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Janet, nice pictures. Cold there? It's barely below 70 here at night....how cold is it there?

Diet was good today and walked for 40 minutes. Makes up for a weird weekend.

Quick post to check in. Hope everyone has a good night.


Eva Thanks... Yes it's getting cold here - it's in the low 60's high 50's at night - didn't have to turn on the a/c at all yesterday or last night... I have to put on a robe when I take the dogs out.. Day temp is 80 to 85...

Hope everyone had a good Monday. Things were going well here until DH got into a p.....ing contest with the renters upstairs because they woke him up from a nap pounding around on the floor. Dad is light-footed, but mom and two teenage daughters are NOT. But... I keep telling him.... we picked a condo and we picked a DOWNSTAIRS condo. Have to learn to tolerate these things. But then he called the owner of the unit and got in to a shouting match with her on the phone about her renters! Beam me up, Scotty! I went next door during the phone call and visited with my neighbor and watched her eat her dinner! :thumbup::cursing:


Good workout at PT today. I will have sore muscles tomorrow! Then went to Target and bought the new Wii Fit Plus. Tried it out for about 20 minutes this evening and I LOVE it! Updates your software and imports all you data and then you just use that disc from now on because all the old games are there plus a bunch of new ones. Tilt table has always been my favorite and there's a whole new set of advanced tilt table. I think I only got through 4 levels. It's quite challenging and tricky. One I got stumped on I couldn't figure out how to bounce the balls up to where the target holes were. Then there's a snowball war, segway that you ride around on the beach jumping over ramps and breaking beach balls to get points.

Been thinking about Great all day and praying for her. Hope we hear from her in the next day or so. Anxious to know how everything went.

Phyl - I will have to go get the Wii Plus I saw it in the Sunday ad's - $19.99 I think at Target - will go tonite :0)

Wow Janet you are beautiful, love the dress.

Octo, we are in the 30's & 40's at night now. Gosh I hate the cold weather, but is turning my thoughts to making Soup.

Phyls, that wii sounds cool. I have the regular wii fit and that is fun. I like the tilt board also.

Have a great day everyone.

Laura K

Thank you Laura !!! Yep Soup weather alright - sounds good I am hungry right now. I should have hard boiled some eggs last night - really not in the mood for sweet Cereal this morning..

Well gang cking in - hope Great post shortly to let us know how's she's doing...


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Hi gals, I've been keeping up with the reading but don't have the wherewithal to post much... I'm not much better, but trying to get ready to leave Thursday for Ohio... don't know yet if I'll get to go or not.... time will tell..... Janet, you look lovely on the pics.... Everyone have a good day.... Prayers for Lori that she is doing well..... TTYL.......... Julie

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Hope "Great" doesn't mind me sharing, but this is what she posted on FB earlier today:

Day one with my new knee, pain has been minimal and they had me walk to the door already. Having a little blood pressure (too low) and blood count issue but seems to be resolving itself. Thanks so much for the good wishes and prayer.

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Phyll...thanks for sharing the news about Lori. Sounds like things are going pretty good for her. Great to hear.

Julie...hope you will be able to swing going on your trip. Wish you could get some relief from your pain soon. Maybe that shot will kick in?

Janet. You are very photogenic in all your photos. Pretty dress you were wearing.

The sun peaked out for awhile today. We've had a few days of rain and it has put the bean harvest at a standstill. Was hoping that harvest would be completed early this year. I have my doubts at this point. DH is the most easy going person that God put on this earth. He worries about nothing. His favorite saying when I worry in the spring and the fall is: "We always get it in and we always get it out". Just wish he could transfer some of that calm into my veins!

Busy with my house the last couple of days. Closets are all cleaned and now working on organizing my three freezers. Always feels so good when you open doors and everything is in it's place.

Fingers are crossed. Had not stepped on scale for quite some time and I am up 4lbs. Hoping it stays with me. Hate to even type this paragraph due to the way some might percieve it. But, we all have different struggles and need some encouragement and support. I have given up worrying about putting on the weight. I just keep my cals over what I think my body needs and we will go from there. OK...everyone clap and say "Yeah...4lbs. is good and congrats". (just kidding)

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Hi gals, I've been keeping up with the reading but don't have the wherewithal to post much... I'm not much better, but trying to get ready to leave Thursday for Ohio... don't know yet if I'll get to go or not.... time will tell..... Janet, you look lovely on the pics.... Everyone have a good day.... Prayers for Lori that she is doing well..... TTYL.......... Julie

Julie - Hugs on your pain ...

Hope "Great" doesn't mind me sharing, but this is what she posted on FB earlier today:

Day one with my new knee, pain has been minimal and they had me walk to the door already. Having a little blood pressure (too low) and blood count issue but seems to be resolving itself. Thanks so much for the good wishes and prayer.

Thanks for the update Phyl !!!

Phyll...thanks for sharing the news about Lori. Sounds like things are going pretty good for her. Great to hear.

Julie...hope you will be able to swing going on your trip. Wish you could get some relief from your pain soon. Maybe that shot will kick in?

Janet. You are very photogenic in all your photos. Pretty dress you were wearing.

The sun peaked out for awhile today. We've had a few days of rain and it has put the bean harvest at a standstill. Was hoping that harvest would be completed early this year. I have my doubts at this point. DH is the most easy going person that God put on this earth. He worries about nothing. His favorite saying when I worry in the spring and the fall is: "We always get it in and we always get it out". Just wish he could transfer some of that calm into my veins!

Busy with my house the last couple of days. Closets are all cleaned and now working on organizing my three freezers. Always feels so good when you open doors and everything is in it's place.

Fingers are crossed. Had not stepped on scale for quite some time and I am up 4lbs. Hoping it stays with me. Hate to even type this paragraph due to the way some might percieve it. But, we all have different struggles and need some encouragement and support. I have given up worrying about putting on the weight. I just keep my cals over what I think my body needs and we will go from there. OK...everyone clap and say "Yeah...4lbs. is good and congrats". (just kidding)

Apples - Thanks !!! Lucky girl you - I wish I had to gain some :0)... But you are such a buzy bee - I see why you stay on the low weight side - you never stop going :0)...

Well just a quick ck in - I'm hungry today - don't think I need a fill last night pbing on 2 bites of cauliflower after I had eaten my meat...

cbl after gym

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Sorry about your hungry day, Janet. Don't you just think that's the way the band is though? I have 5-6 days where there is not hunger and then 1-2 days where I could eat the dog or anything else in my sight. Even with adequate fill, I think that's just what we live with when we are banded.

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I'm having opposite problem last couple of days... UGH! Not hungry! Seafood chowder that I made a few days ago for lunch.. 1/2 mug. DH is making me salmon for dinner and I am not the least bit hungry .... feel full, and don't know if I'll be able to eat it!

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I'm having opposite problem last couple of days... UGH! Not hungry! Seafood chowder that I made a few days ago for lunch.. 1/2 mug. DH is making me salmon for dinner and I am not the least bit hungry .... feel full, and don't know if I'll be able to eat it!

Hey Phyll...are you willing to share your chowder recipe?????:)

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Hi everyone, just a quick hello. I don't have any time any more to get on the computer and I miss my daily dose from all of you. I am thinking of all of you, and I try to sneak a few peeks occasionally to read, but never seem to have time to post. So, I'm posting without reading. Just wanted to say hi, i'm doing great, just busy. Had company two weekends in a row and every night I just seem to run out of time before I'm falling asleep. Sorry I've been gone so long. Janet, so sorry to hear about your aunt. Great, hope the surgery went well -- you'll be up and around before you know it. Hope everyone else is fine, I promise I'll write more soon and catch up on all your news this weekend - I have no visitors for this weekend, so I should be able to catch up. Hugs to you all. Linda

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Hey Phyll...are you willing to share your chowder recipe?????:biggrin:

LOL! Well, I picked up a recipe at Safeway or somewhere, but I didn't exactly follow it! First I sauteed some chopped up celery, thinly sliced onion, finely chopped garlic (2 cloves) in a little bit of olive oil and about a pat of butter. I think I put in just a dash of balsamic vinegar, but probably didn't need that. Couldn't really taste it anyway, and it gave it a little color. I used one can of 2% evaporated milk because I was making a very small amout of chowder. So I poured in a tiny bit of the milk, thickened with a small amt of flour. Then I added the rest of the can of milk, and a small package (about 8 oz, I think) of seafood mix...it had a little bit of shrimp, calamari, etc. in it, and I'd cooked a dozen oysters a couple of days prior that i put in, too. Actually, I sort of cremated the oysters! I'm just learning to cook them and everything I read says cook until the shells open. Well, it seems to me if you wait that long they are way over cooked! At any rate, they plumped up again when I put them in the chowder. I seasoned with Old Bay Seasoning. I think what really gave it a nice flavor was a few shakes of McCormick California Style Garlic Pepper. Gave it some tang... the pepper...and if I hadn't stopped when I did, it would've been too much. I didn't know what i was doing!! Earl has taken almost all the spices in to the RV already!!

:) But we eat a lot of fish so the Old Bay was still there, and that Garlic Pepper.

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Hi everyone, just a quick hello. I don't have any time any more to get on the computer and I miss my daily dose from all of you. I am thinking of all of you, and I try to sneak a few peeks occasionally to read, but never seem to have time to post. So, I'm posting without reading. Just wanted to say hi, i'm doing great, just busy. Had company two weekends in a row and every night I just seem to run out of time before I'm falling asleep. Sorry I've been gone so long. Janet, so sorry to hear about your aunt. Great, hope the surgery went well -- you'll be up and around before you know it. Hope everyone else is fine, I promise I'll write more soon and catch up on all your news this weekend - I have no visitors for this weekend, so I should be able to catch up. Hugs to you all. Linda

Hey Linda...nice to see you!!!! Hope you're doing well. Miss having you aroung! Hugs back at ya!:)

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Phyll...thanks for the recipe. Gonna give it a try. Instead of the oysters (you'd have to tie me down to get me to eat them) I am going to use scallops and follow your recipe....sounds good. I use a lot of evaporated lowfat milk when making Soups also. This recipe will be a hit with my guys. Thanks

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Hi all, I went to a support group meeting tonight. It was to be on sleep issues but they canceled so we all talked. Was a hugh turnout. The dietician passed out stuff on Vit B but we didn't get to it. Why does there always seem to be one person who thinks everyone wants to hear them go on and on. I had my surgery in July and she had hers in Aug. You would think she knows everything. I know I'm not even close to knowing half. You should have seen all the eye rolls around the room. Sorry for the ranting.

Have a great day.

Laura K

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Sorry about your hungry day, Janet. Don't you just think that's the way the band is though? I have 5-6 days where there is not hunger and then 1-2 days where I could eat the dog or anything else in my sight. Even with adequate fill, I think that's just what we live with when we are banded.

Apples - Ya our bands - our brains - boredom - stress - life in general - I find when I am doing something I enjoy - I don't even think about food - but the rest of the time - it's always on the brain ;o)..

As I have said a million times before - our problems are really in our brains - not in our stomach...

I'm having opposite problem last couple of days... UGH! Not hungry! Seafood chowder that I made a few days ago for lunch.. 1/2 mug. DH is making me salmon for dinner and I am not the least bit hungry .... feel full, and don't know if I'll be able to eat it!

Lucky Girl !!!! If you aren't hungry then don't eat - or only eat what you can - and tell him - I'm full..

Hi everyone, just a quick hello. I don't have any time any more to get on the computer and I miss my daily dose from all of you. I am thinking of all of you, and I try to sneak a few peeks occasionally to read, but never seem to have time to post. So, I'm posting without reading. Just wanted to say hi, i'm doing great, just busy. Had company two weekends in a row and every night I just seem to run out of time before I'm falling asleep. Sorry I've been gone so long. Janet, so sorry to hear about your aunt. Great, hope the surgery went well -- you'll be up and around before you know it. Hope everyone else is fine, I promise I'll write more soon and catch up on all your news this weekend - I have no visitors for this weekend, so I should be able to catch up. Hugs to you all. Linda

Linda = Hi - we understand - life does get in the way sometime - glad you are doing good... Hugs back

Hi all, I went to a support group meeting tonight. It was to be on sleep issues but they canceled so we all talked. Was a hugh turnout. The dietician passed out stuff on Vit B but we didn't get to it. Why does there always seem to be one person who thinks everyone wants to hear them go on and on. I had my surgery in July and she had hers in Aug. You would think she knows everything. I know I'm not even close to knowing half. You should have seen all the eye rolls around the room. Sorry for the ranting.

Have a great day.

Laura K

Laura K- ya there is always the one know it all in the group..

Well at least she's hyped up - and that's a good thing.. But bad for the rest who want to share...

Well just popping in while my dinner's cooking - After work was looking for a reason not to go to the gym - but couldn't find a good enough excuse - so went - did my 3 miles - burned 400 cal..

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Phyll...thanks for the recipe. Gonna give it a try. Instead of the oysters (you'd have to tie me down to get me to eat them) I am going to use scallops and follow your recipe....sounds good. I use a lot of evaporated lowfat milk when making Soups also. This recipe will be a hit with my guys. Thanks

Ah, yes, it would be great with scallops! I was just planning to use the dozen oysters, but I LOVE seafood of just about any kind. But I did just develop a taste for oysters this summer. That's why I'm still learning how to cook them right! I actually ate 6 raw ones this summer... it was happy hour at my favorite outdoor seafood restaurant. I'd had a glass of wine.. They didn't have the BBQ oysters that I wanted so I ordered 6 oyster shooters not knowing exactly what I was ordering. When the waitress brought them.. they were each in a shot glass with a slice of lemon and some seafood sauce... and they were raw! DD & SIL were there, so I had to eat them to save face! They were okay but I won't eat them raw again. I probably already told that story, but... there it is again!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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