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I think I'm finally on the Xmas bandwagon. Got some decorating done and put the tree up (another smallish pre-lighted tree with all our traditional ornaments on it).

Decided to make dried "friendship soup" for some gifts. Someone gave me a jar a month or so ago, and when I cooked it up, it was delicious. Just in case you haven't heard of it, it's a canning jar layered with rice, lentils, barley, and split peas along with seasonings, with a pretty fabric top and a small card with instructions. To cook it, you just add hamburger and tomatoes and it's ready in about an hour. I went out and got all the fixins, but I still need some canning lids (hard to find this time of year).

I'm going to have to get an emergency unfill tomorrow. I've been PB'ing at least once a day, and yesterday was really bad. I couldn't even keep down my oatmeal this morning, and it's even hard to drink liquids. I just tried to drink a small bit of a Protein shake and it's not working. I'm worrying that all this vomiting is going to damage my band. It's weird because I've only had two fills. Looks like I just need to try Clear Liquids for the rest of today. I hope I can get in tomorrow.

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Cheri, You are such an inspiration. I am glad you can walk around the school and get your excercise in. Shows dedication.

Thanks apples and indio for the encouragment. My MIL is fixing roast with carrots and potato tonite which I can def have. Last night she made turkey gumbo. Hopefully she will be more aware of what she serves and if not I will just take the time to cook my own seperate meal.

I am so sore I could barely get out of bed this morning. I played tennis on my wii yesterday and my upper body is reminding me. Think I need to focus on my legs today. I have a dancing game I can play that gives my legs and heart a good workout. Anyone using Wii fit or Wii personal trainer? I am hoping to get one soon.:thumbup:

Jewel - I have the Wii Fit - Fit Plus - and Active - I do it occasionally - but since i go to gym and have a personal trainer don't do as much - I like the Active one the best but it's cuz it's more of a work out - I like the step on the Wii Fit - I am not the most coordinated person so some of the balance games on the wii fit are hard - but good to develope core muscles and legs..

Linda, I'm so glad to hear you are doing well after surgery. What a positive attitude you have too. That always helps. Also glad to hear the nursing staff sounded positive about the gastric band.

Jessica, glad to see you posting regularly. It does help with everything. The ladies here do have good advise, both with the dieting/LAP-BAND® issues and with life. They have a lot of experience and don't mind sharing. It's a good thing. I truly wouldn't want to live with my MIL. I love her a lot, she is a wonderful person but I don't want to live with her. It would be great if she could live next door. DH loves her and would help a lot with her but we both get frustrated because she insists on not moving and it's causing her to fail both physically and mentally. At least your MIL is still active. Does she help out with your son? Glad you had a good time at the Nutcracker...I love to see that during the holiday season. We went to Mannheim Steamroller this year instead.

Lori, sorry about having to clean....yuck, not my favorite thing to do. But it's good to have a job even if you don't especially have to HAVE one. I thought you were still looking for the MIL dress...I remember some conversation about that earlier but can't remember if you found a dress or not yet. I have a couple of friends that don't drink coffee, mostly because of the caffeine. I don't like it without it being doctored....white stuff and sweet stuff. No point in drinking it other wise....as I sit here typing drinking my coffee with Sweet 'n Low and FF half and half. I had a pedicure before my lap-band® surgery too...they weren't operating on my toes. I love both manicures and pedicures....and I found someone to wax my eyebrows. I'm terrible at plucking.

Phyl, sounds like your red hat group has lots of fun. Wow a group of 200, you need a convention center for that.

Deb, you lived in an ashram? Cool....do you still do yoga? Janet's nose jewelry is pretty cool....very classy...just a little tiny stud that flashes when she turns her head. My nails are soft and peel, and my hair has been falling out too. I think it sort of stopped now, but it doesn't seem to be growing back too fast. Pizzelles are a lot of work, but so good. I grew up with them but no one here I know makes them. I don't think that is something I want to start either. It would be as bad as tamales.

At my sister's holiday food exchange yesterday, we had a conversation about phone calls after 9pm....we must be on the same page because most of the people think if you are getting a call after 9pm, it has to be an emergency. It must be the age we grew up in.

Julie, stop with the negative messages...it doesn't help. You have done very well with your weight loss and will continue to do so, if not this minutes, in the future. NO NEGATIVE MESSAGES TO YOURSELF!!!! Seems like you have Mimi a lot.....just during the day and not so much at night?

Janet, oxtail Soup? Did you have that when you were growing up?

Arlene, I love Christmas movies too....I want to get a little flat screen TV in my bedroom/office so I can watch them while I'm on the computer. I can watch them on the computer, but then I can't do computer stuff. I have Miracle on 34th Street....it's one of my favorite. DH likes "Scrooged" with Bill Murry....."so you like it rough Frankie...." I bought him that one for Christmas one year.

I'm kind of achy too...with the cooler weather and all. ug

Apples, that squash recipe sounds good, may have to try it....along with the cocktail sauce. Hey, why don't you put together an "Apples" cook book. My sister put together a "Thompson Family Cookbook" for one of our reunions and it's pretty cool.

Have to go do something....more later.


Eva - No I didn't grow up on it - I don't know if it was my sisters' Dad or my sister or my GF who made this soup - but I love it.. The only problem is I make too much soup - how do you make soup for 1 ;0) GS doesn't eat it.. Plus I only bought one package of meat (usually buy 2) trying to make just enough for one - but didn't work out that way - now I have just veggies left..

I agree Apples should make a cook book :0)

I think I'm finally on the Xmas bandwagon. Got some decorating done and put the tree up (another smallish pre-lighted tree with all our traditional ornaments on it).

Decided to make dried "friendship soup" for some gifts. Someone gave me a jar a month or so ago, and when I cooked it up, it was delicious. Just in case you haven't heard of it, it's a canning jar layered with rice, lentils, barley, and split peas along with seasonings, with a pretty fabric top and a small card with instructions. To cook it, you just add hamburger and tomatoes and it's ready in about an hour. I went out and got all the fixins, but I still need some canning lids (hard to find this time of year).

I'm going to have to get an emergency unfill tomorrow. I've been PB'ing at least once a day, and yesterday was really bad. I couldn't even keep down my oatmeal this morning, and it's even hard to drink liquids. I just tried to drink a small bit of a Protein shake and it's not working. I'm worrying that all this vomiting is going to damage my band. It's weird because I've only had two fills. Looks like I just need to try Clear Liquids for the rest of today. I hope I can get in tomorrow.


Glad you are getting an unfill - being too tight is the pits - I was too tight for one week and that's was one week to much - I rather use my self control than be too tight.. I could barely drink my coffee in the morning.. And it's not werid to be too tight on 2 fills - not everyone needs 5 or 6 fills I truly got to my sweet spot in 2 cuz almost all but .1 of the 3rd was taken out and I haven't had a fill since 1/08..

Well I have showered done one load - ready for the last - now gotta hit the kitchen - marinate my meat and clean the mess from last night..

Apples - I got some steel cut oats yesterday -do you make yours with Water or milk?? I have raisin I have to have raisins & cinnamon in my oatmeal and maybe some walnuts...

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Hello girls!

Sorry I have been a stranger. This past week I had two finals, and this coming week I have two more, plus I leave for NYC on Friday evening after work. There is just so much to do it feels like and not enough time to do it. I haven't been in the mood for typing the last few days because I wrote two papers last week and that did me in with typing for a few.

I've read everyones posts, but there is just so much to comment on! All in all though it looks like everyone is getting ready for the holidays.

I think that my favorite Christmas movie is A Christmas Story. When I was little my dad got me a Red Ryder BB gun too! I still have it and love that he got me that to this day. Cute.

When I get back from NYC I have to make so many Cookies for all of the family. I make them now because grandma can no longer do much since she is now wheelchair bound and feeble. Poor thing. I am really going to cherish this Christmas with her. I fear that this may be the last one :_(

Update on the house.....

I got an e-mail from my realtor saying that my offer was on top of the heap and their sellers realtor said that the mortgage co/bank performed a Brokers Price Opinion on it to expedite the process in a smoother and more time efficient manner. We will see. Now the bank has to just say "yes" or "no" to my offer and then we will move forward. Everyone, please say a prayer or two and keep your fingers crossed for me. PLEASE!!!

Ok, well, I have so much laundry to do, and studying of course. I will CBL and see whats going on. Just know that I am keeping up on reading and what is going on with all of you, I just haven't been able to write.



P.S. Only 50 pounds left until goal!!!!!!!!!!!

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I am so sore I could barely get out of bed this morning. I played tennis on my wii yesterday and my upper body is reminding me. Think I need to focus on my legs today. I have a dancing game I can play that gives my legs and heart a good workout. Anyone using Wii fit or Wii personal trainer? I am hoping to get one soon.:willy_nilly:

I have Wii and the new Wii Fit Plus. I use them both quite a bit when we're at home but not so much when we're in the RV in the winter. For one thing... it's a little harder on a 26" screen than on the 42" flat screen at home!! And, here I do Water aerobics usually 5X a week, and there's very little floor space or room to swing those golf clubs, tennis rackets, etc. I do like the balance games and the new Plus has some new ones that I really like. With my new knee... I could probably do those step exercises now, but that would be a real problem here with so little flor space! Definitely a good investment, though, I think.

Phyl, sounds like your red hat group has lots of fun. Wow a group of 200, you need a convention center for that.

Janet, oxtail Soup? Did you have that when you were growing up?

Apples, that squash recipe sounds good, may have to try it....along with the cocktail sauce. Hey, why don't you put together an "Apples" cook book. My sister put together a "Thompson Family Cookbook" for one of our reunions and it's pretty cool. Have to go do something....more later.


Yeah, they use the "grand ballroom" at a local hotel/spa for those big gatherings. But I think most of the Red Hat groups in the area were invited. Heck we had ladies from Rancho Cucamunga, Hemet, etc. an hour or more away. But our "small" group Christmas party was yesterday and there were 30 of us there. However, by mid-January that number will swell to over 50 probably, because we're primarilly a group of "snowbirds"... not all , but most.

Apples cookbook... what a GREAT idea!! She could even call it, "Apples, and Other Things"! LOL

Decided to make dried "friendship soup" for some gifts. Someone gave me a jar a month or so ago, and when I cooked it up, it was delicious. Just in case you haven't heard of it, it's a canning jar layered with rice, lentils, barley, and split peas along with seasonings, with a pretty fabric top and a small card with instructions. To cook it, you just add hamburger and tomatoes and it's ready in about an hour. I went out and got all the fixins, but I still need some canning lids (hard to find this time of year).

That's a good idea! What spices do you use?

Eva - No I didn't grow up on it - I don't know if it was my sisters' Dad or my sister or my GF who made this soup - but I love it.. The only problem is I make too much soup - how do you make soup for 1 ;0) GS doesn't eat it.. Plus I only bought one package of meat (usually buy 2) trying to make just enough for one - but didn't work out that way - now I have just veggies left..

I agree Apples should make a cook book :0)

Well I have showered done one load - ready for the last - now gotta hit the kitchen - marinate my meat and clean the mess from last night..

Apples - I got some steel cut oats yesterday -do you make yours with Water or milk?? I have raisin I have to have raisins & cinnamon in my oatmeal and maybe some walnuts...

I love to make BIG pots of soup. Can't you freeze some? There's a single lady here in the park...at least, I'm pretty sure she's single. I don't actually know her.. but I know the story. She makes BIG pots of soup all the time. She fills up little plastic containers with some of it which she then puts in our Asst. Chaplain's freezer.. which is outside on his porch. Then he and his wife always have soup in there to take to people who are sick or just got out of the hospital, etc. We just made a crock pot full of chili this week.. I mean filled TO THE BRIM! And I bought extra plastic storage containers so we could add to his stash. But, it's almost gone and I didn't do it!! It's been a chilly week and we enjoyed having it for lunch or dinner quite a few times this week.



do you know what I saw in the Target flyer today??

It's a TRIPLE crockpot. Base with 3 separate controls and three big pots fit in to it. Never saw anything like that. It'd be great for Apples when she's cooking for all those men!

I saw the steel cut oats in costco this week. I've never bought any before. I didn't get it because it was in such a big bag and I usually have omelets for Breakfast. DH would have protested had I put it in his basket! Maybe I can find a smaller amount in one of the grocery stores. I think I looked in Walmart and they didn't have any.

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Good afternoon! It's a balmy 50 degrees here today so for those east still in the below zero temps that we had last week, change is coming your way hopefully! So much snow is melting.

My Christmas party last night was ho hum. I really don't know many people I work with as I leave at 830 in the morning and many of them work afternoons and evenings and are young kids. Just the gal I work with and I are shall I say 'more mature'. We sat with them. We had a white elephant type gift exchange was supposed to bring a $5 gift. I got $5 and DH got a Coldstone gift card.

Eva, no I didn't get my mother of the bride dress yet. I was going to go get it on Sat. but I decided to wait til after Christmas, I had to pay $1000 down on the wedding yesterday and found out today we owe $260 more on our Isreal trip that I thought was paid in full, not to mention Christmas so hopefully the dress is still there in Jan. It's at Davids bridal and sortta one of their standard ones that they usually have there a lot. I did see the same dress at Dillards for more money, maybe after the holidays it will be on clearance. I hope I don't regret waiting, guess there's always Visa and I may change my mind yet.

Meredith, have fun in NYC I love it this time of year.

Apples, my Wisconsin/Minnesota roots must still be there, we usually have the mini smokies in BBQ Sauce and meatballs as appetizers too. LOL

Femme, sounds like some neat gifts you are making. I've seen some jars with similar things in them and they look so crafty and thoughtful.

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Hello girls!

Sorry I have been a stranger. This past week I had two finals, and this coming week I have two more, plus I leave for NYC on Friday evening after work. There is just so much to do it feels like and not enough time to do it. I haven't been in the mood for typing the last few days because I wrote two papers last week and that did me in with typing for a few.

I've read everyones posts, but there is just so much to comment on! All in all though it looks like everyone is getting ready for the holidays.

I think that my favorite Christmas movie is A Christmas Story. When I was little my dad got me a Red Ryder BB gun too! I still have it and love that he got me that to this day. Cute.

When I get back from NYC I have to make so many Cookies for all of the family. I make them now because grandma can no longer do much since she is now wheelchair bound and feeble. Poor thing. I am really going to cherish this Christmas with her. I fear that this may be the last one :_(

Update on the house.....

I got an e-mail from my realtor saying that my offer was on top of the heap and their sellers realtor said that the mortgage co/bank performed a Brokers Price Opinion on it to expedite the process in a smoother and more time efficient manner. We will see. Now the bank has to just say "yes" or "no" to my offer and then we will move forward. Everyone, please say a prayer or two and keep your fingers crossed for me. PLEASE!!!

Ok, well, I have so much laundry to do, and studying of course. I will CBL and see whats going on. Just know that I am keeping up on reading and what is going on with all of you, I just haven't been able to write.



P.S. Only 50 pounds left until goal!!!!!!!!!!!


WTG only 50 lbs - You Rock Girl...

I hear you about typing - I just finished 27 Xmas cards...

Fingers crossed and good thoughts about the house -

Study child and education is important - That's a do-over I would like to do if I could change the past - gone to college..

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I was working around here and all of a sudden my ears started burning! Ran for the computer and saw why.

I have considered a cookbook and DH is always after me to do it. I was going to do it as a money raiser for our local National Guard unit a year ago but didn't get it done. Actually, did other volunteer jobs for them so was able to give back a little of what I reaped from others when my son was deployed.

I have a secret though....I really don't like sharing my recipes. I know, I'm bad. You guys have GOTTA be very special to me in order for me to share. In real life, I have ppl ask me for the recipe for something. I usually just end up changing the subject somehow or say later and never do. I don't know why I am "protective" that way. Maybe it would be freeing to share them. Maybe I should go see a therapist and try to figure this out??????????? LOL.

Hey Phyll...funny thing about you seeing the 3xcrock. I have one. I use it quite a bit during harvest when I have to be outside a lot. It's also great for side dishes for Thanksgiving, Christmas, bday parties, etc.

Janet...I cook my oats just as the box says with Water. I like to add the raisins while they are cooking but DH likes his chewy so I just put them on the table. I put maple Syrup on mine and DH does milk. I do add a little more water than the box says though...because the moisture seems to get soaked up when freezing. I grab this for a snack sometimes b/4 bed.

Deb...sorry you are having fill troubles. Hope you get some relief. Like Janet said, we are all different and need different # of fills to get to our sweet spot. Mine happened with 2 fills and got to my sweet spot.

Sometimes I think what happens is that somehow things will get irritated and you have to baby the band for a few days to a week...especially after getting stuck bad. Good luck and let us know how you turn out. Sure like having you join our group...like reading your posts.

Eva...nice compliment on the cookbook....as you see above, I'm a little stinker when it comes to sharing.

Hey Meredith....hang in there on the finals, NYC, everything you have to do. I find that overwhelming feeling gets tougher the older I get. I am one to ALWAYS tear off more than I can chew. I have learned a little over the years. DH just shakes his head and watches. I think I learned it from him though.

Good goin' on only being 50lbs from goal. Way to go! Post when you can. Good to hear you are reading all about us anyway. Have fun in NY! Let us know all about it when you get back. And, toes and fingers are crossed on your house deal.

Edited by Apples2

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Hi guys~

Sorry for being remiss in keeping in touch. Just a busy busy busy time. Nelson had his winter performance on Thursday and DH was on call that night. Friday was his first day of "vacation" but he left for Houston today to be with my Dad for that consult with MD Anderson Cancer Center. I've been busy entertaining Nelson, so DH could have at least one day to "chill". Saturday I took Nels to TKD early in the morning and then out to Breakfast. We had a family afternoon/evening. Today took DH to the airport with Nels.... and had to fight back my own tears as Nelson bawled his eyes out saying goodbye to his daddy. We tried to prepare him this trip (unlike my departure that was sudden to NC), but it was still tough on him. Let's hope the Houston trip is productive and that they either get confirmation that what they are doing is good or news that there is something else to try.

Yesterday we did our annual Gingerbread house project. I wish I had the patience to bake and put together one.. but alas I but the ready made that just needs decorating. It's still so much fun! I love watching all the candies disappear slowly... and pretending that I don't see him "stealing" and eating them..LOL. I will attach a few pics. The house on the right was a ready made one from the grocery store. I thought it was cute- doubt it is tasty, but it was only $17!

I promise to write more later tonight after the little monster, umm, I mean angel is in bed. : ) I want to comment on the few posts I did read.

hugs hugs hugs... peasout... Laura

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Hey Laura...you tell Nels that his GBH turned out better than this old farm lady could do it. He did a nice, neat job! He has the cutest pretty-boy face. Squeeze his cheeks for me!

Hi Great...missed your post b/4. I vote waiting till after Christmas on the dress. So many David Bridals around...bet you could get it for cheaper after also.

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Apples, I just realized that we posted at the same time. GMTA... great minds think alike. Just fed the stinker an early dinner. We ate weird today. He refused breakfast- had a cup of choc. milk instead. 8 gms of Protein, right? After we took DH to airport, we went out to breakfast- he ate 3 bites of pancakes and 2 bites of toast. Then I took him to the movies- Saw PRINCESS AND THE FROG. If anyone needs a G movie, it's cute (and sort of a musical). He ate a handful of popcorn and a 1/4 sprite. And then nothing but Water the rest of the day. Tonight I had some leftover lamb/greenbean stew and Nels had 3 bites of corn on the cob, 2 tiny apple slices and 2 tiny bites of chicken. He keeps saying he's not hungry. This is day 3 of his semi-hunger strike. I am trying not to make a big deal out of it b/c a lot is going on and perhaps.... ding ding ding... MAYBE he's not hungry?! I know kids will sometimes have a loss of appetite during growth spurts. The other day though he asked for a "muscle milk"..LOL. (which meant choc. milk). I have thrown a scoop of Protein Powder in a "milk shake" before when he refused protein for several days.

Apples, my aunt was the same way about her recipes. Her reasoning was that everyone thought she cooked for HOURS AND HOURS... and the simple fact was that she was a smart cook. She learned tricks of the trade on making healthy and economical food that tasted TERRIFIC! I guess that maybe if people knew how you "did" it all... it would take the mystery out of it. Hmmmm.. I will think more on this. But we love you for sharing with us. <hugs>

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I just checked out chex recipes.com for Snacks. Oh my, I had no idea how many variations they have now. I am only making one batch this year, not giving it out as in the past because I eat too much of it.

Apples, that is an awesome cookie recipe......might try it for Christmas Day or our Christmas Eve Eve service at church. And Apples, you will be glad to hear we are not buying snow for the kids this year. We are having a train. See, we aren't crazy every year. It snowed here on December 5th for free. lol

I makes sweet and sour meatballs and little smokies every year with a can of jellied cranberry sauce and a bottle of chili sauce mixed together. Not sure of the calorie count. I don't eat much of it, but it is good stuff. I just throw it all in the crock pot.

Apples, keep sharing those good recipes with us. Love em!

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Laura, love the pictures.... I've never done a GBH..... Maybe that is something Mimi and I can do "another" year.... I agree, he might just not be hungry.. Docs always told me that kids eat when they're hungry....and what they need....

Apples, I understand about not wanting to share... When you are "famous" for something special it steals something away to share all your secrets... Maybe you should write them all down, though, so your sons have them when you can't do it anymore...... like when you're 101........

I finished my cards today... 82 of the buggers!! We did a quick photo of us with our "new" restored tractor yesterday and was able to get the prints when we were in town last night for Christmas party... Glad they are done.... Just the stamps left and then mailing out the gifts that have to go.... Then I just have food gifts and a bit more for my stash.. Will be having people here Christmas eve, Christmas Day, and the 26th..... I need to get a few more things done....

Eva, I'm not really being negative... I was telling you that somethings the doctor had said have finally started to make sense to me and I don't have to be negative about what is going on with my weight loss right now... I'm feeling better these days... Amazing what no PT can do..... Still waiting to hear about the MRI, but just being able to sleep in my bed and not cry with pain is so wonderful...(Linda, you get that, don't you??!!) I've slept in my bed a few nights now and I've cut my pain and sleeping pill dosage in half.. Kinda quit the anti-depressants...... So, things are better.... I even caught myself singing while curling my hair the other morning... I did have a bit of a downer yesterday with DD... She has been so down and worried and finally told us she can't make it on her new job... Not enough $$ coming in and she has abused her credit card and is in trouble... After we got home last night and brought them a few groceries she needed I convinced her to let me help straighten things out and get a budget figured out and such... She is so proud and felt so bad to have to admit what was wrong.. I totally understand and have been in her shoes when I was young and a single parent.. Only I was older and had an established career then... Anyway, I cried a lot yesterday, but it ended a bit better last night.. So now I have to try to work some magic for her.... She thinks because I'm an accountant and numbers are so easy for me that it should be for her, too... It isn't..... she is a more service oriented person... Does well with children and older people... Can do nursing home care well... and now is doing daycare.... Just not enough money for it!!

Well, DH just came in from moving snow again... Better go warm him up....oops.....get him something warm!!!!!

Meredith, good luck on the house and have fun in NYC.... Lori, sometimes it seems like we need a money tree in the backyard, doesn't it..... Hope everyone else is doing well... Take care............. Julie

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My favorite movie is "A Christmas Story". The tongue stuck to the flag pole always makes me roll.

Here's a recipe I more than sampled at my work Christmas party. It's evil and I would never make it because no one else would get any.

1 pkg oreo Cookies. crush. Soften cream cheese a little(LF is fine). Mix together and scoop into large balls and dip in melted Bakers semi-sweet chocolate and place on wax paper in tray and cool. Don't know if you put in fridge. These are to-die-for.

Invite me over. When you only have two left.

I am waiting to hear from mine and DH's kids whether they want to come here for turkey dinner (since I didn't do Thanksgiving) and open presents from us and to us on the 20th or the 27th.

It's really hard because of my ex-DH and my kids in-laws get-togethers to come up with a date for me. I try to be as accommodating as possible and wait till everyone else is set. Even then my kids give me a hard time because they also want to get together with my parents and my sister's family for Christmas and they'd prefer to open presents from me and DH then. Unfortunately, that's not fair to my parents and to my sister's husband and kids to sit through all that. Plus, my DH's kids wouldn't attend that one and I refuse to have two Christmas parties at my house, one for my 3 married kids and six grandkids and one for Ken's two married and semi-married kids and one grandchild. So I gave everyone the dates and told them to hash out the details. I cook the stuffing and turkey and they bring everything else. Our kids were all pretty much grown when we got married and have no real bond with each other except for Thanksgiving and/or Christmas get-together per year. Didn't do Thanksgiving this year so its got to be Christmas.

I think last year I just had the mother's all come with their kids for a brunch and opened Christmas presents to kids. But since we didn't do Thanksgiving this year and everyone wants my turkey I'm hoping they'll all come without giving me a problem.

Don't know if you followed any of that, but just pray for an attitude of cooperation on the part of my kids. DH's kids have no living mother and are pretty cooperative.

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Arlene...I love that meatball recipe. It's in all the church cookbooks around here. Last night the meatballs were in the crockpot just plain. I thought that was a really good idea. Dipping sauce off to the side.

Cheri...I've had those oreo balls and they are very good. Hope the kids cooperate and you are able ot have a house full for the dates that YOU chose. I never mind if my kids cannot make it on the day of Christmas....just so we are together at some point. It will be out in Atlanta this year with oldest DS flying in.

Julie...got DH "warmed up" yet??????????????????

OK...made another batch of Cookies this afternoon on the same order as the ones this morning. Made a batch of ginger cookies and was going to roll and decorate. Got interupted with having to go out and help DH. Decided after I got back in that I would take the easy way out.

Rolled in small balls and threw them in the mini muffin pans again. Don't squish down...do it when they come out of the oven. I have a Pampered Chef wood stomper thing that fits perfectly for making little cups out of the rounded cookies.

When cool, take out of pan. I use a knife to get them out and also spray good b/4 baking.

In microwavable bowl:

1 can sweetened con milk

2 Tbls butter

Let come to a boil in microwave and boil for 2 min. Add 1 bag white choc chips and 1 cup mini marshmallows. Add 1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice and stir. I use a small little scoop to put the filling in the cups. The kind with the little thingy that swipes across. Got that???? After filled sprinkle just a dusting of ground nutmeg. These keep well in frig.

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In microwavable bowl:

1 can sweetened con milk

2 Tbls butter

Let come to a boil in microwave and boil for 2 min. Add 1 bag white choc chips and 1 cup mini marshmallows. Add 1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice and stir. I use a small little scoop to put the filling in the cups. The kind with the little thingy that swipes across. Got that???? After filled sprinkle just a dusting of ground nutmeg. These keep well in frig.


What size cups........cupcake cups or candy cups?

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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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      1. NeonRaven8919

        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

    • Ladiva04

      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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      1. NeonRaven8919

        Congrats on the surgery!

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      I’m 6 days post op as of today. I had the gastric bypass 
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      Hi, I’m new here. I’m currently on the liver shrinking diet. So far so good, but I have to say I haven’t found a protein shake I like. Anyone have any suggestions please? My surgery date is September 17th. 
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      1. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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