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Goodness....a bunch of Chatty Cathys since I was here yesterday! Love it though!

Eva...you asked the question...how many purses does a person have to have? I took a break and went and counted in my "purse closet". I think the answer is 23. Yep, 23.

The telephone company we have is a coop and provides phone, internet and cable all on one bill. Not sure how it works but the phone line was dug in years ago, then the high-speed for internet and then they dug in the other lines for cable (maybe that last line has an all-in-one purpose..unsure).

I love to read suspense novels, I love Michael Crichton, no romance novels, please. One of my favorite authors is Ann Rule. She was a police detective for many year out in Seattle and writes true crime novels. She has a way of writing that just grabs you from the beginning and keeps your interest piqued throughout the entire book. I try other true crime authors but they just don't have the talent that she does.

As far as clothing sizes go....I KNOW the manufactures size clothes differently than they did and think it all switched in the early to mid nineties. Eva, you asked if we thought maybe they were trying to accomodate all the people in the U.S. that are now larger. That could have something to do with it but I think mainly they are accomodating our egos. Let's see...would I feel better if I was in a size 4 jeans for a size 8? (guess with me it would depend how I filled them out). The different times we visited Australia I did some shopping and feel that their sizes are true to what we used to have. I could go in a shop and KNOW what was going to fit by the size. Now a medium is so many different sizes. I can wear a small, medium and large tops in U.S. sizes. Just depends. It really does suck. Not doing us any favors.

You are mind kind of girl, Eva! Kitchen gadgets? My favorite shopping. We have an outlet mall about 3 hours away from here. When DH and I stop I RUN for the Kitchen Aid outlet. He says he has a hard time keeping up with me anyway due to the diff in leg length. (29" inseam compared to 34"). He always says I speed up about ten miles per hour when I spot that door. Says I get out of the pickup at a dead run. I also get a real thrill of spending a couple of hours in one of our restaurant supply stores. I have one drawer in my kitchen that is just red Kitchen Aid and no one better think of putting anything else in there. I love that drawer.

It seems that I like the same type of clothes as you also. Anything tailored with straight lines and that will stay in style without worrying about it is my kind. Nothing fluffy or lacy. I do like a top or a pair of sandles or shoes to kind of dress it up. Only diff is I love to Iron. I find it to be a stress reliever.

Phyll....darn. I was wishing that by some miracle you would show up in FL. Guess and cruise and seeing family would take the front seat and understanable. I'm sure it won't be our last get-together....unless I get voted out on the first trip!

I read Disclosure the year it came out. I was complaining yesterday that I need new books. Think I will just go down to my bookshelves and reread some of the good ones. Thinking of going on Amazon.com and ordering a few audio books to listen to on the treadmill. Any good suggestions?

Meredith....a crappy day, huh? You'll have to fill us in. DH always says on days like that "Should have stayed in bed. Everything I touched to day turned to sh_t." Some days are like that to begin with and just snowball. Good goin' on getting that battery thing started again. Who's next?

Linda...nothing more beautiful than Alaska but understand the isolation thing. Better now. My youngest moved up to Homer right out of basic training when he was 18. Was in the guards and worked full time. He loved his guards weekends. Spent a lot of time in Valdes (sp?). They did so many interesting things. We spent some time with him in Homer. I really wanted DH to buy farm land in Palmer and move there. We did consider it for quite some time. Went through a realtor and everything.

Julie...hey skinny! Happy to hear you had a good bday. Good going on getting rid of the cake. DH always would come home with this HUGE cake on my bday....just cuz he thinks everyone should have one. Was never a cake eater but always a nice gesture and would make me cry. Most of it went into the freezer. He would find the biggest honking cake he could find. Sweet.

Hey, on the remodel thing. I wouldn't do ceramic tile either. Really wanted it when we remodeled nine years ago. Was talked out of it and am happy I was. Have a friend who has built houses for years and he built one for himself 5 years ago. His DW insisted on the ceramic. Well, in MN with our shifting foundations, it all cracked. They pulled it up and put vinyl. I have tons of vinyl in my house and love it. It goes from the front foyer and on every floor throughout the house except bedrooms. I just have area rugs in living spaces. I did all one pattern and love the look. It just brings all the rooms together. When ppl first see it, they ask if it's ceramic. Nope..not even close. I got the dull finish. Does not show the dirt like glossy.

OK, gotta get back to the books. I'm already working on year-end and believe it or not have a tax appt already set up. I am up-to-date with entries but need to do all the tax prep stuff. I like getting everything done and then can be stress free through the holidays.

You all have a good one!

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Janet...I would love to work in claims...just not the WC...sucky. Sorry 1Day..don't want you to feel anymore depressed about it. Just MO.

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Well, just got back from the endocrinologist. He doesn't know why I have the aches and IBS, but I do have a Vitamin deficiency. So, I got a B12 shot and a script for Vitamin D to take every three days for two months. I hope the problem was just a deficiency and it will improve. A cold front is moving in today......time will tell. The fill is really working fine. I don't plan on getting another one till next year.

Janet, I got in my new purse and jacket. I am still waiting on my necklace. Speaking about jewelry. I am taking my first jewelry (beads) making class this saturday. I just love the Christmas earings you can make with crystals.

OH by the way, this dr I went to is not too encouraging about bands, but he was very pleased with my loss.

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Goodness....a bunch of Chatty Cathys since I was here yesterday! Love it though!

Eva...you asked the question...how many purses does a person have to have? I took a break and went and counted in my "purse closet". I think the answer is 23. Yep, 23.

The telephone company we have is a coop and provides phone, internet and cable all on one bill. Not sure how it works but the phone line was dug in years ago, then the high-speed for internet and then they dug in the other lines for cable (maybe that last line has an all-in-one purpose..unsure).

I love to read suspense novels, I love Michael Crichton, no romance novels, please. One of my favorite authors is Ann Rule. She was a police detective for many year out in Seattle and writes true crime novels. She has a way of writing that just grabs you from the beginning and keeps your interest piqued throughout the entire book. I try other true crime authors but they just don't have the talent that she does.

As far as clothing sizes go....I KNOW the manufactures size clothes differently than they did and think it all switched in the early to mid nineties. Eva, you asked if we thought maybe they were trying to accomodate all the people in the U.S. that are now larger. That could have something to do with it but I think mainly they are accomodating our egos. Let's see...would I feel better if I was in a size 4 jeans for a size 8? (guess with me it would depend how I filled them out). The different times we visited Australia I did some shopping and feel that their sizes are true to what we used to have. I could go in a shop and KNOW what was going to fit by the size. Now a medium is so many different sizes. I can wear a small, medium and large tops in U.S. sizes. Just depends. It really does suck. Not doing us any favors.

You are mind kind of girl, Eva! Kitchen gadgets? My favorite shopping. We have an outlet mall about 3 hours away from here. When DH and I stop I RUN for the Kitchen Aid outlet. He says he has a hard time keeping up with me anyway due to the diff in leg length. (29" inseam compared to 34"). He always says I speed up about ten miles per hour when I spot that door. Says I get out of the pickup at a dead run. I also get a real thrill of spending a couple of hours in one of our restaurant supply stores. I have one drawer in my kitchen that is just red Kitchen Aid and no one better think of putting anything else in there. I love that drawer.

It seems that I like the same type of clothes as you also. Anything tailored with straight lines and that will stay in style without worrying about it is my kind. Nothing fluffy or lacy. I do like a top or a pair of sandles or shoes to kind of dress it up. Only diff is I love to Iron. I find it to be a stress reliever.

Phyll....darn. I was wishing that by some miracle you would show up in FL. Guess and cruise and seeing family would take the front seat and understanable. I'm sure it won't be our last get-together....unless I get voted out on the first trip!

I read Disclosure the year it came out. I was complaining yesterday that I need new books. Think I will just go down to my bookshelves and reread some of the good ones. Thinking of going on Amazon.com and ordering a few audio books to listen to on the treadmill. Any good suggestions?

Meredith....a crappy day, huh? You'll have to fill us in. DH always says on days like that "Should have stayed in bed. Everything I touched to day turned to sh_t." Some days are like that to begin with and just snowball. Good goin' on getting that battery thing started again. Who's next?

Linda...nothing more beautiful than Alaska but understand the isolation thing. Better now. My youngest moved up to Homer right out of basic training when he was 18. Was in the guards and worked full time. He loved his guards weekends. Spent a lot of time in Valdes (sp?). They did so many interesting things. We spent some time with him in Homer. I really wanted DH to buy farm land in Palmer and move there. We did consider it for quite some time. Went through a realtor and everything.

Julie...hey skinny! Happy to hear you had a good bday. Good going on getting rid of the cake. DH always would come home with this HUGE cake on my bday....just cuz he thinks everyone should have one. Was never a cake eater but always a nice gesture and would make me cry. Most of it went into the freezer. He would find the biggest honking cake he could find. Sweet.

Hey, on the remodel thing. I wouldn't do ceramic tile either. Really wanted it when we remodeled nine years ago. Was talked out of it and am happy I was. Have a friend who has built houses for years and he built one for himself 5 years ago. His DW insisted on the ceramic. Well, in MN with our shifting foundations, it all cracked. They pulled it up and put vinyl. I have tons of vinyl in my house and love it. It goes from the front foyer and on every floor throughout the house except bedrooms. I just have area rugs in living spaces. I did all one pattern and love the look. It just brings all the rooms together. When ppl first see it, they ask if it's ceramic. Nope..not even close. I got the dull finish. Does not show the dirt like glossy.

OK, gotta get back to the books. I'm already working on year-end and believe it or not have a tax appt already set up. I am up-to-date with entries but need to do all the tax prep stuff. I like getting everything done and then can be stress free through the holidays.

You all have a good one!

I just love Ann Rule, I think I have read most of her books. Some probably more than once, forgot I read them. I also love Patricia Cornwell, her books about Dr Scarpetta are good. Not true but good.

Laura K

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Back from therapy and I am in triple digits!! In my bend that is, I improved to 105 now. I was 93 on Monday and a week ago was 70, so he said that was fantastic improvement in two weeks. I moved up to an 8" step and increased all my exercises. So feeling good about the progress.

My parents left last night. Usually I handle their visits much better, but this one really, really got to me. I am not sure if mom was just so much worse in her negativity or if I was just weakened to it due to my not feeling well and pain pills etc. but she wore me down. DH said she's like Goldilocks. She complains about my furniture every time she comes but so much worse this time. She hates my couch, my chairs are too soft, my kitchen chairs are too hard, only my recliners in the basement are 'just right'. Well DH moved one of those recliners upstairs and it's where I've been parked since surgery, it's easier to get my knee/leg up on the recliner than it is to pick it up and put in on a footstool, etc. She complained constantly about how much my furntiture made her hips, her knees, her leg muscles hurt. Sometimes she'd go sit downstairs by herself. Then in the car, she didn't like the back seat. Well I can't bend my knee enough to sit back there. They were even trying to come up with ways for me to get in the back so she could sit up front and my dad drove. I told her she could drive and dad sit back there but she wouldn't do that either. Then when Dad would take me to therapy or the dr. she didn't want to stay home alone but she didn't want to have to wait in the waiting room so we'd always have to drop her someplace else. GRRR It was all about her and I guess I was thinking maybe, just maybe, it would be a little about me. After all she was coming to 'help me' out. ha ha. It just wore me down and I got some serious soul searching, thought and prayer to do, to decide how to handle my family relationships going forward. I love them, I want a relationship with them, but it can't remain as it is. Thanks for letting me vent this past week.

Floors, I have had them all, carpet, tile, wood, laminate. I love tile as far as durability goes just be sure to get a darker grout, but if you have those shifting soils or not a good solid subfloor be careful. Wood, love it but it scratches and with a lot of wet stuff may not handle that too well. Laminate, handles all that well and there are some really pretty ones of that. Carpet, gets so dirty. This house I have wood most everywhere and carpet in bedrooms and down the stairs to the basement. My basement is acid stained concrete and looks beautiful it's my husband's 'man cave'.

Purse: Sure 24 isn't the right number? Isn't there always room for one more??? I have a particular weakness for Coach but don't have that many.

Clothes: like the classic lines too for my standard pieces. If it's something trendy or 'different' I don't tend to spend as much on it knowing I will tire of it soon.

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Apples, don't even think about calling me "skinny", skinny!!!!!LOL............. Anyway, did I understand that you have vinyl in kitchen/dining/room/living room???? I have wondered about doing that.... Just wasn't sure it works... I would like to do the same throughout.. Nice to know you are happy with that choice.. Makes me think I'm not crazy!!!! Great, I think I like your wood idea, too, but right now I don't think we want to go that expense... Sometime down the road....5 years or more.......I want a complete kitchen remodel and it would be best not to do that at this time I think....

Also, Great, I'm so understanding of your feelings about your family.... How old is your mother??? Mine is 77 and she is going through some rough times emotionally I think... And she takes it out on me... She isn't happy, but doesn't really know why... Her anger and bitterness come out in strange ways... She did have a stroke a couple years ago and has had a bit of a personality change since, but it's hard to have her act so weird all the time... I don't enjoy her like I used to... and I feel bad about that... Sometimes I just dread seeing her car drive up.... That's a terrible thing to have to admit, but it's the truth.... So, you give it some soul-searching.... Get where you are comfortable. Good luck with it... it's a big thing in you life.... I'm happy to hear that your knee is doing so well.... What a relief, huh??!!!

Arlene, glad you are doing so well after your little fill.. Sure hope these Vitamins do the trick for you.. I still have a perscription for Vit D that I haven't started as they really bothered my stomach... These are 50,000 unit meg shots to do for 3 weeks...

Purses, well I have a few, but only because I just don't throw them... I have always carried a big purse that weighs a ton, but can't do that anymore... When I shop now I take only a little wallet that fits in my pocket... My shoulder just can't take the weight... I take the big one in the car in case I need something, but only carry the little one.. When we were traveling I took a small one with a long strap so I could put in across my neck and not use my shoulder.... I do not have anywhere near 24 purses and don't want to... You guys just go for it... I have an aunt that changes purses every time she changes clothes... not for me... I want a universal one that goes with everything....

I like mystery novels, but never tried Ann Rule... I like James Patterson and JD Robb/Nora Roberts... I have read some of Patricia Cornwell's Dr. Scarpetta but not all of them.. I never used to read much until after my cataract surgery a few years ago... Now I enjoy it, but go in spurts... I've never tried an audio book... Hear some of you talking about it and thought it sounded like something I might like.... Will have to keep a look out for them....

Linda, omg, I didn't even notice the 58 thing... no worries.. I'll be glad to be 58 next year...

Eva, if I should decide to do tile, you're my girl!!!! I would like to do the tile backspash thing in my kitchen some day.. Mine are just plain now, but will wait until my complete remodel a few years from now....Thanks for the offer...

Laura K, how are you doing... Haven't heard much about you lately...

Well, Mimi is napping and I have been rather lazy today... Should go do something while I have time.. My 12 year old niece is here, too, as there is no school today for teacher's convention... Don't like her to be home alone while Dad is working.. She is no problem at all....hardly know she is here... TaTa.....Julie

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Charlene - I got the max coat yesterday - it's a medium and too big - the I look like I am in an oversized bathrobe.. It's going back - I don't know if I will replace it or not - not sure if I should go small or xsmall - like I said the arms go down past my hands - and with sandals on it's almost touches the ground - beautiful coat - just don't know what size to get and do I really need it..

How fun to make xmas jewelry - on year my xdh and I painted pple to a xmas village.. We were a site - both of us sitting in front of the tv with tv trays - painting these figurines - I enjoyed it...

What doesn't the doc like about the band - heck you have lost 74 lbs !! But I did have a freinds daughter hook me up w/a lady who was thinking about the band - she's 66 - we talked on the phone the other day - she's really leaning towards the sleeve - so I put her in touch w/the sleeve site (you all know Alex owner of lbt has a new sleeve site)

I am glad I am not having any issues - but it seems that so many pple have a hard time getting to their sweet spot..

The vit d should make you feel better and so will the b12..

Great - Hugs Hugs - Sorry that your Mom is so mean too you..

As far as purses - 5 every day purses - then weekend type for concerts & shopping 4 - evening purses 5 (got most from stepmom after she died) I don't really change purses - I usually have one for summer and one for winter - tan or white for summer and black for winter...

I have ceramic tile with match grout - so dirt doesn't show too bad - walk ways tiled bedrooms carpet. I rather vacum than sweep - I am a terrible sweeper can never get everything up..

ok how many pairs of shoes??? I am guessing but including sandals - I have at least 50..

well jut got back from meeting - it's offical - we are furloughed.. It's ok I get 2 days off a month - I am going to like that.. but they will be cutting vacation next yr due to this furlough - they hope it's 6-9 months... We will see..

well I better get back to work...

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OK...shoe count...57.

Good attitude about the furlough, Janet...enjoy those days off. Sorry you will miss out on some vacation days.

Your coat situations is why it is tough to order online and in catalogues. If the medium is huge on you, I would try the x-small. Did they have like a small petite?

Arlene...wish I had the patience to sit and do beading. I do love some of the handmade stuff even though I cannot wear it. Allergic to nickle.

A lot of docs scoff at the band. I know they most likely have had patients that maybe have had troubles or whatever. But, wouldn't you think they would encourage a person who is being pro-active and actually losing weight?

Good goin' with the knee movement, Lori. You and Phyll should be the poster child(ren) for knee replacement.

OK Girls...I got brave and posted some really horendous b/4 photos on the b/4 and after thread. When I posted on there last week I chose a photo that was really blurry and really could not make it out too well. DH saw the post and talked me into putting some of the "real" b/4 of me. I cringe when I look at them but it's what I was. I actually gained another 20lbs after those photos were taken.

Plugging away at the books. COLD and WINDY here today...I think I've said that every day for quite awhile. No sun, which does not help. Just took my shop men out an afternoon snack. Had my hood on my parka tied tight!

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OK how do I find this before and after site??? I've looked and can't find it.............

go to photos on the top of this page then look for apple

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Julie, Thanks for asking about me. I've been reading all posts just not posting much, just a little. I'm doing ok had my blood work done this week and next go to Dr for a fill, it will be my second. I think I'm ready for it. Think I'm going to be one of those that don't lose for awhile then 3 or 4 lbs.

Janet, me and other admin assist have been on 4, 10 hr days for over a year now they decided that we can't do that & have to go back to 5, 8 hr days. I guess it will be ok, I hate going to work in the dark & coming home in the dark now that it is getting dark so early. This is my last four day weekend. We had it set that every other week we had Friday and Monday off. Was kind of sweet I was getting used to getting up at 4:45 now that I can get some sleep with my apenea machine. Sucks that you lose pay and vac days.

It's been raining for the last few days now it's going back to cold and rainy. Guess I'll have to get out my Happy light.

Taking off for the weekend, going up to Indian River which is near the Mackinaw Bridge, girls weekend. We had a blast last time.

Everyone take care, I'll check in when I get back.

Laura K

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Julie, Thanks for asking about me. I've been reading all posts just not posting much, just a little. I'm doing ok had my blood work done this week and next go to Dr for a fill, it will be my second. I think I'm ready for it. Think I'm going to be one of those that don't lose for awhile then 3 or 4 lbs.

Janet, me and other admin assist have been on 4, 10 hr days for over a year now they decided that we can't do that & have to go back to 5, 8 hr days. I guess it will be ok, I hate going to work in the dark & coming home in the dark now that it is getting dark so early. This is my last four day weekend. We had it set that every other week we had Friday and Monday off. Was kind of sweet I was getting used to getting up at 4:45 now that I can get some sleep with my apenea machine. Sucks that you lose pay and vac days.

It's been raining for the last few days now it's going back to cold and rainy. Guess I'll have to get out my Happy light.

Taking off for the weekend, going up to Indian River which is near the Mackinaw Bridge, girls weekend. We had a blast last time.

Everyone take care, I'll check in when I get back.

Laura K

Laura K what do you do ?? Ya they say hopefully this is only for 6-9 months - If thats a fact then going back to 5 days a week every week is going to be hard - they said next yr I will be losing 2.5 pto days so thats not bad considering I will have those 2 fridays off..

I am lucky I have a cushion - so it's not going to hurt me as bad as it will the younger single mom's but so far at least no one lost a job - hopefully something will turn around soon - but I doubt it - though I they are building a new Dollar store next door to Ross - so Commercial construction is still going..

Like I said I am looking forward to the time off - I have stuff I could do - gym :0) then balance ck books - maybe get orginized like apples :0)

When my GS 1st went to high school he had to be at the bus stop before 7 - so I was at work by 7 - so got my hrs changed to 7 to 3:30 - then his school changed 7:15 - so hrs changed to 7:30 to 4 - Well I still work those hours even though he's graduated and a couple of the bosses keep wanting to change my hours back to 8 to 4:30 - After all these years I am use to getting up early - I like getting off early especially when it gets dark at 5.. So for now they are still letting me work those hours - who know what will happen next week..

Apples - GF how long were you overweight - those b/4 pic's look like mine :00

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Janet, I'm admin asst/internal bookkeeper for a non profit, we manage/staff assisted living homes for mental health agencies around the state of MI. I work 6 to 4 now going back to 8 to 4. Not much traffic in corp office just phones all day long.

Apples, you look so happy & beautiful in your before pics.

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hey girlies,

i am so ready to go home. I am really really homesick today. For 9 days I have been so strong every time I talk to Nelson... today was the first day I cried. I tried to make funny words/sounds to disguise it. I don't think he knew, but DH did. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful husband. Not many men would take on a task of a 5 year old (when they have never done the daily stuff). He has done it with grace and love. I have tried to tell him how much it has meant, but not sure my words even scratch the surface of what i feel in my heart. I cannot wait for that hug on Saturday at the airport. I did delay the trip one day.

Dad had the port consult and they were able to schedule him for 730am tomorrow. I had to stay. His chemo won't start until next Thursday. But glad he will have the port early for labs and IVs if necessary.

We had dr appts all morning and then went out to lunch. Then spent the rest of the afternoon getting all their paperwork in order. Can't remember if i said this already. Got a file box and label maker and went to town! Mom had stacks of papers every where and one strong wind and she wouldn't find a thing for a week. I get such satisfaction from organizing. <grin>

Apples, thanks for the hint on the muffins. Next time i will know. They actually taste ok if you toast them. And I still cannot get over the pics. You look amazing. That girl in the before pics is beautiful but cannot recognize her. : )

You guys crack me up with the purses and shoes. I am all about quality, not quantity. It sounds like some of you are about both Qs! I would rather have 2 nice coach bags and 1 good tumi travel bag and a dooney or two. Done with the bags. I rarely change them, maybe season to season. I do have a few foofoo dressy ones for parties and such. But usually just make DH carry a lipstick in his pocket. Shoes are a sore subject for me. I have such big wide feet. 10W that I can rarely find shoes in a store where I live. (unless they are cheesey old lady shoes) I order a lot online. I have 4 pairs of good running shoes. 4 good sandals. a couple clog/mule type deals and 2 dressy ones. done. All my real coats are here. Even with the cold snap we had, I realize that I hate coats. Would rather run to the car without.

My sis and I were talking about our surgeries. She had gastric bypass in June. She's lost 53 including preop diet Even before our surgeries, everyone assumed she weighed more than me b/c I was smaller than her, just weighed more. I had mine March. I am 226 and she is 215 or so. But it's just amazing how much thinner I am. We are the same height. But I guess b/c I work out a lot usually- I am just more dense. She tried on some of my clothes and they were small. I so worry about her. She can eat almost anything and has a very good appetite. I worry that she is not really working at it and hopes the weight will come off by default. I hope she doesn't gain the weight back. Heck, I guess that's what we all hope for.

Meredith, hugs.... to your day.

probably won't be on for a few. Once I get home i will have to concentrate on loving on the boys and sending my SIL off on Sunday. peasout~~~ Laura

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Janet...started gaining weight when I hit menopause at the age of 38. I gained and gained and gained. I got the band at 52. I would say I was morbidly obese for about six of those years.

Hey Laura...will talk to you more tomorrw. Thanks for the thumbs up on the b/4 and afters.

Went to bed at 8pm...slept till now. Unusual for me to be in bed that early. Sprayed myself in the eye with room spray today. What a bugger. Needed to give my eye some rest and fell asleep. Got up to eat Cereal and coffee and now heading back to bed. Gnite.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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