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Good morning. Just a minute this morning as I have therapy earlier than usual today. I think I am getting close to done with that too. YEAH!

Apples, I, too, was just thinking about you and that job opportunity as I was reading your post this morning. Any news?

Meredith, look at your candy bar lapse as a learning opportunity, just like the olives. So you are human and cravings are still going to hit you. Now you know that, next time have some low calorie chocolate on hand as an option, some here eat the fudgsicle bars or fat free puddings. The important thing is you confessed it, are aware of it and are moving on today. Just put it behind you.

Julie, glad you had such a good night last night. Let's hope this was the first of many!

Betty, welcome, and best wishes to you on your surgery in a few days. You are about to embark on an incredible, life changing journey!

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Good Morning Gang

Apples - OMG you have packed and packed and packed - I bet you are pooped !!! Sorry you didn't get any sleep I hate that when it happends to me..

Meredith - Just cuz you are banded doesn't mean that you aren't going to over do it sometime - the diff now is that you will make better food choices this week - then in a couple of months it may happend again - the diff is now you think about these things where as before we ate with abandonment - (well at least I did - I never felt guilty for eating a bag of candy or the pan of brownies).. It's ok it's life - just move forward thats all.

As you all know I have my moments too - we are human..

Julie - Glad you had a good time w/your Family...

Betty - Welcome !!! I was lucky on my pre-op my doc allowed me to have a lite meal - fish & salad for dinner- just had to stay away from the carbs - and I only had 1 week pre-op diet - I guess he wasn't to worried about a fatty liver.

Like Apples said 6 months from now you will have forgotten ths whole pre-0p and be feeling so much better from the weight loss

Well I have to work this week then off for the next 2 week :0)

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Janet...what fun things are you doing on your two week hiatis???? A trip? Down time?

Yep, we have packed, packed packed. I am the pack and stack queen. Since everything is going three or four different directions, I have let the others decide WHERE it goes and I am the one that wraps and packs and tapes and marks names on all the boxes for travel. It has taken time but 89 yrs worth of a little bit of everything. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel and are actually done with the sorting. I love that kind of work though. Heck, a fun day for me at home is to organize closets and drawers. A great destresser for me. Almost embarrassed to say that every closet is color coordinated and my Soups in my pantry are alphabetized as are all my spices. OCD??????

Julie...so happy to hear you more upbeat than you were last week. We all have our meltdowns. Had one this morning. Are you guys ready for this???????? I caught one or your "dead battery viruses". Not sure which one of you gave it to me.....think Meredith was the last one with it. I will quarentine myself as to not pass it along to any of you. Anyway, got a new one installed and ready to rock.

On the job front.....I was a few minutes away from meeting with owners of the new business when I got the call about mom's accident. Canceled and have not had the time to meet since. Friday I have an appt late afternoon and we'll see what's up. I am really back and forth on it. Being such a busy time of year with the farm and tiling makes me see why I just work from home. I really do have the best of both worlds but need some outside stimulation. DH is free with the checkbook so it's not like I don't have my "own" money. Just need to be out and about more. I do have the volunteer thing but it got to the point that they needed me for doing medical records and I was working back in a corner in a cubby and I see NO ONE. Don't get me wrong....volunteering is important to me but I need to change it up a bit.

Better get my clothes changed and hit it. I have bins of things to go through and put away from the apt. Just need to find a place for it all. Tired of tripping over it and have a pickup (front and back) to unload also.

I love my LB girls! (that includes each and every one of you).

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Hi all, I am new to this site and need some help with it. How do you get your signature at the bottom? And how do you create a new question for all to see and answer? When people answer does it notify you or do you just have to go back and look at question? I know these are silly question but like I have said I am new to all of this.



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Hi all, I am new to this site and need some help with it. How do you get your signature at the bottom? And how do you create a new question for all to see and answer? When people answer does it notify you or do you just have to go back and look at question? I know these are silly question but like I have said I am new to all of this.



LBT Forum Suggestions, Questions & Updates - LAP-BAND

Kate - click the link above it sould answer all your questions..

Do what I did - just play around you will figure it out..

Good Luck

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I won't be going anywhere - Kids are coming for turkey day and I usually decorate my house and do all my xmas shopping during this time - I hate crowded malls/stores - I don't do them - I don't do black friday...

Eva coming Saturday - Leaving Sunday - DS & family will be here Wed - leaving Saturday I hope cuz Sunday will be a mad house and I really don't have much shopping to do - since kids won't be coming for xmas - I will give them $$ to by Brooke presents and they will get gift cards.. Andrew just want's $$ and Kaitlin (15) bday is 12/1 so have to Celebrate that early too..

Hope to make xmas Cookies w/girls on Wed before thanksgiving - and GS & DS can put up outside lite and after everyone is gone I will bring out the tree and decorate the insides - or may do before they get here..

Just hanging around the house - most likely will have Phyl and DH over for dinner that 2nd week of vacation..

Saturday when I had so much stuff thrown on the floor and didn't know where to start - I was thinking - I WISH APPLES WAS HERE TO HELP" Pantry - spices - forget about it :0)

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Good afternoon. Therapy done for the day and still no improvement on my bend, can't get beyond 120 degrees so will ask the doc about that on Wed.

Janet, 2 weeks off sounds nice. Glad you will have your family together. I forget, do you just have one son? Is the son that is coming the father of the GS that lives with you? I know how you look forward to that baking day with the girls. What's on the menu for this year?

Apples, bummer about the battery, funny how that has gone around all of us. You can come organize my closets anytime. They are better than they used to be but still need lots of work. I can tell I've lived in one house longer than usual (over 3 yrs) because they are getting cluttered. When you move as often as we have they get cleaned out as things get packed. LoL

Well I am in Christmas carol heaven! Just discovered on the music stations on my DirecTV that the Christmas music has begun today! WOOHOO!! And I think the local radio station is starting the continuous music on Friday. I love it. I know, many folks hate it and think it's too early, but not me!

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I won't be going anywhere - Kids are coming for turkey day and I usually decorate my house and do all my xmas shopping during this time - I hate crowded malls/stores - I don't do them - I don't do black friday...

Eva coming Saturday - Leaving Sunday - DS & family will be here Wed - leaving Saturday I hope cuz Sunday will be a mad house and I really don't have much shopping to do - since kids won't be coming for xmas - I will give them $$ to by Brooke presents and they will get gift cards.. Andrew just want's $$ and Kaitlin (15) bday is 12/1 so have to Celebrate that early too..

Hope to make xmas Cookies w/girls on Wed before thanksgiving - and GS & DS can put up outside lite and after everyone is gone I will bring out the tree and decorate the insides - or may do before they get here..

Just hanging around the house - most likely will have Phyl and DH over for dinner that 2nd week of vacation..

Saturday when I had so much stuff thrown on the floor and didn't know where to start - I was thinking - I WISH APPLES WAS HERE TO HELP" Pantry - spices - forget about it :0)

Janet...sounds like an action-packed couple of weeks. I, too, am a Christmas girl and try to decorate early. Will post photos when I am done. I display my santa collection in the kitchen, snowmen in the foyer and have three Christmas trees...one in foyer, one in livingroom and one in familyroom. Sorted through a lot of the Christmas decorations last year and donated quite a bit to Sal Army.

DS's has a cute Cape Cod style house in town. His GF (who is my beautician) and I have a sneaky plan. He does not decorate for Christmas. We are planning a morning when he is farming to go in and "Christmas it up". Everybody needs that Christmas feeling.

Got "mom's" nativity set that she made. Made me cry when the siblings gave it to me. Came home and set it up right away. It is such a great reminder of her...will hate to take it down after the season is over.

OK...back at it!

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Good afternoon. Therapy done for the day and still no improvement on my bend, can't get beyond 120 degrees so will ask the doc about that on Wed.

Janet, 2 weeks off sounds nice. Glad you will have your family together. I forget, do you just have one son? Is the son that is coming the father of the GS that lives with you? I know how you look forward to that baking day with the girls. What's on the menu for this year?

Apples, bummer about the battery, funny how that has gone around all of us. You can come organize my closets anytime. They are better than they used to be but still need lots of work. I can tell I've lived in one house longer than usual (over 3 yrs) because they are getting cluttered. When you move as often as we have they get cleaned out as things get packed. LoL

Well I am in Christmas carol heaven! Just discovered on the music stations on my DirecTV that the Christmas music has begun today! WOOHOO!! And I think the local radio station is starting the continuous music on Friday. I love it. I know, many folks hate it and think it's too early, but not me!

Don't sweat the knee bend, Lori. You seem to be doing really well. I am sure that Phyll will post later and say the same thing. Amazing how far you have come in such a short time. Keep plugging away at it.

Funny you talked about the Christmas music. Had my 2.5 hour beautification today and they were playing Christmas music in the salon. There was a discussion (which I did not participate) about how early it was....I'll take it. Christmas is such a happy season and I throughly enjoy it. Bring it on. I have stacks of beautiful Christmas music (favorites being Nat King Cole, Bing, Beyonce...too many favorites to mention). Got my Bose system today and anxious to try out my CD changer. My last Bose only had room for one CD. Feel like I am forever changing them. I can sit at my desk and hit the remote. Had a remote on the other also but not like this one. :tt2:

We moved to our home 22 yrs ago this Thursday. I go through the closets at least once a year and donate what has not been used and de-clutter. Makes life simple. Was lucky a couple of years ago to be able to pass a lot of things along to DS when he bought his home. Those college dishes and pots and pans that he had needed replacing...not even a chance Sal Army would take them! Was able to furnish his entire house with furniture from the basement and replaced with new. Kind of a shame cuz we do not use our basement very often and I think the only one that has ever sat on the new furniture down there is the dog when he is in trouble and goes to hide or when I am on the treadmill, he is in the recliner urging me on. He used to try and get on with me but was flung off to many times. Just couldn't keep up with momma. :biggrin:

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Good afternoon. Therapy done for the day and still no improvement on my bend, can't get beyond 120 degrees so will ask the doc about that on Wed.

Janet, 2 weeks off sounds nice. Glad you will have your family together. I forget, do you just have one son? Is the son that is coming the father of the GS that lives with you? I know how you look forward to that baking day with the girls. What's on the menu for this year?

Apples, bummer about the battery, funny how that has gone around all of us. You can come organize my closets anytime. They are better than they used to be but still need lots of work. I can tell I've lived in one house longer than usual (over 3 yrs) because they are getting cluttered. When you move as often as we have they get cleaned out as things get packed. LoL

Well I am in Christmas carol heaven! Just discovered on the music stations on my DirecTV that the Christmas music has begun today! WOOHOO!! And I think the local radio station is starting the continuous music on Friday. I love it. I know, many folks hate it and think it's too early, but not me!

Great - I forget what kind of bend (the #) are you suppose to get w/your knee....

Yes I have one son Joseph - daddy to grandson who lives with me :-) who's really my son (;0)..

On the menu - Well my family (the boys joseph & andrew - along w/Kaitlin the 15 yrs) are pickey eaters - they really don't like turkey much so Melissa (dil) and I figured we would do a turkey breast and ham - I don't think Andrew likes either and most like either does Kaitlin - so may have some steaks.. DIL and GD's like green bean casuourla - I don't :0) but will make a small one for them - I think DIL and I are the only ones who like stuffing/dressing - I think we all like mashed taters - I like gravy on my dressing not tatos. I will make butternut squash (something we always had at my dad's - in fact last yr my 2 nephews came and their mom told them exactily what I would be cooking - and they laughed cuz what she told them is what I cooked -

Dessert - again I like the double layered pumkin pie and it's low fat/sf so I will make that - Andrew likes cheese cake - Joseph choc cake - but since I will be making xmas Cookies with GD - II think that will be the dessert - but who know's - I have invited my Uncle and my stepbro too - so I need ot have some traditional foods - heck sounds like the turkey breast is going to turn into a small turkey if I can find one

There will be 9 of us and I will send alot of left overs home w/Uncle and Stepbro...

Janet...sounds like an action-packed couple of weeks. I, too, am a Christmas girl and try to decorate early. Will post photos when I am done. I display my santa collection in the kitchen, snowmen in the foyer and have three Christmas trees...one in foyer, one in livingroom and one in familyroom. Sorted through a lot of the Christmas decorations last year and donated quite a bit to Sal Army.

DS's has a cute Cape Cod style house in town. His GF (who is my beautician) and I have a sneaky plan. He does not decorate for Christmas. We are planning a morning when he is farming to go in and "Christmas it up". Everybody needs that Christmas feeling.

Got "mom's" nativity set that she made. Made me cry when the siblings gave it to me. Came home and set it up right away. It is such a great reminder of her...will hate to take it down after the season is over.

OK...back at it!

Apples - I am into Nativity's too - I have alot of them - a big costco one that goes infront of the fireplace - a little one in my village - some in Water Globes..

How sweet that you go your "mom"s - As a child we alway had one at the base of the xmas tree and it was my job to set it up...

I decorate the family room & kitchen (they are one big room) and that's it

Is it Charlene or Great who has a tree in their bedroom :biggrin:

Sheba was just a kitten last yr - and she did mess with the tree a little - this yr I don't know how she's going to handle it

Heck I may just decorate before the kids get herd - cuz I do want a couple of down days - Oh I could do it on the friday after thanksgiving as the kids will be going to see DIL family in brawley..

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Janet...are you sure you are not running a restaurant that weekend? LOL Menu sounds good and what a good mom/GM to make what everyone likes. I'm so lucky with no picky eaters (with the exception of onions and walnuts for my ppl). I love stuffing also but gets stuck. Go figure. So soft you would think it would slide right on through.

I have been more stuck the last couple of weeks than I have the entire 15 months I have been banded. Just the stress. I am always careful with chewing, etc. but band has been tight but has started to loosen up again today. Just finished eating a chicken leg and thigh and all is well.

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Nope not me that does a tree in the bedroom. I'd love to though. LOL I do my main tree in the family/living/great room (think the same room has many different names in different parts of the country) and then a few small skinny trees in the basement aka mancave. DH decorates that one with used shot gun shells and lights. LOL My tree upstairs is mostly handmade balls that we've made the past few years from the pheasant feathers. They are quite beautiful if I do say so myself. Now I am anxious to put my tree up! LOL I think I am going to get a real tree this year since we will be putting it up later. I used to put it up the day after Thanksgiving but due to our trip to SD this year it will be a week later. Tomorrow I am getting DH's Christmas present (either a GPS for hunting or a new flyrod/reel and am taking Grandma shopping with me. I think she'll get a kick out of the huge Bass Pro shops store and we'll get lunch at their restaurant.

I too get stuck on stuffing, gotta be the bread. Bummer. I did miss having that last Thanksgiving and am sure I will this one as well. I'm not making it this year and I will convince myself that who makes it this year just doesn't make it good. LOL I do like green bean casserole so will have that instead. Sounds very thoughtful Janet, all you are making for everyone.

Apples, most likely it is the stress you've been under making you tighter. That's the only thing that I notice that affects my band. Flying doesn't. Well, that and being at a high altitude. When I went camping up in the mountains at about timberline, I had trouble. Odd that that would but not flying. MAybe because I was there for a few days.

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Flying is a big one for me. I flew a lot right after banding and that's when I dropped most of my weight quickly. I could not imagine what would happen if I had more fill than I do now. I try to plan ahead when I know I am going to be traveling. For me it's "free" 20oz cappacino time!

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There's a thread I came accross today (it's been around since 02/09) and have read it b/4 but it's quite inspriational. By Coach Cher and titled "Self-Sabatage"...everyone should give it a read.

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Thank you to everyone and all your suggestions. and help.

Also to all of us in the same funk. Just keep working at it and i pray we all get out soon.

Love ya all,


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