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Awwwww......I wish you guys were my neighbors, too. One of my best friends lives in Australia. We just clicked right away. It hurts that we only see each other occasionallly. I talk to her by phone a lot though. She is sooo cool. I just love her to peices.

No problem with leftovers at this house. DS takes a lot of them home and I have befriended a lot of the little ladies that were in mom's apt. building. I stop by and distribute frozen small portion meals every few days. It's a way for me to stay in contact with them and see to it that they have a nutritious evening meal as most of them get Meal on Wheels at noon. It's fun visiting, it's rewarding and just that little gesture puts a smile on their cute little faces. Makes me smile right back at 'em! Funny...there's one that just grabs the meals and runs. She's in her 90's and she's a hoarder.

So darned frustrated. I took photos for you guys of my outfit I am wearing tonight. For some odd reason photos will not download. Don't get it. Never have that problem. Oh well, you'll have to wait till I can figure it all out.

Well, time to go beautify and put some good smellin' stuff on. Shower is done, hair is dryed. And....I'm NOT putting something white "under that thing"!

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Move over Janet and Arlene, I want on that doorstep too!

Janet I made an appetizer for a get together on Wed night and it was a major hit and gone quickly. It was fairly simple.

Take whole Water chestnuts, wrapped them in 1/2 slice of bacon which has been cooked til almost crisp. Secure with Toothpick, place in a 13 X 9 pan. Pour sauce over made from 1/2 c brown sugar, 1/4 chili sauce, 1/2 c mayo. Bake 20 min at 350.

Apple I am going to a party tonight too, can't decide between a sparkly sweater or a Christmas sweater, not much opportunity to wear either one, and I just have one party to go to this year. Guess I have Christmas eve and Day I can wear them too. I got a Chrsitmas t shirt at Target too that I couldn't resist, it ahd the Charlie brown tree on it.

Well went to the place we are having DD's wedding at today and met with the florist and photographer. DD is an event planner and has done many weddings. The photographer normally charges $3000, we are getting her for $300!!! oh yea!! And the florist is doing to at cost and any of the urns, vases, etc. that he owns we get to use for free. He had some wonderful ideas. I think once Christmas comes and goes her wedding is going to come so fast and I have a trip to Isreal and knee recovery in there too.

Okay, I gotta stop shopping, until recently I have never even liked shopping and I keep getting coupons and deals in the mail that I can't resist. LOL

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Apples have a great time tonite - I know you will - can't wait to see your pic's - but I know how that goes - when I down loaded the pics from the desert pictures I posted - I lost some some how - don't ask me what I did..

Great - I think the whole "I'm here to help" thread will be lined up at Apples doorstep :0)...

I only had the one xmas party and heck have the pple don't even dress - jeans, tennis shoes and a sting of pearls - I guess they thought that dressed up the outfit - I wore a dress and boots - nothing Christmasie - but I don't have anything nice that is christmassie.. May have to go look at Khol's tomorrow

I got the Reindeer one from the men's section and 1 from the ladies that say nice - I almost got the one that looked like a Santa suit - but put that one back..

Well - I think I am headed for the couch and my Soup and some vegging...

Jewel - Note - I had bought corn bread mix to make with my soup tonite - but thought - do you really need it - you know if you make it you are going to eat too much of it - so I decided not to make it - These are the things you will also learn to do on your journey to being healthy :0)

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Someone brought dates to the Red Hat party today fixed with bacon like you told me... she stuffed them with pecans, wrapped them in small pieces of bacon and baked them in the oven. I had to try one.. VERY good! Seems like a strange combination... bacon and dates, but sure was good!

YES, ANOTHER Red Hat Party!

This was just our group- 30 women there.

I won two door prizes besides our gift exchange,

so I came home loaded with goodies...

Stuffed Santa, little snowman thingy, big glove potholder with bag of brownie mix inside.

Thursday all the area groups were invited and there were over 200 women there.

Any suggestions for cooking butternut squash??

Talked DH in to buying one the other day.

He cut it up while I was gone and cooked half of it.

He put cinnamon in it and a LOT of garlic.

Then he mashed it.

I think the only thing I like mashed is potatoes!

And WAY too much garlic in this even though I am a big fan of garlic.

So, I'm supposed to cook the other half the way I want to cook it.

But we never bought it before and I don't KNOW how I want to cook it!

Edited by phyllser

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There is alot of stuff I just don't buy but my MIL does. Maybe now that she knows I am on a diet she will stop buying it. I think she really does buy it thinking I will enjoy it. From her perspective it is a nice gesture. So I will eat it not to hurt her feelings. Lately though I have had to throw out alot of her gifts because they have been going bad. I hate for her to waste her money so I just told her I was on a diet. I should have a long time ago. I just don't want to discuss it with her. She has already told me your suppose to eat this stuff at christmas. I think I have had had enough christmas food to last me a few years. I am still burning off last christmas, right.Today she wanted to buy me stuff to make fudge and I had to turn her down. I know she means well. Some people just show their appreciation by cooking and feeding others. This is my body and I need to feed it properly and take responsibility for it.

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Hey all,

Man, I didn't check in for a day and I'm so behind I can't remember what you all said much less respond to it all.

Just a few highlights. Apples, your farmer/food scenario was hair-raising.

Great-I love my new knees. If and when I need hips I'll do those too in a heartbeat. The better shape you're in going in the surgeries the better shape you'll be going out.

I'm over my cold. Babysat last night my two grandsons. Babysat my grand-daughter all day today. One more week of teaching before break. I've added private tutoring one more kid at the end of the day at school. Parent was desperate and wanted to pay, so I agreed.

So I'm at school from 7:30 to 4:45. I've been walking at school for half an hour before kids come to my classroom. I go up and down 47 steps and across halls and around the gym.

Weather has improved and I'm hoping to get back outside some, too. Love to walk outdoors.

Weight at 175. Goal 167. food mostly good. Make up for occasional bad choices by cutting back a couple days.

Really sorry about the February get-together. I just couldn't get off on time Thursday to catch a plane. Wouldn't arrive till Friday aft at the condos and then leaving Sunday aft. Logistics and $ just didn't work out.

Starting to get Christmas cards. Hope to send out this next week.


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Phyl - I micro wave mine (little Water cover w/that saran wrap stuff I have that you saw) for 20-30 minutes - then scoop it out in a bowl- mix it with I can't beleive it's butter spray - salt and pepper. I like it just like that - I know pple who add honey or sf Syrup to it - but I like it savory not sweet

Oh so you thought my date bacon was weird :thumbup: - since my Dad was in the date business my mom made them she may have added a water cresnut to it don't remember and pple loved - its the sweet/savory/salty flavor that pple seem to like

Jewel - Yes I still like to feed pple - I do it for my DS when he comes to visit - I buy him his fav candy..

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Good Morning everyone! I had another great night -- slept well, so am up and about early this monring. Apples, I love you but don't think I could be your neighbor - I couldn't resist all the goodies you make -- I'd gain weight if I lived next door to you. But I love to hear about them! I tell my DH -"I llive vicariously through what YOU eat" -- when he's eating I'll ask him questions about how it tastes -- but you know, it keeps me from wanting a bite, so I figure that's a good way to handle it.

Jewell good going on the weight loss so far and your being able to tell MIL you are ona diet. She'll probably say some things to you about "this is a weird time of year to be dieting, or who diets at Christmas time" but you stay strong and be patient -- I'm sure she'll start to be supporttive when you start to lose the weight. I don't envy your situation -- it's going to be harder on you having to live with them instead of being in your own place -- you'll have a lot more temptation. So, just keep checking in here for support and it will help keep you strong. We're proud of you already. Good going on school too - -it's hard going to school when your single much less when you're married and have a child. Keep up the good work.

I love Christmas movies too -- we have most of them and watch them over the season - last night we watched the Scrooge with George C. Scott -- it was good, but my favoritie is the original one too, Janet and we also have that one. I usually save that one for closer to Christmas. But again, our all time favorite is It's a Wonderful Life. We read recently where that movie was a flop the year it came out - didn't get popular until many years later. But any movie with Christmas in it I love -- I also love to watch Chriistmas Story when the marathon is on -- usually Christmas Eve day I think. It's funny how much alike we are.

Lori, glad the wedding is going well- glad your daughter in getting some advantages from "being in the business" - that's wonderful. Did you ever buy your dress? I remember you talking about going to buy it but don't remember if you actually bought one or not.

My favorite appetizer is a shrimp ball -- you soften a block of cream cheese, mix a little garlic powder and Worchestshire sauce in it. Spread a piece of plastic wrap in a small mixing bowl and spread the cream cheese in it -- then put small shrimp inside and form it into a ball -- place on a plate and refrigerate overnight -- to serve pour cocktail sauce over ball and serve with crackers. always a hit -- keep extra cocktail sauce on hand to pour over it as needed. I use the light cream cheese these days and no one knows the difference. Yum Yum.

I had bought a couple of Lean Cuisines awhile back for emergencies after my surgeries. Well, I had one of them last night and it just tasted so darn good. LOL. It's amazing how good something can taste when you haven't eaten it in awhile. I had the sweet and sour chicken - 300 calories, 3 grams fat -- I enjoyed the little bit of rice -- haven't had rice in a long, long time. Seem to be okay with my band.

I'm not sure if I mentioned the food in the hospital -- I had taken a small cooler with some of my regular food -- I eat strawberries/blueberries every morning mixed with FF yogurt and a banana --and of course I took some SF pudding and my 100 calorie packs of Snacks for if I got munchy - I also wanted to avoid getting a sweet tooth and being tempted by their Desserts -- well, it all worked out -- I didn't think they had the greatest food choices but I did order "lightly breaded cod" which was baked and I took off the breading and I ordered a salmon patty for lunch one day which was very delicious -- it was served with pureed butternut squash which was also so delicious -- I put a little of my butter spray on it. Wow, it hit the spot and I'm sure it was simply steamed and pureed -- I think you can just cut them in half and put in a casserole dish and put some Water in the dish and cover with saran wrap and cook on high in microwave until soft -- probably 20 mins. or so. That's how I make my spagetti squash (which I also love with spagetti sauce on it - yum). I'd just mix the butternut squash with salt, pepper and butter spray -- I liked it pureed - it was nice and smooth and just hit the spot -- I'm planning on buying it regularly now myself. But they kept putting desserts on my tray even when I didn't order them. DH was happy as he got to eat some, but some I had to salt and pepper to resist as DH didn't come up during our 2 days of blizzard conditions. One was the best banana cream pie -- I took one bite -- wow, it was so good. LOL. I was happy I stayed strong.

I did share my lap band experience with a lot of the staff -- I had different nurses and CNAs every day and night - and they were all so nice -- I would ask them to change out my ice packs in my cooler -- and I told them I had lost almost 100 pounds this year which lead to "how" -- I got not one negative comment - -in fact several came back later and asked who my surgeon was, how I got insurance coverage, etc. My physical therapist also was very interested. I was so happy that everyone was so receptive to it -- I also think because I did so well after surgery that it reinforced how important weight loss/exercise is to good outcomes for surgery. They kept telling me I was an "amazing patient". It seems to me that banding is not getting the bad press it got in the beginnining. I think the more we share our stories, the better it will be.

Hope everyone has a great day -- I'll CBL. Apples, your outfit sounded great -- hope you get the pics downloaded. My company party was last night -- I sure hated to miss it, but I'll have many many more to attend in the future. Take care. Linda

Edited by ljv52

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Blessed Sunday Morning to my dear friends.... I'm just home from church and had DH drop me off here while he and Mother went out to Breakfast with some friends.. I just can't do that little cafe... I used to own it and the current owner is very rude to me, so I stay out!!! Anyway, I just ate some oatmeal and am ready to try to accomplish a lot of little things today as I will have Mimi all week and she stops me from doing paperwork, especially.... Want to get my cards and letters done today.. And DH wants me to help him register for Socail Security online today, too.... He turns 62 in Feb and we need to get that all started..

My favorite Christmas movie is White Christmas.. I have watched it every year since I was a kid... When I got married DH got my tradition whether he wanted it or not.. When he was still working shift work at the plant I did have to watch it alone sometimes anyway, but I always watched it... When DH was in Iraq over Christmas I sent a DVD to him.. He had taken a little personal DVD player with him when he left and I would send movies all the time.. Well, he and all his friends watched that movie half a dozen times huddled around that little DVD player.. He called to say he had kept my tradition alive even in Iraq.... One of my most treasured memories of that experience....

Now, about squash.... I don't remember who was asking, but I think Phyll..... I like it mashed like your DH did, but without the cinnamon... I like mine with just butter.. Or sometimes done in the oven just like yams, with it par-boiled in cubes, then put in a casserol with butter and marshmallows and baked till masrhmallows melt.. It also makes excellent pie..... just like pumpkin, but is just ususally a bit of a lighter color... I've made pie like that out of sweet potatoes or carrots, too... Very good.....

So how were all the Christmas parties? Ours was fine.. Too much food, but I did just fine and did not overindulge at all.... They really tempted me with hot popovers, and with my love for bread I just had to try it with some butter... Well, it wasn't very good, so that made that easy!!!!

We have -10 with snow today... A good day to stay inside and be cozy.. Hope you all have a great day.. Linda, you go girl...... Sounds like you are doing great.. Hope to hear from you all later.. I'll check back... God Bless you all.............. Julie

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Someone brought dates to the Red Hat party today fixed with bacon like you told me... she stuffed them with pecans, wrapped them in small pieces of bacon and baked them in the oven. I had to try one.. VERY good! Seems like a strange combination... bacon and dates, but sure was good!

YES, ANOTHER Red Hat Party!

This was just our group- 30 women there.

I won two door prizes besides our gift exchange,

so I came home loaded with goodies...

Stuffed Santa, little snowman thingy, big glove potholder with bag of brownie mix inside.

Thursday all the area groups were invited and there were over 200 women there.

Any suggestions for cooking butternut squash??

Talked DH in to buying one the other day.

He cut it up while I was gone and cooked half of it.

He put cinnamon in it and a LOT of garlic.

Then he mashed it.

I think the only thing I like mashed is potatoes!

And WAY too much garlic in this even though I am a big fan of garlic.

So, I'm supposed to cook the other half the way I want to cook it.

But we never bought it before and I don't KNOW how I want to cook it!

Phyl, Congrats on the door prizes.

I don't care for the "sweet" veggies...cooked carrots, butternut, acorn, etc squash, pumpkin, sweet potatoes (orange sweet stuff), but my GF makes a casserole with butternut squash that is wonderful.....It's cubed squash sauteed, then you put it with some walnuts and squares of white cheese in a casserole dish and cover it with a milk and egg (custard) type mixture and bake. It's savory with just the hint of sweet from the squash. It's one of the only ways I like it, but it's not a really low cal recipe. If you want the entire recipi, I'll get me GF to email it to me.

Apples, your cream cheese appetizer is very intersting...I'm going to try that one of these days. I'd like to be your neighbor too...not for the leftovers, but to help cook once in a while.

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Good Morning Lovelys!!!!

Beautiful morning here. 4 degrees but sunny. Just having the sunshine makes such a difference. The wind is what gets us here on the plains and makes it feel soooooooo much colder.

Our Christmas party was nice. Visited with ppl I had not seen since that party last year. I ended up NOT wearing the outfit I had picked out. I dressed down a bit and glad I did. Most ppl were in jeans and sweaters. I wore a baby blue sweater with matching vest and matching jacket. Decided to layer up and not be cold. Threw on one of my new pair of Champion pants and good to go. It's funny how you can dress up a pair of yoga pants. Some lady asked me where I found a pair of "dress" pants that fit so well through the legs. Ummmmm...

Great...I love those bacon wrapped chestnuts. The persons that hosted the party last night had a huge cooker full of them. I noticed they were the first thing to go. They are usually a staple at parties around here as are pickle/ham roll-ups, meat balls and cocktail sausages with BBQ Sauce. The spread was very band-friendly.

I just didn't feel right though all day yesterday. It started with just a creepy feeling with my skin and then every once in awhile a stomach cramp. Don't know if it was something I ate. Anyway, didn't have much of an appetite the last couple of days and carried into today. But, it's 10:30 am and already have adequate calories in for this time of the day.

Great...(kind of got off track on what I was going to say to you)...good luck with all the wedding stuff coming up. Sounds to me that your DD most likely has a handle on it and it should go smoothly. Very nice to get a break on some of the expenses.

Janet...all you guys are welcome to camp out on my door step and you would not have to worry about me force feeding you. I love to cook but one thing I do not do is be a food pusher. It's put on the table, dessert is put at each place setting, but, if it's not eaten, I'm not offended. Both DS and DH are very health conscious and I respect that and really worked hard to revamp recipes to LF and LS when I can. I figure during harvest and planting is when I can really have fun and load them up with goodies. They wear it off.

All this talk about how my job involves so much food got me thinking of how I was able to handle being around it and at the same time work on losing. I think that I had it easier than most BECAUSE I work with food every day. I was cooking huge amounts of food just a couple of days after surgery and all during my weightloss phose b/4 surgery. I switched over to healthy. I would look at the hotdishes and desserts about six months into it all and was not even tempted and still not. I get adequate calories every day but I make such different choices than I used to. I eat a treat now and then (like this morning while baking cookies) but a half is good enough rather than half a dozen. It's like something clicked in me and I knew that part of my down-fall in gaining weight was so much temptations every day, that I had to get really strong and make my health #1. Make sense? What a ramble!

My point...Jewel...your MIL may never change and may always have things around that will tempt you. Just stay strong. Make your OWN choices. Ask others to respect your new way of life. Tell them what you EXPECT and ask them to work with you on this. The junk food may always be there to tempt you. Just be very firm and let ppl know who you live with that you are turning the corner on how you eat and would appreciate if they could respect your new way of life. It's difficult at first but once you pass up the unhealthy choices for long enough, it really does become a way of life to think about what you are putting into your mouth.

Phyll...I love dates. I put chopped dates into my steel cut oats. And, the sweet/salty taste is one of my favorite. My favorite holiday treat is a chocolate covered pretzel.

Cheri...you are so close to goal. 8lbs away. Seems it was not ago that you started posting on this thread. (See Jewel....the time flys by..b/4 you know it, you will be posting that you are in the stage that Cheri is now).

What a good GM to babysit. (Breathing deep)....I cannot wait for those days as I have said numerous times but just have to say it again.

It's understandable why you would not want to go to the expense of FL when only for such a short time.

Linda...so cool that you brought your cooler to the hospital with you. It has always amazed me the times I have been a patient that most of the meals served are really not healthy. Thick gravy on everything, desserts at every meal, etc. Good for you for thinking ahead. I'm a "carrier". I always have a green bag in my truck since banding. I carry enough to get me through a day or two.

Your shrimp dip sounds good. I make one similar where the LF cream cheese is mixed with just a bit of FF sour cream and some dill, spread on a platter, topped with baby shrimp, green olives and cocktail sauce over the top. I usually make my own cocktail sauce. When I was 21, I managed a hotel restaurant. An editor from a Minneapolis newspaper stayed at the hotel for a week and urged me to enter my recipe in an annual contest the newspaper had in their Taste section. Our restaurant served it on the salad bar each night. It was served over chunks of boiled cod as an appetizer. It's so simple and could not believe when I won first place. I'll share:

1 cup plain ole' ketchup

1 or 2 drops of liquid smoke (careful as not to get too much in)

2 Tbls. horseradish

2 Tsp. lemon juice

2 Tbls. worcestershire sauce

1/2 Tsp. dry mustard

1 Tsp. tabasco sauce

Whisk together...let sit in frig at least 24 hours.

OK...now for the sweet treats I made this morning. Was paging through a magazine a couple of weeks ago to get new ideas on cookie baking. Some person was writing about how much they like to throw a little mint flavoring into their peanut cookie batter. At first I thought it sounded awful. Yesterday when I was in town I picked up two bags of mint flavored miniature 3 Musketeer bars. I made Peanut Butter dough this morning, rolled them into small balls and put into my mini muffin tins. Baked 8 minutes and stuck a mini candy bar in each. So easy. They were a hit with my men that were sitting in the house waiting till it got "warm" enough to go out and combine. Anyway, might be something some of want to try for your baking this holiday. So simple, but they look festive and like you really worked hard on them.

OK...where's Meredith, Laura, Eva, Melissa. What are you up to this weekend?

You all have a great Sunday. You guys down south...soak up some sun for me. The others...stay warm.

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Re-read my post...mini bars get pushed into cookie when right out of the oven...not b/4 baking.

I was going to share how we make squash. I bake it for about 20 minutes on a cookie sheet. When cool, I cut into chunks and put into covered baking dish. I pour one can of Lite Carnation evaporated milk, a handful of Real Bacon (Hormel..yellow bag) and throw back into the oven for about 45 (longer depending how deep dish is). I use this same recipe for carrots and yams.

Monin' Eva and Julie!

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Cheri, You are such an inspiration. I am glad you can walk around the school and get your excercise in. Shows dedication.

Thanks apples and indio for the encouragment. My MIL is fixing roast with carrots and potato tonite which I can def have. Last night she made turkey gumbo. Hopefully she will be more aware of what she serves and if not I will just take the time to cook my own seperate meal.

I am so sore I could barely get out of bed this morning. I played tennis on my wii yesterday and my upper body is reminding me. Think I need to focus on my legs today. I have a dancing game I can play that gives my legs and heart a good workout. Anyone using Wii fit or Wii personal trainer? I am hoping to get one soon.:thumbup:

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Good Morning Gang

Back from the gym - I had to go this morning since I didn't do it yesterday and never really got around to moving much - just washed clothes and cooked - So went and did 3.5 mile varying inclines - burned 503 calories...

Today I have to do my cards - finish washing - and need to mop floors and vacuum - dinner will be pork tenderloin marinated in terakie & jerk seasoning and bbq'd with butternut squash (Linda we are twins we cook our squash the same way - I like you on Xmas Eve is when I pop in it's a wonderful life and have it on while we open presents xmas morning too) lunch for the week will be spinach salads with either tuna or/or pork tenderloin..

Well gang sounds like every one is doing well - I gotta get my butt in gear - this is why I avoid the computer some weekends I don't get anything done :0)...

Hugs to you all Cbl

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Linda, I'm so glad to hear you are doing well after surgery. What a positive attitude you have too. That always helps. Also glad to hear the nursing staff sounded positive about the gastric band.

Jessica, glad to see you posting regularly. It does help with everything. The ladies here do have good advise, both with the dieting/lap band issues and with life. They have a lot of experience and don't mind sharing. It's a good thing. I truly wouldn't want to live with my MIL. I love her a lot, she is a wonderful person but I don't want to live with her. It would be great if she could live next door. DH loves her and would help a lot with her but we both get frustrated because she insists on not moving and it's causing her to fail both physically and mentally. At least your MIL is still active. Does she help out with your son? Glad you had a good time at the Nutcracker...I love to see that during the holiday season. We went to Mannheim Steamroller this year instead.

Lori, sorry about having to clean....yuck, not my favorite thing to do. But it's good to have a job even if you don't especially have to HAVE one. I thought you were still looking for the MIL dress...I remember some conversation about that earlier but can't remember if you found a dress or not yet. I have a couple of friends that don't drink coffee, mostly because of the caffeine. I don't like it without it being doctored....white stuff and sweet stuff. No point in drinking it other wise....as I sit here typing drinking my coffee with Sweet 'n Low and FF half and half. I had a pedicure before my lap-band surgery too...they weren't operating on my toes. I love both manicures and pedicures....and I found someone to wax my eyebrows. I'm terrible at plucking.

Phyl, sounds like your red hat group has lots of fun. Wow a group of 200, you need a convention center for that.

Deb, you lived in an ashram? Cool....do you still do yoga? Janet's nose jewelry is pretty cool....very classy...just a little tiny stud that flashes when she turns her head. My nails are soft and peel, and my hair has been falling out too. I think it sort of stopped now, but it doesn't seem to be growing back too fast. Pizzelles are a lot of work, but so good. I grew up with them but no one here I know makes them. I don't think that is something I want to start either. It would be as bad as tamales.

At my sister's holiday food exchange yesterday, we had a conversation about phone calls after 9pm....we must be on the same page because most of the people think if you are getting a call after 9pm, it has to be an emergency. It must be the age we grew up in.

Julie, stop with the negative messages...it doesn't help. You have done very well with your weight loss and will continue to do so, if not this minutes, in the future. NO NEGATIVE MESSAGES TO YOURSELF!!!! Seems like you have Mimi a lot.....just during the day and not so much at night?

Janet, oxtail Soup? Did you have that when you were growing up?

Arlene, I love Christmas movies too....I want to get a little flat screen TV in my bedroom/office so I can watch them while I'm on the computer. I can watch them on the computer, but then I can't do computer stuff. I have Miracle on 34th Street....it's one of my favorite. DH likes "Scrooged" with Bill Murry....."so you like it rough Frankie...." I bought him that one for Christmas one year.

I'm kind of achy too...with the cooler weather and all. ug

Apples, that squash recipe sounds good, may have to try it....along with the cocktail sauce. Hey, why don't you put together an "Apples" cook book. My sister put together a "Thompson Family Cookbook" for one of our reunions and it's pretty cool.

Have to go do something....more later.


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      1. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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