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My nutritionist told me to take lots of Calcium as well as my regular Vitamin to prevent hair and nail loss. She also stressed the Protein.

Janet, sorry about the break-in.

Great, I never heard of someone wearing a brace to bed after knee replacement. What reason did your Dr. give? I would think it would slow down recovery as you want to move it as much as possible.

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Today I am 3wks post op and Yesterday I had the most challenging day I have had since being banded. I attended a birthday party 90mins from home. It was held at one of those children party centers and I failed horribly. I started out doing ok, I had a healthy Breakfast. I was told there was a little concession stand so I figured I could find something semi-healthy. WRONG! Only food there were hot dogs, nachos, white bread sandwiches loaded with mayo. I did buy some Water and tried sipping it all day. We left home at 10am and now it's 2pm and I'm starving. Finally all my willpower died and ate 8 *1/4* finger sandwiches, which in itself wouldn't have been entirely bad, but of course I let myself have a piece of birthday cake, granted it was a smaller piece than I normally would have taken. I did no exercises yesterday either.

I beat myself up about overeating the entire 90 min. drive home, skipped dinner, took a xanax and went to sleep. I was miserable. How the hell am I going to make it through an upcoming 3wk trip incl a cruise, if I cannot control myself at a one day outing? I am so angry at myself, I could just scream :sad::cursing::sad:

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Good Morning Gang

Joanne - So glad to have you back !!!! Love the pictures..

Nawline - Girl - chill - this is going to happen - you didn't have any choices - you were hungry... On the cruise you will have more choices for food and a piece of bday cake is allowed - this is how your are going to live the rest of your live - do you think that you can never have treats - if you think that way you are going to feel deprived and fail at this.

Even healthy pple have cake - ice cream - junk every now and then and the even over eat now and then - but just not every day - and when they do indulge - they up their exercise (yes Joanne this is key for everthing ;0)... and watch their calories for the next few meals..

So today - you are going to eat heathly - you are going to get some exercise and forget about yesterday..

As Apples would say - when you are going to be in these kind of situations - plan plan plan - take your own Jerky, food etc. Or you could have just eaten the center out of the sandwiches - that's what I do - at my aunt wake they had these huges sandwiches on chibata beard - cressent rolls etc - I took one but only ate the meat - lettuce and tomatoe.. At places like Chuckie cheese I don't think they have anything healthy- I hate the place myself - I don't know if they have salads but if they do - I doubt they have healthy dressing.

So gf today is a new day - leave yesterday in the past and move forward

On your cruise - you need to take the stairs and hit the gym - cuz you may sucumb to a few extra treats along with the adult beverages - so just make sure you get your exercise in to counter act those extra calories..

Well drive by post I gotta get my butt in gear - didn't get much done on friday now have to play catch up...

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Please feel free 2 contact me cassieme1.even though i have a time navigating.can it be possible 2 not have gotten a sweetspot and exercise too much.I WENT 2 TICKERFACTORY AND I HAVE A THINGY ON THERE BUT I CANT GET IT 2 THIS LAPBAND FORUM THUNG

Edited by CASSIEME1

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Good Morning Gang

Joanne - So glad to have you back !!!! Love the pictures..

Nawline - Girl - chill - this is going to happen - you didn't have any choices - you were hungry... On the cruise you will have more choices for food and a piece of bday cake is allowed - this is how your are going to live the rest of your live - do you think that you can never have treats - if you think that way you are going to feel deprived and fail at this.

Even healthy pple have cake - ice cream - junk every now and then and the even over eat now and then - but just not every day - and when they do indulge - they up their exercise (yes Joanne this is key for everthing ;0)... and watch their calories for the next few meals..

So today - you are going to eat heathly - you are going to get some exercise and forget about yesterday..

As Apples would say - when you are going to be in these kind of situations - plan plan plan - take your own Jerky, food etc. Or you could have just eaten the center out of the sandwiches - that's what I do - at my aunt wake they had these huges sandwiches on chibata beard - cressent rolls etc - I took one but only ate the meat - lettuce and tomatoe.. At places like Chuckie cheese I don't think they have anything healthy- I hate the place myself - I don't know if they have salads but if they do - I doubt they have healthy dressing.

So gf today is a new day - leave yesterday in the past and move forward

On your cruise - you need to take the stairs and hit the gym - cuz you may sucumb to a few extra treats along with the adult beverages - so just make sure you get your exercise in to counter act those extra calories..

Well drive by post I gotta get my butt in gear - didn't get much done on friday now have to play catch up...

Thanks Janet, I will definately have to plan ahead for outings, I guess it's going to take me some time to get used to it. Today I am back to eating healthy and hoping my screw up will not affect my scale too badly...I don't want to have to eat differently than everyone else @ family function, I don't think that is realistic either :sad:

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Glad to have you back here! Great pictures.... can't believe the baby is THAT big already!! What a cutie! You did a great job with the photos. I have a small Canon camera that I like, too. It fits easily into my purse, or even a pocket.

I agree, so great to see you back here! Hope it's to stay!

LAUNDRY???? Are you nuts??? (You probably know that's one of my favorite phrases! LOL!) You should not be taking a shower without DH in the room. About first 2 weeks, DH was there or in the next room and I had walker right there and a chair so I could sit down to get dressed. Take it easy, girl!!

Yes, planning to enjoy the RV park a lot more this year. Did some walking at the outlet mall w/sister and friends yesterday before DH brought my scooter. Arrived at my sister's this afternoon and we walked to their favorite Mexican restaurant.... four blocks down and one block over! Good walk for me.

Scooter? are you still having troubles getting around with your new knee? I guess I got impatient on the laundry, DH was good enough to put it in for me, but I was in a hurry for it to get in the dryer as I wanted to wear my flannel pants and thermal shirt that were in there, he just figured he'd get around to it, we had different priorities. I am definitely having some dizzy issues especially in the mornings. I had to sit in a chair in the bathroom again and at therapy this morning I got real dizzy again. They took my b/p and it was 90/60. Not sure after years of high b/p (I got off those meds after my lapband) I'd suddenly have low b/p issues. Today was my first day of therapy and the therapist was amazed at my progress, I can fully extend my knee and can bend to 85% already. He gave me a sheet of exercises to do and encouraged me to graduate to crutches from the walker. I basically came home on crutches but went back to the walker due to the dizzy issues, it's sturdier.

My nutritionist told me to take lots of Calcium as well as my regular Vitamin to prevent hair and nail loss. She also stressed the Protein.

Janet, sorry about the break-in.

Great, I never heard of someone wearing a brace to bed after knee replacement. What reason did your Dr. give? I would think it would slow down recovery as you want to move it as much as possible.

The brace is to do just that, immobilized my knee and keep it totally straight and extended. It helps with the extension of the knee, as he said the muscles have a memory and after years of arthritis my knee hasn't totally extended in years. Evidently it works as I have full extension already and the first day or so in the hospital that was the most painful part, extending my knee and now I can do that easily. I am hoping at my dr appt on Wed. though that I can get out of that nightly brace, it's not the easiest to sleep in.

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Oh Joanne...so nice to see you posting again and thanks for responding to my PM. I was missing you and hoping that things were good for you. If I would have know you were up my way, I would have met you somewhere. Maybe next time.

Sounds like you have had quite the busy summer and fall. I admire your talent for quilting. Wonderful photos you shared with us. Baby Josiah is sooooooo cute and I bet Jack was happy to have momma back after your long trip. Pappa, too, I bet! So nice to hear from you and congrats on your continued wieght loss. You always had so much to add to our threads. I hope once things slow down for you a bit that you can participate on LBT again on a regular basis. (And, sorry for the talky-talky....it was most likely me rambling about every day stuff).

Phyll...5 blocks??????????? Woohoo!!!!! I love outlets. I'm a scrounger and love a good clearance rack. Again, have a safe trip.

Laura...thanks for the update and the photos. That Nels is just the cutest! When you are up to it, give me a call and we will discuss FL. No pressure...we still have time or I can just take care of everything after we put our heads together on where to go and clear it with the girls that are going. I don't want you to have any more to handle than you already have. Sending hugs!

Lori...keep plugging away. You'll be catching up to Phyll b/4 you know it. Just be patient and listen to others on the walker thing. Better safe than sorry.

Janet....great advice as always to the new people. That's why we love ya!

Dreary and cold here today. Put a stop to the bean harvest. Guys are out tiling today. At least they can continue to work. Cold and MUDDY when they come in. On my 5th load of oily/muddy jeans, jackets, etc. for today. Dirty, dirty farmers!

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Today I am 3wks post op and Yesterday I had the most challenging day I have had since being banded. I attended a birthday party 90mins from home. It was held at one of those children party centers and I failed horribly. I started out doing ok, I had a healthy breakfast. I was told there was a little concession stand so I figured I could find something semi-healthy. WRONG! Only food there were hot dogs, nachos, white bread sandwiches loaded with mayo. I did buy some Water and tried sipping it all day. We left home at 10am and now it's 2pm and I'm starving. Finally all my willpower died and ate 8 *1/4* finger sandwiches, which in itself wouldn't have been entirely bad, but of course I let myself have a piece of birthday cake, granted it was a smaller piece than I normally would have taken. I did no exercises yesterday either.

I beat myself up about overeating the entire 90 min. drive home, skipped dinner, took a xanax and went to sleep. I was miserable. How the hell am I going to make it through an upcoming 3wk trip incl a cruise, if I cannot control myself at a one day outing? I am so angry at myself, I could just scream :o:cursing::confused:

Don't beat yourself up. Today is a new day. Journal your food and you won't overeat. If you do want something off plan then save the calories from another meal and eat it. It will take awhile to get good restriction. You are in "bandster hell" right now. We all went through it.

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Im here girls. I've been pretty sick with some cold/flu business. Not cute. So, today I just decided to stay home and relax. I'm getting pretty stressed out with school and everything that is going on... house, sister gone, school, busy work. But, these are not the worst things to deal with. I know that many of you are dealing with much more serious stressors in life, so, sorry that I've just complained. I just had to vent a little bit.

Janet~ Holy crap! I would be totally freaked out about the intruder! You sound like you are taking care of matters though.

Phyl and Great~ You two with your new knees are going to be able to run circles around everyone else pretty soon! Geez! Keep up the good work!

Laura~ Still praying for your fam and esp your daddy. How is the SIL and nephew visit going?

Apples~ Will you come over and do my laundry? I have so much of it and don't feel like doing it at all. Ick. Dishes and laundry. The two worst chores!

Ok, i'm gonna take a nap now. More later.


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Im here girls. I've been pretty sick with some cold/flu business. Not cute. So, today I just decided to stay home and relax. I'm getting pretty stressed out with school and everything that is going on... house, sister gone, school, busy work. But, these are not the worst things to deal with. I know that many of you are dealing with much more serious stressors in life, so, sorry that I've just complained. I just had to vent a little bit.

Janet~ Holy crap! I would be totally freaked out about the intruder! You sound like you are taking care of matters though.

Phyl and Great~ You two with your new knees are going to be able to run circles around everyone else pretty soon! Geez! Keep up the good work!

Laura~ Still praying for your fam and esp your daddy. How is the SIL and nephew visit going?

Apples~ Will you come over and do my laundry? I have so much of it and don't feel like doing it at all. Ick. Dishes and laundry. The two worst chores!

Ok, i'm gonna take a nap now. More later.


Was wondering what was going on with you, Meredith. Sounds like you need some rest and down time. Don't know how you do your schedule. How is your band reacting to you not feeling well? Mine usually tightens (especially with any sinus drainage) when I don't feel well or am stressed. I see you are 54lbs down. Way to go:thumbup: Take care of yourself!

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Great you are doing Great lol!!!

Apples - ;o)

Meredith - Hugs on being sick - heck it seems like major stuff doesn't affect me - but let my battery go dead - or something that get's me out of my routine - I just fall apart..

So baby girl vent all you want

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I'm HERE! I've been trying to catch up with all the news, but found that to be futile! Y'all are just too talky-talky to keep up with.

Joann Marie -Glad you are back the baby is so cute and getting so big


Melissa - Thanks and you are right we weren't hurt and that's what's really important - it's funny major crap doesn't upset me - it's the little day to day annoyances that will set me off :0)

Janet -Me too I am the same way. also I posted this while you were gone. But I need your advice "Things are going okay struggling with the 16 pounds I want to lose to hit my goal of 200. It scares me I guess cause i am self sabotaging. Eating and not exercising. And I have been very stressed at work."

I need your help because I start to journal then fall way off the wagon. I was so stressed at work and had such an anxiety issue I had the Dr give me Xanax just to make it through. Too much to go through but I am dealing with troubles at work like you have described. I need another pep talk please

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Scooter? are you still having troubles getting around with your new knee?

I guess I got impatient on the laundry, DH was good enough to put it in for me, but I was in a hurry for it to get in the dryer as I wanted to wear my flannel pants and thermal shirt that were in there, he just figured he'd get around to it, we had different priorities. I am definitely having some dizzy issues especially in the mornings. I had to sit in a chair in the bathroom again and at therapy this morning I got real dizzy again. They took my b/p and it was 90/60. Not sure after years of high b/p (I got off those meds after my LAP-BAND®) I'd suddenly have low b/p issues. Today was my first day of therapy and the therapist was amazed at my progress, I can fully extend my knee and can bend to 85% already. He gave me a sheet of exercises to do and encouraged me to graduate to crutches from the walker. I basically came home on crutches but went back to the walker due to the dizzy issues, it's sturdier.

The brace is to do just that, immobilized my knee and keep it totally straight and extended. It helps with the extension of the knee, as he said the muscles have a memory and after years of arthritis my knee hasn't totally extended in years. Evidently it works as I have full extension already and the first day or so in the hospital that was the most painful part, extending my knee and now I can do that easily. I am hoping at my dr appt on Wed. though that I can get out of that nightly brace, it's not the easiest to sleep in.

Scooter... well, after using it all this time, it's scary not to...esp for a 3-4 hr outlet mall excursion. I wanted to walk from RV park over to the mall. My sister talked me in to taking her car. So we did that. Then I did walk for probably at least an hour before DH found us. He did not undertstand where we were! Kept telling him the very north end of the mall, and he kept getting more and more frustrated until I figured out he was on the inside tract and we were on the front side! I TOLD him... we're on the I-5 side... I can see the highway in front of me. But he didn't get it, so I had lots of walk time before he brought me the scooter. Then last night they wanted to take the car and I said NO.... I CAN WALK! So they finaly let me walk! So... I'm fighting other people, too! Today my sister and I walked around Bandon OR and visited several shops... 2 hrs... without the scooter. Then DH wanted to drive the RV down to pick me up...again I said I CAN WALK!! So I just have to keep telling him I CAN WALK! The knee hurts if I'm standing still, waiting in line, waiting to check out, and it was hurting this morning after about the first 90 minutes of shopping, but not too bad.

All dr's are different. I was surprised about the brace, too. I didn't have one, but I had that ice wrap around my knee almost constantly the first two weeks or so. Never used crutches either. PT had me go from walker to cane after a couple of weeks. Now I can do without the cane, but often use it if I think I"m going to be encountering curbs or steps without a railing. Can't yet step up with the operative leg, which is a frustration... esp to DH!! I really liked the walker up to a point. But,after a couple of weeks.... I felt it was inhibiting my walking and getting in my way. That's wen the PT guy said I could switch to the cane.

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Thanks Phyl for sharing, I had no idea you were so immobile with your knee, you've come so far. Gives a gal hope! It does seem each surgeon, just like lap band surgeons,does things different. There's 8 surgeons in my docs office and they each had their way of doing things. I think mine and one other uses this brace, I didn't get the ice machine, and I heard there was another machine that constantly moves your knee, I didn't get that one either. But it seems they all get us to the same place eventually. I have been doing good with the crutches around the house, am a little nervous the first time to leave the house with them though. The low blood pressure thing has me concerned I get so dizzy and faintish. I googled some online and one thing it mentioned was something with the anestesia a possible allergic reaction so plan on asking about that on Wed. or asking to talk to the anesthesiologist. I would think it would correct itself eventually. I also could've lost a lot of blood during surgery. I just did my therapy exercises at home and was pleased at my progress, it hurts but I think of it as a good hurt and that helps.

Oh and I gained 11 lbs in the hospital!! I freaked out, but they are all gone now! WHEW!!!

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I was banded july of 2007 and have been struggling with my weight loss. I did wonderful the first 4 months and since then have lost and then gained lost and then gained 2 or 3 lbs. I finally got another fill and hopefully will get back on track. My Doc says he thinks I am at capacity as far as fills so it is all on me now to do the work. Motivation to stay focused is my main obstacle. I am good for a day or two and slide back a day or two. Never moving ahead very far. I thought I really wanted this weight loss but sometimes wonder what will it take for me to commit to the plan the way I did those first few months. Any suggestions.

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