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Hope knee surgery goes well. I love my new knees.

Meredith--congrats on the 50lbs.

Laura--hope your knee is improving

Janet--glad you're doing better

Julie--glad you're a little better. Are they going to do the MRI?

Subject pants. This and last year pants are running longer because people are covering half boots with their pants.

I'm 5'9". I'm getting away with wearing a regular length. Talls have always needed hemming. I always cold Water washed regulars because they always shrunk and then I had high waters.

I did get a great pair of pants for $12 at Kohls. They're charcoal grey, low-rise, stretch, and actually fit my butt and thighs. First pair of pants in a long time that look good.

School is really busy and I have a lot of commitments over the next few weeks. I'm keeping up with reading but not posting.

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Hope knee surgery goes well. I love my new knees.

Meredith--congrats on the 50lbs.

Laura--hope your knee is improving

Janet--glad you're doing better

Julie--glad you're a little better. Are they going to do the MRI?

Subject pants. This and last year pants are running longer because people are covering half boots with their pants.

I'm 5'9". I'm getting away with wearing a regular length. Talls have always needed hemming. I always cold Water washed regulars because they always shrunk and then I had high waters.

I did get a great pair of pants for $12 at Kohls. They're charcoal grey, low-rise, stretch, and actually fit my butt and thighs. First pair of pants in a long time that look good.

School is really busy and I have a lot of commitments over the next few weeks. I'm keeping up with reading but not posting.

New knees are a wonderful thing!! I agree!! So happy to walk NORMAL with no cane, no pain! LOVE IT! Sorry, I guess I already said that!

I need to go check out Kohl's for pants, & JC Penney's!

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Went for post op today. Dr said that my pain in my stomach was being caused by a nerve condition. He explained that when he puts the port in some nerves are moved. I explained that yesterday I had to stand up most of the day. If the pain is not gone in 2 weeks he will give me something specifically for that nerve. I had the surgery to get off meds not take more. I was so concerned about the food etc.... surely not this pain a month out.

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I like reading how everyone loves their new knees, just what I needed to read today!

I must have long legs because I've rarely had to hem a pair of tall pants and I am 5'9. I'm not noticing them being longer this year at all. But then I am new to the regular size department too, maybe their lengths are different than plus sizes as well. Also long sleeves are never long enough so I like the 3/4 sleeve look as I can push my long sleeves to that length and they look like that's where they are supposed to be. :(

Well almost time for Biggest Loser! Still love that show, though DH is always concerned when I get into that show as he's afraid I still identify too much with the fatter side of things. BUt like Janet always says we are still the fat chick inside and no one gets what htey are going through other than someone who's been there.

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Went for post op today. Dr said that my pain in my stomach was being caused by a nerve condition. He explained that when he puts the port in some nerves are moved. I explained that yesterday I had to stand up most of the day. If the pain is not gone in 2 weeks he will give me something specifically for that nerve. I had the surgery to get off meds not take more. I was so concerned about the food etc.... surely not this pain a month out.

Jenno...happy to hear you got some explanation. Hopefully your pain will subside on it's own. You are only a month out? Be patient, get some walking in, mind your doc's rules and let us know how you are doing

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Have any of you that are not at goal checked out the resell shops? That's what I have been doing. Found a winter coat for $7 in good condition not exactly what I wanted but figured it would do as I'm not planning on wearing it next year. Those shops seem to be cropping up all over the place now.

Laura K

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Great I would be pissed too about the dr situation and I would tell the doc in person - cuz she might intercept the letter and destroy it.

Like Phyl says you have youth on your side in the healing - heck look at Phyl she's doing great

I got hotel (marriott courtyard) - airfare (non-stop) - rent a car (midsize) for $650 on priceline.com - I thinks that's a good price -I fly out of Palm Springs on Friday morning- Come home Sunday morning - Services are on Saturday..

Julie - Hope that shot works sooner rather than later...

I can't wait to put up my summer clothes - but heck my winter clothes are really your summer clothes - it's suppose to get in the 80's this

weekend - 60 at night...

What's up with all you tall chicks !!!! I'm 5'2 - I have to wear heals or hem - unless I get petties...

Laura alot of pple seem to lose weight that way - Hope the next fill gives you more restriction - you can't get an earlier appt..

Shopping for pants is a nightmare for me and I am desperately in need of some smaller sizes now! I am barely 5 ft tall, short waisted and still have "thunder thighs"! So must be petite, low-rise and relaxed fit! UGH!


Charlene - When I ck'd the weather on Sunday - chance of thrunder storm on Friday 75 during the day on Sat - 50's at night...

Jenno - Hugs I totally get what you are saying...

Ok gotta go feed the dogs - cbl

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I love 3/4 length sleeves, partly because of my long arms, partly because except when its 0 outside I tend to get warm--people keep things too hot when its cold outside. Since my hyst I can't stand that. I like my wrists free. Also, one arm is significantly longer than the other. My long-sleeved shirts always looked uneven and I didn't know why till I broke my elbow and had to have a screw put in it and have it casted for three weeks. Afterwards I did excercises to straighten it out and kept stretching it out in front of me and comparing it to the other arm. That's when I noticed one arm was much longer. Isn't as noticable with a 3/4 length sleeve.

I have always hated my upper arms and most short sleeves cut me off in ways that make them look worse, so I was very happy for the 3/4 length. Like capris, cooler for summer, less confining, but still hides the worst.

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By the way, several of my temporary clothese are from resale or thrift shops. The economy is making them boom.

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Good Evening.....

I just can't post to everyone....so much content...it's all good....but there's a lot.

Meredith WTG and congratulations on the 50 pounds. You are doing amazing. Fire that real estate person and find someone else that will respond to you. I've learned with RE people, you need to find one you click with...then it will be much better.


Originally Posted by Great2BThin viewpost.gif

Apples, we go to Miller, SD which is pretty much in the center of the state. How far from SD are you? Last year we drove to Watertown to go to the Redlin museum and that was about 2 hours away. Would be great to meet you.

Janet, I am assuming by your post that you found an air fare to TX? I must've missed that you were going, but am glad you were able to work it out.

Great...we are about 2.5 hours from Watertown. Would be worth the trip to see you:thumbup:

I've been to Watertown and lived in Pierre when I was 18. I learned a lot about life in Pierre, SD.

Lori, I've had a couple of friends in the 40's that have had both knees replaced. I just talked to one tonight and she is completely happy with them.

Julie, brrrrr sounds so cold there. It's still 90 degrees out and it's 8:45pm here. It's supposed to cool down tomorrow. Glad to hear nothing is really seriously wrong with your band or your shoulder. Bursitis isn't fun, but anti-inflamitories should help with that and not aggravating it more.....means take it easy.

Laura K....looks like you are doing very well even with will power. Stay warm. The resale shop sounds like a great idea.

Phyl, I think this group covers the entire range of sizes and shapes. Glad to hear your recovery is going so well. It will make so much difference in your activity level later (I'm sure you already figured that out).

Janet, Have a good trip...we'll be thinking about you....hope you find closure and peace while you are there.

Apples, did you get the lake house closed up?

Cheri...you always have some interesting tidbit.

Not much else going on here....just trying to keep up with stuff. My computer was out last night so that put me behind. Got one of my vehicles fixed Monday and it's too hot to walk again...except that is supposed to change. I hope so.

I'm sleepy...so off to be for me. Hope everyone has a great night.


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G'morning all~~~

Didn't get on the computer yesterday. BUSY BUSY. Took my car in for new brake disks/oil/tires rotated, etc. Then went furniture shopping. Dragged DH (who was on call the night before but had a relatively quiet night), to 4 furniture stores looking for a coffee table. By the time we made it to the 5th store- Lazy Boy... DH talked me into buying a recliner couch and love seat!!! LOL. The guy told him, "no guy ever regretted the purchase of a Lazy Boy!" It wasn't what I really wanted but he was happy with it and it looks ok. (dark wine colored leather). 2 recliners on couch and two in love seat! Geez louise! Then RAN to pick up Nelson at school... ran to the mechanic to get my car... ran home to get Taekwondo uniform.... ran to TKD.... went out to dinner..... ran home... took baths... read to Nelson... tucked him in... .took my shower... collapsed in bed!

Apples~ I was so sorry to miss your call!!! I will try you today. Don't want to call too early with the time difference. I think afternoons are better for you too, huh?

hi to everyone else, so many posts... don't know where to begin!!!

I am STILL at 234. I have good restriction until 9pm and then the gates OPEN WIDE! So frustrating! I haven't been making the best food choices either. Also PMSing really really bad. Craving salty and sweet! ugghh! On a positive note, the knee is feeling 70% better! I am still walking weird but I think I am out of the woods. Thank goodness!

CBL peeps! peasout~~~ Laura

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Hi all, I'm going to try to post before going back to bed now that Mimi and DH are out the door.... I had a bad night again... :blink: Dr. said the shot doesn't really take hold for 2-3 days and he was right.... It wasn't the worst, but it ached plus I had a headache (don't know where that came from) and the rest was just plain insomnia I think.... I know I didn't sleep from 1:30am on....... going to try to lay down and crash a bit now...

Laura, isn't it nice when something new is their idea!!!! If you had suggested it there probably would have been a whole different story!! good for you..... I get the bad food choices... I was so unsettled during the night that I got up and made myself a PB&J sandwich and at the whole thing without any restriction stopping me... HOWEVER, when I stepped on the scale this morning I was down a pound from my low.... I had been up since that barium x-ray had me plugged up.... So, I'm happy for more than one reason..........ahhhhhhh!!!!

Eva, glad you got your computer up and running again.. can't be without that for very long...

I hate long sleeves, so have very few... in the winter I can do sweat shirts and such for warmth, but they are usually pushed up while I'm wearing them... I do sleevless or short sleeve in the summer... My arms aren't my problem area so don't worry too much... they are getting some flabby now, but no worries.. It's my upper inner bubble legs that get me.... I can never exercise that away.....ever.....

After my nap I will continue with my clothes project as I have piles on the bedroom floor to pick up... Then also have to do a cleaning project on all the altar brass from church.. It's my job to keep them buffed up and I have been slacking off over the last few months... a good sit-down project.....

We have a weeding to go to on Saturday, one of DH's military girls..... will be an overnight in Fargo and home Sunday sometime... Then we leave again on Thursday for a week to see our kids in Ohio.... They finally agreed to us coming for a visit... They first told us not to come, but something must have changed their mind... I made our motel reservations yesterday so just have a few odd things to accomplish before leaving.. Must bake some Cookies for my boys!!!! Grandma must bring treats!!!

You all have a great day... I'm going to drink my Breakfast this morning with a fresh strawberry/protein shake smoothie concoction I made and then try to rest a bit... :) TTYL............... Julie

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I love 3/4 length sleeves, partly because of my long arms, partly because except when its 0 outside I tend to get warm--people keep things too hot when its cold outside. Since my hyst I can't stand that. I like my wrists free. Also, one arm is significantly longer than the other. My long-sleeved shirts always looked uneven and I didn't know why till I broke my elbow and had to have a screw put in it and have it casted for three weeks. Afterwards I did excercises to straighten it out and kept stretching it out in front of me and comparing it to the other arm. That's when I noticed one arm was much longer. Isn't as noticable with a 3/4 length sleeve.

I have always hated my upper arms and most short sleeves cut me off in ways that make them look worse, so I was very happy for the 3/4 length. Like capris, cooler for summer, less confining, but still hides the worst.

Cheri - I don't know where I would be without capri's and longer length sleeve - I don't do shorts and I don't go sleeveless (well at home I do)

Good Evening.....

I just can't post to everyone....so much content...it's all good....but there's a lot.

Meredith WTG and congratulations on the 50 pounds. You are doing amazing. Fire that real estate person and find someone else that will respond to you. I've learned with RE people, you need to find one you click with...then it will be much better.

Janet, Have a good trip...we'll be thinking about you....hope you find closure and peace while you are there.

Not much else going on here....just trying to keep up with stuff. My computer was out last night so that put me behind. Got one of my vehicles fixed Monday and it's too hot to walk again...except that is supposed to change. I hope so.

I'm sleepy...so off to be for me. Hope everyone has a great night.


Thanks Eva - I will be fine - yes it's about the closure and saying good by..

I think everyone is having computer issues - our email was down yesterday here at work

G'morning all~~~

Didn't get on the computer yesterday. BUSY BUSY. Took my car in for new brake disks/oil/tires rotated, etc. Then went furniture shopping. Dragged DH (who was on call the night before but had a relatively quiet night), to 4 furniture stores looking for a coffee table. By the time we made it to the 5th store- Lazy Boy... DH talked me into buying a recliner couch and love seat!!! LOL. The guy told him, "no guy ever regretted the purchase of a Lazy Boy!" It wasn't what I really wanted but he was happy with it and it looks ok. (dark wine colored leather). 2 recliners on couch and two in love seat! Geez louise! Then RAN to pick up Nelson at school... ran to the mechanic to get my car... ran home to get Taekwondo uniform.... ran to TKD.... went out to dinner..... ran home... took baths... read to Nelson... tucked him in... .took my shower... collapsed in bed!

Apples~ I was so sorry to miss your call!!! I will try you today. Don't want to call too early with the time difference. I think afternoons are better for you too, huh?

hi to everyone else, so many posts... don't know where to begin!!!

I am STILL at 234. I have good restriction until 9pm and then the gates OPEN WIDE! So frustrating! I haven't been making the best food choices either. Also PMSing really really bad. Craving salty and sweet! ugghh! On a positive note, the knee is feeling 70% better! I am still walking weird but I think I am out of the woods. Thank goodness!

CBL peeps! peasout~~~ Laura

Laura - My DS has those typed of couches/loveseats - I love them - I wish I had a recliner - next couch will have the recliner in it.

Yes you have been busy !!!

Hi all, I'm going to try to post before going back to bed now that Mimi and DH are out the door.... I had a bad night again... :blink: Dr. said the shot doesn't really take hold for 2-3 days and he was right.... It wasn't the worst, but it ached plus I had a headache (don't know where that came from) and the rest was just plain insomnia I think.... I know I didn't sleep from 1:30am on....... going to try to lay down and crash a bit now...

Laura, isn't it nice when something new is their idea!!!! If you had suggested it there probably would have been a whole different story!! good for you..... I get the bad food choices... I was so unsettled during the night that I got up and made myself a PB&J sandwich and at the whole thing without any restriction stopping me... HOWEVER, when I stepped on the scale this morning I was down a pound from my low.... I had been up since that barium x-ray had me plugged up.... So, I'm happy for more than one reason..........ahhhhhhh!!!!

Eva, glad you got your computer up and running again.. can't be without that for very long...

I hate long sleeves, so have very few... in the winter I can do sweat shirts and such for warmth, but they are usually pushed up while I'm wearing them... I do sleevless or short sleeve in the summer... My arms aren't my problem area so don't worry too much... they are getting some flabby now, but no worries.. It's my upper inner bubble legs that get me.... I can never exercise that away.....ever.....

After my nap I will continue with my clothes project as I have piles on the bedroom floor to pick up... Then also have to do a cleaning project on all the altar brass from church.. It's my job to keep them buffed up and I have been slacking off over the last few months... a good sit-down project.....

We have a weeding to go to on Saturday, one of DH's military girls..... will be an overnight in Fargo and home Sunday sometime... Then we leave again on Thursday for a week to see our kids in Ohio.... They finally agreed to us coming for a visit... They first told us not to come, but something must have changed their mind... I made our motel reservations yesterday so just have a few odd things to accomplish before leaving.. Must bake some Cookies for my boys!!!! Grandma must bring treats!!!

You all have a great day... I'm going to drink my breakfast this morning with a fresh strawberry/protein shake smoothie concoction I made and then try to rest a bit... :) TTYL............... Julie

Julie - Hugs - hopefully the shot will kick in soon - you sound busy - take care and don't over do it...

Well I’m glad to say my food has been excellent the last few days. I have been paying attention to my fullness and not ignoring it.. Last night fish – rice and just a little of my veggies – then sf cinnamon pudding. That was it...

One minute I think I need a fill – but I really don’t I just need to pay attention to my fullness and make good food choices.

Well need to get but in gear if I am going to leave early tomorrow – CBL

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Mornin' Everyone,

Janet...happy to see that you are going to make it to Auntie's funeral. Will be thinking of you. Have a safe trip.

Going to make this quick...on my way out the door. A couple of days on the road doing farm stuff and then one more weekend at the lake. Happy to have this last one. DH will be up when he can. It's extremely cold (frost in the mornings) but I am a happy clam at the lake and have been there when we had 7inches of snow on the deck last year in the spring. (Frost on the nipples in the morning though! TMI)

Funny how we can get on a subject and make it last for a couple of days, i.e.....clothes. I, too, like 3/4 length sleeves. I think it is a menopausal thing. Plus, my arms are long and feel the same way about that as I do about too short of pants. Can never put a pair of slacks in the dryer for fear of them shrinking. Started the seasonal transfer of clothing from closet to closet yesterday. I DID A LOT OF SHOPPING IN THE LAST YEAR. But, done now and have everything I need. I do not buy trendy clothes so know I will wear them for a long time. DH encouraged me to do the clothes as my reward after reaching goal. As I have said b/4, I am a scrounger and a sale shopper and I get a real high from a good deal.

OK, don't have time to comment on everyone's posts cuz gotta hit the road....dog is takin' a ride with momma for a couple of days.

Laura...you can contact me on my cell this afternoon. I will PM you again with that # to make sure you have the correct one. Happy to hear your knee is better.

Ta-Ta xoxoxo

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DD & SIL bought "theater seating last year.. a triple and a double... all recline, all have cup holders, and there's a lift up thing to hold remotes etc. They are SO comfortable... I LOVE them! Leather, nice looking, too.

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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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