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Grandson still in pain but a little less. I'm worried more about his neck than the top of his head. He may appear to recover but I'll bet he's got a good headstart on major neck problems as an adult.

Walked an hour again. Have really picked up the pace and am covering much more ground on my walks.

food is good but I think I'm really slowing down on weight loss as I get closer to goal.

People are starting to hint that I've lost enough weight. I know I really look pretty good and feel great. I'm 5'9", I weigh 183 lbs. My goal is 167 to make my weight loss and even 70#s. My skin is hanging, but my clothes hide it.

Laura, it really is hard after a major sugar binge of several days to get the appetite back under control. Hard to stop the food cravings. I think it is the insulin that got jacked up by the sugar.

I took off the 2 lbs gained, but I can't seem to get below this weight. Been up and down for weeks.

Oh well! Happy posting!

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Good Evening Girls

I hate this laptop the whole finger mouse issue - and Andrew doesn't know where the mouse for it is... ugh - I let him use it when his computer died - and now I get it back half ass..

I will take my computer in this weekend..

Charlene - Hugs that has to be so hard. Losing your eyesight has to be so hard - I know my GM and Aunt had eye issues at the end and I just couldn't imagine not being able to see.

Right now you just have to do the best you can do while under this stress - doesn't sound like you are pigging out on candy and junk and you are thinking about your eating - being aware is better than not..


Great - Glad GM doesn't have to go on oxgen and your knee is doing so well.. That's great news..

Cheri - Glad GS is doing better - kids are pretty resliant - WTG on your walking

Laura Ya I know what you mean on wanting it to get cold - heck I would love 65 - I am so ready to wear my winter clothes - boots etc..

I went to the gym - had arms tonite - gotta say this equipment at the new gym is harder - i worked up a sweat and usually on arm days I don't - going to meet my workout partner at 24 hr fitness in the a.m (5) to ck out that gym

So I better go fix my dinner - I need to get to bed early - last night didn't get to sleep til midnite - so if I am going to go exercise - I need to get up 4:20 a.m.

talk to you all in the a.m

have a good nite - Hugs Janet

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Apples, thanks for the kind words. Farming is a very tough business because there are so many "dependent" things like gas prices, weather, labor, markets and I do not envy you your ups and down with that...though I do have a little farm envy. It's great that you are there to help the family....just like a family member would. I think the packing up part is part of the healing process also. Hey, I think we understand you have thing to do and we know you'll be back posting like before when you have a little time to breath. Take care of yourself.

Lori, I agree with Janet, few of us have that Norman Rockwell type of family. If you love your parents and yourself, the best thing you can do is let them know you love them by telling them you do. Beyond that, it's really hard to force others to feel or act they way you want them to. Sometimes you have to take care of yourself first...love yourself and then you can accept their behaviors. Obviously your parental family doesn't thing the same way you do....it's frustrating, but it's their problem, not yours (I am speaking from experience). It's really hard to accept and step away, but sometimes that is the best thing for you and them. I wish you peace and serenity through the holiday season.

Glad to hear your Grandma is doing well. I also very glad you do have someone special like your Grandma to watch over and she does the same for you. What kind of pan does your daughter want? I love good cook wear but I'm not sure I would pay $400 for a pot. But then again........it would depend on what it is. It would be really cool to get it at $100 off, that's a gonga deal.

Janet, thanks for the support...and yes, you do just need to be you. You can't fix the world or even your family. But you do a fine job with supporting us lapbanders. You are a very strong and intelligent woman and I admire your determination and positive spirit. Thanks for being here. Sorry to hear your sis has COPD, that's a tough one, but maybe you and she will have a great sistership (sister friendship) now, especially if she is fairly close.

Julie, sorry the family negotiation didn't go so well. Also, that your step daughter doesn't get along so well with your DD. At least you have your GD and she bring joy and brightness into your life. Christmas should be a blast with her this year. When they are little like that they aren't all stuck on the materialism, but enjoy the attention and the stuff they get. It should be lots of fun for you. How come DH didn't go hunting? I sort of planned on retiring at 55....we'll see. Your rolls sound great, but fortunately, those aren't my downfall either.

Phyl, great story. I think I've experienced all three states, but you know its a great thing to keep in mind when faced with adversity.

1day....I'm so sorry you still have the stress at work. It's just the pitts to feel stuck...not just in the banded sense. As for the food, well, we got banded because we have eating issues. Do you do yoga by any chance? If nothing else, the breathing exercises can really help with the stress. I think the stress contributes so much towards our eating issues and out ability to block out common sense. Calm down, and focus on your breathing..........at least it's not food. One of the things I try to practice is if you can't change the situation you are in, try and change your reaction to it. You do have control over that.

Cheri, great job on the walking and so sorry to hear about your grandson. I do hope he recovers fully. You are doing really good with your weight loss. Don't worry about the saggy skin...you know it's only skin deep and the sags will decrease with time. I'm glad to hear how good you are feeling. Sure makes this all worth it.

Laura, good for you going to the gym. Isn't it amazing how winded we can get if we stop the exercising? The sugar thing is rather scary too but it's how we are conditioned. The food industry makes all that stuff so yummy and our bodies and brains send us good endorphins (I think) when we eat it and it's a cycle...we eat it, feel good, want more, feel good, etc. Hard to break, but you can do it and so can I. You've been under some very stressful situations lately so don't beat yourself up for a slip...it's life and you are picking yourself back up and will continue on. I bet you will go to the gym regularly now that you started back and you will feel better. Don't forget what a fantastic person you are and there are people that care about you. You will do just fine.:thumbup:

Arlene, sorry about your Mom....it seems to be tougher for them because they don't know or sometimes want to know what alternatives are out there to help the deal with the blindness. My mom had macular degeneration and it was tough on her. You are allowed to whine, we all do it. That's what a support group does, support. I hope you manage to cope with your mom's situation and she can accept what's happening to her. Take care of yourself...you are important too.

I couldn't get to the web site last night...kept giving me a error page. Oh well, it's working tonight.

More on the retirement thing. They posted an information sheet and how this will affect me is I won't gain the year and 4 months age credit towards my retirement. All the "additions for age and years of service" will be discontinued. However, the retirement money is still there and it will collect interest every year as MANDATED by law. So I feel a little better that at least that lump of money will still be growing a little bit. I will lose $6-10K overall, but that isn't the worst thing in the world, at least I will still have some $$ when I retire. Now when I end up retiring is dependent on many things...I've been eligible since I was 50, but I took an 18% penalty because of my age...now that doesn't matter. Mostly it depends on when we can afford to retire. I still have a house payment....so off to work I go...I like to travel...so off to work I go....I do like to shop sometimes....etc. I was sort of looking for other jobs, but gee, I don't want to go to work for someone else at a greatly reduced income with less than 7 weeks vacation....so off to work I go. I'm okay with that. It wasn't a bad day at work and I can deal with it.

I walked last evening for an hour along the River path. It gets dark really early now. Towards the end of the walk my leg and back were really starting to hurt. It was bad enough that I had to take Vicodin last night and still woke up again at 2:30 and took ibuprofen. I really had a crappy night, but got up in fairly good spirits this morning. My leg (caused by the herniated disk) is still bugging me today so I didn't walk, but will again tomorrow, maybe not 3 miles though.

When I got back to the parking lot last night my DH texted me to see if I wanted to go out for dinner. I wasn't hungry, but he suggested salad and there is a Sweet Tomatoes next to work so I told him I'd wait for him in the parking lot. He pulled up behind me and said he really didn't want salad, "how about PF Changs?" So we went to PF Changs. Here's what I really like about the band. I ordered spring rolls and a side dish of snap peas. Yes, I know everything is drenched in oil, but instead of eating an entire dinner plus the appetizer, I ate 1 spring roll, about 1/4 of the peas, 1/2 cup of DH's moo shoo and a pancake. I took the rest home for lunch today. I was full last night and felt really good about not eating everything in sight. I'm finding that I'm relaxing more about eating out. Before the band, I would never order spring rolls because I knew I'd eat all of them and I don't need the fat. Now I order what I want and nibble at it and I'm good. I also don't order really fatty foods most of the time anyway. I usually order seafood and salads.

I also know I'm not losing weight very fast probably because of this, but you know, I need to change my relationship with food. If it means I lose 1 pound a month, then that 1 pound is one pound less than I had before. I actually feel pretty good about this especially with the holidays coming up. I do not want to do the 5-10 pound gain over the next 2 months. I don't think I will.

Oh, by the way, I can't wait to meet you guys. I really hope the trip to Florida happens. Lori, if you can't make it, I'll probably try and see you when I come Colorado next year. That is if you want to.

It is hot here tonight. It's still in the 80's. Weird weather. Okay, I've written a book here. Hope you all have a great night and an even better Thursday.


Edited by ocotillo

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Good evening. Sounds like others have mother problems too. Thanks for all the advice I've been getting. I appreciate it all.

Phyl, the pride thing with your's and her walker. My Grandma is like that. She uses a walker but when she goes to church she refuses to use it when she goes forward for communion.

Arlene, sorry for all you are dealing with your mom's blindness. That has got to be so hard.

Eva, of course, I'd love to see you if you come to Colorado. The pots my daughter wants are Calphalon Unison, it's some new nonstick type they came out with. The $500 was for a 10 pc set not just one pot. EGADS!!

Knee is sore tonight but had a great day. I saw the surgeon today and he said I am doing 'super'. He cautioned me about not letting the PT push me too far after I told him what happened last Friday. He said sometimes they tend to get too agressive. And he said it was fine to still take the pain pills. So I felt good about that. I see him again in a month. We are driving to S. Dakota for Thanksgiving and he cautioned me that I needed to get out and walk every hour of the drive as there's still a danger of blood clots for 3 mos.

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Hello gals!

I'm home!!! Actually, I got home late Tuesday night. I loved Cali and it was wonderful spending time with my sister. I will post some pics later. I just wanted to let all of you know that I was alive and well before I go off to school and work for the day.

I will post on everyones comments later. I'm running behind this morning!

Have a wonderful day!


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The darned walker issue...my "mom" was supposed to be using hers when she was out and about. She would use it in her apt when she felt light-headed but the pride got to her when she was out in public. You just gotta let them keep there independence as long as they can. I used to catch myself b/4 I would do the lecture. "Do you think you should go out today with this ice and snow?" I would just zip it and know what would be, would be.

Janet...was reading your post last night and just about choked on my popcorn. Me? Normal? Oh Honey...once you meet me you will learn I am anything but. One of my life goals is to NEVER be normal. (Whatever normal is). I got such a kick out of it.

Great....focus all your energy and time on your GM right now. Sounds like she is the glue that is keeping things together with the family. Time will come to see how things play out and how everyone reacts once GM is no longer with you. You just keep being you and treating ppl in your family the best way you know how. Don't let their ways change YOU. To me, you seem to be a very loving and caring person. What I am trying to say it is THEIR issues...not yours.

OK...I am going to be saying this for awhile. Can't acknowledge every post so don't feel left out.

Meredith..happy to hear you had a great trip. You were missed. I always look forward to getting up in the morning and seeing your post from the night b/4.

Arlene...sorry you are having such a time with everything. Say DAMN IT!...that might help.

Everyone else.....miss the talks but have soooooo much going on right now.

Heading out in a couple of minutes. Doing more cards at the fam house and then heading into town for more packing. That family is the example which I wish could be set for all families at a time of loss. They are so kind to each other. Sis says to brother "Do you want this?" Brother says "Oh no, Sis, mom would want you to have it". This was all day yesterday and since she passed. She did something right with raising her two sons and her daughter. They offered to me ANYTHING I wanted of hers. I took three Icelandic lined sweaters that I had given her for Christmas....she had told me many times she wanted me to have them back. Also a marble egg, jewelry case which I had given her. The one and only item I wanted when my GM died was one of her hankies. She was one to always carry fancy hankies and always ironed them. I have it in my undie drawer and see it every day. She has been gone since 1987. Anyway, I am going to feel like she has her arms around me when I wear those sweaters.

I'm out...will try to check in when I get home tonight. Take care, FOLLOW THE BAND RULES, plan your treats, drink your fluids, eat Fiber, take a walk or hit the gym (Laura...love ya).

Edited by Apples2

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I need help...I was banded 10/9/09 and only lost 10lbs...but have gained 4 back...i'm eating regular soft foods...i don't know what i'm doing wrong...I need some input. Please anyone that can give me pointers on what to eat please do so.:thumbup:

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Hey guys~

Wow eva, what a beautiful nice long post. You summed up my thoughts exactly. Can I just say ditto? <smile>

Meredith~ welcome back to the rat race. I know you needed that time off after your schedule with school and work.

Apples~ I saw that comment about the gym. <wink wink giggle> You crack me up about the "almost choked on my popcorn"! I think we all have to find our own normal. Mine normal is about half cracked, which is how I like it. ; ) I love how you are saying the kids were being kind about their mom's stuff.

Janet~ WTG on the gym. I know what u are saying about different gyms and the machines. I am so sore today from getting back to weights yesterday. Will head back tomorrow.

Great~ so proud of you and the knee. Keep up the good work. I was smiling reading about those pots. When I first got married I got a set of those on my registry. I managed to KILL a couple of them with a burnt dinner gone bad. I was too embarrassed to return them even though they had a warranty. I could use those pots now, but would never spend that kind of money on a set. Also now, who needs a set- you always need like one new one. So, did you get them? : )

M&D called and dad is scheduled for surgery next Wed. They are going to finally get a brush biopsy, change the stent and change the nephrostomy tube. The urologist wants to eventually get that out so dad can have a better quality of life. They want me to come up, so Nelson and I will fly up on Tuesday. I was trying to get his "expectation" to know when to return... and in the conversation he got upset with me about that. Basically I just wanted to find out how long he thought he could handle Nelson... and he was like "how do i know?!" <sigh> So much for me trying to be sensitive and do what he would wish of me.

Will CBL. Taking Nels to the dermatologist. He got a haircut yest and the barber noticed that one of his moles on his scalp is bigger and raised. I am sure it's nothing- but better to be safe. I told him it was where an angel kissed him. : )


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Good afternoon. I am fresh home from therapy today where I got to a 117 degree bend. 120 is the goal, he thinks I will get that and then some!! WOOHOO!! Weighed myself this morning and am down 2 lbs. another WOOHO!! And my 3rd WOOHOO!! is DS called and met me for lunch. I haven't seen him in 2 weeks and was wondering what was up. He doesn't believe it's been that long since he has called. LOL BOYS! I talk to my daughter all the time (even before she moved in with us) but my son is few and far between. So I relished the time I had with him. He's trying to work out his schedule at Walmart to go to SD with us for at least a couple of the days, but you know retail and Black Friday. I was trying to get out of him what Walmarts Black Friday deals were but he's not even sure yet. Now I am home with the knee up and chilling out. Also saw the knee doc yesterday and he says I am 'super'. Next week I see my band doc. I feel old all these doctor visits.

Apples, what a great family it sounds like, glad you had them in your life as it sounds like your birth family wasn't so much. Thanks for the kind words too. That's my plan, just be myself, do what it is right and what they choose to do with it is their choice. I can only do so much. Grandma is the glue right now.

Meredith, welcome home. Anxious to hear about it. Are you moving to CA?? :thumbup:

Laura, yes I did get the pots, she will be thrilled. Hope all is well at the dermatologist. Sorry to hear your dad is facing surgery. Glad you will be able to be there for him.

Janet, hope you got your computer ailments taken care of. Good going on the new gym!

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Apples - You are someone who I would come to for advice any day !!! With all you have been thru - I think you are quite a woman - "ok so you aren't normal" :0)...

Msredd - Welcome

What are you eating - are you keeping a food diary - are you exercising - give us a little more info.

Laura - WTG on exercise :0) - I know what you mean about your Dad - Just go with the flow and see how it goes - right now he's not thinking as clearly - he just wants you there..

Eva - Thanks - I love her might not like her at times but I do love her and there have been plenty of good times between us - Work - ya if we want to shop - travel - do more than just exisit - we gotta do it and be thankful..

Yes eating out takes a while to get use to - and still does - yesterday went to lunch w/gf for her bday - ate 1/2 taco and an enchillda - but I was the last person done with my food they all inhaled theirs.

Well I know I have missed some- but I gotta get to work my boss just got here :0) cbl

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Here's a great site to get healthy recipes !!

"Healthified" chicken Pot Pie - Special Occasions - Eat Better America

Just think how doable healthy eating really is even in your weight loss phase

Day #1

3 meals @ 300 calories = 900 cal

3 Snacks @ 100 cal each = 300

300 + 900 = 1200 cal

Day #2

2 meals @ 200 Each and 1 meal @ 300 = 700

3 Snacks @ 100 cal each = 300

700 + 300 = 1000

Day #3

BF 150 cal - lunch 200 - dinner 300 = 650

2 snacks @ 100 Each = 200

650 + 200 = 850

#1 rule



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Hi there, just a quickie from me tonight... Mimi just went home and I have so much to do to get ready for the carpet cleaner tomorrow... DH will help with the lifting, but I must supervise!!!! Can't wait to get this dang carpet clean again... Must have had a lapse in consciousness when I bought nearly white carpet a few years back....(2002 if I remember right)....Between Mimi, DH and his coffee, and my cats, I've got more stains than not anymore... We have decided to wait till spring to do our project so will get new flooring for the new big room then....

Had my PT and etc. today.. doing okay so far now.. We'll see how it is a bit later when it usually hits me hard with pain....

DH just came in so gotta go... You all have a good night.. Maybe I can post again later ortomorrow if I can get to my computer!!!!

Hugs to all............. Julie

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Awww...thanks, Janet.

Just checking in. Got home a bit ago. Lots sorted and packed and lots to go. Sis has to go back to work so will plug away with apt. Just nice that I know what goes to who so I can pack and label. This work has actually been very theraputic and will continue to be. Better than being home all alone with my guys gone from dusk till dawn.

Popcorn time for me and the puppa. Nightly ritual. He's sitting in his popcorn position and waiting for momma to get it done. Talk to you all tomorrow. Maybe I will have time to catch up with everyone a little bit.

Sending CyberHugs!

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Hi all, Boy am I learning lessons this week. Had my fill last thurs, more than doubled amount. Well yesterday ate to fast and to big of bites, it was a mcd chic salad. Not sure it was what was called stuck or a spasm, but it hurt for about 20 mins, quit eating and walked around. Tonight I was working in the yard so I ate late. Same thing again, fish this time. I don't think I could stand that pain for 2 hours like I've heard. Hopefully I'll learn soon. I got the journaling down pat, been exercising so I guess now it's time for next lesson.

Have a great day..

Laura K

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Just remembered, I think we had a couple new folks post here recently that are getting banded this week. Cocunut Latte and LCdanga or something like that (the gal that was worried about choking). Just wanted to say best wishes to you in your surgery, your are embarking on a wonderful and life changing journey.

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