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Yeah, Lori, I want your address too!

I am feeling better today. The weather is cooler , but the adhesions have settled down.....I just have joint pain. I do that blow test tomorrow to measure my metabolism. I will check in. Y'all have a great day!

Good luck with that, Charlene.

Lori... I'd like your address, too!

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Hi.............I'm just back from Bismarck... Had my upper GI series done... The radiologist said, "It looks just like it's supposed to look!!" So I guess that is good news... No band issues causing this problem.... When I got home I had a message from the GP's nurse saying I was being referred to The Bone & Joint Center. Actually got an appointment for next Tuesday. I was surprised I didn't have to wait a month.... I'll start all the things that will eventually lead up to an MRI, but must jump through all these hoops I guess... The drugs let me sleep fairly well last night, so that's good at least... So, I guess that's enough talk about that...

I've read all your posts and would love to respond but my mind just goes blank... I think I need a nap... Hope all is well with everyone... I promise to better later....

DD just quit her job without notice...........:):cursing::)... She just can't handle any stress and it got bad last week and now she can't bring herself to go back... She still suffers with problems like this as aftermath from a horrible accident she was in when a teenager... She can't cope and has panic attacks..... I want to fix her and can't... I get so frustrated.......... I know lots of you understand this kind of frustration... I'm at a loss for what to do.... I've been backing her up for so long, but I don't know how much I can take........or should take....:tongue2: So, there, another lovely topic from me.... just a bucket of laughs aren't I????? Sorry.... Maybe I really should take a nap!!!!

Talk to you guys later.... Julie

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hi all~

Julie B~ <hugs> I am so glad they referred you and you got an appt so quickly! That is great news. I hope they can help you with this pain. It is very frustrating not having answers and even worse... having severe pain. And double <hugs> on your DD's situation. You know, my parents have been struggling as a safety net for my sister for forever. She was in an abusive marriage and showed up on my parents' door one Saturday with her bags and 2 year old in tow. I LOVE that my parents helped her then- who knows what would've happened. But now (as I told you guys) she is back living with them again at 48! Last November she was laid off her job and moved in temporarily so she could jump through hoops to get her gastric bypass. Now it will be going on a year and she is just mooching. I know if she NEEDED a roof over her head- she would be working. She has always used their safety net and in my opinion, taken advantage of it. I know your DD's situation is different. And I think realizing that you might be helping too much is the first step. I know I do too much for Nelson, even at the age of 5. I guess it's just a mother's instinct. I don't have any answers- just a hug and I can imagine it's tough.

Charlene~ Good luck on your resting metab. test. Remember the things I told you to do and not do. : ) Regarding your thyroiditis- did they determine the cause? I didn't think it could come and go. Have they done an ultrasound and thyroid scan? And your pain is an interesting case study. I can't wait to find out what it is- hope adhesions is all it is.

Janet~ I opted for the gym. :thumbdown: Your idea sounded better though I must admit. I did get back early, shower and we snuggled and watched a movie.

Meredith~ Are you ok?! You make me exhausted just thinking about her schedule.

peasout~ Laura

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Laura - Well you got both done :0) that was good..

Well gang - see it's quite - I'm pooped - going to go cook and watch t.v.

Talk to you all in the morning

Oh ya - who watches dancing with the stars - did you notice the weight Sharon Osborne has put on since she had her band removed...

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Laura - Well you got both done :0) that was good..

Oh ya - who watches dancing with the stars - did you notice the weight Sharon Osborne has put on since she had her band removed...

yeah, DH and I watched it. We both said the same thing. But it looks more than just regular weight. Her eyes are really really puffy. She looks sick. I hope her cancer didn't come back. Even since AMERICAS GOT TALENT ended she really puffed up. When did she have her band out? I thought it was years ago.

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Reading everyone's posts. Lori good luck with surgery. You'll do great. I did. Phylser's doing great.

Laura, I would make a big joke out of the beat the bed bugs till their black and blue. Did it since they were babies so they never thought of it as violent, just as funny.

We all do too much for our children. Mine at least are all out of my house, married and functioning on their own and not a financial cost to me anymore. That's a blessing, but it took some tough love and judicious use of $ to get them there. And each child was different.

But I'm still on call with my kids and grandkids. The drain is more emotional. My DD is the neediest. Her oldest son is mildly autistic. My daughter has severe, close to debilitating PMS. Her thyroid is low but not low enough for meds, her spine is worse than mine, she's developed asthma and right now may be fighting walking pneumonia and/or swine flu. She gets sick easily and emotionally distraught frequently. I drove to her house after work (50 min.) because she called me at work since she needed to go in for labs and x-rays and could not manage with her two boys with her. Plus, my DGS, the four-year old with autism, had been begging to see me all day and wanted to talk to me on the phone.

This is the way its been since DGS was born. Difficult pregnancy and birth, C-section, and difficult baby. My car could just about drive itself there. She also has two older step-daughters who are there part-time who have a crazy mother they live with the rest of the time. She also has a very cute, very rambunctious two year old son.

My son's each have a daughter but their wives have family support systems and I'm not needed nearly as much. My daughter's husband's parents are both deceased. Her husband is a cop who works a lot of overtime and a wierd shift that starts in the afternoons and lasts most of the night. She is constantly sick and does not respond well to medicines. She tends to get the rare side effects.

So back to how much we do for our children--I guess it just goes with the territory. Knowing when you're making matters worse by doing too much and keeping your kids from growing up--that's the hard part.

Edited by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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Julie, I'm so sorry you are in so much pain. I really hope you find relief soon. It's no way to live.

Apples, so sorry to hear about your friends too. My 80 something neighbor died a couple of years ago and I really miss him. He was a hoot....kept gardening no matter what ate his plants. Hope you weekend goes okay and you don't get too depressed. There is a lot going on in your life and a lot of people to keep you occupied. Take care.

Charlene, hope you start feeling better too. I have arthritis and the weather change affects that too. Good luck with the GI tests...hope everything comes out okay.

Gitr....congrats on the good labs and weight loss. I still need to make appointments...keep forgetting. Take care!!

Laura, I got a little stuck on salmon too....but I just had a fill and have to remember to chew and eat very slow....remember to chew and eat slowwwww....maybe if I write it enough it will sink in. I'm still eating salmon. Wow you had a very busy day.

Cheri.....the restrictions don't always last a long time. I'm hoping this one will allow my stomach to lose the volume it can handle too this time. They I get fuller quicker and stay fuller longer.

Phyl, great job on the Red Robin meal. Not eating those sauces is sure hard. Just read "The End of Overeating" and our food industry is geared to feeding us great tasting food by adding sugar, salt, and fat. Very few meals served in chain restaurants are low calorie, low fat, low salt, etc. Great job on the exercise too.

Lori, don't panic about the weight....it doesn't help. You'll be okay. I grew up in Colorado and remember going to school in the morning and wearing a sweater (this was in September) and it was snowing on the way home. If you don't like the weather, wait...it's bound to change. Although I get tired of the heat here, I sure don't miss the snow.....haven't in 30 years. Hope your DD can help when you have surgery. That would be very nice for you.

Hi Linda...hope you have a great day too!

Meredith....hi....breath and have a good night and workout tomorrow.

I'm keeping busy with work and walking. I've starting really applying myself to exercise this week...not hours of it, but at least 30 minutes a day.

Janet, I do have to diet....I do understand about the life style change and to some extent, I am doing that too, but I still need to diet....restrict calories of both amount and type and exercise. As you say. its part band and part me and me needs diet and exercise. I think the band is doing it's part right now. I really have to eat slow right now.

Okay, I need to go to work. Have to meet someone on a job site today.

Hope everyone has a good day!


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Morning friends,

I really don't want to jinx myself, so won't elaborate, but things are a bit better since the acupuncture... had to take pain meds at 2:30, but slept most of the night... Yeah!!!!!

I had that upper GI series yesterday with all the barium and today my scale was up 2 pounds... Hope this will work itself "out"!!!!!

Apples, how're you doing??? Losing a friend is a difficult thing... Hang in there... Are you off to the lake one last time now?? Enjoy and make it last.....

Lori, don't you worry, you're going to be just fine... Just give yourself a break and a little time and you'll be back where you want to be....

Laura, how is Dad today?? Still getting better I hope.. And, I think I missed somethings about you... do you have a surgery scheduled?? Those female problems can just be the worst.... I'm praying you will be much better real soon....

Okay, I guess I'm really out of the loop, but Sharon Osborne had a lap-band????? and she has cancer??? I guess I don't keep up with this stuff very well...

How are the little turtles doing..? I'd love to see a picture..........would you share...........

Sorry everyone, but I just can't seem to be able to comment on you all today... Please forgive... I've prayed for us all to have a great day and trust that He will provide just that.... Love and blessings to each of you.............. TTYL............... Julie

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Good morning! Been a busy couple days I didn't have time to check in. We never got the snow here in Denver they said we might get, so that is good. It is absoluteily gorgeous out though looking to the west and seeing the changing leaves and the white tops to some of the mountains and the bright blue sky today. IF (and that's a big IF) the weather holds next weekend we may even try and take another camping trip to Rocky Mtn Nat'l Park, it should be beautiful and love to listen to the elk. Thought it would be a good peaceful and relaxing way to spend the weekend before surgery instead of sitting at home fretting about it.

Ocotillo, sounds like you know CO weather well. They say a pair of shorts and a parka and you are ready for CO weather. This time of year I go to work in the morning with the heat on and later that afternoon have the a/c on in the car.

Laura, glad Dad is doing better and hope he gets a good 3rd opinion and gets some real answers.

Apples, sorry to hear of the loss of your friend.

Arlene, glad you are doing better. is it today that Dr Davis is on Doctors? I better go set my DVR.

Phyl, sounds like the knee is doing better. That gives me hope!

IF, I always heard the don't let the bed bugs bite part but never the shoe part. Too funny.

Scale is still up a bit but I am feeling better about it. I know it will go down after surgery eventually when I can move more, etc. In the meantime I gotta stay away from the 'comfort' foods! They tend to go down way to easy too!

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Good Morning Gang

Well it hasn't been one for me.... Andrew went out last night (someone else drove his car since he doesn't have a license) Well - car got broken into - right rear window busted out - his BRAND NEW cell phone - stolen - then he doesn't want to get his fricking ass up this morning !!!!!

I said f it - you suffer the consequences - I am done - I am leaving for work - But regardless - My head is banging - I am pissed - I want to cry - and say why me - why can't things go smoothly - I know this is life - and it could be worse but - well it is I have may Aunt dieing - My son isn't on drugs but drinking too much - my dil is sick - she and gd tells me their problems like I can fix it - I finally said - I gotta go I gotta fix me dinner - I can 't fix a god blessed thing... I am not god if I were I would make things perfect but I can't...

I feel like I am just going to bust a blood vessel - I am 54 fricking yrs old.. WTF - got a cat that I gotta get fixed I have 5 kittens I have to get rid of - (well I do have someone who wants 1)

Bad bad morning - and now I am at work - both the other 2 girls who handle my bosses accounts are out - so it's just me - that means the phone is going to ring off the fricking hook - I have my own crap to do...

Today would have been my Dad's 89 bday !!!

Well everyone - sorry to be so depressing !!!!! I really hate being this way - but you are all I got !!!! Thanks for listening... I love you all... It will get better I do know this and my shitty day isn't as bad as what some of you are going thru - not one iota - but it's still my shitty day than I needed to rant about it - Hugs Janet

Red is how I am feeling right now mad.gif

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What a bummer of a way to start the day. Wish I could help, but know that this too shall pass and that I am thinking of you. Calgon, take me away!!!!

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Julie, I was looking for an article that explained her cancer and her band. Anyway, this blog just horrified me! The author obviously had no idea what a lapband is, confuses it with gastric bypass and then thinks it's a rubber band! ugghhhh!

Janet <HUGS> is all I can say.

CBL~~~ peas

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Sometimes it seems when you are down you just keep getting kicked doesn't it. Well you have all of our best thoughts heading your way. You will get through this. Just as we always do. They want us to fix everything but "don't tell me what to do or interfer"

Some times life sucks then we get over it.

Take care of yourself first................

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Dear Janet, it must be our turn to help you..... I'm so sorry for all your woes.... Kids can give you all the joy and hell one person can take!!!!!... My morning prayers must have gone out after your bad day started so I'm sending out a new one just for you... God Bless and keep you through this trying day... Love from a friend, Julie

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Okay, here is the scoop on the metabolism blow test. I blew into this machine for about 10 minutes. Well, I just had my nose pinched off and breathed into the machine. I have a 1300calorie a day resting rate. With light exercise I can eat 1500calories a day to maintain. To lose 1lb a week I need to eat 1200 calories a day. So, I am in it for the long haul. I can do this! I did ask about my pain. It is probably arthritis coming from my back and causing the adhesions to spasm. She did not give me a fill because I have had reflux and she said that does swell the band. So, I will go back next month maybe for a tweak and should be done for awhile.

Oh , she did tell me to only weigh once a week. Janet, you should be a nutritionist. You said 800-1200 a day and exercise, exercise, exercise. Your advice was free, she charged me.

I would recommend this test.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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