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Meredith, my surgeon went .25 ccs after 5.0 -- I finally found my sweet spot at 6.0 - but it was slow going from 5 to 6 and I think that helped me adjust. I think you should go with getting .25 out - and if you're still too tight, you can always go back in and get another .25 out. Linda

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Good Morning Gang

I have recharged my batteries - 4 days of family and 5 yr old can sure drain you ;0) Good drain but still draining...

Glad everyone had a good turkey day - Got mine all cooked but they started making margarita - so I really just drank my dinner - Phyl stopped by (did you notice I was a little buzzed ;0)

Friday recouped while kids went to visit DIL mom - they got back around 7 - then visited - Saturday Joseph and I put up Xmas lights - and watched movies - They left around 6 yesterday I napped watched tv and still went to bed around 9 and slept all nite - up at 6 been catching up on my threads and email 113 (mostly ads)

Knee feels better I think I just over did it 3 days of hard workouts - I am going to gym this morning then back tonite for my reg leg work out

Food hasn't been bad - but not great - All the pies & junk have been thrown out (what wasn't eaten) and back in the groove of eating healthy... I won't be getting on the scales til Thursday ;0)

Love the pic of Apples & Great - I'm with you Apples - I can be hyper critcal of my pics..

Laure love your family pics too - looks like you had a wonderful time..

Well it's 7 and I gotta get moving - I have tons of stuff to do

this week - pay bills - xmas shop (kids are coming for xmas) Phyls coming to dinner on Thursday - Hanging with Uncle on Wed morning - need to get inside decorated..

I have never done black friday - too many pple - They did have some great deals - but I am trying to learn the diff between what I want and need ;0)

Well off to get dress hit the gym - will cbl

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Hi friends, sounds as though everyone had a good holiday. Mine was fine, too.... I ate all the wrong things, but enjoyed everything I ate.... This morning the scale was right on target.... So, I didn't gain anything and that makes me very happy... Was prepared to see 2 or 3 pounds.... Anyway, like Janet, I'm back to eating healthy and all the bad stuff is now gone...(There's a couple pieces of pie, but the kind that don't tempt me much). I'm trying to do my inside Christmas decorating today... gotta go slow and my heart isn't really interested... I could us a little energy from Apples and probably some decorating tips... I'm a simple kind of girl so nothing is elaborate and I also have a toddler in the house 50% of the time.. have to make it Mimi friendly.... Hate to be scolding all the time "don't touch"!!!! After all Christmas is for kids....

Apples and Great, you both look so amazing... Hard to believe you were ever "fat girls"........... Beautiful ladies having a nice time... Wonderful......

Laura, love your family pictures.... You look wonderful, too.....

Meredith, get an unfill, you need to eat more than you are now.. I bet a little bit will do the trick.... Wish I could get to that spot... I just had a fill and although I can tell it's there, it isn't what I really want... Take care now...........

Everyone else, hope you check in again soon... We will all be so busy with Christmas preparations now. It'll be fun to hear what everyone is doing... Take care.. and enjoy............Hugs to all........... Julie

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Back from the gym - quick ck in before I hit the shower..

I took it slow for me today - I did 3 mph at 0 3 6 9 10 inclines - got my 3 miles in and knee is good - I think that when I push the 4 mph I am hyper extending knee..

Came home cleaned up kitchen and have sheets in the wash

I think I will do the inside decorating tomorrow or Wed..

I think today is toys r us for my Brooke xmas shopping..

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Back from the gym - quick ck in before I hit the shower..

I took it slow for me today - I did 3 mph at 0 3 6 9 10 inclines - got my 3 miles in and knee is good - I think that when I push the 4 mph I am hyper extending knee..

Came home cleaned up kitchen and have sheets in the wash

I think I will do the inside decorating tomorrow or Wed..

I think today is toys r us for my Brooke xmas shopping..

Janet...you might want to check out the "Cyber Monday" deals at the Toys R Us site. I think they have free shipping today only.

Such a good girl...going to the gym when you could have just slept in and lolled around. Hope you are enjoying your time off now that family is gone. Some "Janet" time.

Off to town to run farm errands and get a bunch of fire extinguishers replentished. Both DH and I are a little paranoid after 2 fires a year apart on the grain dryers. Better safe than sorry. We have three other dryers made of the same components as the ones that burned and just don't trust them even though they are new.

Julie...good to hear that you are back to healthy eating and got rid of what you felt you should not have around. Trigger foods = not good.

Better run. Talk later.

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Just got back from meeting Lori. Was a bit farther drive than I thought but a beautiful day for a drive. We met for lunch at a bar and grill at the mall. Had a nice visit.

Lori is every bit as gracious and nice as she is in her posts. Only one surprise....she's much taller than I pictured her. If I had to describe her in one word I would have to say classy. Very beautiful woman and NO WRINKLES...very young looking.

Hope you all had a great Sat. Time to feed the crew. Will check back later.

Apples and Great, you both look so amazing... Hard to believe you were ever "fat girls"........... Beautiful ladies having a nice time... Wonderful...... ..... Julie

I am back home from S Dakota, got in about 2am last night. I am soooo tired and picked up a good head cold. I started feeling kindda blah on my drive to meet Apples and by that evening it really hit. I am so sorry Apples if I was out of sorts and hope I didn't expose you to anything. In fact my lunch just wasn't going down well, the burger was a little too done, and before we ever got off the main street in Watertown Dan had to pull over so I could, ummm....PB or whatever you call it. And then I did the next day too but maybe I was irritated from the day before. I really struggled with food while gone as most things we had were Pasta based and not much meat or Protein to them. Pasta doesn't sit well with my band. I was hoping that would translate to a loss of a few pounds but maintained exactly.

My meeting with Apples was wonderful! What a gracious, generous wonderful lady! I was so afraid of not recognizing her and did right away as I walked into the restaurant. I could've sat there much longer talking, but Dan came with me and I promised we'd leave by 1:30 so he could be back for hunting by 330. One problem though, I HATE my picture. I always do. I still see an overweight person in them most of the time. Apples looks amazing! And the jacket she had on (she's not wearing it in the photo) was just gorgeous, it was turquoise-ish in color and beautiful on her. Thanks again Apples for lunch. And Dan just loved that fudge. He wants me to find out if I can get the recipe. Is a secret? or can you share? He's not too into sharing it either, he's rationing it out. LOL And this is a guy that usually doesn't care for fudge!

Meredith, my advice on the unfill would be to give it a day or so and see what happens. I've had it before where it got really tight a day or so afterwards but then settles down. I am wondering if sometimes I swelled a little bit after a fill, then the swelling went down and then I was fine. But if you are so tight you can't even drink then never mind.

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I am back home from S Dakota, got in about 2am last night. I am soooo tired and picked up a good head cold. I started feeling kindda blah on my drive to meet Apples and by that evening it really hit. I am so sorry Apples if I was out of sorts and hope I didn't expose you to anything. In fact my lunch just wasn't going down well, the burger was a little too done, and before we ever got off the main street in Watertown Dan had to pull over so I could, ummm....PB or whatever you call it. And then I did the next day too but maybe I was irritated from the day before. I really struggled with food while gone as most things we had were Pasta based and not much meat or Protein to them. Pasta doesn't sit well with my band. I was hoping that would translate to a loss of a few pounds but maintained exactly.

My meeting with Apples was wonderful! What a gracious, generous wonderful lady! I was so afraid of not recognizing her and did right away as I walked into the restaurant. I could've sat there much longer talking, but Dan came with me and I promised we'd leave by 1:30 so he could be back for hunting by 330. One problem though, I HATE my picture. I always do. I still see an overweight person in them most of the time. Apples looks amazing! And the jacket she had on (she's not wearing it in the photo) was just gorgeous, it was turquoise-ish in color and beautiful on her. Thanks again Apples for lunch. And Dan just loved that fudge. He wants me to find out if I can get the recipe. Is a secret? or can you share? He's not too into sharing it either, he's rationing it out. LOL And this is a guy that usually doesn't care for fudge!

Meredith, my advice on the unfill would be to give it a day or so and see what happens. I've had it before where it got really tight a day or so afterwards but then settles down. I am wondering if sometimes I swelled a little bit after a fill, then the swelling went down and then I was fine. But if you are so tight you can't even drink then never mind.

Gosh, Lori..sorry you are not feeling well. I never would have guessed you were under the weather. I don't know about you but I wish we would have turned around and found another place to eat. You let me choose and sight unseen, it seemed like the only place in the mall besided Godfathers pizza to sit and eat. Oh well, the food was crap but the visit was great. (pun intended).

About the time you were PBing, I was out in my truck scrounging for a Protein Bar to fill be up. To fill you guys in...I had ordered a "lunch portion" grilled chicken salad with honey mustard dressing. Well, not enough nourishment even for a bandster. There were like three tiny bits of Tomato and three peices of chicken the size of a pencil eraser and supposedly some shredded cheese. Got recharged on the bar and then hit the mall again but did not find what I was looking for for my DS and DH. (dress gold toed socks and gold toed crew socks). Came home and ordered them on Amazon.com. :rolleyes:

Thanks for your compliments. And, BTW, jacket is a periwinkle color. Was a great deal I got at Herbergers so then decided I needed one in grey also. I should get up the nerve and post closet photos like Janet did. You guys would get the true meaning of what a "clothes horse" is. And, is there such a thing as a "purse horse" and a "shoe horse"?

Did not catch your cold, Lori. I hate to jynx my good luck but I am not one to EVER catch a virus. When DH is sick, I might have very minimal symptoms...don't ever really feel sick.

I am suffering the last couple of days though. I think I have been over-doing. With all the lifting, tugging and pulling in moving "mom's" apt, I have been having quite the side aches. Also, been on the run contantly with farm stuff. Thinking I need to give the old body a rest.

A big "hey" to everyone else. Hope you all are getting back into the routine again after TG weekend. I love this time of year but with harvest being so late, it's really going to add pressure and stress. So...I have a plan. I wrote in INK on my calander and laid out a schedule for getting everything done. At the end of each page I have a waving finger to remind me to complete each of the tasks. On the next day I have a sticker pasted to the a.m. that says "Go back to previous day". This is IF I have not completed day b/4. Sound anul???????? Yep, but time is tight and I need my reminders of everything ahead of me. I refuse to spend the week of Christmas stressed. I grew up with my mother being a screaming bantchy during the holidays. DH's mother was also in a snit during the holidays. We made a promise to each other early in our marraige that our holidays would be as pleasent as we could make them for us and our children. Works most years except when DH's mother comes with her nose all bent out of joint.

Laura...hope you are getting into life back at home. Miss you.

Better get back to the books. Later.

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I have been going to mention for about a week...my dog is starting to feel bad cuz he has not gotten any compliments from you guys on how pretty he is. Will have to post his photo with his Christmas hat and collar when I finally get to that box.

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Your baby is very cute Apples. Looks like my dog. I should've brought you out to my car Saturday and introduced you to Lucy & Hunter. They were in the car, both black lab mixes.

Dan had lunch at Godfathers. Sounds like he had quite the feast, it was all you can eat. We had a Godfathers when we lived in Utah but none since and he used to love their pizza and found out he still does. That's probably why he decided we needed our 'girl talk' and didn't join us for lunch, he saw the Godfathers on the way in. LOL

Any chance for the fudge recipe?? And thanks so much again for the goodies you gave me, I totally didn't expect that.

Well just 'graduated' from therapy on my knee! I got a 128 degree bend today too. Feel good about that. I will continue working it at home. I have a break for a couple weeks then start up on knee number 2.

Back to work tomorrow. I am sortta looking forward to it and more dreading it. I hate getting up that early. Like the job otherwise, just don't like being tied down. DH goes to Atlanta tomorrow and Las Vegas the next week and I could tag along if I didn' thave to work my 3 hour shifts. As I am off for the 2nd knee am going to do some soul searching if this is what I want to do or not. But I did spend my last check on a gift for me. I got me a laptop!! I got spoiled recovering from surgery using my daughters. Best Buy had one for $279 with a case and 'optical' mouse (whatever that is), I am sure it's not the best laptop but for what I will use it for it will suffice. I have no idea though how to get it to talk to this computer and online via the wireless. Good thing DD is marrying a computer geek! He said he'd get it up and running for me and 'network' it.

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Your baby is very cute Apples. Looks like my dog. I should've brought you out to my car Saturday and introduced you to Lucy & Hunter. They were in the car, both black lab mixes.

Dan had lunch at Godfathers. Sounds like he had quite the feast, it was all you can eat. We had a Godfathers when we lived in Utah but none since and he used to love their pizza and found out he still does. That's probably why he decided we needed our 'girl talk' and didn't join us for lunch, he saw the Godfathers on the way in. LOL

Any chance for the fudge recipe?? And thanks so much again for the goodies you gave me, I totally didn't expect that.

Well just 'graduated' from therapy on my knee! I got a 128 degree bend today too. Feel good about that. I will continue working it at home. I have a break for a couple weeks then start up on knee number 2.

Back to work tomorrow. I am sortta looking forward to it and more dreading it. I hate getting up that early. Like the job otherwise, just don't like being tied down. DH goes to Atlanta tomorrow and Las Vegas the next week and I could tag along if I didn' thave to work my 3 hour shifts. As I am off for the 2nd knee am going to do some soul searching if this is what I want to do or not. But I did spend my last check on a gift for me. I got me a laptop!! I got spoiled recovering from surgery using my daughters. Best Buy had one for $279 with a case and 'optical' mouse (whatever that is), I am sure it's not the best laptop but for what I will use it for it will suffice. I have no idea though how to get it to talk to this computer and online via the wireless. Good thing DD is marrying a computer geek! He said he'd get it up and running for me and 'network' it.

Being the dog lover that you are, Lori, I knew you would respond to my "poor dog post". If I would have known your babies were with you, I would have raced to the car to meet them.

I go back and forth on the working out of the home issues also. I have not been "tied down" with a job for 9 years now. It's just the social stimulation and feeling stranded so far out here on the farm that bothers me. Yes, a paycheck of my own would be nice but DH is more than generous when it comes to my wants and needs.

I bought DH a laptop for Christmas last year just so he would keep his butt out of MY chair at MY desk:lol:.

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Apples - Love the Baby Pic - I noticed it last week :0)

Great - WTG on your knee - after walking the mall today the back of my knee hurts - I guess I am going to have to see an ortho doc - can't find anything online about the pain in the back of my knee..

Well - got most of the xmas shopping done - tomorrow should be it - the decorate - pay bills and have some time for me :0) but laying around the house makes me want to eat..

Well I can wrap present - that should keep me busy..

well need to eat before gym - cbl

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Apples - Love the Baby Pic - I noticed it last week :0)

Great - WTG on your knee - after walking the mall today the back of my knee hurts - I guess I am going to have to see an ortho doc - can't find anything online about the pain in the back of my knee..

Well - got most of the xmas shopping done - tomorrow should be it - the decorate - pay bills and have some time for me :0) but laying around the house makes me want to eat..

Well I can wrap present - that should keep me busy..

well need to eat before gym - cbl

Janet....my GF had a tear in her meniscus (sp?) and she had pain in the back of her knee. She tore it while bowling. Went many months hoping it would heal but ended up having some surgery. Actually, in and out surgery and recovery time was very short.

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Laura, Nels looks like he fits right in with the family. You looked gorgeous.

Great and Apples--great pics, sorry the food sucked.

Apples, good looking dog. I did notice.

I had a great time in Tennesse. Beautiful weather. Walked all over the hills by my sister's. I was in such great shape I couldn't believe how I handled those very steep slopes.

I didn't gain at all. Walked it all off.

Shopped in Ashville NC. Lots of neat stuff but I loved Mast General Store where I bought almost everything I needed to give for Christmas.

Loved seeing my sister and her husband.


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Hi all what a wonderful holiday everyone over my house for turkey and my turkey was so moist it fell of the bone everyone loved it. Then I went to Tybee Island with my BFF we walked and walked and walked it was cool but the beach was pretty. Everyones pics looked great family and pets. I hope everyone had a good time. Sorry so many post to catch up on.

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Lori...will post the two fudge recipes tomorrow. Babysitting corn dryer this evening and no time.

Glad you had a nice time, Melissa and Cheri. Isn't it great to do things that once almost caused us a heart attack?

Thanks for noticing my pup everyone...actually was just kind of joking about the photo.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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