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Yup, Phyll, that was a good one... I just didn't have Water in my mouth at the time........

Apples, have a great weekend.... I'm going to try to take your advice, but who knows these days.....

Nawlinz, keep the faith, it will start shrinking soon...

Home from Bismarck about 1:30 and sat in my chair for a bit.. Mimi came for an hour while DD went to deliver a job application..... Got my fingers crossed for this one.. It would get her back on day shift at least.....

Now, I think that I'm alone and DH won't be home for a while I'm going to put an ice pack on my back and try for a nap.............. gotta try to do what Apples says!!!

TaTa...... Julie

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Hi all~

Phyllser~ Loved that bear sign! That really made me laugh! Too funny!

Great~ when is your surgery?

Well I had my ultrasound today... A big ole fibroid! 4 x 5 cm (if I heard her right). DH said we should name it! ; ) I didn't talk to the doc yet, she was out of the office today. I will probably insist on doing the endometrial biopsy and hysteroscopy in the surgery center rather than the office now. Not sure if she will want to remove the fibroid since I am so symptomatic. At least now I know why TOM has been so crazy! Makes you feel less nutso just knowing WHY something is going on. Oh, the u/s tech was running behind b/c of emergency OB u/s and I came with full bladder. They told me to pee and start all over. She wanted me to drink 2 bottles of Water in 15 min! I told her about my band (and since my fill I can't drink Water THAT fast!). She said, do as you much as you can.

Time to figure out what I am cooking for dinner. I will CBL.

~ peas

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How long did it take for tummy returned to normal. My tummy is swollen...

I look like 50 yr old pregnant woman....yuck!

Naw, congratulations on your surgery! I didn't realize your surgery was this week. Your tummy will be swollen for a little while, I can't remember how long, but you can take some Gax X strips and see if that helps your bloating. This too shall pass!! Take care! Linda

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Laura, Nels is darling. Sorry about your dad.

Thank God he gave Adam and Eve clothes. And that I didn't go into the lapband for my looks so much as my health--which is doing well. I'm going thriftin' on Saturday. Hopefully I'll find some clothes that fit now and will shrink with me for a while.

Lots of sickness going around. Hope everyone stays healthy and/or gets better soon.

Just remember,

Mother's rock, Grandma's rule, and Teachers rock and rule.

Cheri - LOL - Yep I got my band for the same reason - the looks is icing on the cake..

To day a girl who use to work with us came in the office - the last time I saw her was 10/07 at a retirement party - I had loss some lbs by then - don't remember how much but remember that the velevet top & pants were 16's and I thought I was looking pretty hot - Well she had just had triples and was 100 lbs over weight - well today she was skinny - She had bypass - she said that seeing me and talking to me that night (It was me telling her I didn't know why I wasted so many years being fat is what influenced her to go for it) In talking to her today - she was/is just like the rest of us - we go go go - do for everyone else - food is what we do for us !!

No you hadn't mentioned the pointers to me. I appreciate them. I did ask for my pain meds to be in liquid form already. I remembered that from my banding and gall bladder surgeries last year. I do have a higher toilet and access to an extender if need be. They keep telling me how well my recovery is going to be and physical therapy because of my muscle strength from the workouts. I am praying they are right! I am dreading that part more than the actual surgery.

Janet, I was glad Jordan won too. I was so worried Natalie would win but after they showed the jury talking it became apparant that they all pretty much turned on her. The one that surprised me for voting for her though was Russ as it was her lie that got him kicked out.

Talk to you all when I get back from camping.

Ya but after that blow up with Russell & Jordon - and it was his payback to Jeff .. Well now on to Surviovr - except I didn't know it was on last night - missed it - with all the new and old tv programs on - I don't know when I am going to have the time to watch them all..

Hi everybody, hope you all slept well... I did not.... Finally fell asleep about 3:00........I'm so tired of all of this I could scream... I just want to feel good and be able to use this less fat body of mine for anything I want.... I'm starting to think I'm never going to get there................ Sorry.............long night.............

DH is off to work and I have the day to myself, but must run to Bismarck to pick-up a window for him at Lowe's.... I have a few other items on my list, too, so will shop a bit... I'm not much of a shopper.... don't really like to browse and don't need much..... Can't find pants to fit lengthwise and the only thing I really need other than that is a new winter coat... Just am not in the mood......

I woke up with a grouping of 3 spider bites on my midriff... I've been telling DH we needed to spray for the dang things, but he hasn't had the time yet.. So, I'll be scratching my itch on my belly for days now... I hate spider bites... I put cortizone cream on but it hasn't helped yet...

Apples, glad you are back and feeling better....knew something was up with you..... so nice for you to be there for your friend....

Laura, great pic of Nelson... He looks to be enjoying this new activity..... Sorry about your dad.... It is a wonder why they can't seem to find what's wrong and fix it...

Linda, hope you feel adjusted to your new schedule soon.. DD jas been working nights for a few months and just can't handle it.. She can't adjust to her days off and it ruins her time with Mimi...........so she is job shopping again... One of these days she'll find her niche in life, I hope......

Great, good to hear from you... I'm glad it's you dress shopping and not me... Hope you find the one that is perfect for you.... Don't worry about your sagging calves.... Pantyhose!!!!!!!! And stay away from the bears while watching the elk show... When is your surgery again??

If, good luck finding some clothes that fit the bill for now.. I've mostly been shopping from my own basement from clothes I've worn during past weight loss times.. Those are about gone now and will need to do what you are sometime soon...

Well, I really feel like going back to bed, but don't suppose I will.... Better get busy doing something, though... Have a great day.........TTYL................ Julie

Julie - I hope you can get a nap in today - I hate it when I can't sleep...

On my way out the door, girls. Hope everyone has a fun but safe weekend. Going to enjoy my weekend at the lake. Only two weekends b/4 closing up. Heading for an overnight with a GF in the cities Sunday night so will talk to you all Tuesday.

Julie.....GET SOME SLEEP!!!

Apples - Have a great time - I wish I was doing something fun...

How long did it take for tummy returned to normal. My tummy is swollen...

I look like 50 yr old pregnant woman....yuck!

Nawlines - How are you feeling otherwise - I don't remember my tummy being bloated - but it was big to begin with..

Don't know if this is going to work but giving it a try.


That was too funny - I thought it was for reals too !!!

Hi all~

Phyllser~ Loved that bear sign! That really made me laugh! Too funny!

Great~ when is your surgery?

Well I had my ultrasound today... A big ole fibroid! 4 x 5 cm (if I heard her right). DH said we should name it! ; ) I didn't talk to the doc yet, she was out of the office today. I will probably insist on doing the endometrial biopsy and hysteroscopy in the surgery center rather than the office now. Not sure if she will want to remove the fibroid since I am so symptomatic. At least now I know why TOM has been so crazy! Makes you feel less nutso just knowing WHY something is going on. Oh, the u/s tech was running behind b/c of emergency OB u/s and I came with full bladder. They told me to pee and start all over. She wanted me to drink 2 bottles of Water in 15 min! I told her about my band (and since my fill I can't drink Water THAT fast!). She said, do as you much as you can.

Time to figure out what I am cooking for dinner. I will CBL.

~ peas

Laura - I was suppose to get an ultra sound but no one has called - since I am menopausal - I hoped it has shrunk - I have 2 one was the size of an orange - I am going to have to call the doc to see what happend . Ya the water think I can't drink fast either -

How's your dad..

Well, gang - I was busy at work today even though our client system went down - we still had email and word to work on..

I got up this morning at 4:15 with the intention of going to the gym - but I was physical too tired - so I did my Wii fit instead for 1/2 hrs - step - yoga - balance thingie..

Not much to report - went to lunch w/gf - had a salad - dinner will be my left over fish w/salsa - brown rice - spinach..

Tomorrow - gym - but am going to have to be fast cuz they don't open til 7 and doggies have to be at the groomers at 8:45 and I get a hair cut at 9 - so that leaves me like 1/2 to shower & dress - but gotta say that it's a lot eaiser to do now a days -

Well, going to go ck my 7 thread - cbl - Hugs

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So first I want to say the food network channel is like crack for fat people

Sometimes I catch myself watching the unwrapped show which talks about how all this sweet stuff and other junk food is made and then I want it.


Hugs with your Dad and your health issues.

Nelson is so cute it reminds me when Alex started taking classes. He is now a Black Belt.


Love the bear sign I almost fell out of my chair.

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Hey girlfriends!

Sorry I haven't really written lately. I've been reading every night, but really haven't had much time to sit down and write. Between school, work, and exercise, I don't have very much extra time. Anyhow, things are going well. I lost another pound, FINALLY!!! But I will adjust my ticker when I know that its for good. You know. I was so nervous about being stuck at -46. Actually, I was starting to get really pissed. I've been exercising my rear end off, and eating really really well and was so surprised to not have lost in so long. About two weeks really. Good thing, because I get my second fill on Monday and then go right to my aerobics and weight training classes. I really hope that I get some good restriction this time. Also, does anyone notice that when you exercise the band gets a little tighter? I think that mine does.

Anyhow, I went to the chiropractor yesterday. I haven't been since before my surgery. She said "hi" to me and walked right past me! I was like "hello"! She turned around and looked at me for a second and then said "Oh my gosh! Meredith! Is that you? I didn't recognize you at first." She said that my face looks so much thinner. It was nice to hear, but I don't think that I look THAT different. But, my face and boobs are the first places I lose my weight.

Anyhow, got home from work late today (8ish) and then Andrew and I went for a walk/jog this evening for about an hour. Lake St. Clair is right at the end of our street so we walked up there and then to the Coast Guard station and beach area where we saw 2 foxes. We are really close to Detroit, so we were so pleasantly surprised to see them so close up (about 10 feet away)! Anyhow, I am pleased with our exercise and it was nice to spend so much quality time together with out cell phones or tv's to bother us. We should do this together more often. Since I've lost this weight, I am just amazed at how much energy I have!!! Usually I would come home from work and lay around and eat and be super lazy because my feet would be killing me. I never would have thought that I would be JOGGING!!! Not far, but I will get there!

Laura~ Nelson is the cutest thing! What a sweetie pie! He looks like he is a lot of fun. Sorry about your dad. What a bummer. I will continue to pray for him. Also, sorry about all your "girlie" problems. Ick.

Janet~ I cannot believe that wake up that early!!! OMW!

Julie~ Get some sleep girlfriend!

Great~ I just cannot wait to see your MOB dress when you pick it. This is just such an exciting time for you and your daughter. Plus, you will get to spend such wonderful time together!

Apples~ Enjoy your time at the lake while it lasts for the season. See you back Tuesday!

Phyll~ You are hilarious! I loved that sign! HEHE!

Linda~ Hope that your new schedule is going well for you.

Oct~ Girl, you sure do a ton of traveling! I wish that I liked to travel, I just am such a homebody. Don't get me wrong, I like going places, I just like staying at home and relaxing just as much. It always seems like going anywhere is such a chore and ends up being a ton of work. Maybe just thinking about it is worse than it really is though?

Nawz~ I felt HUGE when they were wheeling me out of the hospital! I think that my belly was really swollen like that for almost a month. Then, when you start losing, you see it disappear before you know it! Such an amazing feeling! You will look back and know that this is the best thing that you have ever done for yourself. When people ask me if I would ever do this again, I tell them that I would do it over again 100 times!

I just wanted to say YAY FOR ALL OF US!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, love you all!


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Janet, I am doing good other than the gas pains. I am still on Protein shakes, Soups and I'm ok with that right now, because I haven't gotten an appetite yet, I'm sure it will come back before I want it to.

I started walking around my neighborhood 2nd day. I challenge myself mailbox by mailbox to walk a lil further each day. My hubby and I were walking 60-90 mins a day before the surgery and I'd like to get back to that. But, I'm taking it slowly.

I want to thank all of you guys here for all the advice so far. You are soooo nice!


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I just returned from my first official training day at the YMCA for my 5K! There must have been 75 people there!!! All walks of life really. Marathon runners and couch potatoes. But what a nice group. We only did the 1 mile today as groups. (running group, walk/runs and walking) Even the walking is fast paced as we are keeping a 15 min mile. When we got back I went and did one more mile on the treadmill. At 6am when I set my alarm to get up for this, DH said "I don't know if you should go to the Y or to the hospital for a CT scan of the head." LOL! He was proud of me though. Heck, first morning in FOREVER that I wasn't here for Nelson in morning- fixing Breakfast, etc. I will go run just to have a break- how screwed up is that?!

Dad is still in the hospital, but might discharge him today. They still don't know what keeps causing his kidney to start failing. His numbers rise and then start coming down again. Could be obstruction? He's off any meds that would cause it. Anyway, frustrating for all. He's going to go to Johns Hopkins for a consult next week see if some smarter people can gather and put their heads together. I continue to feel the most extreme guilt for not being in NC with them. Tough with Nelson having school now. Janet, thanks for asking BTW.

Naw~ WTG!!! Congrats on your surgery!!! Sounds like you are doing great, walking and with the liquids! Wow, you get Protein shakes the first week?! I was on Clear liquids the first week! And yeah, the swelling is tough. Part of it is inflammation and the rest is residual air from when they inflated you for the laparoscopy. You are inflated to about 11 mo pregnant, so imagine! It will slowly go down. Are you bruised? Sounds like you are doing awesome! Congratulations on the beginning of your new healthy life. : )

Meredith~~~ YEAH!!! WTG on the wt loss! I am with you on the fear of changing the ticker. Don't be surprised when you first start working out that the weight sort of hangs on. It's almost like a starvation mode... like Whooo, now you are exercising too?! I will have to "survive" and hold on to these calories! So proud of you for walking too! DH and I have been walking a lot too. It's a nice time to talk and just be together.

Janet~ Have a link for you.

I laughed my a$$ off the first time I saw this! WTG on getting up and doing something, even though you didn't feel like it.

1day~ Thanks hon. Wow, I didn't know Alex was a black belt! What martial art does he do? How old was he when he started?

ok guys... time to go clean up some and get on with my day. DH is taking Nelson to a movie and giving me a break for a couple hours today. I might just sit with a remote in my hand! Someone mentioned Survivor- how the HECK did I miss that it was on?! I haven't missed an episode ONCE.. and this was the first for me. Oh goodness. Thank God it is online now. Will watch that when the boys leave. : )

CBL~~~ peasout, Laura

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Good Morning Gang!!! There is NO way I can comment on everyone of you guys so I'm going to just try to guess at each one of you!!

Laura~~~ Sooo sorry to hear about your Dad!! Your poor Mom must be so upset!! I get you on not being able to be with her at this time but I'm sure she understands!! What a cute pic of Nels!! My DS took tycqu( oh forget trying to spell that !! lol) what Nels is taking, when he was about 12 or 13, and a couple of times it came in handy!! I'm sorry to say!! But one time he was taking up for his sis!! But I like the fact it teaches them self control and respect, as well as defense!!

Janet~~ Band_Groupie has bra fitting on her blog. Thanks for the info, I need to buy me some new ones!! I'm starting to sag in places also but I like what you said a/b ppl not seeing me naked!!

Naw~~ Congrats on your new life!!! My stomach was swollen also and it stayed swollen for awhile. It will go down in time!!!

If~~~ hope your feeling better by now!! I HATE having days like that!! But hang in there, it will get better!! What is it that someone said? Alot of the things that we worry about almost never come to pass?

Julie~~~ praying that your DD gets the right job!! You are soo good for helping her like you do!!

Phyll~~~ OMG that was sooo funny!!!

Apples~~~ your such a good friend to help your gf at a time when she needs you!!

I know I've missed some of you and I 'm sorry, I'll try to get some more in later! Thought I would update you guys on my DD. She is doing really good, Eli is still adjusting!! Even his teacher told my DD that he has changed since she has come home!! When she picks him up at school, he just runs wild!! I'm thinking of maybe he needs some kind of counseling to help him with his new life with Mom. She is running out of patience with him and when she starts that, then he picks up on that feeling and I don't think he knows how to act but to whine, pout, and act like he's crying! It's soo frustrating to see him act like he does b/c he doesn't act like that with us! So I think it's b/c she's home and he's maybe afraid that she's leaving again. I don't know but I do know that's there's something going on! She is going to the local college here in town to speak today, and a church wants her to come speak to them when she has the time, so she is busy and that's a good thing! She is checking into school, in Jan., maybe drug counseling. She went to EMT classes but that's not what she wants to do. She is going to all her meetings at her church so right now, she's doing good! One day at a time!!

OBTW I have made my goal of 50 pds.!!!! 51.5 to be exact, but who's counting!!! lol I LOVE MY BAND!!! Well I need to run for now. CBL Sharon

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Morning..:(......it is morning, right??? I swear if someone doesn't help me with this pain I'm going to scream..... I did actually cry last night.... don't know if it was the pain or the frustration, but I just sort of lost it... about 9:00..... DH didn't get home from work until 10:00 so I had my meltdown by myself..... I tried everything.....hot packs, cold packs, showers, hot-tub, analgesic cream, TYLENOL.................... nothing phases this pain..... Everyone agrees that it is pinched nerves in my neck and the pain radiates out to my shoulders and arms, but no one seems to have a solution... (Laura, I can relate to your dad's frustration of no solutions for him!!) Dr. and ins are fighting about an MRI.......chiroprator says I just need more time.... Don't know who to believe or who to trust when I'm hurting so bad... and it's always worse at night!! Last night I got sleepy about 9:00 because I didn't sleep well the night before.. but couldn't take a nap... Dozed in my chair a bit between 11:00 and 11:30, but pain woke me... watched some TV till 1:30.... Animal planet... oh how terrible some people are to their pets.... Must have dozed again as I woke at 4:30 with the TV still on.... Took more meds and a hot pack and then finally slept til 8:00.... Not a good restful night's sleep, is it???? The throbbing has eased up now, but I feel the ache in my neck and shoulder blades... I'm not going to do a thing today.... or not much!!!! I lifted a couple bags of groceries yesterday and I suppose that is what made it so unbearable.... I just hate this..... Enough whining.............. Need to take care of my house before it heats up today... It cools to 50's at night, but up to 90 during the day.. I like the fresh air, but shut things up to keep the house cool.... Saves on A/C bill.... I hate A/C running all the time... I'm a farm girl who appreciates a nice cool breeze and fresh air when I sleep...

Laura, wtg.......... I'm a bit envious, but I'm not sure I will ever be able to do that.....no matter how much weight I lose... But I'm sure proud of you..... Best of luck to your parents.......they have to be so tired of this, too....

Meredith........same for you, I'm proud of you......... Sounds like your Andrew is just such a keeper..... Lucky girl you are!!! Try to rest this weekend......

Nawlinz, hang in there, it gets much better..........

Sharon, I think you're on the right track with Eli.... He is putting up his defenses, the only ones he knows how to use... Counseling to help him understand his feelings sounds like a great idea....... good luck... DD is doing so well, you must be relieved.... WTG on the 51.5.......

OK, all the rest of you dear ones, hope you are doing well.... Everybody have a good weekend.... Will be back later on if I get the chance..... Julie

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Doodle~ WOW! Great job on meeting that first goal! That is just plain awesome!!! And my heart goes out to Eli. Imagine his whole little world has changed many times. It's completely understandable for him to have some adjustment. I know for Nelson b/c we adopted him when he was 7 months old, that he has always had separation issues. Imagine the poor thing went from his birth mother (she was breast feeding him too) straight to the hospital for a week with my grandmother and then to my GM's for two weeks and then my mom & dad flew in and took care of him for 2 weeks and then me. Then after a month we flew to Bahamas while waiting for immigration and then to the US and with me and DH. He was so confused and anytime we left the room he would just scream. Even now he gets upset if you don't tell him in advance that we are going out and getting a babysitter. I have to tell him a couple days before so he gets used to the idea. He's feeling insecure. <hugs> I think you and your DD could go talk to a child psychologist and they could certainly tell you things to say and what not. He's so young, but I do think a professional is the way to go.

Julie B~ So sorry to hear about your night. Your pain just sounds so horrible. I have a suggestion. Between the neurologist and chiro, you don't know who to believe. Did you have an MRI yet, or are they just talking about doing one? I would recommend seeing a pain management (PM) physician who is an ANESTHESIOLOGIST. Many who claim to be PM drs are just chiros or family practice. But if you go to an anesthesiologist who did a fellowship in PM, that is the best. DH almost took a job in Bismark! The main hospital there was really trying to recruit him. I can't remember who was the head of the group but he was so nice. He also spoke to one dr briefly- she was Turkish. Here is her info for what it's worth. I don't know her personally or her background but you could check her out:

Dr. Sena A. Kihtir, MD

222 North 7th Street

Bismarck, ND 58501

(701) 323-6000‎

They can just give you trigger point injections and/or a steroid epidural. If you don't want the epidural you can just do the trigger points. There is no sense in being miserable when there is a solution. There are also other drs. Just google pain management anesthesiologist and the city. Just something to consider.

I am FREE for a couple hours! YEAH! Making some homemade split pea Soup... and gonna watch my show, Survivor.

CBL, Laura

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Thanks for the info, Laura.... No, I have not had an MRI yet as ins won't cover it yet.... I have heard of that doctor, so will check it out on Monday..

Your story about Nelson makes it easy to understand his issues with you leaving him without notice... Poor little guy, but he will slowly get that to a point he can handle as he grows I'm sure.. You and your DH are wonderful parents and he will come to trust that without question.........until he's a teenager, of course!!!!

Thanks again... I'm ready for some help here......:(

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Oh, and Laura, I have a bag of split peas on my counter... have been going to make Soup all week and just haven't felt like it... Not many of us like split pea soup in my experience.... I love it... I buy the cans of chunky stuff all the time to have around for when I need a good and easy Protein meal.... Sounds good, maybe I'll do that today...................:blushing:

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Thanks for the info, Laura.... No, I have not had an MRI yet as ins won't cover it yet.... I have heard of that doctor, so will check it out on Monday..

Your story about Nelson makes it easy to understand his issues with you leaving him without notice... Poor little guy, but he will slowly get that to a point he can handle as he grows I'm sure.. You and your DH are wonderful parents and he will come to trust that without question.........until he's a teenager, of course!!!!

Thanks again... I'm ready for some help here......:blushing:

Yeah, regarding the split pea Soup, I have always loved it. I guess it is an either love/hate it kind of thing. I also love lentil soup- they are similar to me.

ok.. regarding the MRI. Hmmm.. insurance companies are SUCH a sore subject with me. ok, hear me out... you have a 56 year old female with long history of obesity and multiple health problems and surgeries. She has severe pain with numbness and tingling into one arm... what are they waiting for???? It might be nothing.. but it could be something! If YOUR dr won't help you "fight" with the insurance company, then I would find one that will. Now- is it that they cover it but the deductible is still high? I know for my head MRI when I had vertigo last year, I still had to pay $1000. Who knows, maybe this PM dr would insist on some imaging. Ever since my insurance refused to pay for my band (they never did by the way, I had to pay cash), I have disliked them more than usual.

hugs. Laura

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My doctor is fighting the insurance, but it all takes time, meanwhile, I'm the one hurting all the time..... go figure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Monday I will make some calls about this pain management doc..... I believe, after some googling, that one of these pain guys is who refused to see me for an injection at the request of my regular doctor unless I had a full orthopedic workup and then he really doesn't like to do shoulders.... The nurse who called me was a real B____!!!!!!!! Thanks for all the advice... I'm on it!!!!!!!! (on Monday!!)

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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