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Laura, I got bumped in the ribs and felt a pop and it's been painful ever since. Not really short of breath but it hurts to take a deep one but I force myself to as I googled broken rib and it said that was important to make sure no secretions or fluids settle in the lungs. Icing it and taking tylenol. It kindda ticked me off that my dr office won't get me in til Monday afternoon and then it's not even with my dr. I know they are busy but have always gotten in sooner than that when sick or something. I didn't think it was ER worthy so here I sit. Lying down and rolling over in bed are the most painful and reaching with my arm on that side. I read if that's what it is, that it takes 6 weeks. UGH!!!

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Laura, I got bumped in the ribs and felt a pop and it's been painful ever since. Not really short of breath but it hurts to take a deep one but I force myself to as I googled broken rib and it said that was important to make sure no secretions or fluids settle in the lungs. Icing it and taking tylenol. It kindda ticked me off that my dr office won't get me in til Monday afternoon and then it's not even with my dr. I know they are busy but have always gotten in sooner than that when sick or something. I didn't think it was ER worthy so here I sit. Lying down and rolling over in bed are the most painful and reaching with my arm on that side. I read if that's what it is, that it takes 6 weeks. UGH!!!

Gosh! Hope that starts feeling better soon. You don't need to be dealing with that with your knee surgery coming up!

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Good Morning Gang...

Well, when I got home from work - stopped by Marshalls & Target 1st - the red light on the answering machine was blinking - it was Chris - asking me to call him. Well, I knew what that meant - you don't leave those kinds of messages on the phone.

My Aunt passed away yesterday morning 9ishTX time

so that was 7 something my time.

The funeral will be next Saturday - Not sure if I am going or not - I feel I need to - but it will be an expensive trip - My one cousin Sandy & her Dh aren't coming I guess they both had surgery recently - but her bro Alfred and his wife are coming - I don't know either one of them since they are both like 18 yrs older than me..

I am incredibly sad - I really feel like an orphan now - my parents gone - my bros gone now my Aunt Dot is gone - it's only me - I know death should be about the person who died but it really isn't it's about those of us left behind and our pain and sorrow - She was 93 - good mentally but physically not so good and then with the return of the cancer - I am glad that she is no longer suffering and now is with her family that I know she missed them terribly..

Well - gym is calling me this morning - well it's not really - but I know I have to go - and then I am going for my massage at 10 a.m.

I need to get moving - I need to look for air fares and hotels - I looked a bit last night - but remember someone saying that Tuesdays fares are cheaper - but don't know if that's so on a short notice trip...

Will cbl - am suppose to go out with Debbie tonite - not really in the party mood - so we will see.

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Good Morning All!!!! I tried to read all the posts last night but feel asleep reading so I got up at 6:00 this a.m. and just now got thru reading, can't respond to everyone but just want you guys to know that I do read your posts and I am keeping up with you!!!

Janet~~~ So very sorry to hear about your Auntie!! It's always sooo sad when we lose the last of our loved ones like that!! I lost my MIL, she was like my Mother, in 95 and lost my Mom in 99. It was so sweet but at my Moms funeral, there was a little old lady, I didn't even know who she was, but she said " Honey, I'll be your Momma now"!! It was so cute! You might try "last minute" flying, sometimes you can get a good deal there. I hear ya on the dealing with kids!!! Sometimes I get so upset I could just SCREAM!!!! But I really think I "helped" my DD too much and it was when I just got fed up with her that she FINALLY figured out I was serious this time!! She is still doing good, going to a Celebrate Recovery meeting today. She's going to be a leader on drug recovery. She still hasn't found a job yet, she wants one that will let her off for her meeting and Sunday for church. She has been getting alot of flack from some of her old drug buddies b/c of her testimony, it was in the local paper. Someone walked up to her last night and told her she needed to apologize to her old bf for the things she wrote about him. His feelings are hurt!!!!!????? What was she going to apologize for, sorry you didn't pull the trigger???? Any way she just told the person to get out of her face and she wasn't going to say I'm sorry to anyone!! Oh, btw, still no shoes and clothes from him for Eli. No surprise!!! Oh, I forgot, enjoy the massage!! It's what the Drs' here at "We're here to help" has ordered!!!!

I am getting to watch t.v. now that I'm on reg. hours at work, so I am watching Dancing with Stars. I didn't know Sharon O had the LB, either! When did that happen? Why did she have it removed? I did notice how much weight she has put on but I thought it was maybe from her cancer. Wasn't Kelly just beautiful!!! And was I ever shocked at how well she done!!!

Great~~~ sorry to hear about your accident! Hope your feeling better. My MIL used to break her ribs rolling over in bed, she was a large woman, and she just wrapped them up and tried to take it easy until she felt better. We also found out later that she had low bone density. Take it easy!!

Laura~~~ My DH's sis fell last Sunday and she has been staying with us, going back and forth to the Dr. She can't drive and her 2 kids work all the time and my DH doesn't work so she asked him to help her go to the Drs'. She has a broke nose, broke arm, and stitches on her forehead, so right now she is high maintenance also but we love her and don't mind at all taking care of her!! She took my MIL's place in our hearts. But I'm like you, I have to get motivated to do things like clean house and hang pics!! Hope your Dad is doing better!

Julie~~~ Hope your feeling better and will be able to get the help you sooo need!!!

Well, I know I've missed most of you but ,please know, I'm thinking of you guys and wishing you the best!! We're having potluck at church tonight, and I need to figure out what to take! I'll catch you guys later!! Sharon

Edited by doodlebug11

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So very sorry to hear about your aunt. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you can find reasonably priced travel.

Hugs, GF!

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Good afternoon. Guess what I got on today? A pair of size 6 pants. Can't breathe nor wear them out of the house but they were on and zipped! LOL Felt good. My DD is going through her clothes and getting rid of some, I took a stack and am putting them on a shelf in my closet in hopes maybe next year they might fit if I ever decide I want to go lower than goal. We then went shopping to Penney's 'Early Bird' sale and my bubble was burst, I tried on a fancy dress for the wedding and a 12 was tight. Who figures these sizes anyway? They are so inconsistent.

Sharon, I don't think I am crushing my ribs from being heavy and rolling over in bed anymore, I did get a blow to my ribs and am sure that did it as I felt a pop. I would be more concerned about my bone density but I did just have a bone density test and that was really good. I do have a dr appt on Monday if I keep it. Will see. I just hate to pay a couple hundred dollars for an office visit and xrays when I have my knee surgery in a week and am going to have huge bills then. I have a high deductible.

Janet, sorry to hear of the loss of your aunt. I am not close to any of my aunts at all. My family is so strange that way and I envy those that have closer knit families.

If this link works it is pics from our camping trip last weekend and all the elk.

Estes Park / September 2009 /

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Lori, my DH would have Elk envy.....I have never seen that many. I love to listen to them bugle during rut. You notice how many times they use that sound on TV for other things...it's sort of weird. Sorry about your rib....hope you heal quick, but once you have your knees done, I bet that will take your mind off of it.

Phyl, looking forward to seeing you and Janet in CA in a couple of months....that could be fun!!

Laura, high maintenance guests, oh goody!! You'll do fine and your SIL will be amazed at your weight loss. You don't have to tell her about the band you know. Some people just don't need to know about it.

Janet, hope your massage worked out some of that frustration you had. Two weeks off at Turkey time? That sounds like fun. I'm ruined after two weeks off at home....don't ever want to go back to work.

Our swamp cooler caught on fire this morning. DH caught it in time and no major damage, but he did have to replace one of the pads. Good thing he was out there when it started, it could have been a big mess.

I finally cleaned out the tortoise burrow (it's built in the corner of the house). I have a burnt adobe house and the blocks are soft and don't do well with moisture. When I painted my bedroom, one of the blocks sort of disintegrated so I had to take part of the burrow (which is on the outside of that wall) apart to let the block dry. Now that the babies have hatched and it's cooled off a bit, I took the roof off and cleaned it out, removed any dirt that was touching the blocks and graveled it with gravel that will let the Water drain away. I put this huge piece of granite on as the new roof and it doesn't touch the wall. DH had to help with the granite because it's very heavy. Now I'm tired, but at least it's done.

I have to go shopping and get gas and stuff. I'll check in again later. Hope everyone has a great Saturday!!


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Okay, I have pictures I just need to figure out how to insert them....okay....that's one...now that I know how it works, I'll try adding a couple more. The knife & fork is for scaling. Turns out we have 10 babies....they didn't like being corralled too badly.

Edited by ocotillo

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More pet photos--1 is Samson, the dad; 2 is Delila, the mom with chuckwalla on top; 3 is egg hatching last year; 4 are this years batch; and 5 is last years tortoise stack, mom, a yearling and a hatchling.

Edited by ocotillo

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Janet, thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of loss.

Great, Wonderful pictures, what amazing animals. You are in Colorado, right? Maybe one day I'll visit there as my DD is thinking of going to CO school of mining to further her educ if she dosn't get a job right after graduation.

Ocot, your turtles are so cute.

To everyone else have a great weekend.

Laura K

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Great~~~ I am sooo sorry if you thought that I was implying that you hurt your self by rolling over in bed!! I would never do that!! I was just saying that all she did was wrap her ribs up b/c that's what she had been told to do. Again I am sorry for any misunderstanding. Sharon

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47 lbs gone today. 23 to go. Can't believe it. Whoo hoo!

Janet, sorry about your loss. Ocotillo, cute pics.

Take care of ribs, knees, necks, adhesions, fibroids, elderly relatives, obstreperous young people, depressed young people, addicted young people, recovering young people, and sweet children and grandchildren.

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Evening ladies.....DH and I just got home from a night out at the casino.... Took some friends and had supper first and then hit the machines for a bit... It's an 80 mile drive for us.....left at 4:30....home by 11:00.... We are big time gamlers... The other couple spent $35 and we lost $19............. I had fun and my shoulder wasn't aching so you can't beat that....

Eva.........great pictures of your babies.... My Mimi will love them when I show her tomorrow.... How many do you have in total with adults and the 10 babies..?

Sharon, glad you are enjoying getting back into having your evenings free...

Great, the pictures of the elk are wonderful... DH enjoyed them... Yup, elk envy, like someone else said... I sure hear you about sizing of clothes... One really must try things on... I bought a 1X the other day and it fit just fine... but in another style the 2X was too small... Go figure..... I try not to let it get me down if I need the bigger one still... A year ago I couldn't have gotten it on no matter what size the tag said!!!!

Janet, so sorry about you losing your aunt.... I understand your feelings of being an orphan...... You are the matriarch of the family now.... And of course you have all of us, too!!!! Take care....

If, congrats on your loss.... gotta be a great feeling for you.....

Well, I'm ready for bed.... church comes early in the morning... Goodnight all..............Talk to you tomorrow probably.... Julie

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So, it's super late here. Almost 3 am. I just got home from the hospital because my grandma was taken there in an ambulance because she thought she was having another stroke. My mom and dad are both super sick with double ear infections, sinus infections, and both have a fever. They needed to stay far away from grandma, so I went to be with her. I don't think that she had a stroke, but something is definately not right with her. We'll see, they took a CT scan and blah blah blah, so much to remember. I'm sure you all understand this!

Also, I've been super busy (as usual) with school and work, but on top of all of that, I have decided to buy a house. I found a super cute one and hopefully the real estate agent can show it to Andrew and I tomorrow. It is a great deal and in perfect condition. Although it is not Andrew's idea of an ideal house (he wants 3 bedroom brick), I don't care. I love it and I am going to be the one on the Mortgage and on the Deed, so ultimately it's up to me. When we get married I will include him on both of those documents. I have heard so many horror stories about crazy things happening when people buy homes together before they are married. Although I don't see any of these circumstances occuring in our lives, one never knows what is in store for the future.

Janet~ I am so so so sorry about your Aunt. I hope that you can find a reasonable flight to get there. And, you are totally right about the death really effecting everyone that is left behind by their loved one. Sad. <HUGS>

Eva~ I loved the turtle pics!!!!! Exactly what kind of tortises are they? I am totally obsessed with all things turtle! I bought the coolest hand carved turtle box at the antique store the other day. It is about the size of a telephone book and is just too cool. I'm telling you, totally obsessed! I should take a pic and post it on here along with the pic of the house I want to buy. Troll beads are a brand of Bracelet and bead. They are very similar to Pandora Beads/Bracelets. Google "Troll Beads" and you will see what I'm talking about. They're pretty cool.

Laura~ You just keep trucking along huh? You go girl! Good luck with the SIL. I am not really high maintenece either so I find it so difficult to deal with someone else that is. You will do just fine I'm sure.

Great~ EEK! :lol: Sorry about your ribs. I think that you should still go to the doc on mon even if you feel better. I would rather be safe than sorry.

Phyl~ You sound like you are doing just great with all of your rehab! Once again, I'm totally impressed.

Cheri~ DS sounds like he really gave you a run for your money!!!! Holy Moley!

Julie~ Girlfriend, I am totally sleeping:sleep: the day away tomorrow and I'm not going to feel bad about it for one minute! I think that I deserve some good quality rest at least one day a week. I'm also glad to hear that you did so well health wise at the casino! FUN!

Sharon~ I am sure you are totally impressed with DD's actions since she has been out of rehab. It takes a lot to stand up for yourself to the people that brought you (her) down so much for so long. I am really proud of her and I don't even know her! She is totally right about not having to apologize to anyone for anything. Just as long as she keeps this spirit she will have a successful recovery I think.

Well, I suppose thats about all. I had a TERRIBLE food day today! :seeya::cursing::blushing: I am embarassed:blushing:. However, it was not nearly as bad as it would have been if I didn't have my band. Thank God for my band! Tomorrow I am going back to being super strict with all of my caloric allotments as well as documenting everything that I am eating. I haven't done that in awhile and I'm sure that is the reason why my weight loss has stalled recently. The scale is not my friend anymore. I have restriction (kinda), but it is not enough! I ate like a mad woman today. Perhaps it is all of the stress of the day? But, that is a terrible excuse. I'm not even getting on the scale tomorrow night.

It is so late! I'm off to bed to sleep:sleep: and sleep:sleep: and sleep:sleep:!

Good night (morning really) all!

~ Meredith

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Good morning sunshines~~~

Ditto what Meredith said to everyone. (She said it so perfect... just as I would have!) :seeya::blushing: The troll is for you! LOL. I remember looking at the Pandora beads after reading about it on LBT. I just about fainted at the store when I saw the prices! DH said if I REALLY wanted it to get it, but I couldn't justify the price. Although I do think I am worth it. The troll beads look more reasonable. Email me which beads you have. I love looking at them. And try not to get upset with yourself on the not-so-good eating days. We all have them. It is surprising that we can eat a lot and still maintain but that we have to be so low to lose. It's ok, and in some ways better for our bodies. I like to think we get re-charged for the next weight loss. Good luck on the house! Let us know.

Janet <hugs> My thoughts and prayers are with you. I can't imagine how it feels. I also hope you can find a flight.

Yesterday we took Nelson to this Treasure Fest at the beach. They had 4 bounce houses... obstacle courses... treasure hunts... sailing lessons.. FOOD... and music. We were having a GREAT time until I was stepping up from the beach on to the wall and my foot in the sand slipped and I twisted my right knee- POP! I couldn't walk at all for a few minutes. Now it is hurting but I can stand on it. It feels unstable and can't pivot. Bending doesn't hurt it (passively), but when I am moving it back straight it feels like it wants to pop. Hard to explain. I am icing and elevating. We'll see in a couple days if I need an MRI or if it was just a wicked sprain. uggghhhhhh, I need this like a hole in the head! I am in the midst of my 5K and my training!!! I was a little sad trying to find a knee wrap... had a huge ahhh haaa moment about how fat I still am. I couldn't find one at the drugstore that fit the top part of my leg. I could get them on but they were cutting off my circulation. SIGH.

LOVE LOVE LOVE the elk pics! I miss the mountains. Sometimes you get tired of beach and swamps.

peasout~ Laura

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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