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OK...now I'm really confused. Is it the weekend to set the clocks back or not? My computer says not, cell phone say not. Why did clock in bedroom automatically go back and get me up so early?

I just looked back...I gotta shorten up my posts. I am a gabber.

Nope clocks didn't change this weekend, but one of ours did as well. WE have the kind that set themeselves automatically, trouble is that DH's is older than mine and was set to automatically change on the old dates. A few years ago the dates that the clocks change, changed. I believe it is next weekend (1st Sunday of Nov) that they change for real. AM thinking of buying DH a new alarm clock for that reason.

Busy group posting today, I love reading about everyone's day, shopping, turtles, etc.

Clothes, I love quality items for my more classic pieces that won't go out of style next year. For me they last longer and wash up better. But if I want something 'trendier' I go for cheaper.

Jewelry, love sterling silver and specifically Indonesian silver a popular (but expensive brand is John Hardy), QVC has some they just call Indonesian silver and that was my biggest weakness when I worked there.

Hats, own none.

My knee is doing well but think I overdid it yeserday and it's more swollen today. So I am taking it easy today after we got home from church and lunch.

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Hello all~

I am home. Oh my, it feels good. Nelson RAN and JUMPED on me at the airport. There was a marine coming back from Iraq and was 100 ft behind me. All the people clapping, I thought it was for me..LOL. But, I just melted in DH's arms and actually cried.

Last night we ordered from one of our old favorite Italian restaurants. (haven't eaten there since surgery). We ordered WAY too much food. Our company loved it! Veggie pizza, eggplant parmigiana, spaghetti and meatballs, salad, garlic knots. I had sauce and 1 oz of meatball and two bites of the topping from DH's pizza. I was tight from the flight and could barely eat. And when I am tight like that air keeps escaping from my band. It's like a quiet burp but uncontrollable. It was quite embarrassing. Nelson was so sweet and good last night. After I put him to bed SIL was telling me that he was really mean to them after I left and when DH was at work. Almost like he thought them being here was why I left. Apparently he gave them a hard time all week. But last night he was so sweet to them in front of me. Not sure what that's about except that he was reacting to his little world being turned upside down?

DH took SIL and nephew to Miami and to airport tonight. Nels and I opted not to go. We have enjoyed the day playing outside. I let him drive his little John Deere gator around the yard while I chatted with my neighbor and updated her about my trip.

Trying to get the guest rooms changed, catching up on laundry, moved Nels back to his room. Spoke to my folks twice today, can tell they are missing me as much as I am them. Will post a couple pics from the trip. I was up early every morning and got some great sunrises.

Once the dust settles will write more to everyone indiv. Congrats and welcome to Liliana. Janet, Linda, thanks for the message on FB.

peasout~ Laura

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some pics from NC. The view from my parents' sunroom is amazing. Dad's best friend has come every other day since the diagnosis. I love the one of me and my parents, even though I cut my mom almost out. : )

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Hello!!! I need help!!! I am 5 days into liquid diet and I lost 7 lbs already! Why should I do the surgery? I have fears of choking after! I have panic attacks and afraid this is not help!!!!!!!!

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I love your parents sun room it is so pretty. I am glad you are back home you you can rest your emotions and be with your son and hubby.

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hi, read your reply and wanted to say I drank hot liquids Soup with a little chicken in it and extra sugar free be jel lo,and a little cottage cheese too, I only had to be on the pre-op 2 days,some of you out there had to do a month or 2 weeks, yikes, if you would like another buddy you can e mail me at tbonilla64@aol.com, i don't come to this site too often,good luck on your journey and if people ask what you did to lose weight in the future,just tell the nosey ones you are taking care of yourself, and tell your friends about the lap band not everyone understands and thinks after lap band you are supposed to be thin in a month, its ridiculous how people react sometimes,like you havent lost 100 pounds in a month,idiots, I've been banded 2 months, I lost 21 pounds, everyone loses at their own pace. well good luck

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Hello!!! I need help!!! I am 5 days into liquid diet and I lost 7 lbs already! Why should I do the surgery? I have fears of choking after! I have panic attacks and afraid this is not help!!!!!!!!

I'm afraid only you can answer if or why you should do the surgery. The answer is individual for all of us. For me I got the surgery because I knew in the past I could lose the weight, but I have never been able to keep it off. I felt the help of the restriction my band gives me that would be the answer for me. Also, I wanted to lose the weight for my health and to feel better about myself. This is the 2nd post in over a year that I have read that someone was afraid of choking. I am not really sure where that fear develops from, but I can tell you I have never felt like I was going to choke ever. I've had food stuck but it's not a choking feeling at all. And for me when I have gotten stuck it has come right back up. I didn't have to do a pre op diet, so wish you luck with that and that you get the answers of whether or not to get the surgery and you feel good about your decision.

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Hello!!! I need help!!! I am 5 days into liquid diet and I lost 7 lbs already! Why should I do the surgery? I have fears of choking after! I have panic attacks and afraid this is not help!!!!!!!!

I lost weight ahead of time, too. We all do. It makes the surgery easier. However, without the band I could never have kept the weight off much less lost a total of 50 lbs so far. I'm getting another fill on Tues. Without the fills I'd go right back to eating myself to death.

Are you seeing a psychologist or psyciatrist to help you with the fear of choking?

You may need to go on meds temporarily to deal with the fear until the surgery is a done deal and you are well on your way to physical health.

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Hello all~

I am home. Oh my, it feels good. Nelson RAN and JUMPED on me at the airport. There was a marine coming back from Iraq and was 100 ft behind me. All the people clapping, I thought it was for me..LOL. But, I just melted in DH's arms and actually cried.

Last night we ordered from one of our old favorite Italian restaurants. (haven't eaten there since surgery). We ordered WAY too much food. Our company loved it! Veggie pizza, eggplant parmigiana, spaghetti and meatballs, salad, garlic knots. I had sauce and 1 oz of meatball and two bites of the topping from DH's pizza. I was tight from the flight and could barely eat. And when I am tight like that air keeps escaping from my band. It's like a quiet burp but uncontrollable. It was quite embarrassing. Nelson was so sweet and good last night. After I put him to bed SIL was telling me that he was really mean to them after I left and when DH was at work. Almost like he thought them being here was why I left. Apparently he gave them a hard time all week. But last night he was so sweet to them in front of me. Not sure what that's about except that he was reacting to his little world being turned upside down?

DH took SIL and nephew to Miami and to airport tonight. Nels and I opted not to go. We have enjoyed the day playing outside. I let him drive his little John Deere gator around the yard while I chatted with my neighbor and updated her about my trip.

Trying to get the guest rooms changed, catching up on laundry, moved Nels back to his room. Spoke to my folks twice today, can tell they are missing me as much as I am them. Will post a couple pics from the trip. I was up early every morning and got some great sunrises.

Once the dust settles will write more to everyone indiv. Congrats and welcome to Liliana. Janet, Linda, thanks for the message on FB.

peasout~ Laura

Glad you're home safe.

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Hello all.

I'm here! Once again, busy, busy!

Laura~ I'm glad that you are home safely. Your pics of your dad and mom are so cute. Take some time to relax and enjoy your boys. I'll bet that they are thrilled that you are home!

Apples~ I love reading your posts! Your kitchen is beautiful! I love the flooring. You did a wonderful job of carrying the pattern all throughout the house. I'll bet it was difficult to find a pattern and style that you liked and felt could live with in ever single room! Also, I too have laundry room envy! Your washer/dryer set is awesome! Do you like them? I need to buy new appliances if I end up getting this house.

Great~ WTG on your shopping adventure! So glad that you are doing well. Sorry that you had to put up with some negative attitudes for awhile, but it sounds like you are getting back to your good ole positive self!

Julie~ Geez! It always seems like there is something going on! Sorry about your pain. Hopefully that can get figured out asap.

Eva~ Your tile work is just fab! I love it! Basements here are really common. It's almost uncommon if you don't have one. While looking for a house one of my criteria was that it MUST have a basement. I plan on building a salon down there so while I go to PA school I can earn some extra money at home.

Speaking of house! Well, I looked at some other houses last weekend because I am really leary about this short sale business. I'm so impatient and there is no certainity in the situation. So, Monday I found a house that I liked just as well and put an offer in on it on Tuesday morning. It is a foreclosure, but while speaking with the man that lives next door, he informed me that the people were going through a nasty divorce and they just left. It is a really nice house for a great price. It's smallish, but perfect for a starter home! Anyhow, I submitted my offer Tuesday morning and they came back saying that they had gotten another offer and for me to submit my highest and best terms. So I did, and now its a waiting game. I offered quite a bit more because I really want this house! According to my purchase agreement they are supposed to let me know whether or not they accept it by Tuesday. Please cross your fingers for me! If everything goes according to plan, I will be a homeowner by the end of November! God, I hope this works out! Sorry I'm rambling, I'm just so nervous.

Anyhow, I am leaving for California on Thursday morning. I'm excited to see my sister and the doggies! But, I'm really nervous about flying. I haven't flown in about 5 years or so.

What is the weather going to be like in Huntington Beach? What the heck do I bring to wear? I have no clue! The closest that I have been to Cali is Las Vegas, and that was in the middle of the summer several years ago! EEEK! So much going on! I"m a little overwhelmed, can you tell?

Ok, well, hope everyone else is doing well. Sorry that I didn't respond to everyone, I will post more when I have more time!



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Morning gals,

Laura, so glad you are home safe and your boys are happy to have you back... With SIL gone now maybe you can settle back and get yourself some peace for a few days... Thanks for sharing the pictures of your parents... Nice to put a face to the name.

Meredith, I've got my fingers crossed for your house purchase to go through... I'm sure it's very exciting... Yes, I'm always complaining about some ache or pain.. I'm sure you are all tired of hearing about it, but I'm VERY tired of living it.... Yesterday was awful.... But I may have a clue to why... Friday I started new PT exercises with a rubber band thing... Shoulder hurt that night... Then was to do them again in 2 days, so that was yesterday... Yup, it hurt again all day, terribly some times... Was better by night and I slept... I'm not doing those again for awhile..... Good luck on you flight... It will be fine.... and you'll be so much more comfortable than you were before now that you are so much smaller.... Have a fun time... I'll bet capris and short sleeves are in order for CA...... Maybe a jacket for evenings....

lcdragna, sorry you have such fears... I've never choked either... The band is on your stomach and sometimes you feel full fast or it hurts if you get something stuck, but never choking in the throat.... Don't know how you came up with that, but you got some mis-information.... Please try to ease your mind and do what is right for you... You're going to be fine..

Well, I did my regular PT exercises and then 1/4 mile on my walking tape and now a banana/protein smoothie... Maybe my day will be better today... My carpet cleaner called yesterday to cancel....I was so mad.... Can't come until Nov 11.............:wink2:........ My carpets are so dirty... I live in a small town and they charge mileage to come so plan to get more than one job to keep the costs down for people... One of the gals cancelled on him, so he cancelled on us.... I have a couple spots that I must try to fix as they are driving me crazy... Have some laundry in, but otherwise not a very busy day... Don't know what time Mimi comes today....maybe not until 3...... so I have some time on my hands.. Will have to find something to do... You all have a good day.....TTYL........ Julie

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Hey Gang...no time to post...just wanted to say "Hi". Taking advantage of the nice weather. Woohoo...up to 44 degrees and the sun is shining. Outdoor projects to finish up today. Afraid it will be one of the last times to do it.

Hey Meredith! Still got the fingers crossed for your closing.

Hi Laura...happy to hear you are home with your family. Enjoy! Thanks for sharing the photos.

Phyll...Hats, shoes, books and purses...good goin'. Men have their tools and toys... and we have ours. I consider purses a tool.

Better get back at it b/4 it turns dark in an hour. Hope you all have a good evening. Got the flu shot today (Not H1N1). Always run a slight temp from it...hope not this time. DS got really icky from it but he had a bad cold when he got it. Surprised the VA vacinated him when he wasn't feeling well. Maybe he didn't tell them? Anyway, never take ANYTHING. Not even after surgerys. I have the Tylenol sitting on the counter....maybe will have to break down and take a little.

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Getting a fill tomorrow if all goes well. Down to 185 lbs. But I've been fighting the same 2 or 3 lbs all month. I want to get to 167 lbs. I'm hoping to get there by my Birthday on Dec. 30. That'll be an even 70 lb loss.

I didn't gain at all during my conferences. Not all my food choices were wise. But I limited them and did quite well. That was a relief.

Now I'm back teaching. I'm tired even though I had a light day. My brain is functioning really slowly. So I'm saying goodnight early.

Take care everyone.

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Hi All,

Had a great girls weekend. What a ball to be silly, laughing, dancing and just having a great time. Made the best food choices I could with going out to eat most of the time. I limited my drinks by volunteering to be the DD. Found a new addiction, pumpkin spiced caps. I've never been a coffee drinker but ohhhh I love that flavor. Did some shopping in Petosky at the resale shops found a few things, a great leather black purse.

Laura glad you are back with the boys, your parents are lovely.

Apples I worked outside today to until it started raining again.

Ifso, you are doing so good.

Mrs Bubba, don't worry about what anyone thinks, you need to vent about your pain.

Have a great day all

Laura K

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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