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Hi all,

I just had an e-mail from another LB friend I met on this web-site.. We only e-mail each other personally... Anyway, she said there has been such a "fracas" on LBT that she has quit and will no longer post because of the problems... Does anyone know anything about this??? She didn't elaborate and hasn't written back yet... I'm really curious what could happen to make someone so angry............... Thought maybe one of you would have an idea......... Thanks......... Julie

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Okay, here is the scoop on the metabolism blow test. I blew into this machine for about 10 minutes. Well, I just had my nose pinched off and breathed into the machine. I have a 1300calorie a day resting rate. With light exercise I can eat 1500calories a day to maintain. To lose 1lb a week I need to eat 1200 calories a day. So, I am in it for the long haul. I can do this! I did ask about my pain. It is probably arthritis coming from my back and causing the adhesions to spasm. She did not give me a fill because I have had reflux and she said that does swell the band. So, I will go back next month maybe for a tweak and should be done for awhile.

Oh , she did tell me to only weigh once a week. Janet, you should be a nutritionist. You said 800-1200 a day and exercise, exercise, exercise. Your advice was free, she charged me. I would recommend this test.

LOL! Good job, Janet! Yeah.. yesterday DD called me describing back pain she was having.. I said, go to doctor. Sounds like bladder infection or kidney infection. Today she is on two heavy antibiotics.... bladder infection or kidney infection the doctor said! Mama was right. Or... it might be her fibroids acting up. If Rx doesn't give her relief in a week then its the fibroids. Dr. recommended she go ahead with hysterectomy.

Great post-op appt today w/x-rays. Hardware looks great, doctor pleased with my progress and gave me Rx for 4 wks outpatient PT. But he said I probably just need a couple of sessions for evaluation and teach me some exercises I can do on my own. So we are making plans to head south in the RV 2 weeks from Saturday!! WOO HOO!! Janet... here we come!!

Too much stress yesterday and band tightened up. So I was awake most of the night.. reflux. Miserable night!

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Hello all.

I didn't forget about you girls, I've just been so busy with everything going on. I just wanted to check in and say "hello" and let all of you know that I have been reading. I will post more later on tonight, but I need to lay down and close my eyes for a few minutes right now.

Janet~ Sorry about the bad day. :mad:

TTYL~ Meredith

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HI Meredith....if you don't just fall asleep for the rest of the night I'll be surprised.

Julie, don't want to Jinx you either, but glad to hear you are getting a little relief.

Charlene (or is it Arlene?) that is very interesting about the metabolism test. It's not a very big calorie spread is it?

Janet, {{{{hugs}}}} I hope your day went better than your morning! Maybe a little tough love for the grandson. No new cell phone and he pays for the window? I guess that might not be possible, but don't you just want to tell them to grow up and handle stuff themselves? Wish I could help somehow, but everyone I know already has multiple cats, but if I hear of anyone wanting one, I'll let you know. I don't think you are that far away and worth the trip for kitty rescue. You want a tortoise?

So Phyl, you winter around Janet's area? It might be worth a trip there to meet both of you one of these days. Very cool about you being "released".

Yeah Lori I know Colorado weather too well. I moved to AZ in January after sliding to work every day for weeks. I actually slid over Raton pass the week I moved here too. I love to visit Colorado but not sure I want to deal with those winters or the hail again.

It's almost the weekend again....yipee!!! I'm having a real problem with wanting to be at work. I'll take pictures of the babies this weekend and see if I can post them. I need to do it during the day instead of dusk when I get home from work.

Hope everyone (this includes you Julie) has a good night.


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Eva, That test just proved to me that I have a very slow metabolism. It revealed how many calories I needed to eat in order to lose. With the right restriction I believe 1200 is doable.


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Ok, I'm back.

Eva~ I thought that I might fall asleep for the rest of the night too! I woke up and had some chicken kebob with a fattoush salad. Delish.

After my fill that I had on Monday, I feel as though I have some more restriction, but I know its not nearly as much as where I know that I need to be. I have 3 cc's in there now. I go back in a month or so to get another fill.

Arlene~ That test sounds like it could be beneficial for everyone! I should check it out. Thanks for the info.

Julie~ Good luck sleeping tonight!

Laura~ Hope dad can find some help with his situation. Hopefully this 3rd (opinion) time is the charm!

Phyll~ So impressed with all of your progress! Amazing!

Ok. I think that is all I have in me for now. I don't have an early day at work tomorrow, so thats good. I do need to still weigh myself yet tonight also. I really really really want to put that -50 pound bead on my bracelet! I have been buying Troll Beads for my Bracelet every 10 pounds I lose. I have had this one sitting in my purse ready to go for some time now!

Good night! Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!


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Meredith...okay what is a Troll bead for your Bracelet? You mean like the trolls I used to play with as a kid?

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Janet, sounds like a crap day. I agree, a little tough love is in order. He'll live without the phone and the car. Get his own rides places or maybe this "friend" will let him drive his car. I hope he pays his own insurance.

I took my son off my insurance by the age of 17 after he got in several accidents. We lost our coverage so I excluded him from the policy and he wasn't allowed to drive our cars.

One thing, he always found work and made enough money to buy his own car and pay his own insurance.

I also quit getting him out of bed and let him bear the consequences of those actions.

I refused to do his laundry and made him drop out of school at 16 when he ditched constantly and got F's. He was in a private Christian school and I wasn't paying for F's. He went to public school for two whole weeks and started ditching and not getting up in the morning. So I researched it and had him drop out. After one year out of school he could take his GED. I made him sign a contract that he had to work full-time, go for an ADHD eval and take meds if recommended, and be back in school, or working towards his GED by 18 or he was out of the house.

He lasted 1 semester before begging to go back to the Christian school. I wouldn't enroll him till he paid me $300, $50 for each class. I told him he'd get nothing back on F's, $25 on D's, and $50 on C's and above.

On the day the semester started he finally handed me the money. He eventually got back all but $50.

Eventually, when they wouldn't let him graduate with his class because he had too many credits to make up, and he was ditching school again, and I didn't know it, but his father had been telling him he was planning on leaving me, I had him study for his GED in the state where he'd dropped out (we lived on state line in Indiana). They didn't know he'd been attending in Illinois. He took the GED while on his ADHD meds and passed with such a high score he made the Albert Einstein Society and got a college scholarship. He ended up with a degree in marketing.

It took him 5 years to get thru college and the last year I gave him $5000 from the sale of my house and told him he was on his own. I was getting remarried and he wasn't living with me anymore.

One of my better decisions. I had no guilt and didn't have to put up with his assinine behavior anymore. (He is an alcoholic, though a very high functioning one.)

He is now over 30, married, and has a little girl he adores. He owns his own home and has a nice wife and a relatively good job.

I have heard him say that being on his own was the best thing that ever happened to him. He says this like it was his own idea.

He still can be a real donkey's rear end, especially around me, so I tend to see him only when there's family get-togethers. I don't see my grandaughter nearly as much as I'd like, but my mental health is more important.

My other son is a whole nother story but I'll save that for another time.


Edited by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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Janet, {{{{hugs}}}} I hope your day went better than your morning! Maybe a little tough love for the grandson. No new cell phone and he pays for the window? I guess that might not be possible, but don't you just want to tell them to grow up and handle stuff themselves? Wish I could help somehow, but everyone I know already has multiple cats, but if I hear of anyone wanting one, I'll let you know. I don't think you are that far away and worth the trip for kitty rescue. You want a tortoise?

So Phyl, you winter around Janet's area? It might be worth a trip there to meet both of you one of these days. Very cool about you being "released". Eva

Yeah, we go to an RV resort in Desert Hot Springs, about 20 miles from where Janet lives. So if you wait a few weeks... you can drive over, pick up some kittens and go SHOPPING with us!! LOL

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Morning everyone, the sun is shining and it looks like it will be a beautiful day here in North Dakota...... I'm happy to say I had another "better" night..... However, all those sleepless nights have me still exhausted... I'm trying to catch up, but it seems to be happening at a slow rate.. One thing I'm having to learn from all my recent "medical experiences" is patience.... and it's a hard lesson to learn....

How are you, Janet????? Gosh I hope you woke up to a better day today....

Phyll, sounds like you are really humming along.. Good news about being able to plan your move south....

Meredith, you just take good care of yourself... You run in fast gear so much that you need some down time I think.........

Cheri, I understand your "tough love" story... I have had to do it in the past with my DD when she needed treatment for severe depression and etc. while a senior in high school..... It's harder now because of her little one... I keep praying that she will find her way soon... She is a good person and doesn't misbehave in anyway, but struggles with her emotions so much... and let's them take her down...

Eva, I'll look forward to the pictures of your babies... hope you have the great weekend you're after......Hey, maybe janet should share pictures of her babies, too!!

Laura, thanks for the article about Sharon O.... not very good writing as you said..... A big ruber band, for pete's sake!!!! How are you feeling?? Taking it easy I hope...

Arlene, was interesting to hear about your test.... It seems as though the gaining/maintaining/losing numbers are all very close.... good luck to you.....

Great, are you going camping with the elk today???

I need to get myself busy with something.. Friends invited us for supper tonight so don't have to do that.. I did finally get my split pea Soup made yesterday, so have that for lunch... Finish up folding and putting away some laundry and then may try to clean my deck a little... I think using the shop vac to clean up lots of spider webs and leaves and such shouldn't be too hard a chore for me to handle.... I'll be careful.... You all take care and have a good day........... Julie

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Good morning. I skipped my workout today again. I think I have a broken rib and it's extra painful today so didn't go. It's been a week but worse today. I didn't go to the dr as I figured all they'd do is charge me for an office visit and then probably an xray only to tell me there's nothing they can do for a broken rib anyway. Anyone know if that's the case? I did try and make an appt today but they are booked and can't get in til Monday at 3pm or go to the ER. I don't feel it's ER worthy so tenatively have the appt on Monday, should I go or not? I googled broken ribs and sound like they just need time to heal. I'm pumping xtra strength tylenol for the pain since I can't have any ibuprofen 2 weeks before my knee surgery.

Julie, nope not camping with the elk this weekend, that is next weekend if it is nice out. Hubby is going hunting of the elk this weekend though with his brother. This weekend is their last chance to get one so they better get busy. LOL They are archery hunting. Next month is rifle hunting and then Nov. we go to S. dakota to DH's relatives farm pheasant hunting. Fun fun! I gotta admit though since DH realizes how much he's pushing the limits with all his time gone for hunting etc. he's being extra sweet around me and I get lots done. LOL Today he's taking me out to lunch before he heads for the hills.

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Good Morning Gang

Thanks for the prayers and good thoughts !!!

GS can't stand it when I am mad at him - told him last night from now on he can wake up on his own - I don't need the hassle of going in and out of his room 5 times a morning to wake his butt up - I am done - if he doesn't like it he's free to move out. I haven't paid for his phones for a over a year - since he works - he pays for his own - and he's paying for the window - he asked last night how much $50 ya right more like $400 .. I am just sick of the hassles - Plain and simple. I am better this morning - still not in the best mood - but this too shall past.

Yea Phyl 2 weeks... Will you be stopping and visiting like you normally do on the way down

Well gang I gotta get to work - tomorrow I am going for my 1st every body massage...

Thanks again - your love - hugs and prayers are greatly appreciated

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Good Morning! Late start to my day. Slept in because it took me so long to all asleep last night... or I should say, this morning as it was almost 2 a.m. Set up my Rx/vitamins for the next 6 weeks yesterday and noticed the Sertraline (genericZoloft) is scored...indicating it is okay to break in half. So I'm taking 1/2 a pill each day starting today. We'll see if that helps as I did notice that insomnia is one of the side effects and I started to have this problem about the time she increased my dose to 100 mg. I'd been taking 25 mg before that. I think that was too much of an increase. We'll see how this goes, but I will be going in to se her in the next two weeks because I need my new Rx for CA.

We will be stopping on our way south, Janet, but hope to not take 2 1/2 weeks like we did last year! One night with friends in Salem, one night at my sister's... still in OR, two nights on the way from there to our son's in bay area. Then about 3 nights there so we can see grandson's football game on Friday night and GD's soccer game Saturday morning. Then always enjoy watching NFL with son's family so will stay until Monday morning. Then a couple of days in Three Rivers. Poopers... that sounds like about 2 weeks, doesn't it!! Oh, well... we always enjoy the journey! Earl is bugging me about giving him clothes to take to the RV. UGH! I will give him some today! He's got stuff stacked up at the door ready to take over to the RV at DD's!

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Good Morning! Late start to my day. Slept in because it took me so long to all asleep last night... or I should say, this morning as it was almost 2 a.m. Set up my Rx/vitamins for the next 6 weeks yesterday and noticed the Sertraline (genericZoloft) is scored...indicating it is okay to break in half. So I'm taking 1/2 a pill each day starting today. We'll see if that helps as I did notice that insomnia is one of the side effects and I started to have this problem about the time she increased my dose to 100 mg. I'd been taking 25 mg before that. I think that was too much of an increase. We'll see how this goes, but I will be going in to se her in the next two weeks because I need my new Rx for CA.

We will be stopping on our way south, Janet, but hope to not take 2 1/2 weeks like we did last year! One night with friends in Salem, one night at my sister's... still in OR, two nights on the way from there to our son's in bay area. Then about 3 nights there so we can see grandson's football game on Friday night and GD's soccer game Saturday morning. Then always enjoy watching NFL with son's family so will stay until Monday morning. Then a couple of days in Three Rivers. Poopers... that sounds like about 2 weeks, doesn't it!! Oh, well... we always enjoy the journey! Earl is bugging me about giving him clothes to take to the RV. UGH! I will give him some today! He's got stuff stacked up at the door ready to take over to the RV at DD's!

Ya I know you always stop at 3 rivers to visit there - well it sounds like fun to me - I can't wait till Thanksgiving then I will be off for 2 weeks... Won't be going anywhere but ds & family are suppose to come for turkey day ...

DH is funny ready to pack :0)

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Hi guys~

Glad everyone is doing ok. Janet, WTG on the first full body massage! I think massage is one of the best things EVER. I have always enjoyed them regardless of my weight or fitness; but especially love them when I am sore from working out. We have a place here (it's a chain) called Massage Envy. DH has a membership and has 1-2/month. Let us know how it goes.

Great~I missed the part about how you injured yourself! What happened? When? Any bruising? Shortness of breath? If you have blunt trauma/fell or hit something you really should have an xray. There are things they can do if pain persists and isn't relieved by meds. They can do certain injections depending on where it is. But need to get is checked.

Phyllser~ Sounds like a fun trip! We had a Winnebago growing up. We used to drive from NC to NH. I have some of the best memories from those trips.

Julie B~ Glad your nights are getting "better". I can only imagine how frustrating it has been.

My dad leaves Tuesday for Baltimore. His last labs 2 days ago were really really good. Almost back to baseline. He is depressed (I think) and taking pain meds. He says he has pain. I still feel he could do without and that he takes them to numb himself and bit and get through the day. Who knows.. if I had a tube draining my pee hanging out my back I might be the same way. He refused to talk to his dr about feeling "anxious". He won't call it depressed but prefers to say "nervous". If you guys knew my dad you would understand... Next to Type A personality in the dictionary is his picture! I hope he gets some answers at Johns Hopkins and can get on with his life.

Tomorrow morning at 7am is my 2nd official group training for the 5K! I did at least two miles 3 times this week so I hope the 2 miles tomorrow will be ok. They move at a much quicker pace though. I had killer shin splints after last week's training!

Today I FINALLY hung pictures!!! We had our house painted (every single room and every single closet!!!) last year. The guy told me NOT to take nails out, as it will take me forever to hang things back up. (ha) BUT... the only reason things were hung where they were was b/c the previous owners had left nails. They weren't necessarily where I wanted them. So I had everything patched and painted. A few years ago I would have measured and re-measured and taken 2 hours for each grouping! But I am much more laid back and just kinda eyeballed it. DH came home and was SHOCKED and PLEASED! He thought maybe I had hired someone! LOL. Nelson just loved his room! I had bought some cute paintings of (1 train/airplane/truck) and then some other vehicles. FINALLY hung some of my wedding pics..LOL, got married in 2001 and kept meaning to frame them. They have been in my closet all these years. I still have some paintings and prints that need framing. My sister in law (DH's only sibling) is coming from Dubai on Oct. 9th! Her 25 year old son is coming too. DH has not seen his nephew since he was 5! She hasn't been here since Nelson was 1! Not sure how long they are staying.. DH thought it rude to ask. <sigh> It is stressful having her here. She is VERY high maintenance! VERY. So, will have to do some yoga while she is here. In the past I changed my whole schedule for guests.. but this time am going to keep my workouts, etc. She doesn't know about my surgery yet. She knows I lost weight, but never told her how. Will cross that bridge when I get to it. Hate to admit that her visit is motivating to get the house all organized and clean(er).

ok all. Hope everyone is having a good weekend! I will be in touch!

peasout~ Laura

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