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Thanks for them menu, Your one pot oneder sounds good. I will give it a try. My Doc was really insistant that I dont count calories and fat. The nutritionist told me Look at 2 things on the label, serving size and carbs. I am a little bewildered by the whole thing. Concerned about my cholesterol too. The daily log I keep says I am getting 1200-1300 cals a day and 3/4 of that is fat. (ON a good day) The next day I am so hungry I make bad decisions. To be honest I don't know how to lose weight. Everything I have done has failed. Everything I have learned about calories and the food pyramid hasn't worked. I totally gave up on losing weight. Surrendered to being fat. Then I meet this doc who say he can guide me through it. Now I am questioning if I should trust him. If I don't lose weight I will have to find another Doc but that would mean traveling. I know he is right about one thing. I am addicted to carbs.

The weather here is awesome. It has been a little rainy but today it was 72. I didn't even need a jacket. My Son did awesome at his rehersal tonite.

Jewel - Cute DS - the pic doesn't show up in the post but it did when I hit quote :0)

Ok - This is just my unlicensed opition as dr janet ok

You can't live on an adkins type diet #1 it has too much fat - #2 you have to allow for some starches..

Have you ever done weight watchers - that's the basic eating plan that I follow - I love my starches too - but I know that they pack on the weight - make you retain Water etc - so I allow some - not a lot - but I have to have some - if I didn't I would blow it all together

I have had 1/2 c rice every night since I have been on regular food - it's usually rice - but it can be Pasta or potatoes - I measure it out - and that's it - but again I have a band I eat my Protein 1st then veggies then my rice (per the band rules)

Like I said - for lunch it's usually just meat & veggies or salad with a protein and sometime just a protein (meat) depending on my hunger..

I eat limited starches but I still eat them -

I beleive in counting calories - you have to know how many you are consuming - you have to read the lables and see that 1/2 cup of mac and cheese has 300 calories.. that 2 slices of regular bread has 200 cal - while 2 slices of lite bread has 90 calories - that 100 cal diff can make a diff over 30 days if you lose a pound or not..

Dieting doesn't work - plan and simple - you have to eat healthy - not diet - healthy is low fat - limited white starches/carbs - sugar free/limited sugar - that means 4 oz of meat - 1/2 cup of veggies - and 1/2 cup of a starch - but not loaded with butter - use I can't beleive it's not butter spray.. Hell there are 100 calories in 1 pat of butter..

Breakfast - eggbeater omlett with a little lite cheese 1 slice of lite toast with a little butter..

Desserts/snack - lf string cheese - sf puddings and sf fudgesicles

if you deprive yourself totally you are going to fail cuz this is how you are suppose to eat for the rest of your lift

I am a fat chick talking about something I know - not that I studied in school - I have live this life - you have to take the information given to you a tweak it to make it work for you..

I use to sit down and chow down on 2 -3 cups of pasta - bowls of mashed potatoes with tons of butter - slices of sour dough bread with either butter and garlic or cheese.. Cheese burritos - so gf - you are talking to someone who has eaten her share of carbs..

It's all about moderations and eating healthy food - if I am hungry - I eat extra veggies - I eat the snack pack popcorn one piece at a time not handfuls..

I do stay away from candy - Cookies - things with real sugar cuz once I start - I can't stop - I do mostly sf stuff - and if I do have real sugar - I am very very careful - cuz i could eat a bag of reese pb cups with no problem - and my band isn't going to stop me either - and I do have restriction..

This is hard work - but you gotta find out what works for you..

What are you doing for exercise - imho that too is key...

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Hi :0) I am wondering what you think? I had my first fill and then the same day it was all taken out because Water was coming back up- now....I had guzzled a lot of water after my fill/ The nurse said that if I didn't live so far away, she would have had me wait a couple of days before she took the saliane out. I don't feel full the way you guys talk about....

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I have been doing strength training on a weight machine. And I do a little Richard Simmons Like 15-20 min. I tried curves. I went for 6 months straight Atleast 3 times a week but usually 5. The medications I am taking still made me gain though I was working out like crazy and so disappointed I quit. I guess if I did something like walking it wouldn't be as tiring and I could do a full 30 min. I just can't keep up with simmons for 30 min.

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Julie, sorry about the sunglasses....stinker....cute, too cute. Flying out of a small town is tough, but hey, going to Florida will be worth all the trouble.

It's really cold here too today....you know it's in the 40's. Yes, I am a wimp. I came home and covered my plants, but the weather channel says it isn't going to freeze tonight. Go figure.

Janet, you are being so good with the Cookies. I'm not sure my will power is so good, it's mostly won't power right now.

dreaddy, Wow 175 pounds off and keeping it off is amazing. I can't even get to 40 pounds....but I'm still happy with my decision. I'm doing better than I ever have. Welcome.

I'm making truffles....yes decadent chocolate truffles. I promised someone at work chocolate, so they are getting the real thing. DH has been nibbling at the pan...I'll have to leave him a couple. This batch is very dark chocolate so it's not so sweet. I hope they like them.

Well, I better get cracking at those Christmas cards....it's time to get them done.

Talk to you all later.


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Hi :0) I am wondering what you think? I had my first fill and then the same day it was all taken out because Water was coming back up- now....I had guzzled a lot of water after my fill/ The nurse said that if I didn't live so far away, she would have had me wait a couple of days before she took the saliane out. I don't feel full the way you guys talk about....

Why did they take it all out - my doc takes it out and then puts it back in til the water goes down..

I have been doing strength training on a weight machine. And I do a little Richard Simmons Like 15-20 min. I tried curves. I went for 6 months straight Atleast 3 times a week but usually 5. The medications I am taking still made me gain though I was working out like crazy and so disappointed I quit. I guess if I did something like walking it wouldn't be as tiring and I could do a full 30 min. I just can't keep up with simmons for 30 min.

Jewel - you need to do some walking too - I started out at 30 minutes then as I lost weight - it became easier and i walked longer and faster..

You need the combination of eating healthy and exercise..

What meds do you take that made you gain weight - how much weight

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Thanks for them menu, Your one pot oneder sounds good. I will give it a try. My Doc was really insistant that I dont count calories and fat. The nutritionist told me Look at 2 things on the label, serving size and carbs. I am a little bewildered by the whole thing. Concerned about my cholesterol too. The daily log I keep says I am getting 1200-1300 cals a day and 3/4 of that is fat. (ON a good day) The next day I am so hungry I make bad decisions. To be honest I don't know how to lose weight. Everything I have done has failed. Everything I have learned about calories and the food pyramid hasn't worked. I totally gave up on losing weight. Surrendered to being fat. Then I meet this doc who say he can guide me through it. Now I am questioning if I should trust him. If I don't lose weight I will have to find another Doc but that would mean traveling. I know he is right about one thing. I am addicted to carbs.

The weather here is awesome. It has been a little rainy but today it was 72. I didn't even need a jacket. My Son did awesome at his rehersal tonite.

Jessica, try the Zone diet....it's 1/3 fat, 1/3 protien, 1/3 carbs. You'll be pretty amazed about your ability to stay full and you won't miss the carbs. It gives you some flexibility. It's one of my favorite ways of eating (when I pay attention to it). It is a diet however, and you do need to follow something until you are used to eating that way. Janet gives good advise too, she's done amazing things with herself. Exercise is important too.

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They are mood stablizers. We kept trying new ones and with every new one I tried I gained more weight. I gain 70 pounds in 7 months. I was at 190 2 years ago. Now they have fiqured out which ones work and I gotta fiquer out how to get the weight back off. My endo says with the meds and my insulin resistance the weight is not likely to come off without the lap band. I had sugar problems since I was nine but wasn't obese till about age 23, now I am morbidly. When I look in the mirror I don't even recognize myself. They said I would have gained alot more if I hadn't worked out at curves. I don't really talk about my sickness much because people freak and close me out. Expecially my friends from church. That is why I come to forums. It is easier to talk.

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I hear you on the cold weather, Great. It's storming here and schools are already called off for tomorrow. I mailed your box of capris today. Sorry for the delay. Did not get off the farm till now when the post office was open. But, doubt if you will be baring those bottom legs any time soon!:)

Thanks apples. Nope no plans to bare my ankles this week anyway. I am sooooo cold. I am wondering if my fingers got frost bite when I shovelled today. I had gloves on but they hurt so bad and now are numbish and that was this morning.

went to the movie with my kids tonight saw Old Dogs, cute and funny movie.

Sorry no time for personals to everyone tonight. Tomorrow is volunteering so may not be back on til Thurs.

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Julie, sorry about the sunglasses....stinker....cute, too cute. Flying out of a small town is tough, but hey, going to Florida will be worth all the trouble.

It's really cold here too today....you know it's in the 40's. Yes, I am a wimp. I came home and covered my plants, but the weather channel says it isn't going to freeze tonight. Go figure.

Janet, you are being so good with the Cookies. I'm not sure my will power is so good, it's mostly won't power right now.

dreaddy, Wow 175 pounds off and keeping it off is amazing. I can't even get to 40 pounds....but I'm still happy with my decision. I'm doing better than I ever have. Welcome.

I'm making truffles....yes decadent chocolate truffles. I promised someone at work chocolate, so they are getting the real thing. DH has been nibbling at the pan...I'll have to leave him a couple. This batch is very dark chocolate so it's not so sweet. I hope they like them.

Well, I better get cracking at those Christmas cards....it's time to get them done.

Talk to you all later.


Eva - I am pretty good with will power during the day - it's nights that get me - if they were here during the middle of the night then the will power is very very iff - I had to put the fudge in the freezer - I got into it even though it was in the fridge and I say I don't like cold choc - I ate it - not bad but don't need those extra calories ;0)

QUOTE=JeweI;1375161]They are mood stablizers. We kept trying new ones and with every new one I tried I gained more weight. I gain 70 pounds in 7 months. I was at 190 2 years ago. Now they have fiqured out which ones work and I gotta fiquer out how to get the weight back off. My endo says with the meds and my insulin resistance the weight is not likely to come off without the LAP-BAND®. I had sugar problems since I was nine but wasn't obese till about age 23, now I am morbidly. When I look in the mirror I don't even recognize myself. They said I would have gained alot more if I hadn't worked out at curves. I don't really talk about my sickness much because people freak and close me out. Expecially my friends from church. That is why I come to forums. It is easier to talk.


Heck half the friggin world is on some kind of happy pills - someone on the 50 thread just posted a cute thing about them..

Don't fret - we don't think any less of you - glad they have meds to keep your moods in check (maybe my mom would be alive today if they had them back in the 60's & 70's)

90% of my friends are on some kind of happy pills as we like to call them - I took zoloft for awhile myself about 6 yrs ago..

Sometime chruchie pple can be so hypocritical - that makes me sick

You can do this - the band is a great tool - but you are going to have to find the right eating combination - I like the zone to - it's balanced - to me that's what is needed a good balance..

Thanks apples. Nope no plans to bare my ankles this week anyway. I am sooooo cold. I am wondering if my fingers got frost bite when I shovelled today. I had gloves on but they hurt so bad and now are numbish and that was this morning.

went to the movie with my kids tonight saw Old Dogs, cute and funny movie.

Sorry no time for personals to everyone tonight. Tomorrow is volunteering so may not be back on til Thurs.

Old Dogs looks cute...

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Good morning to you all. I slept pretty well last night but woke early.. Thought I would check in before I start my day. I don't feel too bad so think I will try getting some Christmasy things done.. I have decided what kind of homemade gifts to make for nephews and nieces and such and need to get started. Also had a bright idea about a Christmas picture for DH and me. We'll see if he agrees... It's will be an outside picture and it's a brisk 17 below this morning with 27 below wind chill factor.... Good day to stay inside, but do have an appointment for a haircut at 1:00... Will pick Mim up after as DD works at the daycare in the same building and she will just take her to work today for a bit.. That works for me....

Well, DH just got up so gotta get moving before he takes off on me... I need his input on some things. Hope you all have a good day.... TTYL............ Julie

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Good Morning Gang....

Just a quick ck in - Not much to report this morning...

Julie sure glad you are feeling better..


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I'm still learning the names of everyone on here, so please forgive me if I get messed up!

Laura, I hope you're doing fine after your surgery.

JeweI, I'm on a mini-dose of a mood stabilizer that helps to up the efficacy of my antidepressant and it can make you crave carbs and therefore, gain weight. So I know it can be hard. It hasn't seemed to affect my weight loss after the band, though. I've had recurrent bouts of depression all my life (runs in the family), and now (at this great age) realize it's like having diabetes or something I need to be on medication for. I don't judge myself anymore for being the way I am. Sometimes I can't handle stress like other people, but everyone is different and I don't need to beat myself up over it.

I'm starting to worry about getting Xmas stuff done, so I guess that means I need to get up off my butt and get some things done. I did order a couple of books from Amazon yesterday! (Big whoop, right?)

My LB support group party was sort of a bust; not that many people showed up. But I got a beautiful necklace and earring set from the gift exchange, which I'm wearing to work today.

My tightness seems to have calmed down a bit and I haven't PB'ed in a couple days. I think I've just been eating too fast and too big of bites. Jeez, you'd think I'd learn quicker after all those stuck episodes. It's so hard to change habits built up over the years. I've always been a fast eater.

i hope you guys out west there are able to ride out the big blizzard--we're getting snow today and the winds are hellacious.

Bye for now---almost time for my lunchtime exericise group to meet. We do a lot of pilates with the exercise ball, and also yoga sometimes.

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Julie, Be careful today going out. Is it snowy?

Deb thanks for the encouragment. The past few years have been really crazy for me as I try to live with this new opstical in life. Thankfully I have been overcoming it lately.

I am pretty sure I just aced the first half of my final in anatomy. Now I need to study for the second half and my Human growth and development final. They are both next wed. Gotta work some stuff out with my grant too. Make sure everything is lined up for next semester. That way I can spend the holidays reading Eclipse and practicing for my literacy exam. This is my first semester back to school in 10 years. I never imagined I would do so well. It was hard work but it is paying off. Expecially once I was diagnosed. The meds we tried originally were almost crippling. I couldn't drive or care for my son because they made me sleep so much. Slowly i am gaining my life back and it is becoming more than I ever expected. The lap band will just be another chapter of overcoming for me.

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Julie, Be careful today going out. Is it snowy?

Deb thanks for the encouragment. The past few years have been really crazy for me as I try to live with this new opstical in life. Thankfully I have been overcoming it lately.

I am pretty sure I just aced the first half of my final in anatomy. Now I need to study for the second half and my Human growth and development final. They are both next wed. Gotta work some stuff out with my grant too. Make sure everything is lined up for next semester. That way I can spend the holidays reading Eclipse and practicing for my literacy exam. This is my first semester back to school in 10 years. I never imagined I would do so well. It was hard work but it is paying off. Expecially once I was diagnosed. The meds we tried originally were almost crippling. I couldn't drive or care for my son because they made me sleep so much. Slowly i am gaining my life back and it is becoming more than I ever expected. The LAP-BAND® will just be another chapter of overcoming for me.

You are doing great. When you go back to school at this stage you really want it. It interests you so you like it. Great job on the test.

I have the seasonal Affective Disorder, the first time they put me on meds, the next year I said no and bought a Happy light that I use in the fall and winter. It helps me.

Laura K

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Hi, my problem is i get hungry in the evening.i can't eat rice, Pasta barely salads small amount of veggies.1 chicken stip.i can eat mashed potatoes and gravy.potato chips. Not much carry out foods.iam down fron size 16-18 to a 10. 1year post surgery

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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