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well i probably met ya then, but met so many ppl while getting everything done, its hard to remember everybody! Maybe it was you there when i 1st went to the Nutrition class, showing slides of ppl who have had the surgery.

I go to Thornton quite a bit., my brother & his family live there, altho don't usually hear or see them very often.

Still waiting to hear from friends if they can watch my son for Friday. He doesn't have school that day, so wud be a good time for me.

He got up at 6am today..hes still on October time! & I'm ready for a nap. Looks to be nice today, prob go for my usual walk around Adams County Park pond., not sure if thats what its called er not, its where the fairgrounds are.

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Hi Gang

Just a quick note before I head out to do my normal weekend stuff

Had a great time w/family - they left this morning about 9 - didn't do bad w/TorT candy - it was the pre-sliced sugar Cookies that my DIL kept making that were my down fall - but did go to they gym yesterday a.m. did 4 miles burned 500 calories..

Apples - you have been on my mind all weekend - I know you are strong and deal with what life throws at us - but I still know you hurt and feel the loss - Hugs !!!

Laura - Loved the pics - t or t w/golf cart - wtg - Hugs on Dad you too are in my prayer

Meredith - Glad you are having good time w/Sis - Yes we have wonderful weather here in Cali - Sorry we couldn't connect..

Eva - Hope you had a good time at your party

Cheri - Heck all the holiday's have slider foods :0) mashed potatoes and gravy - stuffing and gravy - pie and whip cream - we can't get away from it :0)...

Here a pic of my Brooke in her last minute costume - My DS & DIL don't do things in advance - by the time they went to get costumes - they had been picked over - wo we got a sheet and she was casper - she didn't know the diff - she had fun

Plus added pic of my babies :0)

Well I gotta get moving - Hugs to all I didn't mention - not on purpose - but you guys have been busy..


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well i probably met ya then, but met so many ppl while getting everything done, its hard to remember everybody! Maybe it was you there when i 1st went to the Nutrition class, showing slides of ppl who have had the surgery.

I go to Thornton quite a bit., my brother & his family live there, altho don't usually hear or see them very often.

Still waiting to hear from friends if they can watch my son for Friday. He doesn't have school that day, so wud be a good time for me.

He got up at 6am today..hes still on October time! & I'm ready for a nap. Looks to be nice today, prob go for my usual walk around Adams County Park pond., not sure if thats what its called er not, its where the fairgrounds are.

Yep I put that slide show in before the class. If there was someone wearing a turquoise vest that was me. They make me wear the volunteer vest while I am there. I just got an email today about the Nov. Thornton support group, it's on Tues. night at the Thornton Civic center and Beth, a dietician, is going to do a presentation on holiday cooking, it's at 630 ifyou are interested. I know that park just as Adams County Fairgrounds. Was just there a few weeks ago for a church picnic. Hope you get your childcare issue worked out.

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Janet, love your pics....your "babies" looked pretty interested in that candy. You Brooke looks just like she should look for Halloween....like a ghost. Glad to hear she had fun. Good for you going to the gym....I love your determination.

Laura, Nelson was pretty cute as army man. What elaborate party stuff...guess the kids can't complain about being bored. The hay ride sounds fun. I love those. It's nice Nelson was the first to visit his friend's house. He should feel special. Sorry your Dad isn't feeling so good. Hopefully the infection will clear up quickly and he can get on the his other treatment. Will your DH go with you at Thanksgiving? Holidays are tough for the medical field.

Meredith...hope you are enjoying the wonderful weather and having a great time with your sister. I love to visit California, especially the coast.

We had a devilishly good time last night. Drank a little too much but it was great fun. I still need to download the pictures...depending, they may get posted. I made "eyeballs" (cheese balls) three flavors and they came out great. I love doing creative things with cream cheese. It's a sickness I know.

After a slow start this morning, I finally got my tortoise burrows winterized. I moved the babies back out side until it gets really cold again and the yearling can probably stay outside. I worked on his miniature burrow and it now has a couple of bags of dirt on top of it too for added insulation. All the shoveling and moving bags of dirt is a lot of work. I'm beat now and taking a break. Good muscle building work however.

Hope everyone is having a great Sunday. BBL


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a few more pics from the night.. enjoy

Great pics, Laura!

Here a pic of my Brooke in her last minute costume - My DS & DIL don't do things in advance - by the time they went to get costumes - they had been picked over - wo we got a sheet and she was casper - she didn't know the diff - she had fun. Plus added pic of my babies :0)

Well I gotta get moving - Hugs to all I didn't mention - not on purpose - but you guys have been busy..cbl

Brooke looks adorable in that sheet!! Impromptu or not, very cute! Love the pics of the other babies, too!

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Janet & Laura, cute pics posted today, thanks for sharing.

Can't help but be thinking of our Apples this weekend.

Had a quiet day here other than church and a run to Bass Pro shops to officially start my Christmas shopping, got my son done. I watched the Packers/Vikings game this afternoon and so wanted my Pack to beat Brett Favre but no such luck. I am originally from Wisconsin and have been a cheesehead all my life. LOL

Am nervous for therapy tomorrow after what happened on Friday and how much pain I got but am going to go into with my pain pills this time and have already told Grandma that I will see her on Tuesday, making no other plans for tomorrow until I see how it goes. I ventured out today for the first time without my cane and did pretty good. I just used a shopping cart at Bass Pro.

Cannot believe it is Nov 1st already and that next month is actually Christmas. I also, I guess, am the opposite of many of you in that I just hated going back to standard time today. I hate how early it gets dark now.

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Just checking in. No time to read posts tonight. Exhausted. Up at 4:20 this morning. Baked four pies to take with me to family. Wake at 1pm (hour for family b/4 so we could be alont) until 5. Had second meal at 7pm...first was brunch this morning. (Fed out of state and family). Not at my house..."Mom's" son's house where we have all been congregating. Gotta be to church at 9:30am and funeral at 10:30. Church ladies make a meal for all attending. I have 2 large pork loins in roaster to cook over night for tomorrow night's supper. Picked up 150 Buns and just doing sand's, chips and serving all the sweets that have been brought to the house.

The attendence at the wake was as I though (or more). Two lines were started and they both wound way out of the door of the funeral home and out on the street. She was loved by all. Noticed a lot we thought would be were not. Am sure we will see them tomorrow.

Going to hit the bed. I'm shot. Cannot acknowledge every post right now but, again, thanks for the kind words from everyone. How did I get so lucky to find a group like you guys? Oh yea (as I said b/4) I NEEDED HELP!

Good Night, Dear Friends....

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To Newbies,

Some of us have blogged our journeys. I like to offer my blog as one person's journey that may help others go through it too. You can find it at IF YOUR STOMACH OFFENDS YOU, TIE IT OFF

Start at the beginning. I talk a lot about the addiction side and dealing with it. I still post at least once a week, but last summer I posted everyday once I learned I'd been approved for surgery, so I posted through some of the most difficult

This thread is also one of the best if not the best I've tried for getting support.


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Good Morning Gang

Apples - We are just as lucky to have you !!! I agree - I love the freindships that we have made here... Hugs & Love to you today especially -

Great - Don't let them overwork your knee - I was talking to my neighbor Saturday - she said those pt pple can get over zealuous...

Eva - My sis dad had toritsist (sp) I think her step bro has one of the orginals babies ..

I am glad halloween is over - but pple have brought their extra candy and it's right out side my office..

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BBRRRR its cold out there this morning!!

G2BThin, well prob. met ya then, cant remember what you were wearing tho. What church do u go too? I go off n on to Orchard Church. Went for that walk yesterday, whew, was hot out there. Son & I had a snowball fight, he won.

Yes, I got the childcare issue taken care of, friends I met at church on Easter will take care of him!! So called Dolly left her a msg.

Thanks for info on Thornton support group will plan on it for next week, Can kids go? Where is the Civic Center. Sorry bad sense of directions. :)

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Hey everybody, how's it going???? Nothing new to report here... same old same old....... no better, but not actually worse either...

Apples, thinking of you.... Why am I not surprised you are doing all this food... It sounds just like you to be up to your ears in making sure everyone is full and content as possible... Take care of yourself... Janet is right... We are so lucky to have you, too....

Janet, hope you handle all the candy outside your door.. We went to Wal-mart yesterday and DH stocked up on all the half price stuff... Just what I needed...... but it doesn't really bother me that much.. Especially the chocolate... I can have one peice and be done... He, on the other hand, can eat a whole bag... And weighs in at a whopping 160 most of the time... It's just not fair!!!!!! Glad you had a good time with your family... Yes, Brooke looked just delightful and happy... Nice pictures of your babies, too....

Lori, I can't believe it's time to start Christmas shopping soon... When we were in Ohio, DH asked our grandsons for a Christmas list.. got one from the 10 year old this past week... Yesterday his dad called to ask what we got him so they didn't get the same thing.... Give me a break..... I don't even know what the heck it is yet, much less have it bought already... They'll just have to wait for me to get organized.... Good luck with your PT... I'm hoping it will be much better this time.... Is your snow gone now?? We actually have some sun today... cold, but sunny....

Laura, it's good to hear you talking about regular everyday things.. Great pics of Nelson and the one of the 2 of you is great.... Continued good wishes going out to your folks.....

Eva, glad you had such a nice time at your party.. And good job on finishing your tortoise project.. I'm sure that they are all appreciative.....

If, I enjoyed your version of time with your grandson... It's good that those around him are understanding and he can be at ease in the regular environment.. Our 10 year old is not your average 4th grader... He has problems and needs extra help through no fault of his own.. Last year when we visited his classroom his teacher had singled him out and put him away from the other kids so SHE could handle things better... Made me so mad.. I had taken movie pictures and when I showed our son, he went to the school and complained.. Things changed, but the damage was already done.. This year is better.. They actually diagnosed a learning disability and he is getting the help he needs finally... I really appreciate the patience you show.......it isn't always easy........

Well, my mother asked to have Mimi today so I have the day to myself.. took down Halloween decorations and added some Thanksgiving ones instead... My carpet cleaner is supposed to come Friday now.. We'll see if I actually get it done this time.. Will do the cleaning and dusting at that time.....Did a load of laundry this morning so need to fold it.. Got supper planned... Roast pork with scalloped potatoes and corn..... Will do a little paperwork now and then just take it easy I guess..

Adding some pictures of my Mimi, the lady bug, with her Paw Paw!!!!!

Hope all the rest of you are happy and healthy.. TTYL.......Julie

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Good afternoon guys~

I packed up all the Halloween candy and DH will take it to work with him tomorrow, I hope. I just can't be trusted with it. DH was shocked that I reacted so negatively when he forgot the bag today. I exclaimed... "if I could say no so easily to food, then I wouldn't have had to have a silicone band surgically implanted!" I should have just thrown the damn stuff in the garbage as I had first thought of. urrrggghhhh.

I went by Big Lots and Walgreens to get some of the clearance Halloween stuff (that is not edible). Got some cute things for next year. This year's and the new stuff already packed in a rubbermaid and in the attic! I even found 5 little things for Nelson for Christmas. This is the EARLIEST I have ever bought something for the holidays. In the past I have bought stuff, but would get frustrated on a weekend afternoon and give him a toy to keep him occupied. <guilty grin> Well, now they are bagged and tagged and in the attic! I even got so organized as to take a digital pic and made a folder so I can remember what I bought! OCD at its best. I really am going to try this year to get fewer things. He got so much from DH and auntie the 10 days I was gone. I really don't want him to have ANYTHING until Christmas, so as he can appreciate it. Or at least attempt.

I lost my wallet today. I was FREAKING out... dreading to have to call and cancel my cards when the drug store called. I had left it near the register! When I went to pick it up I wanted to leave the clerk a reward and she wouldn't take it. I sent an email to her district manager instead. I hope she knows how much grief she helped relieve.

Bought some fresh basil at the farmers market. I am in the mood for some Thai food... maybe curry basil something...

Time for car line. CBL.

Edited by peascorps

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Love your pic's of Mimi !!!

Yes very very unfair that DH can eat a bag of candy - I LOVE chocolate any thing... I can say no to skittiles - starburst - smarties - stuff like that -but sugar Cookies and choc are big problems for me..

I'm lucky 99.9% of the time I can say no during the day to sweets - it's nights that get to me..

BF 2 hardboilled eggs 1/4 of a pear - have almost one bottle of Water drank it will be gone by lunch.

lunch - 1 pot wonder - bell pepper 1/3 - onion 1/4- jalanpeo 1 - 3 thin pork chops sliced - 6 zuchinees - 1 cup corn 1 can Tomato sauce - 1/2 can red chili sauce and a little Water - 3 cubes lite jack cheese (25 cal each) This made enough for dinner last night - and at least 3 lunches this week

dinner will be fish - veggies - going to try and skip rice but I have legs workout tonite - so we will see..

I am going to have 3 days of withdrawls from all my sugar this weekend

Eva - saw you pic's on FB love your eyes... I guess that was you with the devil ears - is that your dh ??

Laura - I ordered Andrew a camera - but it's on waitlist - since 4 of my 5 aren't kids - they get jammies/sweats stuff like that - and gift cards - Brooke I will shop for - my biggest problem is Kaitlin who will be 15 on 12/1 - is xmas & bday shopping together and she's so picky - gift cards to the rescue...

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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