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I was banded 09/15/09 and as of today, I am 4 lbs shy of my Turkey Day Challenge goal of 20 lbs! I am very excited..

I am trying to work out a Non-food reward system for myself as I reach these little goals. (ie shoes or a manicure)

Here is my question:

Do you reward yourself for your weightloss accomplishments?

What type of rewards ?

I don't want to do clothes since I do not intend to fit in them very long :)

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I was banded 09/15/09 and as of today, I am 4 lbs shy of my Turkey Day Challenge goal of 20 lbs! I am very excited..

I am trying to work out a Non-food reward system for myself as I reach these little goals. (ie shoes or a manicure)

Here is my question:

Do you reward yourself for your weightloss accomplishments?

What type of rewards ?

I don't want to do clothes since I do not intend to fit in them very long :)

I had an I Italian charm Bracelet and added a gold star to the bracelet for every 5 lbs. And for 20 lbs I usually got a pair of jeans, I didn't invest a lot in them as I knew they'd not fit for long but I needed something that I felt looked good on me. For 50 lbs I got a new Coach purse also got another one for 100 lbs.

Well did I ever get a hook up at the hospital today. The office I volunteer in called someone on the orthopedic floor and next week after my surgery I am going to get a suite for a room!! Unless, of course, they get someone who requests and will pay the extra for it. That will be so cool. I'll feel like a VIP! She looked me up in the computer too and I'm not scheduled for surgery until 330. I sure hope that changes, they will call me with a definite time on Friday.

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I guess I reward myself when I can wear clothes from thinner days that are in my closet or when I go to the thrift shop and pick up just a few things to tide me over to the next size. I get a real thrill every time I can drop another med. I'm astonished at how much easier I'm moving and keeping up with my grandchildren. Being with them and able to play with them and keep up with them is also a tremendous reward for me.

By the way, I figured out what my BMI will be at goal. I was 237 which was a BMI of 35 which, with my co-morbidities made me eligible for surgery. My goal is 167 which is just under 25 which is perfect. My Dr. had eyeballed me and given me a goal of 170 which is exactly 25 BMI. I went for 167 because its an even 70 lb weight loss. I figure I'll try to stay in a range of 165-170.

I'm loving 190. I'm finally looking good in clothes. (We won't talk about naked. That's just depressing.)

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I was banded 09/15/09 and as of today, I am 4 lbs shy of my Turkey Day Challenge goal of 20 lbs! I am very excited..

I am trying to work out a Non-food reward system for myself as I reach these little goals. (ie shoes or a manicure)

Here is my question:

Do you reward yourself for your weightloss accomplishments?

What type of rewards ?

I don't want to do clothes since I do not intend to fit in them very long :)

My reward when I got to 100 lb loss was diamond earrings! 12_10_10.gif (they're not quite that big... LOL)

Great has some GREAT suggestions, too! I like the Coach purse one especially! I'm about to hit "ONDERLAND"!! Maybe a Coach purse should be my reward for that!!

But... you've got the right idea, shoes, purse, manicure, pedicure, massage, CASINO, (LOL), how about "Girls' weekend" with friends!

I had an I Italian charm Bracelet and added a gold star to the bracelet for every 5 lbs. And for 20 lbs I usually got a pair of jeans, I didn't invest a lot in them as I knew they'd not fit for long but I needed something that I felt looked good on me. For 50 lbs I got a new Coach purse also got another one for 100 lbs.

Well did I ever get a hook up at the hospital today. The office I volunteer in called someone on the orthopedic floor and next week after my surgery I am going to get a suite for a room!! Unless, of course, they get someone who requests and will pay the extra for it. That will be so cool. I'll feel like a VIP! She looked me up in the computer too and I'm not scheduled for surgery until 330. I sure hope that changes, they will call me with a definite time on Friday.

WOW! A SUITE!! I LOVE it! It pays to be a volunteer, huh! That will be so nice. When we went to the joint replacement class they told us that we could go down the hall to the nurses' station and request a private room... so I did, and I got one! It wasn't a suite, but it was a nice room with a beautiful view of Puget Sound and I had my own bathroom, too. When I had my partial knee surgery I remember having a roommate who got irked with me because I would channel surf! This time, I don't even remember if I watched any TV!! There are a lot of things I don't remember. Like I was surprised to find that photo on my Blackberry from the day after surgery.. sitting up in bed with my Blackberry around my neck and my laptop in front of me. Have only a vague recollection of that!

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I haven't figured out a reward system yet but it seems to bring me a big thrill to go down through my smaller size clothing. Getting rid of clothes also makes my room cleaner so that is a reward also. I had a big surprise last week I decided to try on my 14 jeans and they fit. yahoo.... that meant I could take my 16 jeans out the drawer that I just put in and did not wear a single one of them since I was wearing shorts and caprices (sp) all the time. Found out I weighed less than my daughter and my mom. Mom's looking for hand me downs or ups now. Dang it's getting cold. I'm trying to find warmer clothes but not sweatshirts yet, that has been a challenge. Suppossed to get a hard frost or freeze tonight. yuk I hate winter.

Take care all.

Laura K

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Hey Gang - This is a drive by post - cuz it's almost 8 and my dinners done

I didn't sit down til 7:15 - had gym tonite - paid bills before that - went an picked up scrip it was only 30 day (bp pills) should have been 90 - 8.99 for 30 - 9.99 for 90... Well stupid me I just put a few pills in the smaller container and I only had 4 left so when I called gave them the wrong script # - so had to go back and get my 90 for $9.99.. The animals are fed - both Andrew's and my dinner are cooking - he's having chilli mac and me fish - rice- spinach

Great how cool on the suite !!!! Ya I wouldn't want to wait all day either...

Nawlines - I really didn't have a reward - I did make the mistake of buying too many clothes - hell - when I hit 14 I was happy then got to 12 though awe this is it - then 10's oh I won't lose any more well did that til I got to 4's...

Nails - hair - get your makeup done at the mac counter - buy some expensive make up - Purse - hell all the ideas have been great...

Well I cant think straight my dinner is calling me ---- I will finish tomorrow -

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Laura K....I'm sort of waiting for winter....it was very warm again today. However, what we will get is hot weather then 1 week of really nice weather, then it will freeze or something. Sometimes the desert gets missed with spring and fall.

I'm going to a wedding in Ft. Worth on the 17th of October. I was hoping to be at a certain weight by then, but I'm not making that goal. I'm about 8 pounds away. That's not bad, but I think I'm going to have to "diet". Yes, I know it's a lifestyle change, but for me that means smaller portions forever and exercise and not being obsessed by food and not eating for comfort (eventually) it really doesn't mean dieting. I think I'm going to have to "diet" for the next two weeks to get at least close to the goal. I'm posting this so I have some accountability to you here on the thread. Otherwise, I'll tell myself this and blow if off at the first difficult moment. "Dieting" means calorie counting, logging my food, exercise at least 4 days a week for at least 30 minutes a day and posting that I've got through another day for the next two weeks. Okay...now it's in writing.

Hope everyone has a great night!!


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Laura K....I'm sort of waiting for winter....it was very warm again today. However, what we will get is hot weather then 1 week of really nice weather, then it will freeze or something. Sometimes the desert gets missed with spring and fall.

I'm going to a wedding in Ft. Worth on the 17th of October. I was hoping to be at a certain weight by then, but I'm not making that goal. I'm about 8 pounds away. That's not bad, but I think I'm going to have to "diet". Yes, I know it's a lifestyle change, but for me that means smaller portions forever and exercise and not being obsessed by food and not eating for comfort (eventually) it really doesn't mean dieting. I think I'm going to have to "diet" for the next two weeks to get at least close to the goal. I'm posting this so I have some accountability to you here on the thread. Otherwise, I'll tell myself this and blow if off at the first difficult moment. "Dieting" means calorie counting, logging my food, exercise at least 4 days a week for at least 30 minutes a day and posting that I've got through another day for the next two weeks. Okay...now it's in writing.

Hope everyone has a great night!!


Eva, good luck with the dieting. I don't think there is anything wrong with dieting as a "short term" solution. Everyone here has been able to lose weight in the short term at one time or another. Just don't let yourself feel too deprived, stick to the basics and you will be just fine! After the wedding, treat yourself for your effort!

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Good Morning Gang

Eva - I guess you are right in the dieting mode - I have been working on it myself - not allowing so many little extras that I have been - this morning rewarded scales back down to normal. Heck 17 more days - you can lose 5 lbs - that's a realistic goal - I would increase the exercise to 45 minutes that's something you have to do as you lose the weight - you gotta increase the intensity &/or time - I don't exercise more than 1:15 tops - that's my limit but I have increased the intensity at how I work out - it use to take me 1 hr to do 2 miles - now I can do 3.5 in an hour and this is slowing the speed at times but putting the incline up to 15 - it's really not how long you work out but the intensity.

Good luck to you on getting those 5 lbs off before the 17th - to back the wedding isn't this weekend or we could meet up - I will be in Fort Worth for my Aunt's funeral...

Well, gang another drive by post - I gotta get my butt in gear and get some work done since I won't be here tomorrow (leaving for TX)

CBL - Hugs

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Hi all~ Drive by post. Running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Darn knee is still bothering me. Just sore and stiff. Will give it another week and then have someone look at it. Usually the first week or so after injury is inflammation and you cannot tell.

Janet, before I forget, have a safe trip. I can only imagine how tough this time is for you. Please know that you will be in our thoughts. Congrats on the scale back to normal! WTG!

More later. Waiting on the new furniture.. but have to run and get Nelson from school a little early so I don't risk missing the delivery. I put the old furniture at the end of the driveway last night with a FREE sign on it. N saw it and start crying his eyes out! He gets so attached to things. (same separation issues I guess). I told him they were going to a poor family. He asked if they could call him from time to time so he could say hi to his favorite chair..LOL. kids. : )

CBL... peas

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Hi............. Janet, have a safe trip and a peaceful goodbye to your aunt... God bless you and your family..

It's raining here so DH didn't go to work and it is a blessing as I had no one else to watch Mimi today and DD has 2 interviews this afternoon.... Bye the way, she did not quit her job on the spot.... Took a couple "sick days" and then put her best foot forward and has stuck to it, with the idea that she is leaving asap...... Thank goodness her responsiblity values set in... I was very worried... Anyway she should have been here to get Mimi at noon, but with interviews it will be more like 4:00 and I would have been hurting... God works in mysterious ways they say... Sure did for me today.. Mimi is sleeping now and DH went outside and I'm trying to get some paperwork done... Everyone have a good day and I'll be back this evening when things settle down here.... TaTa......... Julie

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Thanks gang !!! I just got online to print my boarding pass and thought I would stop by and say bye :0)

I am almost done packing - the worst part is trying to figure out what to take.

We are meeting at the funeral home tomorrow around 5 for the viewing then going out to dinner - the services are Saturday at noon - then going over to my Aunt's Stepson's house ..

I got my nails done - flowers ordered (almost forgot about that all together) got food for Andrew and animals...

I am doing pretty good right now - but alot to keep me busy right now - She's in a better place - she lived a good long life (93 yrs old) what more can you ask for..

Talk to you all when I get back on Sunday...

Hugs & Love to you all - Janet

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Good trip Janet..........not the best circumstances, but it will be good for you.

As promised, posting my "diet" day. Exercised 30 minutes-walked, food good until after the walk. My blood sugar tanked and I got shaky, so I ate my grapes and came home and ate dates and ate olives...then went out for dinner with DH, sister, and a friend. I didn't do bad at dinner, salad, a little Pasta, sausage and potatoes. It was an Italian buffet.

I think DH and I are going to the Trinity site Saturday....it's only open 2 times a year for like a 1/2 day, so we'll head to NM tomorrow night and back to AZ on Saturday. I'll post when I get back.

Have a good Friday everyone.


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Good trip Janet..........not the best circumstances, but it will be good for you.

As promised, posting my "diet" day. Exercised 30 minutes-walked, food good until after the walk. My blood sugar tanked and I got shaky, so I ate my grapes and came home and ate dates and ate olives...then went out for dinner with DH, sister, and a friend. I didn't do bad at dinner, salad, a little Pasta, sausage and potatoes. It was an Italian buffet.

I think DH and I are going to the Trinity site Saturday....it's only open 2 times a year for like a 1/2 day, so we'll head to NM tomorrow night and back to AZ on Saturday. I'll post when I get back.

Have a good Friday everyone.



Good luck on reaching your goal. Keep posting, it will help you stay on track!

Janet, Have a safe trip!

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Dee, how are you doing...newly post op and all. You still on a liquid diet? Are you hungry?

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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