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Hey Jewel...first off I would make it clear to my husband that I look for his support in this. Have him do some research along with you on the band. Secondly, I would approach MIL (with information in hand regarding the LB) and ask for her support in this. You might be surprised by her reaction. Ask her to support you and help you through this. Tell her your daily menu is going to change and that you need her help in staying on track with your meals. Maybe just asking her for some help will bring her around.

Keep us informed on how you are doing with everything. Stay strong and do what you feel is right for YOU.

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Hey Phyll..I think you can get the pants in a short (online) if that's what you wear. I have them out of a couple different materials. Some look like more of a cotton and then have the more flowy/satiny looking. They are a staple in my wardrobe. So comfy. There are times I need to run to town at the drop of a hat and no time to change. They are very versitile.

Ones I have are black with white stripes down the side seam and they have some lycra in them. They're still a tad too long even though they are petite. What would be perfect is capri length probably! "Cropped" pants are usually just the right length for me!! LOL!

We're going to Janet's for dinner, so I think we're going to leave in a few minutes. There is a Winco close to her that I never get to go to, and there's a SuperTarget there, too, so maybe I can get another pair of pants today!

Uh oh! DH is snoring... not a good sign since I want to leave in a few minutes!

Hey everyone, I have been by myself all day. No classes for me but everyone else here is at work and school. Something that has been on my mind the past few days is telling my MIL and FIL that I am having the surgery. We have been living with them for a year and a half and my MIL almost always cooks dinner. My surgeon wants my eatting less than 30 carbs a day and the dinner she prepares are usually a meat with corn or Beans, potatos and biscuits. High carb. I have been trying to eat just the meat and I put the rest on my plate but don't touch it. I mentioned the LAP-BAND® surgery to her a few months ago (before I was sure I was gonna have it) and she was very negative. She told me If I would stay away from "white" food and workout the weight would melt off. I just don't believe this. I have tried all the diets that make sense and some that don't. The most I have ever lost is 30 pounds (slimfast) only to gain it back. I sure all of you have experienced this too. Anyway, she is going to find out because we live here. There is alot of tension between us. We don't get along anymore. I know she is gonna freak out and I don't know how to handle it. I have waited as long as I can. I will cook my own meals but then she will want to know why I am not eatting her high carb meal. She will probably tell my husband all sorts of ugly stuff about me because I am having this surgery. Like I am wasting our money, or cheating weightloss. She is going to attack me. But not to my face to my husbands. I could end up losing his support.

I really feel like this is my health and my decision, MY business and no one else's business.

You're going to have to stand your ground on this one, Kiddo! I wish I would have had an opportunity to have this surgery when I was your age instead of at age 63~~!! You are making the right decision. If there is any way you could get MIL, DH and maybe even FIL t go to a Weight Loss seminar with you, maybe that would help. My DH fought me tooth and nail on this for a long time. Then he had to have an emergency appendectomy in the fall of 2006. A few weeks later when I was looking online for the doctor's phone # so I could make him a follow up appt, I discovered that his main specialty was bariatric surgery! So I plotted and planned.. and had rehearsed this scenario in my mind over and over... I went in to the exam room with DH and innocently commented at the end of the appt.. I notice from the items in your waiting room that you do bariatric surgery.. etc., etc. Asked him a number of questions, and it put DH just eough at ease that he agreed to go to a seminar with me a few months laer. After that he was with me 100%. I am convinced it was a "GOD thing"... He set him up big time! LOL

Hey Jewel...first off I would make it clear to my husband that I look for his support in this. Have him do some research along with you on the band. Secondly, I would approach MIL (with information in hand regarding the LB) and ask for her support in this. You might be surprised by her reaction. Ask her to support you and help you through this. Tell her your daily menu is going to change and that you need her help in staying on track with your meals. Maybe just asking her for some help will bring her around.

Keep us informed on how you are doing with everything. Stay strong and do what you feel is right for YOU.

Good advice, Apples!

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FYI Phyll...online clearance Target...they had capris for not a very high price. (Can't remember but I think they were $9.99.

Have a fun time with Janet. Take photos by her tree and have a fluffy drink for me!

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Good afternoon. My surgeons office has a PA, a NP and an RN and then RN does the majority of the fills, in fact most people prefer her as well. She's great and a lap band patient herself.

Dang, I just got home from buying some workout pants, wish I had read here first about Champion ones. I was in Target yesterday and just wasn't sure. I had gotten St Johns Bay at Penney's before and that is what I got but I think I like them will keep Champion in mind for next time.

Jewe1, you need to remember this is your decision number one. It helps immensely if those you live with are on board with you. You've gotten some good advice. Sounds like your MIL does cook Protein along with the carbs so you should be able to take just that. Don't even tempt yourself by putting the other stuff on your plate. Is your living situation temporary?

Meredith, hoping you don't have a leak. Keep us posted.

Janet & Phyl, have a wonderful evening!

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Dee - if insurance covered the band - then it should cover any issues with it..

Hey everyone, I have been by myself all day. No classes for me but everyone else here is at work and school. Something that has been on my mind the past few days is telling my MIL and FIL that I am having the surgery. We have been living with them for a year and a half and my MIL almost always cooks dinner. My surgeon wants my eatting less than 30 carbs a day and the dinner she prepares are usually a meat with corn or Beans, potatos and biscuits. High carb. I have been trying to eat just the meat and I put the rest on my plate but don't touch it. I mentioned the LAP-BAND® surgery to her a few months ago (before I was sure I was gonna have it) and she was very negative. She told me If I would stay away from "white" food and workout the weight would melt off. I just don't believe this. I have tried all the diets that make sense and some that don't. The most I have ever lost is 30 pounds (slimfast) only to gain it back. I sure all of you have experienced this too. Anyway, she is going to find out because we live here. There is alot of tension between us. We don't get along anymore. I know she is gonna freak out and I don't know how to handle it. I have waited as long as I can. I will cook my own meals but then she will want to know why I am not eatting her high carb meal. She will probably tell my husband all sorts of ugly stuff about me because I am having this surgery. Like I am wasting our money, or cheating weightloss. She is going to attack me. But not to my face to my husbands. I could end up losing his support.

I really feel like this is my health and my decision, MY business and no one else's business.

Jewel - Hugs on the MIL issues

I have eaten some sort of starch with dinner every single night (usually 1/2 c of rice) for the last 29 months - and I have lost 112 lbs (did 105 in 1 yr) - I believe in a balanced healthy eating plan - I limit my starches - for Breakfast and lunch - lunch is usually always a Protein & veggie - I basically follow a WW type eating plan - I use to eat really high fat and tons of sugar - those 2 things have been greatly decreased - I eat mostly sf for the most part..

This is about your health - it is about you and no one else - this is your life - not theirs and you deserve to have a healthy and long life and staying obese is just going to kill you..

Apples is a lot more diplomatic than me :0) - So I would follow her advice - have your dh go with you - so that he understand this is only a tool - it's not going to lose the weight for you or make your food choices

How much longer to do you have to live with them - I love my DIL BUT I couldn't live with them :0)

Janet...are we sending you our home addresses and then you are emailing them to the ones that participate???????

Yep - that will work - I have Cheri & Julie's so far - I already have yours and Charlene and I thought I had Great's but I can't find it :0)..

FYI Phyll...online clearance Target...they had capris for not a very high price. (Can't remember but I think they were $9.99.

Have a fun time with Janet. Take photos by her tree and have a fluffy drink for me!

I know she will have her camera - and I have mine too :0)

I have made your fudge both white choc & reg choc - hordourves (sp) are made - wine is chilling - and dinner will only take 20 mintues and it's all ready to start

I am going to have to ck the online deals - they are usually $19.99 or $17.99

Good afternoon. My surgeons office has a PA, a NP and an RN and then RN does the majority of the fills, in fact most people prefer her as well. She's great and a LAP-BAND® patient herself.

Dang, I just got home from buying some workout pants, wish I had read here first about Champion ones. I was in Target yesterday and just wasn't sure. I had gotten St Johns Bay at Penney's before and that is what I got but I think I like them will keep Champion in mind for next time.

Jewe1, you need to remember this is your decision number one. It helps immensely if those you live with are on board with you. You've gotten some good advice. Sounds like your MIL does cook protein along with the carbs so you should be able to take just that. Don't even tempt yourself by putting the other stuff on your plate. Is your living situation temporary?

Meredith, hoping you don't have a leak. Keep us posted.

Janet & Phyl, have a wonderful evening!

Great - I love the target pants boot cut and like I said I wear them not just for exercise - I wear the long ones (really short) in the winter and capri's in the summer

Well Phyls at the gate - so cbl :0)

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OK all this talk about workout pants has me interested. I don't wear them because in my experience they just shrink up to "capri" length the very first time I wash them... I'm tall and hate short pants. So, Apples, Champion is the brand that won't shrink up on me????? And where on-line do you go to order them???? I'd like to try a pair if all that is true.

Meredith, hope things go well for you.... Do like the others said and try not to obscess about it and just wait to see what happens.. could just be a fluke... Take care....

Jewel, the gals are right.... Be assertive with her and be sure your husband knows you need him to back you up.... You can't be all alone in this situation... Support from the people in your life is half the battle....

Laura, feel better soon... I'm thinking a cold is trying to hit me, too.. I've been doing Zimax and Airbourne for a few days and it's staying down for the time being.. Yup, been there with the kids needing something fast.... Those teachers sometimes forget we are just mothers!!!! Maybe you can borrow one from someone???

Great, you must be getting excited for you surgery.. what day is it again??

Phyll and Janet, have fun tonight... I'm a bit jealous that you get to see each other so often..... Good for you guys...

Well, I got my packages all wrapped and under the tree today.. Mimi comes now soon and will stay the night.. I'm tired... I think I forgot to tell you all that I fell out of my hot-tub the other night.. Got in naked and slipped off the edge when getting out....right on my left cheek..... OUCH!! Still a bit stiff and sore... Always something with me!!!!! Anyway, DH is eating leftovers and I feel a bath coming on before Mimi comes... Have a great evening everyone... Love to all........... Julie

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God Bless You on that sneeze, Laura.

My doc's RN's to emergency unfills if doc is not available. (He lives a couple of hours away). I guess knowing the RN's (one is in surgery with him), I would feel comfortable having them do it.

I agree, Laura, a week's notice is not long enough for parents to get the necessary clothes for the concert. And, how cute, bibs and J.D. last year. Email me your address, I will send Nels some J.D. stuff. DH is big into it. When we first got married, I couldn't figure out who DH worshipped more...me or the equipment.

Hope you get to feeling better. Colds suck, especially when it interupts your sleep.< /span>

You are AWESOME... just to show you the JD fan at his best... had a JD party for 4th bday and got a gator for his 5th. LOL.

Thanks all for the well wishes. My head feels like it weighs 100 lbs, but fever is gone.


PS just saw that photo from his 4th bday and I cannot believe how big I was!!! Also, look at Nelson's hand... he even had JD tatoos and the "face Painter" painted a JD on his arm...LOL

Edited by peascorps

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Wow, it's taken a while to catch up with all of you. Sorry you're sick Laura. Good thing you're not with your dad.

I'm watching Celtic Women-Songs from the Heart for the second night in a row. Absolute beauty in any form of art knocks me out. Chills and tears and thanks to God who filled us with his own creative spirit. You may or may not know that the pronoun used to refer to the Holy Spirit in the original language is feminine. One of the gifts of ADHD is frequently high creativity and an appreciation for and participation in the arts. I see the inspiration of the Holy Spirit (Ghost) in these things that so move me.

Bagpipers playing Amazing Grace right now followed by and joining with some of the most beautiful female harmonies I've ever heard. Ethereal voices. French horns,violins timpani and back to bagpipers. And words of such incredible meaning.

Continuing now with Pie Jesu. A voice so pure and high and ethereal joined by tight high harmony. Dear God such beauty.

Watch it if you can. I'm seeing it from the recording my husgand made from public TV but its on youtube.

Got to go now to choir. Won't be the same but I'll still love singing.

They're singing Danny Boy now. A Cappela harmonies so tight and in tune I can hardly stand it.

Gotta go. Gotta sing. Oh no, now they're singing You Raise Me Up. Can't go. Gotta go.

Edited by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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Well, I talked to my husband and I brought up the situation. Told him we needed to go ahead and tell her. Only to find out my husband thinks I am selfish for wanting this surgery and he doesn't want me to spend HIS money on it. In his words I am just "using" him. So I am going to go through with the surgery but I may not be married by the end of all this. We have been struggling for awhile now so I am not in total shock. Every little thing has become a fight for us so I am not surprised that this has. He thinks he owns me.

Thank you all for your advice. I am gonna need more of it later I know.

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JeweI, good luck to you and your decesion. Stay strong and get healthly for you.

On the discussion of exercise pants, I just bought some from Walmart. They are Danskin brand, very comfy, roomy and have lycra in them. For us short people they are a bit long. Boot cut also. I am hoping to shrink them a bit. Got a yahoo moment when I put them on, they are a bit two big. If they don't shrink I will be taking the other pair back.

Laura K

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Melissa...so sorry to hear of your job situation. Just try to put blinders on and let it roll. Easier said than done, right?:w00t:

i am trying to but yes easier said than done. And with the holidays it does make it worse cause people wants things before they go out of town and always the day before they leave.

Well, I talked to my husband and I brought up the situation. Told him we needed to go ahead and tell her. Only to find out my husband thinks I am selfish for wanting this surgery and he doesn't want me to spend HIS money on it. In his words I am just "using" him. So I am going to go through with the surgery but I may not be married by the end of all this. We have been struggling for awhile now so I am not in total shock. Every little thing has become a fight for us so I am not surprised that this has. He thinks he owns me.

Thank you all for your advice. I am gonna need more of it later I know.

Have you been married long? You don't have to answer if you don't want to but it sounds like your husband is taking his mom and dads side and not yours. Like every one said this is your decision no one else's. I hope they come around or you find the answer you need. We will all be here for you.

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Julie..I got those Champion pants online at Target in their Clearence section. I always have to order the longs and then don't have to always line dry them so the won't shrink. I have to line dry all my jeans for that reason, even if I buy longs. You can also buy the regular length at most Target stores. I really do love them and by the way it looks, so do many others.

Laura...Nels looks like he could fit right in with DH around here on the farm....so darned cute! He has those cheeks you just want to kiss.

OK girls...tomorrow I am going to get going on this FL meet. Planning for President's Day weekend in Feb. I know this has kind of gotten drug out with the planning and I apologize for that. I need ANOTHER head count since I am a scatter brain. I need some input. Do you guys want Thrus, Friday and Sat. to leave on Sunday? Do you want a hotel that is close enough to the airport to get shuttles? Does anyone want to share a room to save on expense? Do you want suites? Do you want a townhouse? Some input and we'll get this thing in place. I am soooooooooo anxious to meet you guys and want for all of you to make your plans, reserve your time off, etc.

Info please..................

Edited by Apples2

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JeweI, good luck to you and your decesion. Stay strong and get healthly for you.

On the discussion of exercise pants, I just bought some from Walmart. They are Danskin brand, very comfy, roomy and have lycra in them. For us short people they are a bit long. Boot cut also. I am hoping to shrink them a bit. Got a yahoo moment when I put them on, they are a bit two big. If they don't shrink I will be taking the other pair back.

Laura K

Oh good...back to the yoga pants...I have bought lots of Danskin things and love the quality. I have their capris and shirts and shorts. Their pants are too short for me. But they wash up nice and last.

Speaking of Danskin capris...I have four pair that have never been worn, size medium. They have a zipper but also a draw string. I am thinking that would be about a size 8-10. Anyone of you that wants them, I will stick them in the mail and they are yours. Just PM me.

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