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Thanks Apples, I needed to hear that. You are right, I do have a very close relationship with my husband and kids and for the most part they want to spend time with us, hence they are always wanting to go camping, etc. One of the reasons, I have enjoyed camping is because of the kids coming. When I had my children I vowed they would never go to bed a night without hearing I loved them and have tried to break the mold as well. My sisters are both divorced and almost live together and are turning very bitter about everything and just feed off one another, it's a struggle sometimes if/when I am around them. It will be an interesting week next week when my folks come to visit, anymore that is about the only time we get all together and even then not that much.

Just had my first piece of Jerky too, it's pretty good! I am not usually a jerky fan but I really liked it. Thanks again!

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Hi, All! Will try to keep this quick... tired, and babysitting grandkids.. in fact, we've been with them since 9:30 a.m.! First Thomas... Grandparents' day at pre-school... then lunch with DD & all three kids and three of my friends, and DH. Then babysitting the rest of the day. I want to go home to my RV!


GREAT... you are doing wonderful! I think you're doing better than I did!! I used a walker for 3 weeks I think. Then to the cane. Now only using that if I have to do steps, curb or uneven ground. So glad you don't have too much pain. Yes, I shared my Jerky from Apples with DH, too, because he was such a GOOD nurse. I had to have his help to get up to BR at night, and he'd fill my ice bag machine. I'd say he was up with me at least 3X a night for the first week or so. And I had to have alot more help than just a chair the first week! Wanted him there to take his hand while I got in and out, besides having a chair there.

Laura, so very sorry to hear about your Dad. It must be so frustrating that it took them so long to figure out what was going on! Will keep you in my prayers as you deal with all this!

AH... hear DD & SIL coming in! HOORAY! We're done! I can go home.. and maybe have a glass of wine! Yes, Janet... we should be there about the 23-25th. Depends how long we stay in Three Rivers. Will probably be anxious to get there by then.

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Hi my name is Deann and I just got the band Sept 16th of 2009. I was doing really good the first 2 weeks post band but since starting solid foods it is like I am hungry ALL the time. I havn't got a fill yet so I hope that helps. I just am not full with 1/2 or even 1 cup of food. I wonder how much is hunger though and how much is head hunger after being on liquids and mushy food so long. I don't want to stretch out my band and hope I havn't done that yet. Ive lost 17 pounds and gained 4 back after solid food was added. I don't know what is wrong with me. I went through this whole ordeal that was and is my last straw attempt to lose weight and I feel I am sabitoging myself. I ate a whole bowl of popcorn which Im not supposed to ever have but I had eaten popcorn everyday prior to surg and Havn't had it for a month and felt like a drug addict having withdralls from crack or something. I felt I needed that popcorn and was going to have it no matter what. Well I did It tasted good and did not bother me physically but mentally I am now sooo ashamed of myself. I need some encouragment or something to get through this. Please let me know did you have struggles like this? Did you ever cheat post band? Does this mean Im doomed to fail AGAIN at this? Please let me know how did you do this and get rid of the emotional eating problem. Sorry for the venting but I needed to tell someone and couldnt talk to my family about this or anyone else. I need to talk to others that have been or are going through this battle of weight loss. Thanks for listning. Love Deann

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Hi my name is Deann and I just got the band Sept 16th of 2009. I was doing really good the first 2 weeks post band but since starting solid foods it is like I am hungry ALL the time. I havn't got a fill yet so I hope that helps. I just am not full with 1/2 or even 1 cup of food. I wonder how much is hunger though and how much is head hunger after being on liquids and mushy food so long. I don't want to stretch out my band and hope I havn't done that yet. Ive lost 17 pounds and gained 4 back after solid food was added. I don't know what is wrong with me. I went through this whole ordeal that was and is my last straw attempt to lose weight and I feel I am sabitoging myself. I ate a whole bowl of popcorn which Im not supposed to ever have but I had eaten popcorn everyday prior to surg and Havn't had it for a month and felt like a drug addict having withdralls from crack or something. I felt I needed that popcorn and was going to have it no matter what. Well I did It tasted good and did not bother me physically but mentally I am now sooo ashamed of myself. I need some encouragment or something to get through this. Please let me know did you have struggles like this? Did you ever cheat post band? Does this mean Im doomed to fail AGAIN at this? Please let me know how did you do this and get rid of the emotional eating problem. Sorry for the venting but I needed to tell someone and couldnt talk to my family about this or anyone else. I need to talk to others that have been or are going through this battle of weight loss. Thanks for listning. Love Deann

We've all been there. The band is not a miracle cure. Its a tool. It will work better if you follow the food protocol. For most of us that means don't drink for 1/2 hr. before, during, or after meals. Eat mostly protein--denser the better--and then add veggies, then small amount of carbs.

In between fills we do end up dieting the old-fashioned way--willpower, which as we all know, lasts only for so long. I tried to just not gain until I got my fills. I allowed myself and still allow myself treats, but I plan for them and do without other stuff.

It's tough but you can do it. Keep coming back for encouragement. No one here will beat you up when you get off track. We've all been there. We know this disease is powerful and cunning.

Although I do not keep a food journal because of my ADHD, many people do. Until you get to your sweet spot, you may want to try that. I know that's what Janet recommends.

I've lost 50 since my June 18 surgery and a lot of that was without much restriction. I have another fill scheduled Oct. 27. That might be my last fill as I only have 20 more lbs to go. I still have some restriction from my last fill as long as I follow the protocol. If I grease and sauce things up, eat high fat carbs, or drink with meals I can eat almost without restriction. I choose most of the time not to do that except on special occasions or special events.

I also started a blog for me to deal with all the accompanying issues that surround food addiction. I think writing about all my issues really helped me deal with the addiction side, the head hunger. If you want to follow my journey you can check out IF YOUR STOMACH OFFENDS YOU, TIE IT OFF

We talk about all kinds of issues on this thread, because life doesn't stop for us to deal with our food issues. Having a safe place to go can really help you deal with the food.

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Deanna, This thread really helps me keep on this journey. They will all help you. Janet will tell you to write down everything you eat and keep track. Follow your dr's instructions. After you get a fill it will help you. Today is done, tommorrow you will do better. Go back and read the thread in the beginning. That is what helped me the most. They have talked about almost everything. Keep coming back here and ask questions. Someone will answer you.

Laura K

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Hi guys~

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. It really does help knowing that so many of my LBT friends are thinking of me and my family. It just sucks. My dad hit the acceptance phase of his diagnosis really really early. (but like many I think he will bounce around those stages as it sinks in) I think it's b/c he was frustrated for so long without a diagnosis. He is usually ULTRA private with everything, but decided to call all the key people in his life and share the not so great news. One of his best friends, the local city attorney, came over as soon as dad called him. He has been over every day since. It's funny b/c normally my dad would not tolerate this but mom said he looks forward to his visit. My Dad is ready to fight this. He is seeking multiple oncologists' opinions and is willing to travel wherever the best treatment is. It seems MDAnderson is one of THE places to go. We did a formal "referral" and will wait to see if he could be accepted into one of their newest studies. My mom is a mess. Dad made he start taking some of his paxil. I made her call her dr and see if HE wanted her on it, and he called in a Rx. I was going to fly up Monday and Dad said he didn't want me to right now. : ( He said he has so many people visiting right now and so many calls to make and answer, that he doesn't want to be so busy when I come up. I hear what he is saying. His first oncology appt is Friday though. I think I want to make it for that. DH will be taking SIL and nephew to New Orleans for a couple days and it will be an easy time to leave the house.

I know many of you have been through this before with loved ones going through cancer. It really is such a helpless feeling. I feel myself not knowing what to do with myself. It took me an hour to put up a load of laundry last night. I would go to put something up and then forget what I was doing and get started with something else. I switch between confusion, anger and tears. My dad has always been the most PROACTIVE health seeker. He would go have 4 executive physicals a year (when only one was recommended). He liked to see if they would all have the same results. Any and all tests that were recommended he would do. He has been so active- exercising every day; eating healthy and keeping his mind busy- even though he retired a while ago, he's been busy with his foundation and other investments, as well as the traveling that they enjoyed. 6 months ago he passed his coast guard captains license! Dad was in class with 21 year old kids! SIGH SIGH SIGH.

I am down a couple more pounds. I was 210 or so when I got married, so a bit more to go for that goal. Although DH says I look hotter even than when we got married! LOL. I think it's b/c he has been looking at such a fat A$$ for a few years, that now anything but that looks good! LOL. :tt2:

The house is set. I am having a hard time planning the meals. SIL is a PICKY eater- doesn't eat seafood (which we eat 4 x a week), doesn't like spicy. BUT we are used to having to cook something else b/c Nelson doesn't touch seafood. So will be doing a lot of surf and turf meals. In the past I admit that I would spend a lot of time planning and preparing meals. I really really really don't care this time. food is not my thing these days. DH suggested we eat out tonight, which is just as well. SIL never opens a menu when she comes to the US. She sits and waits for DH to ask her what she wants and make a suggestion. She is used to being taken care of. DH got someone to take his call today so he can go to Miami to pick them up with me. awwww. so sweet. The international terminal at the Miami airport is a ZOOOOOOO!

My mind isn't working well, so hi to everyone. Great, glad you are doing so well. Phyl, nice to hear you got to see your GGs. Apples, the menus sound great and I LOVE the organization :thumbup:. Meredith, hope the house goes through. thanks for the hug, i felt it all the way in FL! Janet, WTG on back to goal. So proud of you. If your~ thanks for your words of encouragement.

peasout friends~ Laura

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Laura...all I can say is hang in there. Sounds like your dad is accepting what is coming his way and ready to hit it head on. Way to go Laura's Dad!!!!!!!

I know what you are talking about with not keeping your mind on task. When DS was in Iraq and my only other DS was getting ready to deploy at the same time, I would hop from one thing to the other. I don't think I carried on a reasonable converstation for a couple of years. I would just flit from one thing to another. Just be there as much as you can for your parents and live your life the best you can in the mean time. I have been thinking of you all week and how you must be feeling.

Good goin' on the weight loss.

Monrin' to everyone else. Busy day. Have guys out fixing drain tile intakes again and feed them at 1pm. Have a 3pm wedding, reception and dance at 8pm. Looking forward to it. Got a couple of inches of snow last night and this morning. Had to drive the 15 miles to town on glaze ice roads. White nuckled it.

You all have a great weekend!

Edited by Apples2

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Yikes what's that white stuff on my green grass?? DH mowed yesterday and now it has a dusting of snow. Kindda pretty and it's no longer snowing and supposed to be in the 70's by midweek. Must be fall in Colorado.

Day 2 at home and I am doing pretty good. The most painful time is night time. I have to wear this knee brace to bed that keeps my knee straight and after a bit it hurts. I am not a back sleeper either and it's so hard to sleep on my side with that brace, it puts pressure on my knee. I may venture out today. I might go to lunch just to a McD's or something just to get out. Gotta have my nuggets you know! LOL Therapy starts on Monday am sortta looking forward to that, I look forward to the end of the process. I want to give up the walker today for the cane or crutches but DH feels better if I stay on the walker as it's sturdier.

Deann, a fellow popcorn addict. I was addicted to the stuff before surgery and know I could very easily be again. And it wasn't the healthy version, nope mine had to be popped in oil and covered with a stick of butter. I still don't allow it in the house as it's a major redlight food for me. I do however, allow it at a movie. I order a small now and it actually almost lasts me the entire movie. Things will go better for you when you get your first fill. In the meantime it's going to be a little tougher, just follow the rules as close as you can as right now it's all about healing from surgery. Maybe try journalling as to why you are wanting these foods etc. that might help?? Good luck to you!

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Day 2 at home and I am doing pretty good. The most painful time is night time. I have to wear this knee brace to bed that keeps my knee straight and after a bit it hurts. I am not a back sleeper either and it's so hard to sleep on my side with that brace, it puts pressure on my knee. I may venture out today. I might go to lunch just to a McD's or something just to get out. Gotta have my nuggets you know! LOL Therapy starts on Monday am sortta looking forward to that, I look forward to the end of the process. I want to give up the walker today for the cane or crutches but DH feels better if I stay on the walker as it's sturdier.

PT had me using the walker for several weeks. In fact, he ordered me a new 4-wheel one with brakes. But I think I went to a cane about 2 weeks after I got it! Oh well, I'll have it when I have to get the other knee done!

Sounds like you're doing really well. I didn't have to wear a brace at all, but I had that electric ice wrap thing. I pretty much wore it all the time for the first couple of weeks... but probably shouldn't have. It just made my knee feel good. But sometimes I would try to turn on my side during the night and the big ice jug it was attached to would fall on the floor and there would be chaos! I am not a back sleeper either! In the hospital I could get over on my side by using the bed rails. But when I got home, it was a while before I could do it. And it hurt!

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Went to 125th Anniversary celebration of Roseland Christian School yesterday. Sang in the gospel choir and led the congregation in a song as an alto in a women's trio. Great speaker, great music. The 5th grade girls did a praise dance that was beautiful. I had to wear a black bottom and bright top for the choir. I wore form fitting low rise charcoal pants and a form fitting sweet-heart necked top. I couldn't believe it fit and I looked good. I had to wear an old strapless bra I never thought I'd fit in again. Then I went straight to my 40th class reunion. Fun in a different sort of way. However, hardly anybody I ever hung out with was there. I was not exactly Miss Popularity back in high school. However, three people I'm friends with on Facebook (though I never hung out with them in high school) did come up and mention how much they enjoy my blog. One of them is having LAP-BAND® himself in December. His wife had a band which had to be removed and now she has a sleeve. She looked great. Like me, it was only 70 lbs but it was killing her emotionally as well as physically.

I did my 2 Protein shakes and nothing else so that I could eat normally at the banquet. By which I do not mean I ate the way I used to. But I ate some of everything served that I liked and went ahead and drank punch, Water, and coffee while I ate, took tiny bites, and thoroughly enjoyed my food. No weight gain this morning so I must have done well. However, I will walk again today (once it warms up, brrrr) and will really watch my food as well.

I'm going to tell the Dr. on my next fill that I want it filled to point where the food squeaks on its way through. I have no desire to ever go back to the old me.

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Hey Gang - Sorry I have been MIA

Thursday nite - someone came in my house and stole my purse while we were asleep... My back slider doesn't latch well - plus I gotta admit we don't lock it all the time - I got up around 2 ish to take angel out to pee noticed my cigs wheren't on the patio table - didn't pay too much mind - thought the wind had blown then off (even though it wasn't windy) well when I got up at 5 - I looked and my purse was gone - so had to call the cops and then get alarm hooked back up - call cc companies - go to bank close accts and open new ones - get a new cell phone etc..

Well, I am thankful that nothing worse happend and I learned a lesson - don't feel so comfortable cuz you have cops for neighbors and live in a nice neigborhood.. Now have a lock on the gate to the back yard - set alarm at night.

Great - Yep our lbt family is better than our own biological family - I found that out when my Bro died - I get more support from my lbt family than I do from most of the pple in my real life (for lack of a better word).. Glad you are doing so well - just like Phyl I expect you will have good days and some bad days - but each day it will get better..

Deanne - Hugs - This is a real hard journey - and as I have said a million times they banded our tummys not out heads -

You are in banders hell - (time before 1st fill) - I ate more than 1 cup of food as I healed - I just made sure I ate low calories and would eat extra veggies -

I came home one nite while on mushies - was tried and started to make white gravey and mashed potatoes (they were mushies) I looked at the bacon frying in the pan and said Janet did you just have major surgery to continue to eat this way - Hell no - I threw the crap out and made something healthy - I think it was my ah ha moment..

I eat popcorn daily now - but I didn't in the beginning - it's a slider food for me (i buy the 100 cal snack packs and eat one piece at a time)

Get all the junk out of the house - keep only healthy foods in your house - if you were a crack addict and trying to quit you wouldn't keep the crack on the kitchen table to look at 24/7 and not do it ... I don't keep junk at home - I am a food addict and at night I have no control - I am still weak even 2 yrs out - once an addict always an addict...

Keep a food diary - you can do it online or keep your own and look up calories - it is a scentific fact that pple who keep journels lose better.. Weight and measure your food - this is a learning tool - eat off dessert plates - use childrens utensiles - eat slowly and chew - if you want more food eat more veggies... You can do this - but it's work - our bands are only tools - and your tool isn't even maintaned yet (filled) so yes GF you have to use self control - and yes gf you do have it - you just haven't used it in a while - when you want to eat - get up - get out of the house if you can - and if you can't then go clean out a drawer - Iron - get on the computer come to lbt - it's open 24/7... Find a distraction..

What are you doing for exercise - I am big on that too - go for a walk -

Laura - Hugs gf - wish it could be more !!!

ok - I need to get my butt in gear... Sorry I didn't respond to everyone - but 3 days catch up it's hard and I need to finish my wash and go get some security lights for back yard.

CBL Hugs :thumbup:

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Janet............sorry for your loss. I know you feel violated. My son was out of town and had everything electronic taken from his home and guns too. People on Facebook knew he was out of town. He thinks it was someone who knew him......maybe even the lawn people. He updated his alarm system. People are deperate these days.

Well, after pilling up I am feeling better today. This is the weirdest condition I have ever had. When the cool front blew in I felt like I had diverticulitis. After taking a muscle relaxer,xanax, Librax, and Tylenol.......I got a handle on the pain. I really think I need and unfill to control the acid reflux .

Great..........you sound great!

Apples........did you decide on the job?

Laura.......praying for you and your family.

If.........why did your friend have her band removed and get a sleeve?

Phyl...........saw the pics of your grandkids. They are adorable.

Deann........it takes awhile to reach that sweet spot. It is very important to write down your food or you will eat too much. Be patient.......you will get there.

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Oh Janet...so sorry about the intrusion. Pretty scary. Sounds like you are doing what you need to to be safe.

When DS was 23 yrs old and lived in Daytona Beach he was robbed in the middle of the night. Thank God he did not wake up while intruders were there. He lived in townhome community. Had a buddy from Olando come and stay with him for the weekend. They went to a party at one of the townhomes. He went home b/4 buddy did and threw his keys and wallet on the foyer table. He left his door unlocked so buddy could get in. Buddy also threw his wallet and keys on table but forgot to lock door behind him. They got up in the morning and DS's three computers and A LOT of electronic equipment was gone. He is a flight instructor and taught ground school out of his office at home. They even walked off with his 42 inch computer screen, tv, wallets, etc. Canceled all his cards and notified bank. He has intelligence job with Air Gaurds and had to scramble to get new ID's, etc. Anyway, him and buddy go to mall and get new wallets. They both liked the same one so bought two alike. Three weekends later, buddy is back from Orlando to spend the weekend. When he leaves on that Sunday night, he grabbed the wrong wallet on his way out the door. DS decides to order a pizza. pizza man comes to door and DS pulls out Visa card...man asks for photo ID. Pulls it out and notices it's buddy's ID. Pizza man immediately calls police. DS gets cuffed for three hours and taken to station. They would not believe his story about the wrong wallet cuz police had stolen wallet for his name and buddys name in their system and buddy had his wallet so he could not prove who he was. Long story short....Took him three hours to get ahold of buddy. Buddy had to drive all the way back to Daytona b/4 they would let him go. During that three hour period, he get telling the cops that his cuffs were extremely tight and asked if they would loosen. Nope. He had nerve damage in his hand and wrist for over a year. Dr.s told him to press charges if it did not get better. This all over not locking that door one night. Poor kid. Point is....do what's possible to stay safe, Janet.

Snow still on the ground. Another bean harvest day. Potato sausage Soup cooking on the stove. pumpkin pies in the oven.

Had a great time at wedding yesterday. Danced my butt off with DH. I was the DD and drank Water. DH likes his beers but is not usually one to over do. Long wait between happy hour, reception and dance and buddys kept buying rounds. It made a dancer out of him. Even did the chicken dance and danced with the bride to "I Knew the Bride When She Used To Rock and Roll". Fun was had by all. Bummer it didn't get more than 34 degrees yesterday. They canceled all the outdoor photos. She chose Oct because of our beautiful Indian Summers. Go figure!

Arlene...happy you are getting some relief from your pain. Wish you did not have to experience this. No quick fix. Wish you could get some definate answers.

Cheri...Sounds like you had a wonderful time at your events. Always fun hooking up with old friends/acquaitences. I had a few classmates and friends from my hometown at the wedding yesterday. Had a few silly moments and lots of giggles.

Wish I was in the RV with Phyll and Earl heading south!

Everyone have a great Sunday!

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Hello! I am really new to this site! I am thinking about having the lapband but have so many fears!! I am afraid of choking! Do you feel gittery from not eating alot? I am self pay so i wanna make sure this is right for me! Any help would be nice. I only have 60 lbs to lose so is it even worth doing?

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Hello! I am really new to this site! I am thinking about having the LAP-BAND® but have so many fears!! I am afraid of choking! Do you feel gittery from not eating alot? I am self pay so i wanna make sure this is right for me! Any help would be nice. I only have 60 lbs to lose so is it even worth doing?

Fire away with any questions you might have. There are quite a few that post on this thread that are a few years out and have vast experience with the band.

Everyone has certain fears and concerns to begin with. Write down a list of questions, bring them here and we will all try to answer them for you. Welcome and good luck!:thumbup:

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