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Meredith, I still have feelings like that. I am up about 5 lbs since hitting goal. I am in a pure panic and beat myself up regularly for it. I was lucky while I was losing to never really stalled until I got to about where I am now. I hit goal but wanted to hit a lower end of my range. Instead I put on 5 and it's just by doing stupid things. My restriction is so wishy washy too. Tight in mornings and can eat way too much in evenings. Yet if I try more of a fill I get reflux at night and that's not good. So for me right now it's all about wise choices and somedays I make not so wise ones. YOu are lucky you can eat lettuce/pita bread etc. I get stuck too easily on those things. I don't like dressing so can do good on salads w/o adding the calories if I could eat them. In the grand scheme of things your 'bad eating day' really isn't bad. You are being too hard on yourself. Just regroup and refocus this morning and it's a new day. Just don't let the guilt and bad feelings dictate another day where you say 'screw it' and throw in the towel and one bad day becomes 2, etc. We've all done that. I don't know how you do it with all you have going on, so hang in there!

I can't imagine that many at a wedding. WE are planning for 150 for DD's wedding and that seems a lot. BTW, we booked the place last night. Looks beautiful. And have a date: 3/26/10

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Worked out with trainer yesterday. Oh my.... the old body is sore today! Feels good sore though, like I actually did something. Last night was my bariatric support group. WONDERFUL group last night... we were led by a pyschologist who specializes in food addiction. A great discussion, the best one so far. I didn't get on the computer once yesterday. (And I think that's a good thing!)

Meredith dear, I will write more later... but today is a new day. Pick yourself up and dust yourself off!

Glad Mimi is feeling better!

Janet, there is a place that recovers disks. I will look for the link later.

toodles for now! peas

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Good Morning everyone!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm home alone, I slept pretty well.......just had a dip in the hot-tub to start my day......... don't plan to do too much......just re-group.. My back and neck are better after my treatment yesterday.. My baby is better and home with her mother...............so, I can breath easy today... Hope I didn't just jinx myself with that bold statement!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to do a bit of paperwork here at my desk and then maybe sit and read a book.... Eva, your way sounds good, but don't have any tapes... Do you get those at the library or buy them? I like to put music on my TV when I'm working around the house or sitting her.. I like the oldies from 50's and 60's or Classic Country.. It is very soothing to me

We are going to DH's family reunion picnic on Sunday.. Have to drive 3 1/2 hours and be there by noon, so have to take something that goes in the cooler and travels well... I'm thinking some sort of salad and maybe a pan of bars... Something that won't have to come back home with me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can have a taste and be done with it.......

Laura, glad you are happy with your workout.. I'm probably never going to have a trainer, but would like to just be able to do something sometime soon.. I have increased my walking and it seems to be okay... You go girl.... And, yes, sometimes it feels good to just let the computer rest a while....

Great, I understand your panic... I'm not at goal like you are, but I'm to a stage I've been more than once in my obese life... I feel that "panic", too, that I'll never get beyond this stage and then go backwards like all the times before... But, I think you should relax a bit.. Fluctuating on 5 pounds is something that "normal" people do.... I think this just means you are now normal... You'll take it off again and then you make gain a couple over the holidays or something like that... But this is okay......... You have done so well.... Give yourself a hug and be proud.... You should be!!!!

Well, off to my day of leisure.... I wish you all a wonderful day, too............ Be back later.......... Julie

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Good evening gals.

Well, today was not a very good food day. I can eat more than I should be able to, but I am eating meat first, then romaine lettuce and tonight one piece of pita bread. I ate two salads today. I think that the first one was okay since it was early in the day and I know that the cals are low. Plus, I did not get the pita with it. The second salad I had for dinner when I got home from work. It was a ceasar salad and i think that I over did it on the dressing . I just really lost control with it. My main problem is the Condiments. Always has been, and apparently always will be. I need to go back to my good old fattoush salads with the vinegarette dressing that my dietitian says is alright for me. When I was eating that I was LOSING. I am stuck at -46 pounds. Really, I am pissed about it to be honest. I'm also really mad at myself for putting so much dressing on my salad. To be accountable, and perhaps get a "virtual" slap from Janet I am going to list what I ate today below.

Breakfast: Boost Glucose control 190 cal 16 g prot

Snack: Bananna, slice of pear and slice of peach

Lunch: Quiznos Black and Bleu Salad w/ small amount of blue cheese and tiny amount of Balsamic vinegarette.

Dinner: Ceasar Salad w/ 4 oz. chicken and too much dressing

Snack: rest of Ceasar Salad and Chicken w/ the excessive amount of dressing and pita

TERRIBLE I know. Today was the worst day I have had food wise to date. I am just disgusted. I must re-train my brain over night and remember that tomorrow is a new day. I think that I am going to go all liquids tomorrow and perhaps Saturday as well. Good thing I just moved my fill appointment up to September 21st. Thank God! This girl needs all the help she can get! Another thing that is keeping me going is remembering that I am getting more exercise in walking now than I have had since my first try at college almost 10 years ago. My classes are spaced so far apart this semester and parking is so expensive that I just strapped my big ole back pack on trucked my butt all over campus all week. Plus, I have these exercise classes to look forward to!

Julie~ Really, I don't have that much energy at all. In fact I'm glad that you said that the more I do it the more energy I will have. I am terrified that I just won't have it in me yet, but I am going to give it a go! Glad to hear that Mimi seems to be feeling a bit better. Sorry about all of your aches and pains.

Janet~ Sorry to hear about all of your pics. I never ever print any of mine unless they are from a special occasion or something. All of them are on my computer and I really need to back them up or else I might lose mine as well. I hope Walgreens can do something to help you with that disk. On a LB note, girl, you need to whip me into shape or something! I am feeling pretty terrible about myself right now and need some help. Can I really do this? If anyone were to ask me today, I would say "no". Yesterday, I was totally gung-ho and would have yelled "yes" from the rooftops. Are these feelings along this journey normal? When you and everyone else who have been successful ever feel like this along the way? Please offer me some insight into what is going on with my psyche today. Thanks, you are the best!

Laura~ Ok, sorry, last night after I logged off I realized that I didn't answer your question. I plan on specializing in Bariatrics when I become a PA. I thought about becoming a nurse, then a nurse practitioner, however, I just don't think that I am cut out to be a nurse. I respect anyone in the nursing community a great deal. Your job is a very difficult one, and I thank you for your work.

Ok, so I'm sooo sorry about all my rambling, but I didn't know what else to do, or whom else to ramble to! VENT!!!!

Alright, I am going to try to go to sleep now as I have a really long work day ahead of me!

Night! ~Meredith


Remember this is not a diet baby girl – it’s a change in our eating habits – and gf it’s not going to change over night – Hell I’m 2 yrs out and I still will put too much dressing on my salad too (that’s the best part to me) I leave off the crotons – but I use a yogurt based dressing (bolthouse 80 cal for 2 tablestppons) I LOVE IT http://www.bolthouse.com/html/cs_ranch.html they have a ceaser parmesans & blue cheese dressing too… It’s in the refrigeration section where the bag salad is....

You can’t change what’s done – but you can learn from it…

I don’t think your eating was too bad – so slap from me … But want to know why are you drinking your Breakfast – for 200 calories I want real food - is it for the ease.

You are walking so that’s a good thing – a lot of pple here don’t lose every week – they may not lose for a week or 2 then have a big drop..

As to how you are feeling – yep – today is a gun ho day for me – yesterday was a so so day – I was stressed… It’s so hard to give up our drug of choice – sometimes you just want to eat without thinking about it –– I think about what I eat all the time – good and bad – I am consensus of my eating – where as before I wasn’t I just ate.. I don’t know if that’s ever going to change – cuz we are food addicts – so we have to be careful and not let ourselves slip back into old habits..

Today is a new day – you go for a fill soon and you most likely need it – yesterday was a learning experience and that’s how you have to look at it - So just let it go – move forward ..

The pic’s are gone – but it is what it is - I got a click it disk and have all my computer pics now backed up..

Janet, are you printing the pictures to put in albums? I still like that form of pictures but the computer sure stores a lot without the space issue. I'm waiting until I retire to deal with all my old pics. I'll end up making a huge mess and won't finish it, so it will wait for a couple more years. I've been doing books on tape more than anything lately. I can multi task then. I can listen to books when I'm at work designing jobs. (This is one thing about my job that is good). I really need to get new glasses and I'm putting it off because I haven't found an eye doctor I like here yet. I may wait until Florida and then go visit my best friend's brother for a new perscription. Also, I can't do other things when I sit and read a book, but I can exercise with books on tape (CD). Cool huh? I read all those authors too I think, plus a lot of science fiction and some other off the wall stuff. Oh and thanks for the article. It's helpful.

Meredith, one of the things I've learned with all the years of dieting is that if you keep beating yourself up after you digress from your eating plan, it just makes you feel bad. It really doesn't help you the next time temptation hits you. You just have to be aware the next time. I know that dressing tastes good, but do the dressing on the side and just dip your fork into it, then spear your salad. You'll eat a lot less dressing and still get the flavor. You are doing fabulous. I've only lost 33 pounds but it's mostly my fault for not dieting. I'm eating less, just not exactly dieting. I'll get back to it and I'm not gaining. So as far as I'm concerned, I'm still winning. So are you!!!


Eva –

Your mind doesn’t wander and you lose track when listening to books on tape – That’s what I think I would do – I do it with TV I can zone out…… I listen to my ipod (music) when exercising and I know my mind drifts there.. I wear the little readers that you get at the drug store – I got a real pair – but can’t get use to the blended and I really am not ready to wear glasses full time – my distant is fine it’s reading – I can’t read crap without my readers..

I think I am in a nesting mood – I don’t know – I think I am missing my family – I am the only child left of my parents marriage – the 1 yr anniversary of my baby bro’s death is next month . I had 425 pictures printed I have them in year order and I have found a few more that need print.. I need to find something to keep me busy that doesn’t cost money like shopping does :0)..

Great advice to Meredith…

Well I gotta get to work - CBL

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Wow, take a couple days off....5 pages to catch up on!:biggrin:

Charlene-ss about your getting stuck...I find I have to make sure chicken breast is moist to eat. Have gone back to brining all chicken before cooking it.

Julie-glad Mimi is doing better. Sure hope your shoulder start improving soonest. Have my fingers and various other appendages crossed that you DD gets the job.

Cheri-you sound like me...if I have to go out to get something..I won't :cursing:

Janet-Wow! Good for you with all those pictures. Thanks for the info, good stuff for our new members, and for us too!

Meredith-shake it off kiddo! Each day is a new start. Your schedule exausts me just reading it! I admire you so.

Apples-Sorry for you and your DS' all having kidney stones! I have had a few and know how much it hurts. For me switching to bottled Water 'fixed' things. Doesn't sound like that would work for you guys :party:

Peas-sorry Nelson had a rough day, was very glad to hear the next one was much better. Ahhh the life lessons we learn on the playground :biggrin:. Biggest mistake school systems ever did was to drop recess! Grats on the trainer, you go girl.

I just got my first fill yesterday. WOW is all I can say...Dr was very proud of me though, I'd lost 15 pds since I'd seen her for after surgery visit [and I thought I was doing poorly]. She overfilled me at first, golly pete, foamy's with just water! What a great experience though, I now KNOW what many previous posters have been talking about.

Head hunger issues.....still have em think they're pretty permanant. Sometimes I feel SO schizophrenic, can be full and perfectly comfortable and still think <fill in the food> in the fridge NEEDS to be eaten :laugh:. Ah well, at least when I argue with myself it gives me someone to talk to :waytogo:.

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only a second to post.. but just had to tell someone before I bust from excitement! 2 more pounds!!! <doing a tiny victory dance> I decided not to wait to change ticker. Perhaps I am feeling more confident.


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only a second to post.. but just had to tell someone before I bust from excitement! 2 more pounds!!! <doing a tiny victory dance> I decided not to wait to change ticker. Perhaps I am feeling more confident.




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Congratulations Laura, what a wonderful way to start the day.............. I'm happy for you... I actually broke my stall with a pound and a half gone... What a relief... We are going to make it to the end of this journey.... We have to.................. take care......... Julie

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Good evening gals.

Well, today was not a very good food day. I can eat more than I should be able to, but I am eating meat first, then romaine lettuce and tonight one piece of pita bread. I ate two salads today. I think that the first one was okay since it was early in the day and I know that the cals are low. Plus, I did not get the pita with it. The second salad I had for dinner when I got home from work. It was a ceasar salad and i think that I over did it on the dressing :frown:. I just really lost control with it. My main problem is the Condiments.< /span>

TERRIBLE I know. Today was the worst day I have had food wise to date. I am just disgusted. I must re-train my brain over night and remember that tomorrow is a new day. I think that I am going to go all liquids tomorrow and perhaps Saturday as well. Good thing I just moved my fill appointment up to September 21st. Thank God! This girl needs all the help she can get! Another thing that is keeping me going is remembering that I am getting more exercise

Caesar salad without dressing is a "Why bother?" Try the yoghurt based ones so you can have your salad and eat it too. You'd probably pb on salad or get stuck if it weren't for the dressing. Your fill will help with limiting your food, especially if you eat the solid denser Proteins without any condiments. You probably won't have room for any salad and will have to eat it for your snack.

only a second to post.. but just had to tell someone before I bust from excitement! 2 more pounds!!! <doing a tiny victory dance> I decided not to wait to change ticker. Perhaps I am feeling more confident.


Congrats on the lbs and on the trainer.

Wow, take a couple days off....5 pages to catch up on!:eek:

Charlene-ss about your getting stuck...I find I have to make sure chicken breast is moist to eat. Have gone back to brining all chicken before cooking it.

Julie-glad Mimi is doing better. Sure hope your shoulder start improving soonest. Have my fingers and various other appendages crossed that you DD gets the job.

Cheri-you sound like me...if I have to go out to get something..I won't :w00t:

Janet-Wow! Good for you with all those pictures. Thanks for the info, good stuff for our new members, and for us too!

Meredith-shake it off kiddo! Each day is a new start. Your schedule exausts me just reading it! I admire you so.

Apples-Sorry for you and your DS' all having kidney stones! I have had a few and know how much it hurts. For me switching to bottled Water 'fixed' things. Doesn't sound like that would work for you guys :sad:

Peas-sorry Nelson had a rough day, was very glad to hear the next one was much better. Ahhh the life lessons we learn on the playground :blink:. Biggest mistake school systems ever did was to drop recess! Grats on the trainer, you go girl.

I just got my first fill yesterday. WOW is all I can say...Dr was very proud of me though, I'd lost 15 pds since I'd seen her for after surgery visit [and I thought I was doing poorly]. She overfilled me at first, golly pete, foamy's with just water! What a great experience though, I now KNOW what many previous posters have been talking about.

Head hunger issues.....still have em think they're pretty permanant. Sometimes I feel SO schizophrenic, can be full and perfectly comfortable and still think <fill in the food> in the fridge NEEDS to be eaten :wink:. Ah well, at least when I argue with myself it gives me someone to talk to :w00t:.

Ditto to all your comments. I won't waste space repeating them to all those to whom you've commented. I liked having a really good fill. I plan to keep the fills coming to control my head hunger as I lose weight and the band loosens, which I think its starting to do.

Meredith, I still have feelings like that. I am up about 5 lbs since hitting goal. I am in a pure panic and beat myself up regularly for it. I was lucky while I was losing to never really stalled until I got to about where I am now. I hit goal but wanted to hit a lower end of my range. Instead I put on 5 and it's just by doing stupid things. My restriction is so wishy washy too. Tight in mornings and can eat way too much in evenings. Yet if I try more of a fill I get reflux at night and that's not good. So for me right now it's all about wise choices and somedays I make not so wise ones. YOu are lucky you can eat lettuce/pita bread etc. I get stuck too easily on those things. I don't like dressing so can do good on salads w/o adding the calories if I could eat them. In the grand scheme of things your 'bad eating day' really isn't bad. You are being too hard on yourself. Just regroup and refocus this morning and it's a new day. Just don't let the guilt and bad feelings dictate another day where you say 'screw it' and throw in the towel and one bad day becomes 2, etc. We've all done that. I don't know how you do it with all you have going on, so hang in there!

I can't imagine that many at a wedding. WE are planning for 150 for DD's wedding and that seems a lot. BTW, we booked the place last night. Looks beautiful. And have a date: 3/26/10

I'm really afraid of reaching goal and starting to gain because Im no longer focused on losing. That's what happened to me every time I lost in the past. That's why I'm planning on really tight restriction and getting as much support as I can.

I'm hoping to reach goal by Christmas or my birthday (DEC.30) which is all my weight loss in 7 months time, not long enough to have really adopted and adapted to permanant lifestyle change. Your fear is very real and has a basis in reality. The tales of those with WLS who've lost and regained are legend. So don't minimize the danger to yourself. Perhaps you could pretend you just got a fill and do liquids for two days. That seems to get me back on track and will probably result in the scale going down again for you. It does for me. I usually drop 2 lbs. Then I work to maintain.

Went to Navy Pier with my daughter and two grandsons after school. Took the boys on a boat ride down the Chicago River. Great fun. Tomorrow I'm in an all day praise and worship training seminar or whatever you call it. Should be singing a lot of gospel and contemporary praise songs. Sunday taking care of grandson's while my daughter runs a mini-marathon in Chicago. Think I'll take some food along tomorrow since I don't know what's being planned for meals.

I can usually find something at my daughter's. She doesn't keep treats in the house either.

Have a great weekend everyone.

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Hello Ladies,

I found this post in the list a while back. I decided to read every post until I was caught up. WOW it has taken me about a month. You are busy ladies....

I am going to jump into this group and try to post. I don't have as much activity in my life as you do.

I feel as if I know all of you so I'll tell you a bit about myself.

My name is Laura (I guess I'll have to be Laura K. I'm from Michigan. A very small town north of Meridith. I have 2 kids, one of each, both in college. I was banded on 7-20-09 just like Phyls. I'm a Master Gardener, so I enjoy my gardens and volunteering.

In one of group meetings we were told to lose 5% of our weight before we could have surgery. So the night before my first appt I went back to my weight loss group. The lady that runs it used to be a WW leader for 20+ years. I lost 25 lbs before banding. I have had one fill of 2cc's so far. I'm at 53 lbs lost now. (Don't know how to change ticker) I tend to eat the same thing a lot. I can't seem to figure out how to cook for just me without a lot of leftovers, don't tend to eat the stuff if I freeze it. I am setting up to journel next week I know this helps me keep track of were I'm at each day.

Take care each and everyone of you, you have made this journey easier for me and you didn't even know it.

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The pic’s are gone – but it is what it is - I got a click it disk and have all my computer pics now backed up..

Janet, When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, I evacuated with a overnight bag expecting to come back in a few days after power was restored. Of course we ended up with my entire house emerged in Water for 2 wks. All my immediate family lived in the same area and also lost everything. I lost every single photo I had. Both my parents are deceased and my sisters and brother have no photos of them at all. My daughter is 30 and I have no photographs of her life before 25, no baby pics, no school pics. Before Katrina, I had started scanning pictures into my computer to help clear up and clutter and also to keep older one's from fading. It was huge job and I had only scratched the surface. Of course I didn't take my computer hard drive with me when we evacuated. A company in Florida graciously offered to try to recover them from my drive for free. They said even though a hard drive gets wet there is still hope. Mine was underwater 2 wks, I think that was more than wet.

Today, I scan every single photo, I back them up on 2 external harddrives that I rotate AND I back them up on DVD. Overkill now...but I learned the value of photographs and will never evacuate again without taking every single one of them with me! :wink:

So keep up with your photos! It's a good thing!

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Meredith, I still have feelings like that. I am up about 5 lbs since hitting goal. I am in a pure panic and beat myself up regularly for it. I was lucky while I was losing to never really stalled until I got to about where I am now. I hit goal but wanted to hit a lower end of my range. Instead I put on 5 and it's just by doing stupid things. My restriction is so wishy washy too. Tight in mornings and can eat way too much in evenings. Yet if I try more of a fill I get reflux at night and that's not good. So for me right now it's all about wise choices and somedays I make not so wise ones. YOu are lucky you can eat lettuce/pita bread etc. I get stuck too easily on those things. I don't like dressing so can do good on salads w/o adding the calories if I could eat them. In the grand scheme of things your 'bad eating day' really isn't bad. You are being too hard on yourself. Just regroup and refocus this morning and it's a new day. Just don't let the guilt and bad feelings dictate another day where you say 'screw it' and throw in the towel and one bad day becomes 2, etc. We've all done that. I don't know how you do it with all you have going on, so hang in there!

I can't imagine that many at a wedding. WE are planning for 150 for DD's wedding and that seems a lot. BTW, we booked the place last night. Looks beautiful. And have a date: 3/26/10

Great - I totally get you !!! I keep struggling with 5 lbs from my low of 138 - I was staying there - but now adays I am between 140 and 143 - I hate it... I know what's doing it - a bite of this or that - and missing 1 day at the gym.

It has always been my fear since day 1 - where would i be in 5 yrs...

I'm not tighter at any one time during the day but I can eat - and I think I could use a tweak -- but like you said - it's really about our food choices - for the most part mine are good - but it's the little stuff that adds up...

Fly by:

Worked out with trainer yesterday. Oh my.... the old body is sore today! Feels good sore though, like I actually did something. Last night was my bariatric support group. WONDERFUL group last night... we were led by a pyschologist who specializes in food addiction. A great discussion, the best one so far. I didn't get on the computer once yesterday. (And I think that's a good thing!)

Meredith dear, I will write more later... but today is a new day. Pick yourself up and dust yourself off!

Glad Mimi is feeling better!

Janet, there is a place that recovers disks. I will look for the link later.

toodles for now! peas

only a second to post.. but just had to tell someone before I bust from excitement! 2 more pounds!!! <doing a tiny victory dance> I decided not to wait to change ticker. Perhaps I am feeling more confident.


Laura - it's good not to get on the computer some days

I think my problem might be that disk was made on windows 95 and I have xp now... Not sure - Congrats on the 2 lbs - WTG !!!!.

Wow, take a couple days off....5 pages to catch up on!:eek:

Charlene-ss about your getting stuck...I find I have to make sure chicken breast is moist to eat. Have gone back to brining all chicken before cooking it.

Julie-glad Mimi is doing better. Sure hope your shoulder start improving soonest. Have my fingers and various other appendages crossed that you DD gets the job.

Cheri-you sound like me...if I have to go out to get something..I won't :w00t:

Janet-Wow! Good for you with all those pictures. Thanks for the info, good stuff for our new members, and for us too!

Meredith-shake it off kiddo! Each day is a new start. Your schedule exausts me just reading it! I admire you so.

Apples-Sorry for you and your DS' all having kidney stones! I have had a few and know how much it hurts. For me switching to bottled Water 'fixed' things. Doesn't sound like that would work for you guys :sad:

Peas-sorry Nelson had a rough day, was very glad to hear the next one was much better. Ahhh the life lessons we learn on the playground :frown:. Biggest mistake school systems ever did was to drop recess! Grats on the trainer, you go girl.

I just got my first fill yesterday. WOW is all I can say...Dr was very proud of me though, I'd lost 15 pds since I'd seen her for after surgery visit [and I thought I was doing poorly]. She overfilled me at first, golly pete, foamy's with just water! What a great experience though, I now KNOW what many previous posters have been talking about.

Head hunger issues.....still have em think they're pretty permanant. Sometimes I feel SO schizophrenic, can be full and perfectly comfortable and still think <fill in the food> in the fridge NEEDS to be eaten :wink:. Ah well, at least when I argue with myself it gives me someone to talk to :w00t:.

Gitrdone - I here you on head hunger - like I have said a million times - too bad they can't band our heads !!!!

Congratulations Laura, what a wonderful way to start the day.............. I'm happy for you... I actually broke my stall with a pound and a half gone... What a relief... We are going to make it to the end of this journey.... We have to.................. take care......... Julie

Julie Congrats !!!!

Hello Ladies,

I found this post in the list a while back. I decided to read every post until I was caught up. WOW it has taken me about a month. You are busy ladies....

I am going to jump into this group and try to post. I don't have as much activity in my life as you do.

I feel as if I know all of you so I'll tell you a bit about myself.

My name is Laura (I guess I'll have to be Laura K. I'm from Michigan. A very small town north of Meridith. I have 2 kids, one of each, both in college. I was banded on 7-20-09 just like Phyls. I'm a Master Gardener, so I enjoy my gardens and volunteering.

In one of group meetings we were told to lose 5% of our weight before we could have surgery. So the night before my first appt I went back to my weight loss group. The lady that runs it used to be a WW leader for 20+ years. I lost 25 lbs before banding. I have had one fill of 2cc's so far. I'm at 53 lbs lost now. (Don't know how to change ticker) I tend to eat the same thing a lot. I can't seem to figure out how to cook for just me without a lot of leftovers, don't tend to eat the stuff if I freeze it. I am setting up to journel next week I know this helps me keep track of were I'm at each day.

Take care each and everyone of you, you have made this journey easier for me and you didn't even know it.

Laura K - WELCOME !!!

I need you for my rose tree that's dieing :0) - it's in a pot and the leaves are all falling off like it isn't getting Water - but it does... Someone said root rot???

I don't freeze either - but I take my leftovers for lunch or dinner the next night...

Since you started page 1 - you know I am big on keeping a food diary - I really really found that it's a great learning tool

Congrats on your 53 lbs WTG !!!

The pic’s are gone – but it is what it is - I got a click it disk and have all my computer pics now backed up..

Janet, When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, I evacuated with a overnight bag expecting to come back in a few days after power was restored. Of course we ended up with my entire house emerged in water for 2 wks. All my immediate family lived in the same area and also lost everything. I lost every single photo I had. Both my parents are deceased and my sisters and brother have no photos of them at all. My daughter is 30 and I have no photographs of her life before 25, no baby pics, no school pics. Before Katrina, I had started scanning pictures into my computer to help clear up and clutter and also to keep older one's from fading. It was huge job and I had only scratched the surface. Of course I didn't take my computer hard drive with me when we evacuated. A company in Florida graciously offered to try to recover them from my drive for free. They said even though a hard drive gets wet there is still hope. Mine was underwater 2 wks, I think that was more than wet.

Today, I scan every single photo, I back them up on 2 external harddrives that I rotate AND I back them up on DVD. Overkill now...but I learned the value of photographs and will never evacuate again without taking every single one of them with me! :blink:

So keep up with your photos! It's a good thing!

Nawlins - Ya I have lost photos before and some old cards that we had made my mom that she had kept - I know the feeling of losing them

OH hugs on Katrina and losing all your pic's you put my little woes into prospective..

I have told my GD who's 14 that she will be in charge of my pic's when I am gone - I don't think the boys (ds & gs) really care as much - I think it's a girl thing..

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Good Morning, girls!!! Sorry I've been MIA. I read everyones posts last night but was too tired to post anything! You guys are sooo hard to keep up with! I'm going to post now and try to catch you guys later!

My DD came home for good this wk and here is how I'm feeling about it! Scared, happy, worried, excited,looking forward to her and Eli's future, scared about their future, and soooo ready to be a Grandma instead of a Mother!!! Eli is really happy to have her home also, we let him stay home from school the day she came home. I keep telling her that they will have an adjustment time and that she needs to just take it easy for a while untill they get used to each other agein. Oh, yea, they seen his Dad and you guys guessed it, he hasn't bought him any shoes or clothes. She stayed all night with the girl that graduated 3 wks ago and she has 2 kids so I hope that they can stay friends and help each other when they need it! She is having a small graduation party at her church tonight and I just know that it is going to be a tear jerker!!

Julie~~~ I was soo happy to hear MiMi is doing better!!! When our little ones are sick, the entire world stops!! Nothing is more important than getting them better! Hope she continues to feel better.

Laura~~~ Happy Happy Happy for you!! WTG on the trainer and the 2 pd loss!!!

Meredith~~~~ Where are you in The Shack? I don't know when you find time to read!! Your way too busy!! I'm with you on the food issues!! I don't know what I'm going to have to do to get my mind back on track!! Someone needs to give me a big old kick in the backside!! I started my new job this wk and I think that's why my head is messed up, stressed out!!!

Janet~~~ I love to scrapbook in my spare time and my pics are sooo important to me!! I don't put too many on the computer b/c I'm scared that I will mess them up!! So I have shoe boxes full of pics and I just label the boxes of the year and and try to put events.

Well, guys, I've got to run for now. I'll try to reply to the rest of you later!!! Sharon

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Morning........... I was hoping to sleep in today, but woke before 7:00 anyway... Oh, well......... TV is terrible on Saturdays... I finished my book and talked to DH for a bit and now trying to plan my day.. I decided on rhubarb pies to take to the picnic tomorrow.. Got those done last evening... It's not my favorite so not a big temptation for me... Will do a Pasta salad this afternoon and be ready to leave by 8:00 am in the morning.. I asked my mother for rhubarb for 3-4 pies... She has a plant in her backyard...Well, she brought enough for 8-10, so need to deal with the rest today.. Freezer is what I'm thinking!!!!

My loss held this morning... I usually try not to count on it until the scale says the same thing at least 2 days in a row... So, I'm hoping that much is gone again forever... Janet and Great.......... I think we all worry about regaining... It's a fact that many do gain back after a while. I think it's that feeling of "I'm feeling good, looking good, and I don't have to think about this anymore" that gets us... If we let up our guard this damn sickness (obesity) can jump up and bite us... You both have done so well, and I'm confident you aren't going to be one of those who goes backwards... Like I said before, we all fluctuate on a few pounds and this is just yours.... Keep up the good work......

Sharon, gosh I feel for you with all your mixed emotions.. Gotta be very hard for you... Just keep praying and trusting the things will be the way they are supposed to be..... I envy you your scrapbooking talent... I'm just not creative that way and don't enjoy it.. My pictures are just on my computer, too... I have them set to slideshow when my computer isn't active.. So I see them all the time.. Works for me.. I try to back up on a disk often...

Nawlinz, I'm just amazed at how you could relate that story about your pictures without losing it... It must have been so hard for you... But I'm hoping all you lost was possessions and not anyone you loved... The rest can be replaced or remembered......... Are you all back to normal yet.... Bless you.....

Laura K, welcome.. Yup, we're a busy bunch... But it's a great place to be......... Congrats on your success so far.. How far do you have to go to goal???

Well, time to get dressed and do something.... You all have a great weekend... TTYL........ Julie

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Good Morning, girls!!! Sorry I've been MIA. I read everyones posts last night but was too tired to post anything! You guys are sooo hard to keep up with! I'm going to post now and try to catch you guys later!

My DD came home for good this wk and here is how I'm feeling about it! Scared, happy, worried, excited,looking forward to her and Eli's future, scared about their future, and soooo ready to be a Grandma instead of a Mother!!! Eli is really happy to have her home also, we let him stay home from school the day she came home. I keep telling her that they will have an adjustment time and that she needs to just take it easy for a while untill they get used to each other agein. Oh, yea, they seen his Dad and you guys guessed it, he hasn't bought him any shoes or clothes. She stayed all night with the girl that graduated 3 wks ago and she has 2 kids so I hope that they can stay friends and help each other when they need it! She is having a small graduation party at her church tonight and I just know that it is going to be a tear jerker!!

Julie~~~ I was soo happy to hear MiMi is doing better!!! When our little ones are sick, the entire world stops!! Nothing is more important than getting them better! Hope she continues to feel better.

Laura~~~ Happy Happy Happy for you!! WTG on the trainer and the 2 pd loss!!!

Meredith~~~~ Where are you in The Shack? I don't know when you find time to read!! Your way too busy!! I'm with you on the food issues!! I don't know what I'm going to have to do to get my mind back on track!! Someone needs to give me a big old kick in the backside!! I started my new job this wk and I think that's why my head is messed up, stressed out!!!

Janet~~~ I love to scrapbook in my spare time and my pics are sooo important to me!! I don't put too many on the computer b/c I'm scared that I will mess them up!! So I have shoe boxes full of pics and I just label the boxes of the year and and try to put events.

Well, guys, I've got to run for now. I'll try to reply to the rest of you later!!! Sharon

Sharon Hugs and Prayer for your DD - I totally understand - my ds started drugs at 15 - quit - went back - quit when back and now is clean for 1 yr 4 months - but every time I see DIL # on caller ID - my heart skips a beat..

And I so get you on being GM - I am to the 2 younger ones - but am Mom to GS an I can't wait til he leaves the nest.. I love him with all my heart - but omg - teenagers !!

I don't scrapbook - I am not that creative - I just am putting them in albums - I did it a few years ago - then didn't for a long time - and just down load to computer - that's the problem with digital camera's before you took the film to get developed . But I do love to photoshop my wrinkle - ps without the cost lol...

Morning........... I was hoping to sleep in today, but woke before 7:00 anyway... Oh, well......... TV is terrible on Saturdays... I finished my book and talked to DH for a bit and now trying to plan my day.. I decided on rhubarb pies to take to the picnic tomorrow.. Got those done last evening... It's not my favorite so not a big temptation for me... Will do a Pasta salad this afternoon and be ready to leave by 8:00 am in the morning.. I asked my mother for rhubarb for 3-4 pies... She has a plant in her backyard...Well, she brought enough for 8-10, so need to deal with the rest today.. Freezer is what I'm thinking!!!!

My loss held this morning... I usually try not to count on it until the scale says the same thing at least 2 days in a row... So, I'm hoping that much is gone again forever... Janet and Great.......... I think we all worry about regaining... It's a fact that many do gain back after a while. I think it's that feeling of "I'm feeling good, looking good, and I don't have to think about this anymore" that gets us... If we let up our guard this damn sickness (obesity) can jump up and bite us... You both have done so well, and I'm confident you aren't going to be one of those who goes backwards... Like I said before, we all fluctuate on a few pounds and this is just yours.... Keep up the good work......

Sharon, gosh I feel for you with all your mixed emotions.. Gotta be very hard for you... Just keep praying and trusting the things will be the way they are supposed to be..... I envy you your scrapbooking talent... I'm just not creative that way and don't enjoy it.. My pictures are just on my computer, too... I have them set to slideshow when my computer isn't active.. So I see them all the time.. Works for me.. I try to back up on a disk often...

Nawlinz, I'm just amazed at how you could relate that story about your pictures without losing it... It must have been so hard for you... But I'm hoping all you lost was possessions and not anyone you loved... The rest can be replaced or remembered......... Are you all back to normal yet.... Bless you.....

Laura K, welcome.. Yup, we're a busy bunch... But it's a great place to be......... Congrats on your success so far.. How far do you have to go to goal???

Well, time to get dressed and do something.... You all have a great weekend... TTYL........ Julie

Julie - Thanks for the words of encouragement - Truer worder never said - I do think about it all the time - it's trying at time but we have too.. It' just a fact of life..

Well, I am back from gym 4 miles burned like 480 calories sweating like a pig - now need to shower and go get nails done...

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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