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Sounds yummy, Phil...will give it a try. Thing I like about dishes like this is that there's not trouble with the meat, especially if it is cooked slow. Lots of protien and you really feel like you are eating a hearty meal.

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Sounds yummy, Phil...will give it a try. Thing I like about dishes like this is that there's not trouble with the meat, especially if it is cooked slow. Lots of protien and you really feel like you are eating a hearty meal.

Yeah, we threw in a ziplock baggie of chopped rotisserie chicken that was in the freezer. I used two cans of white Beans and a can of black soy beans. Also added carrots, celery, green pepper and mushrooms. It was SO good!

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Meredith, Congrats on being into the 'normal' size stores! That was the most exciting thing to me. I usually only shopped Lane Bryant and from the day I hit a 16 and could buy clothes off the rack in other stores, I've never crossed the threshold of that store again, even though I still could wear stuff in there for quite a while. Anything new on the house buying front?

Thanks for the safe driving thoughts, Apples, just checked the weather and as of now it looks good for the entire trip. Think I'll pass on the French Silk pie too then, I am not into super rich things either. My favorite pie is banana Cream, followed by Apple ala mode, if there's no 'ala mode' then no pie. LOL and it must be warm so the ice cream gets melty.

I've made many a turkey in my day, in fact this might be the first Thanksgiving in my marriage that I didn't cook one. My daughter took a class at Williams and Sonoma and recently made a brined one, it was really good.

My youngest DS was a chef at the Balooga Lake Lodge in Homer, Alaska when he was 19-20 (his night job). He always has loved to cook like is momma. If he is home, he's the one that likes to do the cooking. (My poor kitchen...you know what they say makes a good cook...a sloppy one). Anyway, he injects so much into his turkeys, one could never begin to guess the calorie content. :thumbup:

Meredith...even if your scale is not moving, your body is making adjustments. Way to go on the smaller sizes. Be patient, the scale will all of a sudden move. Plateaus are no fun but if you are sticking to the cals you should and exercising, you will see some action soon.

Wish we had the option of just walking across the street to get take out. We are in a rural area 15 miles from anywhere and cannot even have a pizza delivered. (Maybe that's a good thing).

Good to hear from you and so nice that your sis made it home.

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I don't know if you girls remember me posting about this time last year about a fire we had at our bin site. There were so many fire trucks coming down our road, we could see the lights for miles.

Well, just as I was hitting the post button on my last post, DH hollared....another bin fire. Same story, second verse. Uhg! Just a few hours into beginning our corn harvest....hope it's not a omen of how this harvest will go.

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I don't know if you girls remember me posting about this time last year about a fire we had at our bin site. There were so many fire trucks coming down our road, we could see the lights for miles.

Well, just as I was hitting the post button on my last post, DH hollared....another bin fire. Same story, second verse. Uhg! Just a few hours into beginning our corn harvest....hope it's not a omen of how this harvest will go.


That's not good!!

I didn't realize corn was harvested this late!

So you liked my turkey recipe!??


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Apples - Oh sorry about the fire - no it's not an omen - just a bit of bad luck and something to be thankful about on thanksgiving that it wasn't too bad (well hopefully) I am doing the positive thinking about it - hope it work..

I love rich stuff In fact nothing is to rich for me :tongue2:- brownie batter all time fav :smile2:- so I won't ask for the recipe :lol: Right now I would love a piece...:biggrin:

Ok gang I am going off memory here - so please excuse me if I miss some one..

Linda - LOVE YOUR PIC'S GD is such a CUTIE !!! and girl look at your legs !!! Yep I think we all have twins too..

I chewed the gum when I quit for those 10 days - I still have it - don't know if it goes bad - I take it on airplaine rides if I am going to be in the air a long time :0) - My stepmom died of lung cancer and so did a gf - but I still haven't quit..

Proud of you on ignoring the candy your dh has - I can't - my drug of choice - I am happy with my alternatives - sf/yogurt fruit granola - sherbet - sf fudgesicles - sf puddings There's a soft serve yogurt place call Island - they have a yogurt that's only 70 cal for 4 oz - I love it - in fact so much I would love to open up one of those yogurt shops - but am not a big risk taker - I dream about it - and I bet when things get better someone will open on in our neighbohood and I will kick myself for not taking the risk :angry:

Hope your DD get's better.. Hugs & prayers on your surgery - you know we will be thinking of you - a gf at work had her's done last yr - she did fine...

Melissa - You will do fine with the turkey - but I still fret sometimes about mine and I have made them for 30+ yrs - so don't fret - even us experience cookers worry about how our thanksgiving dinner is going to turn out :laugh:

Julie - glad you got to the doc and don't wait til the pain gets bad to take the pills - cuz they don't work if you wait til it gets bad... Hugs hope it gets better and 12/7 is better than 1/19..

Meredith - WTG on regular clothes shopping and your 16's

Great - Safe driving and have a wonderful time - you and Apples - better take pic's and post them and when you guys hug for the 1st time give each other a big hugs from us too..

Phyl - Your chili sounds good - Thanks again for my earrings & necklace - going to where them tomorrow where I am out and about,. Noticed you had your lucky #7 earrings on Sat Nite..

Had a great time with Eva (well Phyl too) I look pg in that picture :biggrin:

Took Sheba to the vet - she didn't like the pet carrier - came home to wait for Eva - she said she would be here around 2 -well she got an early start and was here by 11 !!! Well we got to talking - and I forgot all about Sheba - all morning I had fretting about her - but we were going to leave to Phyl's and I called to see if she was home yet and she said no not yet - but what about Sheba - I said omg I forgot - it was 1:30 so at 2 - Eva and I went and got her and then it was time to get Phyl -

Dinner was great at Phyl's fish place - and yes the Bath Junkie was great - we smelled so many diff scents that after awhile you couldn't smell anything or they all smelled the same. - I even got fu fu spray for the dogs !!! The same scent that I got for me - powder puff & clean - I got a body oil in that scent and then the dogs fufu scent the same - so we all smell clean - I took a shower tonite used the oil then brushed the dogs and sprayed them :biggrin:

Eva was so sweet she brought us home made Jerky - I haven't had any yet - but will be munchie on it tomorrow while I am running around.

As Apples & Great are going to learn on Saturday - That meeting each other in person is fantatic but what is really impressive is that even though it's the 1st time you are actually meeting - you know the person already and there will be no awkardness - It's like seeing a very good old friend that you haven't seen in a long time ..

Eva and I sat up till about 12:30 and talked - she said she slept well which is a good sign that the person is comfortable and she and I were both aware about 6:30 this morning - we chatted all morning then she said I have to get going if I am going to make it home tonite - The time went by too fast -

She left I think it was 10:30 -11 and after she got all setttled she went to start the car - THE BATTERY GHOST APPEARED... Her car didn't start - thankfully I have jumper cables so we got it going - hope that once she got going that it charged up enough for a pit stop - but thankfully she does have AAA but then you have to wait for them...

She should be home around now - she's suppose to call or text or post when she get's home..

Had a great time - I so enjoyed our time together

Ok like I said this is all from memory - so if I missed anyone - it wasn't on purpose..

Laura & LauraK hugs to you girls...

Cheri - congrats on your 2 lbs..

Well - gotta ck on dinner - CBL


Eve just emailed - she's home safe and sound - but did have to call AAA to give her a jump then went and had to buy a new battery

Edited by IndioGirl55

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That's not good!!

I didn't realize corn was harvested this late!

So you liked my turkey recipe!??


DH is all for that turkey recipe.

We are having an usually late corn harvest this year. We had a very cold summer and very cold October and the corn did not dry down in the field like it should. Very high moisture still. Will cost many $$$$$$$$$ in drying costs. Just one of those years. Gotta take the good with the bad. As DH says...we always get the crop in the ground and we always get it out. He is such an even person. Just a few minutes after our fire, he was in the house laughing at your turkey recipe and commenting on the fire. No big deal, he says...just one of those things. I should worry for hire. I'm still panicing.:biggrin:

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Don't have time for much of a post. I have to write up my directions for my daughter to follow to make the turkey in my absence. She stepped up to the plate to provide the turkey and have everyone over. Everyone loves my turkey so she's putting herself under pressure to make it as close to mine as possible. I've never written down all the little things I do to make it so good, so this is going to take awhile.

I am so grateful for beautiful weather today. I took my long exercise walk this morning and then I took another long walk this afternoon with my DH and my 1 yr. old granddaughter.

Love you guys!

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Hey Janet...sounds like you guys had a great time. Isn't it nice when you have "company" at your house that just does not feel like "company". If I read Eva right, she's a down to earth type of gal and lots of fun.

Our loss from this last fire is (our guesstiment) about $20,000...same as last year. $1,000 deductible but second claim in a week's time. $2,000 loss on my Bracelet last week. No deductible on that. I HATE turning in claims. We went for 20 yrs without one. Bummer but life goes on and guess that's what we pay premiums for. Could have been much worse. Could have lost all 10 bins and the contents. (80,000 bushel bins each).

Oh...I gotta get my dog to smell like me. Wonder if they make a "Rain" scent for dogs. Wonder if it would cover up the slough smell from going swimming in the swamp. (the dog, not me).

I'll have to remember my camera on Sat and post photos of me and Lori. I never get nervous about meeting new people. But, I feel like I've known you guys for years. DH says (he's a little shy at first and then fine) he wishes he had that gift. Well, pretty hard to be in the business I was and make cold calls and be shy.

Darn...that battery virus struck again! WTH? We should all be immune to it soon. You would think our tolerance to it should be built up by now.

You all have a great evening. I'll be heading to bed soon with my new book. DH is on fire patrol for a few hours. Just happy it didn't happen on my watch. He had just taken over at the dryers for me when it happened. I had been watching the burners for the four hours prior. Gotta make sure I have 911 on speed dial!

Tomorrow is lock up for the last time in "mom's" apt. Helping move the last of it out tomorrow morning, filling some nail holes and that's it. Helped load the biggest share today that went to daughter. Good and sad feelings about being done. But, good thing it's done cuz I will be on bin patrol from here on out (except for Sat when I meet Lori....no farm detail that day).

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Hi all....yes I'm home and had a great trip.

PHYL, I really enjoyed last night shopping and having dinner and meeting you and your DH. I love the necklaces and earrings....they're beautiful and Thank you so much!! Thanks for posting the pictures too.

So I guess Janet pretty much tells it all....and it's all true. I had a fabulous trip and really enjoyed meeting her and Phyl. I was very comfortable and Janet is a gracious host and has a very lovely home. I fell in love with her Angel dog....it's a poodle.....never thought I would say that.

So the story on the battery. Janet gave my little Jeep a jump at her house and I drove to the gas station and filled up and it started fine. Got on I-10 and was heading home and my MP3 play wouldn't turn on. I have to reseat it's battery sometimes and then it works fine, but it has 4 very tiny screws that hold the battery cover on and I had nothing to unscrew them. Also my regular CD player isn't working in the car either. I decided to stop in Blythe and got the directions from my little GPS to the K-mart. Found a eyeglass screwdriver and a Christmas present for my DH and took care of the MP3. Well the car wouldn't start. Called AAA and they came a gave me a jump and I drove right over to the Checker Auto across the street and bought a new battery. They even installed it. So about 1 1/2 hours later I'm back on the road. I actually got back to Tucson on 1 tank of gas....I had to fill up before I got home...sort of on fumes, but I made it. And I have a new battery. And my MP3 player worked the rest of the way home. A good trip all in all. Oh, my old battery turned out to be 5 years old...so it was time.

I'm still a little road wired, so I'll stop blabbering and post a real post tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great night.


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Let's see we've spread dead batteries around here as well as falls down stairs. Please, let's not spread fires around. Glad your fire and damage wasn't worse, Apples. But a loss is a loss and no fun. DH's uncle doesn't have his corn in yet in SD either. Though I know he intentionally leaves one field in until after Thanksgiving for the pheasant hunters.

Eva, glad you are home safe and sound. Sounds like a great weekend.

Got my last load of laundry in the washer and tomorrow I can pack. Whenever I go some place I have this thing where I have to have all my laundry done and then I can think of packing. Guess that way I don't have to wrry about wanting to pack something and then discovering it's in the laundry.

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Eva, so glad you made it home okay, but so sorry for the battery ghost! I hope that's the very last of that one! Phyll, the jewelry you made is gorgeous -- very nice and looks like fun. Chili recipe sounded good too, I printed it. I made a big crock pot full of lean stew -- it tasted yummy - haven't made it in a long time. I used some lean round steak, carrots, onions, garlic, tomatoes and a few potatoes. Sure tastes good in the winter. I forgot to tell you all yesterday. I toasted one of those new flat breads -- Arnold's == the 100 calorie little bun things and put fat free I can't believe it's not butter on it and some jelly -- OMW did that taste like heaven - I haven't had toast and jelly for about a year and it was so good. I don't eat many white carbs, so for me that was a real treat. The last time I tried to eat that bread I couldn't so I was happy I was able to eat it -- I think putting jelly on it helped make it a slider as well. Lori, have a safe and fun trip. Apples, so sorry about the fire, sounds scary and glad your damage was kept to a minimum. I don't mind making turkey - I think they're easy -- but that's just me. I enjoy it so much -- only make them once a year. I'm really looking forward to cooking for Thanksgiving this year. Have a good Monday everyone! Linda

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Good Morning Gang...

Woke up 6:30 having coffee and will hit the gym in a few..

Then off to to my Turkey day shopping - I don't think costco opens till 11 during the week - I will have to ck the website - I have been told their ham is just as good as honeybaked but I don't need a HUGE one - just enough for dinner then for a pot of navy Beans. Going to get a small turkey 12 15 lbs - so will end up at local grocery store for the rest of my food.< /span>

After that who knows what - maybe get my budget together and I will have gym at 5 tonite w/trainer..

Apples - Yep Eva is just who she seems to be online :biggrin:) a down to earth person -Loved having her and glad that she was comfortable w/me too - I have found that most pple are - I have one person I met from another thread who is a little dif than what she seems like online - Cant say I was nervous meeting Eva - I just don't think I am a great hostess - If you come to my house and you are thirsty - say Hey where's the glasses I want something to drink - I'm a mi casa your casa kind of person - and I have to remember to feed pple besides just dinner & afterwards - cuz when I'm yaking I don't think about food ;0)..

Ok I was wondering how the fire started at first I thought it was like a silo fire but now I understand you have dryers on the corn - the corn is for feed right?? Ya glad it wasn't worse.. I love your DH way of thinking...

Yes you gotta remember camera - I forgot mine when we all got together but Phyl has hers with her all the time.. We want pictures..

Well better go get dressed or maybe another cup of coffee not sure yet maybe both - the gardner is here mowing and dogs are barking -

Have a good day everyone - I'll ck back after gym...

Hugs :biggrin:

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Eva, so glad you made it home okay, but so sorry for the battery ghost! I hope that's the very last of that one! Phyll, the jewelry you made is gorgeous -- very nice and looks like fun. Chili recipe sounded good too, I printed it. I made a big crock pot full of lean stew -- it tasted yummy - haven't made it in a long time. I used some lean round steak, carrots, onions, garlic, tomatoes and a few potatoes. Sure tastes good in the winter. I forgot to tell you all yesterday. I toasted one of those new flat breads -- Arnold's == the 100 calorie little bun things and put fat free I can't believe it's not butter on it and some jelly -- OMW did that taste like heaven - I haven't had toast and jelly for about a year and it was so good. I don't eat many white carbs, so for me that was a real treat. The last time I tried to eat that bread I couldn't so I was happy I was able to eat it -- I think putting jelly on it helped make it a slider as well. Lori, have a safe and fun trip. Apples, so sorry about the fire, sounds scary and glad your damage was kept to a minimum. I don't mind making turkey - I think they're easy -- but that's just me. I enjoy it so much -- only make them once a year. I'm really looking forward to cooking for Thanksgiving this year. Have a good Monday everyone! Linda

Linda I just really noticed your ticker - 149 lbs - 1/27 your anniversary - WTG GIRL !!!!:biggrin:

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