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Good Morning everyone. I can't believe how great I feel. Unbelievable to me that I have such tremendous mobility after having my hip replaced. It is truly amazing. My DH had both of his done 10 years ago and he had a hard time - I expected to be much like him. I give credit to my band and the fact that I exercised everyday since January part of the credit. Losing the weight I know is helping, but I also have great strength in my arms and legs from exercise. Just like the band, I wish I'd done my hip a lot earlier instead of suffering so much. Still haven't caught up on reading what you've all been up to but will try to get it done later today. Just wanted to check in and say hi and thanks for all the good wishes. Linda
Linda, that's great that you are doing so well. I too waited too long to get my band and also waited too long to get my worst knee done. It's part of the reason I am doing this knee sooner. The pain isn't as severe as the first one was but it is quickly getting there. Why wait? Between Phyl & mine new knees, your new hip, we are going to be a group of bionic women.


You sound about as excited about your hip as I was about my knee a couple of months ago! So glad you are doing well! It's wonderful to regain mobility, isn't it!!? Now if I can just get his knee strong enough to go up steps! I'm working on it.

Yeah, SIL had the grandkids calling me "The Graminator" after my surgery! I loved it! What was really special was our 7 yr old DGD telling me repeatedly that she was praying for me "every day"! She would tell me that on the phone, and whenever we saw the kids, etc. It was really sweet.

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Good Morning Ladies !!!

I fell asleep lat night after dinner on the couch - I was suppose to go out at 9 - ya right - at 54 you gotta get out before 9 or you will be asleep :0) Wasn't that interested either I guess or I could have done it - I'm not that old ;0)

Great - We are old school that's where the 9 p.m. cut off time comes from - even to this day if one of GS friends call after 9 he answers the phone - it's after 9 my gm is going to get mad :0)

They are having tons of sales - my problem is that I don't need anything :0) and I need to learn the diff between needing and wanting :0)

Yesterday in Stein Mart and I have noticed in Marshall's too that they have bathing suits out - I think that's cuz alot of pple go on cruises this time of yr and there is a need for those items - but again - they sell summer stuff in the winter and put out winter stuff in the summer - and for us who have only 2 seasons Hot & Cold (well cool compared to most of you) it's hard to shop for winter clothes when it's 110 outside.

Linda - OMG I a so happy for you that you are doing so well - I know that my gf who had to have her's done last yr was in the hospital for longer than you and then she had to go to rehab place (she's single) and she wasn't back to work for a while - cuz she couldn't sit at a 90 degree angle - sounds like your surgery went so much smoother..

Between all you ladies - it's the reason I went to get my knee ck'd out now instead of living with it - I don't want to do more damage..

Julie glad you got to sleep in - I slept til 7:30 today :0)

Have fun at Xmas party ... As to eating you are obliviously are not eating like you use to or you would be gaining :0)

I know that when I over do it - I think omw how bad am I but then again - I don't eat anyway near how I use to eat - I am aware now of eating - whereas before I didn't care at ALL..

Well today's agenda is house cleaning and washing - and grocery shopping - will be making Soup cuz it's cold with a chance of rain..

Well need to go start another load - cb in a bit

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Happy Saturday, Everyone!!!! Life is good.

Linda...you are amazing in how you are handling this hip replacement. Isn't it nice coming out of it not being as bad as you thought? What a nice Christmas gift. Take care, enjoy your new joint but be careful.

Great...hope you get the same gift as above. Don't know too many ppl that would just buck up and get both knees done so close together. I'm feeling a little left out...I don't have anything to replace! Oh, I guess my attitude could be replaced...just would have to ask DH.

Julie...no one here is a failure. Can't use that word here and you are far from a failure. You are going forward, right? Have a few little treats to get you through the season if that's what you feel you want to do. Make it up by going out for a brisk walk or cut back on cals some days. You are doing great to stay level if you have been a little naughty. (Not a good choice of words cuz there's really no naughty food). You gotta be able to slip a treat in once in awhile or you are going to feel deprived.

Just got back from town. Left home at 7am...still dark. We have a store in town that has Columbia and Woolrich clothing and they were having a sale. Since I have lost my insulation, I need to layer. Had bought three sweaters with three vests to match a couple of months ago. Went back and got the hoodies that go with them. So cute. Now I will be warm...warm and spoiled...warm and spoiled rotten. I always feel that way when I buy clothes...for a few minutes anyway!

Working around the house catching up cuz that most certainly did not happen this week. Also, relieving DH once in awhile out at the bins so he does not freeze to death. Have a Christmas party tonight at some friends home. Out for brunch in the morning and back at the combining tomorrow. Thinking Tues will be our last day. It's been a long haul and am always amazed that DH can stay so even throughout it all. I do really well for about 5 days and then I have to get out of here for a bit. Then I'm good for about another 5 days.

Better get the table set for these dirty ole' farmers. They are getting grilled beef and cheese sandwiches made with homemade BBQ Sauce, roasted potatoes and gingerbread tarts. Sorry...had to share.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

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Happy Saturday, Everyone!!!! Life is good.

Linda...you are amazing in how you are handling this hip replacement. Isn't it nice coming out of it not being as bad as you thought? What a nice Christmas gift. Take care, enjoy your new joint but be careful.

Great...hope you get the same gift as above. Don't know too many ppl that would just buck up and get both knees done so close together. I'm feeling a little left out...I don't have anything to replace! Oh, I guess my attitude could be replaced...just would have to ask DH.

Julie...no one here is a failure. Can't use that word here and you are far from a failure. You are going forward, right? Have a few little treats to get you through the season if that's what you feel you want to do. Make it up by going out for a brisk walk or cut back on cals some days. You are doing great to stay level if you have been a little naughty. (Not a good choice of words cuz there's really no naughty food). You gotta be able to slip a treat in once in awhile or you are going to feel deprived.

Just got back from town. Left home at 7am...still dark. We have a store in town that has Columbia and Woolrich clothing and they were having a sale. Since I have lost my insulation, I need to layer. Had bought three sweaters with three vests to match a couple of months ago. Went back and got the hoodies that go with them. So cute. Now I will be warm...warm and spoiled...warm and spoiled rotten. I always feel that way when I buy clothes...for a few minutes anyway!

Working around the house catching up cuz that most certainly did not happen this week. Also, relieving DH once in awhile out at the bins so he does not freeze to death. Have a Christmas party tonight at some friends home. Out for brunch in the morning and back at the combining tomorrow. Thinking Tues will be our last day. It's been a long haul and am always amazed that DH can stay so even throughout it all. I do really well for about 5 days and then I have to get out of here for a bit. Then I'm good for about another 5 days.

Better get the table set for these dirty ole' farmers. They are getting grilled beef and cheese sandwiches made with homemade BBQ Sauce, roasted potatoes and gingerbread tarts. Sorry...had to share.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Apples - I love when you share your food - I absoultuly love it .. I think we all do - we are amazed at how you do it (all that cooking and coming up w/the ideas of what to cook diff everyday- that's the hard part)

Be happy you aren't having any joint issues - I thought I was free and clear myself til the last few months :0)

I'm spoiled rotten too :0)...

I need to get dressed and get to the store to get groceries - and to make some Soup - it's cold - house say 67 - it's cloudy outside - 30% chance of rain..

Well need to go put softner in clothes :00

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Janet...that was a little sarcasm on the joint issues. I do have sympathy for you guys deal with it. I just lucked out. 2 yrs ago I was SURE I was going to have to have my right knee replaced. Popping, grinding and painful. Who knows...down the road it could come back to haunt me with the damage done from being overweight. I wonder how smart I will be then?????

Great...you will fit into those capris next summer. If some don't fit just give them to someone.

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Apples - Knew you were being factious ;o)

Well my oxtail Soup is on the stove - enchiladas in the oven for Andrew - one load done - kitchen cleaned up - still need to clean my bathroom finish clothes - vacum - dye my hair and bath Angel...

I need an easy appetizer to take to work on the 23rd - Any ideas - artichoke dip is already covered - want something diff

Any ideas gang...

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Apples - Knew you were being factious ;o)

Well my oxtail Soup is on the stove - enchiladas in the oven for Andrew - one load done - kitchen cleaned up - still need to clean my bathroom finish clothes - vacum - dye my hair and bath Angel...

I need an easy appetizer to take to work on the 23rd - Any ideas - artichoke dip is already covered - want something diff

Any ideas gang...

I have one for you, Janet. Always a hit with the crowed at the lake and they don't realize they are eating lite.

8 oz of low fat (1/3 fat of reg) cream cheese.

Put entire block of cream cheese in a zip lock bag.

In small bowl, mix 1/4 cup lite soy sauce, 1/4 tsp. garlic powder, 1/4 tsp. onion powder. Whisk with fork till well blended and pour into bag. Lay flat in frig for 24 hours, turning occasionally.

Pour sesame seeds (about 4Tbls.) onto a paper plate. Take block of cream cheese from bag and turn onto plate. Roll until all is coated with cream cheese.

Simple, different and can be spread on crackers or sliced cukes or sliced large carrots. :thumbup:

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I have one for you, Janet. Always a hit with the crowed at the lake and they don't realize they are eating lite.

8 oz of low fat (1/3 fat of reg) cream cheese.

Put entire block of cream cheese in a zip lock bag.

In small bowl, mix 1/4 cup lite soy sauce, 1/4 tsp. garlic powder, 1/4 tsp. onion powder. Whisk with fork till well blended and pour into bag. Lay flat in frig for 24 hours, turning occasionally.

Pour sesame seeds (about 4Tbls.) onto a paper plate. Take block of cream cheese from bag and turn onto plate. Roll until all is coated with cream cheese.

Simple, different and can be spread on crackers or sliced cukes or sliced large carrots. :thumbup:

Apples ,

That sounds tasty

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Apples, I love to hear about your dinners too. I wish we were neighbors so I could get your leftovers.

I am watching the Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel. I love the Hallmark movies. Billy Ray Cyrus has a new one tonight on at 7c. He said it is similar to Bryan's Song.....ought to be a tear jerker. The one on now is making me emotional. I have been covered up aching all day with the weather change. Advil helps, but I don't want to take too much. Oh well, the sun will be out tomorrow. Tomorrow is only a day away. Is that how it goes?

Oh, Linda, I am glad you are on the mend. Sounds like a sucessful surgery.

Yep, Janet, I want to shop, but I don't NEED anything and I bought Christmas.

Y'all have a great day!

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I have one for you, Janet. Always a hit with the crowed at the lake and they don't realize they are eating lite.

8 oz of low fat (1/3 fat of reg) cream cheese.

Put entire block of cream cheese in a zip lock bag.

In small bowl, mix 1/4 cup lite soy sauce, 1/4 tsp. garlic powder, 1/4 tsp. onion powder. Whisk with fork till well blended and pour into bag. Lay flat in frig for 24 hours, turning occasionally.

Pour sesame seeds (about 4Tbls.) onto a paper plate. Take block of cream cheese from bag and turn onto plate. Roll until all is coated with cream cheese.

Simple, different and can be spread on crackers or sliced cukes or sliced large carrots. :thumbup:

Sounds good - I think i will try this - last year I did something like this but it was wasabe peas crushed up and take cream cheese and roll in balls then roll in the wasabe peas stuff - but the problem was I made them the night before and they got mushie - oh just thought of an idea - could do the same thing but use the blocks of cheese instead of the little balls - and rolling them in the morning is doable - May just make a sesame seed one and the a wasabe pea one

I'm hungry but Soup won't be done for a while - sitting here with cup of Joe - Xmas cd in computer (oldies - bing - dean - frank - I like traditional old time xmas music) wishing it would hurry up and rain..

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I have the Bose cranked up with as many CD's as I can get into the changer.

Hi, Melissa! Hope you are having a great weekend.

Charlene...wish I could throw those aches and pains out the window. Sorry, hon. I love Christmas movies also. A Christmas Story with Peter Billingsly is my favorite.

Been going back and forth all day on what to wear to Christmas party tonight. Had it all decided until DH looked at it and kind of wrinkled his nose and said "You got something white to wear under that?". I had picked out a silver, black and grey blazer (some metalic in it with jewel cluster buttons) and under it a silver metalic shell. Slacks are a black, grey and silver mix. I think I will defy DH's wrinkled nose and go with it anyway. How many places can I wear metalic glitter tops? To the farm store? Nope! To the grocery store? Nope! Out to the bin site? Nope!

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Apples ,

That sounds tasty

What are you doing today Melissa - How are you doing - is you mom coming w/you to FL

Apples, I love to hear about your dinners too. I wish we were neighbors so I could get your leftovers.

I am watching the Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel. I love the Hallmark movies. Billy Ray Cyrus has a new one tonight on at 7c. He said it is similar to Bryan's Song.....ought to be a tear jerker. The one on now is making me emotional. I have been covered up aching all day with the weather change. Advil helps, but I don't want to take too much. Oh well, the sun will be out tomorrow. Tomorrow is only a day away. Is that how it goes?

Oh, Linda, I am glad you are on the mend. Sounds like a sucessful surgery.

Yep, Janet, I want to shop, but I don't NEED anything and I bought Christmas.

Y'all have a great day!

Charlene - you and me on Apples doors step every nite :0) wouldn't that be great :0) Ya I have to stay out of the stores right now - we always have the after xmas sales too :0)

I have the Bose cranked up with as many CD's as I can get into the changer.

Hi, Melissa! Hope you are having a great weekend.

Charlene...wish I could throw those aches and pains out the window. Sorry, hon. I love Christmas movies also. A Christmas Story with Peter Billingsly is my favorite.

Been going back and forth all day on what to wear to Christmas party tonight. Had it all decided until DH looked at it and kind of wrinkled his nose and said "You got something white to wear under that?". I had picked out a silver, black and grey blazer (some metalic in it with jewel cluster buttons) and under it a silver metalic shell. Slacks are a black, grey and silver mix. I think I will defy DH's wrinkled nose and go with it anyway. How many places can I wear metalic glitter tops? To the farm store? Nope! To the grocery store? Nope! Out to the bin site? Nope!

Apples - I agree how often do you get to wear that stuff :0) go for it.. Take a pic and post w/your dh :0)

My fav Xmas movie - What a Wonderful Life and 2nd is the original Scrooge (made in like the 40's - I think it has William Scott or whatever his name was)

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It has been raining here all day and I just can't seem to get warm. My in laws keep the house cool but have a fireplace on their side of the house. That keeps them warm but we bundle up. I hate wearing jackets and coats inside the house. I did get in a good workout and that finally got me warmed up. Really I have no room to complain about temp. I have been trying to study but it is hard when everyone is home. My MIL asked if I was gonna make fudge this year. So I told her no and that I was on a diet. She really didn't give any response to that. Just an OK. Better response than I hoped for.

I don't know how ya'll have learned to resist food. I see something yummy and it just haunts me till I give in. Hopefully with practice I will be as good as some of yall are. Cooking food and eating a healthy amount then putting it out of mind.:thumbup:

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It has been raining here all day and I just can't seem to get warm. My in laws keep the house cool but have a fireplace on their side of the house. That keeps them warm but we bundle up. I hate wearing jackets and coats inside the house. I did get in a good workout and that finally got me warmed up. Really I have no room to complain about temp. I have been trying to study but it is hard when everyone is home. My MIL asked if I was gonna make fudge this year. So I told her no and that I was on a diet. She really didn't give any response to that. Just an OK. Better response than I hoped for.

I don't know how ya'll have learned to resist food. I see something yummy and it just haunts me till I give in. Hopefully with practice I will be as good as some of yall are. Cooking food and eating a healthy amount then putting it out of mind.:thumbup:

Sweetie - I have not learned to resist certain foods and especially at certain times.. What I have learned is not to keep food in the house that I can not resist - plain and simple as that - I have pretty good will power during the daytime - but at nite I don't - We are food addicts - would you leave a bag of crack on the kitchen table and expect a crack addict not to use it.. Nope.. Its the same for us..

What you are going to learn is that as the weight comes off those foods do lose some of their appeal as they are what made you fat in the 1st place and it's hard work to get the weight off and once it starts coming off you aren't going to want to go back to being obese..

This is why it's not a diet - imho you need to take that word out of your vocabulary - diets don't work - cuz what happens after you go off them - you go back to eating "normal" well our normal is what got us fat in the 1st place.

Now a days treats are planned.. You can still have some of the stuff you love - but you have to allow for them with in your calorie budget - do you want to blow your budget on a slice of cheese cake (800 cal) or do you want to eat 2 meals that consist of 400 cal each - get your nutrition and more food.. Me - I want the real food.. Every now and then I will have that piece of cheesecake - but I know I will have to eat lighter at my other meals and that I am going to have to work harder at the gym - heck working out 1 hr on the treadmill I can burn 500 cal - but that's a whole hour - that piece of cheese cake just aint worth the extra exercise..

It's not that one slice of cake that made us fat - it's cuz we didn't stop at that one piece we ate 2 3 or the whole darn thing..

I am glad mil didn't give you any crap about not making the fudge.. Tell her it has that white stuff (sugar) that you need to stay away from :0) to lose the weight :0)

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Janet..........my favorite Christmas movie is " It's a Wonderful Life" too. I have to watch it every Christmas.......and then I have to watch "Christmas Vacation". I cry and then I laugh. There are a lot of good ones out there, but those are my favs. Christmas Vacation reminds me of my disfunctional relatives.

Yes, everyone needs a neighbor like Apples.

Well, I am on my second Hallmark movie.....can't wait till the new one tonight. I am recording it because my daughter needs me to embroider some towels tonight.

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