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Hi, my problem is i get hungry in the evening.i can't eat rice, Pasta barely salads small amount of veggies.1 chicken stip.i can eat mashed potatoes and gravy.potato chips. Not much carry out foods.iam down fron size 16-18 to a 10. 1year post surgery


Congrats on 18/16 to 10 wtg !!!

I am a big nite time eater - have always been will always be..

I eat snack size popcorn most every night - one piece at a time - I truly am not hungry - I just have that hand to mouth thing - eating the popcorn satisfies this.

I don't do mashed tatoes or chips too often - maybe once every 6 months.. And I stay away from gravy period.. I rather have some I can't beleive its not butter than gravy - and I don't want brown gravy but white gravy which is full of fat -

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Julie, Be careful today going out. Is it snowy?

Deb thanks for the encouragment. The past few years have been really crazy for me as I try to live with this new opstical in life. Thankfully I have been overcoming it lately.

I am pretty sure I just aced the first half of my final in anatomy. Now I need to study for the second half and my Human growth and development final. They are both next wed. Gotta work some stuff out with my grant too. Make sure everything is lined up for next semester. That way I can spend the holidays reading Eclipse and practicing for my literacy exam. This is my first semester back to school in 10 years. I never imagined I would do so well. It was hard work but it is paying off. Expecially once I was diagnosed. The meds we tried originally were almost crippling. I couldn't drive or care for my son because they made me sleep so much. Slowly i am gaining my life back and it is becoming more than I ever expected. The LAP-BAND® will just be another chapter of overcoming for me.

Jewel...as I said b/4, kudos for going back to school. You are doing so many proactive things to better your life and your health. Look at being on the mood enhancers as a positive thing you are doing to enrich your life. Too bad it is such a hit and miss thing when it comes to those drugs. I have friends that have taken a couple years of trial and error just to find the right med for them. No one here is ever going to judge you for a medical problem...

Try to take as much advice that the others have given you regarding a LB menu and work on it prior to banding. You will be happy you did and very prepared for what it to come after banding. You will also be more emotionally prepared. Once it's done, it's a whole new life. Tough sometimes to stay on task, but, if you do, it's so rewarding.:)

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Hi, my problem is i get hungry in the evening.i can't eat rice, Pasta barely salads small amount of veggies.1 chicken stip.i can eat mashed potatoes and gravy.potato chips. Not much carry out foods.iam down fron size 16-18 to a 10. 1year post surgery

Cassie...first off, congrats on the weight loss!

I cannot speak for everyone but I think getting hungry in the evening is just normal for a bandster. That's why it is important to spead your calories throughout the day. Small meals and snacks...good healthy choices. I would rather forego a calorie loaded snack and have more to eat. If you band some calories during the day, they will be available for an evening snack.

I am like Janet. I never miss a night of my popcorn. But, when I was in the weightloss stage, I had to make sure it was allowed withing the range I was eating per day.

Some of the things I would snack on would hold me over pretty good till meal time. (In small amounts).

Soynuts, beed Jerky, raw veggies, a little fruit, sugar free Jello. I have a coffee concoction that really does stave off hunger for awhile.

16 oz coffee, 2 tbls Divinci or Torini SF Syrup and a packet of Swiss Miss Fat Free mix (25 cals)

Good luck with your continued weightloss!

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Afternoon Gang!

Just thought I would send you some snow! Frigid here today. Guys are still out working in this crap. Harvest is at a halt now as it is too cold. Might have to leave the rest till next spring. I doubt that though. DH has way too much determination to leave it.

Photos are a shot out to the bin site from my front door. Others are my shrubs out the back and my pup waiting for Christmas to happen.

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Add on...we usually have more snow by this time of the year. Sometimes the kind where the plows need to cut a pass taller than the vehicle. I'll take this amount of snow!

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I am back from Hawaii......had a great time! Thankful that I didn't have to ask for a seatbelt extender on the plane............thankful I could walk on all the tours with ease........although the volcano is 10,230 feet high and I did got a little light headed.Lori, we live just above sea level so that is HIGH for me. Yes, even though I have not reached my goal weight, I have definitely benefited from a band. I think I gained 4lbs. Gotta get back to reality. I think most of it is Water retention (denial).

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I am back from Hawaii......had a great time! Thankful that I didn't have to ask for a seatbelt extender on the plane............thankful I could walk on all the tours with ease........although the volcano is 10,230 feet high and I did got a little light headed.Lori, we live just above sea level so that is HIGH for me. Yes, even though I have not reached my goal weight, I have definitely benefited from a band. I think I gained 4lbs. Gotta get back to reality. I think most of it is Water retention (denial).

Welcome home, Arlene. If you feel like it, would enjoy seeing some photos.

Questions for you...I am unsure if you said you could make the FL trip or not. If you read up, you will see that the condos are booked and there is still room for you in one of them. They are 3 BR with one sofa sleeper. Just let me know and I will write you down as going. Hope you can make it!

Glad you had a good trip. Yep...my vote is water retention:wink2:

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Apples, I would to go to FL , but I am going to have to pass this year. Gotta build up some more vacation stash after this trip.

Oh, I forgot to tell you how tight my band is when I fly....it is tight! But I have to say I think some of it is from lifting those 40lbplus suitcases. I just took a bite of a Turkey lean cuisine and I can't stop sliming. Gross........just being REAL.

One other thing, my adhesions were "kicking" at the high altitude when flying, but nothing compared to today when I came home to colder weather. My stomach is all "jacked up". I go to the doctor next week. She is going to put me on a medicine that might help.

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Afternoon Gang!

Just thought I would send you some snow! Frigid here today. Guys are still out working in this crap. Harvest is at a halt now as it is too cold. Might have to leave the rest till next spring. I doubt that though. DH has way too much determination to leave it.

Photos are a shot out to the bin site from my front door. Others are my shrubs out the back and my pup waiting for Christmas to happen.

OMW!!!!!!! Look at that snow!!!!!!!!! Nelson just almost did a back flip when he saw the harvester! Then he said, is that a REAL farm covered with snow?! LOL. I guess as opposed to the "fake" orange farms down here! ; ) What a beautiful sight all that white stuff, but Burrrrrrr, I am cold just looking at the photos!!! High of 85 here today. AC guy coming on Friday for scheduled maint. :tongue_smilie:Stay warm Karen!!!! Cute puppy!!!

Arlene~ Welcome home. Sorry to hear you are so tight. WTG on not needing the extension! :)

Julie~ Glad you are sleeping better these days. I would really push to get your MRI soon. It's always better to find out exactly what is going on rather than just take pain pills. I had a feeling this was something more than your shoulder from how you were talking. I sure hope you get an answer soon. Hugs.

Janet~ How is it being back at work after the vacay? (with the exception of those cookies) B) I was thinking about you guys when I was in Target the other day, bought me some Champion pants. : )

DH will leave Sunday to meet my parents in Houston for Dad's consult at MD Anderson. I just sent a big fruit and gourmet snack basket to be delivered on Sat. when Mom and Dad get there. Their 50th wedding anniversary is Monday. What a place to be. I am so blessed to have such a nice husband that loves them as much as I do and wants to go with them. I will stay here with Nelson since it's his last week of school before the holiday break. I pray that the docs there may have some different news for my Dad's prognosis/treatment.

Time to get the little guy ready for taekwondo. Tomorrow night is the "winter performance", so we have to get our 2nd TKD lesson in tonight. What a busy week! I still have this bugger of a cold. It's getting better, but my nose is red and raw. (even with the tissue with lotion)

I will CBL~ peasout....


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Apples, I would to go to FL , but I am going to have to pass this year. Gotta build up some more vacation stash after this trip.

Oh, I forgot to tell you how tight my band is when I fly....it is tight! But I have to say I think some of it is from lifting those 40lbplus suitcases. I just took a bite of a Turkey lean cuisine and I can't stop sliming. Gross........just being REAL.

One other thing, my adhesions were "kicking" at the high altitude when flying, but nothing compared to today when I came home to colder weather. My stomach is all "jacked up". I go to the doctor next week. She is going to put me on a medicine that might help.

Arlene...OH NO....you can't come to FL.....was just hoping. Next time.

I get really tight when I fly. I can actually feel it tighten on the way up and I am tight for about 4-5 days after. My doc did not have and answer for it. He just looked at me funny....come to think about it...he does that a lot with me. :)

I figured you'd have problems with adhesions when you got home. Sorry! Hang in there.

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-16 this morning when I went to work with a -32 windchill. BRRRRRR!!! I still haven't warmed up, though it's a balmy 20 out now. We get to freezing by Sat. and 40's on the weekend. It will feel almost tropical. LOL It snowed for 2 days but real fine stuff, about as much as Apples photos.

One week from today is my knee surgery. I think I am ready. I've gotten all my Christmasy stuff done, I just have stuff like laundry, change the linens etc. to do this weekend. I volunteered at the hospital today and in the office I work in they pulled up the schedule and I am at 930 am. And she put a call in to get me a suite if one happens to be available. That was so nice last time. And the best part, I may get a paid position there after my recovery. It's still a tenative thing but they asked if I'd be interested. Now if only we knew what was going to happen with DH's job.

Arlene, glad you enjoyed Hawaii, I love going there, haven't been in several years, since I lived in California actually. 10,000 feet is high, that is about the elevation we camp at in the summers, but I start out at 5280 (mile high city ya know) so maybe it doesn't seem as high to me. I do notice when camping at that elevation I get tight in my band, but it doesn't bother me just flying.

Laura, I must've missed a post some place, is your dad going to a new dr in Houston?

Janet, churchie people??? I am a church goer but would never judge someone for 'happy pills', but I do get what you are saying, I got some reactions to my lap band surgery. But now another guy in my church got one and another gal is considering it so maybe I paved the way. Interestingly, the only negative reactions I got to banding is from over weight people and not thin people.

Well think I will try and take a nap, maybe my bed under the down comforter will warm me up if nothing else. Too bad DH is in Las Vegas, though on his way home today.

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Thanks for the pictures, Apples, but you can keep your snow... We have our own, but maybe not quite that much... It is fridig cold, though.. Had to go out to haircut and get Mimi.... Warmed the car, for sure!!!! Great, it sounds like we were about like you this morning... Too cold for my tastes....

Arlene, sorry you won't be coming to Fl.... glad you had such a good time on your trip... Hope you are feeling better soon.....

Laura and Cheri, thanks for reassuring me about what my last doc said.. I'm just in the "wait" mode now to see if insurance will let me have that MRI.

Well, I got one batch of bars done and in the freezer and also make one batch of honey butter to use for gifts. It makes a wonderful looking gift in a pint sealer with a Christmasy looking top on it... Mimi is sleeping now so I might mix up another batch of cookies.. My energy runs low about this time of day..

Take care all, Julie

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One week from today is my knee surgery. I think I am ready. I've gotten all my Christmasy stuff done, I just have stuff like laundry, change the linens etc. to do this weekend. I volunteered at the hospital today and in the office I work in they pulled up the schedule and I am at 930 am. And she put a call in to get me a suite if one happens to be available. That was so nice last time. And the best part, I may get a paid position there after my recovery. It's still a tenative thing but they asked if I'd be interested. Now if only we knew what was going to happen with DH's job.

Janet, churchie people??? I am a church goer but would never judge someone for 'happy pills', but I do get what you are saying, I got some reactions to my LAP-BAND® surgery. But now another guy in my church got one and another gal is considering it so maybe I paved the way. Interestingly, the only negative reactions I got to banding is from over weight people and not thin people.

I suppose this is a strange thing to say, but I'm jealous that you're getting your other knee done already!! LOL! I want to get my other one done and get it over with... get on with life. Though, I must admit, it rarely bothers me. It's the ortho doc that says it needs to be done... says the hardware is slipping or coming loose because of my weight loss. So, I say, in that case, lets do it and be done with it!

HAHAHA.... I am a churchie people, too and I TAKE "happy pills"! I have had a lot of support from my friends at church through this whole process. Haven't ever had any negative comments from anyone about my surgery, in fact. I guess I lead a sheltered life!

I just started taking generic Zoloft this past summer. First dose was too low. Then the doc doubled it and I started having trouble sleeping at night. So then I started breaking them in half. So I'm now at 50 mg/day and that is perfect for me. Evens out my emotions just enough and I sleep like a log!

I am behind the power curve with Christmas stuff! Haven't started cards yet. Today tried to finish some "Red Hat" earrings and Bracelet for gift exchange for our party on Saturday and I couldn't remember how to do the earrings! It was my first class and I forgot! DH thinks he's got it figured out, and I think he's right, so maybe I'll just do it the way he suggests! Shopping is almost done. A few more gift cards. But the biggest challenge is getting gift for DH. I think I know what I want, but have to take cash out of checking because if I use a check or credit card... he checks the balances EVERY day and always knows exactly what I spent and where!

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Phyl, I know what you are saying about wanting the other knee over with. This knee I am having done next week doesn't bother me like the first one did but it bothers me more than it used to. My doc says it is 75% of where the other one was. And now after surgery and how much better the other one is feeling, I don't ever want this one to get that bad. And if I have to have it done, I'd rather sooner than later, plus the added bonus of 100% insurance coverage made the decision all the easier.

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Janet, I am churchie too......... a lot of my christian friends take antidepressants..........even my pastor. I know what you mean about about people that judge those on anti depressants. They are ignorant. The preacher talked about depression last week and used a swimming pool as an analogy. He said you have to keep the chemicals balanced to keep the Water clear and safe. So, if you need them......take em. And if you need weight loss surgery.....get it.

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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