to learn to knit - maybe I'll teach her. She will be a captive student with lots of time to practice! I hope you all have a great time! Would love to do this some day...

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hi guys,

It's been raining here all day. I was supposed to have coffee this morning with a lawyer friend of mine and I canceled last minute. I wouldn't go out to meet the Queen of England in this weather! I think Florida weather has spoiled me. I dressed Nels in sweats, long sleeve t shirt and a hoodie jacket. DH started laughing at me cuz it was only 67 degrees..LOL. It's now 75 and the poor child is probably sweating his A$$ off.

I have been in a little funk the last day or two. I am still doing all my normal stuff- just feeling a bit tearful. I know I am down when I don't even feel like watching my recorded shows on the DVR. I find myself holding it in when I am around Nels, and then it builds up and I just cry. I know this is so normal, and it's b/c of Dad's situation, but I just feel bad for feeling bad. DH is being a dear- lots of hugs and talks. We went to Benihana (Japanese steakhouse where they cook in front of you on table) last night. Nels loves it and actually eats the chicken fried rice (even with onions and carrots in it!). DH told them it was our anniv. when he made the reservations so they would give us a table near the window with a view of the river..LOL. They came and sang in Japanese to us! N says, "I didn't know it was your anniversary!" From the mouth of babes! ; ) Took some pics with phone- they aren't that clear but will post them.

Dad update: Spoke to him yesterday for about 30 min. He didn't say anything to me directly about being mad. (he had told DH and my mom). He was sweet and talkative. He is really mad at the folks at MD Anderson and wants to file a complaint. He feels they could have reviewed the chart and prevented him from all that travel if they weren't going to do anything. He has a point. One of the ways they evaluate a person's functional capacity and quality of life is a series of questions: one being what % of the day are you active/up/walking and what % sleeping, etc. When he told the dr that 85-90% of the day he is sitting/sleeping she said something like "oh boy, yeah, the chemo is really wiping you out.. that is not good". Well, yesterday he woke up and didn't ask my mom for any of his pills, he decided he wanted to go get fasting labwork and decided he was driving. They went to Charlotte 45 min away and then out to Breakfast. I think if nothing else- that dr pissed him off enough to fight a bit. She told him 4 mo. to live (statistical avg) without chemo.- and I think he is going to prove her wrong! But on the other hand he has decided to wait until "next year" to do anymore chemo. He wants to get through the holidays feeling ok. I can't blame him.

Nels has his TKD belt testing tomorrow night! He is very excited and I hope he does ok. (it seems that they pass if they at least try and remember a little..LOL)

Great~ congrats on surgery being over! You are such a great patient! I'd be proud to be your nurse!!!

Hi to everyone else... will write more later.


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Good almost afternoon it's 10 to 12 here. Well in some ways I am having a fantastic day, I even walked to the end of the suites hall, lkast time I got so dizzy I didn't get past the door to my room til the 3rd day. Yep I got a suite again, where I volunteer hooked me up. But the negative is the throwing up and I had such a pain kindda in the sternum area until I threw up. The nurse said perhaps I was up too long, I was concerned about my band. I hadjust eaten eggs for breakfast when they brought me a slew of pills to take with Water, so maybe it was just a bad stuck PB episode too.

Laura & Phyl, I sure wish I could have you as a nurse, I have one bad one and she was the overnight CNA. She was offended when I asked what/who she was as she had no name badge on. She thought I was being prejuduce because she was black and made it racial, which was so far from the truth, she said yiu think I just hang around thehospital for fun?? I was doped up and saw no badgem, I don't think I was wrong for questioning.

Again so sorry for the typos.

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Lori, so happy you are doing so well, I've been thinking of you constantly for the past 2 days. Sorry you had that pb episode. That CNA is way out of line -- what a leap she did! That's terrible -- my hopsital they wear name tags AND wrote their name on the board in my room at every shift change so I can't imagine why that girl would take such offense. wow talk about looking for problems -- she better change her attitude or she'll end up having a truly miserable life. But glad you have good mobility and are so strong --especially so soon after your first surgery. Keep it up!!

Laura, Nelson is sooo cute -- love that Benihanna hat on him -- so adorable. hope he does well tonight (he will I know). All that you are going through is very normal -- good that you can let it out once in awhile -- better not to hold it all inside you know. You have such a great relationship with your DH -- he's a rock for you and that's wonderful.

Oneday -- there's plenty of room for you and your mom -- I'm sure we can sleep many more than just 3 per 3 bedroom condos -- we have 2 bedroom ones for our time shares and we can usually sleep 6 to 8 so there's plenty of room, trust me. As far as what we will be doing -- I know some may shop -- some will probably lay around or in the pool area, etc. I'm happy with just sitting around talking and swimming, etc. -- I can also shop but don't want to shop a lot -- so I think those that want to shop til they drop can do so and those of us who don't will entertain ourselves other ways. It'll all be great -- I'm sure we're going to be surprised how well we actually know each other when we do finally meet. Hope you don't have to work this hard up unitl Christmas -- sounds exhasting to me -- I couldn't do it.

Apples, yes it was DSS in hospitall, not DSD -- they both take turns -- both juvenile diabetics -- so it seems always someone in hospital. I was very concerned about my DB - am glad he is out of danger again - he has chronic heart problems -- he's only 61 and in good shape so it is weird. Glad you DH procedure went well. I have to do colonoscopies every 2 years cause of family history and polyps to -- last time I had a small one so hopefully will go to 5 years after this one -- I'm hoping losing weight will be the key to that as well.

Well, I did discover how delicious those pre cut out Cookies were with cream cheese icing on them -- so threw them in the trash after I ate 2 last night -- toooooo tempting for me. I told DH to ea them or they were going. He ate a few more and I threw the rest.

JoAnn, sorry you can't make it in Feb -- it would be lovely to meet you. I know how much work your quilts are -- I've done quilting in the past -- not my thing any more. I remember the big and quilting frames we set up when I was a kid and all the church ladies would come and sit for the day and hand quilt - such a wonderful memory -- I have some of those quilts from my DGM and I treasure them.

Had some visitors yesterday -- nice people are thinking of me and stopping by. It gets boring.

Aylah coming over this afternoon and will spend the night - miss her so much -- her mom has plans and I offered - she's always so good for us when her DM is not with her -- she's just an angel. DH will be here to do everything and I'll just sit and enjoy her.

Feeling good -- leg is sore today -- my back is stiff when I get up out of bed in middle of night and have a hard time sitting down on toilet and I think I somehow twisted my leg a little last night -- so has been a little more painful today but all the swelling is completelly gone -- I sat with ice on it this morning. It's tolerable - still less pain than before.

Janet, you are sooooo good - what good words you choose to tell yourself -- which you are generous to share with us -- you are soooo rigiht -- those treats will kill us if we aren't careful -- we can certainly live without them. Another thing I tell myself which sometimes helps is "you ate whatever you wanted for 56 years and it almost killed you, so get some control." It makes me remember why I got the band in the first place.

Haven't been on the scale -- now that the swelling is gone will plan to weigh myself on my next regular weigh in day on Tues. Just hope I haven't gained - don't think so as I've been very careful, but worry cause of no exercise.

Eva, have a fun trip. It's nice you have the freedom to join your DH.

CBL everyone - have a great day! Linda

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Deb gotta say gf you fit right on in - I would love to sit around your table making bling bling decorations and chatting - that kind of stuff is fun... Ya wanta come and join us in Florida you are one of us... I also ck often during the day to see what's going on from work = I'm lucky the IT person is my friend :0)

Joanne Sorry you can't make it- Yep a great time to teach her to knit

Laura - I get you 67 is cold for us pple use to heat :0) - It's sweater weather for me to..

If I were in your Dad's position - I would take quality of life over lenght.. Hugs ..

Great - I had a crappy nurse at night when I had my lapband - but glad to hear you are doing so well - don't worry about the typos we understand what you are saying.

Linda WTG on throwing the Cookies out

There is a thread on here somewhere "Relax Eat what you want" I posted that I respectfully dissagreed - cuz that's how we got fat in the first place - I still want to eat like I use to - that hasn't left me - I love the taste of food, sweets & fat.. So I know that for me this is going to be a life long battle - I am not satisfied with one cookie and a dozen isn't enough

Well jsut a drive by - like Deb i'm at work and should be working :0)

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Meredith, you look incredible.

Lori, so glad you're doing so well.

Was going to do my Christmas cards last night and had just got home from work and my daughter called. 2yr old DGS had brown gunk coming out of ear, could I come and take care of 5yr old DGS so she could go to ER. Of course.

Poor DD. She'd spent the day before in Indianapolis (2-3 hr ride from her house, having 5 yr old DGS diagnosed for autism. They observed him for 1 hour and made the diagnosis. It usually takes several visits. He must really have displayed all his worst behavior.

Then today she was taking 2yr old DGS to child neurologist in Chicago. He fell on his head in a twisted way over a month ago and x-rays showed nothing but he's still in pain and not moving his head right.

Today was tough at school. Previous administration had not handled money well and social security taxes were not paid. Finances have been straightened out, we're on a very tight budget, and a payment schedule was supposed to have been set up with the IRS. But they froze all school assets yesterday morning, so teacher's checks were starting to bounce. Various friends of the school raised $ and the state finally paid us for our CHild Care Initiative students. Also some donations came in. The IRS can't touch any of this money for another 30 days, hopefully by which time we'll have our assets unfrozen and our bills paid.

Fortunately, my funding is separate and not affected, but should the school close, I'll be out of a job. We are better run than we've been for years, and the whole atmosphere has been so improved. I see such progress with the students and such an atmosphere of love.

Today, the enemy tried to take us down, but God prevailed and will again. This is his school and we do his work. We've got some old chickens coming home to roost, but we've done an amazing job straightening out everything and I believeGod will honor that.


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Had a little band set back this afternoon. Suddenly I couldn't keep anything down, not even the tiniest sip of Water. And oh did it hurt. So fearing that perhaps I had a slipped band or they damaged it in surgery, I called my lap band doc. He had a nurse practioner come over to my room and do an unfill. She took out 5cc's. I had 10.5cc's in there, so that's about half. I am nervous now about losing restriction. She said I couldn't get it all back at once either, but could start gettingt some back starting as early as next week. It will be interesting to see how I do. It made a world of difference already, I could drink right away, just had Soup for dinner though, she said to stick with soft foods. I'm so scared of gaining now. But maybe not I know the usual portions I eat, just hope I am not so hungry and tempted especially over Christmas.

Knee wise I am doing awesome. I've walked the halls twice today, did stairs, and took a shower. These are things I didn't do til the 3rd day last time and the pain has been minimal. Phyl, my knee doc said 90% of the time the 2nd knee is much better than the first.

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Hey all I am now back on the board I have be working many double shifts this past week so I am so tired when I get home I have either been working 9am - 10pm or 9am - 8pm we are so swamped and they won't hire anymore people

anyways, About the trip I should be coming but Apples I have some questions.

My Mom wanted to room just us are the rooms big enough for two to share a bed? Are we planning on doing anything Like flea markets beaches mall or just hanging and talking? I am coming I think she was trying to find out what are plans are before she tells me if she is coming. If the rooms are taken up we can rent a hotel room or something nearby. Can you let me know where we are in the planning meaning has the total gone up on the people coming since we last emailed me.

Sorry had not much time to read posts so I hope all is well with everyone.

Melissa...sorry it took so long for me to respond...was on the road today.

OK...this is the way it is....3-3BR condos. If there are 3 to a condo, each person's price is about $105. If you have more to a condo, you just split it more ways.

2 of the bedrooms have (2) twin beds and the 3rd bedroom has a king size bed. There is a sleeper sofa in each condo also.

As far as I know, we have not planned any activities. I figured that is something we can discuss once we get there. I was thinking maybe we would just hang out and visit most of the time. Just thought we would leave it open. It's so difficult to coordinate something like that and please everyone.

So sorry your job is so stressful. Try to do something relaxing during your down time. Bathtub and a book? That would be my thing. Take care. Let me know if you have any other questions.:biggrin:

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Good Evening Everyone...No time to post tonight. Hectic day and now just winding down. Going to go do my two crosswords and veg. Hit the ground running about 4:30am and tomorrow should be about the same. Did get a couple more Christmas goodies baked b/4 hitting the road. DH keep finding more ppl he wants to give it to. Don't mind but told him today a little warning (and let me pack it). He just grabs one container and out the door he goes. Nice large Tupperwares are going missing. I always buy the holiday plates to deliver on. Well, I have about a dozen diff kinds of goodies and when he runs with the whole thing, that cuts into the varieties I like to have on hand.

Lori...sorry about the unfill issues but you were smart to take care of it right away. Just be as strong as you can when you are unfilled. Turn to healthy things when you can. Order a veggie tray from the local supermarket to have on hand. Hang in there. Thanks for filling us in on how things are going.

Nighty-Nite...will talk tomorrow. No responding to all the posts...sorry.

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Meredith, you look incredible.

Lori, so glad you're doing so well.

Was going to do my Christmas cards last night and had just got home from work and my daughter called. 2yr old DGS had brown gunk coming out of ear, could I come and take care of 5yr old DGS so she could go to ER. Of course.

Poor DD. She'd spent the day before in Indianapolis (2-3 hr ride from her house, having 5 yr old DGS diagnosed for autism. They observed him for 1 hour and made the diagnosis. It usually takes several visits. He must really have displayed all his worst behavior.

Then today she was taking 2yr old DGS to child neurologist in Chicago. He fell on his head in a twisted way over a month ago and x-rays showed nothing but he's still in pain and not moving his head right.

Today was tough at school. Previous administration had not handled money well and social security taxes were not paid. Finances have been straightened out, we're on a very tight budget, and a payment schedule was supposed to have been set up with the IRS. But they froze all school assets yesterday morning, so teacher's checks were starting to bounce. Various friends of the school raised $ and the state finally paid us for our CHild Care Initiative students. Also some donations came in. The IRS can't touch any of this money for another 30 days, hopefully by which time we'll have our assets unfrozen and our bills paid.

Fortunately, my funding is separate and not affected, but should the school close, I'll be out of a job. We are better run than we've been for years, and the whole atmosphere has been so improved. I see such progress with the students and such an atmosphere of love.

Today, the enemy tried to take us down, but God prevailed and will again. This is his school and we do his work. We've got some old chickens coming home to roost, but we've done an amazing job straightening out everything and I believeGod will honor that.


Cheri - Hugs on the whole family issues - prayers.

So I take it you aren't in the public school system - Hugs on those issues to - that's pretty messed up that admin wasn't paying taxes and now teachers ck's are bouncing -

Had a little band set back this afternoon. Suddenly I couldn't keep anything down, not even the tiniest sip of Water. And oh did it hurt. So fearing that perhaps I had a slipped band or they damaged it in surgery, I called my LAP-BAND® doc. He had a nurse practioner come over to my room and do an unfill. She took out 5cc's. I had 10.5cc's in there, so that's about half. I am nervous now about losing restriction. She said I couldn't get it all back at once either, but could start gettingt some back starting as early as next week. It will be interesting to see how I do. It made a world of difference already, I could drink right away, just had Soup for dinner though, she said to stick with soft foods. I'm so scared of gaining now. But maybe not I know the usual portions I eat, just hope I am not so hungry and tempted especially over Christmas.

Knee wise I am doing awesome. I've walked the halls twice today, did stairs, and took a shower. These are things I didn't do til the 3rd day last time and the pain has been minimal. Phyl, my knee doc said 90% of the time the 2nd knee is much better than the first.

Oh Lori - Hugs GF - maybe it's just the trama of the knee surgery that cause you to tightned up like that - You will be fine til they can get you filled again - you have changed what you eat and the amounts too - You are of a new mindset now - I don't think you will have too tough of a time - One day at a time...

Melissa...sorry it took so long for me to respond...was on the road today.

OK...this is the way it is....3-3BR condos. If there are 3 to a condo, each person's price is about $105. If you have more to a condo, you just split it more ways.

2 of the bedrooms have (2) twin beds and the 3rd bedroom has a king size bed. There is a sleeper sofa in each condo also.

As far as I know, we have not planned any activities. I figured that is something we can discuss once we get there. I was thinking maybe we would just hang out and visit most of the time. Just thought we would leave it open. It's so difficult to coordinate something like that and please everyone.

So sorry your job is so stressful. Try to do something relaxing during your down time. Bathtub and a book? That would be my thing. Take care. Let me know if you have any other questions.:biggrin:

Good Evening Everyone...No time to post tonight. Hectic day and now just winding down. Going to go do my two crosswords and veg. Hit the ground running about 4:30am and tomorrow should be about the same. Did get a couple more Christmas goodies baked b/4 hitting the road. DH keep finding more ppl he wants to give it to. Don't mind but told him today a little warning (and let me pack it). He just grabs one container and out the door he goes. Nice large Tupperwares are going missing. I always buy the holiday plates to deliver on. Well, I have about a dozen diff kinds of goodies and when he runs with the whole thing, that cuts into the varieties I like to have on hand.

Lori...sorry about the unfill issues but you were smart to take care of it right away. Just be as strong as you can when you are unfilled. Turn to healthy things when you can. Order a veggie tray from the local supermarket to have on hand. Hang in there. Thanks for filling us in on how things are going.

Nighty-Nite...will talk tomorrow. No responding to all the posts...sorry.

Apples - Can't beleive you are going to veg lol... Good for you..

I agree - we can figure out what we are going to do once we get there - I'm like Linda - a little shopping ok - hang out and getting to visit with each other is what I am looking forward to..

Well I gotta feed the dogs and GS and self - cbl

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(Horns Blaring...)


HOORAY !!!!!

4_17_211.gif 36_1_55.gif 23_30_104.gif 4_17_3.gif

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Had a little band set back this afternoon. Suddenly I couldn't keep anything down, not even the tiniest sip of Water. And oh did it hurt. So fearing that perhaps I had a slipped band or they damaged it in surgery, I called my LAP-BAND® doc. He had a nurse practioner come over to my room and do an unfill. She took out 5cc's. I had 10.5cc's in there, so that's about half. I am nervous now about losing restriction. She said I couldn't get it all back at once either, but could start gettingt some back starting as early as next week. It will be interesting to see how I do. It made a world of difference already, I could drink right away, just had Soup for dinner though, she said to stick with soft foods. I'm so scared of gaining now. But maybe not I know the usual portions I eat, just hope I am not so hungry and tempted especially over Christmas.

Knee wise I am doing awesome. I've walked the halls twice today, did stairs, and took a shower. These are things I didn't do til the 3rd day last time and the pain has been minimal. Phyl, my knee doc said 90% of the time the 2nd knee is much better than the first.

Girl, you just work on getting that knee healed. My husband was not hungry after his surgery and lost 40lbs. You will do fine. Your body is used to eating small amounts. Still praying for your recovery. Take Care! HUGS!

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Woo Hoo, for harvest being over.

Well the unfill helped immensely, so first priority is getting well after surgery and then I will work on getting filled back up. It will be interesting to compare how the band is now vs what it's been like for months. I'm just so surprised it happened. I had no problems with it during my first surgery. I have a great nurse tonight, she was my nurse during the first surgery, she guarantees me some more sleep tonight. DH & DD are here now visiting me. Can't believe Christmas eve is one week from tonight. My immediate family meaning DH, DD & DS are so great. My son spent the entire afternoon with me here. DH took off work early to be here and is taking next week off on vacation. I'm in good hands. With my band and unfill issues I've been educating the nurses here on the orthopedic wing on lap bands, they are full of questions. When they hear how much weight I lost they are so impressed. One even told me today how small my tummy was and was sure I had surgery. LOL I said you should see my butt and legs then, that's where I carried it all. I am just feeling so encouraged and anxious for this recovery to be over, with 2 good knees and my weight loss, I will be totally transformed. I want to plan some sort of hike in the mountains this summer.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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