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Apples, Sounds like a productive day. Make sure you are taking care of you and don't neglect your health and rest. Gotta keep you on the go, you know! I thought it was Sat. we were planning on so I have told DH to keep that day open. He'll probably come with me if that is okay as I am a whimp when it comes to driving long distances in an area I don't know.

I found the neatest sweatshirt jacket for my Grandma for Christmas at the craft show today. Some lady made them out of regular sweatshirts, she cut them down the front middle and added a border and fancy buttons and also a quilted pocket. It looks so like something she wears I couldn't resist. I'm anxious to give it to her but will have to be patient and wait til Christmas. I actually got the majority of my major gifts boughten so am happy about that. I like being done early and then just relaxing and enjoying the holiday season.

Great...thank you for caring but I am taking good care of myself. I head out with my "green" bag full of food and am eating good. You have to know my reg job to know that what I have been doing to pack the apt is not as tough as a day around here working. In fact, DH just said to me last night "You are so bubbly when you've put in a long day's work". Sick, huh?

Talk to you all tonight.

Take care and have a wonderful Sunday.

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BTH Great, Hope your GM loves her sweatshirt. My "mom" had quite a few like that that were revamped with a zipper and sewn on pockets and collars. She was so cute in them. Gotta stay warm, you know!

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Good morning Girlies~~

A Christmas Carol with Jim Carrey is NOT for young kids!!! I am familiar with the actual story and was prepared for the story line... but in this DISNEY movie they had Marley's ghost (at one point his jaw cracks apart), the children of Ignorance and Want who accompany the Ghost of Christmas Present, and the reapersome Ghost of Christmas Future are particularly frightening. It scared a 42 yr old woman! But b/c Nels was in front of his best friend, he didn't want to leave. OMW, I cannot believe how deceptive the trailer is! Live and learn.

I just have to share this next thing with you guys. I saw someone's status on Facebook. I didn't know if it was a true story so I researched it. I just cried when I saw the news story. If you guys have a few minutes and an old Christmas card please send this kid one. Thanks.


Story that was on the news.

Noah Biorkman is a 5yr old boy, who is in his last stages of neuroblastoma cancer after a 2 1/2 yr battle. His family is celebrating Christmas next week and all he wants is christmas cards. Lets try and see how many we can get to him, from all over the world Please! His address is 1141 Fountain View Circle, South Lyon, Mi 48178 Thank you! Thank you!

Edited by peascorps

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Yep... good plan! I gotta see what's going on with this freakin' hip now, too! Don't want to deal with another joint problem! I am loving being able to walk! No more problems please!!

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I just saw my orthopedic guy too.( my knees too-osteo arthritis) He said get orthodics, lose weight (every 10 lbs. over weight =50 lbs of pressure on joint) and take Glucosamine& Chrondroitin sulfate. Hope this helps.:w00t: Porcupinemamma

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I just saw my orthopedic guy too.( my knees too-osteo arthritis) He said get orthodics, lose weight (every 10 lbs. over weight =50 lbs of pressure on joint) and take Glucosamine& Chrondroitin sulfate. Hope this helps.:w00t: Porcupinemamma

Good luck on your knees Porcupine. I tried the Gloucosamine as well. It didn't work so I think my knees were too far gone. My knees were the biggest motivator for me to lose the weight. It helped but not enough, again they were too far gone. Bone on bone and not much left to do after that. I also tried the rooster comb injections. Think all the years of being 100+ lbs overweight did me in early. But I am so anxious to get this new knee feeling 100% then there's going to be no stopping me!

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Good luck on your knees Porcupine. I tried the Gloucosamine as well. It didn't work so I think my knees were too far gone. My knees were the biggest motivator for me to lose the weight. It helped but not enough, again they were too far gone. Bone on bone and not much left to do after that. I also tried the rooster comb injections. Think all the years of being 100+ lbs overweight did me in early. But I am so anxious to get this new knee feeling 100% then there's going to be no stopping me!

My knees are bone on bone too. The xrays prove it, so I don't know what the guy is thiinking. He said he could scope it-I said wait until my weight is down-but bone on bone is just that:sad:

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Noah Biorkman is a 5yr old boy, who is in his last stages of neuroblastoma cancer after a 2 1/2 yr battle. His family is celebrating Christmas next week and all he wants is christmas cards. Lets try and see how many we can get to him, from all over the world Please! His address is 1141 Fountain View Circle, South Lyon, Mi 48178 Thank you! Thank you!

What a sweet little boy.... I've got my card ready to send... Thanks for sharing Laura......

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All knee sufferers: Got scoped on my knees to remove torn up cartilage. That bought me a few years on my knees. Glucosamine, chondroitin are pretty much a waste of money as new studies have shown they have no effect. I did the Synvisc injections and they bought me some time but inevitably I needed the new knees. The only thing I can't do with them is kneel.

Hip pain can also come from the lower back. After limping for years or favoring joints you can be quite crooked. The new knees straighten you out and the rest of you has to adjust. You're moving more and formerly babied joints are protesting. I'm hoping that I've bought myself time before also needing a hip replacement by losing so much weight and getting into good shape.

Try Water walking. It'll stress hips less while strengthening old and new knees and hips. I really strengthened my knees before I had double replacement surgery and I was on my feet and walking and climbing steps the next day.

I hang from an inversion table a few times a week and it stretches out and relieves my disc compression all down my spine and seems to help my hip, too.

Apples, congrats on the 30 yrs. Glad you weren't hurt.

Got three light weight sweaters at a thrift shop. Sang in choir today and attended a great concert, then went to my community/Bible study group. Good discussion. Back to work tomorrow.

I'm probably going to start finishing my Masters spring semester and start sending out resumes. Don't want to but I've no guarantees for a job next year.

Newbies, keep coming back. I've got 15 lbs to go to goal.


Edited by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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Apples, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I hope yall found time to Celebrate.

Well, I weighed this morning........not good....gained 5lbs. I knew I would after that B12 shot. I don't know why I gain from them. Well, it is back to journaling, walking, and Protein Shakes for a few days. Of course, I do have to eat at least one meal.

I am off to buy stuff to fill shoe boxes for Samaritan Purse Ministry. I just love buying for kids who appreciate anything they get at Christmas.

Okay, take care everyone! Try to stay on the bandwagon today!

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Apples, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I hope yall found time to Celebrate.

Well, I weighed this morning........not good....gained 5lbs. I knew I would after that B12 shot. I don't know why I gain from them. Well, it is back to journaling, walking, and Protein Shakes for a few days. Of course, I do have to eat at least one meal.

I am off to buy stuff to fill shoe boxes for Samaritan Purse Ministry. I just love buying for kids who appreciate anything they get at Christmas.

Okay, take care everyone! Try to stay on the bandwagon today!

Sorry to hear about your gain, Arlene. Maybe it's just a fluke and you will drop again. But, you have the right idea about getting your journaling, etc. back on track. My friend gets B12 shots and she always told me that she got REALLY stiff and sore and achey from them for about a week. Does any of that happen to you?????

Off to the apt for more packing today. Getting a late start. Want to be in there b/4 10am. Yesterday put another 14 hours in. Got all her 955 S&P shakers packed up and ready to travel the miles to her daughter's home. I wrapped them all in individual packages (1910 paper lunch bags). Today just organizing the small items that her family still needs to go through on TG weekend.

Dropped my 4lbs that I had gained over the summer. Bummer. That may seem strange to some of you that it would upset me, but I worked hard to get them back on. Funny thing is, I did not think I was working much harder than I do at home. Must be the stress of losing her. I have been eating and doubling up on certain things (food) just to get an adequate amount of cals, if not more than I need. Even been eating lots of Cookies and cakes that her little neighbor ladies have been bringing over to the apt. Oh well, holidays coming up and lots of goodies to sample.

Hope you all have a good day. I have always loved Mondays (yep....I'm a bit off). Think it has something to do with the glass half full syndrome. Will check in when I get home tonight. Take care.:smile2:

Edited by Apples2

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Charlene, I am off to buy stuff today to fill one of those shoe boxes too. I have to have it turned into church next Sunday. I've had the box for several weeks but haven't felt up to shopping long with my knee. I need to go to Target to refill my vicodin so will shop for that as well. Thanks for the reminder! What are the B-12 shots for? I had a neighbor years ago that got them to lose weight I thought guess they must not have worked for her if they make you gain.

Apples, I love the glass half full syndrome. You are such a positive person. I think that is so key in this lap band journey as well. How often I come on LBT and read some of the other messages/threads and there's such negativity and then of course, it's the band's fault for not working, etc. It's a lesson that has taken me years to learn however, in so many of my previous weight loss attempts I was the negative, glass half empty person. I had so many negative excuses as to why I couldn't lose weight that I think I sabotaged myself just to prove myself right! Not saying that's what every one does that is negative but it sure is what I did. I think if I can get my mind wrapped around the process and be positive about the outcome it makes the journey so much more fun and worthwhile. Even in my knee surgery, sure it was painful and not fun and I am sure I did a little whining, but have tried to keep a positive outlook on it and look to the recovered knee and future positively instead of the current difficulties as a negative and it's helped me in this journey. I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate your positiveness, it's taught me a lot!

Well I was supposed to meet with Grandma and some representative from an agency called Total Longterm Care about Grandma's options when her money runs out (which in my opinion is not for another year or so, but mom thinks is imminent so she schedules me to meet with them not her while she's here, but in light of my previous paragraph I am keeping a positive attitude LOL) any way they help with Medicaid if she needs that, etc. But the guy is sick and called VERY early this morning to cancel and reschedule til Thurs. Grandma is all flustered, she doesn't handle last minute change very well. Then on Fri. we take a van to tour their facility or something. I am clueless what this all is but guess I'll find out. It's an agency that allows her to remain independent so she can remain living where she is so that is good. Of course, Grandma's pride is having a hard time with all this if and when her money does run out. I tell her I have no problem with someone needing assistance who has worked hard her whole life and has been able to support themselves without taking a dime from anyone for 101 years! Of course, we help her as much as she'll allow as well. Heck, I'd consider moving her in with me if she'd do it. (she won't). So now I have a day to myself sortta as I had to not schedule my usual Monday therapy today due to the cancelled appt and of course they are now booked solid today. Ijust am getting my gray roots covered and a hair trim.

Have a great Monday.

Edited by Great2BThin

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Great...so funny...I got inspiration from you during the weight loss process as well as many on here. But, thanks for the kind words. Phyll was one that I picked out as a realistic person who told it like it was with no excuses. I appreciated that she had a medical background and was not just pulling advice out of nowhere. Janet was the kick in the butt that I needed once in awhile but she was still positive and caring at the same time. JoAnne was one that I drew to because she was a newbie and seemed so informed about LB issues long b/4 her surgery. Guess that is why I stuck to this thread...because of the positve ppl that hung here. Always knew I could get a direct answer. Guess what I am trying to say is negativity breeds negativity and I try to avoid it. Like we used to tell our DSs...You keep that bottom lip out too long and a bird is just going to come along and poop on it!

I've always been a believer that our great USof A should be able to take care of our elderly without them getting to the point where they are giving up their homes, their savings, their dignity, etc. I don't care if someone has a million dollars or it's someone that has $500 in their checking account. We should be able to provide for our elderly so that it does not drain them financially and emotionally. Some may disagree with me. We have so many $$$ spent on insignificant things (spent by our government) that it could all go to take care of our elderly and people that really do need it. (I'll get off my soap box now).

My "mom" was getting to the point of living from SS check to the next. She was such a giving person and I know she spent more on others than she should have and it would have gotten to the point where she would have had to go into a nursing home. (Blind in one eye and losing sight in the other). I was dreading her losing her independence and having the feeling that she was a financial burden. Luckily, she lived in an apt. building where they based her rent on her income. Maybe that is something to look into for your GM.

The above was such a ramble..don't even know if it made sense but no time to reread and redo.

I think all of this is finally hitting me. I am so sad and don't know what I will do once all this busyness comes to an end. Guess I'd better just buck up and face that wall when it comes.

Now, I'm off....later.

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Good Morning Gang

Tried to get on LBT Sat night and couldn't - could get on FB but not here - go figure..

Too the computer in to see what's wrong - it's either the power source or the MotherBoard - let's hope it's the power soucre!!

Then went to Target - got a few veggies & stuff to make chilli - came home did some wash - read my book and watched t.v.

The book I am reading is about Holocuast Surviors - I gotta say that it makes me appreciate my life - It really puts things in perspective.

Didn't do much yesterday - bathed and groomed the dogs - bbq some chicken for dinner and lunch this week and watched tv and crocheted..

Yep I am looking forward to my shopping trip w/my lbt Sis Phyl - haven't seen her since July...

Well gang you guys were to busy to comement on each conversation

Hugs & Love to all of you - I gotta get my butt in gear..


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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