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Here's the rest :thumbup::laugh:

Laura - Glad you are home safe and sound - saw your pic of Nelson on FB :w00t::cool2: - Get some rest !!!

Wow! That's very organized! I must show these pictures to Earl! He is always ragging on me about too many clothes, too many purses, too many shoes, too many hats!! Very impressive collection!

15_8_8.gif 7_18_2.gif  15_8_9.gif

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Janet - I just watch it. and yep they are right heroin addicts are we if i can get the rest of my house not to bring the stuff in i think that would work. Okay so confession time I love ice cream now I will eat it and then pb two or three bites in cause it is so cold then eat some more. okay i am totally ill my sister said why did i spend all this money to go back wards. i can't handle the 100 cal packs i want more i tried the sf 60 cal pudding i want more, chips more, how do i go cold turkey or what can i do? i try fruit eat a couple bites gets stuck pb. i know we all want to eat more in our head but i feel like i need it you know like crack. any suggestions. i do the Adkins shakes once a day for the chocolate mint taste which probably does not help but it is a fast Breakfast on the way to work. I am walking every day though but the sweets and treats got me bad.

How blessed you are that you pb on ice cream. You'd probably eat even more if it weren't for the band. I also do Atkins shakes for breakfast. I'm not a breakfast eater and I don't have time to eat something really slowly since I'm so tight in the morning. The Atkins shake gets me off to a really good start. I don't keep any of the other stuff in the house because if its there I can't stop eating it.

I don't keep it at school where I teach either. I eat in my classroom and just have a can of tuna or a can of chicken. I'm home by a little before 5 and I walk for an hour, then eat supper--usually mostly Protein so I don't even trigger the carb craving. I either finish the meal with a Kashi bar with a little bit of chocolate in it or I eat the bar later.

Then I keep drinking Decaf coffee with milk and Splenda in it. That keeps my taste buds satisfied. I drink a lot of those all days long to keep my sweet tooth at bay.

I know its a terrible struggle. I try to stay busy to keep me from eating and I try not to go places where there's food or have it around me.

I wish the band made me pb on slider food and sweets but it doesn't. But at least it keeps me from eating too much of everything else and as long as I stick to high protein it helps me keep the pouch full and reduces my sweets craving.

Hang in there. We're all in the same boat.

They're suppose to be coming out soon with some drugs that are actually effective at controlling those cravings.

Some of us may need the band and those drugs.


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Janet, I got closet envy in all your clothes. DH put in some closet organizers for me when we moved in, I love it. We just went to Home Depot and put in the 'tower' which is some shelves and you can add drawers and then double bars. It is very basic and was cheap, the brand was Closet Maid, maybe Andrew could put them in for you. I am still chicken to try skirts or dresses. Haven't worn one in decades. I will wear one of course for my daughters wedding but actually looked at a gray flannel skirt in Loft today but didn't even try it on. I have major issues with my large calves.

If you decide to do that, Janet, I'm sure Earl would help.

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Janet, I got closet envy in all your clothes. DH put in some ccloset organizers for me when we moved in, I love it. We just went to Home Depot and put in the 'tower' which is some shelves and you can add drawers and then double bars. It is very basic and was cheap, the brand was Closet Maid, maybe Andrew could put them in for you. I am still chicken to try skirts or dresses. Haven't worn one in decades. I will wear one of course for my daughters wedding but actually looked at a gray flannel skirt in Loft today but didn't even try it on. I have major issues with my large calves.

I will have to look - I really don't need any more clothes - my summer dresses are in the spare room closet and most of that folded stuff on top of where pants are are my capris/skimmers etc

I want some shelves /cabinets in my garage.

Wow! That's very organized! I must show these pictures to Earl! He is always ragging on me about too many clothes, too many purses, too many shoes, too many hats!! Very impressive collection!

15_8_8.gif 7_18_2.gif  15_8_9.gif

Ya when you I have you guys over for dinner soon - we can take him in there - my closet is the size of your living room in the r.v. and the pic's don't show it well - plus since the pic was taken - I have more folded t-shirts up on top - don't ask me why I keep buying more work out teeshirts..

How blessed you are that you pb on ice cream. You'd probably eat even more if it weren't for the band. I also do Atkins shakes for breakfast. I'm not a breakfast eater and I don't have time to eat something really slowly since I'm so tight in the morning. The Atkins shake gets me off to a really good start. I don't keep any of the other stuff in the house because if its there I can't stop eating it.

I don't keep it at school where I teach either. I eat in my classroom and just have a can of tuna or a can of chicken. I'm home by a little before 5 and I walk for an hour, then eat supper--usually mostly Protein so I don't even trigger the carb craving. I either finish the meal with a Kashi bar with a little bit of chocolate in it or I eat the bar later.

Then I keep drinking Decaf coffee with milk and Splenda in it. That keeps my taste buds satisfied. I drink a lot of those all days long to keep my sweet tooth at bay.

I know its a terrible struggle. I try to stay busy to keep me from eating and I try not to go places where there's food or have it around me.

I wish the band made me pb on slider food and sweets but it doesn't. But at least it keeps me from eating too much of everything else and as long as I stick to high protein it helps me keep the pouch full and reduces my sweets craving.

Hang in there. We're all in the same boat.

They're suppose to be coming out soon with some drugs that are actually effective at controlling those cravings.

Some of us may need the band and those drugs.


Cheri - She pb's then goes and eats more ice cream is the way I read it..

Wouldn't it be great to have the drugs and the band..

If you decide to do that, Janet, I'm sure Earl would help.

Awe thanks Phyl !!! - I ck'd my awning - and it doesn't have a place to put the pull down ..

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Hey all~

Janet~ OMW! Now, that is a girl who loves clothes! I have never had that many things. Perhaps when I reach goal and trying on clothes is fun- then I will be different. I love the colors... and your shoes look fun! It sounds like you girls had a great time.

Phyl and Janet~ love, LOVE the photos! You guys look amazing!!! And the bags aren't bad either. : )

Apples~Are you almost done packing mom's stuff? That is so nice that you have given it so much of your time. Also, good luck on the trainer stuff. I know I just LOVE working out with a trainer. It's one of my splurges. If it calms down this week, we can try to talk about FL. I feel so bad that we haven't gotten started.

Great~ congrats on all the walking! : ) And I hope you aren't all covered in white stuff! I saw on the news that some parts got 12 inches last night! We were down to 60 and I was freezing..LOL

Meredith and 1 day~ hi and thanks for the well wishes. hugs

Julie B~ hope you had a good trip and are feeling a bit better. My heart just goes out to you. I can feel your frustration and just wish someone could find some answers for you. hugs.

I finally unpacked and am getting back into the groove. I decided not to even weigh myself for a few days, so I can let the fluid/travel stuff settle. TOM came after only 2 weeks. I think I will be having the surgery after Thanksgiving for an endometrial biopsy and possible removal of the main fibroid. I am not feeling NEARLY as bad as I usually do. (perhaps b/c it is early?) I still didn't feel good enough to walk for 10 hours at the air show. (port-o-potties and TOM do not mix!) DH took Nels by himself. It was my first year since 2001 that I missed it too. There's always next year!

My Dad is doing better today. He is starting to be able to pee tiny amounts now (rest of urine goes out nephrostomy tube). We are anxiously waiting for the bx results. It will tell us what direction to go. His oncologist is getting antsy and wants him to start chemo. I guess it is his right though to have definitive answers. My mom was so glad to have me there. When I was leaving though she was tearful and said "please come back". I almost lost it. So heartbreaking. DH and I were just talking about how it would be such a good time to move to NC if it weren't for this house. We owe more than it's worth (as do a lot of people) and just don't have the $ to pay the bank the difference! My GM is visiting from Turkey for the next month. She is my Dad's step mom and is actually 2 years younger than him. They call each other brother/sister and are close like siblings. She brought him a lot of his favorite things from there. I know my mom will enjoy the extra help.

ok guys, hope everyone had a good weekend! Talk to ya later! peas.

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My closet looked like that at 250 :yikes::wink2::blush::tongue2: Well maybe not so many jeans - but it was full back then too I wore alot of dresses - shoes well maybe not as much but not a lot less - now there are more heels..

I gave away ton's and ton's of clothes.. I always have been a clothes shopper...

Love your pic's !!!! I take it that's your hubby - handsome guy.. Nelson is a doll as usual

At least you are able to fly to see your Mom and Dad often and that's what counts...

Well phone is ringing - cbl

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Peas - Nelson is so cute in all the pics.

Janet - I have clothes envy and look at the shoes.

Cheri - Yeah unfortunately I do PB on ice cream and eat some more I was trying to confess. But I am trying not to keep it in the house

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Good Evening Girls,

Just got home a bit ago from packing, sorting, etc. Had a full 12 hours. We have ALMOST everything in boxex and ready for travel. Just have some of "mom's" jewely to go through next weekend. All the siblings will be home TG weekend to get their stuff. 89 yrs worth of collections, photos, a little bit of everything. Lots of antiques. Her mother and MIL shower and wedding gifts, her shower and wedding gifts, her prom and wedding clothes, even her christening gown. Like I said...a little of everything. Heading back in tomorrow for a hair appt and then to get another few loads to Sal. Army. I figure about 4 loads in my truck.

Janet...your closet looks like mine...I'd be the true definition of a clothes horse. I love clothes, coats and shoes.

Melissa...sorry you are having troubles getting back on track. Hope you can switch things around for yourself. You know that we are all here for you. You took the first step in admitting things are not going the way you want them to and that you are not on track. Hope this week is a good one for you and you can hop back on the LB horse.

Laura...that Nels is the cutest thing. Dh is pretty handsome and you look really good. I swear your face is thinner than the last time you posted photos. Anxious to hear what the results are on your dad. Have said an extra prayer each night for him and your family as you deal with his illness.

Would be nice to talk this week about our FL meeting. Would like to narrow this down so that ppl get vacation days etc in place.

Great, hard to believe that it's been so long since your surgery and that you are almost done with PT. Good job!

Well, I'm off to bed. Was up b/4 5am the last couple of mornings. I believe that a good 8 hours of sleep is the best thing for the body and warding off the crud. You all take care and will talk tomorrow.

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Hi there, I'm back from my weekend in SD.. Had a nice time at my brother's... I didn't sleep at all well last night so am very tired... Need to unpack and relax a bit and hope to sleep tonight... I'll check in again tomorrow and give you all an update and comment on all the great pictures... goodnight all....... Julie

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Hey girls!

Janet and Phyl~ I love your new purchases! It looks like your two had a great time! And Janet, my moms closet and yours are so similar! She is a total clothes horse too! She is the one that always buys me all of my clothes.

Laura~ Hopefully when your dads results come back they are positive. I continue to pray for you and your fam. What a difficult time this must be. Like I keep saying, I couldn't even imagine how you are feeling. The pics from the air show and the sunset are great!

Apples~ I admire you for your work ethic! Geez, you have been going through your moms stuff for awhile now! The rest of her fam is so lucky to have you there working so hard on everything. Also, I would like to thank you for all of your encouraging posts. You really help me. Right now, I really need it!

Melissa~ Like I was saying to Apples, I too am having a terrible time pulling it together with my eating habits!

So, here is my confession....

Today and yesterday I have been having major eating issues. It's my TOM and I have been craving chocolate like crazy. I never ever eat chocolate nor do I ever crave it. But, right now, holy crap! Yesterday, I went to the drug store to buy tampons after work at about 7:30 after I had hardly eaten all day. After roaming around the candy aisle for about 10 minutes I bought a snickers bar, a kit kat bar, and some smallish holiday coconut wreath. Why did I do this!?!?!? I ate them all in the car on the way home. A few hours later I was hungry for real and ate a salad. I thought that my craving had subsided and today I would start over fresh. Not the case! Andrew went to the grocery and bought Peanut Butter cups! I ate 3 for breakfast!!! What is wrong with me!?!?! Then, I ate a salad for lunch. Of course. Then for dinner, I ate 98% fat free frozen yogurt. I never keep any of this crap in the house and as you can see, I intentionally went out and conciously purchased it! And, the frozen yogurt I sent Andrew out to get it! He went to TCBY ( a frozen yogurt shop) and got it after I asked him to! Ew! He is the one with the sweet addiction, not me!!!

So now that I am totally embarassed of my behavior, I am going to sign off. Hopefully I can put this behind me and tomorrow will be a new day. I have aerobics and weight training. Ususally when I exercise a lot it keeps me in line more than when I don't. I just really need to use some good old fashioned will power which is what I was lacking and why I had this surgery in the first place!

Ick. I am just so disgusted with myself. No wonder why I am stuck at -59 lbs? Any suggestions to get my ass back on track? Help!

Thanks. Sorry that I totally just purged all of this. I would never admit this to anyone except for all of you. Thank God you are all here to help guide me!


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Hi, thanks for your encouragement. That is what I need straight talk! My surgery is in 4 days and aside from finally giving up coke, actually drinking Water and committed to fasting, I can honestly say in my heart that today... this is day #1 so I said to myself, you better get your act in gear sister, lol. I finally got approval Saturday from my doctor, and while I did the Protein Drinks during the day, the nights were murderous. I am ready and reading your info helped, so thank you!:wink2:

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Hi, thanks for your encouragement. That is what I need straight talk! My surgery is in 4 days and aside from finally giving up coke, actually drinking Water and committed to fasting, I can honestly say in my heart that today... this is day #1 so I said to myself, you better get your act in gear sister, lol. I finally got approval Saturday from my doctor, and while I did the Protein Drinks during the day, the nights were murderous. I am ready and reading your info helped, so thank you!:tt2:

Betty...just want to wish you luck and a successful band life. Just follow your doc's rules, exercise (when you cleared to do so by your doc), make good/healthy food choices and keep a food journal. I think if you would ask any of the ppl here what worked for them best it would be sticking to the above.

Just think how you will feel six months from now....a year from now. Isn't it exciting? Keep us informed on how you are doing and come back often to visit and ask any questions that you might have. Take care of yourself.:biggrin:

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Mornin' Gang,

Didn't sleep....I usually sleep and make sure if I don't I am headed for bed early the next night. Well, I am just shot this morning. Ate something that kept me up. Extreme gas pains for about 4 hours. I ate cantalope right b/4 bed. Was nice and ripe but noticed that I must have cut some of the slices too close to the rind and they were a little "crunchy". Lesson learned.

Meredith...don't beat yourself up. Be strong, get back on track today and don't let the chocolate (or anything else) "draw you in". I know what helped me during the weight loss stage was to set aside a certain treat every week and plan on when I could have it. Total deprivation is not a good thing either. Sets us up for having too tight of control and then feeling like failures if we eat a "naughty" food. I think the out of control thing is what bothers most of us. A fear that this will become habit. Don't let it get ya! Just put to bed that you put away a few candy bars and move onto kicking it in the butt and starting with a healthy plan today.

And, Meredith, thanks for the comment on my posts. Don't think they are anything but just talking about my experience and life. I spent too many years swinging my feet over the bed in the morning feeling disgusted with my healthy and the way I looked. No room for negativity in my life any more. Ya just never know the time you have left and gotta live it!

Off to get younger this morning. Color and a cut and maybe highlights (do them evey other time). I have way too much hair and hoping to come out of there with less of it. Then off to Sal Army with a few loads and hoping to get home here by 4pm to get some things done in my house. Sent all the guys off this morning with coolers and need to make sure they have a hot meal tonight. They are "playing" in the mud today (field drain tile installation) and will be cold and tired. I am going to fake my baking today and pick up a dessert at the deli.

Julie...good to hear you had a nice weekend with bro. Fill us in on how you are doing.

Better hit the shower. Talk to you all later. Hope everyone has a great Monday and to those who have had their little struggles lately....you can get do it...just put the little slips out of your mind and start anew.

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Morning everyone, hope you all had a good night... I did!!! Can't hardly believe it and I'm a bit afraid of jinxing it, but I slept in my bed, all night, with no pain at all............... I can't remember the last time that happened...(except the night they knocked me out with morphine and dilaudid!!) Saturday night was a sleepless one with lots of pain.. I have no idea what the difference was, but I'm very happy for the break in the torture.. I just got out of the hot-tub... Thought I would let those muscles relax a bit more before I start my day................I've got my fingers crossed that this is a new chapter in my recovery.........

Our trip was good.. We took my mother and my 12 year old niece along..Mother was very happy to get to go as she can't go by herself anymore... The niece was in heaven... The center of attention with a grandma and 2 sets of uncles and aunts... He dad had given her some money and a gift certificate from Cabella's that he got as a saftey award from work. (We don't have Cabella's anywhere close.) She shopped and bought her dad a birthday present, her little niece a Christmas present, and herself a stuffed dolphin pillow... She was very proud of herself.............. Grandma bought her a new cute jacket, and her other aunt bought her a Corn Palace shirt and a stuffed dog and a game..... So, then we played games with her all three days.......... she loved it... We went to church yesterday and out to breakfast... It was so good to see her so happy.. She is from a broken home and gets shuffled a lot.. She is the youngest and is home alone alot... As for me, I enjoyed the break from being home... There was no mention of family stresses and that was great!!!! I didn't do so well with food choices, but didn't overeat either..... Just ate wrong things.. Not much protein.. No weight gain this morning, so I'm fine with what I did... Just did as I pleased... It was a nice break..

Apples, I expect we were in country that is about like yours... Wet and not really ready for harvest.. Lots of corn still standing.......waiting......... Gosh, I hope that can change now.. There were a few combines going on our way home yesterday... You must be almost to the end of your packing and such... It's been a big job... And speaking of jobs, what about the one you were considering... have you made any decisions? Life threw you a couple curves...............

Meredith, take it from one who knows, you just have to put those candy bars in the past and go on!!!! You'll be fine... Stress gets us all and it can be a bugger... Just take a deep breath and move on...........

Janet and Phyll, looks like you had a great time... You both look wonderful... And what a difference a couple years makes...

Laura, I've got my fingers crossed that the report on your dad is a positive one.... I agree with Apples, your face looks slimmer... The pics are great.. Your Nels is going to be a heartbreaker when he hits the teen years...

1 Day, you and I must be in the same funk..... We'll get through this somehow... You take care.............

Well, DD just called and needs me to take Mimi early, so I'd better get a move on............ Lots to do this morning to get back to normal.... You all take care and have a good day.. Hope to be back this evening.. Julie

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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