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Morning, Gang!

Yesterday was a busy day and today doesn't look much better. Feeling a little washed out.... I know I have a bladder infection. Been taking Rx my doc gave me for these (frequent) occurences but so far not seeing any improvement. DH pushing me to go to Water aerobics this morning anyway, but I really don't want to and don't know if I have the stamina for it today!

Great... you are doing so well! We went to Palm Springs street fair last night and I was disappointed that I could only walk for 30 minutes. Frustrating, though, because it wasn't my knee that was bothering me, it was my hip on the same leg. I hope I'm not going to start having hip problems! I'm seeing Navy doctor on other issues on the 16th and think I'll see if he will xray it and see what's going on. Hoping it was just an isolated incident because I had such a long, busy day yesterday and exercised hard in the morning.

But wanted to tell you all.... yesterday was a GREAT day...


First time in about 30 years to be under 200# so it is a big milestone for me!





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Janet, thanks for the trigger list. I am going to print it out. I saw several triggers that are contributing to my plateau.

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CONGRATS ON ONDERLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are so darn proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That just MADE my day. : )

And getting back to the dog thing. I didn't say they WEREN'T human... I said... you crack me up with the dogs that are almost human. ; )

I love dogs. I just don't like them if they are dirty, smelly, jump or lick. LOL.. even rereading that it sounds so bad. I guess I got spoiled growing up with the dogs I had. We had a collie who was about 6 when I was born and Sassie was such a big ole lazy love. We used to take her to the lake on the boat. Loved her. Then we had a terrier, Lucky, who was a big ole ball of hair. He was so good. Never licked. (I think the licking the butts and then me is the biggest thing I hate.) My cats don't lick me, but they do lick their butts. It's the OCD/clean skinny chick hiding in me that hates dirty things. Also, before a kid, I loved loved loved my animals. After kid, could take em or leave em. When I get an empty nest, I will buy 10 of them.

You know, I wish I could get my parents a puppy. I think they could so benefit from the positives of having a dog. But would never add to their stress. I just wonder if having this happy thing around would make them feel better. Just a thought... what do you guys think?

YouTube - bobby collins talks about his dog

FF to the one min mark... I almost peed my pants laughing.

this part two when he talks about running. so funny.

YouTube - BOBBY COLLINS LIVE Movie1 Chapter6

Hope the humor helped. Time for some last min. chores before car line.


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CONGRATS!! Phyl on the Onederland!! Awesome news to start the day!!

You know the hip on my knee side bothers me sometimes too. I wonder if it's from walking funny as the knee heals? That hip has never bothered me before. My other one has in the past, but not that one. I sure hope I am not goign to need hips as well as knees. I had a brief moment of insanity yesterday. At therapy yesterday there was a gal there doing therapy for her knee replacement as well. I got to talking to her. She had her 2nd knee done 5 weeks after her first. She wanted them done by year's end and be off work all at once. Well it got me thinking, since I reached my out of pocket max for the year, any other medical expenses in 2009 are covered 100%. I had to pay $2500 for my knee surgery. I thought well if I am going to need the other knee anyway, I wonder about rushing to get it in this year. however, it wasn't as bad as the first knee. But the more I think about it, it seems crazy to me. DH said to only do it if it really bothered me, don't make the decision just on $$$, we can always find the $2500 in a year or two if I don't need it til then. I just feel so guilty that I've cost us so much for my LAP-BAND®, gall bladder and now knee issues. DH is so supportive though. Also, who knows what options there'll be for the next knee if our insurance all changes. I'm just about 5 weeks now though and can't imagine having the other knee done now and relying on this knee like the gal in therapy did. This gal also got 130 degree bend the week after surgery! She must be super woman or something!

I hope you are feeling better soon!

I think I'd go for it if I were you. I, too, am worried about how our health care is going to change. Especially after attending a lecture yesterday, "Will Medicare Be There For You"! I'm going to have my doc xray the other knee when I go home in Feb (just for a few days), and if he still thinks it needs to be done, I'm going to try to get it done soon after we return in the spring. Did Water aerobics today and no hip pain. But don't think I'll try walking back from choir today! Too hot out anyway, plus I'm pretty sure I have a bladder infection so I'm trying to lay low! DH is force feeding me Vit. C.. they're big and I choked on the last one! And I'm taking Macrodantin, but so far that hasn't helped. Dr's office won't call me a stronger Rx down here. Talked to a snotty nurse who told me to go to urgent care!

Thanks for all the congrats! I appreciate that!! You are GREAT supporters! Your encouragement means a lot.

Stupid cat.... ate too fast this morning and "pb'd"!! We used to free feed her and vet told me last spring we had to stop because she's been gaining 1/2 - 1 lb a year the last few years. She usually very casually eats her food over the course of the day and it's not all gone until morning, when it's time to feed her again. But Earl said she gulped the whole thing down at once this morning... 1/2 cup!

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Had my surgery Wed and it went off with out a hitch!!!!

I did good not too much pain at all and none of that horrid gas pain in the shoulder!!! I feel truely blessed!

I took the meds that night and at 9 am yesterday and 9 pm last night, not for pain but to sleep my day away. The bottle says take 15-30 ml every 4 hours ... ha ha ha NO WAY I would be dead! I took 15 ml every 12 hours and it knocked me on my A$$.

YAY I am so happy about that.... I didn't have any repairs to do so that helped. Today, I am not taking pain meds other than childrens liqiud tylenol. I am just a little slooooowww moving. A little intestional gas, the gas x chewables do the trick on that. can't wait to move to full liquids so I can have the protien drinks and my decafe coffee with milk ;o) I think I am the poster child for recovery.... I am so excited I feel so good.

Dr Horgan and team they are AWESOME, lol and entertaining! We had a party with my whole surgical team in my room cracking jokes and having fun... then we all walked down the hallway together to the OR still cracking jokes. Got to the OR they asked me what music I like, they put country on for me and then while joking with me they blindsided me and knocked me out!!!! love them! I am so glad I found them. They have made this experience wonderful for me. I go back Wed , opps Monday for my post op check up.

Oh did I say NO GAS PAIN!!! WOW

NOw on to my new life!!! I have my first fill at the end of the month!

I just called the office to let them know what a piece of cake recovery has been and to thank them for the fine job!

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You crack me up - My dogs don't lick their butts but the cat does - Angel and Bear both give me kisses - but we don't french kiss :) - Sheba is such a diva she only lets you pet her when she wants to be petted - but she did lick my leg this morning :0)..

I am not a germy person - follow the 30 second rule (if something falls on the floor) will drink after you - eat off the same fork.

I really can't say I am ocd about much of anything :0) Well maybe sugar - but that's my crack :0)

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I think I'd go for it if I were you. I, too, am worried about how our health care is going to change. Especially after attending a lecture yesterday, "Will Medicare Be There For You"! I'm going to have my doc xray the other knee when I go home in Feb (just for a few days), and if he still thinks it needs to be done, I'm going to try to get it done soon after we return in the spring. Did Water aerobics today and no hip pain. But don't think I'll try walking back from choir today! Too hot out anyway, plus I'm pretty sure I have a bladder infection so I'm trying to lay low! DH is force feeding me Vit. C.. they're big and I choked on the last one! And I'm taking Macrodantin, but so far that hasn't helped. Dr's office won't call me a stronger Rx down here. Talked to a snotty nurse who told me to go to urgent care!

Thanks for all the congrats! I appreciate that!! You are GREAT supporters! Your encouragement means a lot.

Stupid cat.... ate too fast this morning and "pb'd"!! We used to free feed her and vet told me last spring we had to stop because she's been gaining 1/2 - 1 lb a year the last few years. She usually very casually eats her food over the course of the day and it's not all gone until morning, when it's time to feed her again. But Earl said she gulped the whole thing down at once this morning... 1/2 cup!

I actually made an appt with my knee doc in 2 weeks to discuss my options on knee #2. As much as I don't want to face it, it would be awesome to have them both done and be done with it too. And not having to pay anything would be even better. I should've planned one knee early in the year and the other the end of the year. Hindsight 20/20 they say.

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Had my surgery Wed and it went off with out a hitch!!!!

I did good not too much pain at all and none of that horrid gas pain in the shoulder!!! I feel truely blessed!

I took the meds that night and at 9 am yesterday and 9 pm last night, not for pain but to sleep my day away. The bottle says take 15-30 ml every 4 hours ... ha ha ha NO WAY I would be dead! I took 15 ml every 12 hours and it knocked me on my A$$.

YAY I am so happy about that.... I didn't have any repairs to do so that helped. Today, I am not taking pain meds other than childrens liqiud tylenol. I am just a little slooooowww moving. A little intestional gas, the gas x chewables do the trick on that. can't wait to move to full liquids so I can have the protien drinks and my decafe coffee with milk ;o) I think I am the poster child for recovery.... I am so excited I feel so good.

Dr Horgan and team they are AWESOME, lol and entertaining! We had a party with my whole surgical team in my room cracking jokes and having fun... then we all walked down the hallway together to the OR still cracking jokes. Got to the OR they asked me what music I like, they put country on for me and then while joking with me they blindsided me and knocked me out!!!! love them! I am so glad I found them. They have made this experience wonderful for me. I go back Wed , opps Monday for my post op check up.

Oh did I say NO GAS PAIN!!! WOW

NOw on to my new life!!! I have my first fill at the end of the month!

I just called the office to let them know what a piece of cake recovery has been and to thank them for the fine job!

Congrats on your band and glad you had no issues - Count your blessing girl on the no gas - that's what got to me on day 2 - but only one bad attack - but it made me cry...

Yep this is the beginnging of your new life :0)

It takes work but really isn't that that hard - especially once you have had your AH HA Moment :0)

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Hi there, capets are clean and almost dry, Mimi is napping and I have a minute as DH will strangle me if I try to move any furniture!!!! So I can't do much...

Phyl, wow.........onederland.... that's amazing.. I, too, haven't seen that for many years.....like 25 for me... I can hardly wait to be where you are... At the rate I'm going right now, it'll be a while yet... So happy for you..

Great, we are having that nice weather here, too... It's been high 60's... Had Mimi out for a walk and played in the backyard for a while with no jackets... Was so nice..... I sure understand why you want to check into having the other knee done before the end of the year.. I'd check it out, too... Good luck...

Janet, thanks for sharing your little binge with us... and also the information... Boredom is a bad one for me... Have had that today with not being able to do much with my house all torn apart...

Happy Home, glad you are feeling so good... It's good to have this positve start to your big adventure of weight loss.... Good luck..

We have cats at our house... 2....... I am allergic, too, but use a room air purifier and that handles it for me.. Ours get to go outside, so it isn't as bad as those who never see the outdoors... And mine sleep in the garage.. DH had a ritual to putting them to bed.... But I don't think I'm as into my cats as some of you are to your pets.. We had a dog that had to be put down in August 08... He was DH's dog really, but too big to be a town dog... Should have been a farm dog.... I liked him and do miss him but I'm like Laura.........didn't want him in my face or licking me or whatever... I let my female kitty lay on me to nap when I'm sitting in my chair, but that's about it for me...

Well, DH should be home before long since it gets dark so early these days... Have some of my rolls proofing now so I can bake them tonight for the hunters... Have a good evening... Julie

PS.........I have to say this outloud so as not to jinx it, but I haven't had any horrible pain since my accupuncture and PT yesterday... Hardly know how to handle it and keep waiting for it to hit me... I'm keeping my fingers crossed............By

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Happy Home, Congrats on your surgery. Starting a new life.

Julie, so glad you are pain free, that's got to be a great feeling after all you've been thru.

Laura K

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Congratulations Phyll, welcome to onederland.

Had too many dogs and cats when the kids were home. None of them were my idea, but I ended up taking care of them all. If something happpened to my husband I might get a dog--but not one that sheds or barks a lot. I never want to clean up hair again. I never want to deal with cat pb again. I remember paying my son 10 cents a pile to clean up all the poop from the yard after the snow finally melted in the spring. I believe he earned $7.

We had two finicky Siamese who pb'd everything, and a big black cat who developed bladder problems, and a cat named Oreo who thought he was a dog and had to be let out to use the facilities. All the cats ended up sleeping with my youngest son. They replaced his stuffed animals. His bed was always a disaster.

Our 125 lb Chessie lived in the back yard and had an insulated shelter in the garage. These dogs secrete a stinky oil that makes them waterproof but your hand reeks after you pet them. He was too big and stinky to live in the house. When he shed his hair would roll like tumbleweed around the back yard. He would stand with his paws on the window sill of the kitchen window and look in on us. He loved to sleep in my flower beds. And pee on certain plants that eventually died. He looked like a small bear, or a cow.

My daughter brought home an insane dog who jumped straight up and down like he had springs on his feet but never figured out if he jumped forward he could jump the fence. He yapped continually.

When I moved, a couple animals had died and I gave the rest away, or I made my kids do it. I had spent unbelievable amounts on dog food, cat food, and vet bills. I had ruined furniture I had to have recovered.

I guess I never got to the member of the family stage with the animals. Raising my own kids was as much as I could handle.

The animals were just part of raising my kids, but with the kids grown and gone I had no desire to deal with the three remaining cats. ( My daughter had taken her crazy dog when she got married.)

It was a major stress reliever to no longer deal with the pets.

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Oh Phyll...I will think of this each time I THINK I am weak. I'm pretty sure I'm a "bean".....I once told a dr. what I had been going thru with my birth family. It was the toughest time of my life (about 15-20yrs ago). I did not want any of this negativity to affect my boys and wanted to make sure how I was handling it. Laid it all out and doc said that I had great survival instincts. Better than she had ever seen. Here I am, feeling the weakest I ever had in my life and she is saying that. She told me to take those survivor skills that I had and teach them to my sons and they could get through anything. My sons grew up to take on the world (their own little world) and never look back. Oldest saw a lot of action in Iraq...came back without three lifetime friends. I was in awe of how he dealt with all these feelings and did not push it all under the rug. (I'm getting off the subject here).

Anyway, Phyll....thanks for your story. It comes at a good time for all of us. Whether we struggle with daily life, band life, food issues, family issues...we can take a look at the lesson this story provides.

Janet..."mom" had been in my life for about 30 yrs.

It's getting to me not being involved in this thread and missing the casual posting. I am sure I will be in and out all week. I do catch up on the reading but I feel my mind is so muddled that when I try to post I cannot keep my thoughts together.

Yesterday got all the thank you's done and sure there will be more in the mail today. This lady was loved. 6 of us worked on it for 12 hours. Got home about 10:30, had time to cuddle up to DH for a bit and visit and bed at 12.

Heading out this morning to start the packing of apt. Siblings need to get back to work. Have till Dec. 1 so will be in there most days till then sorting and packing. She had a salt and pepper shaker collection that goes to the "Real" daughter that is fragile and will take time to pack. 955 sets is what I think she we get. She collected angels also and I can't even begin to guess how many. She kept track of everything and who they came from.

Anyway...off and running. Just know that I read the post and if I don't reply to each kind word, I am not snubbing, just hair-brained...but I do get your message and thank you. :)

How are you doing? {{}}} Lyn:mellow:

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I actually made an appt with my knee doc in 2 weeks to discuss my options on knee #2. As much as I don't want to face it, it would be awesome to have them both done and be done with it too. And not having to pay anything would be even better. I should've planned one knee early in the year and the other the end of the year. Hindsight 20/20 they say.

Yep... good plan! I gotta see what's going on with this freakin' hip now, too! Don't want to deal with another joint problem! I am loving being able to walk! No more problems please!!

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Phyll...if you can't see me, I'm doing the happy dance and congrats on Onderland. Hope the hip is just a fluke and overcompensating because of the knee and will be fine. (Fingers crossed)....let us know what you find out.

Cheri...sounds like you had quite the menagerie with all those animals. I do have my 100lb black lab in the house but we don't let him get on beds or furniture. We have the exception of him sitting on DH's lap on the recliner in the evening. Head on DH's shoulder and A$$ hanging off the end. Big dog....big baby but soooooooooooo well-behaved. When he was a puppy I was lucky enough to be home for 2 wks straight and able to train him. When I wanted him to listen to me I said A-E-I-O-U (don't ask me why...don't know why I chose that). If I want him to do something and he is defiant, I only get to "A" and he is on his way back to his bed. Good dog.

Julie....good to hear that you had a few days pain free. Would be nice if that would continue.

Arlene....does your pain ever subside????? You sound miserable.

Porcupine...I'm doing well. Just really booked to get this apartment all packed and done. She was an organized and very clean lady but she has 89 yrs worth of "stuff" which was very important to her. Siblings have left and asked me to just make some decisions on some of it whether to keep or throw. I will get there. Have to start working on my yearend again for farm and business next week.

How are you doing??????? Keeping on track? Hope things are going good for you.

Hey, Lori, Janet, Meredith, Linda, Eva (I'm forgetting some) and to all the newbies I have not had the pleasure of getting to know yet.

Don't ask me what I am doing up this early. Rolled out of bed at 4:15. Want to get a few things done here (house neglected for a week) and then into apt. b/4 8am and have a good day of work.

DH and I talked about going out to dinner tonight to Celebrate our anniversary (30 yrs that just flew by). Depends on how far behind we are dragging our butts. He and DS will be playing in the mudd again (drain tile). Hard, tough work and he may be too tired (or I will be too tired).

Took a tumble down our stairs yesterday. Running around like a chix with no head. Going up and down to store room to get boxes to take with me. Half way down caught my toe in my flannel jammie pants. It was not pretty but did not get hurt. I had visions on the way down. I gotta slow down or my DH will be posting MY obit.

Ok...gotta hit the road. You guys have a great weekend if I don't talk to you b/4 Monday. I do check posts on my threads the first thing when I come in the door and THEN DH gets his kiss!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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