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I just returned from my first official training day at the YMCA for my 5K! There must have been 75 people there!!! All walks of life really. Marathon runners and couch potatoes. But what a nice group. We only did the 1 mile today as groups. (running group, walk/runs and walking) Even the walking is fast paced as we are keeping a 15 min mile. When we got back I went and did one more mile on the treadmill. At 6am when I set my alarm to get up for this, DH said "I don't know if you should go to the Y or to the hospital for a CT scan of the head." LOL! He was proud of me though. Heck, first morning in FOREVER that I wasn't here for Nelson in morning- fixing Breakfast, etc. I will go run just to have a break- how screwed up is that?!

Dad is still in the hospital, but might discharge him today. They still don't know what keeps causing his kidney to start failing. His numbers rise and then start coming down again. Could be obstruction? He's off any meds that would cause it. Anyway, frustrating for all. He's going to go to Johns Hopkins for a consult next week see if some smarter people can gather and put their heads together. I continue to feel the most extreme guilt for not being in NC with them. Tough with Nelson having school now. Janet, thanks for asking BTW.

Naw~ WTG!!! Congrats on your surgery!!! Sounds like you are doing great, walking and with the liquids! Wow, you get Protein shakes the first week?! I was on Clear liquids the first week! And yeah, the swelling is tough. Part of it is inflammation and the rest is residual air from when they inflated you for the laparoscopy. You are inflated to about 11 mo pregnant, so imagine! It will slowly go down. Are you bruised? Sounds like you are doing awesome! Congratulations on the beginning of your new healthy life. : )

Meredith~~~ YEAH!!! WTG on the wt loss! I am with you on the fear of changing the ticker. Don't be surprised when you first start working out that the weight sort of hangs on. It's almost like a starvation mode... like Whooo, now you are exercising too?! I will have to "survive" and hold on to these calories! So proud of you for walking too! DH and I have been walking a lot too. It's a nice time to talk and just be together.

Janet~ Have a link for you.

I laughed my a$$ off the first time I saw this! WTG on getting up and doing something, even though you didn't feel like it.

1day~ Thanks hon. Wow, I didn't know Alex was a black belt! What martial art does he do? How old was he when he started?

ok guys... time to go clean up some and get on with my day. DH is taking Nelson to a movie and giving me a break for a couple hours today. I might just sit with a remote in my hand! Someone mentioned Survivor- how the HECK did I miss that it was on?! I haven't missed an episode ONCE.. and this was the first for me. Oh goodness. Thank God it is online now. Will watch that when the boys leave. : )

CBL~~~ peasout, Laura

The You Tube thing is funny. Alex was in Taekwondo started in Elementary school. Once he got his black belt in 2008 he was going to continue but then he wanted to do other sports. So we have let him. It had helped alot with the discipline and the respect and honor for other people. I got my purple belt but then I lost my job and have such weird hours I have not gone back. I liked it though. It has been a year since I left and I still visit the studio because I had made friends with the owners and other people their I like to check in.

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Hi All

Glad to hear most of you are doing well. I got in alot of exercise today. Got up walked on treadmill for 30 mins, varied speed and incline also put on arm weights for a bit. Then went to the Mi Renaissance Festival. Boy was that an experience. Such costumes. Walked around the grounds for about 5 hrs. had to park about a half mile away just to get a space. They have these huge turkey legs to eat, just wrap the bottom and give it to you like that to eat. Ate half tossed the rest... yummo

Mrs B hope you get the well deserved sleep you need and you pain subsides.

Laura hope they figure out your Dads problem soon for all of you.

Everyone have a good weekend.

Laura K

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When I was up to Indian River, for a girls weekend, a couple of weeks ago I took my wii fit. My "wonderful" friends took a video of me hula hooping, I can tell you I sure didn't look like that girl lol:smile:

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So many posts, so little time. Julie. I'm so sorry about your pain. Before my neck surgery I could not even wear a coat and walk through the store for more than a few minutes. The pain from the weight and pressure of my coat was too much. At this point I'm beginning to think that private health care is so badly managed that government health care could only be an improvement. You need that MRI asap. Start making phone calls, threaten a law suit, contact a lawyer.

Laura, I had a fibroid attached to my ovary the size of a large grapefruit. It bled too at my TOM. Happened to have a physical just after one of my heavy bleeds and the Dr called me in a panic about my hematocrit.

She told me one more TOM and I'd need an emergency hyst with blood transfusion. They gave me shots to stop my period to give my blood a chance to rebuild. Instant menopause. Then I got the hyst. Saved my life. Had more energy than I'd had in years. No more TOM. Instead of no libido, I had more than I'd had in years.

Doodle, Eli's mother may need some parenting classes. She's never been a parent while sober. Have her investigate Love and Logic. Also, she and Eli may not be ready to be fulltime together right off the bat. He undoubtedly misses you and the stability he experienced. Your daughter also needs time to continue to work on her sobriety, hard to do with an uprooted child around. I'd suggest a more gradual transfer.

I spent time with my grandsons again today and am going to my grandaughter's birthday tomorrow.

I actually ended up not thrifting, I had a 30% off coupon and Kohl's was having a good sale with power hours and cashback. Got some black cropped pants cheap and several lightweight fall tops. I'm hoping I can get through the fall without buying much more. CBL.

Edited by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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HI to all...

My name is Amanda im 29 and i joined lapbandtalk..ohh over a year ago, but i rarely get to come here so im sure noone knows me.

Ok so I was banded june 10th. 2008. Ok so at first it was great....after surgeyr i was feeling full after a yogurt, i was like no way a ltile yogurt has me feeling good...this way cool

Ok so months go by and i lost near 70 lbs with in say 7 months.. i was on a roll. THEN a brick wall I HIT. Back in January i saw myslef not losing. Somehow between working 12 hr days I let 5 months go by with no restriction....i never gained but sadly never lost either. So in june I got my first fill.YES i said first feel...so backing up my story a bit for first 6 months i nefver needed fill because i was losing like 10 lbs month...anywhoo

Going back to brick wall....aafter fill in June...STILL no freaken restriction....Being that it was my first fill im sure maybe its normal...BUT I am so dispoitned in myself and the band...Not a poor me party or to say the lapband sucks....its all my fault.. I didnt take care of the problem ASAP...Time flies and I let NOW 7 months go by without losing. I feel so wayyyy behind. (still havent gained).

i get filled tomorrow YAY!. I need input advice

Last fill in june she put 2cc ( i think i have 10cc band?)


- will i ever fill that full feeling like after surgery again?

- Will the Brick wall finally crumble down or i jump over it?

- any suggestions on how i can catxh up on my weight loss? I feel like i should have lost 100lbs in a year..so i need to lose 30+.

- am i over shooting the 100lbs in ayear?

Ill stop asking questions for now. i owuld appreciate your responses... if i need a kickn the butt dont be nice be straight forward with your answers..

PS yes i know this site offers lots of answers but there are so many post I just havent founf time to scroll through millions to get help....agaon thanks for you input


banded June 10th 2008

September 2009...havent lost in 7 months

was 272..now 208

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Good Morning Friends!!! My My MY!!! We went to the celibration last night and it was sooo AWESOME!! There were 3 speakers from different denomenations there, the P&W was out of this world, and the food wasn't too bad either!! It was all about Celibrate Recovery and getting the ppl in our community to come together and welcome ppl with additions to our churches! The mens group was there, the ladies group and the group from celibrate recovery, plus about 400 ppl to show them support! I was sooo touched by the testimonies!! And my DD didn't do too bad either! She just looked soo beautiful up on that stage!! She always did like to have the spot light on her! lol She is really staying busy with the doings of the church and celibrate recovery and I really tihnk that's what she needs!!

Julie~~~ My DH goes to a pain clinic now and I believe that's why he is able to walk today! He had his lower back fused a few yrs ago and was still having pain so he started going this pain dr. He tried the shots and they worked for awhile and then they did surgery and put a nerve stimulater in his lower back. Now when he is in alot of pain, he turns this thing on with a remote that he has and it relaxes the nerves in his back. He says it fells like waves going down his back and leg. I know I didn't say that well but it has helped him alot! Maybe Laura knows what I'm talking about and she can describe it better. One time when Eli was around 3 yrs old, he found his PawPaw's remote, brought it to him and as he was walking toward my DH, he was also turning it on full blast, my DH jumped up, holloring, "hey, boy, give that to me", well Eli thought that he was playing with him and started running away from him!! Well to make a long story short, Eli had it turned up so much, it brought my DH to his knees. lol It wasn't funny then but it is now! I think I am going to try to get Eli some professional help, it better to do it now than wait too long. He is just too little to sort out his feelings and reacts the only way he knows how!

If~~~ I am going to look into that program. I've never heard of it so it may not be in our area. My DD is still living with us and I think maybe she will for awhile. That's the one thing I wish that they would have done, was parenting classes. She had to go thru one when she was first put in the DHS system, but she went to it just to say she did. And she was high when she went so I know that was a wast of time!

Laura~~~ Nels is sooo lucky to have parents like you and your DH !! I can tell in your posts that you have sooo much love in yout heart for him! There are soo many kids out there that don't have that in their lives!! Yesterday, my DD had to leave early to help get things set up so she told Eli that he was going to have to ride with us, well he started crying, and this was like 10:00 in the morning!! She wasn't leaveing till 3:00!! We told him we were going to take him to his Mom later but that we would call her and let him talk to her on the phone, strange as it sounds, it helped!! He was o.k. with her leaveing!! But we are going to look into getting him some help!

Well, I need to run for now, I'll catch you guys later!! Sharon

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Hello all.

I have a terrible headache today and was so sleepy that all I've done is lay around and relaxed. My weeks are so insane that I don't even feel guilty about not doing anything.

Sharon~ I finished the Shack last night. It was awesome! I'm so glad that you recommended it! Thanks. I think that I might listen to a few of the chapters over again because they had so much dialouge that I kind of spaced out and got sleepy listening. I always listen to my books on tape in bed before I sleep.< /span>

Well, I get my fill tomorrow. Good thing because I need a bit more restriction. Hopefully this will bring me close to my sweet spot. Also, last night I had a dream that I was eating donuts and all kinds of other "no no's". I hate those dreams because I wake up thinking that they are so real.

Oh well, this is just a quick one. I will CBL after dinner. My head hurts so I'm going to close my eyes for a few also.

TTYL, Meredith

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Hello all.

I have a terrible headache today and was so sleepy that all I've done is lay around and relaxed. My weeks are so insane that I don't even feel guilty about not doing anything.

Sharon~ I finished the Shack last night. It was awesome! I'm so glad that you recommended it! Thanks. I think that I might listen to a few of the chapters over again because they had so much dialouge that I kind of spaced out and got sleepy listening. I always listen to my books on tape in bed before I sleep.

Well, I get my fill tomorrow. Good thing because I need a bit more restriction. Hopefully this will bring me close to my sweet spot. Also, last night I had a dream that I was eating donuts and all kinds of other "no no's". I hate those dreams because I wake up thinking that they are so real.

Oh well, this is just a quick one. I will CBL after dinner. My head hurts so I'm going to close my eyes for a few also.

TTYL, Meredith

At least it was only a dream and not a reality!:biggrin: I don't like food dreams at all. . . my dreams are usually about the one day to be skinny me . . . i'm always dressed up so nice with heels and beautiful clothes . . . dreams are always nice. . . but then you wake up :biggrin:

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Hey all, it's going to take a while to catch up on the posts.

Dee, yes, I did have my surgery in Tijuana, Mexico. It was a good experience over all. In fact, I went down there by myself this time for my fill and had no problems. Congrats on the surgery....don't worry, the swelling will go away and your tummy will be smaller. I think I noticed a difference about a week later.

Julie, I would have picked up a tortoise for you (a toy one) while I was in Mexico, if I had read your post before I went. We'll see about finding one for Mimi before we meet in February. There are lots of toy turtles down here. Sorry to hear all that pain is back. I hope you do pursue a solution with the right doctor, you just can't go on suffering all the time.

Janet, I'm with you and the exercise in the morning....I just can't get up any earlier to exercise in the am...if I was retired....I'd love to do my walk or what ever in the am. I do that on the weekends but not during the week. How far is Indio from I-8 & El Centro?

LauraK...my sister had the same problem and didn't know it either until she tried to get pregnant again. She ended up with a hysterectomy (sp?) too and adopted a copule of kids.

Cheri....I hope you are feeling better about your situation and yourself. You have a lot of faith....have faith the job situation will work out and have faith, your body will be what it is and you will be healthy. You never know...you might not need PS at the end of your weight loss. Part of the process is acceptance and you will reach that point when the time is right.

Linda, wow you have been busy. How are you liking the day shift?

Laura, glad you found out what was going on with you. That has to be a relief. Sorry to hear about your Dad again. I hope they can figure something out with him. Hope Nelson really does like the classes, I think they do help with discipline and respect....and it doesn't hurt they learn how to kick butt too....LOL.

Meredith...yes, sometimes traveling is a pain because of all the work to prep before hand and then the laundry afterwards, but I'm an addict and I really like to see new and different things. I also like to stay home....on the weekends, it's really hard to pry me out of the house and yard. You are probably building some great muscle (converting fat to muscle) and suddenly even if the scale isn't moving, you are going to be a size smaller. Then the scale will move again.

Sharon, Congrats on the 51 lbs....that is fabulous!!! Glad to hear DD is doing well....hopefully things will settle down with Eli too. The counseling is maybe a good thing, if you find the right counselor. I think Cheri had some good advise.

1 day....that's so cool that you were doing martial arts. My neice's husband has a studio and is a sensei (spelling?) in the Boston area and my neice has a black belt. I think it is an amazing discipline.

I'm sorry if I missed some of you. Hello to everyone!!

San Diego was fun. The quilt show was very interesting and there were some very cool quilts. They also had vendors and I got some tools for card making there too. My sister took us down to the gas light district, old town, Hillcrest, and we went to Shelter Island (looking for a fish market we didn't find). We had a pretty good trip. Got home this evening.

My fill went pretty well and I do feel some restriction, but my eating is haphazard since we were travelling again. Tomorrow I will be logging my food and watching what I eat again. I hope it will limit the amounts. It seems to doing that now, but I just can't tell really. I burp like crazy right now (like that last time) I think it's funny but I'm sure my sisters got tired of hearing me belch all the time.

We now have 9 baby torotises. I'll take a picture this week and post it. There were 10, but one fell over upside down in the Water dish and didn't make it. I can't imagine 9 tortoises in the terrarium I have....I'll have to figure something else out.

Okay, I need to sleep sometime (stayed up too late this weekend and it's going to be tough getting back to early rising). Take care everyone.


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Good morning gang~ Just a quick note... still have to pack N's lunch and get dressed. Hope everyone is having a beautiful Monday! We ate Thai food yesterday and I am up 4 lbs today!!! (I only ate a cup of food- only 2 tbs of rice!!!) I am sure it's the salt.. but OMW. I also ate some of DH's popcorn at the movie yesterday.

Meredith~ Hope you are feeling better! Congrats on the weight loss!!! (we spoke on FB, so I got the early scoop!!!) SOOOOo proud of you!

Eva~ Nelson just watched Wall-E yesterday and now I have EVA on the brain. Have you seen the movie? Congrats on the baby turtles and the fill. : )

Hello to the rest, can't write indiv. right now. cheerio~ Peas

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Hi everyone, just checking in from work, so this will be short. Phyll, that bear sign was great - very funny. I thought it was real too, until the end. Laura, I wanted to thank you for talking about the pain management/anesthesiologists as I need to get some help for my pain as well. I checked and there's about 4 drs. in Des Moines I can go to. The one I went to previously who didn't do much for me was ONLY pain management -- so thanks for that advice. I'm going to make an appt. as soon as possible. I have constant back pain and then about 2 years ago started with hip pain which hasn't decreased at all since I've lost weight, in fact, it's getting worse, not better. I went to an ortho doctor about 2 years ago to get it checked out and he wouldn't even do an x-ray - he said and I quote, "you are obese -- lose some weight and your hip will feel better." Gee, and for that I was charged $150 for an "office visit". Anyway, not complaining, just glad that no one will ever be able to brush me off like that again. Julie, I do hope you can get some relief soon.

By the way, I haven't had a chance to write to Oprah/Ellen but I will get to it, hopefully this week.

We're having a new issue with my 20 yr. old step son. He moved to Oregon last year to try to get to know his mom. Well, he called last night and said she is always "using" and also drinks and she gets out of control and kicked him out of her apt. and won't let him even store his insulin there. She just refuses to grow up and get help - the poor kid. There's so much more for him there than we have here. He has a good job but doesn't have enough to get his own place. So, we'll probably send $$$ so he can rent a place. Honestly, if it's not one thing it's the other.

My DS is coming for a couple of days. He has a meeting at the corp. office here so will be stopping off for a couple home cooked meals. I miss him so much, so will be glad to see him.

I hope the scale moves this week -- it's been stuck for so long. Weigh in day is tomorrow, so I'm looking forward/dreading it at same time.

Welcome Bandalouisiana and congrats on your weight loss and your ability to keep it off without restriction. I just recently got to my sweet spot -- even though I was getting fills every 6 weeks, it still took 8 months to finally get to my sweet spot -- although I too was losing regularly, when I went in for my fills each 6 weeks, I let my surgeon know that I was losing weight because I was "dieting" and not because I had restriction. Based on that he gave me fills about every 6 weeks until I finally just last month found my sweet spot. So, hopefully you'll find your restriction a little quicker than I did. I can tell you it's much easier now that I have restriction -- I finally feel like I have a tool to use at last.

Well, gotta run, hope everyone has a great day. TTYAL. Linda

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Good Morning Gang

I have been MIA all weekend - Sat morning didn't make it to the gym- doggies had appt 8:45 then I had one at 9 - and my gym doesn't open til 7 on weekends - so not enought time to get my workout - shower and dress - plus I HATE rushing - So took the dogs - got hair cut then came home and cleaned my house from top to botton - didn't finish mopping til 7:30 and gf came over and wanted to go eat - so I jumped in the shower and went with her to eat - she ate and I had a glass (2) wine - then went to karokee bar for about hour or so..

Yesterday food shopping and relaxing...

Dee (nawlins) I too had bad gas pain but it was the 2nd day that that hit - but after that one bad espiode it wasn't that bad again - I will get it every now and then i I over eat.

Laura - I will tell you that yoga crap is hard !!!! and so is the hula hoop and trying to catch the ring - forget that soccer one - I'm not super corridnnated - I like the step but need to do more to unlock a more advance verision...

Laura K - I would hate for anyone to video me on the wii lol

Amanda - Welcome !!! You have done very well - so quit putting yourself down

Yes you can do whatever you put your mind to - You can't change the past all you can do is move forward - So hope your fill goes well today... You can breakdown that wall- you can acheive whatever goals you set for yourself..

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I showed off for the PT guy today. I was in the back when he got here so I strolled down the hall sort of spinning my cane in front of me! He was impressed... walking pretty normal without the cane. He laughed! Flexion didn't increase a whole lot... 114 degrees. I was hoping for 120 but he said not to stress over it... just keep working at it... more BUTT SLIDES!! The exercises are so much easier to do than even a week ago it's amazing. I am really pleased with how things are going. Just 4 weeks tomorrow since surgery and I'm pretty mobile, almost completely off pain meds and really excited about how far I can walk already (1/2 mile).

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Yah, Janet I didn't know they did it until it was over. what a hoot. I can do a few of the yoga ones, don't do the strength ones much. I laugh so hard at the soccer one I almost pee my pants. I've got most of them open now. It's amazing what you'll do to beat your kids at a game. Keep on practicing until I'm rated # 1. Don't stay there long unless they are gone awhile. lol

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Laura - I will tell you that yoga crap is hard !!!! and so is the hula hoop and trying to catch the ring - forget that soccer one - I'm not super corridnnated - I like the step but need to do more to unlock a more advance verision...

Laura K - I would hate for anyone to video me on the wii lol

I do a few of the yoga exercises but can't do a lot of them and they aren't my favorites. Hula Hoop I've tried a few times. Soccer is one of my favorites, though. I was getting over 100 on the advanced, but not so much this summer. Just about ready to get back at it now that knee is doing so well. And I told my PT guy that I was going to start doing the step exercises. I think if I use my cane I can do it now. One of my sisters actually did video me last summer.... boxing!!

Fortunately it did NOT end up on UTube!


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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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