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Laura...sorry you didn't get through to me...I have your #'s now and hope you don't mind if we wait to connect next week when Nelson is in school. Just need to get through some things this week and then will hit the trip planning. OK????

Not a problem... completely understand.:bored: Sorry to hear about your neighbor. Sounded like a sweet guy.

Regarding your salmon issue. I had a similar thing with lamb chops yesterday. DH cooked them perfectly med. rare so they were nice and tender (they had marinated for a couple hours too). We ate around 530 and usually I need a snack 2-3 hrs after dinner.. I was TOTALLY fine until morning. I only had like 3-4 oz of the meat too. But I think it has to do with the texture and the fat content. Salmon got STUCK :smile2: last time I ate it, so have avoided it lately. (although I love love love it).

Yeah, fibroids. Fun, I just needed one more diagnosis to add to the list.

Julie~ soooo sorry you are having such pain. I wish there was something I could do for you from here!!! <hugs>

Charlene~ yikes.. that pain sounds weird. Hmmmm.. Will think on that one and get back to you. Do you still have your gallbladder? Sounds very gall stone colic sounding. Will ask my nerdy husband later and see what he thinks.

Although the GI series sounds like a must. Gotta see what's causing it.

ok guys... <doing my best martial arts pose> I need to run to taekwondo!


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Hi all,

Can't get a fill till Oct. 27th because I don't want to take off from school to get it. So I need it in the late afternoon and only my own surgeon does afternoons and he isn't scheduled till the 27th. So I'll be "dieting" without much help from the tool as my restriction is pretty much gone.

Julie you are way beyond the ability of chiropracters to diagnose or help you. Their maipulation may be aggravating the probelm. Are you taking an anti-inflammatory regularly for the pain as well as the vicodin? You can take both but you can't combine the vicodin with Tylenol because Vicodin has tylenol in it. I totally get the pain. I had to find a position that didn't hurt and stay in it as much as possible. I did absolutely no housework. Any kind of scrubbing motion or pushing on things or the kind of twisting you do with vacuuming created pressure on the herniated discs.

I'm wondering if the shoulder manipulation you've had done put pressure on your neck in a way that created pressure on your discs. There've been times I haven't even been able to swing my arms while walking because it put pressure on the herniated discs. Physical therapy and chiropractic manipulation also irritated and made the discs put pressure on the nerves. Relief lasted only until my drive home. Then I was in even worse pain. Your pain sounds very much like herniated discs. It can radiate down your chest, down your back, give you headaches and send pain and numbness across your shoulders and down your arms. It can make you think there's pressure on your heart and give you indigestion.

I'll be praying for you. The Lord bless you and keep you and cause his face to shne upon you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you his peace.

Hang in there sweetheart.

Edited by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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Laura, I had my gallbladder out in 1990. Tylenol helps. The weather thing makes me think it might be auto immune. I do have thyroiditis from time to time. In fact, my thyroid was swollen two weeks ago. Anyway, we will see.

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Lunch with granddaughter was very nice. Photo on FB. She LOVES Red Robin.. it's basically a gourmet burger place, but lots of other stuff, too. I got their Ensenada chicken Platter w/1 grilled chicken breast instead of 2. Still 629 calories if you eat everything, but I didn't eat any of one of the sauces that comes with it, and it was probably 100 calories at least. I used the salsa and couple of TBSP of honey mustard dressing. It was nice to see the sorority house where she lives now. Didn't go in, but wanted to see what it looked like and where it was.

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Good evening. Not much to report here. WEight is up about 5 lbs which has me in a panic. I feel I need some more restriction but am afraid to because then it seems I get reflux at night. Plus I don't want to be too tight in the midst of knee surgery in about 10 days so will wait til after that. Might be the slack in exercise I've been experiencing as well.

Julie, sorry you have such pain. I really have no professional suggestion but do have a personal one. Can you stop doing so much? You are taking care of your granddaughter all the time and am sure that entails lifting etc. Maybe you need to put yourself first and have your DD make other arrangements for a bit til you are better. You have had one thing after another and have really had no time to rest and recover after any of it. Just a thought. I don't know your whole situation.

Well my DD moved back in for 6 mos until her wedding. She is saving $$$ for that. It's kindda nice so far having her around.

We are supposed to get SNOW tonight! Just a dusting but snow is snow. It was 87 on SUnday and supposed to be in the 80's this sunday as well. Colorado weather!

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Good evening. Not much to report here. WEight is up about 5 lbs which has me in a panic. I feel I need some more restriction but am afraid to because then it seems I get reflux at night. Plus I don't want to be too tight in the midst of knee surgery in about 10 days so will wait til after that. Might be the slack in exercise I've been experiencing as well.

Julie, sorry you have such pain. I really have no professional suggestion but do have a personal one. Can you stop doing so much? You are taking care of your granddaughter all the time and am sure that entails lifting etc. Maybe you need to put yourself first and have your DD make other arrangements for a bit til you are better. You have had one thing after another and have really had no time to rest and recover after any of it. Just a thought. I don't know your whole situation.

Well my DD moved back in for 6 mos until her wedding. She is saving $$$ for that. It's kindda nice so far having her around.

We are supposed to get SNOW tonight! Just a dusting but snow is snow. It was 87 on SUnday and supposed to be in the 80's this sunday as well. Colorado weather!

Saw snow in Castle Rock on this morning's news!

Don't get discouraged if you have a weight gain after surgery. I think the first time I weighed was a week after surgery and I was up several pounds. But I wasn't thinking about all the swelling in my leg. The next week 3 1/2 lb loss and then 2 lb this week. And now that I am able to walk 1/2 mile at a time, I'm sure I'll continue to lose faster than I was prior to surgery. You'll do the same.

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Hi everyone, Julie, so sorry to hear you are still in so much pain. Will be keeping you in my thoughts. Hope you can find some relief from someone soon. Apples, sorry to hear about your friend. I used to do lots of cross stitch -- he must have had really good eyes to still be doing it in his 70s. Bless his heart. Great, hope the snow melts as soon as it falls - wow, seems early for snow, even in Colorado. Our leaves are all changing quickly though -- i'm not ready for it yet -- there wasn't much summer -- seems too early. It's my DS's b-day -- he turned 37 - wow, does that make me sound old. LOL. Charlene, thanks for the heads up on Dr. Davis being on the Doctors - I'll have to tape it for that day. Hope you figure out what's happening with your stomach ache. Like Apples, I also was diagnosed with FM years ago and since weight loss, don't have nearly the symtoms I had before. Laura, what is the news on your dad? Was thinking about that today. Janet thanks for your note, it means a lot. CBL Linda

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Hey Gang

Just popping in for a minute - I read earlier before I left work but didn't have time to post - went to the gym did 2 miles on the treadmill and 1 mile on the elliptical - came home fed Andrew - Fed the Cat - Fed the 2 Dogs (still have to feed me :)) and answered an email from a lady who lost her band due to slippage - lost 85 lbs and now doc saying she might not qualify for another band - she explained it's a replacement not a new one - I have always worried about this - plus my insurance has changed - I don't even know if my new policy covers wls - could have exclusion for all I know.. Does anyone know anything about how this would be handled if you lost your band?

Phyl - glad you had a good time with GD !!! It's so hard to eat healthy when you are out - those are usually my treat times..

Julie - Hugs on your pain issues - that has to be awful - I'm not good with pain - hopefully they will find out what's going on and you can get some relief ..

Apples - Hugs on losing your friend - My Aunt (who lives in TX and I went and visited in Feb) is in hospic - she's fading fast - she's 93 she's had a full life - but I am losing the last of my Dad's siblings..

Charlene - Hugs on your issues - I have only had one surgery prior to my band (gall bladder) and the only thing that affects my band is stress

Laura - I have only been super full for a long time a couple of times - once it was a lean cusine feddicine alfreado w/chick and I don't remember the other time - usually I eat and within a few hrs I am ready for another meal - so when I stay full like that - I count it as a blessing ;0) - it's telling me my band is working -

Great - Yep it's most likely the exercise (or should I say lack of) and not being super careful with what you eat - today - I was going to skip the gym - but I didn't go Saturday - I clean the house very very good and pulled weeds so I did move - but I think you are like me - exercise & healthy eating is key to keep the weight off - I quit buying nuts too - Yep they are good for you but a couple of handfuls a couple times a day is a lot of calories.. I understand your freaking - just pay attention to what you are eating - watch the treats & carbs.

Snow - it's still in the 100's here :tongue2:

Linda - My son's 38 - and hell no I don't feel old - age is just a # ;0)

Cheri - Gf you can do it - and it's not dieting - it's eating healthy - eating healthy isn't dieting - please take diet out of your vocabulary - If you are extra hungry eat some more veggies - that's what I did between fills - I just stayed away from the carbs - had my alloted amount and that was it - maybe they will have a cancellation and you can get in earlier.

Gitrdone - Great news ... I need to go get my blood test - but I'm terrible about the whole fasting - cuz of my night eating - which I still do... just not like I use too and the mintue you tell me not to eat - i want to eat...

Sharon - Dee - Eva - Meredith - who am I missing - Melissa shout out to you all - I need to go feed me - and watch some t.v. (if i missed someone and I most likely have - didn't mean to - but I'm old - oh ya Laura K Amanda )

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To answer Janet's question on what I would do if I lost my band. I think I would try it on my own for a bit to see how I did with hunger, etc.. If I felt I could not deal, I would do whatever I could to get the sleeve. (I guess that would depend on whether there was not too much damage from band). Cannot say it this point that I would do self-pay with sleeve. Would depend.

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Hello all.

Just a quick check in. Once again, I am exhausted! Phew! I need to take a shower and go to bed really soon. I have aerobics at 1 and weight training tomorrow at 3.

I got my fill yesterday. I have been doing liquids, so I have no idea how much restriction I have. At lunch today I had about 1.5 cups of crushed lentil Soup and I was really full, so hopefully that feeling will continue once I am eating foods tomorrow.

Ok, I read everything, but this has to be a fly by post. I watched biggest loser tonight so i didn't get everything done as early as I wanted to, and I didn't even get home from school until 5 minutes til 8.

Ok, will check in tomorrow and respond to everyone. Sorry, I just need to "hit the hay" as my mother says.

Good night,


P.S. I am in the 220's!!!!!!! One more pound til -50!!!

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As I always said to my children and now to my grandchildren, "Nite-night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite, but if they do, take your shoe, beat them till they're black and blue."

Or alternatively, "Shadrack, Meshack, and to bed we go."

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Good morning girlies~

Janet, interesting point regarding insurance if we needed to be re-banded. My situation- I researched thoroughly before surgery. I had an exclusion and had to self-pay. End of that story. (Obama could have written a letter and they would not approve it) BUT... if I have a complication related to said band.... then by law they have to cover. ie. need endoscopy for ulcer, slippage, infection. But if I needed to be Re-banded at a later time, then no go. Still no coverage. Very screwy I agree.

I am trying to talk myself into going to the gym to do cardio. I am so sore from yesterday! (weights) AND... <blush> DH is off today and could take Nelson to school and be back in time to snuggle with him. <grin> But... perhaps he is tired and really just wants to sleep in.

Update: Dad is home. Still has the nephrostomy. Is going to Johns Hopkins next week for a 3rd opinion. His goal is to get rid of the nephrostomy! He can's take a bath or swim and showering is such a big deal with taping, etc. Can't walk (like his usual 3 miles holding a pee bag) He is so darn frustrated. He will get most recent labs back today- they drew them yesterday. Thanks for asking guys.

IYSOY~ We say the nitenite part... but goodness that last part is violent. Nelson doesn't like killing bugs..LOL. we have to catch them and let them go outside.

I went out to eat with Nelson's friend and the mother. Well they chose Cracker Barrel. (I mentioned on a previous time that I it's impossible to eat healthy there). Well I ordered the beef stew. They brought the biscuits and i had told myself DO NOT EAT THEM. So I only pulled off a corner.... it must have swelled up.. when I went to have some of the broth of the Soup I had pain... I tried to drink some tea... I KNEW BETTER. I had to run to the BR and PB. My friend was mortified! I couldn't eat in front of her again. Kids were oblivious. Live and learn.

I will CBL!!!

peasout.. Laura

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Good Morning Peeps !!!

Laura - Hopefully you Dad will get some answers.. I would choose snuggling with DH - That burns calories and Dr Oz says it helps in the weight loss dept too ;o)...

Meredith - didn't get home til 8 - youth :0) I couldn't do that

hope the fill is good ..

Well just a drive by - gotta get to work - CBL

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Good evening. Not much to report here. WEight is up about 5 lbs which has me in a panic. I feel I need some more restriction but am afraid to because then it seems I get reflux at night. Plus I don't want to be too tight in the midst of knee surgery in about 10 days so will wait til after that. Might be the slack in exercise I've been experiencing as well.

Julie, sorry you have such pain. I really have no professional suggestion but do have a personal one. Can you stop doing so much? You are taking care of your granddaughter all the time and am sure that entails lifting etc. Maybe you need to put yourself first and have your DD make other arrangements for a bit til you are better. You have had one thing after another and have really had no time to rest and recover after any of it. Just a thought. I don't know your whole situation.

Well my DD moved back in for 6 mos until her wedding. She is saving $$$ for that. It's kindda nice so far having her around.

We are supposed to get SNOW tonight! Just a dusting but snow is snow. It was 87 on SUnday and supposed to be in the 80's this sunday as well. Colorado weather!

Lori...try not to panic on the 5lb issue. Just try to make REALLY HEALTHY choices in these next days b/4 surgery and concentrate on what you have going on at the moment. You have done such a great job with your weightloss. Just recognize your success and use those same tools to help you maintain.

Also....could you email me your address please?????

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Yeah, Lori, I want your address too!

I am feeling better today. The weather is cooler , but the adhesions have settled down.....I just have joint pain. I do that blow test tomorrow to measure my metabolism. I will check in. Y'all have a great day!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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