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Lori, we were posting at the same time... I have times like you had with your g'ma with my mother... I have to take her lots of places still and sometimes it's like pulling teeth the whole day.. I come home so frustrated.. But at least your grandma only does it occassionally... My mother frustrates me on a regular basis... She did it today and wasn't even with me... Was supposed to watch Mimi for me a couple hours, but we couldn't find her... wouldn't answer her phone.. DD finally had to take Mimi to work with her (daycare, so it was okay)... She was outside putzing and just didn't bother to listen to her messages... Then she was mad that Mimi didn't get to come... :redface:

My husband is a workaholic, too...... And for most of our marriage he was not only a 12 hour shift worker at a power plant, but also in the military... So if he wasn't missing something kind of fun event because he was working, then it was guard weekend... I was forever going to things alone... I was single a long time before I married him and I hated going places alone then and I sure hated it after I was married... That's over now that he is retired from both jobs, but he still puts work of any kind before thoughts of me and what I might like to do.. I have to remind him now and then that he is retired!!!!

Our oldest daughter and her husband moved home here when they couldn't make it anymore where they were.. She was sick and they were so in debt... We felt sorry at first so helped all we could to get things straightened out.. They filed bankruptcy and we gave them a place to live for free.... with all the trimmings.. in one of our rental spaces for 18 months... Well, they abused both things so badly that we have lost all sympathy....especially when they started on a buying spree with new furniture and jewelry and leather jackets.... Seems they had been saving money we didn't know they had and still continueing to live free on us... DH got very upset and told them it was time to leave.. Now they don't talk to us... We paid for lawyers and moving expenses from Las Vegas.... Never offered to repay a penny.... Ungrateful little snots!!!! Shouldn't be bitter, but I am... a person hates to feel so taken advantage of especially by your children.... And these "kids" are 44 and 36....... should know better...

Anyway, it seems we all have things to deal with that we wish we could change.. I guess we just have to hope for the best and that they will "get it" one of these days before they do any permanent damage to their futures.... Times are tough enough out there without being your own worst enemy....

There's my 2 cents on those topics....

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Julie...so good to here you more upbeat. We all have a low days. Hopefully your new pain meds will help. sleep deprivation could turn anyone's world upside down. Did not realize you are so far from Watertown. That would be a mega-drive just for lunch!

Great...BTW...lunch is on me. Just figured milage and you will travel 50 miles more than me round trip. That will make it fair. Hard to believe I am meeting my first LBT person and it's you! So excited that if I ate chicken right now I might just have my second pb of all time.

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Apples, thanks for the pep talk about DD. For the most part it's been good, but lately have had our moments and it's mostly from falling into old habits in things like help around the house, etc. We will get through this and plan on having a discussion soon. Before you offer to buy lunch, I am bringing DH along as he is my driver. LOL I don't mind the extra 50 miles. If we cut that in half we'd probably be meeting in a field some where about 25 miles out of Watertown. LOL

Julie, drats, didn't realize you were that far away. That's a long drive for a couple hours.

Now just gotta pray for no bad weather and for good roads.

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Apples, thanks for the pep talk about DD. For the most part it's been good, but lately have had our moments and it's mostly from falling into old habits in things like help around the house, etc. We will get through this and plan on having a discussion soon. Before you offer to buy lunch, I am bringing DH along as he is my driver. LOL I don't mind the extra 50 miles. If we cut that in half we'd probably be meeting in a field some where about 25 miles out of Watertown. LOL

Julie, drats, didn't realize you were that far away. That's a long drive for a couple hours.

Now just gotta pray for no bad weather and for good roads.

We'll just think positivly for the good roads....I would feel right at home in that field 25 miles north of Watertown!

I knew DH was coming and still claim the tab for lunch. :redface:

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Hey guys~

Just got back from taking Nels to Taekwondo and to dinner with DH.

Dad got his biopsy and it was negative... BUT.. it said specimen wasn't adequate. His doctors all had a pow wow and concluded that he needs to start chemo. They are bummed. I think they were somehow praying for a miracle. He's on the schedule for Monday. We will move our trip up a couple days to get there before. We are driving his Excursion up for him for the winter. (he bought that big truck back in June when he was down here and only drove it twice!) We will fly back the Friday after Thanksgiving.

Love all the talk of holidays. I am taking it all in- not much to comment on since this will be my first holiday banded. Will CBL~


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Laura...sounds like the docs are really pushing to be more safe than sorry. Will be thinking of you and saying some extra prayers for you, your dad and your family. Take care of yourself. Take some time just to get away by yourself for walk while you are down there. Everyone needs their own "thinking time". I hope you do feel some relief that the treatments will start.

Get your protien, take your Vitamins, try to get adequate sleep..just take care.

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Yes Melissa - I still smoke - I got some chantix cuz a while back I was ready to quit - or at least try - I still enjoy smoking - I smoke out side every where :0) - but sometimes it's a pain - But then the urge to quit left - so - just like weight loss - when I am ready to do it I will - I am not going to force the issue - and in the back of my mind I am worried about gaining weight - I quit for 10 days prior to surgery - but the day before surgery I smoked - due to nerves mostly - I told the doc when I went to the hospital that day - they still operated..

I gave up food and exercise - Not ready to give up cigs too !! That's asking a lot - like a gf said everyone has to have a vice ;0) and cigs are mind - I smoke about 1/2 - 3/4 pack a day and that's includes just smoking 1/2 cig not the whole thing - - ok yes justification - I don't smoke like my x - 3 packs a day ;0)

Yeah we all have vices so I guess trading one for another is not to bad :redface:

Melissa....we got banded because of our food issues...we can overcome the little devil in our heads that shut off our common sense. We need to do that, both of us it sounds like. The walking certainly helps....I did some of that today.


The walking is helping and I am learning to knit to keep my mind busy I am trying so I am proud of myself

Melissa, how's your 'funk' coming? I think mine is a bit better........[/color][/size][/font]


I think mine is going okay trying to hang in there. I am glad you are getting better.

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We'll just think positivly for the good roads....I would feel right at home in that field 25 miles north of Watertown!

I knew DH was coming and still claim the tab for lunch. :redface:

So would DH. Heck he'd probably bring his dog and shotgun along and look for birds. LOL Can't wait to meet ya! Sounds like you know Watertown well so I'll let you pick the place.

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Great - Hugs - I know that when my son wanted to get a divorce and move in w/me - I said HELL NO... If you want to get divorce then go get your own apt and live like a grown up on your own - (they got in a fight and he was drinking).

Hugs on GM issues too - sometime you can't make pple happy no matter what you do - they just get in that kind of mood and I don't think they even realize it.

I am so jealous of you too meeting - but I guess I have been the luckiest so far - I have met my #7 gang - Pam & Kathy from this thread and Eva this weekend..

Melissa - Thanks for understanding my smoking - so many pple now adays hate smoker :0).. Great on taking up knitting it does help - after I eat lunch I crochet and while I am watching tv too..

Julie - OMW I would be still pissed about that too...

Laura - Hugs & Prayer - Enjoy your time with the family.. You will be fine even with the band - just remember eat slowly tiny bites and chew :0)..

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So would DH. Heck he'd probably bring his dog and shotgun along and look for birds. LOL Can't wait to meet ya! Sounds like you know Watertown well so I'll let you pick the place.

You two are making me want to hit the road and meet you!!


It's great meeting other LBTs! Janet and I are looking forward to meeting Eva this weekend. Earl will not be excited about more shopping!! He'll get over it!

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Hi guys..............I feel like I've been away too long.. Took me forever to read all the posts again.. Got home at 1:00 from Bismarck.. had PT again.. I spoke too soon yesterday about having had no pain Sunday night... It was back with a vengenance last night.. The doc prescribed a different pain pill today that should help me sleep through the night.. Hope he's right... Anyway, I picked Mimi up and she is now napping.. Fell asleep in my lap and I think I got a couple minutes, too.. But need to get some things done, including this, so made myself wake up....

Cheri, I love that you are getting all these new comments about your 'tude and being sexy and all.. It must do your heart good.... WTG!!!!!!

Laura K, sorry you fell and hurt yourself.. Hope those aches and pains are gone soon.. The hot Water does wonders for me, too.... Take care..

Meredith, great news about another house.. Yes, you mother is probably worried... I tend to do that with my DD, too... We don't mean to sound negative, just would like to make sure our babies are always "safe".. You'll understand one day, too.......... Glad you are back on track after your slip.. Chances are it will happen again, but now you know what to do....

Lori, I get you about the DD situation.. Have been there way too much.. .. with both of our daughters.. Hopefully it won't be for long and all this little stuff will be forgotten... Yeah, when is the wedding again?? And by the way, thanks for the invite to SD to meet you and Apples.. Don't think I can.. We were just to Mitchell this past weekend.. I checked and it's 368 miles to Watertown from here.. Don't dare tackle something that far alone with this dang shoulder... Don't think I could drive that long.. But, otherwise I would try.. Maybe another time...

Laura, girl, it just keeps coming doesn't it.. I'm sorry for all these worries you have.. As I've said, I've been just where you are.. So, I agree, if your dad wants turkey done 10 different ways, do it!!!! If he's happy you all will be.... Hope you have a great time...

Arlene, wish you could get better...... I don't think I know what this IBS is... Hope things will improve for you real soon...

Tinya, when is your DD getting married?? What kind of business do you have yourself??? Good luck on the p/t job... Nice of you to do that to help her out...

Eve, sorry to hear you are struggling again, too.. Seems like an epidemic around here these days.. We'll all have to start listening to that Christmas music to get us in better spirits....

Nawlinz, does all that mean that Wii is good or not? I've never used one so don't really know what it's about.. Have thought about getting one if it is beneficial....

Melissa, how's your 'funk' coming? I think mine is a bit better........

Apples, I remember last year quite well... I gave myself permission to eat what I wanted for TG and Xmas.. I did have pumpkin pie with whipped cream and some Christmas cookies... but I did lose weight over the holidays, too... I may have a tougher time this year.. I think normal, boring days are harder for me than the special ones.... I don't really know what we are doing for the holidays this year... I'm sure I will be cooking, but not sure there will be anyone but us, Mom, and DD and Mimi.... Refuse to try for a family gathering with all the issues we have... Just like you, Lori, I'm not going to push anything, just see where it falls...

I did take the advice of some of you and made an appt with my GP for Friday.. I'll talk to her and if she thinks it is wise I will ask for anti-depressents... I worry that they will make me gain weight.... don't know if that's true or not... But I will have a frank discussion about how I'm feeling.. So, thanks, everyone, for all your ideas and advice.. I'm not as bad as I sounded that day..... Things just hit me hard when talking about rewards and treating myself well... I guess I'm not good at that... I've been punishing myself for so long I don't know how to stop....

Well, I better get some other things done now before Mimi gets up from her nap... I'm hoping my new medication is going to get me a better night's sleep tonight and be the start of another better day.. You all take care... Hope I didn't miss anyone... If so, sorry, I'll try to do better next time... TTFN....Julie

I went on Wellbutrin which can actually initially help with weight loss and is known to be good for ADHD.

PT really seems to be source of your pain. Does your therapist know the kind of pain you're being put in or are you not standing up for yourself in this area?

Hey guys~

Just got back from taking Nels to Taekwondo and to dinner with DH.

Dad got his biopsy and it was negative... BUT.. it said specimen wasn't adequate. His doctors all had a pow wow and concluded that he needs to start chemo. They are bummed. I think they were somehow praying for a miracle. He's on the schedule for Monday. We will move our trip up a couple days to get there before. We are driving his Excursion up for him for the winter. (he bought that big truck back in June when he was down here and only drove it twice!) We will fly back the Friday after Thanksgiving.

Love all the talk of holidays. I am taking it all in- not much to comment on since this will be my first holiday banded. Will CBL~


Man, that is just too wierd. I guess better safe than sorry. I guess if there can be false positives, there can be false negatives.

Have a funny teaching story. One of my eighth grade boys has started wearing his uniform pants extra baggy without a belt--trying to be cool--but docker style black pants just don't translate to hip-hop.

Well not only were they already in a precarious state, he lost the button on the waistband. He was fiddling with the pants and fiddling and I finally offered to get him a safety pin. He agreed but didn't understand what I meant when I told him to overlap the waistband and he'd never used a safety pin and had no idea how to manipulate it. He kept looking at me helplessly and I kept holding up my hands and telling him "I'm not going there."

Finally one of the other boys said, "Mrs. Flory you've got to help him."

So I told him to hike the pants up as high as he could (since they were so big) and then watched him flinch as I pinned the waistband back together. Stepped back and said, "OK. You're all witnesses." Pretty funny.

Hopfully he'll start wearing a belt.

Sometimes I have to just be a mom with these kids. Except I did teach him the meaning of overlap and showed him how to use a safety pin. Sometimes being a mom and a teacher aren't too different.

Edited by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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Great - Hugs - I know that when my son wanted to get a divorce and move in w/me - I said HELL NO... If you want to get divorce then go get your own apt and live like a grown up on your own - (they got in a fight and he was drinking).

Hugs on GM issues too - sometime you can't make pple happy no matter what you do - they just get in that kind of mood and I don't think they even realize it.

I am so jealous of you too meeting - but I guess I have been the luckiest so far - I have met my #7 gang - Pam & Kathy from this thread and Eva this weekend..

Melissa - Thanks for understanding my smoking - so many pple now adays hate smoker :0).. Great on taking up knitting it does help - after I eat lunch I crochet and while I am watching tv too..

Julie - OMW I would be still pissed about that too...

Laura - Hugs & Prayer - Enjoy your time with the family.. You will be fine even with the band - just remember eat slowly tiny bites and chew :0)..

Janet, I understand about the smoking. I started again after quitting for 4 yrs. Got pissed off at boyfriend & had the first one because I was going to teach him a thing or two, he hated my smoking. Bribed me to quit by agreeing to pay for Lasix surgery on my eyes if I quit for 6 months first. Well got rid of him and still smoking.

Laura K

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Well, it's 1:00 AM and I'm still awake and in pain.. It had me crying a while ago... Poor DH just stands over me trying to think of something to do for me.. Took my new pill at 9:30.... Not what I was hoping for in a new routine.... Just got out of a hot bath and smeared some analgesic cream on my shoulder... It's tingling now and it feels so good.. can feel the pain hiding underneath, but it still feels good to experience a different feeling.... I'm going to try to lay down again and see if I can relax now... I may go try the guest bedroom so as not to wake DH... Hope the rest of you are sleeping like babies..... Night night..... Julie

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You two are making me want to hit the road and meet you!!


It's great meeting other LBTs! Janet and I are looking forward to meeting Eva this weekend. Earl will not be excited about more shopping!! He'll get over it!

Phyll...fire up that RV right after Eva heads back and head to South Dakota! It would get you there just about at the right time. :redface: More shopping? Sounds like fun.

We have a great Outlet Mall about 3 hours from here. Hardly ever hit it in the winter due to the bitterly cold weather. But, in the summer, I could spend all day just wandering in and out of stores. There's a little bit of everything. DH and I love the Kitchen Aid and Bose....usually hit those first.

You girls have a wonderful time. Janet have any tiling jobs lined up for Eva?????

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The roosters crowed at 4am again this morning. Oops...don't have roosters...it was DH. We are in that time of year where you grab sleep when you can get it. This last week has been the 4am. Cutting in fertilizer and have to work when the ground is frozen or else it gets mucky. The other half of the crew is tiling so don't even bother with a meal on the table. Packed lunches last night and this morning threw it all in the cooler. Made a HUGE roaster of scalloped potatoes with ham and corn last night and only had one person that ate. They all spread their separate ways after work. That doesn't happen very often as they are hungry but each had something going on. A little warning? Nope. Potatoes do not freeze very well so will be adding a little milk and they will get it tonight.

Still have not gotten into the fields to harvest the corn. DH is thinking Monday to start. That's going to bring us until late December b/4 we get done. Guess that's the thing that drives me nuts about farming. No for certains. Every aspect of it is dependent on the weather. I notice lately that I feel like I am at the end of my rope with it all. (And no one to take it out on cuz they are gone all day. LOL)

I am sure I am feeling this way due to all the stresses lately. And, now that the major packing and stacking is done in mom's apt, I am here along with only the dog to talk to. (No, not time for the Funny Farm....me and the talk both talk to each other all day long). I was home yesterday by myself from 4am till I picked DH up in the field at 8pm. I cried most of the day. I would look down and my shirt would be wet. Guess a person just has to work through the feelings. Never good to delay the grief.

Today I will make a point of getting to town. Have another truck load that is all packed up and sitting on my truck and ready to go to Sal Army. Then to the local Town and Country to get my boy some dog food. Maybe stop for some milk. I know, I know....waaaaaaaaaaaaay too exciting of a day. Back home and hit the books and maybe for some real excitement I'll walk to the mailbox. (Yep, I've got some pouting going on...in a funk).

Julie....Like Cheri, I also wonder about if the PT you are getting is causing more harm than good. I wish you could see someone that could put their finger on what is really going on with that shoulder.

Better get the bills paid b/4 the mailman does his drive-by. The stack is not going to take care of itself and nothing more dreaded than a messy desk.

You all take care and have a good day. Think I will grab the dog and take a walk around the farm to see if a little nature will renew my spirits.

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