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Janet... sounds like you had a productive Saturday. The Ninja sounds great. I was gifted a Magic Bullet by a friend when I had my LB surgery. I don't use it much anymore but came in handy back then.

I, too, was up early this morning 5:20. Went to bed at 9pm last night. Two nights in a row...unusual for me. DH got up about an hour later, we had Breakfast and looked at the clock and it said 8:30. Forgot that clocks went back an hour last night. Clock in bedroom automatically sets itself.

Still fighting this verdigo crap and the pills I take for it kick my butt. It will all pass in a few days. Happens every year about this time and just plays itself out. Feel like I am walking around in a daze. almost fell down the stairs backwards yesterday. I was doing laundry and running like I do. We have a hand rail on the steps but decided to bring a double load up and no free hands. Learned my lesson. Don't want my DH coming home to a horror show at the bottom of the steps!

I would give up my basement in a moment! The only thing I would have would be a small underground storm shelter. B/4 this place came up for sale (22 yrs ago), we had plans to build a 2 story log cabin on the farm site where we lived. No basement in the plans. I feel it is wasted space. We have a 900 square foot family room down there with new furniture (2 yrs ago) that has barely been sat on. The only reason I go down there is to walk on the treadmill or get something out of one of the closets. Oh yeah, laundry room but that has a separate set of stairs. When the boys lived at home we used it. Their friends practically lived down there. Think I missed all of them as much as my DS's when they left. DH's bathroom is also down there and I have one in our bedroom and a guest one on the main floor. I would trade my home in a minute to be living closer to town and to have a smaller home. Five bedrooms and three baths for just the two of us. We do have DH's family xmas every few years and the room does come in handy.

It's not that I'm not appreciative...just too much upkeep that is unnecessary.

Made my cauliflower yesterday. Quite good. Just steamed it till tender and added a little garlic, dill weed, onion, ground sweet red peppers and a tbls of red vinager. There was a little pouch packing goin' on after that! Not really...ate my cup and then another b/4 bed. Such a nice alternative to green veggies.

DH and I are finally going to fit our date in today. He has been sleeping in the chair for over an hour. Guess he needed the extra zzzz's. Never did get how men can fall asleep at the drop of a hat. I have never been a napper so maybe that is why I don't understand.

We are heading to Alexandria (about 60 miles or more). Having brunch and taking in a movie and a little shopping. Man shopping at Menards and Fleet Farm. I really do like these stores. They have a little of everything. I will stock up on doggie treats, maybe a new puppa toy or two.

You all have a great Sunday. OOOO....was thinking about any other obcessions...I think we need to get Phyll in on this. I noticed around Easter she had the cutest hat on in a phota on her avatar. OK Phyll...how many hats are you hiding in your closet?

Apples - I had a magic bullett too - but didnt really like it that much and only used it after surgery too - the Ninja is both a chopper and blender and larger - don't know how much use I will get - not good idea to make salsa - cuz then I want chips ;0)...

I here you on a house that size for the 2 of you - I have 3 bedrooms - but now that DS & family moved away - and they now come an visit - I really could use an extra room - DS & Brooke (5yr old) sleep in the guess room (ds & dil) really don't fit in the double bed they are both large - DIL & Kaitlin (14 yr) sleep on the couches in the living room - a bit of a pain for me cuz I am up early and I have open floor plan so taking the dogs out and making coffee I have to be real quite and then I have to go watch tv in my room... I don't mind for a few days - but it would be nice to have another room for them..

I have a tandem gararge (3 cars - 1 pulled all the way in then one behind it and the next on the side of the second (L shaped)- that in the model was an exercise room - son wanted me to convert to that - I said I didn't need the additional cost and why would I need that room - more to clean and a/c - they lived in town then.

Wow Janet shopping!!! I get what you said about the people wearing too tight clothes and their fat hanging out. All my clothes are large and lose...I really don't want to show off my fat. It's bad enough being fat let along letting everyone actually see it. So do you go through your old clothes and get rid of stuff as you buy new stuff? I take it you dress up for work too so you need nice clothes. Please chat away, I really enjoy reading everything.

Julie, I had to make a place for the tortoise to hibernate. So an earth sheltered "cave" or burrow is what I'm trying to do. Digging in my yard is almost impossible (hence no basements) because we have caliche which is a very ugly rock layer. Our caliche layer is about 4 or 5 inches below the surface and goes down many feet. So I'm building up a pile of dirt on top of an old rinse tub. It's propped up on blocks so Samson can get in and out and now I'm piling dirt on top of it and around the sides. I'll protect the opening with something since it's a small burrow, but I haven't figured that one out yet. My shoulders and back are feeling all the dirt moving I did yesterday.

I made a couple of cards last night. My "blank" stock has been depleted and I need to get a supply in. I made 2 birthday cards last night and dug out my Halloween stamps and will make a few of those today. I also need to go shopping for tortoise food and a couple of other things.

Hope everyone has a great Sunday. Check in later.


I really don't have cothes that don't fit and I could give some tops to 1 gf - but she's an 10 and most of my other gf are 12 to plus sizes. I buy alot of suff from Target (tops) and I really do need to go thru and clean some stuff out - I have tops I never wore all summer..

Right now I am really into winter (if it ever gets here) but it was 90 today..

I have always been a clothes hog/horse what ever they are called - I am trying to buy stuff that i really want - this is why I am loving Marshalls - Ross - Target - I am not paying tons of $$ for my Clothes - I do love INC at Macy's but won't pay super big $$$ for my clothes - I shop too much :0) I do like quality and if I love it then I will buy it.

Yes I work in an Insurance Office but I don't have dress like in suits for work everyday - I dress nice - Business Casual for the most part - and in the summer we are very casual - it's to dang hot to wear clothes - My supervisor - is 53 thinks she's 25 in the way she dresses and she's a solid 14 but buys 12's

Right now I love buying stuff that I couldn't before - I love my size - I got a white velour jogging outfit for $20 (2 pieces)at Marshall's yesterday - Yes WHITE cuz when you are size 4 you can (it's a small) Most of my tops are medium - sometime large or xlarge if I am in junior section..

I can't wait to wear my skinny jeans tucked into my black suede boots !!!

Do you believe this big hype on obesity the last few days??? I even heard on the radio that insurance companies may be denying people insurance or making them pay higher premiums/co-pays if they are overweight!! Heard Laura Ingels on talk radio raving on this the other day and wanted to jump through the radio and strangle her, she was being so insulting to overweight people!

Yep Karri was telling me yesterday that she got denied xtra life insurance cuz of the band - history of obesity..

(karri is another #7 for you who don't know her)

Phyl, there has been a pledge drive on NPR this week so I haven't been listening as much (I donate every year). So what's the big stink on the insurance? I was a self pay because my insurance wouldn't pay for weight loss anything. I have hats too....mostly visors, but one very good sun hat for the desert. When I was not so fat, I looked good in hats...all kinds of hats. I really wish they would come back in style, I think they are cool.

Julie, cool on winning at cards. I love to beat the men...isn't that chauvinist of me?

Janet, kiosk for spelling. The only reason I know this is because Qwest has kiosks in the malls.

Apples, your posts are interesting and entertaining. Unless someone really objects, I'd say post away. I tend to get wordy too. So does your dog have a zillion toys too? Glimmer has one that she really likes....she can actually catch this one if we throw it to her. She is a mutt even if she looks like a lab. She doesn't like Water and she can't catch and does marginally at retrieving.

Okay, I walked to the grocery store, about 2 miles away, whet shopping (DH picked me and the 2 pumpkins up), got the last load of laundry in, fed the tortoises and am getting ready to do some baking. I'm making fruit cake for Christmas. They have to cure for a while so they need to be done ahead. My fruit cakes don't have any citron in them and I only use dried fruit, not candied and they taste amazing. So I guess I better stop fooling around and get something done.


Eva - your Fruit cakes sound good - I am hungry- it's 8 and I need to go eat :0)

Hi ladies, thees unusual sleep patterns seem to be an epicemic, too... My pain had me awake and miserable so took a hot bath at 12:30....just about to fall asleep at 1:30 when the phone rang... DD calling for help... Mimi was throwing up... So I'm over there in 5 minutes (only a short distance) to find Mimi in bathtub having a blast with puke all over in her hair...... I got her cleaned up while DD took care of the bed and such.... She said Mimi started wretching in her sleep..... threw up all over.......... but you wouldn't have known it by the way she was acting.. She was wide awake and ready to play... Laughing and running around naked after her bath... I'm thinking that there must have been gunk running down the back of her throat that caused the vomiting... She has had a cold for a few days with a runny nose... After I got home I still had my pain, but did finally fall sleep til 7:00.... then up for church.. was ready for a nap when I got home, but just can't get comfortable.....

I guess I'm the odd one here... don't own a hat...... don't like to shop.... have a regular purse most of the time... usually only buy one of something... occassionaly I'll buy 2 of the same shirt.... I have plenty of shoes, but mainly just wear one pair of slides for summer and have a winter pair to match whatever color I'm wearing... Don't like tennis shoes much... But we do lots of us have big feet... I'm also a 10 wide.... I think that's why I don't care much about shoes.. Hard to find nice ones in "big boat" size..... And I can't wear heels of any sort... Hurts my back.... I wear Isotoner slippers around the house in the winter and bearfoot in the summer... Nothing about me is fancy......

Eva, I make a good fruitcake, too, that doesn't have all that citron in it... Lots of fruit and nuts... Was my grandmother's recipe and I make it for my brothers at Christmas often... Was just looking at fruit Friday trying to decide if I wanted to do it this year.. I'm not feeling very festive yet!!!! Gotta make carmel rolls for deer season coming up pretty soon and I'm dreading it.. Don't know if I can kneed the dough.. It's been a tradition for so many years... My nephew has a birthday and he always asks.. He's going to be 27 this year..... I used to own a restaurant and made all that stuff from scratch.. Those kids grew up on Auntie's baked goods and they don't want me quitting anytime soon... I told him he has to come help me this year!!!!

Also, Eva, I get the picture about the burrough... You are a special pet owner to do all that.....

Apples, I was just in Alexandria on my way home from Ohio.... can invision the Fleet Farm there... We shop at the one in Fargo when we get there....

I've got carpet cleaners coming in the morning finally to clean these dirty carpets... I'm ashamed of them right now.... Between Mimi, the cats and DH and his coffe I can't keep them clean.... And they are getting old and need replacing... But still don't have those decisions made.... Have to get the furniture all moved before we go to bed tonight... Thank goodness DH is here to do that....

I think I'm going to go do my PT exercises and see how comfortable my bed feels... maybe a nap will follow.... Waiting to hear from Laura... hope she made it home okay... Bye for now.. Julie

Hugs on you Pain - I wish it would go away - I don't know how you do it.. Hugs

Nope clocks didn't change this weekend, but one of ours did as well. WE have the kind that set themeselves automatically, trouble is that DH's is older than mine and was set to automatically change on the old dates. A few years ago the dates that the clocks change, changed. I believe it is next weekend (1st Sunday of Nov) that they change for real. AM thinking of buying DH a new alarm clock for that reason.

Busy group posting today, I love reading about everyone's day, shopping, turtles, etc.

Clothes, I love quality items for my more classic pieces that won't go out of style next year. For me they last longer and wash up better. But if I want something 'trendier' I go for cheaper.

Jewelry, love sterling silver and specifically Indonesian silver a popular (but expensive brand is John Hardy), QVC has some they just call Indonesian silver and that was my biggest weakness when I worked there.

Hats, own none.

My knee is doing well but think I overdid it yeserday and it's more swollen today. So I am taking it easy today after we got home from church and lunch.

Great - I too am mostly classic - but do have a few trendy things - like my skinny jeans and boots ;0)

Hello all~

I am home. Oh my, it feels good. Nelson RAN and JUMPED on me at the airport. There was a marine coming back from Iraq and was 100 ft behind me. All the people clapping, I thought it was for me..LOL. But, I just melted in DH's arms and actually cried.

Last night we ordered from one of our old favorite Italian restaurants. (haven't eaten there since surgery). We ordered WAY too much food. Our company loved it! Veggie pizza, eggplant parmigiana, spaghetti and meatballs, salad, garlic knots. I had sauce and 1 oz of meatball and two bites of the topping from DH's pizza. I was tight from the flight and could barely eat. And when I am tight like that air keeps escaping from my band. It's like a quiet burp but uncontrollable. It was quite embarrassing. Nelson was so sweet and good last night. After I put him to bed SIL was telling me that he was really mean to them after I left and when DH was at work. Almost like he thought them being here was why I left. Apparently he gave them a hard time all week. But last night he was so sweet to them in front of me. Not sure what that's about except that he was reacting to his little world being turned upside down?

DH took SIL and nephew to Miami and to airport tonight. Nels and I opted not to go. We have enjoyed the day playing outside. I let him drive his little John Deere gator around the yard while I chatted with my neighbor and updated her about my trip.

Trying to get the guest rooms changed, catching up on laundry, moved Nels back to his room. Spoke to my folks twice today, can tell they are missing me as much as I am them. Will post a couple pics from the trip. I was up early every morning and got some great sunrises.

Once the dust settles will write more to everyone indiv. Congrats and welcome to Liliana. Janet, Linda, thanks for the message on FB.

peasout~ Laura

some pics from NC. The view from my parents' sunroom is amazing. Dad's best friend has come every other day since the diagnosis. I love the one of me and my parents, even though I cut my mom almost out. : )

Laura - Glad you are home w/your boys - Hugs you have been in my prayers - Love the pic - your Dad's a handsome man :0)...

Hello!!! I need help!!! I am 5 days into liquid diet and I lost 7 lbs already! Why should I do the surgery? I have fears of choking after! I have panic attacks and afraid this is not help!!!!!!!!

It's not losing the weight that's the real problem - but it's keeping it off - the band is only a tool - to provide restriction - permanent - so that you can't go back to eating 16 oz steak after you lost the weight and say - oh now I lost the weight - I can go back to eating normal - well our normal is what got us fat in the 1st place

Most of that 7 lbs was Water weight - if you went an ate a "normal meal" or 2 those 7 lbs would come right back on

We all have lost the weight before - the diff is now we have the tool to help ups permanently not be able to over eat.

But then we get in to the whole issue of eating around the band -

Our bands don't make our food choices we do - and that's what it boils down to - making this a lifetime lifestyle change in our eating (healthy opposes to our "normal) and exercise...

I love your parents sun room it is so pretty. I am glad you are back home you you can rest your emotions and be with your son and hubby.[/quote

How are you doing Melissa - how's the pouch test going

Hello all.

I'm here! Once again, busy, busy!

Laura~ I'm glad that you are home safely. Your pics of your dad and mom are so cute. Take some time to relax and enjoy your boys. I'll bet that they are thrilled that you are home!

Apples~ I love reading your posts! Your kitchen is beautiful! I love the flooring. You did a wonderful job of carrying the pattern all throughout the house. I'll bet it was difficult to find a pattern and style that you liked and felt could live with in ever single room! Also, I too have laundry room envy! Your washer/dryer set is awesome! Do you like them? I need to buy new appliances if I end up getting this house.

Great~ WTG on your shopping adventure! So glad that you are doing well. Sorry that you had to put up with some negative attitudes for awhile, but it sounds like you are getting back to your good ole positive self!

Julie~ Geez! It always seems like there is something going on! Sorry about your pain. Hopefully that can get figured out asap.

Eva~ Your tile work is just fab! I love it! Basements here are really common. It's almost uncommon if you don't have one. While looking for a house one of my criteria was that it MUST have a basement. I plan on building a salon down there so while I go to PA school I can earn some extra money at home.

Speaking of house! Well, I looked at some other houses last weekend because I am really leary about this short sale business. I'm so impatient and there is no certainity in the situation. So, Monday I found a house that I liked just as well and put an offer in on it on Tuesday morning. It is a foreclosure, but while speaking with the man that lives next door, he informed me that the people were going through a nasty divorce and they just left. It is a really nice house for a great price. It's smallish, but perfect for a starter home! Anyhow, I submitted my offer Tuesday morning and they came back saying that they had gotten another offer and for me to submit my highest and best terms. So I did, and now its a waiting game. I offered quite a bit more because I really want this house! According to my purchase agreement they are supposed to let me know whether or not they accept it by Tuesday. Please cross your fingers for me! If everything goes according to plan, I will be a homeowner by the end of November! God, I hope this works out! Sorry I'm rambling, I'm just so nervous.

Anyhow, I am leaving for California on Thursday morning. I'm excited to see my sister and the doggies! But, I'm really nervous about flying. I haven't flown in about 5 years or so.

What is the weather going to be like in Huntington Beach? What the heck do I bring to wear? I have no clue! The closest that I have been to Cali is Las Vegas, and that was in the middle of the summer several years ago! EEEK! So much going on! I"m a little overwhelmed, can you tell?

Ok, well, hope everyone else is doing well. Sorry that I didn't respond to everyone, I will post more when I have more time!



Good Luck Meredith !!

Hey Gang...no time to post...just wanted to say "Hi". Taking advantage of the nice weather. Woohoo...up to 44 degrees and the sun is shining. Outdoor projects to finish up today. Afraid it will be one of the last times to do it.

Hey Meredith! Still got the fingers crossed for your closing.

Hi Laura...happy to hear you are home with your family. Enjoy! Thanks for sharing the photos.

Phyll...Hats, shoes, books and purses...good goin'. Men have their tools and toys... and we have ours. I consider purses a tool.

Better get back at it b/4 it turns dark in an hour. Hope you all have a good evening. Got the flu shot today (Not H1N1). Always run a slight temp from it...hope not this time. DS got really icky from it but he had a bad cold when he got it. Surprised the VA vacinated him when he wasn't feeling well. Maybe he didn't tell them? Anyway, never take ANYTHING. Not even after surgerys. I have the Tylenol sitting on the counter....maybe will have to break down and take a little.

Apples Becareful with the vertigo & stairs !!!!

Getting a fill tomorrow if all goes well. Down to 185 lbs. But I've been fighting the same 2 or 3 lbs all month. I want to get to 167 lbs. I'm hoping to get there by my Birthday on Dec. 30. That'll be an even 70 lb loss.

I didn't gain at all during my conferences. Not all my food choices were wise. But I limited them and did quite well. That was a relief.

Now I'm back teaching. I'm tired even though I had a light day. My brain is functioning really slowly. So I'm saying goodnight early.

Take care everyone.

Cheri - I find it hard still to make the best choices on food when I'm not at home - you will get to your goal by your Bday

Hi All,

Had a great girls weekend. What a ball to be silly, laughing, dancing and just having a great time. Made the best food choices I could with going out to eat most of the time. I limited my drinks by volunteering to be the DD. Found a new addiction, pumpkin spiced caps. I've never been a coffee drinker but ohhhh I love that flavor. Did some shopping in Petosky at the resale shops found a few things, a great leather black purse.

Laura glad you are back with the boys, your parents are lovely.

Apples I worked outside today to until it started raining again.

Ifso, you are doing so good.

Mrs Bubba, don't worry about what anyone thinks, you need to vent about your pain.

Have a great day all

Laura K

Laura - Glad you had a great time..

#1 Rule to this thread - you can post a 3 pagers for all I care - I don't know why pple are always apoligizing for long post - hell you got something to say = say it - don't anyone one here every think their post is too long - I think we all enjoy reading about each others lives and what we have done - ya this is about our jouney to get healthy but that includes our day to day lives - like washing clothes - taking care of others - dealing with our individual issues -

I know I enjoy reading about what everyone has done for the day - what they were struggling with - what they succeed in - what they want to vent about - well all have simliar issues and this is our place..

Well I gotta go - it's 8:24 and I need to eat :0)

I just never got a chance to post this morning so I want'ed to get this done before I signed off for the night

I will cb in the morning - sweet dreams and hugs & prayer for all our family...

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Hi all, most of you have been very quiet today... Hope this means you are all so busy enjoying your lives... Me, I'm going crazy with pain again.... It was tolerable all day, but now is just terrible... I just had a hot bath.... pour large glasses of hot Water over my shoulder to try to ease the pain for a bit... Laura K, thanks for saying it's okay for me to vent about the pain... I hate doing it all the time, but it's what I'm living and I can't get away from it... I've done just everything I can think of to get help.... Just doesn't seem to be working very well.. Either that or I'm just expecting miracles that aren't coming yet.... My constitution is wearing down and I sit here crying now not knowing what to do and how much more I can take... Sorry, just what's happening right now... DH went to bed.....just sitting here feeling very sorry for myself and wanting to rip my arm off...... Better quit before I make everyone depressed............

If, glad you are getting so close to your goal... It must be a wonderful feeling... Rest up.......... tomorrow's another busy day I suppose...

I'm going to try to rub myself down with analgesic cream... Can't wake DH so will try to reach what I can... Goodnight friends... I hope you all sleep well.


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Evening ladies, what a change, a slow day on the thread.

Walked 3 miles today....walked from work to the sushi place to meet some friends for dinner. Then my sister gave me a ride back to my car at work. I should be able to sleep tonight.

Been working on some cards. Stayed up way too late last night making cards and will try and get another started tonight.

Quiet day. Hope everyone has a great night!!


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Good Morning Gang...

Well I usually get off the computer by 8 Cali time and thats what 2 or 3 hrs behind the rest of you :0) (well except Eva she and I are on the same time zone - well is AZ an hr behind up and we catch up this saturday ;0)

I stayed up till 11 last night - I started crocheting - I have never been good at following a patter - I usually just make stuff up - anyway - been in the mood to crochet - I think an audio book would be a great thing to do while crocheting as you really can't watch tv that requires looking - like dancing with the stars last night - I thought oh I could listen to a book

Julie - hugs on the pain issues - do they have any pain manangement centers around you - their are tons of pple who have constant pain and I know they go to those places to get some relief and learn to live with it without going crazy from it - a lady here at work wears a tinns (sp) unit - it give her electrical shock and helps w/her pain.

Well just a drive by post - need to get my butt in gear

cbl :cursing:

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Good morning!!

I love reading long posts! I do find them easier to read though if they are broken up into paragraphs or spaced every so often instead scrunched together all in one paragraph. Heck, though, I make paragraphs but there's no rhyme or reason or grammatical sense to them. :cursing:

Today is officially a take it easy day. I think I've been overdoing it the past few days and the past few evenings I have felt really yucky, and with some pain. Not sure if the yucky feeling is from being worn down or what but promised DH that I was going to take it easy today. I even had a very small fever last night. I slept 11 hours last night and feeling better this morning. I am going out tonight for dinner though. Every Tues. in Oct has been $2 burrito night at our favorite Mexican restaurant and this is the last Tues. of Oct. so I must go. :cursing: We are meeting other couples there. I had thoughts of going to a Southwest Airlines job fair today, but after working for many years and many airlines decided I don't want to do that again. Too many odd hours, holidays worked and worst of all getting yelled at. People just aren't nice anymore when they travel. yes some of it is the airlines fault as it's difficult anymore but to yell and take it out on the agent when you are late for your flight, or flights cancel due to weather is just not nice!

The talk about clothes may I'll go see if I can thin some more from my closet. Funny I saved all these clothes for years in case I lost weight. number 1, most of them are now too big, but number 2, I don't like them and never wore them. Why did I hang on to them all this time??

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Good Morning Gang...

Well I usually get off the computer by 8 Cali time and thats what 2 or 3 hrs behind the rest of you :0) (well except Eva she and I are on the same time zone - well is AZ an hr behind up and we catch up this saturday ;0)

I stayed up till 11 last night - I started crocheting - I have never been good at following a patter - I usually just make stuff up - anyway - been in the mood to crochet - I think an audio book would be a great thing to do while crocheting as you really can't watch tv that requires looking - like dancing with the stars last night - I thought oh I could listen to a book

Julie - hugs on the pain issues - do they have any pain manangement centers around you - their are tons of pple who have constant pain and I know they go to those places to get some relief and learn to live with it without going crazy from it - a lady here at work wears a tinns (sp) unit - it give her electrical shock and helps w/her pain.

Well just a drive by post - need to get my butt in gear cbl :cursing:

Don't know how you keep track of CA vs. AZ time! It never ceases to confuse me. Had some interesting experiences when we were RVing in Bullhead City AZ and kept going across the bridge to Laughlin NV!! Like being an hour early to a movie once and not being able to figure out why we were the only ones there!! I basically hate daylight savings, don't see the value or wisdom of it! Think we should just do away with it... either be on that time all the time, or not, but don't keep changing back and forth!

So you found your crochet hook! Feeling creative! That's fun! Waiting to see what you come up with. I should start doing that again. Arthritis in my hands is my excuse for quitting!

Got to go get ready for Water aerobics!!

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Oh I love Daylight savings time and hope we always get to go back to that in the spring. I love the extra daylight in the evenings. Don't care how long it stays dark in the morning. I find myself looking so forward to the time change in the spring. Kindda dread the fall one but it also makes it seem homey and cozy in the evenings in the winter I guess.

Speaking of winter, guess we are supposed to get a snowstorm move in here tonight or early tomorrow morning. We've had some dustings of snow but sounds like this one will be bigger. Guess it won't matter to me as I don't have to go out anywhere in it.

Forgot to mention in my last post, therapy went well yesterday. He really pulled and twisted the ol' knee though and it was rather painful. My bend went up but only 2 degrees this time. He's impressed with my strength in my leg, so maybe the working out before hand did something after all. I had been doing those P90 videos for months before and improvised when it came to knee movements. I hope to be able to go back to them as I saw such good results from them.

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Good morning!!

I love reading long posts! I do find them easier to read though if they are broken up into paragraphs or spaced every so often instead scrunched together all in one paragraph. Heck, though, I make paragraphs but there's no rhyme or reason or grammatical sense to them. :scared2:

Today is officially a take it easy day. I think I've been overdoing it the past few days and the past few evenings I have felt really yucky, and with some pain. Not sure if the yucky feeling is from being worn down or what but promised DH that I was going to take it easy today. I even had a very small fever last night. I slept 11 hours last night and feeling better this morning. I am going out tonight for dinner though. Every Tues. in Oct has been $2 burrito night at our favorite Mexican restaurant and this is the last Tues. of Oct. so I must go. :cursing: We are meeting other couples there. I had thoughts of going to a Southwest Airlines job fair today, but after working for many years and many airlines decided I don't want to do that again. Too many odd hours, holidays worked and worst of all getting yelled at. People just aren't nice anymore when they travel. yes some of it is the airlines fault as it's difficult anymore but to yell and take it out on the agent when you are late for your flight, or flights cancel due to weather is just not nice!

The talk about clothes may I'll go see if I can thin some more from my closet. Funny I saved all these clothes for years in case I lost weight. number 1, most of them are now too big, but number 2, I don't like them and never wore them. Why did I hang on to them all this time??

Great - I agree with the long post love them and the whole paragraph or just the breakups of the sentences - that's why I always but dashes - and do paragraphes even when not grammercial correct - Well nothing about my post are grammercially correct period :cursing:

But who cares - this isn't work ;0) and you guys understand what I am trying to say even when I type hear instead of here - or the instead of they :0)

Why would you want to go back to work for the airlines - you already have the benefits of working for them in the past and won't you be going back to your hospital & center jobs once your knee heals?? I guess cuz I have to work - I wish I didn't - and if I didn't I would wish I did :0)

Ya after talking about clothes - I really need to thin mine out on the stuff I didn't wear all summer - but again waiting for it to really cool off so I can arrange my winter wabrdore ..

Don't know how you keep track of CA vs. AZ time! It never ceases to confuse me. Had some interesting experiences when we were RVing in Bullhead City AZ and kept going across the bridge to Laughlin NV!! Like being an hour early to a movie once and not being able to figure out why we were the only ones there!! I basically hate daylight savings, don't see the value or wisdom of it! Think we should just do away with it... either be on that time all the time, or not, but don't keep changing back and forth!

So you found your crochet hook! Feeling creative! That's fun! Waiting to see what you come up with. I should start doing that again. Arthritis in my hands is my excuse for quitting!

Got to go get ready for Water aerobics!!

Ya I found one - it's not the one I was looking for but it will do ;0) - I am in a mood to create something - A gf gave me a bunch of lite yellow yarn (really a pastel yellow) - right now I am going to try and make a scarf - I brought it to work to do at lunch :0)

AZ and us are on the same time right now I think - it's when we fall back the time is diff - I think??

Oh I love Daylight savings time and hope we always get to go back to that in the spring. I love the extra daylight in the evenings. Don't care how long it stays dark in the morning. I find myself looking so forward to the time change in the spring. Kindda dread the fall one but it also makes it seem homey and cozy in the evenings in the winter I guess.

Speaking of winter, guess we are supposed to get a snowstorm move in here tonight or early tomorrow morning. We've had some dustings of snow but sounds like this one will be bigger. Guess it won't matter to me as I don't have to go out anywhere in it.

Forgot to mention in my last post, therapy went well yesterday. He really pulled and twisted the ol' knee though and it was rather painful. My bend went up but only 2 degrees this time. He's impressed with my strength in my leg, so maybe the working out before hand did something after all. I had been doing those P90 videos for months before and improvised when it came to knee movements. I hope to be able to go back to them as I saw such good results from them.

Lori - for us in the desert it would be best if we got dark earlier in the summer time imho - But it's not convenience for just us in the lower of So Cali to have a diff time zone than the rest of the world. I like the fall back - cuz it seems to give me a longer evening - cuz I don't go out after dark :0) - to me if it's dark it's time to be home :0) I know that right now when I look out the window and it's 6:30 and dark I will say to myself - oh my it's only 6:30 - I have tons of time before bed it seems later cuz it's dark - and it's so easy to get up for work when we fall back - heck I will be getting up at 4 instead of 5 - maybe I will hit the gym with the extra hr in the morning -

Yes all that exercise prior to surgery would help... Glad you are taking a rest day :0)

Back to work :0&

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Hi everybody, how's it going??? I'm okay... had a very long night... Called the PT guy this morning at 8:00 am and he thinks I should see the ortho doc again, so made an appt for Thursday.. Maybe he will have something new to say since things aren't getting much better... Yes, we have the pain management centers here, so will keep that on the list of what to do next.....

Lori, I have wondered about why I have kept certain clothes for so many years, too... Don't even like them, but maybe one day they will fit... I have finally given most of that stuff away to good will...... My fat clothes are all gone and some of the next batch are in a waiting pile for spring.... Got my new jeans in the mail today.. I finally ordered some talls from Lane Bryant... I no longer have to wear high Water jeans... this makes me very happy.... I have a bunch the next size down, but they are just too tight on my stomach and need to lose a few more pounds before I can be comfortable in them... Something to strive for....

I have not been watching my food well at all these days.. Just going with what makes me feel good or is easy... Consequently, I haven't been on the scale either.. Didn't want to know what kind of damage I've done... I was brave today and, hallelujiah............ I'm actually down .2 from the last time I weighed... This makes me happy.. Maybe I wasn't as out of control as I thought I was.....

Mimi is napping (she came at noon..) so better go take care of some laundry and then maybe catch a couple winks myself.... Oh, I wish they would just leave the time one way or the other..... don't care which way, but I hate the switching, especially in the spring.... Have a good one, gals.................. Julie

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I didn't go to the airline job fair. I guess I considered it because it's what I know. Airlines are really my only jobs throughout my adulthood. I feel I have no skills for much of anything else. I like my little job at the rec center but sometimes think if I am going to be tied down to a Mon-Fri job I might as well work more or make more, plus I get tired of getting up so freaking early. I do have that to go back to on Dec 1st. I've applied for many hospital jobs and not once have I even gotten an interview which only reinforces to me that I have no skills for much else. Though they compliment me all the time on how well I do and learn at my volunteer stint and they have all written me glowing letters of recommendation for hospital jobs. I like the freedom of not working, I also like the freedom of extra money when I am working. Anyone want to pay me to not work???

I know I said how easy I was going to take it today but I went out to the grocery store. I got panicky about the snowstorm they are talking about for tomorrow. I didn't feel comfortable going out in the snow with my cane. I needed somethings for the church group that meets here tomorrow night and also will have guest for dinner on Thurs. that I needed supplies for, so out I went. I think everyone was at the store ahead of this storm. Watch now it will fizzle and be nothing of a storm, which is fine too. Seems as soon as they talk snowstorm everyone goes to the store for milk and bread.

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Hi, Im new here. Not yet banded, hopefully will be on Nov 13th. Im in Colorado. Wud like some buddies, don't know many ppl here in CO. Moved here a year ago.

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Hi, Im new here. Not yet banded, hopefully will be on Nov 13th. Im in Colorado. Wud like some buddies, don't know many ppl here in CO. Moved here a year ago.

I'm in Denver area. Who's your dr? Mine is Dr Snyder at Denver Bariatrics, I had my surgery at Rose Medical. He is great. Good luck to you!!

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Wuda answered sooner, but got lost in all the forums!

Snyder is my Dr too.

Looks like ur prepared for big storm. I really hope they're wrong. I have too much to do, driving in lotsa snow is not my idea of fun., esp with a small car.

Where about do u live? Im in Henderson.:cursing:

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Hi everybody, how's it going??? I'm okay... had a very long night... Called the PT guy this morning at 8:00 am and he thinks I should see the ortho doc again, so made an appt for Thursday.. Maybe he will have something new to say since things aren't getting much better... Yes, we have the pain management centers here, so will keep that on the list of what to do next.....

Lori, I have wondered about why I have kept certain clothes for so many years, too... Don't even like them, but maybe one day they will fit... I have finally given most of that stuff away to good will...... My fat clothes are all gone and some of the next batch are in a waiting pile for spring.... Got my new jeans in the mail today.. I finally ordered some talls from Lane Bryant... I no longer have to wear high Water jeans... this makes me very happy.... I have a bunch the next size down, but they are just too tight on my stomach and need to lose a few more pounds before I can be comfortable in them... Something to strive for....

I have not been watching my food well at all these days.. Just going with what makes me feel good or is easy... Consequently, I haven't been on the scale either.. Didn't want to know what kind of damage I've done... I was brave today and, hallelujiah............ I'm actually down .2 from the last time I weighed... This makes me happy.. Maybe I wasn't as out of control as I thought I was.....

Mimi is napping (she came at noon..) so better go take care of some laundry and then maybe catch a couple winks myself.... Oh, I wish they would just leave the time one way or the other..... don't care which way, but I hate the switching, especially in the spring.... Have a good one, gals.................. Julie

Julie - Isn't it funny now when we think we are being bad it's not as bad as we imagine it to be.. I think that it's cuz we are now aware of what we are putting in our mouths - Yes we may still over indulge in some of our fav foods -but it's not anywhere close to the amounts that we use to consume - If I so have something - I think - oh I have had enough calories - and stop- don't keep pigging out ot it...

I agree - why can't we just have one time - it would be easier all the way around.. I agree the spring ahead - is the hardest.. It's hard to go to bed at 9:30 when it's really 8:30 - where as when we fall back - it 8:30 but our bodies think it's 9:30 so it's easy to go to bed :0)

I didn't go to the airline job fair. I guess I considered it because it's what I know. Airlines are really my only jobs throughout my adulthood. I feel I have no skills for much of anything else. I like my little job at the rec center but sometimes think if I am going to be tied down to a Mon-Fri job I might as well work more or make more, plus I get tired of getting up so freaking early. I do have that to go back to on Dec 1st. I've applied for many hospital jobs and not once have I even gotten an interview which only reinforces to me that I have no skills for much else. Though they compliment me all the time on how well I do and learn at my volunteer stint and they have all written me glowing letters of recommendation for hospital jobs. I like the freedom of not working, I also like the freedom of extra money when I am working. Anyone want to pay me to not work???

I know I said how easy I was going to take it today but I went out to the grocery store. I got panicky about the snowstorm they are talking about for tomorrow. I didn't feel comfortable going out in the snow with my cane. I needed somethings for the church group that meets here tomorrow night and also will have guest for dinner on Thurs. that I needed supplies for, so out I went. I think everyone was at the store ahead of this storm. Watch now it will fizzle and be nothing of a storm, which is fine too. Seems as soon as they talk snowstorm everyone goes to the store for milk and bread.

Ya I here you on the $$ part - yes you need a job that pays enough to float your shopping :0)... Macy's is hiring for the season - I though oh wouldn't it be nice to work there or target and get the discounts :0)... But then when could I exercise and rest- I am a person who needs my down time - once when I was taking over the books for the agency I worked at - I had to come in on Saturdays and work to learn the system - On Monday my boss would ask why I looked so tired - I was working 6 days a week... And I was only like 26 at the time :0)

Ya I think I would hit the stores before a storm to - and bet you are right - now that you are prepared - it won't hit :0)

Hi, Im new here. Not yet banded, hopefully will be on Nov 13th. Im in Colorado. Wud like some buddies, don't know many ppl here in CO. Moved here a year ago.

Welcome Coconut latte - umhum that sounds good.. :cursing:

Tell us a bit about yourself...

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Wuda answered sooner, but got lost in all the forums!

Snyder is my Dr too.

Looks like ur prepared for big storm. I really hope they're wrong. I have too much to do, driving in lotsa snow is not my idea of fun., esp with a small car.

Where about do u live? Im in Henderson.:cursing:

If you went to your pre op class at Rose before Oct 5th on a Wed. morning I mightta met ya. I volunteer for Kim Delamont in the Rose Bariatric office. I've not been in all this month though due to my knee surgery. I volunteer every Wed. We are practically neighbors I am very close to Henderson.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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