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After all the purse counting, I did a little too. I have 7 everyday purses....but use only 2 or 3. I carry a backpack and my purse lives in the back pack. If I'm just carrying my purse, then my little purse (travel one with room for drivers license and credit cards) lives it in. I have 2 dressy purses and one macrame purse (a friend made it...it's a real hippy purse). I prefer to do like Julie and have a large container and just go shopping with a little purse. I didn't count my shoes....mostly utilitarian shoes and work shoes. I have 3 pairs of dress shoes and several pairs of sandals, but no really cute sandals 'cause they hurt my feet.

Julie, my tile floors are on a concrete slab. Since my house was built in 1963 and has had several flooring applications, tile was the easiest and nicest looking option. If you have wood floors, vinyl is probably the way to go. They make such nice stuff these days.

My band (or I should say my stomach) has been in full operation the last couple of days. I have been getting semi-stuck just about every time I eat. Wow has that had an effect on my eating. I don't PB, but it's uncomfortable and I slow down. I'm just wondering if maybe this is the meaning of the sweet spot. I certainly can't shove a lot down quickly. Now I just have to make good choices. I am definitely not eating as much.

I'm also very tired when I get home from work. I'm really looking forward to the weekend.

Janet, I'm glad the furlough will work out for you and you won't be too badly impacted. It's hard when you have to live pay check to pay check and have no cushion.

I was listening to an audio book today and got to disc 12 thinking it was the last disc and they had just arrested a cop for killing the bad guy...................and I don't have disc 13. Boy that was crappy. I'll have to go to the library tomorrow and see if they have that audio book and if I missed the 13th CD or if it's missing.

Laura K, I lose two or three pounds then don't lose for a week or three, then lose some more. I find if I don't stress about it and really watch what I'm eating, I do fine.

Okay...off to an early bed for me.


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Good morning. I was up way to early this morning, think a nap will be in my future this afternoon. My knee was so sore it work me up. Considering I usually wake up in the night for pain pills and didn't last night til early this morning that was good. So I am needing them less and less but do still need them. Then the toilet clogged on me today and I had to manage the steps and go to the basement and find the plunger. GRRR But I did it, my first staircase! But it brought on my dizziness/low blood pressure thing I have going on. It's about gone, but is worse in the morning. They said I lost a lot of blood in surgery, was borderline on needing a transfusion though they didn't give me one, and that it takes your body about 3 weeks to replenish the lost blood, that will be Monday. For the first week after surgery, I could hardly get through a shower w/o almost passing out. So I am resting a bit before I go tackle that shower this morning. Today is my first day totally on my own too, my folks left Wed. and yesterday DS came by to take me to therapy and then a dear friend came and visited all afternoon.

I am concerned about my daughter, she's 28, and seems very sick, I am worried it's the Swine flu. This is her 2nd week of a new job and no matter how much I tried to get her to stay home, she went in, I am praying they send her home. She's w/o insurance til the 1st of the month too if she ends up needing to go to a dr. Plus I am worried to death of catching it myself. Might go to the store for lots of santizer! Some things you hear say to just let the flu run it's course, then of course there's the media scaring you half to death and those freakish complications that make me think she should get in to the dr anyway.

Feet: I got fat wide ones too, so don't have many cute shoes. They just don't look as nice on a size 10 or 11 Wide foot. And my shoe size didn't go down that much it seems with the weight loss.

Apples, how's the eye this morning??

Laura K, enjoy your girls weekend

Laura, hope all goes well with the port placement today and you are on your way home tomorrow. As for your sister, I hope she learns to change her eating habits. I think that is an advantage the band has over bypass. Sure bypass loses faster, but in the beginning they lose regardless and many folks don't learn to change their eating habits and then end up gaining it back (I know people that did that), with the band we have to change or we have the pb and getting stuck issues so I think (at least for me personally) we are forced to learn a lifestyle change sooner after surgery and if we can get that can be more successful in the long run. At least that's been my personal experience.

Eva, for me the sweet spot didn't mean I got stuck all the time, but definitely felt full faster and that 'one more bite' would always get me. I still have to fight that one more bite syndrome, as many times I take it and then I end up PBing or something.

Well have a great day everyone! Off to that shower now.

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Good Morning Gang...

Apples - You must have needed that sleep... I know I fight it at times - too much to do and not enought time... Your 50th bday and mine were the same weight ;0)... But look at us NOW !!!

Laura - don't worry about us - enjoy being home and pop in when you can..

Eva - To me sweet spot is when I am full on 1 cup of food (containing hard protein) - I don't bp often - only if I eat too fast - don't chew and like great that one more bite :0) you may be there.

Julie - I am like you I don't throw my old purses away - that's why I say I have 5 - when in all reality - I truly just use one - if going out I take a litte one that fits over my shoulder enough room for cigs phone $$ and I can dance with :0)..

Here in Cali we have cement foundations - I like Apples vinyl it looks like tile (thought it was) and it's easy to take care of. Thats the main thing for me - I don't want anything that takes alot of work - and shows every spot..

Laura K - Have a great weeked with the girls !!!

Great - My feet didn't shrink this time as they did before - when I was in my 30's and lost 60 lbs - my shoes went from 10 to 9 - but now I have gone from 10 to 9.5 - sometimes a 9 depending on the shoes - and I am medium width.. I was a 9 when I was 115 - can't beleive I have such big feet and still be so short

Well gotta get to work - well I am at work but gotta get busy - pple are starting to arrive - I love the 45 min when it's quite ...

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Morning girls...

Great..the eye is better this morning. Boy, did that smart. Cinnamon Spice Cider room spray. I had the nozzle about 2 inches from my eye (did not have my glasses on...stupid move) and was looking to see which way it faced. Thought it was in the right direction and pushed. Right in the eye. BURN! Ran for the spray on the sink and rinsed. It is slightly closed today with a huge bag under the eye. Does not hurt like it did last night though. Dumb.

Enjoy your day alone, Great. I think you need to be just with you and you thoughts. Watch out for those stairs and the dizziness. Don't want to get a post from your DH inviting us all out for a service of some sort!LOL Try to get your daughter to go to urgent care or something. Have her check to see if her ins. is retroactive. Most are from the time of sign-up. Worth a try.

Julie...will try to get a couple of photos shot today and post them here to show you the flow of the floor and how it looks when you run one room together with the next when a person does all one flooring. Have never been sorry I did it that way.

Laura...thinking of your dad today and his port placement. Pretty much pain free as I remember when I had to have one. Not a fun procedure but nice to have it when he needs it. Fill us in when you can.

Eva...have you been having any kind of stress in your life? Maybe band is tight because of it or do you maybe need a little unfill? Only you know but just an idea. What a bummer on that 13th disc. Kinda of like a tv show you are watching and waiting for the end and then it's continued till next week. Blech!

OK...since we are on a roll. Topic for today...how many clothing items to you have that are the same brand, same cut only in diff colors? I'll start. When I find something that really fits me good, I will buy one in each color. I have 9, yes 9, Chico 3/4 length shirts. I bought one and just LOVED it so ordered eight more in eight diff colors. It washes up so nice (I never put my clothes in the dryer. I hang them on soft hangers and spray with Downy Wrinkle Releaser) It works wonders.

Sanish rice with Sirloin tips for lunch today at our house. Made with brown rice. Damned cold out there today. 10:30am and still only 29 degrees. Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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OK...wouldn't let post all at one time but here are a few, Julie. Showed you the sun porch floor..it's vinyl also. Did not replace cuz did that shortly b/4 remodel and floor was still nice.

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These shots are magnetic plates that I have situated at eye level in the mud room where the guys wash up for meals:tongue_smilie:

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Apples LOVE YOUR HOUSE !!! See you collect Angels :0)

Is that candy on the stairs !!! I know candy's not your thang... I won't buy my candy til Saturday 10/31

they are taking the systme down bbl

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Apples LOVE YOUR HOUSE !!! See you collect Angels :0)

Is that candy on the stairs !!! I know candy's not your thang... I won't buy my candy til Saturday 10/31

they are taking the systme down bbl

Thanks, Janet...nope, not candy on the stairs. It's 100 cal treats...popcorn balls, teddy grahams, oreos, etc. Guys grab them when they come in and out. Last year was stalked full of snickers, kit kat, etc. :closedeyes:

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Good afternoon. I drove today!! Decided to go to Walmart and stock up on disinfectant to get my daughters flu germs out of here. LOL And DH offered to meet me for lunch. Think he was concerned about my driving alone and wanted me to be sure I made it and could drive me home if need be. I did great though. Odd I thought it would be easier to get in on the drivers side of the car since it's my left knee but it was harder. Once in I am good. I am exhausted now though and took a pain pill and ready for a nap. I am enjoying the day to myself to kindda reflect on things that have been bugging me (mainly my family LOL).

Apples, I love your house. How do you keep your floors so clean? When I've had vinyl in the past I found it so difficult to keep looking nice so have shied away from it in recent homes. Maybe I didn't have a good quality of vinyl or something? I think it's the 2nd post of pics and the last photo there's a red chair at a counter with a computer, is that where we can envision you 'talking' to us??

Well I am supposed to go to a volunteer training thing at the hospital tomorrow for 8 hours. Not sure I can handle 8 hours so just emailed to see if it was okay to come for part and if so which part, not sure I am feeling up to that or not. It's not for the whole hospital but for Bariatrics where I volunteer and usually kindda fun too. Wish it wasn't on a Saturday though when DH was home.

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Wooohooo...Great is out and driving in her world again. Good goin"!

Yep, that's my little corner of the kitchen. In my first plans, I had a huge corner with lots of desk space. After rethinking, I decided on a smaller/more efficient space. No room for junk to get piled and I can see what has to be done on a daily basis. My two come in with completed job forms for me to do invoices, etc. and it just gets done (one of those little miracles) and gets filed and off my desk. Now you can invision my butt planted in that red chair visiting with you guys.

I guess I'm not sure those floors are exactly "clean". Reason I chose the matte finish. They don't show dog drool, spilled coffee, etc. Now, the white cabinets are another story. They show every spot. Especially when DH makes coffee. I give hime a lot of days off from making coffee!

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Hey there, I'm home from my PT and etc. this morning in Bismarck.. Need to go get Mimi, but sitter said she is sleeping and will call when she wakes... I have a few minutes to sit... PT guy gave me new exercises with a band... am to do them every other day to start.. Asked about starting Water aerobics, but both guys told me not yet.... I have to be content with what I've got in these stretching exercises I guess.. I'm feeling pretty good right now...

Apples, thanks for sharing the pictures of your house.. it's lovely... and I see how well it works.. Do you have any problems with punctures if you drop something heavy??? like a knife....... I'm very envious of your laundry room... so spacious and neat... mine is in the basement and is rather crowded... I'd like room to have my ironing board set up all the time.. Have to move it out to the rec room for that...

Great, good going on the driving... you sound as though you are doing well and moving along at the right speed.. Hope your daughter is feeling better soon.. I worry about mine, too.... She's 25, but always tired... She is scheduled for a sleep apnea test in November.. They first thought she had diabetes, but that checked out okay, so they are on to this..

Well, my Mimi is awake so I'd better get going after her... Talk to you all again later tonight hopefully... Julie

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Julie...hoping the stretching exercises give you some relief. Quite a few years ago I was on crutches for nine months (tore all ligaments and tendon in ankle after a fall). Well, the crutches did a number on my upper arms and ended up with chronic tendonitis. Suffered with it and could not raise my arms. Finally went to PT...within a week of faithfully doing exercises I could tell a huge difference. Hope you get the same results.

Yep, a sharp knife with cut the floor. Solution...don't drop a knife LOL. Actually, the floor is pretty durable. Will be down for 9 years in March. My guys do take their boots off in entry way and but do walk down there with their boots on and don't have any cuts from stones, etc. (which are thick when I clean down there. WE have gravel in the yard where they work).

My laundryroom IS in the basement. Just wanted to show you how we did the steps with the vinyl. That's why I showed that room.

Have fun with Mimi!

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Good afternoon. I drove today!! Decided to go to Walmart and stock up on disinfectant to get my daughters flu germs out of here. LOL And DH offered to meet me for lunch. Think he was concerned about my driving alone and wanted me to be sure I made it and could drive me home if need be. I did great though. Odd I thought it would be easier to get in on the drivers side of the car since it's my left knee but it was harder. Once in I am good. I am exhausted now though and took a pain pill and ready for a nap. I am enjoying the day to myself to kindda reflect on things that have been bugging me (mainly my family LOL).

Apples, I love your house. How do you keep your floors so clean? When I've had vinyl in the past I found it so difficult to keep looking nice so have shied away from it in recent homes. Maybe I didn't have a good quality of vinyl or something? I think it's the 2nd post of pics and the last photo there's a red chair at a counter with a computer, is that where we can envision you 'talking' to us??

Well I am supposed to go to a volunteer training thing at the hospital tomorrow for 8 hours. Not sure I can handle 8 hours so just emailed to see if it was okay to come for part and if so which part, not sure I am feeling up to that or not. It's not for the whole hospital but for Bariatrics where I volunteer and usually kindda fun too. Wish it wasn't on a Saturday though when DH was home.

Great - Ya 8 hours may be too much - it nice that you want to be w/dh :0) - I bet it felt good to get out and drive

Wooohooo...Great is out and driving in her world again. Good goin"!

Yep, that's my little corner of the kitchen. In my first plans, I had a huge corner with lots of desk space. After rethinking, I decided on a smaller/more efficient space. No room for junk to get piled and I can see what has to be done on a daily basis. My two come in with completed job forms for me to do invoices, etc. and it just gets done (one of those little miracles) and gets filed and off my desk. Now you can invision my butt planted in that red chair visiting with you guys.

I guess I'm not sure those floors are exactly "clean". Reason I chose the matte finish. They don't show dog drool, spilled coffee, etc. Now, the white cabinets are another story. They show every spot. Especially when DH makes coffee. I give hime a lot of days off from making coffee!

QUOTE=Apples2;1349793]Julie...hoping the stretching exercises give you some relief. Quite a few years ago I was on crutches for nine months (tore all ligaments and tendon in ankle after a fall). Well, the crutches did a number on my upper arms and ended up with chronic tendonitis. Suffered with it and could not raise my arms. Finally went to PT...within a week of faithfully doing exercises I could tell a huge difference. Hope you get the same results.

Yep, a sharp knife with cut the floor. Solution...don't drop a knife LOL. Actually, the floor is pretty durable. Will be down for 9 years in March. My guys do take their boots off in entry way and but do walk down there with their boots on and don't have any cuts from stones, etc. (which are thick when I clean down there. WE have gravel in the yard where they work).

My laundryroom IS in the basement. Just wanted to show you how we did the steps with the vinyl. That's why I showed that room.

Have fun with Mimi!

Apple I hate filing- I am terrible at it.. I wonder if I had a smaller space would the mess be smaller ;0) -

My parents had that one piece linolium when it 1st came out years ago (30+) the did had a problem some one dropped a hot pan on it and I think it melted... Your floors look lovely.

Love your new washers & dryers - I almost bought that kind - but I didn't like the way my DIL took 30 minutes to do a small load - so I bought the old fashion top loaders with aggitator.. It has a quick wash (which for our clothes is what we usually wash on -they aren't really dirty) and it takes maybe 15 minutes

I have those Chico t-shirts to the elbow in like 5 colors - I too will buy stuff that fit wells and i like in diff colors - I have 3 pairs of j crew pants - white - lime green - navy.

Also I have a pair of jeans from limited I loved - well they don't make them anymore - I should have bought another pair ..

Hey there, I'm home from my PT and etc. this morning in Bismarck.. Need to go get Mimi, but sitter said she is sleeping and will call when she wakes... I have a few minutes to sit... PT guy gave me new exercises with a band... am to do them every other day to start.. Asked about starting Water aerobics, but both guys told me not yet.... I have to be content with what I've got in these stretching exercises I guess.. I'm feeling pretty good right now...

Apples, thanks for sharing the pictures of your house.. it's lovely... and I see how well it works.. Do you have any problems with punctures if you drop something heavy??? like a knife....... I'm very envious of your laundry room... so spacious and neat... mine is in the basement and is rather crowded... I'd like room to have my ironing board set up all the time.. Have to move it out to the rec room for that...

Great, good going on the driving... you sound as though you are doing well and moving along at the right speed.. Hope your daughter is feeling better soon.. I worry about mine, too.... She's 25, but always tired... She is scheduled for a sleep apnea test in November.. They first thought she had diabetes, but that checked out okay, so they are on to this..

Well, my Mimi is awake so I'd better get going after her... Talk to you all again later tonight hopefully... Julie

Julie is your DD over-weight - (I am assuming that cuz of the sleep apnea test) You are sure a good grandma - I love my grandkids but every day - I was younger with Andrew so it was different - but to think of having Brooke my 5 yr old every day - no thanks :0)

Julie...hoping the stretching exercises give you some relief. Quite a few years ago I was on crutches for nine months (tore all ligaments and tendon in ankle after a fall). Well, the crutches did a number on my upper arms and ended up with chronic tendonitis. Suffered with it and could not raise my arms. Finally went to PT...within a week of faithfully doing exercises I could tell a huge difference. Hope you get the same results.

Yep, a sharp knife with cut the floor. Solution...don't drop a knife LOL. Actually, the floor is pretty durable. Will be down for 9 years in March. My guys do take their boots off in entry way and but do walk down there with their boots on and don't have any cuts from stones, etc. (which are thick when I clean down there. WE have gravel in the yard where they work).

My laundryroom IS in the basement. Just wanted to show you how we did the steps with the vinyl. That's why I showed that room.

Have fun with Mimi!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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