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Interesting posts today. Apples, pretty funny comment about the tortoise momma.....and it is appropriate, in several ways.

Julie, I am really sorry you are feeling so down. Like Cheri says, depression is not something you should ignore. The pain causes stress and can contribute to the depression. Maybe, you should see your doctor about that? They do have drugs that can help if you need it. Speaking for myself, I know my stress levels get so much higher when I'm in pain and then I eat and I gain weight and then I feel bad and guilty or whatever and it's a never ending cycle. You need to take what ever steps work for you to find your spark. You will do it. You have come a long way and you will go further...it may not be today, but it will happen. You know why? Because it's not a race. You don't have to get there first...you can keep working at it and the effort will pay off.

I'm just beginning this process and I've only lost 39 pounds and it's going very slow, but hey, it's going. When I get depressed because I'm not really following rules, I start to kick myself in the backside and remind myself how much better I'm doing now than 5 months ago and I will continue no matter how slow it is.

As far a non-food rewards...I'm thinking maybe a Bracelet like Meredith's. One where you can add a bead for every goal reached. I'm going to look for something. I think my first one will be when I hit 50 pounds. I will do that for sure. I looked at the Coach purse website...wow, I'm not sure I can pay that much for a purse. Maybe....we'll have to see. I did get my new Land's Ends jeans. Bought a pair on sale for $19 and they fit!!!! I also got a cardigan (I really don't wear sweaters very much...too hot). This sweater is like ribbed and a heavier guage cotton. I really like it....and it fits!!!

Phyl, yep Water gain...I can go up and down several pounds through out the week....you'll loose it again quickly. You need that new bag....you and Janet will have a great time shopping. So what are we going to do next weekend? More shopping?

I'm going to try and get some sleep tonight. Last night was very rough and I didn't sleep well. I walked 3 miles again today so I'm hoping that will help me sleep tonight.

Hope everyone has a good evening.


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Julie, I am sorry you are feeling so down right now. It's gotta be frustrating, while I don't live with the pain day to day as you do, I have been for about 6 weeks with pain due to my knee surgery. I know I have an end in sight when my leg will be all healed, it's gotta be tough for you not having that 'end in sight'. It sounds like it is consuming you and depressing you and that's understandable. You say you don't know how to change the word 'hope to get to goal' to 'will get to goal', I know it sounds cliche but you just gotta repeat those words to yourself over and over. Look at yourself in the mirror and say that to yourself a couple times a day. Eventually you might start to believe it. WE believe in you. I agree, go to the dr maybe they can give you something to tide you over, refer you to someone you can talk about all this too. Or I know you've mentioned church in the past, can you discuss this with your pastor or pastor's wife? I did that once on an issue I was having and it helped immensely.

I know you are in N Dakota, how far are you from Watertown, SD?? I am hoping to hook up with Apples on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, would be wonderful if you could join us, weather permitting.

Meredith, forgot to comment earlier on the photos, you look awesome.

Phyl, you deserve that purse. You hit Onederland, you just had a blip you'll be back there in no time. You gals will have to post pics of the new purses. Is Eva going shopping with you too?

I had a very informative day with grandma and a 'Pace' representative about Grandma's options going on to their plan for her care, etc. I understand things so much better and it's a relief that she is going to be able to still live independtly more or less and with dignity. She's in assisted living but doesn't have to go to a nursing home to get assistance. We go visit their center tomorrow where her docs will be and some social activities etc. So I will probably not be posting tomorrow.

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Julie~ You are so hard on yourself! Look at what you have done so far! 106 pounds!!!! That is amazing! Remember, now you have a tool that you did not have before. Thank God for this band! Also, I agree with Cheri about the anti-depressants. When I was smoking cigs, I felt ok. Then I quit and became fat and depressed and panicky. My phychiatrist (sp) prescribed me anti-depressants and I am still on them to this day although my dose is lowered. It might be worth a try! There is no shame in taking them and maybe for now that could be your answer. Look forward! There is nothing but good ahead for you! I know it. You should for sure talk to someone and let your DH know what is going on with you. He might be able to help you and support you more than you know.

Laura~ Hoping and praying that your dads results come back and that things will work out alright. You are so strong. I am so glad that you and Nels are getting to spend time with your parents and family.

Phyl and Janet~ So happy that you and Janet are going to hang out and get your purses! Don't worry Phyl, you will be down again soon. You already know that though! Let us know which one you get so we can look it up on line. I haven't ever done the designer purse thing, but love them. I'm too rough on my purses and get sick of them so quickly. I usually only wear them for one season and donate them or toss them. My sister on the other hand is a coach purse junkie. She probably has 20. No joke. It's to the point of ridiculousness. I like how you get yourself the purses as a reward! They are definately a splurge!

Long day again for me today. School this morning at 10 and then work from 12-9. I'm pooped. I 'm going to weigh myself and then so to bed. Tomorrow I have a few clients and then I get to go house hunting at 3! There is one house that I really have my eye on. But, yet again, it is a stupid short sale! Ugh! You never know though, this one might move through the process faster than the others. Like Janet said, she knew someone (DS maybe?) who closed on a short sale within a month. Hopefully I will find the house that I love tomorrow. This is starting to feel like another full time job!

Ok, thats all for now. Time for bed!


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Thanks for all the good advice.........Some I had not thought of and some I had.. I appreciate everything you all have said.. I am sorry to have let loose like that... Don't know what got me going... I guess it was this reward system... Anyway, I'll be fine.. We are leaving for the weekend in the morning to see my brother in SD... I have all my treats ready.. Will do PT and acupuncture before we leave so I hope to be able to enjoy my time away.. Hope you all have a great weekend... TTYL............ Julie

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Julie I don't know you, but I do know personally that depression can become very serious if it is not treated...You are reaching out and talking about it and thats a great step forward...I am hoping that you will consider anti-depressants and also continue to share your pain and frustration...sharing the way you feel right now will probably help someone else...you will be in my prayers..be blessed and go get a medication evaluation for anti-depressants!!!!

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Good Morning Gang

Eva - We are going to the Outlet Store - last yr I got a $300 purse for $100 :). The Coach outlet stores get packed - you will see pple in there with 5 or more purses - a lot of oriental pple are there -getting them for their whole families.. When I went there was a hour wait in line - that's one reason we are going on my furlough friday and early - they open at 10 .. and we should be there around 10:30 or 11

Ok GF you have lost 39 lbs more than you have lost before - you WILL do this.. Look you are coming to see me & phyl - and I think seeing us in person and seeing us walk the talk will help with your motivation - we are no diff than you..

There are tons of pple on here who lose slowy - this isn't a race - everyone loses weight at a diff speed - some of us lose faster than others - but remember who won the race - the turtle not the hare...

I had someone who has lost 52 in a yr contact me - she was concerned that she hadn't lost more - that 52 = 4 lbs a month - that's 1 lb a week the average for a bander is 1-2 a week - so that is average

You have lost 10 lbs per month thats 2.5 per week - that's ABOVE AVERAGE !!!

I know you feel it should be faster cuz you are eating so much less than before and exercising - but it just doesn't happen that way - I know I still do it myself - I go to the gym extra - eat less when I have gained a lbs and I jump on the scale and think 5 lbs should be gone magically - when in reality I have lost only 1 lbs.

There were plenty of weeks that I lost only 1/2 - but I didn't look so much at my weekly lost - I averaged it out and that always made it look so much better..

So just keep on plulgging away - it will come off !!! You will succeed and win this battle...

Good morning gang - left the alarm on so I could get up early and hit the gym about 6:30 then come home shower and pick up Phyl - So far the weather has held - no wind !!

Well gotta ck my other thread and get dressed - will cbl

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Good Morning All!

Julie...have a safe trip and a nice time with your family. I know they will enjoy your baked goods. I think I will always miss certain things that were baked when I was growing up. Frosted cinnamon rolls, layer double fudge cake with homemade fudge frosting, Grandma's soft, cakelike molases Cookies, etc. Brings back special memories from GM's house. She was such a sweet and kind lady. So gentle. My mom put her in a home (cuz she wanted GM's house for one of her daughters) and GM started swearing like a sailer and continued till the day she died. This was a lady in evey sense of the word and NEVER swore b/4 going in the home. GM could have lived her entire life independently but her daughter did not want to take the time for her. Her health was good, her mind was so sharp right up till the time she fell asleep and never woke up. She spent 10 yrs in a place she did not like and lived her last 10 yrs just begging us to help her get out of there. I wanted her to come live with us but we were newly married and did not have any extra space.

I have a great admiration for ppl that make it work to have their loved ones live independently for as long as they can. There are certain things you can do for them so they can live their life the way they want to. Don't get me wrong...nursing homes, etc. are needed.

Had our LB group meeting last night. Lasted longer than usual but OK cuz it was so interesting. We had a speaker who is a life coach and personal trainer. So inspirational. Have her card sitting here on my desk. I am going to make an appt with her. She focuses on our internal dialog. She gave us exercises to do when negative issues pop up. Meditation first thing in the morning and last thing at night b/4 going to sleep. She says our subconscious does not sleep and it continues to digest what is on our minds. If we go to sleep with a positive mind, we have more of a peaceful mindset.

I am anxious to have her help me set up a good weight bearing program. I do weights for arms (3lbs) and legs (6lbs) but I'm not sure if I am doing what is right for me. My LB doc has told me not to do workouts that are terribly strenuous. I do my treadmill and if I overdo on the cardio, I tend to lose weight I do not want to lose. Anyway, going to give her a call to see if she can fit me in and teach me some techniques to build some body mass in arms and legs. Bottom and abs I don't have a problem with. I have stick legs and arms and want to work on them.

On the go today. Have some shopping to do, errands to run this morning and this afternoon have eyelash extension touchup and going out for dinner with a friend. Looking forward to my day.

Expecting rain again today. We are getting to the point where we think it just might be spring b/4 we get our corn crop out of the field. Ugh! This has never happened b/4. DH is the one that hold it all together. He is sooooooo calm and worries about not a thing. Me, on the other hand, could worry for hire.

You all have a great day. Later.

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I am home from a day with Grandma visiting the LongTerm care clinic. We toured, played Bingo, had lunch, and saw the nurse practioner. It was an excellent facility if she needs to go on the program. But we got some excellent news though I was extremely frustrated at first with my mom. My mom has insisted this annuity that my grandma gets (almost $1000 a month) was running out this fall. All grandmas financial decisions were based on this fact, she's afraid to spend a dime. Well.......guess what? All along Grandma even had it in writing and tried to tell my mom, it will NEVER run out. She gets this annuity til the day she dies! That's great news, but if mom would've only listened to Grandma rather than discount her because 'she mixes everything up' we'd not have been in the position we were. I spent 2 days dealing with these workers learning about Medicaid etc. and now we may not ever need it. GRRRRR But am happy for Grandma and she is very relieved.

Apples, your mom sounds like mine. Mom moved my grandparents to senior housing way to early back in WI before they wanted to, then got Grandma to move to FL so she wouldn't have to go visit WI so often, it's all about what mom wanted and not Grandma. So it's a blessing to have her here and to do these things for her and keeping her living independently. Grandma feels much better knowing she it taking care of herself too. I'll never forget this time I am spending with her so it's all for the good in the end. I am sorry your Grandma was so unhappy the last few years. I think mine was down in FL. Mom moved her down there and then didn't see her much. She has more company and goes out more here than she ever did there.

Well hubby is home and needs me to show him something on the computer. I am thinking of Phyl and Janet shopping for their purses.

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Had a great time shopping at the outlet mall with Janet. We bought 5 purses between us, and Janet got a pair of shoes and sunglasses. Now we're sitting here relaxing while Earl BBQs some steaks for us. He had table all set for dinner when we got back, and wine and cheese for afternoon snack. We (I) SPOILED!

First two pictures of us from today, last photo is from 2 years ago when we first met.

Edited by phyllser

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Had a great time shopping at the outlet mall with Janet. We bought 5 purses between us, and Janet got a pair of shoes and sunglasses. Now we're sitting here relaxing while Earl BBQs some steaks for us. He had table all set for dinner when we got back, and wine and cheese for afternoon snack. We (I) SPOILED!

First two pictures of us from today, last photo is from 2 years ago when we first met.

Great pics of you guys. Wow Phil. Amazing difference.

Had another great day today at school. Gratitude continues to be my daily companion. So glad and grateful for having the energy to teach extra periods. Feeling better (lighter) makes me able to handle little contretemps like an angry parrent/co-worker who called upset last night and came to me at the end of the day today to apologize. Hugs were exchanged.

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Great photos, Phyl. So did you get to use my coupon on that loot? Who's purses are who's? Those are completely different purses than I saw at my outlet last weekend when I went shopping for my DD's Christmas present, and they had no shoes. :thumbup: Looks like a fun day had by all. Amazing differnce in the 2 yrs ago pic and today's pics too. Thanks for sharing.

I am relaxing tonight, I think the past 3 days on the go doing for Grandma took a toll on my knee. My stamina isn't up to normal quite yet either which is surprising as I am 5 weeks out from surgery. But guess I've been a lazy slug for 5 weeks. LOL

I've shared so much about my issues with my mom, I have to share a positive. She called me today and emailed me today saying that words can't say how grateful she is for all I have done for Grandma and how much she appreciates it! It meant a lot to hear that. I've never heard anything like that from her before EVER! I have shared so much negative with you all so I had to share the positive. So today I am grateful for that!

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Great photos, Phyl. So did you get to use my coupon on that loot? Who's purses are who's? Those are completely different purses than I saw at my outlet last weekend when I went shopping for my DD's Christmas present, and they had no shoes. :thumbup: Looks like a fun day had by all. Amazing differnce in the 2 yrs ago pic and today's pics too. Thanks for sharing.

I am relaxing tonight, I think the past 3 days on the go doing for Grandma took a toll on my knee. My stamina isn't up to normal quite yet either which is surprising as I am 5 weeks out from surgery. But guess I've been a lazy slug for 5 weeks. LOL

I've shared so much about my issues with my mom, I have to share a positive. She called me today and emailed me today saying that words can't say how grateful she is for all I have done for Grandma and how much she appreciates it! It meant a lot to hear that. I've never heard anything like that from her before EVER! I have shared so much negative with you all so I had to share the positive. So today I am grateful for that!

Plum purses are mine, the others w/matching shoes and sunglasses are Janet's. Yes, she printed us each one of your coupons and we saved a BUNCH of money with them! THANKS!!

WOW! How nice to get those kudos from your Mom!! That's GREAT!!

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Hey Gang

HAD A WONDERFUL DAY !!! Phyl and I shopped as you can see and saved tons of $$ w/your coupons Great..

Phyl & I were commenting that it seems like we have know each other all our lives and not just 2 yrs - That Pic from our 1st meeting 11/27/07 and now - OMW - I though I looked pretty good - I was like 198..

Phyl's DH is was great had the wine & cheese for us when we got back and bbq's steaks - I had a WONDERFUL DAY..

Eva - Phyl & I discussed next weekend - looks like we will meet in Palm Springs and stroll Palm Canyon then have some dinner...

Apples - to build muscle mass you have to eat good quality Protein every few hours and work the muscles so that they burn (tear) and that's what builds muscles (per my trainer who was a body builder - he hated how often he had to eat) and you should be doing heavier weights - Depending on the exercise with my arms - I do 10 -15 - 20 with barbells and 40 - 50 on the machines - Legs - I can press 250-300 lbs - 70-90 lb on the inner outer machines..

Have you considered getting a tiny unfill so that you can eat a little more. As it sounds you are eating every few hours as it - but it sound like your metabolism is in over drive - have you had your thyroid checked..

Your doc is telling you not to overdo the exercise so that you don't burn calories to keep your weight up - how much do you do on your treadmill??

With your excellent metabolism - I can't believe that you were ever overweight - I know you were (I've seen the photos lol) but you are able to eat alot of calories - you are our energizer bunny -

I like what the life coach said about our subconscious does when we sleep - And the happy thought before bed is great - Thanks when I thank God for my day and when I can't sleep I lay there and day dream about having a house on the beach and how it would look and what I would do..

Great - I am so happy that your Mom acknownledged all that you do !!! That's fantastic !!!

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Good goin' on the shopping, girls. Cute purses and shoes. Also, nice photos of both of you.

Janet...my doc recommended the weights and the size of the weight. I do eat some kind of form of Protein every two to three hours throughout the day. I have at least six meals a day and each one includes protein.

I only do my treadmill a couple times a week or when I want to relieve some stress. During weight loss stage I was doing 5-6 times a week and walking 3-4 miles at a 20% incline. Doc only wants me to do light workouts.

My metabolism was pretty good till I hit menopause at the age of 38. Had tests done about a year ago and pretty much done and they think my metabolism kicked into the way it was b/4 menopause. I used to be fairly thin and could diet and lose on about 2500 cals a day (b/4 the age of 38)

Spent most of the evening at the apt with "mom's" daughter. Sorted, etc. and will be back there early in the morning and most of the day tomorrow and Sunday. Most likely will not be checking in...just so you know.

Have a great weekend.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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