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Good Morning Gangs

Thanks for all the thoughts & prayers - I feel better today - went for my massage yesterday - it was good but next time I am going to get a guy - my gf got an extra 10 minutes..

I stayed home last night didnt feel like going out - bought a candy bar - to drown my sorrows - but it didn't taste good - didn't even finish it - but did eat 3 cheese tacos :0) - I'm ok with it - it's done and it's over with - wanted white gravy over rice but didn't have the fixings so had a lean cusiene alfreado instead...

Eva love the pics of your turtles -

Laura love the pics of your cutie Nelson

Great - hope the ribs are better today - do you have the band thingie they gave some of us after banding - that's all you can do is rap it I think...

Well I need to get in gear - I slept well last night (with the help of a sleeping pill) feel rested this a.m. - need to go ck air fares...

Thanks again for your support - it means the world to me...

Hugs Janet

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Janet, I hope you can find a flight that works for you. The memorial services are for the living and I think shows respect for the dead....it will probably help for you to go. You are not alone however. I remember when my Mom died, I thought that was it...there would be no one that loved me that way and in a sense that is true, but my world is filled with love, from family (siblings & DH) and friends. You still have your children and grandchildren (I don't have that) and you have friends...we are all pulling for you.

Laura, the pics are so cute. Nelson looks like a little adult, a cute little adult. You look great, what a smile!!

Meredith, I did look up those troll beads, nope they aren't what I used to play with....they are nice. I like them. Good luck with the house. I love owning my own place and have since I was 20 or so. I did buy this house with Jeff before we were married but all the other ones were on my own. By the time DH and I bought this house together, we were into our 40's and knew we weren't going anywhere else with anyone else, otherwise, I wouldn't put his name on the house either.

Julie, as of this morning we have a total of 14 tortoises. Two adults (separated) 1 yearling, and 11 babies. Too many and I don't want this many. I will be farming them out to good homes as soon as I can. I would be very happy with 2 non producing tortoises. I'm working on that.

So I worked on the garden again today and am starting to clean it up. What a mess. It got too hot again, so I'll work some more on it next weekend and then maybe I'll be happy with it again. It already looks a lot better. I still haven't found where Delila laid those eggs. I did find a next of quail eggs that hatched. I'm happy about that.

I'm starting to get a little itchy to make some greeting cards. I need to clean my office first and it's really a mess....but I'm thinking about it. I could actually start on Christmas cards...............hummmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Hope everyone has a great Sunday.


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Janet, I hope you can find a flight that works for you. The memorial services are for the living and I think shows respect for the dead....it will probably help for you to go. You are not alone however. I remember when my Mom died, I thought that was it...there would be no one that loved me that way and in a sense that is true, but my world is filled with love, from family (siblings & DH) and friends. You still have your children and grandchildren (I don't have that) and you have friends...we are all pulling for you.

Laura, the pics are so cute. Nelson looks like a little adult, a cute little adult. You look great, what a smile!!

Meredith, I did look up those troll beads, nope they aren't what I used to play with....they are nice. I like them. Good luck with the house. I love owning my own place and have since I was 20 or so. I did buy this house with Jeff before we were married but all the other ones were on my own. By the time DH and I bought this house together, we were into our 40's and knew we weren't going anywhere else with anyone else, otherwise, I wouldn't put his name on the house either.

Julie, as of this morning we have a total of 14 tortoises. Two adults (separated) 1 yearling, and 11 babies. Too many and I don't want this many. I will be farming them out to good homes as soon as I can. I would be very happy with 2 non producing tortoises. I'm working on that.

So I worked on the garden again today and am starting to clean it up. What a mess. It got too hot again, so I'll work some more on it next weekend and then maybe I'll be happy with it again. It already looks a lot better. I still haven't found where Delila laid those eggs. I did find a next of quail eggs that hatched. I'm happy about that.

I'm starting to get a little itchy to make some greeting cards. I need to clean my office first and it's really a mess....but I'm thinking about it. I could actually start on Christmas cards...............hummmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Hope everyone has a great Sunday.



I love the way that you put that "thought that was it - there would be no one that loved me that way and in a sense that is true, but my world is filled with love, from family (siblings & DH) and friends. You still have your children and grandchildren (I don't have that) and you have friends...we are all pulling for you. "

Thanks !!!

Well I am showered and dressed - most of the wash done - not put away but on my bed - getting out of the house for a bit - don't know where I am going - we ya sort of maybe hit costco - target - staters and home...


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Great~~~ I am sooo sorry if you thought that I was implying that you hurt your self by rolling over in bed!! I would never do that!! I was just saying that all she did was wrap her ribs up b/c that's what she had been told to do. Again I am sorry for any misunderstanding. Sharon

Sharon, no worries. I like to think my ribs got hurt because they are exposed now. LOL Used to be layers and layers of fat protecting them and now you can see I have ribs. LOL That's what they get for sticking out there. LOL They feel a tad better today but still very tender. I suppose I will probably keep my appt tomorrow.

I have a super busy week this week so if I am scarce fora bit that is why. Tomorrow is my knee class, Tues. hair, Wed. volunteer, Thurs. I must take Grandma shopping to stock up since I will be laid up the next week or two, and then Friday if the weather is nice we are going to watch more 'elk porn'. A neighbor called going up to watch the elk that as it's their mating season and rut, we got a kick out of that and have been calling it that ever since. Though haven't actually watched them 'do the deed'. LOL

Meredith, congrats on the house, I hope it works out for you.

Octo, if turtles can be classifed as cute then they sure are. I liked the pic of the 3 of them on top of each other.

Janet, more hugs on your loss. I hope you can work it out to go.

Laura, hope the knee is better, I can understand knee pain!

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Hey everyone,

Sorry I am been away computer issues again. You guys have all been busy posting it is hard to keep us.

Octo - Love the pics of the turtles.

Peas - Nelson is so cute

Janet - Hugs on your Aunt and the hard times you have been having.

On the massage - I actually like a massage from a woman only cause I feel weird when it is a guy. Since someone should not be touching me like that unless it is my husband.

Great - Sorry for the pain you are in I hope you feel better soon.

Everyone else - Sorry I have not caught up with all the posts I hope you are all doing well.

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Hi everyone,

I'm lurking. But I'm working on my blog tonight and I have laundry to do. Got a new pair of pants for $12 at Kohls today that look like dynamite.


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Well, after all of that complaining about food and everything, I got on the scale this morning and great news!!! I have officially lost 50 pounds!!!!! About 10 more pounds and I will be at the half way mark!

I thought that I was going to lay around all day today and chill out and do laundry, but that did not turn out to be the case. I slept in, weighed, at something, went to get my mom and dad some gatorade and juice (they are still so sick), then went to a co-workers house to pick up a couch that he was getting rid of because he is moving. We got there around 5 and didn't get home until around 9:30. We didn't come home with the couch though, instead we got a christmas tree (fully trimmed with fabulous ornaments. No one can trim a tree like a gay hairstylist!), a brand new glass and metal tv stand, and a bunch of shoes. This man is super tiny (5 foot, 110 pounds) and has a ton of boots that I LOVE and can pass as womens shoes. SO, I took about 7 pairs! I have never seen a human being own so many pairs of shoes! I swear to God he had about 3 or 4 of the same pairs and didn't even know it!

Anyhow, time for bed now. I have to call the mortgage center in the morning as well as the realtor. I e-mailed her this morning saying that I would like to see the house today or tomorrow when I'm done with class, but she didn't get back to me yet. Kinda strange considering times are so tough here still in the real estate market. So, I will call her tomorrow letting her know I would like to see it. Maybe she just didn't check her e-mail today? She did e-mail me back promptly yesterday after I told her I was interested in the house.

Good night all. Sorry I didn't respond to everyone. Will do that tomorrow.


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:angry::crying::smile2::unsure::smile2: uuuuggghhhhh!!!I can't sleep because of this blankety blank blank knee pain!!! I even took a 1/2 of a ambien and still no go! Went to bed at 11p. Within min. DH is sound asleep... cpap machine nicely makes a humming sound. I stared at the ceiling... and tossed and turned. Then took the other 1/2 of the "just in case" pill and no go. So now I am on LBT. So sleepy but in limbo. It's half knee problem and the rest is insomnia at its finest.:frown2::rant:

Today it was feeling ok. I was able to walk/limp quite well all day! We went to Lowes and got a couple new area rugs and a new SS fridge! Will put the other in the garage.

Now, just trying to type here I guess I am a bit tired. I can barely connect words. :sleep: Time to hit the hay!

CBL~ peas

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:angry::crying::smile2::unsure::smile2: uuuuggghhhhh!!!I can't sleep because of this blankety blank blank knee pain!!! I even took a 1/2 of a ambien and still no go! Went to bed at 11p. Within min. DH is sound asleep... cpap machine nicely makes a humming sound. I stared at the ceiling... and tossed and turned. Then took the other 1/2 of the "just in case" pill and no go. So now I am on LBT. So sleepy but in limbo. It's half knee problem and the rest is insomnia at its finest.:frown2::rant:

Today it was feeling ok. I was able to walk/limp quite well all day! We went to Lowes and got a couple new area rugs and a new SS fridge! Will put the other in the garage.

Now, just trying to type here I guess I am a bit tired. I can barely connect words. :sleep: Time to hit the hay!CBL peas

Hope you finally got to sleep. I've had so many nights like that this past month. I think it's partly my knee and partly too much anti-depressant, so I started breaking them in half. (Sertraline... generic Zoloft) and it has been better since then. I don't think I've had a night of prolonged sleeplessness in about a week now. It's so frustrating when you're so tired and can't fall asleep.


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Hope you finally got to sleep. I've had so many nights like that this past month. I think it's partly my knee and partly too much anti-depressant, so I started breaking them in half. (Sertraline... generic Zoloft) and it has been better since then. I don't think I've had a night of prolonged sleeplessness in about a week now. It's so frustrating when you're so tired and can't fall asleep.


Thanks for understanding Phyllis. : ) I love that sheep icon thing..LOL. After I left here I finally fell asleep about 30 min later I guess. But I was also so stuffy last night that DH woke me up a couple of times b/c I was snoring. He either put me on my side or asked me to put on the cpap. When I am really congested... or having trouble sleeping, I hate to use it. I figured out the clinical settings thanks to the internet and I adjusted my pressure some. I was 7 and now I put it on 5.5 and I can use it better. I need to get retested but I refuse to go through that again.

I am bracing for TOM soon. I already have the tell tale signs of cramp twinges, Water retention, and uncontrollable desire for salt and carbs! I am not sure if KNOWING I have a fibroid is making my symptoms worse....LOL. Almost like finally I have a real diagnosis and the PMS is not in my head. (I am saying this tongue in cheek b/c I know without the fibroid that PMS is a REAL REAL REAL disorder, all on its own!)

I am trying to decide if I keep my appt with my trainer tomorrow. ??? I will only be able to do upper body and maybe some abdominal stuff. Can't do any cardio... or legs. And even most of the back stuff requires stability with the legs. I will talk to her later and see what she says. (I am sure she will say to come, as it's better than not doing anything).

No school today. Teacher work day. So we are having a play date at our house. Jocy, a sweet 5 year old from his class, (who was in one of the boat pics with Nels), will be coming over with her mom. Time to go straighten up!

CBL~ peas

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Good Morning girls!!!

Great~~~ Glad to hear your ribs are doing better!! I guess it just takes time for those things to heal. I totally understand the layers of protection!! LOL When do you have your knee surgery?

Meredith~~~ WAHOOOOO 50 pds!!!!!! You are doing soooo good!!! Hope your sick folks are doing better. Congrats on the house! We own or we're paying for a house. It was a wreck when we bought it but my DH was a carpenter, before he was disabled, and we have remodeled everything ourselves. Saved us a ton of $$$ and we are doing it the way we like, not someone else's tastes. OMG you are sooo lucky to get all those shoes! I love love shoes, especially boots!! And the Christmas tree!! I have had the same sad little tree for the last 10 yrs and I promised myself when I got a new living room, I would get a new tree, so I'm getting a new tree this yr!! I may not have anything under it but it'll be new!!! LOL

Octo~~~ Your babies are so cute!! I like the pic of the 3 on top of each other!! How big will they get? I'm with Janet on the way you put that you have the love of your siblings and Dh!! Nicely said!!

Laura~~~ you poor thing!!! When is your race? Maybe your knee will be better by then! Loved the pics of Nels!! He is going to be heart breaker one of these days!! When my son was little, someone told him he was "foxxy" and he said " No I'm not, I'm not a animal"!! LOL And they were right!! I think he is foxxy!! LOL Can't relate to your sleep problems!! Sorry!! I am blessed in that I have never had trouble going to sleep!! But My DH does!!!! He "catnaps"!!:frown2: When my DD was gone, I slept in her b/r and Eli slept with his PawPaw, OMG!! Did I ever sleep GOOD!!!:unsure:But that's all over with, those were the good ole days!! LOL But I do have a spare b/r that is looking mighty good!!!:smile2:

1day~~ it is good to see your back!!! I know the feeling about catching up on this thread!! It takes a while!!

Janet~~ good to hear your feeling better! Where in Texas are you going? Most of my family is from there, in fact I was born there. Both of my Grandparents are buried there. I would love to go see their grave site. They were my heroes growing up and I still miss them, its been 24 yrs since my Grandmother left and 14 yrs for my Grandfather!! But I know that one day I will see them again and that helps!! Hope you can go!! We'll be thinking of you and sending you hugs!!:crying:

Well, I had a bad bad wkend, so I'm going to have to really watch it this wk!! Too much stress, we had to buy DD a car this wk and with her driving record, her insurance was going to be $3000.00:ohmy: for 6 months,full coverage on the car we bought, and it's not a new one, 05 Hyundai. So she got my Grandam, with liability, for $650.00, every 6 months. But she is going to make the payments on the new car, when she gets a job!! The things we do for our kids!!! So anyway, I've been really bad this wkend. I've got to quit turning to food for the answers!!!! All food ever gave me was more weight and more worries!! Some one shake me,:smile2: right now, back to reality!!! TODAY IS A NEW DAY!!! GET OVER THE PAST!!! O.k. I'm better now!!! Thanks!! Gotta go, TTYL Sharon

Edited by doodlebug11

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Hi there, I've had another okay night... DH actually let me sleep in til 8:30, but it put me a bit behind with getting Mimi ready for the sitter... But she is off now and I'm home alone and need to get some chores done before she comes back at 3:30......

Gosh, Laura, I sure do understand the sleepless night.. Don't wish that on anyone, so hope you get it under control very soon... it's the pitts..... I've had knee problems, too, so be careful witht he running and such.. I'm sure your trainer will have ideas about what it right.

If, congrats on the dynamite pants.... it must be you that looks dynamite!!!!!!

Sharon, can I ever relate to the "kid" woes... It just seems like it is always something for one of them..... But what can we do??? Have to help when we can... My little Mimi sleeps with Grandpa, too.... She pushes me out and our spare room is in the basement so I don't want her down there yet.... This works as I need to sleep in my recliner a lot yet with all my aches and pains... My DH is very handy, too, and it's nice not to have to pay a contractor just to do a few touch up remodeling jobs.. I have one I'd like to have done before Christmas, but we'll see if he gets to it....

1 Day, good to hear from you.... come back when you can.

Meredith, you got lucky with all the shoes... Nice to have friends who share!!!! I have one who gives me clothes sometimes now during my weight loss... Comes in very handy cuz I hate shopping!!!!

Great, you take care of yourself....don't need anything postponing that knee surgery... Hope the ribs are better real soon....

Well, I better get after my chores... Mostly just straightening up and dishes and planning some supper.. We have to be in Bismarck by 8:10 in the morning for my appointment with the orthopedist.... DH has one with ENT, too.... Has to have his ears cleaned well every 6 months or so after having a tumor in one.... So, anyway, won't get much done tomorrow..... You all have a great day.... TTYL............ Julie

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Happy Monday to all!

Janet...sorry to hear about your Auntie's passing. You have my sympathy and will be thinking of you. Hope your household has calmed down some....aren't teenagers just the most fun?????? I don't know how many times my DH made the statement "I cannot wait until these boys are on their own and out of the house". Being the motherly mother that I was (am), I thought DH was terrible for uttering those words. Thinking back...not so terrible!

Eva...love the photos of your hard shelled babies. My boys loved raising snapping turtles and then releasing to our pond.

IF....congrats on the great fitting, reasonably priced slacks.

Julie....hope your future appts can get to the source of your pain. Also, thinking of you and your struggles dealing with DD quiting her job. Do you have a Job Force office she can check with?

Laura....damn on the knee thing. Just when a person thinks they have enough on their plate. Hope your visit with SIL is not too much for you. Just smile and get through it. Know where you are coming from on the high maintenance thing.....Any of DH's five sisters would qualify. But, his gay brother and husband and two DS of theirs are a dream to have visit. Anything goes. Also...hope your dad gets some answers with his visit to Baltimore. Get him healed up and back in the air again. That is what would most likely make him happy. Great photos of Nelson. Such a precious little face.

Arlene...thanks for the info on the blow test. I am certainly going to check into it. Would love to know and not guess what mine is. Think it would be valuable info.

Doctor Phyllster.....good going on DD's diagosis! And, have fun on the road. DH and I dream about a life that includes: motorhome, campgrounds, meeting new people. Enjoy!

Great...again damn for your rib thing. I truly hope you are somewhat (or totally) healed up so you can deal with your knee issues. Beautiful photos of the elk. All I can say is wow. We have a few large elk farms in our area. I love to pull over and just watch them.

Meredith...what a busy girl you are. Good luck with the house thing and congrats on the acquisition of all the great "stuff" from your friend. I totally get the shoe thing. I collect them and have designated 1 1/2 closets just for them. I know it sounds selfish but I am a "sale girl" and hardly ever buy if they are not a really, really good price.

OK>....I know I missed some of you guys...not intentional. Just trying to catch up with what I can right now. We will have one more weekend for sure at the lake this week. Maybe more if the weather holds. We are in full-blown harvest mode. Just got done pealing 2 dozen eggs and made egg salad and have a stock pot full of white chicken chili on the stove. Need to get a couple of pies or something baked this afternoon....I am thinking good ole' easy Rice Krispie bars would work too. Talk to you all later.

Edited by Apples2

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Thanks for understanding Phyllis. : ) I love that sheep icon thing..LOL. After I left here I finally fell asleep about 30 min later I guess. But I was also so stuffy last night that DH woke me up a couple of times b/c I was snoring. He either put me on my side or asked me to put on the cpap. When I am really congested... or having trouble sleeping, I hate to use it. I figured out the clinical settings thanks to the internet and I adjusted my pressure some. I was 7 and now I put it on 5.5 and I can use it better. I need to get retested but I refuse to go through that again. CBL~ peas

Well, it took me 2 hours to fall asleep last night, but then I slept good until almost 8 a.m. We know how to set the pressure on the CPAP now, too. I use an out of state provider for my supplies, so when the Pulm. dr. ordered the pressure change, they had to have a tech call and walk me through changing it over the phone. So DH wrote it all down. I think my pressure is too high... on 11 after my repeat sleep study this summer, and it had been on 9 since 2005! And that was after I talked them in to turning it down TWICE. First the dr. wanted it on 13, then persuaded them to turn it down to 12, then I saw him the day before knee surgery and he agreed to turn it down to 11 (which we'd already done!). I'm still not happy with it and struggling every night with the pressure and the mask not fitting right. So now he's ordered an automatic machine.. pressure adjusts automatically, and a new mask. You won't believe what they charge Medicare for this stuff! Got an EOB over the weekend and I was astounded!! Like $330 for 6 of those little nose pieces, $48 for 6 filters! Give me a break! We need healthcare reform, alright, but not what they're doing! How about eliminate the fraud first!! At any rate, waiting for my new machine to arrive. Oh, yeah... and they were going to send me a new humidifier.... exactly like the one they mailed me in May! I told them to check and see if the one I had would work. And it WILL! I knew because I'd already checked online! Guess what they charge Medicare for that???? $595! Kind of like the defense contractors charge the government!! UGH!!

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Hi guys~~~

Meredith~~~~~~ WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO! I didn't realize we posted within minutes of each other last night! I was so sleepy too this morning, I didn't even see your post!!! CONGRATS on the 50 lbs!!! I am so proud of you. You are doing a great job. I hope the house thing works out. I am surprised at the realtor not JUMPING at the chance to help you.

Phyllis~ Yep to everything about the CPAP. I too was struggling with the pressure. I start feeling my nose hairs tickle when it is too high and then I start whistling on exhale (even with that assisted exhale pressure setting). I love the humidifier but sometimes the Water gathers in the tube and wakes me up from the bubbles. I tolerate it so much better on a lower setting and DH says I have completely stopped snoring (except every once in a while when I have bad allergies and am really stuffy.) I would rather use it at a lower setting than I need than not at all. I remember with my test that the events were almost gone at 5 but that to make them 100% gone they put on 7 something. I think since the weight loss I am almost cured of the sleep apnea but use it more for the humidifier now.

Apples~ Welcome back. yumm on the rice krispy treats. one of my all time favorites.

ok guys, can't talk to everyone's posts. DH is home and Nelson is WIDE open after having an all day play date! Need to let Daddy chill before being swallowed whole by a 5 year old! ; )


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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