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They let me have 'toes' last time for surgery and even had polish for my banding and gall bladder last year so don't think it's an issue. Just no jewelry, make up, or lotions.

Okay these Champion pants everyone is talking about...there's several 'fits' which one do you all like?

They told me I could even have fingernail polish as long as it was a light color.

I like the Champion pants in "relaxed fit" because of my big thighs... and petite, of course! Wish they had low cut and then they'd be perfect. I always have to fold the waist band down once in the front!

Well I am headed for the gym around 6ish - got up at 5 - having my coffee - I HAVE to go to they gym... I feel awful cuz I have only been once this week.. So I will get it in before I go see the ortho doc this morning. Just got dressed even that feels good - on my second cup of coffee - will be headed out in just a few.

Plans today - doc 8:45 the I have to get nails done they look awful - need to find a pretty red - I have a whole shoe box full - I take my own polish to nail shop that way if i need a touch up I can do it - rarely have to but ya never know..


This is very weird... my sister who is the same age as you, I told you she started having knee problems about the same time you did... SHE also has an ortho appt this morning.. 8 a.m.! LOL! Waiting to hear how it went since it's 11:15 a.m. there now. Hopefully the snow storm didn't get it canceled!

I was out of the loop all day yesterday... Red Hats Christmas party, then quick change and off to dinner with friends and then the Marine Band Concert in Palm Springs. Didn't get home until well after 10 p.m.

You folks were mighty busy!

I had about 4 pages to read this morning!


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Apples, I'm sure glad you went to bed and slept good... After my drugs kicked in about 2:30 I went to sleep only to have a stupid nightmarish type dream that had me all scattered when I woke up... didn't get up til 9:00, so I slept but don't think I'm refreshed!! Okay, so who would take your Snickers Bar??!!!

About these nails............... I used to have nice nails... have never liked polish, but do polish my toes in the summer... I've had one pedicure and one manicure in my life..... However, since all my medical stuff this past number of months my nails are just awful... They are very soft and they peal and break.. I can't grow them for anything.. I've tried all sorts of things to help but nothing works... just keep them virtually off (short) all the time as when one breaks or peels I have to make them all look alike (anul about that....why I can't wear polish... One little knick and I have to have it all off! Weird, I know!!)

Great, sorry your plans for work are taking a hit... Hope you get it all figured out...

No Mimi until later so will finish some wrapping and do a bit more baking I think... Have a great day everyone.. TTYL............... Julie

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Phyll...would have loved to hear and see that Marine Band concert. I would have sat there and bawled. When my boys got deployed, I stayed very strong...knew it was in God's hands. But, I could not listen to a patriotic song without having my shirt wet. It's still that way for me even though I love to listen. It triggers something in me that I believe will be in me for life. I got a top award at our State bowling tournament a few years ago. (Nope...not a very good bowler but I rocked at State). I had to go up to the front of the lanes to get my award. They were playing a patriotic song and I stood up there and just sobbed like a fool. Hundreds of women looking on thinking "My, she's happy with her award"!

Forgot to wish you luck with your knee appt., Janet. DH just started to have trouble a year ago at the age of 54. He's in a world of hurt this year and is not taking the time to make an appt. for them. I think he just uses and abuses them but should have them checked out again. Knee caps pop over to one side if he does not have braces on. Weird.

Well......................morning spent with a number of neighbor farmer guys having coffee and eating goodies. It WAS SO NICE. Why did I have to bitch and moan about it yesterday? Guess I was just in one of those moods and they had upset MY apple cart and plans I had made. All is right with the world again!

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Well I had a post all typed out and it got lost after I clicked submit. I will try this again.

Had a great time at dinner and the nutcracker last night. I didn't feel any anxiety with this couple. They were really talkative which helped. Half way through the nutcraker my son anounced that he could "see their underpant" lol. The two little boys behaved really well for it being a ballet.

I started getting pedicures about a year ago. I love them. The leg massages are great. Although I haven't had one lately because I am saving for my surgery. Here in Florida It is always sandal weather so I get them year round.

My surgeons office called yesterday and said they never received my bloodwork. I gotta call around today and figuer out what happened to it or if I need to redo it. I have an appt on wed with the surgeon and he wanted to go over it so I may have to post pone. Which is ok. I have 3 major test this week and really don't need distractions. It just seems like it is taking forever for my surgery date to come. I can hardly wait.

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They have my lap work now so every thing is still going as planned.

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Friday's winding down here at work, and I'm ready to go home! It was a productive day and I hope I can keep it up this weekend, because I sure need to get busy about Christmas.

Wow, Apples, you get more company out there on the farm than I ever get in town! I'm glad you're back on your equilibrium, but it never hurts to vent and get things off your chest.

Indio, let me tell you, girl, I have my nose pierced too...had it done over 35 years ago when I lived in a yoga ashram. ANd yes, I have a checkered past. I usually don't wear anything in it now, but I sometimes put in a small diamond stud that my husband got me for Christmas one year.

You guys are your pretty nails! I'm envious. I have wimpy short brittle cracking nails that seem to have gotten worse since my LB surgery. Oh yeah, and my hair is really falling out now. Used to have lush thick dark hair. Now it's gray and getting thinner and thinner. Argh. Better dig out that old bottle of Biotin I have and start taking some.

Hope all is well with everyone over the weekend. I'm going to pick up a bottle of anissette and get my pizzelles going (plus I can sip on the liquoure while I'm standing over the stove!).

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Got my work schedule all figured out. The other gal I open with doesn't want to wait til 8am to go in next week either as she is used to getting home at 2pm (she's full time) and home when her kids get home, so the 2 of us are going in at 530am and cleaning during our normal work hours. I just go Mon & Tues and then am off for surgery. I hate the cleaning part but will be fun with her, we are good friends and work well together. Today we did the aerobics room, mirrors, mats, windows, floors, etc. I had lunch with a friend I've reconnected with from Utah that has also moved to CO and now DH came home early and we are going out to dinner for his bday. I am sure he will pick Olive Garden or something similar. he loves Italian food and I hate it so he always picks it for his bday. His bday is on Tues. but he will be out of town, actually coming home that day but will be too rushed to go out to dinner that evening plus not sure what time I can't eat past in prep for surgery the next morning.

Apples, when I got home I had a box on my doorstep. Thanks so much I haven't opened it yet, will try them all on tonight.

Janet, how was the ortho appt????

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Hi everyone, I haven't read anything as I just got home about 2 hours ago, but did want to let you all know I'm doing fabulous! Unbelieveable how good I feel, how little pain I have --just incredible. My surgeon said I had a ton of bone spurs, and he said he doesn't know how I lived so long with that kind of pain. I woke up in the recovery room feeling great -- feeling so refreshed - not groggy at all. Laura, I LOVED my nurse anethesiologist -- I'm in such awe of the great job that he did - honestly, I felt like I'd just woken from an 8 hour sleep. Didn't get into operating room until about 10:45 a.m. and was in my room by 1:00. They kept a brace on my leg along with the air pump thingies to prevent blood clots until the next morning. It was hard for me to stay in bed (I HATE laying in bed) but I managed. The next morning they took the brace off and even the bandage. I was allowed to shower on Thursday. I started using a walker right away Wednes. morning and was up a mobile from that point on. Unbelieveable -- I feel so good. I will try to catch up on all your posts and write more later. Just wanted to say thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. Linda

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Linda, It is great to hear how wonderful you are doing. I would probly have been a baby for a few days. Glad it is all fixed up for you and hope your recovery is smooth.

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Hi everyone, I haven't read anything as I just got home about 2 hours ago, but did want to let you all know I'm doing fabulous! Unbelieveable how good I feel, how little pain I have --just incredible. My surgeon said I had a ton of bone spurs, and he said he doesn't know how I lived so long with that kind of pain. I woke up in the recovery room feeling great -- feeling so refreshed - not groggy at all. Laura, I LOVED my nurse anethesiologist -- I'm in such awe of the great job that he did - honestly, I felt like I'd just woken from an 8 hour sleep. Didn't get into operating room until about 10:45 a.m. and was in my room by 1:00. They kept a brace on my leg along with the air pump thingies to prevent blood clots until the next morning. It was hard for me to stay in bed (I HATE laying in bed) but I managed. The next morning they took the brace off and even the bandage. I was allowed to shower on Thursday. I started using a walker right away Wednes. morning and was up a mobile from that point on. Unbelieveable -- I feel so good. I will try to catch up on all your posts and write more later. Just wanted to say thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. Linda

Glad to hear everything went so well! I bet you had the same anesthesia that I had for my knee replacement... nerve block and spinal?? And then light anesthesia. I had a GREAT nurse anesthetist, too. He explained things so well, and he was so skilled I never felt a bit of discomfort even getting the nerve block in my groin. I was awake before I got out of the surgical suite and talked my way through the recovery room. SO glad you had a positive experience, too, and that you are doing so well!!

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Good Evening Peeps !!

Well did my 3 miles this a.m. then home showered and went to ortho appt - they xrayed my knees - it didn't show anything except a little arthritis - I explained as best I could to the PA and she said it may be a torn mensickiss (sp) but can't tell until I have an MRI - So they have requested that from Aetna (to bad Phyl still doesn't work for them - I could have had approval immediately) She said about a week

Then went to Stein Mart looking for Xmas top - they didn't have diddly squat as far as xmas goes - got a top & sweater dress and 2 candles.. The back of the right knee was acting up -but nothing bad -

Then went and had nails done - had to wait for my girl for about 1 hr - so left to go eat at the mex restaurant that's 4 doors down - but the Italian one is next door - lunch special $5.95 for an antipasto salad - so I went there instead (better choice)

This is something I usually don't do - eat by myself - (the mex place is a taco shop so I don't feel weird there) but this place is a reg restaurant - I went an sat in a booth and ate - I was STARVING - I didn't care what pple thought - but there weren't too many pple in there anyway..

Apples - you gotta get a pedicure - oh it feels so good - the massage part - and as you all know I just had my 1st massage a couple months ago - I will do it again - LOVE IT..

Hell you aren't they only one who cries - just play our national anthem - and there I will be with my hand over my heart bawling. When they sing it on tv like during the olympic's I will usually stand up and put my hand over my heart and sing along.. (pple think I'm weird) I bleed red white and blue.. USA ALL THE WAY...

Great - I can't believe they called that late !!! They sure don't have any manners do they... 9 p.m. no phone calls unless it's an emergency - or you know I'm up ;0)

Julie - My nails are thin to begin with that's why I do nails and I have had them for 26 yrs now - I did go about 3 months without them and I couldn't stand it had to put them back on - polish stays on fake nails - where as with your real nails they chip and flake.. I'm like you if they are messed up I gotta take it off an start over - nothing looks as crappy as a person with chipped nail polish - I taught this to my GD she would have messed up nails and I told her how tacky it looked..

Jewel - glad they found your labs - good luck on your test next week

Linda - OMG you are doing great - that's fantastic !!!

Deb - GF I have a very checkered past - to look at me today pple would never beleive all the things I have done and experienced :0) - Hell nothing wrong with it - it makes us who we are now.. More life experience - the more advice we can give - been there done that :0)

On the hair issue - My hair dresser says it's lack of fat - but IMHO no one knows - it just happens to some and not others - they can take the Biotin - get all their Protein and still lose their hair - but it does grow back :0)

Well, that's about it for my day - went to target got some $5 xmas t-shirts - came home brushed Bear (pom) Angel is next and a bath tomorrow it's too cold right now ;0) 50's :rolleyes2:

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Good evening, for some reason I am just so tired tonight plan on going to bed early.

Janet, according to my kids I was the only person to have a no phone calls after 9pm rule, they thought I was so mean. Glad your knee hasn't shown anything too serious, hope the MRI is good. But something has got to be causing the pain.

Linda, glad you are doing so well. It's amazing isn't it after the replacement surgery. Knee surgery is a tougher recovery, but right away I could tell the old pain was gone, I had pain from surgery but knew that would gradually go away. I had a good anesthesiologist too, I am hoping I get the same one. They said my surgeon usually always uses the same one. I woke up feeling fine too, I had general anesthesia. I think because it went so well and feels pretty good now it helped me make the decision to get the other knee done so soon, no sense living with the pain if I don't have to.

Apples, I gotta lose a couple pounds by summer and capri season. The Danskin ones fit, I can get them on and button them but they are a tad snug. My dang fat calves and legs. GRRR if I got a thigh lift and could get Lipo out of my calves I'd probably be a size 6. LOL The other 6's you put in there are small, the Calvin Kliens almost fit, so I have incentive. I know part of my fat leg issue is still swelling in my knees. I love the capris though and thank you for them. I will be wearing them this spring.

tonight DH & I went to Olive Garden for his birthday. Not much there is band friendly. I just got a bowl of Pasta e fagoli Soup and I PB'd on one of those tiny pasta noodles, at least I think that's what did it. I don't do pasta well and thought these were so small. Then I had a coupon for NY & Co so had to check it out. What a deal they had. If I spent $75 I got $25 off, but then everything was buy one get one 75% off. Seems like the stores are really having some good deals before Christmas this year. They were actually getting in spring stuff I couldn't believe it, they used to at least wait til after the Christmas clearance sales after Christmas.

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Good Morning everyone. I can't believe how great I feel. Unbelievable to me that I have such tremendous mobility after having my hip replaced. It is truly amazing. My DH had both of his done 10 years ago and he had a hard time - I expected to be much like him. I give credit to my band and the fact that I exercised everyday since January part of the credit. Losing the weight I know is helping, but I also have great strength in my arms and legs from exercise. Just like the band, I wish I'd done my hip a lot earlier instead of suffering so much. Still haven't caught up on reading what you've all been up to but will try to get it done later today. Just wanted to check in and say hi and thanks for all the good wishes. Linda

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Linda, that's great that you are doing so well. I too waited too long to get my band and also waited too long to get my worst knee done. It's part of the reason I am doing this knee sooner. The pain isn't as severe as the first one was but it is quickly getting there. Why wait? Between Phyl & mine new knees, your new hip, we are going to be a group of bionic women.

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Oh, Linda, I'm so glad you are doing so well... How wonderful for you.. Just think what life is going to be like from now on....You're going to be doing things you thought you'd never do again... Wow.......

We had Mimi for the night as DD went out for the evening... She played so hard at daycare yesterday that she went to sleep at 7:00, but was up at 9:00 again and then we watche Cailliou for HOURS!!!!! and she has to be on my lap.... No more sleeping with PaPa, so you know what kind of sleep I got last night... When DH got up I told him it was time to trade and I went to bed and left him in charge of her... She did go to sleep about 1:00, but I couldn't and was up till 3:00..... We both slept until 9:00..... Now we are just hanging out waiting for time to get ready.. We have DH's company Christmas party tonight in Bismarck.. He still gets invited even though he is retired... We will leave early and do a bit more shopping to finish up most of what I have to do.... DD should be here soon to get Mimi...

I've been really ignoring my LB type diet lately... This weight loss stall that I've been in has been hard to handle and I've sort of given up on it lately.. DR. told me that it was to be expected with all the things my body has been going through and it was in protection mode. I didn't really believe that much until today.. I have been afraid to get on the scale because I was sure I had gained weight with all the Cookies and unwise choices I have been making..... Nope.........just the same.. The doc must be right... Maybe now that my pain is subsiding it will finally get the idea it's okay to lose again, that is if I start eating correctly again.... So, I'm feeling a bit more hopeful that I can still get this thing done if I keep on feeling better..... Oops, sorry to go on so long about that, but it has been on my mind so much and I have been feeling like such a failure lately.. Told DH that the other night and he told me he doesn't see it that way and is so happy I'm alive and getting better.... Gotta love that guy.......

So, anyway, hope you all are having a good weekend and will check in when you can.... Hugs to all........... Julie

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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