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Jewel...I have to give you my 2 cents on this one. It's a personal choice on who you tell about your LB surgery. But, you are living with your in-laws, they really should be told that you are having surgery. Part of having a good relationship with those you love and live with is to be open and honest with them.

I took it from your other posts that there might be some barriers built up between you and MIL. Wouldn't it be nice if you had her support? And, what a better way to break down those barriers than to let her in on this let her help you. You may come up against some resistance from her to begin with but with a little information she might just be more accepting of this process than you think.

I really don't think there could be a way to hide this from the ones you live with. The surgery certainly isn't the toughest I've ever had but a person is not just off and running the next day. You need to take time to heal and take care of yourself.

As I said above, just my 2 cents. Now, if you have visions of this old lady standing on a soap box, wagging her finger at you...it's not that at all. Been around for awhile and I'm a believer that you gotta try to make situations better b/4 you give up on them. Give your MIL a chance with this. You might find out that she is your best support. If not, you really aren't out anything. At least you gave it a try and you were honest with her. Let her in and see what happens OK?

Just hope you find the right answers to all this b/4 you have your surgery. It's so important to go into this with things positive in your life. Good luck!:thumbup:

Apples I def appreciate your input. Thanks for caring enough to be frank. I guess we are just in a fog of hurt right now because of somethings she has done recently and we aren't seeing clearly. She is very judgmental of me. Really of all the girls in her life. I just feel like she will say I have screwed up again. Did I really screw up by getting fat? I don't think I did. I just didn't know any different and my meds made me crazy hungry. Who wants to talk about their weight issues with someone anyway? I don't want to answer the personal questions she is gonna ask. Like how much are we spending on this and why I can't just diet. Diets don't work. I had given up hope of ever losing weight until my doc told me I should look into getting a lap band. Plus I am afraid maybe she will talk my husband out of it then we will be fighting about it again. I am a really passive person and I don't know how to deal with her pushiness. Hopefully things will change in the next few weeks before my surgery. But you are right if we tell her and she freaks, we haven't lost anything but have given her a chance to redeem herself.

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You know, Jewel, I do see your point if you have a fear that she will interfer with your DH's way of thinking. I am so sorry you are going through this. I don't live in your situation. Maybe a jumped the gun a bit on the previous advice but it really does help to be open on things with ppl you live with. But, maybe in your life with the living situation you are in right now, that does not work for you.

Just make sure you do what is right for you. I can tell you that LB is one of the best things I have ever done. Just wish I could have done it earlier in life. You have that chance and I hope the negative forces in your life right now will take a change towards the positive.

Take care and keep us informed on how things are going for you. Again..way to go on the test!

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Apples, here is a little more info I found...

from: orlando airport to: 8101 Resort Village Drive, Orlando, FL 32821 - Google Maps

The airport is 18 miles from the resort. Google maps says 25 min.. Of course this will depend on the time you arrive. Rush hour in Orlando is a mess. The physical address of the resort is: 8101 Resort Village Drive, Orlando, FL 32821

I called: MEARS TAXI @ Orlando Airport Limousine, Towncar, Motorcoach, Passenger Van - Charter Rates

(407) 422-2222

And they estimate the one way taxi fare is : $47-49

They can carry up to 7 people in a van and the fare is the one rate no matter how many people. This rate can change if the traffic make the trip longer than usual.

I hope this helps. I should also be there to be able to help "taxi". Can't wait to meet everyone!

peasout~ Laura

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Hi all, just fly by. I do not yet know about surgery. Saw surgeon today and he took a blood test and said he will make the call tomorrow morning. He wants me to show up for surgery at 8:00 a.m. (now predicting terrible storm here tomorrow) and he'll decide at that time. He said my blood work from Fri. showed my white blood count way high (well yeah, I had bad infection) but it's responding very well to the antibiotics and it looks very good - almost the same as the other leg. So keep me in your thoughts. I think it will happen, but not 100% positive. I just know I want it to happen, but at the same time, I want it to be a safe surgery as well, I don't want a massive infection in my body either.

So, here's the deal, I have no laptop and DH would never be able to type anything here. I will not be back home until Friday probably late afternoon if surgery is done. Please dont' worry, I'll be fine. I'm just looking forward to getting this done.


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Hi all, just fly by. I do not yet know about surgery. Saw surgeon today and he took a blood test and said he will make the call tomorrow morning. He wants me to show up for surgery at 8:00 a.m. (now predicting terrible storm here tomorrow) and he'll decide at that time. He said my blood work from Fri. showed my white blood count way high (well yeah, I had bad infection) but it's responding very well to the antibiotics and it looks very good - almost the same as the other leg. So keep me in your thoughts. I think it will happen, but not 100% positive. I just know I want it to happen, but at the same time, I want it to be a safe surgery as well, I don't want a massive infection in my body either.

So, here's the deal, I have no laptop and DH would never be able to type anything here. I will not be back home until Friday probably late afternoon if surgery is done. Please dont' worry, I'll be fine. I'm just looking forward to getting this done.


My thoughts and prayers will be with you. Thinking positive thoughts for a safe surgery & that it is a go.

Laura K

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Linda, I really hope they do the surgery...it will help in the long run. We'll be thinking and praying for you and don't worry about checking in until you feel better. Did you ask about the free curio cabinet? My elderly neighbors died a couple of years ago and the kid (they are all older than me) ask us if we wanted it....none of them did and they were getting rid of the stuff in the house. So I said we'd take it. The house finally sold, so we had to move it out. I really liked Charlie the father, he and I would talk about the challenges of gardening here. He never gave up and grew tomatoes and cucumbers until he died.

Lori, my air fare wasn't all that great, but last time I flew to Florida in Feb it wasn't all that great either. I can't believe you are going to have the other knee done. It makes sense but wow, two within months of each other.

Great deals shopping. I'm envious....no time to shop right now. I can relate to your comment about your mother and negativity. My mom and dad were very negative people. Don't you wonder what makes them so miserable?

Apples, I'm willing to rent a vehicle and drive if need be. I have no problem with that. On the return side, Sunday, we will have a vehicle and can help with the shuttling.

Laura, really hope you can make it. You are looking so good, that sweater was very flattering. Did you have fun at the party? You didn't really mention that....I bet all those medical people were impressed...it's an impressive accomplishment to lose that much weight.

Hi to everyone else I've missed....trying to do this from memory again.

It's raining here....yipee!! It's been very dry for a long time and we need the rain. Of course that meeting out in the field will be interesting tomorrow morning. Guess I'll actually have to wear my rain coat...it doesn't get much use.

I have to finish my Christmas letter and get cards going. Hope you all have a wonderful night.


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Hey Gang

Jewel Congrats on your test Hugs on the MIL issues - when I was married dh's family liked me better than him. Apples is right - I don't know how you would hide the surgery - you are a bit younger but it's still surgery - and then the whole post op diet - usually at least 10 days on full liquids - then mushies then soft then regular - but that will depend on your doc - You will figure it out - Hugs though

Deb - For me I was more aware when out to eat slowly - my problem is at home - like right not and I am hungry and I eat the first few bites too fast and then the 3rd or 4th on I know it's going to come back up - still happens and I am 2.5 yrs out..

Great you did get a deal !!! WTG - and don't sweat the 12's - I have a couple pairs of 6's - it's just the make - hell I have a couple 2's so I don't sweat the 6's

$465 I think is what I paid that includes taxes and insurance..

I am flying from Palm Springs to DFW to FL and then FL back to DFW - I really didn't want denver - chicago or MN at that time of year - I don't think that's a bad price.. I have never gotten those $100 deals - I think my trip to texas in October was just a little less but again it's closer :0)

Linda Hugs and Prayers on Surgery if it goes as plan tomorrow - I doubt you will be on the computer for a while cuz you can't sit at a 90 degree angle for a while - but let us know asap please !!!! Hugs & Love Janet

Laura - You look really good in your pics !!!!

Eva & I will be arriving at the same time or really close

Apples have fun at your cookie exchange - sounds like fun - but dangerous for me - I put the fudge in the freeze cuz I was eating cold choc ;0)

I want to tell you to take it easy - but know that you won't - but if you can slow down a bit please do :0)..

Eva it's been raining here all day - I love it - but got caught in a traffic accident on the way home from work - took me an 1:30 to travel 2 miles - didn't get home til 5:30 - So I missed gym tonite (it's at 5)..

Well gang gotta feed the fur babies :0)

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Since there have been so many post back and forth can you type all the info in one post on the dates, price, the name of the place I want to look at there website if they have one. I was thinking of driving but not quite sure yet and my mom is up in the air I am trying to get here nailed down if not it will be just me

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Since there have been so many post back and forth can you type all the info in one post on the dates, price, the name of the place I want to look at there website if they have one. I was thinking of driving but not quite sure yet and my mom is up in the air I am trying to get here nailed down if not it will be just me

Ok, Melissa, here's the scoop:

We have 3, 3BR condos for three nights. Check in is listed as 4pm on Feb 11. Checkout is Feb 14 by 11am.

To get to the website, just type in "stayflorida.com". When the site comes up, click on Tuscona. You can take a virtual tour of the place.

The rate for the 3BR condo for 3 nights is $315.50. This includes tax, booking fees, $75 cleaning fee. If you were to have 3 ppl in your condo to share, your fee would be $105.16.

Each condo has a sofa sleeper so if your mom would decide to come, you would just split 4 ways with your roomies. It's up to you guys to claim roommates or however you want to figure that out. OK?

If there's something I omitted, just let me know.

Thanks, Laura, for the offer to be a taxi also. It would be nice not to have to make two trips but, if need be, I will.

Linda...hope you catch this message b/4 you go in tomorrow. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself and we will visit when you are able.

Cookie exchange was fun. Now, just to figure out how to preserve them till Christmas. (Some won't freeze well). I might not have to worry about it though. DH ate about 1/2 doz after I got home. Keep on eatin', Honey!:thumbup:

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Just an add-on to above post. The $75 cleaning fee gets paid by each indivdual condo renter (3 of you) when you check in. That amount does not go on my credit card (from what they told me on the phone). We'll work those little details out at the time. Not to worry.

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indigo, i was banded 6/17/07! howdy! i have kept off 175 lbs or so since being banded but havent quite made my goal yet..i got complacent and here i am..hoping to motivate and get motivated! *waves to everyone in various stages of banded* haha!

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Janet...a big thank you for coordinating the Christmas card exchange. Mine are written, licked and sealed and ready for the mail. When you girls open my cards a huge, warm, MN greeting is going to whaft out....be careful!

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Morning all,

Lori, you asked about my appt.... it was dissappointing for the most part... One thing I haven't mentioned to all of you yet is that my pain is better since not PT... go figure!!! Anyway, with all the drugs I have been sleeping better and when the pain does hit it has been easier to handle.. Anyway, he checked me over and feels strongly that it isn't my shoulder at all and never has been... I have always had good range of motion with it even when it was hurting so badly... He thinks its my neck causing the trouble and radiating the pain to the shoulder and arm... He ordered an MRI and then back to see him after the results to set a plan of attack.. They were able to get me an appt for the MRI for tomorrow (Wed) which was a big shock... So we left and went shopping.. A couple hours later got a call saying my insurance wouldn't sign off until they got more information so the appt is cancelled..... So, I'm still just waiting to see... He did give me more pain meds so I'm good there for a month or more... And at least with no PT the pain is better, so I just don't know what to think....

The plans for Florida sound just fine... it will all work out, I'm sure... I checked on Priceline and my fare would be $626 with one stop in Minneapolis.. Gott do some more checking. I've never really done this.. With DH's work we had access to a travel agent who booked all our flights. I've never done this.... Will have to get a bit more educated... and no time now as Mimi will be here in 15 minutes and I need to do a couple things first...

Linda, prayers are with you that all is going to go fine.. We'll here from you when you are ready.... Bless you...

Everyone have a good day.... TTYL........ Julie

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Mornin' everyone.

Julie...sounds like you got a bit of info on what might be causing your discomfort. My fingers are crossed that they find the source of your problem. Happy your pain has subsided some. Have fun with Mimi today! My boys used to lay on their bellies on the floor and sing "O Chriffffas Tree"...over and over and over. And, that was back when it was on a 45 platter. Guess what momma was doing every 3 minutes? Moving the needle back. So cute though.

No time to say anything but "Hey"....busy day on the farm. Not only do I have the farmers today, I am feeding the truckers that are hauling corn to the elevator. chicken noodle hotdish and apples crumb pie. Gotta run to town for parts...do love my job but the sucky thing today is that the darned repair man has not shown up for over two weeks to look at the dishwasher. Oh...suck it up Apples and get back to work! You all have a great day. Life is good but handwashing dishes....not so much

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Congrats on the surgery!

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