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Just wanted to say one thing about restriction. My Dr. told me the band rests around a fat pad around the stomach. As you lose weight the pad shrinks and the band gets loose. That's why we're on a neverending search for restriction. I lost 8 lbs and lost my restriction so I'm back to dieting till my next fill.

I don't think you actually reach your sweet spot until you hit a goal you're satisfied with and the band helps you stay there instead of gaining it all back. If I start gaining again I'll get filled until I can't gain it back. I know better than to rely on my own willpower. Did that for years and I could lose but then I'd gain it all back. Without the band, the head hunger would take over again.

Laura, I would bet some of your weight fluctuation is due to Water retention and Fluid buildup from your female issues. Those fibroids swell at PMS time too. I used to have as much as a 7 lb. weight fluctuation. Hope you get the best treatment. Julie, I hope you do too.

I'm all too familiar with the spinal arthritis in my neck and lower back. I've had major neck surgery by a neurosurgeon, one of the best in the area. He removed a lot of bone but didn't fuse me, allowing me more mobility but also leaving me prone to reinjury. I've also had shoulder surgery and now my other shoulder needs something after a fall last winter. My hip frequently kills me even though I lost a lot of weight. It wakes me up at night. Plus, of course, I've had double knee replacements.

Right now the incline board I have where I hang almost upside down is keeping me going. I'm at least an inch taller after I get off that thing. Its really helped with the neck and lower back and even with the hip. Some of the hip pain actually comes from my back. But I can tell there's spurs inside the joint. Sometimes I rotate a certain way and I can feel them scraping and tearing things up.

I am much more limber with the weight loss though. I was almost running after my grandaughter tonight. She wanted me to be the monster and I was surprised how well I kept up with her. I also had my grandsons on the junglegym again a few days ago and was keeping up with them on my son's hilly property yesterday. I walked for an hour and a half today.

It's the stairs at work that kill my hip. Going back to work this fall really triggered the hip pain again. I had built up everything else with walking but I didn't climb steps this summer and my hip healed up. Stairs are the killer. Probably need a hip replacement someday, no matter how much I lose.

When I go for a little R&R, it isn't for Rest and Recreation, its for repairs and replacements.

LOL! What a topic. Aches and pains. I remember listening to older people talking about these things and thinking I'd never be like that. LOL.

I first put my knee out of joint at 16 yrs old. My shoulder started hurting from all the swimming I did at that age. Its been downhill ever since.

Take care everyone. ttyl.

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OK so today...maybe i am out of my funk. I got filled yesterday am and i am happy that this time i was not starving all nite or this morning. Not even hungry this am.

The doctor also offered me to not have to pay for my fill next time if this one still isnt tight enough....they realized i hadnt came in sooner due to money.

Im really not a negative person nbut my last post seemed so. Thnaks for listening.

Hope everyone has a great day!


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Just wanted to say one thing about restriction. My Dr. told me the band rests around a fat pad around the stomach. As you lose weight the pad shrinks and the band gets loose. That's why we're on a neverending search for restriction. I lost 8 lbs and lost my restriction so I'm back to dieting till my next fill.

I don't think you actually reach your sweet spot until you hit a goal you're satisfied with and the band helps you stay there instead of gaining it all back. If I start gaining again I'll get filled until I can't gain it back. I know better than to rely on my own willpower. Did that for years and I could lose but then I'd gain it all back. Without the band, the head hunger would take over again.

Laura, I would bet some of your weight fluctuation is due to Water retention and Fluid buildup from your female issues. Those fibroids swell at PMS time too. I used to have as much as a 7 lb. weight fluctuation. Hope you get the best treatment. Julie, I hope you do too.

I'm all too familiar with the spinal arthritis in my neck and lower back. I've had major neck surgery by a neurosurgeon, one of the best in the area. He removed a lot of bone but didn't fuse me, allowing me more mobility but also leaving me prone to reinjury. I've also had shoulder surgery and now my other shoulder needs something after a fall last winter. My hip frequently kills me even though I lost a lot of weight. It wakes me up at night. Plus, of course, I've had double knee replacements.

Right now the incline board I have where I hang almost upside down is keeping me going. I'm at least an inch taller after I get off that thing. Its really helped with the neck and lower back and even with the hip. Some of the hip pain actually comes from my back. But I can tell there's spurs inside the joint. Sometimes I rotate a certain way and I can feel them scraping and tearing things up.

I am much more limber with the weight loss though. I was almost running after my grandaughter tonight. She wanted me to be the monster and I was surprised how well I kept up with her. I also had my grandsons on the junglegym again a few days ago and was keeping up with them on my son's hilly property yesterday. I walked for an hour and a half today.

It's the stairs at work that kill my hip. Going back to work this fall really triggered the hip pain again. I had built up everything else with walking but I didn't climb steps this summer and my hip healed up. Stairs are the killer. Probably need a hip replacement someday, no matter how much I lose.

When I go for a little R&R, it isn't for Rest and Recreation, its for repairs and replacements.

LOL! What a topic. Aches and pains. I remember listening to older people talking about these things and thinking I'd never be like that. LOL.

I first put my knee out of joint at 16 yrs old. My shoulder started hurting from all the swimming I did at that age. Its been downhill ever since.

Take care everyone. ttyl.

Yes, Cheri, you are right about the fat pad disappearing as we lose weight and exercise, but truly, with this last fill, there has been a huge difference. Before, I would feel tighter restriction for a few days but gradually I would again have to rely more on my willpower. With my last fill, it's been 3 weeks and I have restriction like never before and it seems to be sticking around this time.

Well, finally I lost -- this morning I was rewarded with two pounds. That's the first loss since 9/1!! Wow, it sure gets harder to lose as we get closer and closer to goal. But I'm blessed because I've done better than I ever dreamed possible before my band. I still lost 5 pounds in the past month and that's truly a great accomplishment compared to my past behavior.

That Wii video was hysterical -- I have a problem with the soccer -- I want to "dodge" all the balls coming at me rather than hitting them. LOL. The step on Wii is very simple and easy -- but it does get boring pretty fast -- even the more advanced one - then they just have a free range one where you can just step up and down without any type of dance moves -- that would be a good one for Phyll to strengthen her knee.

My new schedule is great -- but still getting used to it. Gotta get busy and get my exercise in this morning. Have a great day everyone!!!:biggrin:


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Laura, no I haven't see Wally-E. I'll have to took into it one of these days. I rarely watch movies....but then one day I'll watch several.

Phyl, congrats on the mobility. Glad to hear your recovery is going so well. You'll be running laps soon.

Linda, great on the weight loss. I'm not losing very fast either but I'm not really dieting either. I think if I really apply myself to a diet, I would do so much better. Yuck, I hate dieting. You have done amazing with your weight loss. 90 pounds in 9 months is perfect!!

I'm going to have to get ready for work. Hope everyone has a great day!!


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Good Morning Gang...

Phyl - You rock girl !!!! I am just so impressed - but again I knew that you would be the energizer bunny once you got then knee fixed...

for me on the step I would like to put it up on something to get a little more work out - but have to find a stable box to to put it on.

I like the boxing on the Wii Active the best - I need to pull that one out - I just don't have enough hours in the day to do all the things I would like to do..

Yoga is really all about the core - I'm not great - but did better than Kaitlin this summer :bored:

Cheri - isn't it funny that we end up talking like our parents - aches pains bm's etc :smile2: it's hell getting old - what can I say.. Hugs on your issues though - that has to be tough - I have a few aches but not many and I am thankful for that.

Amanda - Glad your fill went well and sounds like you have a great doc !!! Didn't think you were negative at all .. This is hard work (the band) you have done great by not re-gaining - you have alot to be proud of - now that your head is back in the game - you are going to get the rest off. The sky's the limit once you make up your mind...

Linda Congrats on your 2 lbs - you have done very very well.. Be pround of the work you have done

Eva - We arent dieting - we are eating healthy - I know that seems like dieting but it's not - it's really hard to get use to it and when you are tired and stressed - you want those comfort foods - I still do - most days I win the battle - but some day's I don't..

Well gang I need to get my butt in gear - CBL

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Hello Hello~~~

Is it only noon? Have done a lot this morning, so I feel like I should be getting ready for bed! ; ) DH got up for work at his usually 5:15- usually I sleep for another hour but today I got up and cleaned, did laundry, straightened kitchen, etc. Got Nelson up, dressed, fed and to school. Went to the gym- 2 miles on treadmill @ 3.7 (trying to get that to 4 for the 5K) then did 1 hr strength training with trainer. Bank, cleaners, pet store, pool store, and grocery shopping. Cleaned pool- put in salt. (we have a saline system so we don't use chlorine- LOVE it!) Now I need to figure out what to have for lunch, shower and then go get the boy and run him to Taekwondo. Whhewwww!

I am back down to what my ticker says. I drank tons of Water yesterday and today. Just needed to flush all that sodium out. But whoever talked about the Water retention is right. It's about that time and I will easily retain 5-7 lbs. Then after is the only time I can enjoy a weight loss.

Hope all is well with everyone. Need to go cook something.. will CBL.


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Hello Hello~~~

Is it only noon? Have done a lot this morning, so I feel like I should be getting ready for bed! ; ) DH got up for work at his usually 5:15- usually I sleep for another hour but today I got up and cleaned, did laundry, straightened kitchen, etc. Got Nelson up, dressed, fed and to school. Went to the gym- 2 miles on treadmill @ 3.7 (trying to get that to 4 for the 5K) then did 1 hr strength training with trainer. Bank, cleaners, pet store, pool store, and grocery shopping. Cleaned pool- put in salt. (we have a saline system so we don't use chlorine- LOVE it!) Now I need to figure out what to have for lunch, shower and then go get the boy and run him to Taekwondo. Whhewwww!

I am back down to what my ticker says. I drank tons of Water yesterday and today. Just needed to flush all that sodium out. But whoever talked about the Water retention is right. It's about that time and I will easily retain 5-7 lbs. Then after is the only time I can enjoy a weight loss.

Hope all is well with everyone. Need to go cook something.. will CBL. Laura

Wow~ You've had a busy day already. Just a little after 10a.m. here, but I already got my walk in... 4 wks today since knee replacement and walking 1/2 mile a day has me pretty happy. Hope to work up to a mile in the next few weeks. Beautiful day here in the NW and supposed to go up to 85 this afternoon. Was blessed to get a text message from GD... sophomore at U of WA.... saying she'd like to go out to lunch with us today. She knows we're leaving to go south soon. So we're picking her up at noon and going to Red Robin. That reminds me... need to go online and look at their menu so I know what I'm ordering!

Have a GREAT day everyone. CBL.


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Hi gang, sorry I've been absent for a couple days... I really have nothing good to report.. I'm miserable and frustrated and about at the end of my rope... This pain is getting so out of control........ Saturday night I was up most of the night and have finally resorted to crying...... I can't seem to find anything to help... It lets up during the day some, so I cross my fingers that the next night will be less awful.... Well, it wasn't.... DH took me to ER Sunday night at 10:45... We drive 40 miles and then wait........ it was very busy.. Finally saw a doctor at 1:30 am and he said he couldn't do much but address the pain... I said, "I'll take it".... So I got a shot of morhine and dilaudid (SP?) that knocked me out until Monday night.. I did get to sleep at least... and even last night I slept some better......But the pain is back with a vergence today... I've called all my doctors.... Someone suggested that my band could be causing this... I don't think so as it feels fine to me... I can eat oka and don't PB and feel retriction during the early part of the day.... but I have an upper GI scheduled for tomorrow.... Regular doctor is going after Ins again since my ER visit.. I have a different chiroprator today as mine was unavailable... She said my shoulder is really a mess and that the 3 main muscles are affected...............causing all the pain.. She did acupuncture on it and some other kind of tens unit... Said I should feel some releif by this evening... ER doc did also give me perscription for Hyrocodone for pain.. Just took some and I do feel the pain easing a bit now... I'm so sorry to sound like such a broken record you guys... I just don't know what else to do but cry... I can't get into see a pain doctor for a couple weeks yet.... Why can't someone help me???? Sorry, crying again... I guess I should go... I hope all are well and doing fine... I'll try to come back better some time soon... Thanks for listening........... Julie

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Hey Gang!!

Julie...sorry you are in so much pain and soooooo frustrated. Hoping you find some relief soon.

Have fun on your lunch date with your GD, Phyll! Let us know if you found band friendly food on their menu. Never even hear of a Red Robin....a chain?

Had a nice weekend and overnight trip with my friend. Closing up the lake place on Sunday. Will need to take some extra time for myself to deal with the deep depression that goes with closing till May 1. (Always happy when it's done and I get home for the long haul though) Anyway, after taking care of things, I start fall housecleaning and helping with the harvest. No time to put the bottom lip out and pout.

Will be doing a wake and funeral Friday and Sat. My cute little neighbor guy from the resort died this morning. He had some heart troubles...76 yrs old. I could always catch him sitting in the sun doing cross stitch. He was soooooooo cute and funny and had the deepest giggle. He has done a cross stitch (huge) table runner for each of his grandchildren to give them when they got married. He knew he didn't have much time on this earth and was frantically trying to finish one for his youngest grandchild. That was his only wish in the last couple of months....finish that last one. I could sit here and cry but he is in a better place. I am sure St. Peter has already ushered him in.

Have a question for all of you....is there a certain food item(s) you eat that make you feel full for an entire day? Yesterday had the best grilled salmon for lunch on my trip back with my friend. Didn't overeat...maybe 5oz of salmon and a couple bites of veggies. I could not shove an iota of food in until this morning. Just so strange. I am used to eating every couple of hours if not sooner (have to in order to keep my weight where it should be....saying this for newbies who might not be aware of my eating habits). Anyway, absolutely love salmon but not worth feeling that way all day and evening. I wasn't stuck...just things were not moving through band. In case you were to ask....yep...chewed it really good.

Found a new love...mangos. We have never had them available in our area grocery stores until this last summer. Yes, we are very rural and lucky have any fruit in our markets in the winter.

I caught up on posts from over the weekend but nothing too great to add. Better hit it. House needs my attention for the afternoon and then off to a wake for a father of one our friends we hang with.

Take care and hope you are all doing well.

Again, Julie, hope you can get things figured out. No fun to be in constant pain and no good to be on pain killers for too long. Sending good vibes your way.

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Laura...sorry you didn't get through to me...I have your #'s now and hope you don't mind if we wait to connect next week when Nelson is in school. Just need to get through some things this week and then will hit the trip planning. OK????

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Hi gang, sorry I've been absent for a couple days... I really have nothing good to report.. I'm miserable and frustrated and about at the end of my rope... This pain is getting so out of control........ Saturday night I was up most of the night and have finally resorted to crying...... I can't seem to find anything to help... It lets up during the day some, so I cross my fingers that the next night will be less awful.... Well, it wasn't.... DH took me to ER Sunday night at 10:45... We drive 40 miles and then wait........ it was very busy.. Finally saw a doctor at 1:30 am and he said he couldn't do much but address the pain... I said, "I'll take it".... So I got a shot of morhine and dilaudid (SP?) that knocked me out until Monday night.. I did get to sleep at least... and even last night I slept some better......But the pain is back with a vergence today... I've called all my doctors.... Someone suggested that my band could be causing this... I don't think so as it feels fine to me... I can eat oka and don't PB and feel retriction during the early part of the day.... but I have an upper GI scheduled for tomorrow.... Regular doctor is going after Ins again since my ER visit.. I have a different chiroprator today as mine was unavailable... She said my shoulder is really a mess and that the 3 main muscles are affected...............causing all the pain.. She did acupuncture on it and some other kind of tens unit... Said I should feel some releif by this evening... ER doc did also give me perscription for Hyrocodone for pain.. Just took some and I do feel the pain easing a bit now... I'm so sorry to sound like such a broken record you guys... I just don't know what else to do but cry... I can't get into see a pain doctor for a couple weeks yet.... Why can't someone help me???? Sorry, crying again... I guess I should go... I hope all are well and doing fine... I'll try to come back better some time soon... Thanks for listening........... Julie

Julie, I am so sorry you are in so much pain. I haven't read posts lately, but I take it that it is your back. I have herniated disks in my back and I have had epidural cortisone shots several time. They do help. I have a new pain that maybe one of y'all can help with. Okay I live in Texas where the weather is 90 for many months. Last week we had our first weather change. My upper abdomen started aching. The weather warmed up and it stopped. Now, today, we are getting our first cool front. My abdomen started aching last night, and this morning I have alot of acid reflux along with IBS. Has anyone had this happen? I know this is adhesions, but I didn't know weather would kick in the pain. I am going to see Dr. Davis on thursday. Maybe I need some GI tests to make sure I don't have errosion. OKay! Enough whining........I will let y'all know what he said. Oh he is going to be on The Doctor's on the 24th talking about weight loss surgery. Julie, I hope you get relief soon. I will pray for you.

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Julie, I am so sorry you are in so much pain. I haven't read posts lately, but I take it that it is your back. I have herniated disks in my back and I have had epidural cortisone shots several time. They do help. I have a new pain that maybe one of y'all can help with. Okay I live in Texas where the weather is 90 for many months. Last week we had our first weather change. My upper abdomen started aching. The weather warmed up and it stopped. Now, today, we are getting our first cool front. My abdomen started aching last night, and this morning I have alot of acid reflux along with IBS. Has anyone had this happen? I know this is adhesions, but I didn't know weather would kick in the pain. I am going to see Dr. Davis on thursday. Maybe I need some GI tests to make sure I don't have errosion. OKay! Enough whining........I will let y'all know what he said. Oh he is going to be on The Doctor's on the 24th talking about weight loss surgery. Julie, I hope you get relief soon. I will pray for you.

Arlene...I have similar symptoms with weather change and have had numerous adhesions also. But, good thing you are getting it checked out. I feel it or something pulls and I have visions for having to have docs go back in to take care of things. I have had a number of surgeries because of adhesions and fibroid tumors. :bored: Hope everything turns out OK.

Hey Laura....forgot to mention....hope the solution to your problem is an easy one!

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Arlene...I have similar symptoms with weather change and have had numerous adhesions also. But, good thing you are getting it checked out. I feel it or something pulls and I have visions for having to have docs go back in to take care of things. I have had a number of surgeries because of adhesions and fibroid tumors. :bored: Hope everything turns out OK.

Hey Laura....forgot to mention....hope the solution to your problem is an easy one!

Apples, thanks, now I don't feel crazy. I too have had several colon sugeries, two of which were for adhesions causing obstructions. I was reading that fibromyalgia can cause that kind of pain. Anyway, I will get my thyroid doc to check it out. Again, thanks!

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Hi all just a quick pass-through. Went to my PCP today, all tests are MUCH better than pre-surgery. Still need some time before I'm off all meds, but way better than just 2 months ago! Have lost 45 pounds since I last saw her for the pre-surgery visit :bored:.

Julie-how awful for you! I'm so sorry your miserable, hope you get relief soonest.

Peas-hope your Dad is doing better. How hard all this must be on both your folks.

Hugs to all, talk to you soon.

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Gitrdone...congrats on your test results and weightloss. I am sure you feel so much better.

Arlene...I was once diognosed with FM but it was actually osteo (sp?) arthritis and ALL symptoms disappeared with weight loss.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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