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Great - I can't put my 2 cents in on this cuz I still live where I was born - the farthest I have moved is 20 miles to Desert Hot Springs to live at xdh house.. But I guess I can relate cuz my DS now lives 7 hrs away. I miss seeing family more than every few months..

I am like apples would like to see the world and travel - My Uncle and his bro would say oh lets get in the car and see where it takes us and they would be packed in an hour and on the road (they both were merchant marines and would work on ship for 6 months then be off ship for 3-4-5 months) they had the freedom to do that - I would love to be able to do that - but alas I work :0)..

Julie Glad you are coming.. Jewel we are going to Orlando in Feb - President weekend.. Apples is getting it together - stay tuned for more info. Glad that you are learning to stick up for you - yes it can come across as being selfish to some but it's called boundaries and having them doesn't make you selfish and IMHO there is nothing wrong with taking care of you!!

Well gang I am still in my pj's - all I have done is get the xmas presents out of the trunk and put in my room.. I also had a 2 hr nap a good one slept hard...

Well back to the couch - heck I may not be going anywhere tonite - I havent heard from anyone - I am pooped.. I guess I will have to go back to work to get some rest :0)

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Okay I way on for Florida. I am from the Kissimmee , Orlando area so i might drive cause I know my way around but it has changed alot there. So is there only 3 of us so far, Janet, Apples and me or did I miss people

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Okay I way on for Florida. I am from the Kissimmee , Orlando area so i might drive cause I know my way around but it has changed alot there. So is there only 3 of us so far, Janet, Apples and me or did I miss people

So far we have myself, Janet, you (maybe your mom), and Julie. Waiting on the others. Janet and I plan on getting a 2 bedroom together. Not sure how you guys want to opt for sleeping arrangements or how many to a condo? You'll just have to let me know b/4 I book.

Happy you are coming, Melissa. How far are you from Covington? My son lives there and we have driven from Silver Springs, FL a couple of times. Nice drive.

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So far we have myself, Janet, you (maybe your mom), and Julie. Waiting on the others. Janet and I plan on getting a 2 bedroom together. Not sure how you guys want to opt for sleeping arrangements or how many to a condo? You'll just have to let me know b/4 I book.

Happy you are coming, Melissa. How far are you from Covington? My son lives there and we have driven from Silver Springs, FL a couple of times. Nice drive.

I live about and hour and half north from him up 85n to 985 n he lives off of 20

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Quiet nite - is it Charlene who leave for Hawaii 12/5 - I don't even know what date it is - oh just looked at the calendar - it's the 4th :0) - I know the day of the week but date nope :0) that's vacation for you and since we don't write ck's like we use to - who needs the date - at work it pops up when I do email or letter - plus I am looking at a calender every day..

Well I'm still in pj ;0) it's cold 54 anda storm is suppose to be coming = 68 days with weather - I will get to wear my boots and sweaters to work next week ;0)

Apples - I haven't had any fudge tosay - will have a little tonite but keeping it in the fridge outside has been a deterrent - so I'm safe :0)

I'm cooking my spinach - just have to warm up the rice and fish left over from last night :0) and reading a book - just chilling today :0)

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Ppl that leave the home for work every day relish the type of day you had today, Janet. I haven't left the farm yard for a few days...I can't remember. Think it was late Monday when I made a quick farm trip and quick trip back. Anyway, by noon today I was begging DH to break something just so I would have a reason to get in the truck and go. Well, low and behold, he broke something. (some belts on some pulleys by the corn dryer). I jumped in my truck so fast you would think I was off to a fire. I was gone a total of a entire hour.

Did not get a bit of decorating today. Cleaned and then kept getting interrupted to run outside and help. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

No karoke tonight, Janet?

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Ppl that leave the home for work every day relish the type of day you had today, Janet. I haven't left the farm yard for a few days...I can't remember. Think it was late Monday when I made a quick farm trip and quick trip back. Anyway, by noon today I was begging DH to break something just so I would have a reason to get in the truck and go. Well, low and behold, he broke something. (some belts on some pulleys by the corn dryer). I jumped in my truck so fast you would think I was off to a fire. I was gone a total of a entire hour.

Did not get a bit of decorating today. Cleaned and then kept getting interrupted to run outside and help. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

No karoke tonight, Janet?

Yep I felt like I should be doing something - but I didn't feel like doing anything - so I didn't... I am like that - then I have to cram everything into a short period of time ;0) - But heck it's my vacation - I need a day off - well I have had 3 days off - last friday - sunday and today.

No one has called or texted so I guess not - they talked about the 19th hole but didn't say time or anything and I haven't asked - it's 7:20 I have eaten (early for me) and I could go to sleep - am thristy and my 1/2 is up I think :0)

I doubt if they did call or text I would go - don't feel like getting showered and dressed..

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Oh, boy! I sure can relate to what you're going through! Exactly the same situation with us back in 1991. And we had 3 little grandchildren that I desperately didn't want to leave! We discussed it and discussed it and discussed it! I finally said okay, and DH told me it would be 5-7 years and then he'd retire. Well, he chickend out of that. We ended up being in OK away from our kids and grandkids for 16 years! But, I made at least two trips a year up to see them and talked to them all on the phone often. Not quite the same as being there, but I survived. He did finally retire in 2003, but we stayed there 3 more years because we thought it "made sense". We both have family in NY state, so we were centrally located. But, then DD#2 was having kids after 13 years of infertility. I decided I did not want to watch those three little ones grow up long distance! So we bought a condo up in WA state and moved back. But, now that 16 years seems like it was a fleeting moment! I can't relate to it being 16 years!

Thanks Phyl. I would be able to travel back to visit easy so that would be a bonus. I don't want to go into any detail of what the possible relocation is etc. in case someone I know finds me here but we have discussed it pros and cons and are sortta leaving it up to God at this point. I know my kids will be fine w/o me here and I will survive as well. There are no grandkids yet, though I want them bad. And even if we did stay here, there's no guarantee they wouldn't move either. I am used to moving and have always thrived where planted.

Great...sounds like you know what coming from DH's "talk". I feel for you. I cannot say that I know what you are going through. All I know is that grass is always so green on the other side. I would move in a heart beat.

Not because I'm not happy, not because we don't have a good life. It's the adventerous side of me. Know that we will be "stuck" her till retirement, makes me restless. DH does promise a move after retirement but there is no way I would move him away from his farming just to make myself happy. He's been farming since the late sixties and it truly makes him happy.

I, on the other hand, feel the need to get away from it all every once in awhile. Keeps me sane. I am not envious of anything another person has but I am very envious of ppl that have options such as you and your DH have had in moving around. I know it most likely has not been all sunshine and rainbows but that's just me looking from this side of the fence.

I feel for you that you may be torn to make that decision. There is something to be said for having roots in a community. It's tough to pull them up and go....especially when your children and GM come into play.

You and hubby have been through many moves. You know what's in store. Do what you think is right for the two of you. Take a look at the big picture and what the advantages would be for years out. Weigh both advantages and disadvantages and you will make the right decision. Wishing you a stress-free decision.

I do have that adventurous side as well, Apples. We have moved many times in order I have lived in: Wisconsin, Minnesota, Colorado, Utah, Georgia (sortta), Utah, Las Vegas, Utah, N. California, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Colorado, the longest I have lived in a home is about 5 yrs, shortest 10 mos. I have always bloomed where planted and made it home. I really have no roots anywhere. Colorado seems most like home as this is where DH & I met and grew up since junior high. Only my daughter was born here though (we are all born in different states). If I lived anywhere else, I would be welcoming the move. If I did leave here, my sisters would still be here to take care of Grandma though they'd have to step it up from what they do now. We need more specifics of the possiblities and have talked about it. We have always figured we'd move around until retirement. Apples, I hope you get to do some travelling once in awhile to quench that wandering spirit. Heck, I'd always meet you some place!

Well we got our tree up, I got presents wrapped, but still got a lot of other decorations to place and a mess to clean up. But it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas here!

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Don't know at this point if I can go. Used up one of my personal days going to my sister's for Thanksgiving. Hope to go back to school next semester. $ are also an issue.

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Hi there....just got through most of the posts.

APPLES.....I am definitely in for Florida......what ever days work for everyone....I like the Thursday - Saturday idea. Is the resort really on a lake or just uses that name? I really don't care for Orlando, but it is cheaper to fly in there. I'm sure we will all be talking so much, it won't matter what town we are in. I will be either coming or going to Ft Meyers during this trip also, so I will get some beach time in too. The condos sound like a great deal....would you be willing to share the 3 bedroom and I'll share with you two? Since I know Janet already and we get along great!!!

I'm also in for the card exchange....I'll try and get some "made" but I don't know how that's going to work out, but I can send purchased ones too.

Lori, moving is such a tough decision, but it does sound like you do just fine with all those moves. I always figure if we have to move, well I can live anywhere for a while, but I'll always come back here eventually because this place is my home. Tucson is where my heart is. I hope you end up somewhere really nice...even if it's where you are now.

PHYL, your pictures with Janet are great.....and I LOVE THE DESERT TOO!!

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Ooopppss hit the enter key by mistake again.

Julie, glad to hear you will be joining us....yipee. Hope you had fun with your guests and cards. We haven't done that in a while...cards that is. Maybe next year we can start some kind of card game. I sleep in my "chair" frequently too. I don't have a recliner but one of those big way oversized chairs with an ottoman. I can sleep pretty well in that.

Laura...hope you found that black t-shirt for Nels. Mail order Lands End with rush shipping or maybe JC Penney, Wal-Mart on line....there has to be something available. Sorry about your cold, but I bet the stress you've been under hasn't helped either. Take care of yourself. Amazing difference in your pictures....you are doing so well.

1 day....hope to see you in Florida too. Maybe it will give you a nice break from the stress of work.

I'm sure I'm missing a few people and I'm sorry. Greetings to you all.

Janet, it's cold here too tonight. I had to cover the plants because it's supposed to freeze tonight. All my vulnerable plants have sheet tents on them now.

Okay...more tomorrow....I'm sleepy.


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it is to dang early for me but woke up cause my blood sugar was very low it was 60 it is 5:45 am here am super cold outside. Anyways just wanted to check in and say hi.

Apples - and pools where we are going to be. I love the beach but and Water is fine with me I like to lay out and relax. I am such a water baby. And the best part is if you are a flea market person Fla has some awesome flea markets not like the ones here in North Ga. And I have been to the Jockey lot in the NC or SC where ever it is and I did't like it way to much boot leg stuff for me.

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Thanks Phyl. I would be able to travel back to visit easy so that would be a bonus. I don't want to go into any detail of what the possible relocation is etc. in case someone I know finds me here but we have discussed it pros and cons and are sortta leaving it up to God at this point. I know my kids will be fine w/o me here and I will survive as well. There are no grandkids yet, though I want them bad. And even if we did stay here, there's no guarantee they wouldn't move either. I am used to moving and have always thrived where planted.

I do have that adventurous side as well, Apples. We have moved many times in order I have lived in: Wisconsin, Minnesota, Colorado, Utah, Georgia (sortta), Utah, Las Vegas, Utah, N. California, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Colorado, the longest I have lived in a home is about 5 yrs, shortest 10 mos. I have always bloomed where planted and made it home. I really have no roots anywhere. Colorado seems most like home as this is where DH & I met and grew up since junior high. Only my daughter was born here though (we are all born in different states). If I lived anywhere else, I would be welcoming the move. If I did leave here, my sisters would still be here to take care of Grandma though they'd have to step it up from what they do now. We need more specifics of the possiblities and have talked about it. We have always figured we'd move around until retirement. Apples, I hope you get to do some travelling once in awhile to quench that wandering spirit. Heck, I'd always meet you some place!

Well we got our tree up, I got presents wrapped, but still got a lot of other decorations to place and a mess to clean up. But it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas here!

Sounds good...let's meet in Bangkok for lunch!:wink2:

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Mornin' Gang...

Up at 4:30 am along with DH. He had to get up and go out to bin site to transfer some corn out of the dryers into other bins. He's been back in twice already for Breakfast and coffee. One good thing about the short span of sleep time lately...we sleep really good.

Still plugging away with corn harvest. Toughest year we have had in getting in the crop in 30 years. Tough on the body and tough on the equipment. Very expensive year for corn drying. At least double if not more. We're still smiling and I haven't run away yet, so life is good.

Eva, I'm good with getting a 3 bedroom with you. Janet? So happy you are coming and we can finally meet. I think we have Meredith and Arlene and Linda that we are waiting for on an answer definate answer, right?

As to your ? about the resort being on a lake. Don't think so. Just says it's located in the Lake Buena Vista area and the next thing it say is: "On the doorstep of the fabulous Lake Buena Vista Factory Store". That's their way of putting the lure out for us girls!

Sorry things might not work for you to come to FL, Cheri. Was hoping each and every one of you guys could make the trip. I understand though.

OK...would like to get this thing wrapped up here in a couple of days but Arelene is gone for a couple of weeks. We could always book an extra 2 BR and back off on it by the cancellation date. I am thinking we should have 2-3 BR and 1-2 BR. Does that sound about right?

Edited by Apples2

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Good Morning Gang

Up around 6:30 which is late for me especially since I did nothing yesterday - did wake up around 1 and watched tv for a bit..

Yep Apples 3 bedroom w/Eva is cool - I guess she (eva) really does like me ;0)...

Eva - I had one of those chairs at my ex's house - I loved it..

Well I need to go to the gym this a.m - nails - maybe wrap some presents or at least go thru the bags to see what I got who and originize it a bit.. I can forget what I got who - Andrew is the one who doesn't have much to open..

Then party tonite - I won't be drinking - I don't want the hang over ;0) - I go back to work on Monday ;0(

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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