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Mornin' Gang...Another early morning but to bed by 9:30. Men did not come into eat until 8:30pm. Needless to say, the sirloin roll-ups did not have a lot of moisture by that time. They didn't seem to mind not having much gravy on their potatoes. meat and stuffing really sucked it up. They were taking advantage of the nice weather and worked after it turned dark. Will most likely do the same today. Think supper will be in a couple of crock pots tonight...easier to plan.

Stuck around home today. I am the go-between for the guys. They have some working 15 miles north of here and some 11 miles south with not phone service since they are working in a gulley. So if they have trouble at point A. I need to run to point B. to grab someone that knows something. Make sense? OK with me to be at home today. Need to pay farm and business bills and reconcile the accounts. Other than that, just doing some organizing. Pantry is done and feels good.

Janet...have a great time with your family. I don't know what style of Levis you like but I always have to buy smaller than any other brand of jeans in Levis. My favorite jeans (Seven for all Mankind) I need to buy a size larger. Go figure. Maybe we are just shaped differently and that's why. Are you upside down from me?????????????

Linda....thinking of DGD and what she is going through. Hopefully, it's the end of the treatments for awhile.

I have a friend that got Type 1 diabetes at the age of 32. She has a difficult time taking care of herself. I think she might now finally be getting it...It's difficult to change it for them. I just listen and throw a "This may seem selfish but I want you around in our retirement years". She does seem better and not so puffy lately. She wanted me to put a monthly menu together for her. Did it and not sure if she will stick with it. Hope so.

Sorry about feeling funky at work lately. No sun? That's my excuse...think I might be beating that one to death and still running with it! LOL

Isn't it strange when the scale is not moving but our clothes are getting big? I went through that stage. It was almost like it was a delayed reaction. scale moves....a month later clothes get big. I am like you, Linda. I have started to weigh most mornings. Never did during the weight loss stage cuz I was driving myself crazy with it. If I forget to weigh and already am dressed, I will wait till the next day. I know we should not weigh every day cuz our bodies are fickle with Water retention, etc.

Laura...hummmm....just maybe the cancer is not as bad as they thought with your poppa. It's a very good sign that they said there is not a lot of bone involvment. My "mom" finished her chemo flush treatments yesterday. She had so much clotting, it was scary. It only last awhile and then she was better. She is happy to be done and get out of coffee with the girls again every day. She was only making it 1-2 days a week and that is a killer for her. She still walks her 2 miles a day in her apt. building. 89 and still living a healthy life. That's what got her there.

We DID have sun yesterday, Laura. It also got up to the mid-40's. Not cold when a person is used to it. I dread the freezing temps coming. ALL of our corn is still out in the fields untouched. It's going to be a bitter harvest. I'm not being negative...just prepared. I will have to double up the Under Armour and put two pair of coveralls on.

There has not even been a hint of when the H1N1 vacine will be available in our area. Big??????????? Hope you can get Nels vacinated. He has those types of cheeks that a Grandma Wanna Be just wants to kiss. Would you do that for me, please? Just tell him it's from Auntie Karen.

I, too, just love to fly and travel. I could do it every day of my life (hence...where younger DS gets if from). Told DH a couple of weeks ago that I think I want to be a airline steward. (Dialing phone to see where I can get training)!

Sorry you cannot make it to the gym as much as you would like. Your life will get back into the daily routine again. Lots you can do without the gym also. I have never gone to the gym (too far on daily basis). I run the stairs, weight train, treadmill, farm work, etc. Are you able to fit anything like that in your crazy life right now?

Laura...call me when you can. I am home all day today (I think). We should visit about the FL plans and get things going. I will plan and do it if you need to step back on it. Just think that within the next couple of weeks we should get things in place so the peeps can arrange their schedules. Just don't want added pressure for you right now. Might just take your mind off things though.

Cheri....sounds like you have some good restriction. You are now seeing the downhill phase of the weighloss. You are on the other side of the mountain. Remember that song when we were younger about the other side of the mountain. We go there just to see what we can see. Heck, I'm staying at the other side of the mountain!

Gotta go...I know I missed some of you but you are all inside my heart. Have a lovely day.

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Julie...vedigo is still hanging in there. It will just run it's course like it does each year about this time. I truly believe it's a sinus thing. Swollen and affects the ears. It usually hangs on a couple of weeks. I have medication for the dizziness but don't like to take it if I am having to drive. Makes me fairly drousy. It will just have to play itself out.

Congrats on your 1lb and getting to a weight that you have not been in a while. Gives a person renewed hope, doesn't it?

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Just checking in............nothing new to report. I have been eating sweets.........bad I know. I just think I am in a funky mood over no weight loss. The doctor said I would get angry when my DH started losing so much so fast. I am not angry, but the thought of him passing me up is discouraging.

I crochet too. I like thread crocheting best. I do names in filet crochet, and them have them framed for wedding gifts. I haven't done it in awhile. Right now I am sewing baby hooded towels and embroidering their names on the hood......so cute.

I hope Halloween would hurry up and pass. I don't like having all this candy in my house.

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just checking in............nothing new to report. I have been eating sweets.........bad i know. I just think i am in a funky mood over no weight loss. The doctor said i would get angry when my dh started losing so much so fast. I am not angry, but the thought of him passing me up is discouraging.

I crochet too. I like thread crocheting best. I do names in filet crochet, and them have them framed for wedding gifts. I haven't done it in awhile. Right now i am sewing baby hooded towels and embroidering their names on the hood......so cute.

I hope halloween would hurry up and pass. I don't like having all this candy in my house.

step away from the candy!!!!!!!!

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Good Morning Gang

You all have been busy since last night :0)

Apples - I don't have any 7's yet - I haven't found them at marshalls in my size - I think I tried on a 27 but they were too big - I need a 25 or 26 - I really don't know what size I am with those #'s - I wear the 545 in Levi's and I don't know the # of the skinny jeans I got but they are both 6's - but in their carpi's I have a 4 - go figure - I am not super fixsated on the size - I am more about the fit - the top I have on today is a large - but I find for the most part the stuff at Stein Mart tip wise runs small - again I don't like tight stuff either -

Body type can't really figure it out - I use to have a defined waist and hips - but now a days I am thicker on the sides of my abs than I use to be - I told trainer we need to work more on abs - he said - darling we can work all you want but it's not going to really fix your issues - it's the skin issue - I really can't lose much more weight I would look dead (would love to get back to 138 - been 140-143 for months now) and I don't like pain so I doubt I would every get a tummy tuck/lipo..

Julie - Yes be firm with the doc tomorrow - Yep I am like you I have to be in the mood - and right now I am - and I'm like you too - I don't want to do stuff that's going to take months to complete. My GM did the dollies - bedspread - runners - I use to know how to make baby stuff - but its been 25 yrs I don't know if I remember how - I do things like baby blankets (all 3 grandkids have one) booties - caps - scarfs and afgans.. I am makeing th scarf to give as a gift I think :0) - like I said the mood hit to crochet and I had this pastel yarn (yellow) and am following a pattern which I never have really done before - but it's coming out ok..

Laura - I didn't go to the gym yesterday and am a little pissed at myself - here's my excuse - kids coming need to go to the store - it was super windy and ugly outside - as it was even without going to the gym I didin't sit down to eat till 8:30 - So today I feel like a fat pig.. I keep telling myself I am not but even now these thoughts enter my head - plus I feel like I am getting a cold - Andrew has had one for the last 2 - well really going on 2 - So I am drinking airborne as I type. I have gym tonite and will go Saturday morning - but I feel bad when I slack..

You have to give yourself a break on that issue - you have had alot going on - You are home now - things are getting back to normal - Say Monday after I drop Nelson off at school - I am going to go work out for 1 hr..

Linda - Ya sometime we just arent our cheery selves - it's ok - it will pass - sometimes I can get in a mood for no reason - like today - I can't wait to see the kids - but I am dragging butt and don't feel energintic like I think I should.. I am happy on the inside - but have this calmness about me that feels weird..

Well gang I gotta get to work - I know I have miss some in this post - it's not on purpose - but I gotta get busy..

CBL - Hugs

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step away from the candy!!!!!!!!


27864.gif?type=sigpic&dateline=1255808921139lbs lost

Band Date: June 17, 2008

OKAY! I put it out of sight...........maybe it will stay out of mind.

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Janet...there are two different 7's. TJMaxx carries both. The plain 7's are a nice fit and I can wear a size 2 in them. The Seven for all Mankind jeans are a little spendier but LOVE the fit and I wear a 4 in those. These jeans are very long and lean. Fit my legs which does not happen with just any jeans. I pay attention to the fit also...not so much the size. I bet you took a size 6 cuz they were skinny jeans. Makes a difference. I, too, have many different sizes in tops. Depends on the cut. I don't like skin tight anything.

Hope you can wear your skinny jeans and boots soon. I have a pair of black leather boots (cute) in the truck ready to go to the consignment shop. They droop on my chicken legs...even when the jeans are tucked in. I have gotten more into buying the ankle boots and then I don't have to worry about it.

Don't worry about your mood, Janet. It's work having company even when it's family. Just thinking of meals, keeping them entertained, disruption of YOUR schedule, disruption of the house....pretty typical feelings. Well, I guess it all depends on WHO is going to visit. DH has a couple of sisters and family that freak me out. Very high maintenance. And then his gay brother comes with two little DS's in tow and they are a dream to have around. Easy going and fun.

Put on your happy face and enjoy your time with them!

Edited by Apples2

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So how'd that candy get into your house?? Halloween isn't til Saturday. :( Hide it! We don't do Halloween so don't have much candy around. However some M & M's have found their way to the candy dish. At least they are the plain ones and I can leave them alone. If they had peanuts in them, the'd be gone.

Woke up to lots of white stuff on the ground. It is supposed to snow all day today and into tomorrow but be in the 60's by Sunday I think. My dogs went out this morning and were surprised but then tore around playing in it,they were fun to watch. Glad I don't have to go anywhere. I am not so concerned about driving in snow anymore but am concerned about walking with my cane and new knee and stability on my feet.

Here I mentioned closets yesterday and everyone else is getting their's done and I haven't touched mine. I better get busy.

i got an email from some old neighbor's when we lived in Las Vegas and they are driving through town tomorrow and want to stop and visit. They are coming right at dinner time and want to have dinner so guess I need to come up with something or maybe we can go out.

Linda, I hope you are feeling better today. I get those moods sometimes too.

Laura, don't be too hard on yourself about not getting to the gym. Your whole world has just been turned upside down with your dad's illness. Just do what you can when you can and be aware of being more active in your every day activities.

Apples, I've seen those 7 jeans, I need to check them out. I had said when I got to goal weight I wanted a pair of designer aka good expensive jeans. Where do you find them?

Janet, hope you don't get that cold so you can be in tip top shape for your family's visit.

Phyl, you rock, you are giving me hope in the knee. I've been getting frustrated. I know it's only 3 weeks since surgery but I guess I thought I wouldn't be having pain anymore. As soon as I do much I'm hurting again. And it's still swollen. I googled knee replacement surgery and saw bits of some videos of it and OMG they are rough, it's no wonder it hurts. I guess I just am tired of being less than 100%. Does the skin on your knee still feel numbish, tinglish, weirdish?

Meredith, enjoy your trip to CA!!

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Great...if you are lucky, you can find them at TJMaxx. They have the 7's there all the time, and, like I said in my post to Janet, they do fit nice. The Seven for all Mankind are a little harder to find there. I have looked them up online and did not want to buy them cuz they were double the price. I just waited until I found my size and it was worth the money. I find now that they are the only jean I want to wear. I just have them in black. Want to find a denim pair but, again, will wait till I see them at TJMaxx and get a better price.

How about throwing together a crockpot meal for tomorrow when your friends arrive? Make some garlic toast or something. I have chicken stew in the crockpots for tonight.

Diced chicken



FF sour cream

chicken stock


and will add some homemade egg noodles later today. I make them ahead and freeze them. But, you could use other egg noodles. Just use what you have on hand. I bet if they are just dropping by, they do not expect a five course meal.

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Apples, thanks for the info on the jeans, I didn't see your other post, we must've posted at the same time. I don't have a TJ maxx close but I do have a Marshalls and Ross so maybe will check there. Or will go to the full price store to find my size and put them on my list for Santa!!

Thanks for the recipe too, it sounds similar to what I decided on. A friend brought me 'chicken spaghetti' for dinner after my surgery, it's something I can prepare ahead of time and then just put in the oven when they get here. DD said she'd pick up some rolls and salad for me at the store. I think I have some cakemixes for a dessert.

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I have a pumpkin recipe for a dessert. Use it if you want...just a suggestion.

1/2 yellow or butter cake mix (save the rest to make dessert another time)

1/2 stick real butter

Melt butter and mix with cake mix. Spread all but about 1/2 cup in bottom of cake pan.

1 can pumkin

2 large eggs (3 if small)

1/2 tsp nutmeg

1/2 tsp ginger

1/2 tsp cinnimon

1 can sweetened condensed milk

Pour over crust and top with remaining sprinkles. Bake in 350 degree oven for about 30 minutes or until set.

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Apples, you don't use pecans with that pumpkin recipe?.....I guess that is a southern thing. That recipe is yummy....I am going to make it for Thanksgiving.

My family shys away from walnuts and pecans. I LOVE them in any recipe and am sure they would compliment this one. Forgot to mention...top with whipping cream or FF Cool Whip and sprinkle with cinnamon...could also just sprinkle with the chopped pecans.

Don't worry if the 1/2 box of cake mix does not totally cover the bottom of the pan. Just make sure to spray it. The entire box makes too thick of a crust and is overbearing and too rich.

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Apples, I have a chicken dumpling Soup receipe that uses cut up tortilla shells as the noodles. You can use the fat free ones and they taste like home made noodles, they cook up thick. It's a receipe I got from the weight support/loss group I used to go to before my band.

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Apples, I have a chicken dumpling Soup receipe that uses cut up tortilla shells as the noodles. You can use the fat free ones and they taste like home made noodles, they cook up thick. It's a receipe I got from the weight support/loss group I used to go to before my band.

LauraK...I have one that sounds similar that is made in a baking dish with cut up tortilla shells. It's kind of like and enchillada hotdish but not rolled up. It is good and hearty. I cannot handle any sort of tortilla shell that is soft. (or dumplings, or bread, or noodles). :thumbup:

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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