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hey all,

DH and Nelson can't come. Nelson still has a runny nose and DH has a low grade fever and scratchy throat and cough. Just not worth exposing Dad to the crud. My return to FL is scheduled for Friday afternoon. Tomorrow is the surgeon consult for the port. If he can do it Friday, then I will reschedule my flight for Sat. Today we took dad back to the primary dr for labs. He gained 4 lbs in 4 days and want to make sure his Creat is not creeping back up. They will be back in the a.m. . Hopefully it is just the increased eating. He is on Megace for appetite stimulant. It's made from the urine of pregnant women! I told him he is eating for two. I made him creme caramel yesterday and he has had 3 pieces. I have a leg of lamb in the oven now. I tried to make low sugar blueberry muffins (recipe had applesauce in it), what a disaster! They stayed wet and never rose. It has been fun giving mom a break from the kitchen.

SIL and nephew are leaving on Sunday. The nephew was always scheduled to leave that day. SIL was supposed to be here 2 more weeks but has decided to go b/c of her prolapse/rectocele that occured during her trip here. (she had a hysterectomy in March) Boy, makes me think twice about the surgery! I think if I ever do it, I would have the robotic one where they keep the cervix in place. Besides all the regular stuff going on with running the house and caring for Nels, he has had to take her to the gyn every other day for pessary fittings! TMI, even when you are a doctor! Poor guy. When I called today I casually said "what are you doing?" and he replied sharply, "folding laundry!" (as if I accused him of watching tv all day!LOL) He is fed up to here (hand at forehead) and ready for me to come home I think. BUT... I am so proud of him and the great job he is doing. I think if nothing else he has a newfound appreciation for all that i do. As you guys said, I needed to be here. I couldn't have done it without him.

I have some great pics of my dad. I have been snapping the camera every once in a while. Usually he complains, but he hasn't said a word. As if he knows I just need to. I dread saying goodbye when I leave. It's going to be a tearjerker for sure.

I promise to get back to myself soon. I have been reading all your posts. From Janet's furlough to Apples boiled wook addiction..LOL. You guys make me smile. Thanks.

peasout... Laura

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Hey Laura....I look forward to your updates. Keeping fingers crossed that your dad's weight gain is a true gain from his diet and not Water retention. A little tip on the muffins made from applesauce. I have found (after failed/runny/not rising muffins), that if you throw in about 1 cup of steel cut oatmeal it will soak up the additional moisture and you still come out with healthy and moist muffins.

I was going to say "Poor DH" on having to do the extra chores, but I can't. Like you said, he will have a new-found appreciation for what you do. You needed to leave because of your family issues but he is in this with YOU and I am sure he understanding of it. He most likely really misses you. A brother dealing with sister's cervex issues would keep any man's mind off of how much house work and child care stuff he has had to do. Not a good thing to hear she is leaving because of health issues but a good thing you can come home to Nes and DH and just be your own family at this time. You and they will need that.

BTW....boiled wool is not my only addiction. Let me name a few:


Housecleaning and organizing






Myoplex Protein Bars

Black Labs


NY Times and LA Times Crosswords



Enjoy the last couple of days with your folks. You are a good daughter.

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I am glad things are going as well as they can be - yes isn't it nice to ck in and read about our stupid little dramas - and our shopping addiction (well most of us ;0)

I'm ok on the furlough - really looking forward to the time off - 2 - 3 day weekends YEA !!! I found this payck calculator and really it shouldn't be to bad money wise and I do have a cushion to fall on..

My addictions - food - gym (well sorta) - lbt - reading - tv - shopping - jewelry - nothing major

Lilana - How old are your girls - I was watching biggest loser last night - this one family went out to eat - they were all big pple and they ate like pigs - That's one thing you will notice on this journey - you will be shocked at the amount of foods and what kind of foods that pple eat on a daily basis - You will say to yourself - OMG that was me...

Both my DS & DIL are overweight and their eating habits have affected my 5 yrs GD she's like 75 lbs - she's solid but still - even before my surgery - I would tell DIL she does't need sour cream on her potatoes - ya it's yummy but she doesn't neet the calories - she (gd) likes salads - fish etc but they eat tons of junk and fast foods - even my 15 yr gdf - who ok weight wise but eating habits are the greatest - but she is listening to me - lite sour cream - cut the calories where you can without sacrificing the taste..

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1Day...what do you do in your job?


I work for a Pharmacy benefit manager for workers compensation. We deal with pharmacies and patient's everyday on their medication. We don't decide if a patient gets their medication thank goodness cause i would give everyone there meds. but it is very stressful dealing with sick patients and getting yelled at alot.

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I work for a Pharmacy benefit manager for workers compensation. We deal with pharmacies and patient's everyday on their medication. We don't decide if a patient gets their medication thank goodness cause i would give everyone there meds. but it is very stressful dealing with sick patients and getting yelled at alot.

Ewww....anything to do with Work Comp is tough (IMHO). Worked with ins for so many years and ins. co.s had gotten so tight when it came to making people with claims jump through soooooooooo many hoops. I don't envy you and the job you have but I admire you for the work you do. It would be stressful.

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Evening ladies,

Lori, a few posts back you mentioned your skins felt weird and tingly around your incisions....my stomach still feels that way once in a while from the lap-band surgery. It's mostly gone away, but I think they cut some nerves and it takes a while for those to heal. I remember not wanting my DH to touch me on my stomach. He didn't quite get it. Sorry about your family. I didn't grow up with my sisters so there isn't the long history of stuff to deal with. I get frustrated with them because they both think they need a man to "make it" but I think they are learning that isn't the case. Sorry to hear that your Israel trip might not happen....bummer. Hope your Mom takes your hint and gets you that Ann Taylor gift card. Wouldn't that be just too cool. Maybe you should drop the same hints to your sisters and then someone will remember that's what you want.

Lilana, good luck with your surgery. Check in when you can. You'll do just fine.

Julie, I hope you keep feeling better. You might get the opportunity to not be so stressed when your GD is on normal hours with your daughter. You'll have to get your DH involved in some kind of project to keep him busy when he isn't able to work. Any remodeling need done? The torotises are fine. It's finally starting to cool off again and maybe they'll go to sleep. Yipee!!

Arlene, wow a fill instead of an unfill...how are you doing with that? Hope the fibromyalgia gives you a break too. Glad to hear your DH is doing so well. Is he still happy he's gone through WLS? I guess that might be a stupid question, but you have to change a lot of stuff to make any of the surgeries work.

Janet, sorry to hear about the changes at work. It would be nice to have an extra day off, but then not getting paid is a pain. I would HATE losing my vacation time. It's one of the reasons I stay with this company. I get 7 weeks off and it's hard to find that anywhere. Hey cool about getting to spend Halloween with your GD. Oh I bet that will be very cute.

Apples, my job is with telephone cables, not cable TV cables.....big difference. Cable TV is our competitor. They've impacted our business big time, although I think we are our own worst enemy sometimes. What type of books do you read?

Phyll, hope you are enjoying the travelling and having good weather too. There is so much neat stuff to do and see in California along with your family being there. It is frustrating to be in-between sizes. I try and buy elastic waisted clothes in the smaller size, then I can wear them longer. It's weird how one size 20 will be too big and the next too small.

1day...I noticed that sizes are bigger now than theywere a copule of decades ago. Are "they" trying to accomodate the larger American?

Laura, sorry Nelson & DH can't make it, but hey they are better off not sharing their bugs and so is everyone else on the plane. I'm sure this has been an eye opener for DH and he will appreciate you for all you do. Your parents really needed you and it's tough to be torn between the two places. I hope you can find some peace in this very difficult time.

Linda, sorry about your SD and her refusal to take care of herself. I wonder what makes us do that? I do it with food too but with the understanding that I am doing it myself and it's no one elses fault. Your story about your Mom really touched me. I miss my mom a lot too even though I couldn't make her happy either. Wow living in Fairbanks is tough. My sister used to live there...don't think I could do it.

Cheri, hope the seminars aren't driving you too crazy.

Meredith....crossing my fingers for you and that house. Sedona is beautiful, but it's a little pricey for me. It's great you can take the physical exercise classes for college credit. I did that too years ago. I took racquetball and weight training. I was kicking butt with the racquetball and it was a lot of fun. Don't think I could do it now without damaging myself. I weighed about 180 then and was in much better shape.

All the talking about shopping was very fun. I love to shop when I'm on vacation. It seems to be the only time I have to relax and actually shop. I tend to shop for kitchen gadgetts more than anything. I do love clothes, but at 265, it wasn't fun and nothing fit well. I love classic clothing that isn't particularly stylish but is a style that is never out dated. I love crisp button down shirts (I hate to Iron them though). I like good fitting jeans, haven't done those in a while. However, today I wore a size 22 that I haven't been able to wear in about a year. The last time I wore them I had to unbutton the top button. I did not have to unbutton them today and they were comfortable. I love clothes, I just don't like the way I look in them. I don't wear much jewelry and I don't buy very much because I don't wear it. I have lots, especially earings, but I wear then same few pairs mostly. I like bracelets but don't wear those all that much either. I'm learning to like purses but how many of those can a person have? I love shoes but they don't like me and I'd rather be comfortable and walking than cute. I used to have lots of shoes, but have eliminated a lot of those.

Hope everyone has a great night. I'm going to listen to my audio book until I fall asleep.


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Phyll....was going to comment on your shopping trip last night but never got back to the computer. (My book put me to sleep...need some new books). Anyway, my first exposure to Ross was last year when we were in FL. Had never even heard of it. I am a big TJMaxx shopper and I think I like the prices and brands even better at Ross. Even though I am sure I will not NEED anything when we are there next Jan and Feb, I will make a few trips to Ross.

I don't know if you have ever talked about or considered meeting us girls in FL? I know you will be south in the RV and all settled and everything but could it possibly work for you?

I'm reading a Michael Crichton book right now called "Disclosure"... about sexual harassment, but it's about a tech company... I like techy stuff, but it was written in 1993 so it's kind of funny to read about stuff that was considered "cutting edge" over 15 years ago!

Went to 2nd hand store with my friend today.. came home with 5 books and some Christmas cards for $2! We're going to a couple that are mainly clothes tomorrow. This place today had EVERYTHING!!

Swimming/exercising in the pool yesterday and today... first time in the Water since we were here in April!! Felt so good!

Quick post... just skimmed through your last three pages! Sorry I don't have more time to comment! BUSY!!

Don't think there's any chance I can make it to your get together in FL in January. We are going on a cruise Jan. 30, and then Feb. 9 I'm flying home to WA for a few days. Don't think DH would let me go to FL with all these other plans. Would love to meet you gals!

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Hello gals.

Ive have an extremely crappy day. I know it could have been worse, but you know how it goes some times. I just wanted to check in and say hi and let all of you know that I've been reading all of your posts.

Also, prepare yourselves...... the dead car battery bandit hit me today as well! It's back! Thats just the tip of the iceberg. More about my issues tomorrow and comments to all of you.

Just two real quick....

Happy belated birthday Julie!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Laura~ Hang in there. Your family is so lucky to have you. Hugs.

Ok, Nite!


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Good Morning everyone. Laura, hoping you and your famiily have a pretty good day today and your dad can get the port in tomorrow. I know you will feel better knowing it's done before you leave. Yes, it does sound like DH will be very happy to get you back home. Sorry to hear about his sister's troubles too.

Eva, I lived in Fairbanks 37 years ago -- so I was young -- I couldn't do it now -- it was hard, but it was a fun adventure - I lived there for 4 years. I doubt I could handle it now. But back then it was more the isolation issues that bothered me -- no satellites -- so TV wsa delayed -- phone calls were expensive, etc. Now at least it wouldn't feel so isolating with all our great technology.

Meredith, sorry to hear about your crap day -- hope today is better.

Liliana, I was doubting my decision on having lap band surgery even as they were putting my iv in -- I'm so glad I fought down my fear and indecision because it is the best decision I ever made.

Janet glad to hear the furlough won't be too bad. I would love to work 4 days but like you, wouldn't want to give up the $$.

Phyll, sorry you can't make it to Florida -- but hopefully we'll do a reunion more than once so hope you can make it another time. Enjoy your clothes shopping today.

Well, gang, gotta get going, running out of time this morning. Have a great day. Linda

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Morning, how's everyone doing today? I'm okay, slept fairly well.... My shoulder has pain most of the time but it is getting a bit better... Haven't had any of the terrible times lately.... (crossed fingers!!) My birthday is over now and that is fine... Now to get this leftover cake out of my house... DH had cake and ice cream for some family last night here... Was nice to be remembered...liked the cake...... don't want to eat anymore... I need a new commitment to my band now... Vacation and birthdays are over and I need to get back to basics.... I did get a big compliment from my friend yesterday when we went to lunch... She sees me rather often, but not usually dressed up... I had on some new clothes that actually fit me and she really noticed... Was good to hear...... Got called "skinny" in church on Sunday... NOT...........but it was her way of commenting in a positive way and I accepted the compliment as graciously as I could.... Now to get moving on down the scale a bit... I need it for me.....I've been so much the same for quite a while......but am happy that I don't go back up.....

Mimi comes at 10 today and DH is still home... Doesn't know if he will work or not.. Still wet here..... I don't mind having him home at all.... I don't have much planned for the day... Have to fold a load of sheets and towels and do a few dishes, but that's the end... Nice day to relax and enjoy Mimi...

DH and I want to start a remodel in our house.. Remove a wall between kitchen and dining room... remove a sliding glass door and put in a regular one.. I have a terrible time finding things I want... Have looked at so many doors.. Will have to replace both doors as they are on the same side of the house.. They both need it, but I just hate the sliding one.... And flooring.... OMG, there is so much to choose from.. I'm thinking laminate, but worry about the main entrance door.. It opens right into my kitchen... I have no entry, so the snow comes in on boots and shoes.. I use rugs, but the floor does get wet.... Will that hurt the laminate???? It worries me... The flooring guy here in our town will not install ceramic tile as he hates it that much... doesn't reccommend it at all.... I've had carpet in the whole house (not the bathroom) for so long and I am really stuck on what to do.... Any suggestions girls????????

Eva, you sound like me when it comes to clothes.... Ya, DH has projects, but hates to start for just one day... He is out putzing right now.....

Meredith, sure hope today will be a better day for you... keep plugging away....

Phyl, I hear you about getting back to your swimming... Now that DD has a new job I could actually go to my swim aerobic class, but Doc won't let me yet... My shoulder isn't strong enough to pull me up on the ladder to get out of the water... If they had the walk in kind I would be good, but not this one and it's the only one available to me close (30 miles)... Maybe sometime soon as I love the Water, too.... Enjoy.... Sorry about FL...

Apples, so you like coffee, huh????? You sound like my DH.... he can't go very long without some.. Drives me crazy with his coffee messes... When he makes it, when he pours it, when he drinks it, ................. just a mess... It was the only thing about him I didn't miss when he was in Iraq for 15 months back in 12-03 to 3-05.... I don't drink the stuff......never could aquire a taste...

Well, dear people, off to start my day... Thanks again for all the birthday wishes... I'm 57 now and plan to be 58 in a year...... The alternative isn't something I care to do......I'm certainly better now at 57 than I was at 55 or 50 or 45........ So, older is better in my case..... Bye now... Talk to you all later......... Julie

Edited by Mrs. Bubba

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Julie, I'll come do your ceramic tile entry. I'm very good at tile work, but someone else would have to do the subfloor. I can't nail anything straight. I've tiled the 2nd bathroom floor and bedroom and closet floors. I've also tiled 3 bathroom tub/showers and the kitchen counter and backsplash. I also have some nice custom tile mosaic floor work in my house. I actually have a very nice table tile saw. I couldn't bring that with me...it's big.

Apples, gee so you are addicted to coffee are you? I'm beginning to drink more of it lately. My only other addiction that is consistent is food and maybe audio books.

Phyll and Janet, maybe I can sneak your direction sometime in November or early December for the weekend. I'm really not that far away.

Meredith, sorry about the car problems...just hate when that happens.

Okay, off to work...have a great day!!


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Julie, so sorry, I aged you another year, thought you turned 58. So sorry. Please forgive me. Linda

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Good morning, Just got caught up on reading but not much time to post. DS should be here any minute to take me to therapy. I got cleared to drive yesterday but he was already planning on it and I'll take a morning with my son any day. We are going to lunch afterwards.

did want to be sure to say Happy Birthday to Julie, sorry I missed it yesterday, never got here to post.

Will post after my therapy today. Got a great report from the doc yesterday. I don't have to wear the TED hose anymore YAHOO!! Am healing great and she said my scar was looking fantastic. The past day or so the pain has really started subsiding and I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel! Hope I get more bend today at therapy and that continues to improve.

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Great, that is wonderful for you on the pain. Hope therapy goes good today.

Julie, Happy B-day, sorry I missed it.

Oct- dang I would love to have tile in my house.

Have a great day all....

Laura K

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Good Morning Gang

Eva - Come on Down - Nope we are what 4 hr a part...

I don't know when Phyl's getting here s/b next week sometime - That would be so cool - we could meet at my house - I have a spare room for you :0)..

Meredith - Hugs on whatever's going on...

Great - I am looking forward to seeing my DS next week - hope therapy goes well.

Julie - yes you are better today than you were a year ago..

Melissa - WC - Claims - I'm with Apples no way jose - I don't like claims - Hugs I know that you most likely have tons of pissed off pple to deal with - It's the reason we eat - all that giving to others - we give ourselves food.. Hard habit to break - they way I look at it now a days - I am giving myself health by not feeding my demons..

Charlene - how's that fill going??

Well drive by - I need to get to work ttyl Hugs

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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