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Hey everyone, back from the great state of Texas. This is the first time I've ever left the airport at Dallas/Ft. Worth. We did go to Houston last year for a day and night to see "LUCY" the Australopithecus and I've been to El Paso for a concert, but that's been it in my adult life. We actually enjoyed the area. It has lots of culture and things to do. The wedding was very nice at the Ft. Worth Botanical gardens and the reception at the Stockyards Station. It was fun and relaxed and it seemed most people had a great time. (Of course we did hear some of the gossip about some drunk chick......). The card made it just fine...thank you.

I didn't get a picture of me at least not with my camera so if one shows up from someone else, I'll post then.

I'm not going to be able to comment on all the posts....as usual, you all are so prolific.

Cheri, you'll do just fine with the food during your retreats. I know we tend to beat ourselves up for not eating "right" but the band helps us to eat like normal people and that means eating a variety of foods, not huge amounts. You will do the best you can and it will be right.

Apples and Meredith mentioned the place in Florida again and mentioned cooking while we are there. I've done several group trips and what I find is it's great to have the ability to cook because Breakfast is easier "at home", but after a day of playing, cooking tends to be too much work and we all end up going out for dinner. I too will go with the flow however. It seems Orlando is the cheapest place to fly to...I tried several towns and Orlando had more flights, but Ft. Lauderdale had cheaper flight too. That could be a possibility maybe. I love planning for trips.

Apples, I open two windows when I reply to posts. I have one for the reply and the other one I read...and jump over to the reply after I read each one. It takes some time but then I don't have to do the quote thing so the post isn't quite so long. Your pictures are incredible. No, you are not too skinny. You actually look just right. If you are comfortable where you are then that is where you should be. AMAZING WOMAN!!!!:cursing:

Laura, hugs to you again. I bet your Dad will love to see Nelson and your DH even if he says he doesn't want to. My Dad always said, no, I don't want to see anyone, but every time someone showed up he really enjoyed the visits.

Alright, reality is setting in now and I have to get ready for work tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great night.


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Janet, I'd like to give my family the benefit of the doubt that they didn't invite me because didn't think I was up to it (though that isn't their decision) but they've done it many times before. I should be used to it. But since my resolve of the other day, they aren't affecting me as much as they were. Plus it helps DH is home from hunting and there to help.

Today is the best my knee has felt. The doc told me after 2 weeks I'd feel much improvement and today is 2 weeks and 1 day. Hope this is the start of something good and not just a fluke! Tomorrow I see the doc or PA again am anxious to hear what they say this time.

I weighed myself this morning and I am only up 1 1/2 lbs since before surgery. Not too bad considering the lack of exercise and few treats I've allowed myself. I am okay with that as it will come off when I am more active.

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Good Morning Gang.

Eva -Glad you had a good time.. Fort Worth is where my Aunt Lived since 2000 - and my mom's pple where from TX Mt Vernon & Sweetwater TX

Great - I am glad you aren't letting your family issues get to you.. After talking w/my Uncle the other day - I am feeling better about my Sis situation - It's nice to have someone who knows the family dynamics who tells me I am not the bad guy here - It's nice to have that reinforcement...

Well gang - I don't know if I will be able to make a reunion - just got wind that we are being furloughed - effective 11/1/09 - We all will be cut one day per pay period (we get paid twice a month) - So I will not be working 2 days a month nor getting paid for not working :0) - they are also discussing cutting our PTO - I get 20 days for my 30 yrs - and 5 sick days - they are talking about cutting it to 20 total - so there is another loss benefit - which is a big big one in my book ... This isn't set in stone yet - but who know what they are going to do..

Well gotta get back to it - now I will have to do in 10 days of work to do in 9

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Apples..........DH is doing great. He is losing about 2.5 to 3lbs a week. I bought him some shorts for Hawaii in December, but they are going to be to big by then. Me, I am the same. Oh, and the weather is changing, so, I feel like crap., but not as bad as before the stomach med. I will go see the endocrinologist on Thursday.

Great, sorry about the family. Just remember, you have another family too.........the family of God. So, sister, I am here for you.

Laura, still praying for you and your dad. Take Care!

Julie, Happy Birthday, again!

One day, going down in size is an awesome feeling. I channel surfing and yes, I got stuck on QVC. I ordered a smaller jacket and a Tignanello purse. I just love those purses. Oh that's not all. Then the Artisan Silver came on and I bought a necklace. I really need to block that channel. Okay, girls, enough confession for the day.

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Good Morning Gang.

Eva -Glad you had a good time.. Fort Worth is where my Aunt Lived since 2000 - and my mom's pple where from TX Mt Vernon & Sweetwater TX

Great - I am glad you aren't letting your family issues get to you.. After talking w/my Uncle the other day - I am feeling better about my Sis situation - It's nice to have someone who knows the family dynamics who tells me I am not the bad guy here - It's nice to have that reinforcement...

Well gang - I don't know if I will be able to make a reunion - just got wind that we are being furloughed - effective 11/1/09 - We all will be cut one day per pay period (we get paid twice a month) - So I will not be working 2 days a month nor getting paid for not working :0) - they are also discussing cutting our PTO - I get 20 days for my 30 yrs - and 5 sick days - they are talking about cutting it to 20 total - so there is another loss benefit - which is a big big one in my book ... This isn't set in stone yet - but who know what they are going to do..

Well gotta get back to it - now I will have 5 days of work to do in 10 days of work to do in 9

Janet - Furlough really? Are you in the insurance industry? So you get celebrated for your 30 years then they cut a day of pay that stinks well at least you have a job right?

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Apples..........DH is doing great. He is losing about 2.5 to 3lbs a week. I bought him some shorts for Hawaii in December, but they are going to be to big by then. Me, I am the same. Oh, and the weather is changing, so, I feel like crap., but not as bad as before the stomach med. I will go see the endocrinologist on Thursday.

Great, sorry about the family. Just remember, you have another family too.........the family of God. So, sister, I am here for you.

Laura, still praying for you and your dad. Take Care!

Julie, Happy Birthday, again!

One day, going down in size is an awesome feeling. I channel surfing and yes, I got stuck on QVC. I ordered a smaller jacket and a Tignanello purse. I just love those purses. Oh that's not all. Then the Artisan Silver came on and I bought a necklace. I really need to block that channel. Okay, girls, enough confession for the day.

Charlene - I got you beat gf - I just got a micro Fiber demin & co jacket - then a leather jacket (motto I think) - then the todays special value a maxi coat - then a pair of gold earring - clarisonic face washer (cheaper than the body one) - Instyler - OMG I am going to have to block the channel now !!! Oh they get you with those easy pay - only $16 a month for 5 months !!!

Janet - Furlough really? Are you in the insurance industry? So you get celebrated for your 30 years then they cut a day of pay that stinks well at least you have a job right?

Melissa - Yep I work for an Agency - We had ton's of contractors - 5 yrs ago my premium volume was $8 mil now it's $3 mil - this is all from lower payrolls and receipts - this economic down fall has hit us hard - I really still have 90% of my accounts I have only lost a couple of account - so I have the same amount of work as I did when the premiums were up and now less time to do it in..

Yep - lucky to have a job - we had said about a yr ago - that we would rather take a cut in hours so that everyone could keep their jobs..

Yes I have a job and good health insurance - I am going to have to cut back on shopping - This is going to be hard for the pple with Kids and Christmas comming - it hasn't been announced yet - but should be in the next few days - OMG I don't know what the fall out will be- but again we have to be thankfull we have jobs...


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Charlene - I got you beat gf - I just got a micro Fiber demin & co jacket - then a leather jacket (motto I think) - then the todays special value a maxi coat - then a pair of gold earring - clarisonic face washer (cheaper than the body one) - Instyler - OMG I am going to have to block the channel now !!! Oh they get you with those easy pay - only $16 a month for 5 months !!!

LOL........Janet, I didn't tell you about all the Christmas decorating crap I bought last month. Is QVC our transfer addiction? Naw, cuz I was addicted long before lap band surgery.

Sorry, about the work situation. My DH is on the ropes about December. It worked so well last year they may furlough him again. At least he is still employed.

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LOL........Janet, I didn't tell you about all the Christmas decorating crap I bought last month. Is QVC our transfer addiction? Naw, cuz I was addicted long before LAP-BAND® surgery.

Sorry, about the work situation. My DH is on the ropes about December. It worked so well last year they may furlough him again. At least he is still employed.

Charlene - ROTFLMAO - Yes QVC has been a problem of mine for quite sometime !!! I haven't bought any xmas stuff from them - oh ya forgot about the tsv camera - but want sliver for GS for xmas that's on waitlist... My coats should be here today :0) - like it gets cold here - the leather jacket will be fine but the maxi coat was not really nessecary - heck I go from the house to the car to the office ...

Well the furlough is suppose to be only for 6 months - but heck I am already looking forward to having 2 friday's a month off - what's it going to be like to have to work them again :0) - I just won't be able to spend like I do.

I was talking to a girl here at work at lunch and she says I am not going to like the new gym it's crowded... So if that's true and with the furlough - it's a good excuse to my trainer that I can't afford it and I will go to the 24 hr fitness by my house.. save $$$ right there..

It will all work out - like you said I still have a job - but what will really piss me off is losing my vacation days - I like having 4 weeks off - that's a perk for being here so long....

Just got a call from DS they are comming to visit for a couple (4) days end of the month :0) - looking forward to that - haven't seen them since July... Get to have Brooke (baby 5 yrs old for hallloween) ..

Well back to work :0)

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OH NO, Janet! It would be so disappointing if you could not make FL but I understand with the furlough crap.

I have heard most of you over the last year or so talk about your QVC shopping. I ordered once from QVC and that was online....not by watching it on TV. In fact, I don't even think I've ever stopped on that channel. Guess what the one thing was that I ordered? Jenny Craig. Did it work for me? Nope. Looked and tasted like dog food to me. It ended up going in the trash. What a waste.

Sorry about your furlough though. It sucks but like others have said, you have a job and are not getting laid off. I am sure you appreciate that but never fun to do the same work load with less money. Been there done that with my last job.

Eva...happy to hear you had a good trip to TX and that the wedding was fun. You will have to post some photos even if it is not from the wedding.

Thanks for the compliments on my photos. Much appreciated. And, you girls have been so supportive and honest. You all know that I had so many negative comments and the positves are what I run with. Saw my LB doc today and he is pleased. From what I could tell he was not a bit worried about where I am at. (I see him every 3 months). I am in the healthy BMI range. Anyway, I think it took you girls who have never really seen me to get me to let go of the negatives going through my brain. People that love me and are with me know what I eat, how much and that my diet is very healthy. When I see my signature photo pop up I do a little question in my mind if it is egotistical to have my photo there. Nope, I worked hard and am proud of how far I have come. It's my reminder to stick with this on a daily basis and not go back to my unhealthy ways.

Eva....what do you do for a job (if you can tell us)? You maybe have mentioned it b/4. Just nice to know what people that you talk to daily are doing in their lives.

Lori...good to hear your knee is having a great day. Hopefully it continues from here on out.

Arlene...thanks for the update on hubby. Sounds like he is making progress. Happy to hear your stomach is feeling better. Really sucks to be affected by the weather. Used to be that way for me until I lost my weight. Now not a pain in my body. I feel very fortunate. I can work out really hard for the first time and don't ache or am not stiff a bit the next day. What is with that? Not sure. Good luck with your endrocrinologist. Maybe some answers for you?

1Day...what do you do in your job?

Cold and rainy day here. Thank God the guys got the Beans done last night. They all had to be dried this year. Don't remember a year in many years that we have had to dry beans. Now if we could only get to the corn. Have about 1500 acres that are not ready yet. We are going to be working in the freezing cold/snow crap. Oh well, it's all because that DH was just so adorable. Swore I would never marry a farmer. Not a bad life...just so stressful sometimes....alot of the time....most of the time....OK...pretty much every day!

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Phyll....was going to comment on your shopping trip last night but never got back to the computer. (My book put me to sleep...need some new books). Anyway, my first exposure to Ross was last year when we were in FL. Had never even heard of it. I am a big TJMaxx shopper and I think I like the prices and brands even better at Ross. Even though I am sure I will not NEED anything when we are there next Jan and Feb, I will make a few trips to Ross.

I don't know if you have ever talked about or considered meeting us girls in FL? I know you will be south in the RV and all settled and everything but could it possibly work for you?

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Hi everyone. It's been a hectic few days. Step daughter was sick again and came here Sat. with DGD. She was so sick all she could do was lie in bed -- couldn't hold any food at all down and refused to go to the ER. Finally on Sunday, we got her to agree to go to hospital and they admitted her (again - she's been in and out of hospital 4 or 5 times during past 2 months). So we had GD until this afternoon. They finally came up with a diagnosis for step daughter - gastroperosis -- which makes sense given her symptoms and problems. Problem is, will we get her to do what she needs to do to make it better? Part of it is caused by not taking good care of her juvenile diabetes. It's going to be a tough journey because she doesn't like to "listen" to what anyone (even doctors) tell her to do (she's 26 years old and thinks she knows everything). It's very hard to be supportive when her lack of taking care of business effects my life so much (because we are her only family/support and will be the only available caregivers for both and GD. She just wants a "magic pill" to make it all better and there isn't such a thing with this disease. Oh well, I'm taking deep breaths. But compared to most of you, I have no real problems.

Laura, hope DH and Nelson do get to visit -- it will be good for all of you but especially your Dad. I know how hard all of this is and I'm thinking positive thoughts -- I do hope things aren't as bad as they first thought. It's good you are able to be there -- that's the one thing that was hardest when my mom had cancer -- I had to just take time off (without pay of course) and fly back when I could (I was in California and she was in Florida) -- which wasn't as often as I would have liked -- I think I made 4 or maybe 5 trips in about 10 months - and I wasn't there at the end which was very hard for me and my sister who was mom's caregiver. I wished I could have been there to support my sister more. So, I do understand how hard it is and how helpless you feel. But it sounds to be like you are doing everything perfectly - for you, your Dad and your mom as well as DH and Nelson. You are strong and gracious and I know you are a tower of strength to your family, so glad you have us her to vent to, so always know that we are here for you.

Lori, your family should be kinder to you, but glad you are learning how to handle the disappointments their behavior causes. It doesn't really do any good if you get upset -- although it's hard not to. I always loved my mom even though I could never please her, so when she died most of my family/firends didn't realize how sad I was to lose her -- it doesn't matter if you fight or not, you still love your mom and your family, so I do understand how you feel. I just wish with all my heart we could have had an open, friendly relationship -- which is what I think you wish you had with your mom and sisters. It's been 6 years since my mom passed, and I'm sitting here now, crying over it still.

Meredith, hope the house thing works out and glad you are enjoying your exercise classes. I LOVE step aerobics -- 20 years ago I did them and then I started again after surgery -- it kicks my butt and is pretty hard for me to do at my age (and with all my hip and back problems), but I just love the way the time flies by while you do it -- and it burns so many calories and gives you such a good cardio workout at the same time.

Janet, hugs on the work situation. I hope that since they are saying the recession is almost "over" that it will be a temporary thng and your business will pick up again quickly after the first of the year. I just hope they are nice to you and with your senority allow you to take a Fri. or Monday off for long weekends and not make you take a day off in the middle of the week. That would suck. It is nice of all of you that you chose to reduce your salaries/work days instead of having them lay so many people off.

Julie, sounds like you're doing better, hope it continues!! I bet you'll miss having little Mimi around as much now that DD has a day job. When I came home tonight, I sure missed my GD screaming in happiness that I arrived. The house feels empty when she goes home. It's so nice to have someone be so happy and excitted to see you when you get home, or when they wake up from a nap or in the morning. Hope you continue to enjoy your sleep!

Phyll, jealous of you being in Gilroy, my DH was raised in Monterey -- we miss both the artichokes and the garlic from up there. Glad your doing well with your knee.

Charlene, hope you get good news from your doctor. I've never even really looked at QVC much and it sounds like I better just not ever start. LOL. I know my friend who died in August loved shopping on QVC also.

1 Day hope all is well with your family. I'm having all the same problems with sizes as you and Julie. It is so discouraging to try to figure out what size to even try on in a store sometimes. I bought some size 12 jackets at a used store which were all designer jackets but yet when I tried on a jacket at JCPenney that was a 16 petite, it was way too small - too weird since most of my 16s from all other stores are way too big on me. Go figure. It is too strange.

Cheri, hope you enjoy your retreat, I'm sure you'll do great with the food issues.

Apples, you always give great advice and are always so positive. However, you are NOT old. We only get better with age, you know.

Gotta run and get dinner. CBL. Linda

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Linda...just saying "hi". Sorry about DSD's issues. It must put quite the load on you in time spent and emotionally. Hopefully she will figure it out soon. She has the DD to think about and her future with her. I am sure you and DH are a great support system for her.

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Hey Gang

Apples - I don't think it's egotistical to have your picture - like you said you have worked hard and should be very proud of where you are today..

QVC is something I have on the tv when I am reading cleaning or there is nothing else on - I love QVC - They sell nutrisystem and I couldn't get over that it was that freeze dried stuff - like army rations - so I have never tried it - I did Jenny Craig when it was frozen foods - I just couldn't do it for long - to processed for my taste buds - I like good home cooked foods - never been a fast food eater..

I got my leather jacket - Denmi & Company - Blazer style - love it will be keeping it $119 I think was the cost - can't beat the price

Got the gold earrings too - but they may be going back - I have 30 days - but right now I think I really have til 1/30/

10 to return them - so I can wear them for a while - I don't think they are really worth the $$$ - but will give them a test drive..

To all about the furlough

I most likely will be able to make it to FL as long as it's not too to expensive - I figure my pay will be cut by 250 (guesstimating here) a month - I just won't be able to shop like I do.. and I do have a nice cushion - they say it's suppose to be only for 6 months - so we will see..

I am more concern about losing 5 days pto - but my gf/supervisor is going to fight them tooth and nail about this.

She said that I would take Fridays off - cuz the other lady who works w/my producer only works part time - she's out Monday & 1/2 Tuesday - now she will be off on Monday & all day Tuesday - they were talking about just working and hour less each day - but she told them if you are going to cut their pay you gotta give them something so - I am suppose to get 1 friday per paycheck off -

I am going to like that part very much I am already planning on hitting the gym those friday mornings !!! That's why I skipped tonight lol..:thumbup:. Like that excuse...:lol:

Linda Hugs on the DSD issues - yes it's hard to be sympathize when pple don't take care of themselves and you end up with the extra work. I have gf who's DD has diabetes and doesn't take care of herself - so I understand..

Eva How's your daughter doing??

Laura - How are you doing today - Are Nelson & DH coming..

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Sun broke out when I got home tonight and its warmer so I had a nice walk. But I'm aching. I really prefer walking in the morning, I don't hurt nearly as much as I do when I walk after work.

Gotta do my laundry. Didn't get to it last night and I need it for my retreat tomorrow, my conferences Thurs. and Fri., and my retreat Friday night and Saturday.

Aargh. sleeping in hotels, sitting through long presentations. I'm going to have to velcro my butt to the seat to get thru some of this.

I get a fill next Tues. I can really tell I need one again. I can eat dense meats in much larger quantities and no trouble eating anything else except bread.< /p>

Shopping--I'm a Kohls and thrift store shopper. I know Kohls well and they've always got deals going. I don't like thrift store shopping but I can afford it. I pretty much dislike shopping. I also hate manicures and purses. I never get my hair done. I cut and style it myself. I dislike shopping for Christmas, too. Shopping overwhelms me. Online seems like an unbelievable hassle to me. Everytime I've ever ordered something from a catelog I've ended up returning it. That's more work than I care to do. I buy one practical leather purse, as small as I can get away with, and use it till it falls apart.

I only wear the most comfortable shoes, stuff like sketchers. I've never been fond of heels, pointed toes, or boots (unless they're for walking thru snow).

I think it has a lot to do with ADHD. I have no patience for shopping, or watching a hairdresser butcher my hair while I'm stuck in a seat, or not doing anything for hours while waiting for a manicure that will only be good for a day to dry. Forget pedicures. Not relaxing. Make me unbelievably tense. I feel totally trapped with all those things. Feeling trapped makes me want to eat.

I am also no domestic goddess. I avoid crafts like the plague. My closets overflow. I seldom cook, or entertain, or clean.

I crave being outdoors. Teaching is a great occupation for me because I don't have to sit still and I'm constantly changing what I'm doing.

food helps me sit and get through stuff. It quite literally drugs me. I've got 4 days of sitting ahead of me and I've got to try to do it without food. My band is no longer providing much restriction. So this will not be easy--4 days of sitting.

I'd actually rather be teaching.

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Good evening. Having a nice quiet evening at home. The folks are at the Nuggets Basketball game with my sister tonight. DH & I went out to dinner to our favorite Mexican place for their special of $2 burritos every Tues. in Oct. YUM!! Ate the insides of half a burrito and was very satisfied. Also, having a good knee day too. Tomorrow is my doc appt and am anxious to hear what he has to say.

Janet, sorry to hear about the furlough, at first when I saw that I thought you were totally losing your job. Glad you still have it but sucks they are taking stuff away. DH has had to give so much vacation back to as a 32 year employee.

Linda, sorry to hear about the DGD issues. hope that she realizes she has a child to care for and needs to take better care of herself.

Arlene, LOVe QVC, I don't think I made much money when I worked there. I spent it all I especially love the artisan crafted silver from Indonesia. Glad I didn't know it was on.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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