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I was banded july of 2007 and have been struggling with my weight loss. I did wonderful the first 4 months and since then have lost and then gained lost and then gained 2 or 3 lbs. I finally got another fill and hopefully will get back on track. My Doc says he thinks I am at capacity as far as fills so it is all on me now to do the work. Motivation to stay focused is my main obstacle. I am good for a day or two and slide back a day or two. Never moving ahead very far. I thought I really wanted this weight loss but sometimes wonder what will it take for me to commit to the plan the way I did those first few months. Any suggestions.

Ruby....looks to me like you kind of answered your own question without knowing it. You want to go back to what you were doing in the beginning. Go back to what you were doing at the beginning of this journey. You stated that it worked for you. Give it a good try. Do you journal your food? It really does make a difference to write down everything you eat. Allow yourself only so many calories per day and when you eat your alloted amount...you're done for the day. Weigh and measure what you eat. Start with your hard Protein first then fruits or veggies. Did your doc provide you with an eating plan that he expected to you follow? If so, stick to it the best you can.

Get out and walk or join a gym if you haven't already. Moving is as important as your food intake. Come back here for support and encouragement. Check in daily with what you are eating, how you are doing, etc.

Wishing you the best!

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Janet -Me too I am the same way. also I posted this while you were gone. But I need your advice "Things are going okay struggling with the 16 pounds I want to lose to hit my goal of 200. It scares me I guess cause i am self sabotaging. Eating and not exercising. And I have been very stressed at work."

I need your help because I start to journal then fall way off the wagon. I was so stressed at work and had such an anxiety issue I had the Dr give me Xanax just to make it through. Too much to go through but I am dealing with troubles at work like you have described. I need another pep talk please


We are addicts - this is freaking hard. Stress is a big muncher for most of us - meaning we want to eat to make our bodies produce the seritione (sp) & dopamine that calms us naturally - this is why I say our head hunger manifest it's self into physically hunger/craving for our drugs..

Do you keep a food diary online or a little book - to me the online can be time consuming - I kept a little notebook on my desk - I read the label and wrote down the calories and pt and that was it - and at the end of the day I threw it in my purse took it home and wrote down dinner and then threw it back in my purse - since I eat basically the same stuff day in and out it's easy to remember the calories and pt - I didn't count carbs fats etc - just calories and pt -

Exercise - I just know that for me it's key and am lucky I don't have little ones to deal with - I made a commitment to go M T W F after work and Sat a.m. - Thrus & Sunday were my days off - then as I got down - I started skipping Friday's.. And truly it will help with all your stress - exercise also get those endorphines going that make you feel better - take your ipod or cd player and play your fav music and go for a walk... I forget where you live - don't know if you can do it outside or not (everyone is talking snow) or if you belong to a gym - or have equipment at home - - heck get a dancing tape and shut your door for 45 minutes and take me time - That's how I look at my exercise - it's me time

Get up 1/2 hr earlier and get it 1/2 hr in the mornings (exercise)- then 1/2 hr when you get home or after dinner - make crock pot meals for the family (that part I remember ;0) or ask DH to chip in with meals..

Even though I deal with major stuff ok - I still ate - I didn't get all upset emotionally but I did eat a cupcake at work when I got in on Friday - I deserved it - no bf - no lunch etc - well ya I needed that cupcake like I needed a whole in the head - so guess what I had to do today - I got up at 4:20 so that I could be at the gym at 5 - then went for weight training tonite - will repeat that tomorrow - a.m. & p.m. work out Why you ask - cuz I never never never want to be 250 again - but I ate - I did the crime now I have to do the time... So Gf I fall off the wagon too - but I just pull up those boot straps and move forward - what else can I do - and that's all you can do -

Take one section at a time - and just do it.. And I will tell you something - you will be so proud of yourself for doing it (logging/exercising/eating healthy - oh ya - are you trying to diet - please please don't- just cut the junk)

How's your restriction ...

I gotta tell you that when I am on the treadmill - I feel damn good about me - when I say no to unplanned treats - I feel great (today there was some choc cake with choc frosting with nuts in the lunch room - it's one of my most fave things - choc & nuts - but I said no)

Ya you are going to fall at times - I do - I am far from perfect - I still struggle - but I know that I deserve a healthy life - I know I don't want to die from my obesity - I know that I love the quaility of life I have now..

Take it one day at a time - just concintrate on the now/today - not tomorrow - you have no control over tomorrow until it happens -

I know what it feel likes being pulled in 20 mill direction - I know what it feel likes when everyone wants something from you now and you can't get done what you are doing.. and food is what you give yourself

well starting tomorrow give yourself a little exercise - some good food choice (this is why I hate the word diet - I eat healthy foods that I enjoy)

Darling - it really does feel like such a great accomplishment to get to your goal - You can do it - you really can - and it's not that hard - as you know the food you are eating and the exercise you are not getting isn't making you feel better it's not helping your stress it's adding too it..

Work will be there - how far down on the toetom pole are you - are you afraid of getting laided off - All you can do is what you can do - you can't do 2 pples job and stay on top of it..

Take your xanax go to work and just do what you can (Iforget what you do - I want to say it's insurance but I think I am confused ;0) - I know I took it when my bro died - I want to say that it helpped numbed my feelings and I really didn't want to eat - but it was a diff situation than work..

Well, sweetie - I don't know how much I have helped - but you can do this - your really can...

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Scooter... well, after using it all this time, it's scary not to...esp for a 3-4 hr outlet mall excursion. I wanted to walk from RV park over to the mall. My sister talked me in to taking her car. So we did that. Then I did walk for probably at least an hour before DH found us. He did not undertstand where we were! Kept telling him the very north end of the mall, and he kept getting more and more frustrated until I figured out he was on the inside tract and we were on the front side! I TOLD him... we're on the I-5 side... I can see the highway in front of me. But he didn't get it, so I had lots of walk time before he brought me the scooter. Then last night they wanted to take the car and I said NO.... I CAN WALK! So they finaly let me walk! So... I'm fighting other people, too! Today my sister and I walked around Bandon OR and visited several shops... 2 hrs... without the scooter. Then DH wanted to drive the RV down to pick me up...again I said I CAN WALK!! So I just have to keep telling him I CAN WALK! The knee hurts if I'm standing still, waiting in line, waiting to check out, and it was hurting this morning after about the first 90 minutes of shopping, but not too bad.

All dr's are different. I was surprised about the brace, too. I didn't have one, but I had that ice wrap around my knee almost constantly the first two weeks or so. Never used crutches either. PT had me go from walker to cane after a couple of weeks. Now I can do without the cane, but often use it if I think I"m going to be encountering curbs or steps without a railing. Can't yet step up with the operative leg, which is a frustration... esp to DH!! I really liked the walker up to a point. But,after a couple of weeks.... I felt it was inhibiting my walking and getting in my way. That's wen the PT guy said I could switch to the cane.

Phyl - DH is so cute about worrying about you ;0) But WTG on telling them you can walk !!!! You are amazing !!!

Thanks Phyl for sharing, I had no idea you were so immobile with your knee, you've come so far. Gives a gal hope! It does seem each surgeon, just like LAP-BAND® surgeons,does things different. There's 8 surgeons in my docs office and they each had their way of doing things. I think mine and one other uses this brace, I didn't get the ice machine, and I heard there was another machine that constantly moves your knee, I didn't get that one either. But it seems they all get us to the same place eventually. I have been doing good with the crutches around the house, am a little nervous the first time to leave the house with them though. The low blood pressure thing has me concerned I get so dizzy and faintish. I googled some online and one thing it mentioned was something with the anestesia a possible allergic reaction so plan on asking about that on Wed. or asking to talk to the anesthesiologist. I would think it would correct itself eventually. I also could've lost a lot of blood during surgery. I just did my therapy exercises at home and was pleased at my progress, it hurts but I think of it as a good hurt and that helps.

Oh and I gained 11 lbs in the hospital!! I freaked out, but they are all gone now! WHEW!!!

Great my Xdh had that machine that moves the leg when he had acl injury knee surgery.. Yep it sounds like every doc is diff - and you are doing great - I would call about the fainting though - I wouldn't wait til Wed..

11 lbs - ya I think that would scary the holy crap out of me - but we all know it's the iv that you get...

I was banded july of 2007 and have been struggling with my weight loss. I did wonderful the first 4 months and since then have lost and then gained lost and then gained 2 or 3 lbs. I finally got another fill and hopefully will get back on track. My Doc says he thinks I am at capacity as far as fills so it is all on me now to do the work. Motivation to stay focused is my main obstacle. I am good for a day or two and slide back a day or two. Never moving ahead very far. I thought I really wanted this weight loss but sometimes wonder what will it take for me to commit to the plan the way I did those first few months. Any suggestions.

Ruby - Hugs for your struggles -

#1 this isn't a diet - it's a change in you eating habits and physical activity - that's it - it's about eating healthy - our eating "normal" is what got us fat in the 1st place - we can't eat like that and expect to get healthy..

IMHO i think even with the band - 75% of the work is up to us - our bands don't make our food choices we do - I think even though we know it's only a tool - we think it's going to be easy - it's not - I'm 2 yrs out and I still struggle daily with my addiction...

Once you realize that you are food addict - it helps..

#1 - Keep a food log (count calories & pt 60 grams) Keep your calories between 800 -1200 and vary them daily

Weight & measure your food - eat off small plates

#2 Get the junk out of the house - Sit and make a menu for the week and stick to it..

#3 Move (exercise)

#4 how's your restriction - why is your doc saying you are at capacity - how many fills have you had?

Ruby - you can do this .. You just gotta get your mind wrapped around it - it's not a diet - it's what you need to do for you to get healthy - to add a few years to your life - to improve the quaility of your life. Think back to why you had major surgery in the 1st place...

We are here for you...

Well gang - I gotta go eat - I burned my veggie - was able to save most of them :0)

I get on the computer and forget I am cooking -

CB in the morning =

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Charlene, don't know the details about band being removed other than that it was an emergency necessity.

Hi everyone. Gotta go to bed.

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We are addicts - this is freaking hard. Stress is a big muncher for most of us - meaning we want to eat to make our bodies produce the seritione (sp) & dopamine that calms us naturally - this is why I say our head hunger manifest it's self into physically hunger/craving for our drugs..

Do you keep a food diary online or a little book - to me the online can be time consuming - I kept a little notebook on my desk - I read the label and wrote down the calories and pt and that was it - and at the end of the day I threw it in my purse took it home and wrote down dinner and then threw it back in my purse - since I eat basically the same stuff day in and out it's easy to remember the calories and pt - I didn't count carbs fats etc - just calories and pt -

Exercise - I just know that for me it's key and am lucky I don't have little ones to deal with - I made a commitment to go M T W F after work and Sat a.m. - Thrus & Sunday were my days off - then as I got down - I started skipping Friday's.. And truly it will help with all your stress - exercise also get those endorphines going that make you feel better - take your ipod or cd player and play your fav music and go for a walk... I forget where you live - don't know if you can do it outside or not (everyone is talking snow) or if you belong to a gym - or have equipment at home - - heck get a dancing tape and shut your door for 45 minutes and take me time - That's how I look at my exercise - it's me time

Get up 1/2 hr earlier and get it 1/2 hr in the mornings (exercise)- then 1/2 hr when you get home or after dinner - make crock pot meals for the family (that part I remember ;0) or ask DH to chip in with meals..

Even though I deal with major stuff ok - I still ate - I didn't get all upset emotionally but I did eat a cupcake at work when I got in on Friday - I deserved it - no bf - no lunch etc - well ya I needed that cupcake like I needed a whole in the head - so guess what I had to do today - I got up at 4:20 so that I could be at the gym at 5 - then went for weight training tonite - will repeat that tomorrow - a.m. & p.m. work out Why you ask - cuz I never never never want to be 250 again - but I ate - I did the crime now I have to do the time... So Gf I fall off the wagon too - but I just pull up those boot straps and move forward - what else can I do - and that's all you can do -

Take one section at a time - and just do it.. And I will tell you something - you will be so proud of yourself for doing it (logging/exercising/eating healthy - oh ya - are you trying to diet - please please don't- just cut the junk)

How's your restriction ...

I gotta tell you that when I am on the treadmill - I feel damn good about me - when I say no to unplanned treats - I feel great (today there was some choc cake with choc frosting with nuts in the lunch room - it's one of my most fave things - choc & nuts - but I said no)

Ya you are going to fall at times - I do - I am far from perfect - I still struggle - but I know that I deserve a healthy life - I know I don't want to die from my obesity - I know that I love the quaility of life I have now..

Take it one day at a time - just concintrate on the now/today - not tomorrow - you have no control over tomorrow until it happens -

I know what it feel likes being pulled in 20 mill direction - I know what it feel likes when everyone wants something from you now and you can't get done what you are doing.. and food is what you give yourself

well starting tomorrow give yourself a little exercise - some good food choice (this is why I hate the word diet - I eat healthy foods that I enjoy)

Darling - it really does feel like such a great accomplishment to get to your goal - You can do it - you really can - and it's not that hard - as you know the food you are eating and the exercise you are not getting isn't making you feel better it's not helping your stress it's adding too it..

Work will be there - how far down on the toetom pole are you - are you afraid of getting laided off - All you can do is what you can do - you can't do 2 pples job and stay on top of it..

Take your xanax go to work and just do what you can (Iforget what you do - I want to say it's insurance but I think I am confused ;0) - I know I took it when my bro died - I want to say that it helpped numbed my feelings and I really didn't want to eat - but it was a diff situation than work..

Well, sweetie - I don't know how much I have helped - but you can do this - your really can...

I think my restrcition is okay I saw my Dr on the 28th and I did not get a fill but now i think need to call back and schedule another one. I am not sure of I should or wait till Jan when i see him again. Due to all of the not so good eating i am doing. What do you think if it was you going through this whoe you weight or not?

Janet I just love talking to you and you have help me so much.

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GREAT... I had a big weight gain, too. Surgery on Tues... when I got weighed on the Wii on the following Monday morning I was way up. Can't remember how much... but I think it was about 10 lb. But next Monday it was gone, following Monday about another 6 lb gone. It's not only the IV fluids, but your leg is quite swollen and lots of Water weight in that entire leg that you are not aware of. Trust me... it will drop off, probably in about another week. The more you move and exercise, the more the swelling will go down.

CPM machines... (continuous passive motion) some doctors use them, others don't.. I didn't have that either. And they tried to put TED hose on me but my feet are small and my calves to big, so they had one on that leg but it fit so poorly that they took it of and left it off. I did have those little pumper things on my feet the first two days.

Yes.... do contact your doc about the faintness/dizziness. Your blood count was low... BP low, you may need a transfusion.

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Hi Joann and welcome back. Sounds like you had a great summer and fall!! The baby is so cute!

Had a very good food and exercise day today. I walked 45-50 minutes after work....but I'm finding I'm starving when I get back to my car though. This has happened a couple of times now. I ate some cottage cheese before I walked and thought that would help, but I think I'll have to adjust something so I don't get that drop in blood sugar. I never used to have this problem...I'd finish walking and then wouldn't feel hungry for quite a while afterwards. I like the fact that I'm increasing the distance I'm walking and feeling good about it. I see people running and I'm also thinking I'd like to do that...not just yet, but I remember as a kid how exhilarating running would be.

Janet, great pep talk! I hope we do as much for you as you tend to do for us.

Apples, you still thinking about the job? How's the harvest going? I think I've had that brand of Jerky from Wal-Mart before. It's sort of sweet too...too much sugar for me. I want my sweets sweet and my beef savory. Guess I'll stick to making my own.

Lori...careful, it's just been a week. You probably just want to get back to normal life and that will happen, you just need to make sure your knee heals properly so you don't have problems later. Or now if you pass out and fall down.

Laura, you just bypassed my weight...weigh to go!! You'll keep it off....slow and steady. Your pictures are great. Your son looks like his daddy right now. You'd never know he was adopted. Both of my parents were little, fair haired, grey eyed. I'm large, brown hair and eyes. I never looked like my parents...there was no way I could be mistaken for their natural child. Glad the visit is going a little smoother than you expected. So have you made plans to see your Dad this weekend?

Sorry to those I've missed....I'm running out of steam. Hope everyone has a great night!!


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I think my restrcition is okay I saw my Dr on the 28th and I did not get a fill but now i think need to call back and schedule another one. I am not sure of I should or wait till Jan when i see him again. Due to all of the not so good eating i am doing. What do you think if it was you going through this whoe you weight or not?

Janet I just love talking to you and you have help me so much.


I waffle right now between thinking I need a fill or not.. I think fills are very physoclogical - sometime more than physical - I can get stuck on butternut squash.. Do I need a fill or not - Am I physically full on 1 cup food - yes - but mentally no.. IMHO the majority of my problems are the mental issues - eating around the band - the stress which makes you want to eat.. Or do I really just want to be able to eat more food and afraid of more restriction and not being able to. That's the Million Dollar Question....

Truly I don't think I need a fill - I think that I need to make better food choices - Plain and simple - it really doesn't matter how tight you are - heck you could be so tight that you can only eat 1/4 c of hard protien - but you can still eat 1/2 gallon of ice cream..

That's what its really all about - a good mix of restriction and not eating around the band by making good food choices and listening to your physical stomach not the head one..

Is a tighter band going to stop your not so good eating??? I doubt it cuz I bet the not so good eating is mostly slider foods - if it isn't and you are chowing down on big macs or able to eat 16 oz steak - then ya you need a fill now and don't need to wait till January..

I am going thru this with you - I struggle too - I am on the high end of my 5lb limit - I don't like it - but I can't seems to get back to the low end - why - is it my restriction or is it my food choices and need to increase the intensity of my exercise

Truly for me I know that it's the hand full of nuts here and there - only exercising 3 days a week instead of 4 and not working out as hard as I should be some days..

How much can you eat per meal of hard Proteins - if you pay attention are you physically full but still mentally hungry..

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Eva...good going on the exercise. Try to eat a protien bar (200 cals or less) either b/4 or after your routine. But, just make sure this is within your caloric intake for the day. An apple or grapes could do the trick for you also. I always eat b/4 my workouts and feel it helps with those exhausting dips.

To answer your ? on the farming...Harvest is at a standstill right now because of all the snow we got. Expecting more snow tonight. I imagine it will be the weekend b/4 we can make a stab at getting the rest of the soybeans out. We have about 200 acres sitting out there. Every day is crucial as the bean pods will burst after freezing and then thawing. We have about 1400 acres of soybeans and 1400 acres of corn which all of it is still in the field.

Haven't made my decision on the job yet. Waiting for owners to come back with what they are thinking for pay/benefits, etc. Starting date would be around Dec. 1. New shop opening up with four owners. I would coordinate all appts, do books, etc. Just really not sure about that drive. As I was white knuckling it to town on Sat morning on glare ice, I was doing some thinking on what a typical drive would be like from Oct 1 thru April 30....most of those days would be a challenge on the roads. I am just being patient. I do volunteer three days a week at our hospital between the end of Oct and end of July. Problem is...lately they have been getting college kids in for internships and they have been doing what I do. I like to be busy and if they cannot find enough to occupy my time, I'm bored.

I have a ? for all of you. What kind of scales to you all have. I am not an obsessive weigher (about once a week). I have owned a Health O Meter scale since 1994 and it is ALWAYS right to the lb. with doc's scale and stays pretty consistent. DH is very health conscious and wanted a scale in his bathroom. Put that one in his and purchased a Taylor digital for myself. (This scale was quite expensive and promoted by The Biggest Loser). Anyway, was pretty consistent the first few months and now I notice it jumping all over the place. Up 4lbs, down 4lbs. Anyone notice this with their digitals? Does this maybe mean the battery needs to be replaced. I have had the scale since March and have used it for all my weigh-ins since then. Hubby's scale stays and my weight does not jump around on that. Anyone else experience this?

Julie....are you back yet? How was your trip?

1Day...sorry you are experiencing stress and set-backs in your way of eating. Really do listen to Janet about journaling food, exercise, etc. Jump back into your original way of eating as you did right after you got your band. I know it's not easy but you will feel so much better all around if you do it now. Make yourself proud. We know you can do it!

Got up at 5:30am...did not look to see what temp was. But, still 21 degrees at 9:30am. I would never wish for my "fat insulation" back but wish I could find automatic warming pants and vest. I do wear Under Armour and that seems to help. At least the sun is shining and that always makes a person feel better. I am usually a happy person but when we get 10 or more days with no sun, it affects me.

Sent all the guys off with lunch boxes today so spending the day in the house alone today. (Fine with me). Guys are again tiling and digging. (Custom job) and will not see them til a little after dark as they had to travel for today's job. Laundry, floor scrubbing, ironing, get some play in with my 100lb black lab (my baby boy) and that's about it for plans today. Oh, and a friend wants me to set up a 30 day menu for her. Ugh, don't really want to do it but promised. She is major diabetic and has gained about 100lbs in the last couple of years. She works with a nutritionist and I told her that I think that is the route she should go cuz she would need more carbs than I would have eaten in the weightloss stage. I will provide her with a 30 typical plan that I used during my weightloss. Think I will sign off on it and state that I am not responsible for any lows she might experience (kidding). I feel bad for her but think she needs to strictly work with her nut and go from there.

Time to throw the ball and play my "Look for the Snakes Game" with my dog. Actually, no snakes this time of the year but it keeps him interested on our walks around the farm.

You all have a great day!

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I have a Taylor digital - goes to .5 of a lbs - so it reads 141.5 and if it's under .5 then 141 - if above 142. I don't think it was expensive - I don't remember it's over 2 yrs old now.

During my weight loss phase I wanted the .2 and got a biggest loser scale - it weighed me 10 lbs heavier than my scale - I freaked out !!!

My scale has always been 5 lbs lower than my doc's - but again I weigh nake 1st thing in the morning - where as at doc's I am clothed - so I waited until after doc appointement and my tayor was right on with the doc - so I took the biggest loser scale back to Target and got my $$$ back..

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I have a Taylor digital - goes to .5 of a lbs - so it reads 141.5 and if it's under .5 then 141 - if above 142. I don't think it was expensive - I don't remember it's over 2 yrs old now.

During my weight loss phase I wanted the .2 and got a biggest loser scale - it weighed me 10 lbs heavier than my scale - I freaked out !!!

My scale has always been 5 lbs lower than my doc's - but again I weigh nake 1st thing in the morning - where as at doc's I am clothed - so I waited until after doc appointement and my tayor was right on with the doc - so I took the biggest loser scale back to Target and got my $$$ back..

I guess the reason I asked is to see if anyone else has touble with their digitals jumping around like that. 4-5lbs. My regular scale (non-digital) does not do that. Maybe I should put in a new battery and see if that is what the problem is. No sense in even using a scale like that if that is the way it is going to be. Disappointed with it. I gain that 4-5lbs and get my hopes up, it's down 4lbs the next day and then back again.

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Apples, I think it's the battery. At work we had a Biggest Loser challenge and I was in charge of purchasing ( reimbursed of course) the scale for the contest so I bought, naturally, a Biggest Loser scale. After a bit we noticed it very erratic in the weights, once we replaced the batteries it was fine again. I have a Weight Watchers digital at home that has been more consistent or the batteries last longer but it was more expensive and has a lithium type battery this Biggest loser one just took regular type batteries. Have fun playing with your dog. I have 2 black lab mixes. One is a lab/australian shepherd mix and the other is a hunting dog from SD and is a lab/vizsla mix. They are both so sick right now. They have either kennel cough or a version of the swine flu that has mutated to dogs in the past year or so according to the vet. My daughter recently got a weimeraner puppy and it got sick and infected our dogs. They sound just awful and are so listless and just cough and sleep all day. I actually miss their rambunctiousness. Vet said it will take a week or two and they are on 5 meds between the 2 of them. Poor puppies.

Eva, good job on the exercise. I think with the smaller quantities of food we eat now the nutrition value etc. is so much more important. I like Apples suggestion of a Protein Bar or something if it fits your calories for the day.

1day, do you think you need a fill? are you following the rules of the tool and still hungry? if so you just might. But if you are honestly not doing so and eating around it then maybe not. I guess only we know for sure. I do best with good restriction, I like being able to eat 1/2 to 1 cup at a meal, the test for me is if it is hard Protein and I am full then I am good, but I could easily eat the mushies first and then the hard protein and eat much more.

Laura, how's dad doing? are you going up there soon, I seem to remember something about later in the week you possibly going for a visit. hoping he finds the right specialist and care.

Phyl, thanks for the card I got today, what a hoot! You've been such a great knee buddy for me.

Janet, gosh I think of you as such a pro at this banded lifestyle that never has struggles. It reminds me of how individual and human we all are in our lapband journeys when you share your struggles with us. You have such a good perspective on fills. I think sometimes they are psychological, I think I finally got a good handle on what was a good fill for me after about a year, but it took me getting too tight once to realize that, until then I thought the tighter the better. I guess maybe we have to get too tight once to find out where we don't want to be. I think I am pretty good now. In fact I PB'd for the first time the other night which was a good reminder my band was there and working. One of the dinners that was brought to us after my surgery was chicken breasts and no matter how they are cooked or how small I cut them up, I just always seem to have trouble with them, I can do thighs but must stay away from the breasts.

Well gang, it's my first day alone today,only for a couple hours. DH and DS went to sight in their rifles for deer hunting this weekend. DH wanted me to ride along so as to not be alone, it just didn't sound appealing to me, so I promised to stay planted in my recliner and be a good girl while he was gone. No showers or anything while home alone. Blood pressure is still low but not as low. Did go to 95/65 this morning but back to 116/72 or something later. Am anxious for my dr appt tomorrow to see what they have to say. I think my knee is doing well though quite sore today after the therapy yesterday plus I missed one dose of pain pills in the night.

DH might take me to the movies this afternoon, I think I can handle that as it's just sitting and if I gt my favorite row, it has a bar I can put my leg up on.

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Great...thanks for the info on the scale. Mine has a lithium battery and think the next time I am in town will buy one to replace it and see what it does. I try to stay ahead of this game and, as you know, don't want to lose. My scale was up 5lbs b/4 the weekend and did not pay as much attention to my intake. Then it went all the way down again which is not a good thing.

OK...so I forever feel like I don't have a lot of advice to give cuz of my situation. But, I do have my perspective on what I think of fills and the band. I believe Janet and Great are correct in having to do a lot of the work ourselves. You never want to be too tight and it's OK to be hungry. Just get the good ole' hard Protein in first, then whatever else your tummy can hold but make good/healthy food choices.

Since losing that 20lbs I DID NOT WANT TO LOSE...I have been able to test my band and play with certain foods and food consistancies. I make sure to stay within the 1 - 1 1/2 cup portions cuz do not want to stretch my pouch. I know that in able to maintain my weight I need to eat a certain amount of calories a day. (Between 2500-3000 or more). I know, it doesn't seem fair and there are days I would rather not have the chore of getting them all in.

I am at the point where I almost dread eating hard Proteins because they keep me full for too long and I cannot get in the necessary calories that I need. I like to eat "real" food...have never ever relied on protien drinks. But, when I am really trying to maintain or gain, I eat high protein Fiber Cereal, Protein Bars, fruit sauces, more slider foods, etc. On those days I am HUNGRY ALL THE TIME.

My point in sharing all this is that if you follow the band rules, that band really does work for you. By putting 4oz of hard protien in my stomach, I can stay full up to 4 hours or more and I can hardly thing about putting anything in the tummy during that time period. I notice with slider foods, 20 min. is the max. Just goes to prove the band is a huge help.

As far as the head hunger goes. I am a believer that having an alternative activity to take the mind off of food is a biggy. Don't let yourself get too hungry and then binge once you get in the door from work. Carry something with you. Even if it's just a small handful of soynuts, a couple of peices of Jerky to eat while you are on the way home.

Plan your meals in the morning or the night b/4 and stick to your plan the best you can. Stop eating when that planned meal is finished. It might just take your tummy time for the brain to tell you that you are full.

If you are still hungry after eating 4oz of protein and some veggies and continue to be hungry during that hour after, maybe it is time for a small fill.

Just my two cents worth.

I have a 14cc band and only have had two small fills. .5cc the first and 1cc with the second fill.

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Great...sorry to hear about your sick babies. My dog has been off his food for about a week and a half. I ran out of his food the last weekend at the lake and DH forgot to bring some with him. We used a different brand of food for two mornings and he got constipated and this morning is the first day he has eaten his regular food. I have been supplementing by giving him 2 cups of my Fiber One cereal a day. It did the trick.

Good luck with your appt. tomorrow. Sounds like that knew is working pretty good. Hope you can figure out what's going on with the dizziness issues. Bet they will want to look into it...and if not...insist they do some blood work.

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It has been wonderful finding this website. I had surgery on Sept. 28th and my first fill is on Nov. 5th. I started my journey this past January at 260 lbs. and I am 5'1". I am diabetic, with high cholestorl. Since june I have lost 36 lbs. and just saw my endocronlogist last week and it is possible I will be off insulin within a month. I have been self medicating for 3 months because my sugars have been so good. I am 56 and so tired of being unhealthy. I had a total knee replacement 4 years ago and if I don't get this weight off I will need the other knee replaced. I feel like this is the beginning for a new life.

Thanks for all the encouragement from all of you.:thumbup: Its great not to be alone.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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