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I'm so freakin' cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's 5 degrees out but windchill about 15 below. I just shovelled and my fingers are so numb and achy. Sure we get cold in Denver but never does it last for a few days. My work is so cold, we have these huge vaulted ceilings and I think all the heat goes up plus every time someone comes in the door it lets in lots more cold air.

No plans much for the day, other than start my cards. I can't find my Christmas card address book so guess the only folks to get cards this year (besides you guys) will be ones that send me and I will send them out as I get them by the return addresses. Can't imagine where it would be and why I was such a bad record keeper of addresses.

Linda, you are probably in your surgery right now. Am thinking of you and hoping all goes well.

Julie, glad you sortta got answers but wish you got more complete ones. At least the pain is better for now.

Another tip on airfares. Many of those websites like Expedia, yahoo, priceline etc. have good airfares but before committing, go to the specific airlines website first and see what it comes up there. Almost always if your trip is all one airline the specific airline will be a tad cheaper. I use yahoo to search options then go to the airline and book it. This didn't work for my daughters honeymoon however because they are flying to FL on one airline and returning on another.

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Linda, Hope your surgery goes well today. Good luck.

Morning Ladies,

Weighed myself this morning I it looks like I am down 5 pounds. Last time I went to the doc I thought I had lost but their scale didn't read the same as mine. Someone ate all the eggs I bought. So I skipped Breakfast this morning. Only to find myself cutting up a piece of carrot cake. I seriously can't say no. I ate some of it but then realized it was way to sweet. Maybe because I haven't had sweets in so long? My son has rehaersal for his christmas play tonite and we won't be home for dinner. Which means we will be eatting on the run. Do yall still eat out and what do you usually order. My doc request I go low carb. It is already a battle ground in my head over what I will eat tonite. Do I have the strength to stay away from Mcd's fries? Is it really gonna bother me to eat one "bad meal" in a month. I don't wanna gain back the 5 I have lost. I am just so tempted right now. My MIl asked me to cook mexican casserole last night which is full of carbs. So I did but I tried to thaw out shrimp for myself. It didn't thaw in time for dinner and it doesn't taste good thawed in the micro. So I pick all the meat and cheese out of this casserole. I know I still got some carbs though. It is my fault though for not thawing the shrimp earlier. Anyway I guess yall can tell I am still fighting with food. Sometimes I win but it is those times I don't that get me down.

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I just got a PM from Apples, Disregard the info I sent about the taxi quote. I had a different resort listed. The one Apples found is a tiny bit farther but looks MUCH NICER than the one where we stayed. (and better price!!!) I am getting excited about meeting everyone!!!

Just a fly by.... TTYL... peasout, Laura

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Thanks for the tips, girls.......... Apples, with traveling 500 miles to get to Fargo and back and a motel as I would have to go the night before to get on a morning flight, it's not much of a savings and a long ride in the middle of winter, so I'm not ready to do that yet... I'll talk to DH and do some more checking first.. Thanks for the offer... gotta run, Mimi is into something:scared2:!!!! Julie

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Just braved the frigid temps to put my Christmas cards in the mail. thanks Janet for compiling the addresses of those interested. Wish I was with hubby in Vegas tonight at least it's warmer there!

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Quick drive by post - been busy at work - but I keep thinking - Oh I haven't ck'd in

Linda - since you haven't posted I guess you are having surgery - Hugs and Prayers

Girls - Linda emailed me her cell - so that I could get up date on her - she didn't want us to worry so I am going to call tomorrow to see how's she's doing - don't want to call tonite - she will still be out of it..

Dreaddy - WTG 175 !!!! Yes it is easy to get complacant... How much more do you want to lose ? How did you lose the 175 ? How's your restriction?

Julie - Hell just call the travel agent - they get the same prices (I think) that you can get.. That seems high from priceline - heck I am all the way in California and my airfare is $465.. But again I had a friend who lives in Canada flew to Vegas for less $$$ than I could from Palm Springs - Go figure.. Well at least you aren't in major pain any longer and that's good..

Jewel -Congrates on your 5 lbs !!!

You can thaw shrimp pretty fast in Water (out of the faucet). I do it all the time..

You are going to have to come up with diff foods to make the family - I know your doc want's you on low carb - but I would venture to say that he also wants you on low fat too and cheese is full of fat..

As far as eating out - a salad w/lite dressing on the side - ya you will live if you don't have french fries.

This is a whole new way of eating - ya once a month or so - treats are allowable - #1 go online and look up the caloires in a meal that that you would normally eat at MickeyD's - that alone will make you say whoa !!! I didn't realize that that big mac - fries - soda were 2000 calories.. Which is more than what I eat for the whole day now..

I make a lot of one pot wonders - veggies and meat - without the cheese and starches - well sometime I will add a little rice or red potatoe but not much ..

This is why it's going to be hard to keep this a secert from you MIL..

I am attaching a sample menu of what your food should look like once you are banded and on regular food..

When most of us eat out we go online an ck the restauruant for their website and now adays they usually give you calories for their food - but if they don't you gotta estimate -but to do that you gotta get a calorie book and learn how many calories are in the foods we eat..

Apples - Hand washing - oh hugs on that one - dh deserves 6 Cookies all that work he's doing :0)...

No problem on the cards - I got the cards now I just have to address them :0)

Well I gotta get back to work....

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indigo, i was banded 6/17/07! howdy! i have kept off 175 lbs or so since being banded but havent quite made my goal yet..i got complacent and here i am..hoping to motivate and get motivated! *waves to everyone in various stages of banded* haha!

Hey dreaddy, welcome. Looking forward to hearing your story and wishing you luck with your remotivation.:thumbup:

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Just braved the frigid temps to put my Christmas cards in the mail. thanks Janet for compiling the addresses of those interested. Wish I was with hubby in Vegas tonight at least it's warmer there!

I hear you on the cold weather, Great. It's storming here and schools are already called off for tomorrow. I mailed your box of capris today. Sorry for the delay. Did not get off the farm till now when the post office was open. But, doubt if you will be baring those bottom legs any time soon!:thumbup:

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Linda...was crossing my fingers that we would not hear from you today. If we did...that meant no surgery. Sounds like you are in a good place with the weather that is going to hit you over night. Take care.

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I've never had a dishwasher.............. lived in this house for almost 20 years....... There is really no place for one... I've asked a couple times, but DH just kind of shruggs... I don't mind doing dishes... so it isn't a big deal... I have made up my mind that when the time comes for my mother to leave this earth, the first 2 things I will do with my inheritance is pay off DD's college loans, and get a whole new kitchen.... Then I'll have a dishwasher!!!! Till then, I'm fine...

I haven't even stuck my nose out the door today. DH says it's bitter cold here, too...

Janet, I think the problem is that I'm in North Dakota and we don't have every airline flying in here.... Northwest and United is about it, so I'm at their mercy or have to drive to Fargo or Minneapolis... Don't want to do that either.... I just got frustrated and told DH I was staying home and he gave me heck...... So, I guess I'll figure it out some how.. My FF miles aren't enough to cover this high of a fare and I can't get through to my military connection... I'm quitting for tonight... It gets me down...

Mimi is napping and her mother will be here soon, so I have the evening to myself, sort of... DH wants me to help him file for SS online tonight.... He isn't to swift on the computer..... Hope everyone has a good evening. TTYL........... Julie

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I love that word - it was my mom's nickname for my nephew

Stinkerpots ;0)

Linda...was crossing my fingers that we would not hear from you today. If we did...that meant no surgery. Sounds like you are in a good place with the weather that is going to hit you over night. Take care.

LINDA posted on FB - she is fine - some magic powers is how she posted she said lol - I guess a blackberry -:thumbup:

I can't beleive she's posting - hell hip replacment is worse I would think than lapband - there was no way after my surgery could I have posted - She must have super powers :0)

I've never had a dishwasher.............. lived in this house for almost 20 years....... There is really no place for one... I've asked a couple times, but DH just kind of shruggs... I don't mind doing dishes... so it isn't a big deal... I have made up my mind that when the time comes for my mother to leave this earth, the first 2 things I will do with my inheritance is pay off DD's college loans, and get a whole new kitchen.... Then I'll have a dishwasher!!!! Till then, I'm fine...

I haven't even stuck my nose out the door today. DH says it's bitter cold here, too...

Janet, I think the problem is that I'm in North Dakota and we don't have every airline flying in here.... Northwest and United is about it, so I'm at their mercy or have to drive to Fargo or Minneapolis... Don't want to do that either.... I just got frustrated and told DH I was staying home and he gave me heck...... So, I guess I'll figure it out some how.. My FF miles aren't enough to cover this high of a fare and I can't get through to my military connection... I'm quitting for tonight... It gets me down...

Mimi is napping and her mother will be here soon, so I have the evening to myself, sort of... DH wants me to help him file for SS online tonight.... He isn't to swift on the computer..... Hope everyone has a good evening. TTYL........... Julie

Julie - in my old house I didn't have a dishwasher - took out some drawers and got an apt size one - it was just 2 of us ..

I grew up doing dishes - I hate doing dishes..

Flights are a little more out of Palm Springs - I could have gotten a cheaper flight out of Ontario - but it's an hour and half drive - so not worth the hassle for me - I rather pay the extra $$$ an fly out of palm springs.. Plus by then GS will have license back and he can drive me so I don't have to pay for parking..

Good Evening Gang

Didn't make gym again tonite - had to go by the accountants office - then gas - so it was 5 by the time I got home and I hate going to the gym with the 5 a clock rush - so will go tomorrow

I have appt with ortho PA on Friday @ 8:45 a.m. - Figured might as well see PA so they can order xray or scan and then will see the doc - my knee hasn't been hurting - but I haven't done much ;0)

I had to leave the lunch room today !! We got a delivery of Cheryl Cookies from one of our insurance companies - Cheryl Cookies are to die for - sugar cookies w/frosting my very fav and they taste like home made..

I had a pbj sandwich on lite bread - and was still hungry and in came boss with this box - I said oh hell no - see you guys later..

My trade off is - no office sweets so that I can have xmas cookies that I will make w/DGDs. I have done this for the last 2 yrs..

Well that's about it for now - think I am going to get changed (still in work clothes) and start dinner - I am hungry... Real hunger ;0)

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I've never had a dishwasher.............. lived in this house for almost 20 years....... There is really no place for one... I've asked a couple times, but DH just kind of shruggs... I don't mind doing dishes... so it isn't a big deal... I have made up my mind that when the time comes for my mother to leave this earth, the first 2 things I will do with my inheritance is pay off DD's college loans, and get a whole new kitchen.... Then I'll have a dishwasher!!!! Till then, I'm fine...

I haven't even stuck my nose out the door today. DH says it's bitter cold here, too...

Janet, I think the problem is that I'm in North Dakota and we don't have every airline flying in here.... Northwest and United is about it, so I'm at their mercy or have to drive to Fargo or Minneapolis... Don't want to do that either.... I just got frustrated and told DH I was staying home and he gave me heck...... So, I guess I'll figure it out some how.. My FF miles aren't enough to cover this high of a fare and I can't get through to my military connection... I'm quitting for tonight... It gets me down...

Mimi is napping and her mother will be here soon, so I have the evening to myself, sort of... DH wants me to help him file for SS online tonight.... He isn't to swift on the computer..... Hope everyone has a good evening. TTYL........... Julie

Hi Julie,

I don't know if you remember but I thought when I first heard about your issues that it was coming from your neck. At that time it seemed like everytime the chiropracter worked on your neck you had these pain episodes. It sounded so much like what I went through. I had a bad shoulder too, and I had referred pain going back and forth between my shoulder and neck. Horrible. Totally debilitating. At least I knew where my pain was coming from. Document your full history, including chiropratic, and keep going after your insurance co. You need that MRI.

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Thanks for them menu, Your one pot oneder sounds good. I will give it a try. My Doc was really insistant that I dont count calories and fat. The nutritionist told me Look at 2 things on the label, serving size and carbs. I am a little bewildered by the whole thing. Concerned about my cholesterol too. The daily log I keep says I am getting 1200-1300 cals a day and 3/4 of that is fat. (ON a good day) The next day I am so hungry I make bad decisions. To be honest I don't know how to lose weight. Everything I have done has failed. Everything I have learned about calories and the food pyramid hasn't worked. I totally gave up on losing weight. Surrendered to being fat. Then I meet this doc who say he can guide me through it. Now I am questioning if I should trust him. If I don't lose weight I will have to find another Doc but that would mean traveling. I know he is right about one thing. I am addicted to carbs.

The weather here is awesome. It has been a little rainy but today it was 72. I didn't even need a jacket. My Son did awesome at his rehersal tonite.

Edited by JeweI

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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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