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Meredith - You go girl keep up the good work!!!

Peas - Does your knees hurt due to all the walking or did something happen that I missed?

Janet - I just wanted to say thanks for the calorie advice a couple weeks ago. I saw my surgeon today and he said exactly what you said 800-900 calories during my weight loss phase. But if I was eating mostly Protein it could be a little more. So i am going to take your advice a switch up my calorie level often so as not to get into a plateau.l I have 16 pounds to reach my biggest goal which is too get below 200 pounds.

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1 day~ I injured it on Saturday. We were at the beach and I was stepping from the sand on to the beach wall. It was an area where the sand had washed away and it was a big step up. My foot in the sand moved and my right knee popped as it twisted. I couldn't move for a few minutes but then was able to limp. The next morning it was wicked swollen but surprisingly more stable. Now it still feels wishy washy but is mainly hurting in the calf, perhaps from limping? I am mad b/c I have SOOOO much to do and really want to train. I am still going to Y tomorrow for training appt and will skip legs that require knee.. mainly do upper body. Who would have EVER thought I would be upset not to be able to go to the gym?! LOL


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Hi Gang

Busy at work never got to post this morning..

Laura - what happen to the knee - I missed that...

Meredith - congrats on the 50 lbs mark WTG

gay guy is a girls bff :0)

Phyl - yep not sleep makes for a cranky girl - hope tonites better

Apples - Hugs - I have had too many sweets this weekend - I am done :0)

Melissa - I could be a nutritionist even when I was 250 - I knew what to do - but didn't do it - Gotta confess the last couple day's haven't been good for me up 1.5 right now - but I do usually weight more at night than in the a.m. - so am not freaking too much - I ate 1/2 bagel yesterday and 5 Cookies - yes drowning my sorrows..

I think I could use a fill after eating that bagel - I could have eaten the whole thing but I threw the other half away - the Cookies are in Andrew's room - so I will be ok tonite..

I think I will call the doc next week and maybe get a tweek

well gotta go to the gym - legs tonite - will cbl

Hugs J

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I am changing the topic I guess but I am getting frustrated. I was banded 9-2 and the pain on the left side is getting worse. Today at work I had to stand to get any releif. Seeing Dr tomorrow for post op visit. The thought of him pressing on my stomach is panicing me. Any one else had this problem? First day I am starting to regret my decision.

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1 day~ I injured it on Saturday. We were at the beach and I was stepping from the sand on to the beach wall. It was an area where the sand had washed away and it was a big step up. My foot in the sand moved and my right knee popped as it twisted. I couldn't move for a few minutes but then was able to limp. The next morning it was wicked swollen but surprisingly more stable. Now it still feels wishy washy but is mainly hurting in the calf, perhaps from limping? I am mad b/c I have SOOOO much to do and really want to train. I am still going to Y tomorrow for training appt and will skip legs that require knee.. mainly do upper body. Who would have EVER thought I would be upset not to be able to go to the gym?! LOL


Oh I am so sorry. I hope you heal fast so you can continue training.

Hi Gang

Melissa - I could be a nutritionist even when I was 250 - I knew what to do - but didn't do it - Gotta confess the last couple day's haven't been good for me up 1.5 right now - but I do usually weight more at night than in the a.m. - so am not freaking too much - I ate 1/2 bagel yesterday and 5 Cookies - yes drowning my sorrows..

I think I could use a fill after eating that bagel - I could have eaten the whole thing but I threw the other half away - the Cookies are in Andrew's room - so I will be ok tonite..

Hugs J

Hang in there girl. You need to get you smile back!! Hang in there.

I am changing the topic I guess but I am getting frustrated. I was banded 9-2 and the pain on the left side is getting worse. Today at work I had to stand to get any releif. Seeing Dr tomorrow for post op visit. The thought of him pressing on my stomach is panicing me. Any one else had this problem? First day I am starting to regret my decision.

Oh my goodness. I know you do not want him to press or your stomach but let him. You need to figuring out what is up with the pain. I hope it is nothing. Have you tried walking around that seems to help if it is gas. Even if you just walk from room to room in your house.

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I am changing the topic I guess but I am getting frustrated. I was banded 9-2 and the pain on the left side is getting worse. Today at work I had to stand to get any releif. Seeing Dr tomorrow for post op visit. The thought of him pressing on my stomach is panicing me. Any one else had this problem? First day I am starting to regret my decision.

Jenno2...You are doing the right thing by letting your doc check this out. Always better to be on the safe side. Hopefully it's just gas. Like 1Day said...maybe try to walk it off. Let us know what you find out. Hope your pain subsides soon.

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Hi Gang

Busy at work never got to post this morning..

Laura - what happen to the knee - I missed that...

Meredith - congrats on the 50 lbs mark WTG

gay guy is a girls bff :0)

Phyl - yep not sleep makes for a cranky girl - hope tonites better

Apples - Hugs - I have had too many sweets this weekend - I am done :0)

Melissa - I could be a nutritionist even when I was 250 - I knew what to do - but didn't do it - Gotta confess the last couple day's haven't been good for me up 1.5 right now - but I do usually weight more at night than in the a.m. - so am not freaking too much - I ate 1/2 bagel yesterday and 5 Cookies - yes drowning my sorrows..

I think I could use a fill after eating that bagel - I could have eaten the whole thing but I threw the other half away - the Cookies are in Andrew's room - so I will be ok tonite..

I think I will call the doc next week and maybe get a tweek

well gotta go to the gym - legs tonite - will cbl

Hugs J

Sorry about the food issues, Janet. Thinking that if you were able to eat 1/2 a bagel, maybe you are correct in needing a fill. A message from me to your cookies: "Naughty Cookies....stay the heck away from Janet". Hope that works! Hugs back at ya!:tongue2:

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Oh my! I now totally understand what restriction is!!!! I could use a little more, but I am really happy with the restriction that I am feeling so far. I've had some pain today though because I'm having a hard time getting used to it. Good though!!!

Laura~ This realtor is making me mad kinda. She never e-mailed me back and I had to call her this morning to set up a time to see the house! What the heck? And, she was rude to me at first on the phone. I don't think that she realizes that I REALLY want this house!!!!

Ok, so its super late again. I have to get to bed. I just finshed homework. UGH.

Talk to you all tomorrow, Meredith

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Laura~ This realtor is making me mad kinda. She never e-mailed me back and I had to call her this morning to set up a time to see the house! What the heck? And, she was rude to me at first on the phone. I don't think that she realizes that I REALLY want this house!!!!

Talk to you all tomorrow, Meredith

You're a woman and you're young... she's not taking you seriously! I think you should get a new realtor! If she's not following through I'd think you have every right to do that.

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Internet was down yesteday and I'm still catching up on reading the posts.

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!!


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Oh my! I now totally understand what restriction is!!!! I could use a little more, but I am really happy with the restriction that I am feeling so far. I've had some pain today though because I'm having a hard time getting used to it. Good though!!!

Laura~ This realtor is making me mad kinda. She never e-mailed me back and I had to call her this morning to set up a time to see the house! What the heck? And, she was rude to me at first on the phone. I don't think that she realizes that I REALLY want this house!!!!

Ok, so its super late again. I have to get to bed. I just finshed homework. UGH.

Talk to you all tomorrow, Meredith

Meredith, Congrats on the 50lbs!! And I agree, new realtor. If she's that hard to get a hold of and deal with now before you sign a contract, it will only be worse after. And after, there always seems to be little issues to come up etc. and then she'll be hard to get a hold of as she's already got you under contract.

Today is my hair appt day and lunch with DH so not a bad day. Yesterday was so hectic I need a breather day, though I have to clean. I had my knee class at the hospital, got a flu shot, had my ribs xrayed but still know nothing. I am so upset with my PCP's office I am thinking of finding a new Primary care dr. I couldn't get an appt last week to get in, finally got one for yesterday afternoon and then they called the house after I left for the day and left a message cancelling it. When I went in to the office they wanted to reschedule me for next week! GRRR And the gal was so rude. I asked why they didn't try my cell phone, she insisted they didn't have my cell number. I knew they did and then saw my file on her desk and it's right on top on a yellow sticky. And she lied, she said she left me 3 messages and tried to call even on Sunday. I said she did no such thing, I have caller ID and an answering machine and I had nothing. She then backed down a little from that. So they finally wrote me orders for an xray but now no call back with results. GRRRRRR I am dealing with a partner Dr as my Dr is out due to the death of his father, but still. That's no excuse for rudeness and lying. I think I might write the dr a letter and letting him know what's going on.

Getting nervous about my surgery next week especially after the knee class yesterday. I felt so young, I was definitely the youngest person there having knee surgery.

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Great...try not to doubt your decision to have your knee done. It's been reallly bothering you for a long time and your surgeon would not go through with it if he thought it shouldn't be done. Yes, you're young but you will be so happy when all this is behind you and you have more mobility.

Where do you guys go for pheasant hunting, Lori? Maybe I can swing a trip out for lunch or something while you are there?

Meredith...I ditto what Phyll and Great said...find a new realtor. No one should have to sit for days waiting for a call back.

On the run today for the farm. Need to drive a 65 mile radius to get conservation program contracts signed. Meals are made for the day so just need to be back to serve the nighttime meal. Maybe a stop at Walmart for supplies for the pantry and that's about it. Harvest is going good. Hoping that we will be done earlier than normal this year. Earliest we've had is Oct 21 and latest Dec 24. Never know...dependent on the weather.

Wishing you all a great day!

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I am changing the topic I guess but I am getting frustrated. I was banded 9-2 and the pain on the left side is getting worse. Today at work I had to stand to get any releif. Seeing Dr tomorrow for post op visit. The thought of him pressing on my stomach is panicing me. Any one else had this problem? First day I am starting to regret my decision.

You aren't changing the topic - we are all over the place it changes from second to second :0)

I agree you need to see the doctor...

Keep us posted...

Sorry about the food issues, Janet. Thinking that if you were able to eat 1/2 a bagel, maybe you are correct in needing a fill. A message from me to your cookies: "Naughty Cookies....stay the heck away from Janet". Hope that works! Hugs back at ya!:tongue2:

Apples it worked food was good yesterday - I don't think I ate bf - lunch spinach tuna salad w/feta cheese and yogurt dressing 300 ca - dinner baked blackin catfish 3/4 c butternut squash 1/2 c rice 370 cal - 1 hrs leg workout and then got up this a.m. 4:30 - gym by 5 and did my 3 miles.

No Snacks - so my total was 670 - hell say 700 -

I never got back on the computer last night didn't get home till 8:30 - after gym took andrew to get a new phone - but store didn't have one in stock - said they called the other store and they didn't have any - so we came home and he called the other store - they had it - so I put my dinner in the oven set the timer and off to palm desert we went - well he got a replacement phone (he paid for it) today we get the window fixed (he's paying for it) and I got some errands after work.. So did it this morning...

I think I am going to call doc today and set up appt for next week -

Oh my! I now totally understand what restriction is!!!! I could use a little more, but I am really happy with the restriction that I am feeling so far. I've had some pain today though because I'm having a hard time getting used to it. Good though!!!

Laura~ This realtor is making me mad kinda. She never e-mailed me back and I had to call her this morning to set up a time to see the house! What the heck? And, she was rude to me at first on the phone. I don't think that she realizes that I REALLY want this house!!!!

Ok, so its super late again. I have to get to bed. I just finshed homework. UGH.

Talk to you all tomorrow, Meredith

Restriction is a good thing :0)...

Well gang drive by post gotta get butt in gear - I am taking off early on Thrusday (working 1/2 day) so that I can get food shopping done for Andrew and the animals while I am gone - banking - and nails - then gotta figure out what to pack - it's still in the 100's here - high 70's at night - TX is suppose to be 75 and 50's night..


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Apples, we go to Miller, SD which is pretty much in the center of the state. How far from SD are you? Last year we drove to Watertown to go to the Redlin museum and that was about 2 hours away. Would be great to meet you.

Janet, I am assuming by your post that you found an air fare to TX? I must've missed that you were going, but am glad you were able to work it out.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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