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First of all...welcome to the couple of newbies I came across while catching up on the pages and pages of posts. Have been away from the computer since last Thurs. Cannot wait till we have wireless service available at our lake place. Hopefully next year.

Had planned on coming home on Monday morning. Got hit by the flu at 4am on Monday morning. DH had gone home Sunday afternoon. A couple of our little visiters from the lake had the flu last week and one had a very snotty cold. Of course, we both spent a lot of time playing with them over the weekend. I got the flu and DH got the snotty cold. There was no way I could drive home till today. Did not throw up but butt was attached to the toilet (tmi) for over 24 hours. Also had extreme dizziness. Completely sapped me. Was not easy trying to get the calories in but forced myself. Still weak and shaky but much better. I was just bragging last week that I NEVER get a virus. Not saying that again! I did think of you all and worried that you guys would be worried that I wasn't posting.

Too many posts to respond to...was going to try. Just want you all to know that I read them all but I'm too lazy to respond, catching up on laundry, cooking, etc. Surprised DH with a chocolate/strawberry cheesecake that I made this morning. You wouldn't think something so simple could produce such a big smile and big hug.

Sharon...so happy you have your DD back in your lives and Eli's life. Wishing for her a LONG and HAPPY recovery.

Cheri...sorry to hear of your job worries. Hoping for you that your job is yours again next year.

Great.....cannot wait to see photos of you in your MOB dress. I am sure you will be beautiful. Have a great time on your camping trip. A little destressing and enjoying nature.

Laura...hope gyn can get to the bottom of your troubles. Would be great if you did not have to have such painful monthlys. Cute photos of Nelson. Good going on putting aside your feelings with your "friend" for the sake of Nelson and his buddy.

Phyll....good to see that you are off and running and looking forward to getting down south again.

Meredith....you rock! Don't know how you keep up with everything and still stay focused on your lapband life. Yep....condiments can have so many hidden calories. When I was in the weight loss stage, I used a lot of chunky salsa for dressings....mixed it with a little FF sour cream.

I know I have missed responding to most of you....sorry. Need to run and catch up. DH is sooooo good about keeping everything perfect around the house while I run off and play. Plan on heading back to lake in the morning. Have a friend that is coming that is going through a "surprise" separation. Didn't see it coming and she needs me for support for a couple of days.

Will talk to you all later.

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Hi everyone. Sorry I've been absent awhile too -- just been busy. Had my work transition -- had to work last week some extra days so ended up only have this past Sunday off and then worked this week my new day shift. Sunday we had Aylah and took her to the zoo, so I just haven't had much time -- I was reading the posts, but then wouldn't have time to write anything or even get all caught up on reading them in one day. My new schedule is good, but it's kicking my butt a little switching from nights to days. I've been getting up at 5:00 a.m. to get my workouts in -- as I'm way too tired when I get off at 6:00 to work out. So not much time -- I'm getting to bed by 10 every night -- will have more time on weekends to do computer things (gotta do Farmville first you know -- LOL). So busy at work never have time to log in and do much there either as this is our super busy time at work. Great, hope you have a great time watching the elk porn. I bet it's fun. Janet, my "girls" are not where you say they should be -- I need better bras I guess -- they are still way too far south. I agree with all you said about the skin - better to have the sags and flaps than that fat -- but it is depressing to look at - so we should all just quit looking at ourselves naked.

I had a fill two weeks ago and FINALLY have restriction -- honestly, I never had restriction before - this is the first time -- took 8 months -- but I can finally only eat the amounts we are supposed to be able to and no more. I think those of you who are going to the surgeons who fill you with fluro are going to have an easier time getting to your sweet spot -- honestly, before now I would have slight restriction for a day or two after my fills but then it would disappear and I'd be able to eat whatever I wanted. I'm so happy to finally be able to rely more on my tool.

Unfortunately I'm stalled -- I think I've only lost 3 lbs. since I returned from my trip and it's been almost a month -- I'll probably drop a few pounds this next week -- but I'm sure losing slower than I was before. It could also be because I stopped taking my Water pill -- my doctor said I don't need them any more so I think maybe my body is adjusting to that as well. My rings don't seem as loose as they were before I stopped taking the pill -- still loose, just not as loose.

We had DGD overnight last night -- DD was sick -- she was a little angel -- she fell asleep on the couch about 9:30 last nght and we just sat and watched her sleep for awhile before we went to bed - GKs are such little miracles - just so special.

Laura, hugs on your med problems - I know I told you before i had same problems -- Laura K. and I sound like twins in that regard. Welcome to you Laura K and all the other newbies, glad you are all joining us - this is the "best ever" support group.

Apples, glad you're feeling better - sounds like the same virus my DD has -- she's been attached to the toilet as well. I sure don't want to get it.

Our fall weather has been incredible -- sunny, warm days and cool nights -- just perfect fall weather.

Janet, good going on passing up your Mexican meal -- I hope I have that much will power two years out - keep up the good work. Meredith -- your exercise classes sound great -- it's so nice you can do them during your hectic day -- AND get credit for them towards graduation. Great -- what color theme for the wedding? Did you DD find a dress yet?

Julie, sorry to hear how sick Mimi was - glad she's getting better too. Doodles -- glad your DD is home and I'll keep her and you in my thoughts -- and hope all continues to go well.

Well, gotta run and eat - DH is bbqing chicken breast for me -- he does a great job with that - always nice and moist.

CBL -- Linda

Edited by ljv52

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Janet, thanks for asking about me! I'm here, had 4 pages to read just to catch up. I've just been so busy. I had 20 people here for dinner last night a 'Mexican fiesta' as a housewarming for my friends that are now neighbors. Tomorrow I leave for camping, today is DD's bday and also had my pre op checkup & lab work for the knee surgery. Oh and volunteered at the hospital yesterday, took Grandma shopping, got her RX's, etc. etc. etc. Looking forward to camping just to relax. I am praying I dont freeze to death and we have no bears. WE are going back to Rocky Mtn Nat'l park (sight of our last bear) to as my new neighbor calls it "watch elk porn". It's the rut and the bulls are a bugling and fighting' for mating rights to the harems. It's really quite spectacular. At dusk folks pull over all along the hwy in the park, get out their lawnchairs and just sit and watch the show. We got lucky last year and had one bull challenge another right in front of us. They banged racks, bugled, and fought. Funny things is while Bull #2 came and tried to steal Bull #1's girls, Bull #3 came and took Bull #2's harem so he had to go fight just to get back what he started with. Can males ever be happy?? He got greedy and about lost everything.

I tried on mother of the bride dresses on Monday while DD tried on wedding dresses. It really was quite amazing to see the dresses I was able to try on and the sizes. Reminder, I"ve not had a dress on this body in many many many years. Still hate my calves but a long dress can cover them! I hate my calves more than the arm jiggle.

Sorry I can't remember everything I read in 4 pages, after this weekend will try and keep up better. Thanks for missing me, Janet.

Great.... did I mention to you that I'd recommend asking for your pain Rx in liquid?? I didn't do that and I think part of my pain management problem has been that sometimes I take the pain pill/pills when there is food in my pouch and it doesn't absorb for a while. In fact, sometimes I take one around 4 a.m. if I"m having trouble sleeping and when I get up in the morning, I realize it still hasn't gone all the way down. And... in the bathroom.. if you don't have grab bars or something, or a seat extender, get a bedside commode.. rent or something, take off the bucket and put it over the toilet. Then you've got the arms to help you up and down. Otherwise, your bathroom experiences might be miserable for the first few weeks.

Hope I'm not repeating myself... there was someone else on another thread about to have knee replacement, too and I can't remember what I said to each of you!!

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hi guys~

Apples~ Hi and bye. Talk about two ships passing in the night! I am glad you are feeling better. The $hits are not fun. That will teach you to be nice to those little snot monsters. LOL.. wink wink. So nice of you to be there for your friend. What would life be without great friends?! Let's promise to touch base when you get back from the lake. Deal?

Janet~ wooohooo! So proud of you for going to the gym so early! wow! And good job on passing up the mex.

Linda~ thanks for the thoughts. It is always nice when someone can empathize with you. WTG on the fill and good restriction!!! NOW... it's time to be careful. Chew chew chew! The other day I had my first PB in a LONG time on broccoli. But I will admit restriction is so comforting. It's like a choke collar for dogs. It pulls you back if you are about to take off! Last night I wanted one wheat cracker with Peanut Butter and honey to take care of a sweet tooth. Of course one lead to two... and then... Whoaaaa nellie! Band kicked in and couldn't eat one more bite. I love that.

Phylllllllllllis!~~~So proud of you and your hard work with PT. I know you will be so active now. The hard part is over. Great job.

Great~ Have fun camping! It sounds beautiful. Just the THOUGHT of cold weather sounds so nice. Just so hot still here in Florida! Last year I remember when Halloween rolled around we sweated our butts off trick or treating. I miss seasons. But on the positive note, we use our pool all year round. WTG on the dresses! That is so great that you can look forward to your dress shopping... just imagine doing this a year or so ago!

Mrs. B~ <hugs> on the hunger! Those pouch tests can be testy, eh?! This too shall pass! You will be glad you did it once you are done. Hang in there!

Nels is in bed and snoring! Such a happy sound. He had his second Taekwondo class today and just did so well! I am really proud of him. The days we have it though are so late in getting home, dinner and bath. DH is on call and couldn't come and Nels was sad not to see his daddy today.

I had a great workout today! Did 2 miles on the step thread machine at max step and 3.7 miles/hr. Not quite the speed Janet can book it! : ) Then did an hour training. All of my weights moved up and I felt really strong today. Saturday is my first 5K meeting and 1 mile run/walk. We meet at 7am so we can try to beat the heat. If you had told me last year that I would sign up for a 5K- I would have thought you needed a check up from the neck up!!!

Dad is in the hospital again. SIGH. Same ole same ole. Kidney started failing, he started blowing up with Fluid retention, and once again the doctors are baffled. We are trying to arrange a transfer to Johns Hopkins. We have a good family friend who is one of the dept heads there. There has got to be someone who knows a solution for him! My mom sounds like she is a wits end. She breaks my heart every time I talk to her.

ok gals... I will talk to you tomorrow.

peas out~ Laura

p.s. my little kicker

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Laura...if you feel like making a call over the weekend, just use my cell# that I gave you...Otherwise, I will be home Monday.

Cute Nels photo. Looks like he is enjoying himself. Sorry about your dad. Hopefully they get to the bottom of what is going on with him and he does not have such a long hospital stay this time. Take care.

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Janet, thanks for asking about me!

I'm here, had 4 pages to read just to catch up. I've just been so busy. I had 20 people here for dinner last night a 'Mexican fiesta' as a housewarming for my friends that are now neighbors. Tomorrow I leave for camping, today is DD's bday and also had my pre op checkup & lab work for the knee surgery. Oh and volunteered at the hospital yesterday, took Grandma shopping, got her RX's, etc. etc. etc. Looking forward to camping just to relax. I am praying I dont freeze to death and we have no bears. WE are going back to Rocky Mtn Nat'l park (sight of our last bear) to as my new neighbor calls it "watch elk porn". It's the rut and the bulls are a bugling and fighting' for mating rights to the harems. It's really quite spectacular. At dusk folks pull over all along the hwy in the park, get out their lawnchairs and just sit and watch the show. We got lucky last year and had one bull challenge another right in front of us. They banged racks, bugled, and fought. Funny things is while Bull #2 came and tried to steal Bull #1's girls, Bull #3 came and took Bull #2's harem so he had to go fight just to get back what he started with. Can males ever be happy?? He got greedy and about lost everything.

I tried on mother of the bride dresses on Monday while DD tried on wedding dresses. It really was quite amazing to see the dresses I was able to try on and the sizes. Reminder, I"ve not had a dress on this body in many many many years. Still hate my calves but a long dress can cover them! I hate my calves more than the arm jiggle.

Sorry I can't remember everything I read in 4 pages, after this weekend will try and keep up better. Thanks for missing me, Janet.

Great - You have been with me from the get go - of course I am going to miss you... There was something I wanted to tell you - oh ya - BB - SHOCK that Jordon won !!! But so glad it wasn't Nat - I really wanted Kevin to win cuz he really did play the game.

I understand you have been busy - but after a week I start to worry about my peeps...

Have you picked a dress yet - when you do we want a pic of it ;0)

First of all...welcome to the couple of newbies I came across while catching up on the pages and pages of posts. Have been away from the computer since last Thurs. Cannot wait till we have wireless service available at our lake place. Hopefully next year.

Had planned on coming home on Monday morning. Got hit by the flu at 4am on Monday morning. DH had gone home Sunday afternoon. A couple of our little visiters from the lake had the flu last week and one had a very snotty cold. Of course, we both spent a lot of time playing with them over the weekend. I got the flu and DH got the snotty cold. There was no way I could drive home till today. Did not throw up but butt was attached to the toilet (tmi) for over 24 hours. Also had extreme dizziness. Completely sapped me. Was not easy trying to get the calories in but forced myself. Still weak and shaky but much better. I was just bragging last week that I NEVER get a virus. Not saying that again! I did think of you all and worried that you guys would be worried that I wasn't posting.

Too many posts to respond to...was going to try. Just want you all to know that I read them all but I'm too lazy to respond, catching up on laundry, cooking, etc. Surprised DH with a chocolate/strawberry cheesecake that I made this morning. You wouldn't think something so simple could produce such a big smile and big hug.

Sharon...so happy you have your DD back in your lives and Eli's life. Wishing for her a LONG and HAPPY recovery.

Cheri...sorry to hear of your job worries. Hoping for you that your job is yours again next year.

Great.....cannot wait to see photos of you in your MOB dress. I am sure you will be beautiful. Have a great time on your camping trip. A little destressing and enjoying nature.

Laura...hope gyn can get to the bottom of your troubles. Would be great if you did not have to have such painful monthlys. Cute photos of Nelson. Good going on putting aside your feelings with your "friend" for the sake of Nelson and his buddy.

Phyll....good to see that you are off and running and looking forward to getting down south again.

Meredith....you rock! Don't know how you keep up with everything and still stay focused on your lapband life. Yep....condiments can have so many hidden calories. When I was in the weight loss stage, I used a lot of chunky salsa for dressings....mixed it with a little FF sour cream.

I know I have missed responding to most of you....sorry. Need to run and catch up. DH is sooooo good about keeping everything perfect around the house while I run off and play. Plan on heading back to lake in the morning. Have a friend that is coming that is going through a "surprise" separation. Didn't see it coming and she needs me for support for a couple of days.

Will talk to you all later.

Apples - sorry you got sick - I need to get my flu shot this weekend and then the swine flu one when it comes out..

Hugs on your gf surpise separation - glad you are there for her..

Yes you knew we would worry :0) We love you...

Hi everyone. Sorry I've been absent awhile too -- just been busy. Had my work transition -- had to work last week some extra days so ended up only have this past Sunday off and then worked this week my new day shift. Sunday we had Aylah and took her to the zoo, so I just haven't had much time -- I was reading the posts, but then wouldn't have time to write anything or even get all caught up on reading them in one day. My new schedule is good, but it's kicking my butt a little switching from nights to days. I've been getting up at 5:00 a.m. to get my workouts in -- as I'm way too tired when I get off at 6:00 to work out. So not much time -- I'm getting to bed by 10 every night -- will have more time on weekends to do computer things (gotta do Farmville first you know -- LOL). So busy at work never have time to log in and do much there either as this is our super busy time at work. Great, hope you have a great time watching the elk porn. I bet it's fun. Janet, my "girls" are not where you say they should be -- I need better bras I guess -- they are still way too far south. I agree with all you said about the skin - better to have the sags and flaps than that fat -- but it is depressing to look at - so we should all just quit looking at ourselves naked.

I had a fill two weeks ago and FINALLY have restriction -- honestly, I never had restriction before - this is the first time -- took 8 months -- but I can finally only eat the amounts we are supposed to be able to and no more. I think those of you who are going to the surgeons who fill you with fluro are going to have an easier time getting to your sweet spot -- honestly, before now I would have slight restriction for a day or two after my fills but then it would disappear and I'd be able to eat whatever I wanted. I'm so happy to finally be able to rely more on my tool.

Unfortunately I'm stalled -- I think I've only lost 3 lbs. since I returned from my trip and it's been almost a month -- I'll probably drop a few pounds this next week -- but I'm sure losing slower than I was before. It could also be because I stopped taking my Water pill -- my doctor said I don't need them any more so I think maybe my body is adjusting to that as well. My rings don't seem as loose as they were before I stopped taking the pill -- still loose, just not as loose.

We had DGD overnight last night -- DD was sick -- she was a little angel -- she fell asleep on the couch about 9:30 last nght and we just sat and watched her sleep for awhile before we went to bed - GKs are such little miracles - just so special.

Laura, hugs on your med problems - I know I told you before i had same problems -- Laura K. and I sound like twins in that regard. Welcome to you Laura K and all the other newbies, glad you are all joining us - this is the "best ever" support group.

Apples, glad you're feeling better - sounds like the same virus my DD has -- she's been attached to the toilet as well. I sure don't want to get it.

Our fall weather has been incredible -- sunny, warm days and cool nights -- just perfect fall weather.

Janet, good going on passing up your Mexican meal -- I hope I have that much will power two years out - keep up the good work. Meredith -- your exercise classes sound great -- it's so nice you can do them during your hectic day -- AND get credit for them towards graduation. Great -- what color theme for the wedding? Did you DD find a dress yet?

Julie, sorry to hear how sick Mimi was - glad she's getting better too. Doodles -- glad your DD is home and I'll keep her and you in my thoughts -- and hope all continues to go well.

Well, gotta run and eat - DH is bbqing chicken breast for me -- he does a great job with that - always nice and moist.

CBL -- Linda

Linda - I didn't notice that in your pictues :0)... Yes they are suppose to be in the middle of your upper arm - Go get some new bras - they will make you look thinner !!!! You will have the will power - it took alot to get where I am and I am NOT SCREWING IT UP THIS TIME !!! I plan to get up early tommorrow too - I gotta get back down below 140...

Ya I bet it would be hard to make the transistion from nite to days - but it will come :0)

I don't think pple with fluro have it any better than us who have doc's who do blind fills - it's such a diff thing for each of us - but I am glad you have restriction - that's the biggest drawback of the band - is getting to the sweet spot..


hi guys~

Apples~ Hi and bye. Talk about two ships passing in the night! I am glad you are feeling better. The $hits are not fun. That will teach you to be nice to those little snot monsters. LOL.. wink wink. So nice of you to be there for your friend. What would life be without great friends?! Let's promise to touch base when you get back from the lake. Deal?

Janet~ wooohooo! So proud of you for going to the gym so early! wow! And good job on passing up the mex.

Linda~ thanks for the thoughts. It is always nice when someone can empathize with you. WTG on the fill and good restriction!!! NOW... it's time to be careful. Chew chew chew! The other day I had my first PB in a LONG time on broccoli. But I will admit restriction is so comforting. It's like a choke collar for dogs. It pulls you back if you are about to take off! Last night I wanted one wheat cracker with Peanut Butter and honey to take care of a sweet tooth. Of course one lead to two... and then... Whoaaaa nellie! Band kicked in and couldn't eat one more bite. I love that.

Phylllllllllllis!~~~So proud of you and your hard work with PT. I know you will be so active now. The hard part is over. Great job.

Great~ Have fun camping! It sounds beautiful. Just the THOUGHT of cold weather sounds so nice. Just so hot still here in Florida! Last year I remember when Halloween rolled around we sweated our butts off trick or treating. I miss seasons. But on the positive note, we use our pool all year round. WTG on the dresses! That is so great that you can look forward to your dress shopping... just imagine doing this a year or so ago!

Mrs. B~ <hugs> on the hunger! Those pouch tests can be testy, eh?! This too shall pass! You will be glad you did it once you are done. Hang in there!

Nels is in bed and snoring! Such a happy sound. He had his second Taekwondo class today and just did so well! I am really proud of him. The days we have it though are so late in getting home, dinner and bath. DH is on call and couldn't come and Nels was sad not to see his daddy today.

I had a great workout today! Did 2 miles on the step thread machine at max step and 3.7 miles/hr. Not quite the speed Janet can book it! : ) Then did an hour training. All of my weights moved up and I felt really strong today. Saturday is my first 5K meeting and 1 mile run/walk. We meet at 7am so we can try to beat the heat. If you had told me last year that I would sign up for a 5K- I would have thought you needed a check up from the neck up!!!

Dad is in the hospital again. SIGH. Same ole same ole. Kidney started failing, he started blowing up with Fluid retention, and once again the doctors are baffled. We are trying to arrange a transfer to Johns Hopkins. We have a good family friend who is one of the dept heads there. There has got to be someone who knows a solution for him! My mom sounds like she is a wits end. She breaks my heart every time I talk to her.

ok gals... I will talk to you tomorrow.

peas out~ Laura

p.s. my little kicker

Laura - Love Nelson's picture !!!! Hugs on your Dad - that has to be so so very frustrating not to know why this keeps happening... I will pray that you can get him to JH !!!

Darling I'm on a treadmill at that speed not a stepper...

and I have been doing this for 2 yrs now.. You will be kicking my ass pretty soon...

Well gang it's 7:30 I need to go make my fish w/mex salsa I got from the guys who bring the food - I love their salsa - so I got that today - while everyone ate their mex food - I did have a bite of someones rice cuz it was diff today - omw it was good - I could taste the fat it in - so tonite I am having mex catfish - brown rice - spinach...

Hugs & Prayers for all my girls - Hope tomorrow is a better day...

xoxox J

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Laura, Nels is darling. Sorry about your dad.

Thank God he gave Adam and Eve clothes. And that I didn't go into the lapband for my looks so much as my health--which is doing well. I'm going thriftin' on Saturday. Hopefully I'll find some clothes that fit now and will shrink with me for a while.

Lots of sickness going around. Hope everyone stays healthy and/or gets better soon.

Just remember,

Mother's rock, Grandma's rule, and Teachers rock and rule.

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Great.... did I mention to you that I'd recommend asking for your pain Rx in liquid?? I didn't do that and I think part of my pain management problem has been that sometimes I take the pain pill/pills when there is food in my pouch and it doesn't absorb for a while. In fact, sometimes I take one around 4 a.m. if I"m having trouble sleeping and when I get up in the morning, I realize it still hasn't gone all the way down. And... in the bathroom.. if you don't have grab bars or something, or a seat extender, get a bedside commode.. rent or something, take off the bucket and put it over the toilet. Then you've got the arms to help you up and down. Otherwise, your bathroom experiences might be miserable for the first few weeks.

Hope I'm not repeating myself... there was someone else on another thread about to have knee replacement, too and I can't remember what I said to each of you!!

No you hadn't mentioned the pointers to me. I appreciate them. I did ask for my pain meds to be in liquid form already. I remembered that from my banding and gall bladder surgeries last year. I do have a higher toilet and access to an extender if need be. They keep telling me how well my recovery is going to be and physical therapy because of my muscle strength from the workouts. I am praying they are right! I am dreading that part more than the actual surgery.

Janet, I was glad Jordan won too. I was so worried Natalie would win but after they showed the jury talking it became apparant that they all pretty much turned on her. The one that surprised me for voting for her though was Russ as it was her lie that got him kicked out.

Talk to you all when I get back from camping.

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Laura, sorry to hear your dad is sick again and back in hospital. Will be keeping him and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Nelson is sooooo photogenic - great pic -- looks like a poster pic - so cute. On my way to gym. CBL Linda

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Hi everybody, hope you all slept well... I did not.... Finally fell asleep about 3:00........I'm so tired of all of this I could scream... I just want to feel good and be able to use this less fat body of mine for anything I want.... I'm starting to think I'm never going to get there................ Sorry.............long night.............

DH is off to work and I have the day to myself, but must run to Bismarck to pick-up a window for him at Lowe's.... I have a few other items on my list, too, so will shop a bit... I'm not much of a shopper.... don't really like to browse and don't need much..... Can't find pants to fit lengthwise and the only thing I really need other than that is a new winter coat... Just am not in the mood......

I woke up with a grouping of 3 spider bites on my midriff... I've been telling DH we needed to spray for the dang things, but he hasn't had the time yet.. So, I'll be scratching my itch on my belly for days now... I hate spider bites... I put cortizone cream on but it hasn't helped yet...

Apples, glad you are back and feeling better....knew something was up with you..... so nice for you to be there for your friend....

Laura, great pic of Nelson... He looks to be enjoying this new activity..... Sorry about your dad.... It is a wonder why they can't seem to find what's wrong and fix it...

Linda, hope you feel adjusted to your new schedule soon.. DD jas been working nights for a few months and just can't handle it.. She can't adjust to her days off and it ruins her time with Mimi...........so she is job shopping again... One of these days she'll find her niche in life, I hope......

Great, good to hear from you... I'm glad it's you dress shopping and not me... Hope you find the one that is perfect for you.... Don't worry about your sagging calves.... Pantyhose!!!!!!!! And stay away from the bears while watching the elk show... When is your surgery again??

If, good luck finding some clothes that fit the bill for now.. I've mostly been shopping from my own basement from clothes I've worn during past weight loss times.. Those are about gone now and will need to do what you are sometime soon...

Well, I really feel like going back to bed, but don't suppose I will.... Better get busy doing something, though... Have a great day.........TTYL................ Julie

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On my way out the door, girls. Hope everyone has a fun but safe weekend. Going to enjoy my weekend at the lake. Only two weekends b/4 closing up. Heading for an overnight with a GF in the cities Sunday night so will talk to you all Tuesday.

Julie.....GET SOME SLEEP!!!

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How long did it take for tummy returned to normal. My tummy is swollen...

I look like 50 yr old pregnant woman....yuck!

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No you hadn't mentioned the pointers to me. I appreciate them. I did ask for my pain meds to be in liquid form already. I remembered that from my banding and gall bladder surgeries last year. I do have a higher toilet and access to an extender if need be. They keep telling me how well my recovery is going to be and physical therapy because of my muscle strength from the workouts. I am praying they are right! I am dreading that part more than the actual surgery.

Janet, I was glad Jordan won too. I was so worried Natalie would win but after they showed the jury talking it became apparant that they all pretty much turned on her. The one that surprised me for voting for her though was Russ as it was her lie that got him kicked out.

Talk to you all when I get back from camping.

Don't know if this is going to work but giving it a try.

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Oh that's too funny, Phyl, the photo that is. I was reading it thinking it was all serious and wondering, why is she posting a bear warning sign then when I got to the end I about spit my Water all over the screen. Thanks for the laugh.

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      I joined yesterday when I was struggling with this preop diet... 
      It typically comes and goes, the hard times and easier times. I'm on day 6 of 14  shakes, water, sf Popsicles and jello. And I might actually be losing my mind. But, oh dear lord has the fear set in. Not about the surgery itself, but life afterwards. If I feel this crappy on the preop diet, am I going to feel like this forever after? 
      I know most of the answers are no, not forever. It might be worse after for a while, then get better. I know it's a more of a mental challenge than physical after the first couple weeks of healing. I get all of that. But I'm starting to feel scared about losing myself afterwards. 
      It might be my hormones or desire to chew something salty talking.. It may go away soon or tomorrow.. I can hope, anyway. But right now.. The fear is real. 
      And this liquid diet can bite me. 
      · 2 replies
      1. NickelChip

        Fear is normal, but if it makes you feel any better, I'm 4.5 months post-op and the pre-op diet was by far the hardest part of the whole process. There will be challenges and a lot of new things to learn, but I can honestly say at this point I feel so much more "back to normal" and was even able to go on a week-long vacation with my kids without stressing over it. It's so worthwhile.

      2. OhMyGawdItzKla

        @NickelChip This actually does make me feel better! Thank you so much! After the onslaught of Covid, we've all had to deal with a "new normal", so I know it's possible. It's just the fear and frustration in this moment that makes me question if I can find another "new normal" afterwards. The thought of just a few more months seems daunting some times, but I really do appreciate input and real experience. I'll use that to get me through for a few more hours! LOL. Thank you so much! And I'm glad everything is going so well for you! ❤️

    • mamabear30106

      I started my 10 day pre op diet yesterday I need flavor!! I'm not big on the chocolate protein shakes so I just got to use up what I have was thinking about freezing it to make it like a ice cream so its something I can chew a little. Idk this is hard but I know I can do it just need to find new things to try 
      · 1 reply
      1. JennyBeez

        You can try. I've read other people have had good results with protein-shake popsicles, etc. My personal experience with it? Sucked.

        I tried making 'fudgesicles' with a couple different flavors of a premade shake, as well as a protein powder I blended myself and all of them came out revolting? The powder ones, all the protein sunk to the middle; the premade shakes, the popsicle had a disgusting texture and the protein seemed to leave a weird fluffy film on the outside? I couldn't stomach it.

        Maybe look into flavoring additives? I was able to have sugar-free coffee /soda syrup flavorings, sugar-free drink flavorings and baking additives like almond, rum or pepperment extract. The extracts helped me the most as they added no extra sweetener.

        On the other hand, if you can get your hands on an unflavored/unsweetened protein powder, the syrup flavorings are perfect. I love to use Boost "Just Protein" (which is unflavored) with milk and a Chai-flavored sugarfree syrup.

        Good luck!

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