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Janet, it seems it gets hotter in the day and cooler at night. Truly a desert isn't it.

Julie, sorry you are still in pain. I really hope you get to go on your trip. It may help take your mind off the pain. What's your daughter going to do with Mimi while you are gone?

Phyl, thanks for the update from Lori. Your Soup sounds wonderful. I think I'll try that too.

Apples, your energy level is amazing. Congrats on the 4 pounds....in reverse. The rest of us would be depressed, but I understand it works both ways.

Linda, hope you aren't going too nuts with as busy as you are. Sometimes working all day, then coming home and doing the chores and all is exhausting and takes too much time. Too bad we have to work. There are days when I'm too tired to think when I get home.

LauraK, yeah, it's interesting to be in the support groups where one person is dominate. Sometimes it's good because they really do have great stuff to share, but a lot of the time...oh boy, you wish they would put a sock in it. Hey, you are welcome to rant...that's what we are for.

It's interesting about the hunger issues. Some days I'm hungry (not sure I want to eat the dog tho...she is old and stinky now). I'm still eating too much...I graze when I'm stressed. Guess I need to learn how not to be stressed. That would truly be a miracle.

I'm going to go ride "the bike" for a while. Have a great night folks.


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Ah, yes, it would be great with scallops! I was just planning to use the dozen oysters, but I LOVE seafood of just about any kind. But I did just develop a taste for oysters this summer. That's why I'm still learning how to cook them right! I actually ate 6 raw ones this summer... it was happy hour at my favorite outdoor seafood restaurant. I'd had a glass of wine.. They didn't have the BBQ oysters that I wanted so I ordered 6 oyster shooters not knowing exactly what I was ordering. When the waitress brought them.. they were each in a shot glass with a slice of lemon and some seafood sauce... and they were raw! DD & SIL were there, so I had to eat them to save face! They were okay but I won't eat them raw again. I probably already told that story, but... there it is again!

Too funny, Phyll. I like most food. Liver and oysters would be eaten by me only as a last resort. Admire you for giving them a try. Maybe the wine helped to get them down????????????????????:)

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Was reading Eva's post about being too tired after work, etc. and was thinking whether I shared this with you guys....I have a job interview tomorrow. I have not worked off this farm (besides my fall through spring volunteer job 3xweek) since 2000. DH begged me to just work for him. His statement "My life would be so much more stress free if you did not work" got me and I quit my job and felt like I quit my life. Took me so long to adjust to not seeing people every day. I had a big client base and just plain missed them. Well, really need to be busier and am truly considering going back to work.

I meet tomorrow and will then consider if I want the job or not. I would be driving 65 miles one way but expense would be covered. Am I crazy??????

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Morning gang.... I'm up early to get a shower before Mimi gets up... I have to leave for Bismarck by 8:00 for my PT and etc.... Although I still have the ache in my shoulder, the gripping, horrible throbbing has left me alone for 2 nights now..... Of course I'm taking hydrocodone at night, too, but at least I have had some relief... I'm still planning my trip unless something horrible happens in the next 24 hours.... I have all the "stuff" ready to deal with the pain as best as I can while I'm gone... Ice bags, hot packs, creams, pills..... I've been getting the rest done a bit at a time to get ready for the trip, too... Last load of laundry is ready to go in and then just have to pack bags... I do need to bake a batch of chocolate chip Cookies for my boys if I get a chance this afternoon... I'm hoping....

Apples, if a job makes you happy, go for it.... I wouldn't want one at this point.. I value my freedom too much now... DH's summer job has been a bit of an adjustment for us.... Would this be a permanent position or just temporary???

Eva thanks for thinking of Mimi... It just so happens that DD, Mimi and my mother are going to Minneapolis during the same time we will be gone to Ohio... DD has had tickets to see Metallica for months and its finally time for the concert.. They will be staying with a friend there (my goddaughter).... Will get home the same day as us...so it works out well for that... DD did take a new job that starts on 10-19 right here in our town... Isn't perfect but will get her off nights and hopefully get them back on a better schedule... DD is also scheduled for a sleep study about then.. She has something wrong that she is so tired all the time... Other tests show her to be fine, so maybe this will be the thing...

Apples and Phyll, I just can't do seafood.... A fishburger at McDonald's is good and a tuna sandwich, but otherwise I'd be very skinny if there was only seafood in the world to eat.... I know Janet eats lots of it,too... Just can't do it... and never learned to cook it well, either... Give me a bologna sandwich and I'm happy......

Linda, glad you are doing okay... come back when you can... We miss you.. Others have been absent lately, too, so we'll hope it's all a good thing... Except Great, we know where she is..... Hope all is well with her...

You all have a great day and a better week while I'm done... Thanks so much for listening to me complain about my aches and pains... It's hard to cope with pain and stay cheery all the time... I'm thankful for all of you LB buddies.... it makes it easier to cope when you know someone cares.... Bye now... Maybe be back later today if I get time, but then gone for a week... Take care... Julie

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Was reading Eva's post about being too tired after work, etc. and was thinking whether I shared this with you guys....I have a job interview tomorrow. I have not worked off this farm (besides my fall through spring volunteer job 3xweek) since 2000. DH begged me to just work for him. His statement "My life would be so much more stress free if you did not work" got me and I quit my job and felt like I quit my life. Took me so long to adjust to not seeing people every day. I had a big client base and just plain missed them. Well, really need to be busier and am truly considering going back to work.

I meet tomorrow and will then consider if I want the job or not. I would be driving 65 miles one way but expense would be covered. Am I crazy??????

No, you probably aren't crazy. You enjoy the interaction and the challenge. I see you posting a lot on the thread when you are around. You like to talk (write) and need the stimulation on a daily basis. Work is an avenue to that and will keep you interested. Cleaning, cooking, errands, chores, and such can only keep you interested for a short time.

Here's something to consider. I took a job in a town 1 1/2 hours from here. We have a trailer 1/2 way in between so I would stay there during the week, but came back here on the weekends and days off. It was alright for a while, but I found after several months of driving a lot, that I spent all my spare time getting ready to be at work. I had to pack food, do laundry, do shopping and all the other chores on the weekend and had very little time to do what I wanted. The 10-14 hour days got to me too after a while. Not only did I have a 45 minute drive during the week every day, I drove all over the place for my job. I ended up gaining 35 pounds with this job. A lot of it was stress, a lot was lack of exercise.

So, it depends on where you truly want to spend your time. How much time will you have to spend driving each day, will it be worth the stimulation and how flexible is the job?

I want to retire very badly, but I also need the income still, so I'm trying to think of ways to retire, but work at something else that will keep me busy, interested, and enough income to keep traveling.

Good luck with your decision. You'll make the right one for you.

Now I have to dash off to work.


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Julie..have a great trip and wishing for you sleep-filled nights! Thanks for your input on the job situation.

Eva...Thanks for taking the time to share your experience. Here's my deal:

As I stated last night I gave up my job to solely work for the farm and our other business. I owned two ins agencies and DH really didn't pressure me to sell but I knew in my heart that I needed to be here to help. We did hire the books done for two of the last years I worked but ended up doing more work correcting that if I would have done them myself.

I am mainly the "gofer"....run for machinery parts, take things to the field when needed, do over the road trips for our other business, do the books for the farm and other business, feed the crew, unload grain in the fall, etc. I am a multi-tasker so am able to work here three days in the summer and spend some time at the lake and feel very fortunate for that. But once fall harvest starts I put in some pretty big days and am pretty busy through the end of the year.

I had provided for so many years and now these last 9 years feel like a kept woman. My friends think I am nuts for even wanting to go back to work. I'll be 54 next month...same age as most of my friends. They all would LOVE to stay home.

I would need to drive 65 miles one way for my job. Could be a little hairy in the winter. Road to work has a lot of "S" curves and with a lot of snow and ice. But, in the summer I would be able to drive a couple of days from my lake place which is only 25 miles from job.

Will see what I decide after I meet with the four owners today. I am excited but afraid to upset the entire apple cart. It would mean many late night hours catching up here. (Which I did for over 20 years when I was working and raising kids and training in a DH).

What it comes down to is I need more outside stimulation. 15 miles from nowhere. I usually go to town one time a week (not including summer) for a couple of hours and the rest of the time is spent here. DH is a wonderful person and is encouraging me to take this job but all I can think of is "Here we go again". Put the stress back into our life.

OK ...enough about this. Thanks for listening. Now, stop it! I can read your minds....You are thinking..."Why would she want to go back to work?"

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Julie..have a great trip and wishing for you sleep-filled nights! Thanks for your input on the job situation.

Eva...Thanks for taking the time to share your experience. Here's my deal:

As I stated last night I gave up my job to solely work for the farm and our other business. I owned two ins agencies and DH really didn't pressure me to sell but I knew in my heart that I needed to be here to help. We did hire the books done for two of the last years I worked but ended up doing more work correcting that if I would have done them myself.

I am mainly the "gofer"....run for machinery parts, take things to the field when needed, do over the road trips for our other business, do the books for the farm and other business, feed the crew, unload grain in the fall, etc. I am a multi-tasker so am able to work here three days in the summer and spend some time at the lake and feel very fortunate for that. But once fall harvest starts I put in some pretty big days and am pretty busy through the end of the year.

I had provided for so many years and now these last 9 years feel like a kept woman. My friends think I am nuts for even wanting to go back to work. I'll be 54 next month...same age as most of my friends. They all would LOVE to stay home.

I would need to drive 65 miles one way for my job. Could be a little hairy in the winter. Road to work has a lot of "S" curves and with a lot of snow and ice. But, in the summer I would be able to drive a couple of days from my lake place which is only 25 miles from job.

Will see what I decide after I meet with the four owners today. I am excited but afraid to upset the entire apple cart. It would mean many late night hours catching up here. (Which I did for over 20 years when I was working and raising kids and training in a DH).

What it comes down to is I need more outside stimulation. 15 miles from nowhere. I usually go to town one time a week (not including summer) for a couple of hours and the rest of the time is spent here. DH is a wonderful person and is encouraging me to take this job but all I can think of is "Here we go again". Put the stress back into our life.

OK ...enough about this. Thanks for listening. Now, stop it! I can read your minds....You are thinking..."Why would she want to go back to work?"

Apples.........try it! Get it out of your system. I haven't worked since 2000. I volunteer. I know what you mean about interacting with others. I am a people person too. Girl, if it doesn't work for you............quit!

Oh, a quick update on me. I have been in pain since the weather changed. I am going to the GP tomorrow, then the weight loss doctor on the 19th......then the endocrinologist on the 22nd. I need some answers. All of the adhesions around my band surgery hurt. My arms and legs feel like I have the flu. Now, today, it is sunny and the pain has gone. Go figure.

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Arlene...thanks for the bit of encouragement. Same thing DH said....nothing to lose...can always quit. Will see what comes of today.

Hope docs can figure out what is going on with you. Never fun to be in pain. Just ask Julie. Good luck with your appts.

Will check back this evening when I get home. Off to a hair appt to get younger, job thing and then to Menards, Walmart and a few other stops as long as I will be in a town that has those stores. Later

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Hey peeps~

I have been a little out of touch the last week or so. Just so busy busy. Let's see... where do I begin.

First, I went to the gyn today for the consult after the ultrasound. (DH went with me). I mentioned the fibroid diagnosis a couple weeks ago, but that was what I saw on the screen and the little info I pulled from the reluctant u/s tech. It seems I have a 6 cm (naval orange) size one and then 4-5 other ones. She said my uterus is about 3-4 mo pregnant. (which is still only 2 x a fist) She wants to do surgery to do a hysteroscopy (to look around) and attempt to remove the main fibroid and do some biopsies b/c of my mom's history of endometrial cancer. She doesn't recommend hysterectomy at this time. She feels I am young and otherwise healthy. She discussed all the sexual side effects (vaginal dryness etc.) and bladder prolapse risks with surgery. She thinks that this main fibroid is the culprit of the bleeding and then says she can always put in a progesterone IUD that will help regulate the bleeding. She said there are so many things we can do without yanking the womb. SIL will be here for a month, so I have to decide whether I want to wait or do it while she is here. Just an out patient surgery thing.

Dad is currently getting a PET scan as we speak. SIGH:sad:. The CT scan he had last week at Johns Hopkins was night and day of the two previous ones just a month apart. JH report says 13 cm tumor(probable renal carcinoma) at ureter with mets to lungs. :cursing: BUT.... the 2 scans last month were completely negative!!! So... either 2 other medical centers completely screwed up and missed it..... or it's something else besides cancer. (like bleeding that turned into a solid hematoma). Cancer, no matter how aggressive cannot grow in a month to 13cm!!! My parents are complete emotional messes. Dad has been depressed, weak, has no appetite, has bad color, and losing weight. He went from 230 to 193 in a matter of 3 months. Usually a PET scan is not so diagnostic, but in his case it kinda will. If renal carcinoma then he will need a radical nephrectomy and chemo. In previous discussions with him (prior to getting sick), he has always said if he got cancer that he would NOT have any surgery or treatment. But when faced with the reality maybe he will make a different decision? We still don't know the answer.

The house is in ship shape. Nelson will move from his BR to his playroom. There's a futon that is ok for him to sleep on for a month. 25 yr old Nephew will stay in Nelson's BR. N's playroom was originally his nursery b/c it is next to the master. The only downside is the master shower and bath are sooooo loud in that room that when he was a baby I made DH go to the other side of the house to shower! Even now when DH gets up at 4am to go to work at 5, it will wake Nelson up. I know, I know.. i can hear you vacuum running moms shaking your heads. I created a monster with the quietness. :wink2:

I have not been to the gym in 1.5 weeks b/c of my knee injury. It is now 80% better. I have been reluctant to exercise for fear of screwing it up. Now I need to get back. I am a little P.Oed at my trainer. She never called once since I called and told her of my injury and canceled one appt.

Now, on to my peeps:

Mrs. B~ <hugs> with the pain. SOOOO glad the last 2 nights it has been a little less. Maybe each night it will get better and better. Have a safe trip.

Apples~ I don't think you are nuts at all. I am thinking about finally going back to work now that Nelson is in kindergarten. I am looking for a PT nurse practitioner position. Will it have to be FT or could you do 3 x a week? It shouldn't have to be all or none. Maybe some moderation, so that you could still get your stuff done around home. The Soups sound so good! I am making black bean Soup for tonight.

Meredith~ What's going on with the house?!

Janet~ Welcome back. You looked amazing in those pics! WTG on getting back to the gym after that type of weekend. So proud of our mentor. :redface:

Charlene~ HUGS... hope your GP helps your pain.

Oct~ I hear you on the grazing. I do that too.

Linda~ Welcome back. I hear ya on the company.

ok, that's all the posts that I can see while in this mode. I know I missed people. "hugs and hi" if I forgot you.

Off to get the boy from school. CBL...

peasout~ Laura

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Good Late Morning :0)

Apples - Is it another insurance job :0) .... Like everyone says - go for it and if you don't like it or get too stressed you can always quit.

I would love to retire (I think) I am not a big pple person - but again - there is only so much shopping you can do

I would need a hobby - I would need some kind of schedule - and I most likely would miss pple if I wasn't around them...

But heck I would like to try it for a while :redface:- I don't really like my job that much - don't have much respect for my bosses - but it's what I know - the pay and benefits are good - so here I stay.. :wink2:

Julie - Hugs GF about your pain issues - yes vent all you want..

Charlene- Hugs on your cold weather issues

Laura - I was wondering where you were

Hugs on the Dad issues - I know that my step mom wasn't feeling well had all kinds of test - xrays etc - nothing showed up - all done at Scripts Hospital (suppose to be a good one) comes home for the winter (they had a summer home in La Costa) - wham bam can't breath - goes to the ER - chest Xray shows tumor (don't know the size but it was in operatable) - I can just imagine how your Dad feels - your Mom and you too gf.. Cancer is very scary. I think my determination on what kind of treatment I would have would be on how it would affect the quality of my life - I would rather have 6 good months no treatment than 12 sick months with treatment..

Hugs and prayers for you & your family - I do know how tough this is on all of you...

Yes shaking head on the quite monster you have raised - but it's with a big smile on my face :cursing:

Why don't you just get it (uterus) taken out - I would cuz can't the fibroids just grow back... Can you keep your ovaries ??

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Just skimmed through today's posts. Crazy man is about to move me and the cat in to the RV. sleeping there tonight, down to "south end" tomorrow to spend time with DD#2 and grandkids on Friday. Thursday will be crazy. Get RV settled down there, then drive back up here... do last minute cleaning, DH has ophtham. appt for his glaucoma/cataract and I will spend some time with DD#1 and we make my last visit to my "Surf Shack" for latte. Then head back south after the eye appt. Friday spend with DD#2... Grandparents' day at pre-school, babysit all three kids in the afternoon/early eve so DD & SIL can go to dinner and movie. Head to just south of Portland Saturday morning. Shop at outlet mall with my sister there on Sat. Okay.. that's enough. I'll quit now. I think we have free Wi-Fi at the RV park there. will check in then. Happy Trails to us!!

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Laura keeping you and your family in my prayers. Good luck with SIL visit.

Janet, it must be something in the air, hate my job right now also. Boss is on a power trip, hope she settles down soon. Most of the time I like my job and the fact that it is 2 miles from home.

I just got a receipe for blk bean pumpkin chilli, I'll try it out first then share if anyone wants it. Very low in calories and sounds yummy.

Phys, sounds like you are going to be busy for a time, you'll need the rest at the RV park.

Take care all.

Laura K

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Just skimmed through today's posts. Crazy man is about to move me and the cat in to the RV. sleeping there tonight, down to "south end" tomorrow to spend time with DD#2 and grandkids on Friday. Thursday will be crazy. Get RV settled down there, then drive back up here... do last minute cleaning, DH has ophtham. appt for his glaucoma/cataract and I will spend some time with DD#1 and we make my last visit to my "Surf Shack" for latte. Then head back south after the eye appt. Friday spend with DD#2... Grandparents' day at pre-school, babysit all three kids in the afternoon/early eve so DD & SIL can go to dinner and movie. Head to just south of Portland Saturday morning. Shop at outlet mall with my sister there on Sat. Okay.. that's enough. I'll quit now. I think we have free Wi-Fi at the RV park there. will check in then. Happy Trails to us!!

OMW why can't you just go in the morning?? Too funny.. You will be here around the 25th??

Can't wait to see you walking :0)

Have a fun time w/the family...

Laura keeping you and your family in my prayers. Good luck with SIL visit.

Janet, it must be something in the air, hate my job right now also. Boss is on a power trip, hope she settles down soon. Most of the time I like my job and the fact that it is 2 miles from home.

I just got a receipe for blk bean pumpkin chilli, I'll try it out first then share if anyone wants it. Very low in calories and sounds yummy.

Phys, sounds like you are going to be busy for a time, you'll need the rest at the RV park.

Take care all.

Laura K

Laura K - I have been on my job 30 yrs - it's a little boring - with all the lay offs - we now stuff our own envelopes - make our own dead files - and now looks like more cut backs and taking on more work.. Well at least I have a job...

Well back from the gym - had arms tonite - and trainer all to myself - I really enjoyed that - I miss our talks - he made me realize something - if I didn't have the stupid little things I have to do - then what would I do - I would be bored - I am making mtns out of mole hills .. Just go with the flow..

Is anyone watching biggest loser - I don't watch it faithfully - but caught a little bit last week and the girl on the orange team got to me - and this week the part I caught was that they had to eat all 3 meals from a restaurant - they were scared in losing their safe kitchen - well it was about going out to eat and making good choices -

for me I usually don't since I don't eat out often and that's usually my treat time - but a gf called today and wanted to go to lunch - so I said ya - well we went to mexican - now remember I ate way too many sweets this past weekend -

So the show was still on my mind and thought to myself what can you have on this menu that you are really going to enjoy but still be healthy- I had a shrimp cocktail !!!

I was really happy about myself - that was way better than 1/2 or 3/4 of a taco and Beans.

To nights dinner - 4 oz of chopped pork tenderloin - 1/3 cup rice - onion - bell pepper - jalapeno - soy sauce.. I'm in the mood for spicy...

Great posted on FB - walked today and took a shower should be going home tomorrow..

Apples how did the interview go... Are you going back to work - I guess I could understand about having your own money - it's not that dh $$ isn't yours - it's about making your own.. I have never had the luxury of not working or having a man take care of me - so I don't know what it would be like.. I really can't imagine it.. I know the whole concept of what's mine is ours - but since I haven't ever been on the receiving end - I don't know what it would feel like.

Well gang - just cking in - Laura hope you are ok - remember we are here for you...

hugs gang - cbl :wink2:


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Hi everyone. I'm reading all your posts. Hard to keep up.

Our lives are so busy. The needs of friends and family can be overwhelming. Especially when there are decisions to be made. I've lost 50 lbs. Got my high school reunion this weekend.

Laura, sorry about your dad. Hope it isn't cancer. I have to tell you, I never regretted my hyst. I was maybe 47 when I had mine. My fibroid was the size of a grapefruit. My libido actually increased afterwards.

Janet, glad you're back. Great pics.

Apples, glad you're back. I like the part-time work idea. I would go crazy stuck on a farm 15 miles from anything. I love working and I love teaching. There's always parts of my job I hate, of course, and I'm working an extra period after school to get enough contacts with the kids to keep my program funded, so that's harder this year. I also cut my assistant to 2 days a week and there are no other teachers in the basement so its a little lonely when it comes to adults.

Hope Greats doing well.

Charlene, wierd with the weather thing.

Julie, hugs.

Phyll-raw oysters-eeuw.

Not a shellfish person, but I have learned to like fish. I like it dusted with flour and pan-fried in olive oil spray with lots of seasonings and lemon sprinkled over it. Wall-eye, orange roughy, tilapia, salmon. I eat tuna straight from the can. Never been fond of tuna salad.

We got the drain tile in the basement, now we have to get the furnace fixed. Next summer, the roof. By the time we have this house all repaired I'll be in so much debt I'll never be able to retire. If my teaching job falls apart, I don't know what I'll do. There's a glut of teachers on the Chicago market.

There are schools where I could make pretty good money subbing, but I don't know what I'd do about insurance.

The same with private tutoring.

If my husband were more of a kid person I'd consider foster care. There's a huge need for good foster care in this area.

I love writing. Wish I could make a decent living at it.

I've loved writing my blog though I've only time for a couple of posts a week.

Keep the faith everyone. Work the band.

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Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. Been crying all last night and through the night. My parents called around 9pm, the Johns Hopkins dr had insisted the guys do a stat read on the PET scan, given the situation. When he called them he said, "I am so sorry to give you this news but it lit up like a Christmas tree." Also, the most recent urine cytology showed urothelial carcinoma, high grade. (which is usually bladder or ureter cancer). It has spread to kidney, lungs, liver, bone and something else- can't remember. It's inoperable, but does have some good treatments- chemo and immunotherapy (? spelling). They want Dad to go to the oncologist up there for consult but come home for the treatment. I want them to have some time to let it sink in. After they go for the consult, I will go up there. Maybe the best plan is to plan on going for long weekends- only 1 hr flight. The prognosis is unknown until they see the oncologist, but from my research it doesn't look good at all. I am still very confused and angry why 2 major medical centers completely missed the diagnosis. The more I know about my own field, the less confidence I have in the health care system in the U.S.

Holy shit. And you know what? My parents were planning a huge party this Christmas. Dec 14 is their 50th wedding anniversary! 55 years since they met! I know my Dad too well and he won't want it now. He doesn't even want anyone outside of family to know.

Thanks guys for listening to me... and for being there for me.. and for praying for us. As I type this the tears are flowing. This sucks big time.


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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