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Don't know how you keep track of CA vs. AZ time! It never ceases to confuse me. Had some interesting experiences when we were RVing in Bullhead City AZ and kept going across the bridge to Laughlin NV!! Like being an hour early to a movie once and not being able to figure out why we were the only ones there!! I basically hate daylight savings, don't see the value or wisdom of it! Think we should just do away with it... either be on that time all the time, or not, but don't keep changing back and forth!

So you found your crochet hook! Feeling creative! That's fun! Waiting to see what you come up with. I should start doing that again. Arthritis in my hands is my excuse for quitting!

Got to go get ready for Water aerobics!!

OK Phyll...now I don't feel so bad about my one hour mixup on Sunday morning! You asked how the farmers feel about it. One thing you NEVER to is ask a farmer what he thinks about the weather or something like setting clocks back or forward for that matter. Farmers tend to be a group of "whiners". Not all...but one of the reasons I don't go into the local coffee shop in the morning. Negativity and I do not mesh.

DH, on the other hand, is the most easy going person God put on this earth. He has farmed since he could barely see over the tractor steering wheel and year to year to year he keeps the same temperment. If not, I don't think I could have taken all the stress that comes with the farm. He's an absolute jewel in the rough.

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:sad:No go on the 2nd house I put my offer in on. Even though I went 8,000 higher than what they were asking, apparently cash is king. That stinks, but oh well. It wasn't meant to be. Still waiting on the short sale.....

Andrew went with me to look at another house today. He acted like I was forcing him! We got into the car, and I was ticked! This is supposed to be fun, not miserable. His excuse was that it didn't matter what he liked about the house anyways since ultimately it only mattered what I thought. Well, golly! At least he could pretend! Sometimes he is such a great guy, and sometimes he is the biggest a$$.

We are supposed to go out to dinner with his mother tonight. She didn't bother asking me where I wanted to go, since she is selfish too. I would ask someone who had bariatric surgery where they would prefer to go, instead of just assuming.

I got a fill last Monday. I forgot to tell you. Now I have 5cc in a 10cc band. I feel pretty good about my restriction. I think that I may be just one fill away from my sweet spot? I cannot eat bread anymore AT ALL! None. Hey, thats ok by me. I spent about 3 days last week after the fill pb-ing to finally come to terms with this. Now, I'm over it, and have been steadily losing weight! Thank goodness! I'm almost half way.

Cannot wait to go see my sister on Thursday!

I will write more to all of you later, but 1st, Julie, maybe you should put a cup of epsom salts in your bath?

Ok, more later,


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Greetings Gabby Girls!

I am NOT even going to try and catch up with all of you. I will just pull this post out of "A__"....yeah, I said it.

Welcome to the thread, Coconut and good luck on your upcoming surgery and preperation for it. Looks like you and Great are in the same area. Would be nice if you had some experienced support. She's done really well!

Julie...when I read your post from last night I wanted to tell you that maybe you should get another opinion. There's gotta be something going one to cause that much discomfort. Wouldn't ya think? You've been way too patient. I'm a "results" kind of girl....I'd be knocking on doors for answers. Just a thought.

Just going to say "Hey" to everone else. Caught up on the posts but not going to repeat what has already been said.

Out and about the last two days. In my truck and running for farm parts, etc. Had my flu shot yesterday. First year ever that it did not affect me. I am going to claim that it is because I am so darned healthy. Yep, going with that.

Clothes....cleaned them ALL out of my closets. (Had to make room for the new ones. LOL. Even made my oldest DS take all his guards uniforms, etc. that were filling his old bedroom closet. It's now full again.

I have a friend that is about 60lbs heavier than I am and gave her a bunch of clothes. Well, she is my very self-centered friend. Love her to death but the entire universe centers right around her. Not a thank you once and dropped mostly new clothes numerous times. I decided I may as well make some money off of them so I began taking them to a consignment shop. Last year I had loads that went to Salvation Army. Everything I have now is going to stay and just the size I now wear. Good way to make yourself stay the size you are!

We have sun again today. Makes a person feel so happy. I am a fairly upbeat person but 3 weeks of no sun was enough for me. Was getting a little testy. DH would verify that. Sunday I just couldn't figure out what the heck was wrong with me. Went on a nice date with DH and I was jumping at everything he said. Not like me. Got a couple of apologies in and then would do it again. Better now.

The guys are out digging and laying drain tile in the fields and will be ready for a good hot meal when they get in. Packed them coolers this morning for their noon lunch. Have sirloin/stuffing roll-ups in the oven. Making fresh green Beans and baked potatoes. pumpkin cake for dessert. I have absolutely no appetite the last couple of days. Taking it easy and eating soft. Got stuck big time on a couple of bites of shredded wheat on Sunday morning. Must be swollen. Living on protien bars (soft ones) until maybe tomorrow night. Cannot do and never could do Protein Shakes so the bars will have to do. The kind I buy contain a good amount of Fiber so should be OK. Oh yeah, eating mashed cauliflower also.

OK...heading out for about an hour of yard work. Talk to you all later.

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:sad:No go on the 2nd house I put my offer in on. Even though I went 8,000 higher than what they were asking, apparently cash is king. That stinks, but oh well. It wasn't meant to be. Still waiting on the short sale.....

Andrew went with me to look at another house today. He acted like I was forcing him! We got into the car, and I was ticked! This is supposed to be fun, not miserable. His excuse was that it didn't matter what he liked about the house anyways since ultimately it only mattered what I thought. Well, golly! At least he could pretend! Sometimes he is such a great guy, and sometimes he is the biggest a$$.

We are supposed to go out to dinner with his mother tonight. She didn't bother asking me where I wanted to go, since she is selfish too. I would ask someone who had bariatric surgery where they would prefer to go, instead of just assuming.

I got a fill last Monday. I forgot to tell you. Now I have 5cc in a 10cc band. I feel pretty good about my restriction. I think that I may be just one fill away from my sweet spot? I cannot eat bread anymore AT ALL! None. Hey, thats ok by me. I spent about 3 days last week after the fill pb-ing to finally come to terms with this. Now, I'm over it, and have been steadily losing weight! Thank goodness! I'm almost half way.

Cannot wait to go see my sister on Thursday!

I will write more to all of you later, but 1st, Julie, maybe you should put a cup of epsom salts in your bath?

Ok, more later,


Oh Meredith Honey...I am so sorry us more experienced here did not inform you that ALL men can be A$$'s at any given moment....even the good ones. They can be as fickle as our bands!

What I have found is that ANYTHING to do with the house, personal stuff, etc., turns my DH off and, like you said, I'm FORCING him to hang a picture, lift a table to turn an area rug, etc.....

Good luck with dinner tonight. If you know maybe where you are going and the restaurant posts their menu, you can plan ahead and look it up.

Congrats on being to the almost half way point. You've done so well.

Yep, second house was not meant to be. Hope your first ends up being your dream house. Fingers crossed!:(:biggrin:

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Meridith, Sorry about the house and the man issues. Good news on 1st time buyer credit, I heard they are extending it thru Dec or longer. Hope it all works out for you.

Apples, I get ya on the rainy crappy days. Next week the happy light comes out for the winter time.

Welcome Coconut Latte and good luck to you.

I've been cleaning closets and drawers, giving away clothes to my Mom and taking the rest to resale shops that benefit underground railroad. Figured they could use the $$

Worked in yard again today, got almost 2/3 of leaves out of the yard. Yesterday did the front almost can't tell. Oh well it keeps me busy and active.

Have a great day all.

Laura K

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Good evening. Sorry Meredith on the house issues. A trick that DH tells me over and over again each time we buy a house in our many moves is to not get emotionally attached to a house til it's our's. Easier said than done. usually when I find 'the' house, I've already got the furniture moved in in my head, painted the walls, etc. But if you can do it and remain emotionally unattached it makes the process a little easier. I've heard that short sales take months and months to go through. The banks just don't care about things like deadlines etc. when they are in that position, they hold out hoping for higher offers etc. I hope 'the' house is out there and works out for you in the timing and all. Apples is right, all men can be jerks sometimes. I suppose they say the same about us. LOL When DH & I look at homes we don't even look at the same things, he goes for basements and garages, could care less what the house looks like otherwise.

Apples, how ungrateful of your friend. When my kids were little, I gave a bunch of baby clothes to my SIL she never thanked me and ended up sellng many of them at a garage sale. Heck, I could've sold them too, after that I never gave them to her again either.

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I can't tell you how good it is to be back to Water aerobics!! And I did about 15 min on a stationary bike in the exercise room after that today. Later we went to Walmart, so I had DH drop me at Starbucks again... without my scooter. He started to get out of the car and I said, "where are you going???" "To get the scooter out!" I said, "NO! I'm walking over to Walmart!" He forgot that I did that on Saturday! So I did it again only this time, after two days of pool exercise, I felt fine when I got over there and didn't need to go get a scooter! HOORAY for me!! I feel like a NEW person this week! Walked around Walmart for proabably about 30 minutes. I was on my feet walking for close to an hour. Very good for me.. Rested a while when we got home and then made some killer chowder.. so stood at the stove for about 1/2 hour. Standing still has been very hard for me in the past. I think in just two days of exercise, my legs have gotten quite a bit stronger.

And got on the Wii to weigh this morning. I was worried about being up because of being on the road and visiting with family/friends for two weeks... eating bad stuff like spaghetti and pizza! But I was down.. a little over a pound, I think. Not a whole lot for 3 weeks, but DOWN!

Hope you all had a GREAT day!! We are OVERCOMERS!! We're defeating our worse habits and making major improvements to our lives!

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Phyll....you are just getting younger and younger in the way you are moving. Good going. I LOVE killer chower. Wish I was there to have a cup of it and to enjoy some warmer weather. Just turned the furnace up again. Have my flannel jammies on and still cold. Going to have to go get my big thick robe also.

Also, congrats on the 1lb down. Not an easy thing to accomplish while on the road.

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Had my fill today. I'm just drinking Protein Shakes (love the dark chocolate Atkins ones) today and tomorrow. I don't even risk trying anything even semi-solid. That usually gives me a good jump on weight loss again after the fill. I think this will be a good fill. Told Dr. to fill it till the food squeaks going through.

Never been a huge bread eater so that was easy to give up.

The chocolate in my Breakfast shake each morning and in my Kashi bar each night seems to usually satisfy my chocolate cravings. Thank God.

I love meat so sticking to dense Protein is also pretty easy for me.

I was very surprised to lose a lb during my 4 days of meetings and off protocol food, and then I lost another lb the next day, so I guess I restricted way more than I thought.

I wish they had Daylight Savings all year long. I like having some light when I come home from work. I walk outside even during the winter as long as its not too cold or snowy/icy. I hate going to the community center to walk on the track. I'm not that fond of walking on my treadmill in my stripped down, moldy, smelly basement. I have to encourage my husband to spray the basement down with bleach Water now that we're down to bare exterior walls, cement floor and rafters.

I've got a birthday party for my 5 year old grandson tomorrow night. I'm going to bring along a choc. shake (the party's at Chuckie Cheeses). I may cautiously try the topping off a piece of pizza. I absolutely cannot eat the crust. I pb'd on that even before this fill.

Everytime I get a new fill I've got to get back to tiny bites and chew, chew, chew. I'm sure my band will remind me if I don't. Blech!.

Walked an hour tonight when I got home from work. It was drizzling but I wear a cap and windbreaker with hood. The trees were gorgeous where I was walking. Lots of gold. Even in the dim light.

Going to bed early again.

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WTG PHYL !!! YOU ROCK!!! You have done such a fantastic job in the last 2 yrs - Now with that knee fixed - watch out gang - she's our energizer bunny !!!!

Meredith - Hugs on the house like you said - it wasn't ment to be - My DS bought a short sale house - They had a 30 day escrow - no problems. On the Andrew issue what Apples said - they all can be buttheads at one time or another. I hear you on the eating out - I still am more comfortable in my kitchen - I have a very very hard time making good choices while out.. But the way I look at it - it's a treat for me since I don't eat out often - WTG on your weight loss you are doing fantastic too...

Well Gang I have to clean out my closet - I was straightening it up cuz DS & Family will be here tomorrow and I am always after GD#1 to clean her room closet etc (you know how messy teenage girls can be) well I have to set a good example so I did a load of my blacks pants (that didn't get done this past weekend) - heck I don't have enough hanger - I gotta put my capris away and summer dresses - Won't be able to do it this weekend but maybe next or on my furlough friday (well that is if I don't go crusing parking lots w/Phyl :()

Apples - I'm with you I on only keeping clothes that fit - I have given away all the clothes that to big and I WILL NOT BUY A BIGGER SIZE... That being said 99% of my pants are 4's with like 2 2's but with Levi's I'm a 6 and if I buy junior pants I can be a 5 or 7... :0)

Well it's 8 I have had call from DS - talked to both grand daughters - did a little food shopping - answered an email from a newbie and got dinner cooked and dogs fed - need to go veg before bed - so talk to you in the morning..

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Hi everyone. Sorry I've been absent, just busy with family and work. Couldn't sleep tonight, so got up and caught up with reading posts -- you guys have been busy. Laura, such great pics of your folks and their view - beautiful and your mom is just so young looking! Dad is handsome too - but your mom is truly amazing. Glad you are home and spending time with the boys and glad your company left a bit earlier than originally planned -- you need some time to just be with your boys.

Laura K. glad you had a great girls weekend -- sounds like fun.

Eva, love your house -- you do amazing work -- love the tile and mozaics -- so talented you are. Loved your kitchen and the stainless appliances. We had to replace carpet when we moved here - house was 28 years old and still had original carpet -- long rust colored shag in bedrooms -- also had carpet in the kitchen - I'd never seen carpet in a kitchen (not the dining area but the actual kitchen) before in my life. We put laminate in kitchen/dining room and I love that, but our entry door is not in the kitchen area. We have a split foyer house and we have a huge bed - it's a California king with towers and a pedestial. We bought it when we remodeled our house in Long Beach and we remodeled and made a master suite and made our bedroom quite large. Well, when we moved out of that house, we had a tough time finding a house with a bedroom large enough for the bed. So, with the split foyer house, there was a bathroom with a shower in the basement in the laundry area and a large storeage area that was unfinished. So, because the rec room was quite large and had a nice large window in it, we made that our bedroom and built a walk in closet in the old storeage area. So, it worked out nicely for us. It's also nice during tornado season cause they make me nervous and I feel quite a bit safer sleeping in the basement rather than upstairs when it storms at night.

GD goes back to Iowa City tomorrow for her steriod infusion. Hopefully will be the last one for this year -- we are hoping and keeping fingers crossed. DD has been a bit better - she went to a specialist Monday in Des Moines and he changed her meds and explained how she can help herself with changing her eating habits.

I've had a crap week --work has been stressful. Sometimes I think we just get in these funky moods and feel depressed and blue -- I'm sure I'll snap out of it in a day or two.

Julie, hope you can get some relief. I need to get to a pain specialist myself and keep putting it off. It's just something I dread although I know I need to go. Normally I can take my vicodin and go to bed and sleep, but tonight, I just can't relax and get to sleep. 5 a.m. will be tough in the morning.

Janet, hope you have a great time with your family visiting this weekend.

Phyll, you're amazing - you are just doing so great with your knee and exercise - glad you got back to Water aerobics - bet it felt great. I always feel so much better after I exercise in the Water.< /p>

Apples, way to go on cleaning out your closets - I need to do mine again and take some more to the consignment store -- I have clothes I've barely worn and they're too big - it's amazing cause I haven't been losing pounds but have been losing lots of inches the last couple of months -and I can sure tell when I go to put something on and it's way too big. Good feeling and I've worked hard.

I forgot to weigh myself this morning -- so hopefully I'll remember tomorrow a.m. How ridiculous is that? I weigh first thing while I'm naked - so if I forget and I'm already dressed, I just wait till the next morning to weigh in. LOL.

Great, sorry you had such a tough time with your mom. I understand completely how tough that is and how hard it is. Sounds like you did a great job handling it though. Also, you are doing great with your recovery from knee surgery -- I'm impressed -- you are just so amazing, nothing keeps you down.

Welcome to the newbies, like all the others said, the band is only a tool, you must still fight the head hunger issues and make the right choices. I personally got the band to help me from regaining the weight after I've lost it all. I definitely think maintenance and making the lifestyle changes is the hardest part of our journeys. I am inspired by those here who have been maintaining and continuing to live their healthy lifestyles long after they are done losing their weight. It's important to check in here and stay in touch and accountable to each other so that we can stay on track and keep succeeding.

Meredith, hope the house goes through -- I know how tough it is to wait for that to heppen. Have a great time in Huntington Beach -- weather should be fairly nice -- might need a light jacket in evenings, but definitly can wear sandals/capris, etc. Have a safe trip and enjoy your visit.

Well, will close - love you all -- One Day hope you are doing well on getting back on track. Ifyourstomach, congrats on the weight loss -you're doing awesome. Phyll, congrats on that one pound - that's really wonderful.

Have a good rest of the week everyone. Linda

Edited by ljv52

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good morning girls : )

Sorry I haven't been around much. Just busy busy busy. DH was on call Monday. I let Nels have an impromptu swimming party with the 3 neighbor girls after school. (Have I lost my mind?! LOL) Then TKD yesterday and out to dinner after (with the white uniform on! I have lost it!)

It is so good to be home. Even fantastic to be back to the daily grind of my life as a wife/mom. Went to Sam's yesterday for my contact lenses and some of the bulk things (tp, papertowels, etc.) drycleaners, blah blah.

Dad's docs have temp. put his chemo on hold, was supposed to start Thurs. He started really bleeding/clots from his nephrostomy tube. Creat. climbing a little and he is retaining Fluid. Up 4 lbs in one day. The urologist is getting a film- putting dye directly into kidney to see what is going on and then planning a cystoscopy. There was some good news. His bone scan came out negative. Hmmm.. so they say that the PET scan showed thoracic spine positive. They are now saying it means it is only slightly in the marrow. (a touch of cancer, if you will). A little encouragment... but afraid my folks will think that means there's no cancer. Just means the bone involvement is not that involved. uughhh.. to be cont.

Apples~ I don't know how you do it in the cold... and without sun light... and dealing with all those farmers! And you have a positive outlook 99% of the time! : ) Come to FL to recharge your battery ANY TIME you want! Glad you didn't feel bad after your flu shot. I didn't either this year. I am having a hard time finding the H1N1 for Nelson. His Ped. doesn't have it, only health dept and you have to wait in 4 hr lines!

Julie~ I hope you are feeling better with that darn shoulder! Let's see what the ortho says. Really really, if they don't figure it out soon, go see the pain md we talked about. HUGS. Give that mimi a hug too.:scared2:

Meredith~ HUGS on the house:huggie:. Dang! That suckssss! I know how bad you wanted it. Just know that it wasn't meant to be. You will find one. When we were looking for our last house, I went and looked at 30 of them and then showed DH my top 3. He liked #2 and I had a tie btw 1 and 2. He doesn't enjoy that stuff either. Can't stand deciding between 3 diff khaki paint colors! LOL. AND... have a safe safe trip to see your sis! I know that will recharge your battery! I love flying/traveling. Just bring a good book, and look at all the crazy people, bring some healthy Snacks. And you will be so thrilled with how much more comfortable the seat is! I used to HATE my thighs sweating with the person next to me.

Janet~ wtg on the cleaning closets. A woman after my own heart. : ) I hope you have a nice visit with family. It sounds like you are adjusting just fine with the changes at work. Good for you! You are such a go getter. Now, if you could go-getter(meaning ME) to the gym! I am having a hard time getting there since my return. No gym x 3 weeks. SIGH.

Great & Phyl~ I am so darn proud of you and Phyllser with your knee surgery! What an example to everyone else suffering with surgery or injuries. WTG!!!:(

LauraK~ Hi and hope you are well today. Raking leaves, fun fun. I did that at my mom's in NC. Not much of that here in FL. So I cleaned the pool. :)

I have been basically so good all day with food and then at night my band OPENS and I have been snacking. It's also about TOM and you know what that means! Craving sugar and salt! I am up 3 lbs since before I left for NC. Just makes me so darn mad. ughhh:cursing: Time to get back to exercise and better choices. sigh.

TTYL... have a great day everyone!!! Not quite sure why I am up at 5:30... just couldn't sleep.

peasout~~~ Laura

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I would be very greatful for your help, I am also a food addict, and 3 weeks into having a lap band placed. Your post is an answer to prayer. Thank you. How will I know if you have posted?

Edited by porcupinemamma

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I would be very greatful for your help, I am also a food addict, and 3 weeks into having a lap band placed. Your post is an answer to prayer. Thank you. How will I know if you have posted?

Hey Porcupine...welcome to the "Help" thread. First of all, if when you signed up, you chose to get email notifications to your subscribed threads, you will be notified. The threads are titled. Just click on your email thread and you can then click onto the sight and it will take you to LBT and the thread. Or, go to the top of any page and click "User CP". Page down a bit and it will show all of your subscribed threads (threads you have posted in). If you have trouble, come back here for instructions.

Why don't you post again and tell us a little about yourself. This is a great thread to come to for support. There are LB people in all different stages of their journey. You can usually find an answer from one of us (or all of us LOL).

I had responded to you in another thread. You sounded like you felt you are in this trip all alone. Please don't feel that way. There's always someone on LBT that can walk you through things.

Wishing you luck!:(

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Morning...........I made it through another night!!!! This wasn't the worst, just awake to the pain every couple hours and then get up to get something....hot pack or whatever.. watch TV a bit and fall back to sleep... Could be (and has been) worse... Thank goodness for the Vicodin....... I"ve completed my morning chores and now have paperwork to do here at my desk for a couple hours before Mimi comes at noon....

Apples, I've forgotten to inquire how you are feeling... Is your vertigo better?? Nothing worse than feeling dizzy... And I so relate to the weather thing.. It has been the same around here.. Yesterday afternoon was nice... Supposed to rain here again today and for a few days then... My guys have 25 acres of Beans left and 300 of seeds... Are you getting that corn off??? I need to get after my closets again.. I did some when I packed up summer clothes... But it'll wait til I feel better I think.....

Janet, I crochet, too... I like doing little things that I can finish in short oder.. I'm doing a baby sweater now.. My nephew and wife are expecting in Jan. but don't know what it is... finished a blue afghan so now have a pink sweater going.. have one sleeve and the trim left... I like to do doilies and such, too.....But it's one of those things I have to be in the mood to do.... Hope your scarf turns out the way you want... Is it for you or for a gift?? I find I don't eat when I'm crocheting!!!

Meredith, sorry about your house... but that means you haven't found the perfect one, yet.. Keep looking and it will find you soon... Have fun with your sister....

Laura, I'm glad you are getting back into your routine.. Know I have your parents in my prayers that things go as easy as possible... Like you said before....this sucks...... I was smiling when you wrote about Nelson and the girls swimmng.. A couple more years and he won't be doing that and then a few more and you won't want him to at all...... time flies ..he'll be a teenager before you know it.... And don't worry about those 3 pounds... they are stress and will come off soon....

Linda, congrats on the inches lost and feeling so good.. That's awesome.. Hope DD and GD will be doing well soon... The little one is still such a trooper??? they are just so precious.... Sorry you are feeling so stressed out.........a sleepless night is not fun... I hope works straightens out for you.... I'm the same way about weighing... Or if I forget and dress I will sometimes go to the bathroom and undress just to weigh.... Funny creatures, aren't we.....?

Phyll and Lori, you are doing so darn well... At this point I couldn't keep up with either of you... Phyll, I'm envious of the Water aerobics.... You go girls.... It must be so wonderful to have those knees be better...

If, good luck with your fill.... I always do liquids after, too... You are getting so close.....wonderful......

Porcupine, welcome.... Tell us about yourself....

Well, times-a-wasting.... better get to this paperwork... I was down a pound this morning.. I'm now at my lowest weight in many many years... Wish I felt good enough to enjoy it..... But I'm happy... tomorrow is the ortho doc... Am going to be firm about checking things out more... Take care and have a great day everyone... Hugs and prayers for all.......... Julie

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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