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Hi my name is Deann and I just got the band Sept 16th of 2009. I was doing really good the first 2 weeks post band but since starting solid foods it is like I am hungry ALL the time. I havn't got a fill yet so I hope that helps. I just am not full with 1/2 or even 1 cup of food. I wonder how much is hunger though and how much is head hunger after being on liquids and mushy food so long. I don't want to stretch out my band and hope I havn't done that yet. Ive lost 17 pounds and gained 4 back after solid food was added. I don't know what is wrong with me. I went through this whole ordeal that was and is my last straw attempt to lose weight and I feel I am sabitoging myself. I ate a whole bowl of popcorn which Im not supposed to ever have but I had eaten popcorn everyday prior to surg and Havn't had it for a month and felt like a drug addict having withdralls from crack or something. I felt I needed that popcorn and was going to have it no matter what. Well I did It tasted good and did not bother me physically but mentally I am now sooo ashamed of myself. I need some encouragment or something to get through this. Please let me know did you have struggles like this? Did you ever cheat post band? Does this mean Im doomed to fail AGAIN at this? Please let me know how did you do this and get rid of the emotional eating problem. Sorry for the venting but I needed to tell someone and couldnt talk to my family about this or anyone else. I need to talk to others that have been or are going through this battle of weight loss. Thanks for listning. Love Deann

Deann, CALM DOWN....you are not failing. I was banded 7-2 and have only lost 20 pounds since I was banded. Please don't beat yourself up. DON"T be ashamed....our bodies really don't know how to react with this new style of eating. The emotional eating is always going to be there, but you can learn new tools to deal with it and trust me, once you start getting your fills, you won't be eating the "entire" anything again.

I have terrible problems with "head hunger" or emotional eating. I eat when I'm stressed, tired, bored, anxious, what ever and I love to eat. I love the taste of food. What I've noticed since the 2nd fill is I actually get full on much less food. I just have to remember to stop eating for a few hours until I'm hungry again. It's taking me a very long time to get the hang of this and I'm still not losing tons of weight either.....BUT I'M NOT GAINING WEIGHT and I'm three month post banding and 4 months with the dieting. I've never lasted this long without going back the other way.

There is no cheating.......you have a mind set that if you eat this thing or that thing you are cheating....there really isn't cheating. Your body needs X amount of calories to lose and X amount to stay the same and X amount to gain. You need to figure out where your calorie level is and work within those ranges. You should be able to eat anything, just not a lot of it. Instead of thinking, Oh, I'm terrible because I just ate something bad, think...well, that really won't help me keep my calories within the level I need, but I can do this other thing for my next meal and stay where I need to.

Indiogirl has great advise for eating....you should look through her posts and she explains how she lost the weight and has kept it off. She is an inspiration to me..so are several of the ladies on this thread, but there are plenty of other on LBT, you just need to take the time to find them. You are welcome to PM me if you like.


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Okay, I'm doing this from memory....if I miss someone, I'll apologize in advance.

Laura, I'm so sorry about your Dad. I completely understand about being scattered. When my Mom was going through her ordeal (of course she didn't see it that way) I was a mess. I thought I was going nuts and should have gone to the doctor, but didn't. I did get through it but can remember not being able to walk into a room and finish what ever it was I walked in there to do. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Make sure you take care of yourself too.

Cheri, you are doing so well. 50 pounds is great and you are handling the parties in a very healthy way. Good for you. I don't know if I would want to be so tight I squeak, but that may come too.

Lori, sounds like you are keeping your spirits up and the pain under control. The snow will go away and the grass will stay green for a couple more weeks at least. You are going to be running around like crazy really soon.

Phyll, sounds like you are have a great time with your grandkids. How's your knee holding up? I bet your kids appreciate the break with you there to watch the kids. DH and I talk about doing the RV thing. We have a very very very old one now and when we have used it, I really enjoy the fact I have the same bed to sleep in and I'm comfortable. Our RV needs to be junked now though...too many things need to be done to it. Just more stuff to do in the future.

Janet, I'm so sorry to hear about your break-in. That is scary and what a pain. My girl friend had a break in too and had to have an alarm installed.

Meredith, good luck with the house. Keep bugging them to get the closing done in time. We'll keep our fingers crossed for you.

Apples, do you make your own Jerky? I've been doing that lately too. I just don't like the commerical brands. When we travel, I'm always on the out look for different brands of Jerky. I don't like the ones with sugar in them. Sorry it's so cold for you already. I'll try and send you a little warmth from Arizona. We are in the 80's during the day and high 50's at night. It's perfect.

I had my hair done yesterday....and of course I look at least a year younger. I think I'm starting that "major hair loss" period that many bandsters metion. I asked my stylist to cut about 3-4 inches off my hair so it's back up to collar length and instead of layering it, he cut it a little different. I had him straighten it yesterday and it looked great, but of course today, I can never get it to look the same. This may have to do with the fact I don't put product on my hair nor do I own a blow dryer. Anyway, it's an interesting cut and I think I'm going to enjoy it for a while. I'm hoping to minimize the gobs of hair I have to pull out of my brush.

We went to the Tucson Meet Yourself festival yesterday. All the different nationalities put up food booths and have dance and vocal groups that perform over the weekend. Well I didn't even want to eat anything. I had a couple of bites of my sisters spanikopita and a bite of an egg roll and that was it. That is very different for me. I did buy some organic produce and will be making some tomatillo and poblano salsa for dinner tonight.

Otherwise, I've been keeping busy. I have been exercising (walking) a lot more....upping the time to 40-50 minutes every other day. I'm also working on some "core strength" stuff. Hope in a couple of weeks, the increase in exercise will show up on the scale.

Okay, I have laundry to do and a couple of other chores. Hope everyone has a great SUNDAY!!!

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Eva...nope, do not make my own Jerky. I order it from Amazon.com along with my soynuts and edamame. I get free shipping with most items from them. The brand name on the jerky is "World Kitchens" and they have many different flavors. Walmart does carry it from time to time but gets frustrating trying to find it. I always have a bag in my truck as I eat every 2 hours.

Don't worry if you are losing some hair. It is just a phase that most of us go through. I have extremely thick hair and it was somewhat of a blessing. DH commented many times during that stage that he liked my hair better. I did take Biotin and Vit E from day one. I still take it and notice that for the first time in my life my nails are hard. Also, make sure to get some "good" fats in your daily intake. I think it for sure helps.

Thanks for the sunshine! Supposed to snow during the night again. Weather station says we can expect up to 4'. Don't mind it so much...but, it slows down our harvest and drags it out to when it is unbearably cold for all of us.

I've been missing our friend JoAnne....has anyone heard anything from her?

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BTW...my 4lb gain that I was soooo proud of was gone as of this morning. Lost about a pound a day this week. Think it's the harvest and getting my fall house cleaning done. Thinking that my body is just set at this weight and that's the way it is going to be.

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Hello! I am really new to this site! I am thinking about having the LAP-BAND® but have so many fears!! I am afraid of choking! Do you feel gittery from not eating alot? I am self pay so i wanna make sure this is right for me! Any help would be nice. I only have 60 lbs to lose so is it even worth doing?

Sweetie - you don't choke - if you over eat or don't chew or eat too fast - you will bp (productive burp) the food comes up in a burp - it's sorta like throwing up but without the stomach acid.

Our bands are only a tool - to help us feel full on a smaller about of food - but along with that comes the whole lifetime lifestyle change in our eating - I know a lot of bander who eat the same foods as they did prior to banding as they say they don't want to diet. Well I guess that's a way to look at it - but for me the foods that I ate prior to banding where high fat - high sugar foods and I sat on my butt 24/7..

If 60 lbs takes you from 200 to 140 - ya it's worth it - banders statistically are expected to lose only 50% of their excess weight- but that's only a statistic - I lost 100% of my excess weight (105 lbs ) - but it's (the band) is not going to do the work for you - you gotta do the work - you really do have to change how you eat and add some physical activity to your life..

If you feel you need the help and it does help once you get proper restriction (for some that takes a while) - but it's far from the easy way to lose weight - So many pple go into WLS thinking that it's going to be easy - but let me tell you even with the band it's not easy ...

Keep researching - go to a seminar - talk to a doc - you will find your answers...

Deann, CALM DOWN....you are not failing. I was banded 7-2 and have only lost 20 pounds since I was banded. Please don't beat yourself up. DON"T be ashamed....our bodies really don't know how to react with this new style of eating. The emotional eating is always going to be there, but you can learn new tools to deal with it and trust me, once you start getting your fills, you won't be eating the "entire" anything again.

I have terrible problems with "head hunger" or emotional eating. I eat when I'm stressed, tired, bored, anxious, what ever and I love to eat. I love the taste of food. What I've noticed since the 2nd fill is I actually get full on much less food. I just have to remember to stop eating for a few hours until I'm hungry again. It's taking me a very long time to get

the hang of this and I'm still not losing tons of weight either.....BUT I'M NOT GAINING WEIGHT and I'm three month post banding and 4 months with the dieting. I've never lasted this long without going back the other way.

There is no cheating.......you have a mind set that if you eat this thing or that thing you are cheating....there really isn't cheating. Your body needs X amount of calories to lose and X amount to stay the same and X amount to gain. You need to figure out where your calorie level is and work within those ranges. You should be able to eat anything, just not a lot of it. Instead of thinking, Oh, I'm terrible because I just ate something bad, think...well, that really won't help me keep my calories within the level I need, but I can do this other thing for my next meal and stay where I need to.

Indiogirl has great advise for eating....you should look through her posts and she explains how she lost the weight and has kept it off. She is an inspiration to me..so are several of the ladies on this thread, but there are plenty of other on LBT, you just need to take the time to find them. You are welcome to PM me if you like.


Okay, I'm doing this from memory....if I miss someone, I'll apologize in advance.

Laura, I'm so sorry about your Dad. I completely understand about being scattered. When my Mom was going through her ordeal (of course she didn't see it that way) I was a mess. I thought I was going nuts and should have gone to the doctor, but didn't. I did get through it but can remember not being able to walk into a room and finish what ever it was I walked in there to do. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Make sure you take care of yourself too.

Cheri, you are doing so well. 50 pounds is great and you are handling the parties in a very healthy way. Good for you. I don't know if I would want to be so tight I squeak, but that may come too.

Lori, sounds like you are keeping your spirits up and the pain under control. The snow will go away and the grass will stay green for a couple more weeks at least. You are going to be running around like crazy really soon.

Phyll, sounds like you are have a great time with your grandkids. How's your knee holding up? I bet your kids appreciate the break with you there to watch the kids. DH and I talk about doing the RV thing. We have a very very very old one now and when we have used it, I really enjoy the fact I have the same bed to sleep in and I'm comfortable. Our RV needs to be junked now though...too many things need to be done to it. Just more stuff to do in the future.

Janet, I'm so sorry to hear about your break-in. That is scary and what a pain. My girl friend had a break in too and had to have an alarm installed.

Meredith, good luck with the house. Keep bugging them to get the closing done in time. We'll keep our fingers crossed for you.

Apples, do you make your own Jerky? I've been doing that lately too. I just don't like the commerical brands. When we travel, I'm always on the out look for different brands of jerky. I don't like the ones with sugar in them. Sorry it's so cold for you already. I'll try and send you a little warmth from Arizona. We are in the 80's during the day and high 50's at night. It's perfect.

I had my hair done yesterday....and of course I look at least a year younger. I think I'm starting that "major hair loss" period that many bandsters metion. I asked my stylist to cut about 3-4 inches off my hair so it's back up to collar length and instead of layering it, he cut it a little different. I had him straighten it yesterday and it looked great, but of course today, I can never get it to look the same. This may have to do with the fact I don't put product on my hair nor do I own a blow dryer. Anyway, it's an interesting cut and I think I'm going to enjoy it for a while. I'm hoping to minimize the gobs of hair I have to pull out of my brush.

We went to the Tucson Meet Yourself festival yesterday. All the different nationalities put up food booths and have dance and vocal groups that perform over the weekend. Well I didn't even want to eat anything. I had a couple of bites of my sisters spanikopita and a bite of an egg roll and that was it. That is very different for me. I did buy some organic produce and will be making some tomatillo and poblano salsa for dinner tonight.

Otherwise, I've been keeping busy. I have been exercising (walking) a lot more....upping the time to 40-50 minutes every other day. I'm also working on some "core strength" stuff. Hope in a couple of weeks, the increase in exercise will show up on the scale.

Okay, I have laundry to do and a couple of other chores. Hope everyone has a great SUNDAY!!!


You are too kind - but I thank you for the props !!!

I too deal with head hunger most of the time - when I got to work on Friday after dealing with cops - the bank etc - there were these gourmet cupcakes in the lunch room - well guess what I did - it was 1 pm all I had was coffee that morning - I ate it... Yep I did - I deserved it !!! Ya right - I still use food to soothe myself at times - I still haven't learned not to .. But like you said - I made the choice to eat it - heck it was most likely 500 calories - so I ate lite for dinner truly my calories for the day weren't over - it's just that I ate something that had no nutritional value.

I made a pot of Beans (pinto) with turkey ham and clinatro yesterday - had a cup for dinner with 1 cornmeal muffin and the rest I will eat that for lunch this week..

I am cooking a pot of collard greens right now - am in the mood for veggies..

and the head hunger issues is why I don't keep junk in the house - cuz at nite I don't have will power..

You did great yesterday.. I am proud of you - I know that for me when I go to things like that I just think - oh my I use to eat all that junk - no wonder I weighed 250 lbs.

Eva...nope, do not make my own jerky. I order it from Amazon.com along with my soynuts and edamame. I get free shipping with most items from them. The brand name on the jerky is "World Kitchens" and they have many different flavors. Walmart does carry it from time to time but gets frustrating trying to find it. I always have a bag in my truck as I eat every 2 hours.

Don't worry if you are losing some hair. It is just a phase that most of us go through. I have extremely thick hair and it was somewhat of a blessing. DH commented many times during that stage that he liked my hair better. I did take Biotin and Vit E from day one. I still take it and notice that for the first time in my life my nails are hard. Also, make sure to get some "good" fats in your daily intake. I think it for sure helps.

Thanks for the sunshine! Supposed to snow during the night again. Weather station says we can expect up to 4'. Don't mind it so much...but, it slows down our harvest and drags it out to when it is unbearably cold for all of us.

I've been missing our friend JoAnne....has anyone heard anything from her?

BTW...my 4lb gain that I was soooo proud of was gone as of this morning. Lost about a pound a day this week. Think it's the harvest and getting my fall house cleaning done. Thinking that my body is just set at this weight and that's the way it is going to be.

Apples - OMW - your poor DS - I know that I got arrested - yes gang I am a jail bird !!! for a dog ticket (leash law didn't pay it) the stupid cop stop me for california stopping a stop sign (that means rolling thru it ) and he cuffed me and took me to jail - 3 hrs later my wrist were still red... Sometime cops don't make any sense..

I am going to go and look for that jerky..

Well gang just a drive by - I am going to finish my washing and watch some t.v.

xoxo j

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I saw Joann on FB - sent her a comment - but haven't heard back..

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I saw Joann on FB - sent her a comment - but haven't heard back..

I PM'd her also and hoping she pops back in on LBT.:sad:

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Good evening! Today started out a little worse in that I got so dizzy and faint in the shower, DH yelled at me as I had also tried to get a load of laundry. But have taken it pretty easy the rest of the day and doing better. Just got up from a long afternoon nap, I am sleeping terribly at night due to that brace I have to put on my knee. I did much more of the physical therapy exercises today too, they hurt like heck but hopefully it will make therapy easier tomorrow too. Also had some visitors. A gal that works out faithfully every morning at the rec center I work at brought me dinner tonight, I hardly know her, but we have connected over knees. She had knee surgery (both knees at once) in March and has been a knee buddy to me.

Janet, so sorry to hear of your invasion, how scary, glad you are okay.

LCD, never heard of anyone choking from the lap band. Whether or not you should get it for 60 lbs depends on how well you will follow the lap band rules. It's not an easy way out, you do most of the work. Some folks go into it thinking it's an easy fix and it's not. But it's an awesome tool to help you reach your goal. I reached my goal in just about a year's time. 'Only 60 lbs' is still a chunk of weight, but perhaps if you think of it as only 60, you will still be able to lose it on your own? I know for me i could lose the 60 or 70 lbs but Icould never keep it off. With my band I hope to always have restriction and keep the weight off.

Phyl, sounds like you are enjoying your RV that sounds fun. Bet you will enjoy it more this year with your new knee too.

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Hi everybody~

Once again, thanks for all the hugs and thoughts. You guys really are the best. Makes me feel a bit "normal" knowing that everyone gets scattered when dealing with a family member that is sick. It just sucks. After we picked up SIL and nephew, my dad called my cell. He tried to put on such a strong brave voice to talk to them. I really think he will be a fighter with this. I just hope the oncologists have something encouraging to say. We will find out on Friday.

So far, so good with the visitors. The airport was a nightmare. Flight was 2 hrs late and customs delayed them 1 hr. The drive was 2 hrs there, 3 hrs in the airport and then 2 hrs home. Nelson was so good 95% of the day. In the airport he spilled a whole apple juice on himself! Shirt, short, socks and shoes DRENCHED! Luckily had extra clothes in the car. Family is being so nice and Nelson just LOVES the attention (and gifts!) DH was on call today so I took them on a tour of our city. (I use that term loosely..LOL 15K people) We went out to lunch at a restaurant in the marina district that has THE BEST seafood! (Oh, found out they eat shrimp). We swam in the pool and then grilled out tonight. I am exhausted and just chilling by the computer while they watch a movie (that's in Arabic).

I was 228 this morning! But I was really dehydrated yesterday with the trip, so I hesitate to change my ticker. I tweaked my frikkin knee today again at the beach!!! Darnit and it was almost completely healed. urrrrrggghhhh!

Janet~ OMG OMG OMG.. I cannot believe someone was in your house! WOW.. that would freak me out! When I was in college and staying at my folks one weekend while they were out of the country, I came home and while I was getting ready for bed I heard the door slam. Lights were on and papers on the desk were scattered. Called the police but nothing was stolen. The next day I broke out with canker sores on 90% of my mouth! It is so stressful. Glad you got the alarm and extra locks. yikes!

Great~ Sounds like you are doing so good with your knee. Sorry to hear about the dizzy stuff and pain at night. really proud of you though.

IYSOY~ the reunion sounded fun! Glad you planned ahead and did good. Isn't that the best?

Apples~ Glad you had fun at the wedding! You guys are actually making me envious of the snow! It was 95 today and sooo humid! pumpkin pie is one of my all time favs. Do you make it from scratch or use can pumpkin?

SIL brought us 5 boxes of arabic sweets. In her defense she did not know of my surgery and they are my DH's absolute favs. I told him after they leave they are going in the trash. Baklava, candied dried fruit and sesame Cookies. The Baklava calories... 350 cal a piece!!! 22 grams of fat!!! Maybe I can freeze some snack bags for him. But still, I just cannot have that stuff around. So dangerous for me.

Feeling scattered just trying to type this post. Think it's time for bed. First I have to unload dishwasher and fold a couple loads of laundry.

peasout to my lbt friends~~~ Laura

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peas - I am so sorry about your Dad. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

On a lighter note you you great in the pictures with you family .

Janet - OMG some one came in your house. That is so totally scary. At least they took stuff that you could replace and no one got hurt.

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Glad that you are getting some distraction with family - oh bakalva is my fav but I thought it was greek food :0) I use to make it - and eat the whole thing :0) -- That was a long long time ago - it's too much work now a days (prior to banding) I would make a batch of brownies instead - but would get it at the Greek Fest that we have in march..

Swiming lo) - my pool is 70 too cold to swim - it was 85 today..

Love your pic's - The way you talk about your Dad he's a fighter - he will get mad and want to beat this thing...

Continued hugs & prayers

I don't know why I'm not that scared - I guess cuz in my old house I was broken into before I moved in - then once where they stole just about everything and cut our Water beds -and another couple of time - then I put bars on the window..

No the alarm is back on - got security lites - DS is suppose to come in a week or so and install them..

I have the gate locked and that in itself will be a big deterant and again - we are fine and that's whats important...

And I learned not to be so comfortable -

gotta go turn the meat - timer is going off..


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I'm HERE! I've been trying to catch up with all the news, but found that to be futile! Y'all are just too talky-talky to keep up with.

I returned from Korea (great visit with the little family - had fun with grandsons and their parents) on Sept 1, and had multiple deadlines to work on. My art quilt group was finishing up a "round robin" and the exchange date was mid Sept - I still had a lot of work to do. A couple of baby quilts for friends whose babies are DUE... I'm slowly but surely catching up - will quilt the last baby quilt this week. I'm trying to finish up a knitting project that was supposed to be a b'day present for youngest DD (in Seoul) - it's already a week late and I'm considering making it a Christmas present instead. Retirement is great, but I get myself into these situations way too often.

DH and I have had some time away together. We were in Duluth and on the North Shore of Lake Superior for just under a week 3rd wk of Sept., visiting friends who have been friends for over 50 years. We had the most incredible weather, the lake was absolutely stunning, ran into several other friends from high school - all in all a wonderful visit "home." Last weekend we spent in So Missouri near Bennett Spring State Park, where we have a camper parked at a campground. We were so busy (and out of the country) during the summer, we did not get to visit our favorite haunts much. We vowed to go 2 weekends in October before we have to winterize the camper. We were lucky to have another beautiful stretch of weather and several of the campers we have made friends with were there for the weekend, too. We're going again Friday - it'll be colder this time, but it will probably be the last time before spring.

We got great pictures on both trips. DH has always been the photographer in the family, but I must admit I took some awesome pics in Korea, and have taken possession of the little elph digital for myself. (DH can have the Nikon - I like the little one!) He is getting a kick out of "showing" me - and I've been tutoring him on composition... We are funny... I'll try to post some of the pictures.

I'm happy with the losses I've had. I am still slow but steady, headed in the right direction. Sometimes I have to wait a couple of weeks, but then I'll drop 2-3 pounds. Had one of those days today. I'm having issues with hair loss - my hairdresser, who is a nutrition "nut," tells me to up my Protein, make sure I'm getting healthy fats - and my hormones are probably whacky, as that happens when we lose large amounts of weight. I had not heard that could be a problem, but I'm going to research it. She tells me the best way to stabilize the hormones is to EXERCISE! THAT is the answer to everything apparently!! Back to the gym tomorrow...

Great - I'm glad to get a little more info on your knee, been following you on Facebook, but that leaves something to be desired. It sounds like you are doing well. As you know, it does get better. The therapy hurts, esp at first, but it's essential to your recovery. Stick with the walker a while longer - the dizzy spell could have come at a very bad time, keep the walker handy. Soon you will be done with it and graduating to the crutches and cane.

Laura, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad's diagnosis. My prayers are for his recovery and for your family as you help him through this. Hugs to your mom - she must be so worried. And you - sweetheart - just do the best you can. That's all you can ask of yourself. Your presence is precious to both of them.

I did not mean to take up so much space, but I guess I had a lot to share. I hope everyone is doing well tonight. Hugs to all...

Pictures: #1 Joann playing Grandma with Josiah; #2 Joann just playing with Jack; #3 The bridge over the Niangua River at Bennett Spring; #4 DH and his favorite (only) truck

Edited by JoannMarie

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GF you fainted in the shower - you didn't hurt yourself did you??

Ya I'm with Apples glad DH is there to watch you...

How nice of your friend - what did she bring ..

Melissa - Thanks and you are right we weren't hurt and that's what's really important - it's funny major crap doesn't upset me - it's the little day to day annoyances that will set me off :0)

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I returned from Korea (great visit with the little family - had fun with grandsons and their parents) on Sept 1, and had multiple deadlines to work on.

We got great pictures on both trips. DH has always been the photographer in the family, but I must admit I took some awesome pics in Korea, and have taken possession of the little elph digital for myself. (DH can have the Nikon - I like the little one!) He is getting a kick out of "showing" me - and I've been tutoring him on composition... We are funny... I'll try to post some of the pictures.

Glad to have you back here! Great pictures.... can't believe the baby is THAT big already!! What a cutie! You did a great job with the photos. I have a small Canon camera that I like, too. It fits easily into my purse, or even a pocket.

Good evening! Today started out a little worse in that I got so dizzy and faint in the shower, DH yelled at me as I had also tried to get a load of laundry. But have taken it pretty easy the rest of the day and doing better. Just got up from a long afternoon nap, I am sleeping terribly at night due to that brace I have to put on my knee. I did much more of the physical therapy exercises today too, they hurt like heck but hopefully it will make therapy easier tomorrow too. Also had some visitors. A gal that works out faithfully every morning at the rec center I work at brought me dinner tonight, I hardly know her, but we have connected over knees. She had knee surgery (both knees at once) in March and has been a knee buddy to me.

Phyl, sounds like you are enjoying your RV that sounds fun. Bet you will enjoy it more this year with your new knee too.

LAUNDRY???? Are you nuts??? (You probably know that's one of my favorite phrases! LOL!) You should not be taking a shower without DH in the room. About first 2 weeks, DH was there or in the next room and I had walker right there and a chair so I could sit down to get dressed. Take it easy, girl!!

Yes, planning to enjoy the RV park a lot more this year. Did some walking at the outlet mall w/sister and friends yesterday before DH brought my scooter. Arrived at my sister's this afternoon and we walked to their favorite Mexican restaurant.... four blocks down and one block over! Good walk for me.

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        Congrats on the surgery!

    • Sandra Austin Tx

      I’m 6 days post op as of today. I had the gastric bypass 
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    • RacMag  »  bhogue925

      Hi, I’m new here. I’m currently on the liver shrinking diet. So far so good, but I have to say I haven’t found a protein shake I like. Anyone have any suggestions please? My surgery date is September 17th. 
      · 2 replies
      1. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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      Menschliches Wachstumshormon (HGH) ist ein kleines Protein, das in einem Teil des Gehirns, der Hypophyse, produziert wird. Es wandert in Ihrem Blutkreislauf durch Ihren ganzen Körper, um Ihren Körper wachsen zu lassen.
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