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OK, count me in.............. I'm being brave............

Laura, I come from a community like Apples, too.... It's the midwest........... we live in small towns and have large families.... There were 500 at my wedding 15 years ago... However, I didn't do a supper... Had the service at 7:00, then a reception with cheese, crackers, bars, cake and punch and ect.... then a dance and served sloppy joes and chips at 11:00...... Short and sweet..... happily married and not still paying off the debt.....

Mimi is sleeping again and doesn't want to get up.... she has her days and nights mixed up.... Still very fussy and crabby... She doesn't speak full sentences yet, but you definitely get the idea of what she means when she says, "go away"!!!!! and owie owie.... this is DD's last night for this week.... She has an interview tomorrow with another company right here at home.... more money, no nights... The hours are still odd, but not nights.. 4:30 am to 2:00 pm..... Just have to go to bed early.. Much easier on both of us.. I've got my fingers crossed and my prayers said.....

I'm curious about these erosion symptoms, too... Doesn't sound fun and I'm sure you were a bit creeped out, Great......

Just had a nice warm bath and am ready to sleep, but it's only 8:00 and don't know what the night holds with Mimi.... Talk to you all tomorrow... Julie

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Peas - I remember when Alex was in Kindergarten his teacher sent his table to the bathroom and Alex came right back in the room and moved his behavior clip from smiley face all the way down to the sad face. When the teacher asked what happen he just put his head down and would not look at her. Then another kid came back in crying and it turns out my son was in the stall and the other child knocked on the door and Alex kicked the door open and hit the kid in the head with the door. The teacher brought us in and had Alex tell us what happen he told us but he was so sad looking. The teacher asked him to wait outside why she talked to us and when he left we all cracked up. It was funny but we still had to let him know he did wrong which was hard because he was so cute.

We still talk about it today. Remember he is in High School now.


I know I know but I am a coffee addict LOL. At least I admit it. Please forgive me. Actually i love food but sometimes I feel tight and I love to have a hot coffee in the morning. Also thanks for the tips you gave us.

Ms Bubba,

You are right sometimes you want to feel like you can do as you please like I was thinking coffee not that bad. WRONG oh well I will keep trucking and change stuff around.


I have a small coffee place by me maybe they will get me SF peppermint or I can get a Cappuccino and then just add it myself but that means i have to carry it with me that would be funny.


I used to make my stuff at home but then I got lazy. :blushing:

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Please help me, i really need a buddy. Banded on 10/10/08 354, now 345. The doctor is pulling Fluid out because i can't get eggs down in the morning and can only drink fluids in the mornings. But the evenings are when i'm hungry and can eat more than i should. I need to know a routine on eating and someone to help me stay focused. can you help?

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My son said something that unintentionally embarrassed a teacher who made a big deal of it. Tim was only in 3rd grade. He had to apologize and I told him I hope he remembered not to say something like that again. He said, "Don't worry, I won't, at least not until I get married."

Resisted some cravings today. Not having any Snacks around sure helps with that. Having to drive to the store to get something I really would like to pig out on puts a damper on it.

Full day tomorrow. Went and babysat tonight so now I'm tired. We have open house tomorrow night. I have to present a few things. So I get a little hyped up, sort of like an actor, I go into a different zone, and then I have trouble coming down after. We put together a project for the kids called A 125 Acts of Kindness in celebration of our schools 125th birthday. I also have to get parents to sign permission slips for their kids to be in my program and promote my program. If I don't I won't have enough students to pay my own salary and keep my program going. Gonna be crazy. As per usual.

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Im in for Florida for sure!!!!!

And, good for you Julie! Can't wait. Hope Mimi gets better soon! You poor things.

Ok, I don't know how I'm gonna do it this semester, but I must. Just got home about an hour ago from school. Have to get in the shower and get to bed as I have class in the a.m. and then work until late.

Laura~ Poor little Nels and his scolding. Aw. That was totally me when i was little. And, girl, we are going to be working our butts off! I'm so glad you got your trainer back! I went to my weight training class today and afterwards I spoke with the instructor. She told me that she runs a stretch sculpt and tone class thats an hour long before the weight lifting class and that I am more than welcome to join that class as well, but FREE!!!!!!! I'm totally gonna do it! I'm so excited! But, I'm going to be so pooped!

Janet~ Thanks for all of the info! Great stuff!

1day~ Those damn coffee drinks! I steer clear of Starbucks 100 percent because I know that I love the caramel macchiatos (sp)! I even have a $25 gift card to there, but haven't used it yet. I guess their iced tea is pretty good, and its not sweetened. What about that for an option? You could even add splenda if you wanted. IDK if you would like that or not, just a suggestion.

To all of the new ones~ You will love it here! Everyone is so great and a ton of help.

Ok, sorry to all that I didn't write to, I will try tomorrow to get to all of you.

Oh, but Great~ This erosion stuff makes me so nervous!!! Are you able to find out more about it? Eek!

Ok, good night!

Love! Meredith

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This is going to be a drive by post - cuz it's 8:41 and I haven't even had dinner yet or even cooked..

I went to the gym - arms - then came home and trying to put all the pic's that I had printed (you know those ones that sit inside your computer and never get printed) well I printed I think 400 - got them in year order (I think I am confused now - these pic's went back to 2001) any way - Looks like I am missing 2004 xmas pic's and some 2005 pics - I found a disk that I made 2003 to 2005 but I can't open it - I think something has happen to it - it says something about needed 95 adadpter - who know - I have written all over it - it has brooks 1st bday - I am going to take it to work to open then maybe to like wallgreesn = hopefully it's not screwed up

But am confused cuz some of these pics are on my computer but not all of them..

Then I made folders with years and took all the folders I had an moved them into the year that pic were taken..

See what you started Laura !!!! It's all your fault lol...


I noticed your photo's from a cruise. I am leaving on a 2 week cruise 6wks after being banded. I won't have my fill till I get back. I would wondering if you have some hints on how you handled it. Cruises seem to have food & alcohol everywhere you turn.

I would appreciate input from anyone who did a cruise after being banded .

Nawlins - I was 2 yrs out with restriction so my size 4 and new found energy helps keep me from over doing it - I usually didn't make it up to bf early cuz we were either doing tours etc - so alot of mornings I just had coffee and more of brunch/lunch - I focused on salad & meat - stayed away from the starches - when on land - I had tacos (mexican cruise) but again I mostly ate just the insides - I drank what I wanted - I was on a cruise - dinner was no problem we ate in the dinning room and I gotta say the servining size was just right - I would have 1/2 roll w/butter - appetizer then meal don't think I ever cleaned my plate - and then would have dessert - Like Great - I walked - but again I'm at goal and I took the stairs 98% of the time and hit the gym one day..

I didn't gain weight - and like I said I had dessert every night and a couple of drinks a day - but didn't always eat 3 square meals - for me if I am involved in doing something - I don't think about food - just like tonite - I'm not hungry right now but once I get off the computer and I will be..

Just follow the rules - allow for a few treats - walk walk walk and just don't go over board on the starches/carbs/sweets - enjoy yourself - you are on vacation after all - You will be surprised how many pple are in the gym and walking the ship - that's the secert - if you are going to have a few treats - you gotta work them off..

Janet, I don't go back to the nutritionist till the 24th. I did get a report on my bloodwork. I have low D and low B1. So, I bought some supplements.

I spent afternoon PBing........really throwing up. I did not eat Breakfast then when I took a couple of bites of chicken for lunch I got stuck. Then you know the rest. This afternoon I decided to try some yogurt.......no go......pb. So, I started drinking hot tea and this evening I did eat some cream of wheat.

I have had this creepy sensation in my neck for a couple of weeks. It comes and goes. It feels like a collar around my neck. Do you think it is the band causing it? I guess I will find out on the 24th. The last time I had that sensation was when I had a lymphocele in my abdomen. I hope there is nothing weird growing. Maybe I need to get some tests done just for peace of mind. Okay, enough of that talk.


Charlene - I am lucky I don't get bad stuck - I don't know what a lymphocele is - I would call the doc just to be safe... Does he do fluor or blind fills - if fluro I would assume that they see your band ...

Great we want to know the symptoms - when i went to that lapband counsel thing last yr - they asked if we should have endoscopes once a year - Dr Dixon said if you aren't having issues no... But that kind of stuff is always in the back of my mind - cuz it does happen.. Again a good reason not to be too tight

Please help me, i really need a buddy. Banded on 10/10/08 354, now 345. The doctor is pulling Fluid out because i can't get eggs down in the morning and can only drink fluids in the mornings. But the evenings are when i'm hungry and can eat more than i should. I need to know a routine on eating and someone to help me stay focused. can you help?

Deedee - Alot of banders are tight in the morning and loose at night - it's a draw back of the band- But again - as I am alway saying I can be physically full - but still think I am hungry - this is where my head hunger manifest it's self into me feeling hungry - food is our drug of choice - and we crave it and we think craving it is actual hunger when it isn't..

My suggestion is if you are tight in the morning - don't try and eat eggs - have a pt shake - and when it comes to dinner alway eat meat first then veggies then carbs...

It's not just about how much we eat but what we eat - have you been keeping a food diary - do you count calories - what are you eating - are you getting any exercise..

Let us know - like I said - it's 9 now and I need to get off the computer 5 a.m. comes early...

So will finish this tomorrow...

Resisted some cravings today. Not having any Snacks around sure helps with that. Having to drive to the store to get something I really would like to pig out on puts a damper on it.


You are just like me - once I'm home - I'm not going back out to get a candy bar - and if I don't have it in the house then I can't eat it -

Ok gang I really gotta get off the computer...

I will talk to you all tomorrow

Hugs J

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Hi gang, it's 1L30 am here and I'm up, but not on account of Mimi..... My shoulder is throbbing and won't let me relax and sleep... I've taken Tylenol and usually that will relax me and let me fall asleep.... not tonight.. It hasn't been this bad for a couple weeks now. I thought it was getting better... I suppose I have overdone things with Mimi the last couple of days and re-aggrevated it... Wonderfull.. I just rubbed it down with some anelgesic cream and will hope it will be better soon.. Thought I would catch up here a little before laying down again...

Meredith, wish had your energy.. I know you are tired at the end of the day, but that's a good thing really... You keep going and your energy levels wil increase. The class sounds like way more than my body could tolerate, but I'm 30 some years older than you..... have fun while you're at it.. By the time you get this weight all off you will be toned and absolutely gorgeous...

Janet, I'm terrible about pictures... I have them all on the computer, but don't print them out... unless I want one for something special.. and I don't do all that fancy scrapbookking like some do.. I do copy mine to disc so I don't lose them...... I liked it better when I had to take the film in... Then I had the pictures in my hand.. Sometimes all this technology isn't such a good thing... Good luck getting it all organized...

Arlene, hope everything is okay with you.. Your doc will help you figure it out I'm sure.. How is your DH doing?

Laura, I know what you mean about that stuffed feeling. I swore I'd never have to feel that again, but I have and I hate it... Glad your little one is back to himself now.. Probably learned a big lesson.....

Mimi had a late evening nap, but she went to bed with DH at about 11:00 and haven't heard from her yet.. I've got my fingers crossed... with this shoulder thing I could stand to have her sleep a long while yet before she is up...... We'll see... so I'm going to go try to sleep again....see if this cream will make any difference.. Goodnight........... Julie

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Janet.........no he doesn't do fluor fills. I am feeling much better this morning. I had cream of wheat and Decaf coffee. If I have another episode like yesterday I will get some tests done. My gut tells me it is adhesions. I go to the thyroid dr next month to rule out hypothyrodism. Thanks to all of you for being my lap band support. Also, thanks for letting my vent my concerns.

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Another fly by. I'm been consumed by a book on tape and can't stop it long enough to read everyone's post and reply back. I should be done with it today and can get back to being a good poster.

Welcome to the new people!!:w00t:

Laura, your extra smiles are great.

Okay, until tonight. Have a great day everyone.


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Morning all, I did finally get some sleep last night but not all that restful... I ended up with a hot pack on my neck sitting in my recliner.... Got a couple hours anyway...

I'm so happy to report that Mimi slept through the night.. This morning I tried to get her to eat.....she'll play with the food but won't put it in her mouth... gun shy I imagine.. She had a thick milk shake that I put Protein Powder in... Good idea Laura!!! She filled her diaper this morning..... took a while but she accomplished it and came and handed me the diaper!! Thanks Mimi.... I was able to dress her and do her hair....something she wouldn't let me do the last 2 days... we had to fight her to get a bath.... So, seeing as she was in good spirits and without any Motrin since yesterday about 3:00, I asked her if she wanted to go visit Great Grandma and she said yes.. So I just left her there for a couple hours so I can get a break... I think we finally made it over the hump... She still picks at her mouth and whines a bit, but nothing like before... My little 15 month old great niece had it, too..... In a different town and they haven't seen each other... She got the blisters all over her feet... Poor baby... Her daddy thought her shoes were too tight and making the blisters... She was exposed at daycare, too...

On to other good news..... My scale is now saying a number lower than it's been in a very long while... I'm overjoyed..........maybe this is the pound and a half I needed to break the stalled cycle.... I'm hoping so.. I really didn't have a great day yesterday.. Even had a piece of banana bread... with butter..... But I'm happy.... and I enjoyed the bread!!!!

Arlene, glad you feel back to normal.... Eva... I get that way with a book, too.. I love murder mysteries.. Don't know why, but they really get my attention.. I like JD Robb and James Patterson and also Nora Roberts.... However, I read in spurts... Haven't for a couple months now... I'm trying to get into my crocheting right now as I need to get some baby gifts ready for new babies on the way.. I finished a beuatiful blue baby afghan and am working on a little pink sweater... I love doing baby things as I can start and finish in a short time... I hate projects that drag on forever...

I'm going to do my hair and watch Y & R and then be ready to go to Bismarck with DD for her job interview.. I'm going to wash my car and then see the chiropractor while she is busy.. Since it's 40 miles we try to combine things on a trip if possible.. Don't know if Mimi will be going or not.... GG would love to keep her a while longer...

Bye now gals, have a great day... Julie

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Good Morning Peeps...

Julie - I swear you have more aches and pains - I guess you just can't catch a break can you... Hugs - if it ain't one thing it's another isn't it - Wishing you some smooth sailing soon... Congrats on the scales moving

Well I did save the pic's to a disk - but the disc says it'a a 95 adapter - I think I have lost my pics.. Well it is what it is - can't cry over spilt milk - I got this click program for pictures - I am going to back up what I have and from now on - am going to print pics as I take them (usually holidays & family stuff)

Charlene - I know sometime I have these little pains behind my port - I imagine it's the part of my stomach that is above my band - being streached out... Don't ask me why - I don't know where all that inside stuff is - but I think we all have a little worry in the back of our minds about erisions - slippage etc..

Eva - I usually get my reading in after computer time - before bed and in the a.m. - I use to be a big reading - 1 book a week - but the last 2 yrs haven't read as ferociously as I use to - but am getting back into it lately - I think I need the escape I get from reading - I am currently reading Faith Kellerman - Blindman's Bluff the New Decker/Rina series. I think I was jewish in another life - I relate to judisam - or maybe it's my catholic up bringing and the whole traditions thingie...

I read only fiction - just for enjoyment not education !!! Kellerman - Patterson - Nora Roberts - Tammi Hoag - Koontz (love Odd Thomas) Mary Kay Andrews - Dorothea Benton Frank - Mary Alice Monroe - Linda Howard - Sandra Brown - I am all over the place with my reading - it depends on my mood -

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OMW no one has posted today !!!! Well since this morning..

I just finished putting pic's from 90 to 92 in a new album...

Now I am going to go fix dinner - it's 7:48....

I was just cking in....

Talk to you all tomorrow

Hugs - Janet

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Good evening gals.

Well, today was not a very good food day. I can eat more than I should be able to, but I am eating meat first, then romaine lettuce and tonight one piece of pita bread. I ate two salads today. I think that the first one was okay since it was early in the day and I know that the cals are low. Plus, I did not get the pita with it. The second salad I had for dinner when I got home from work. It was a ceasar salad and i think that I over did it on the dressing :thumbup:. I just really lost control with it. My main problem is the Condiments. Always has been, and apparently always will be. I need to go back to my good old fattoush salads with the vinegarette dressing that my dietitian says is alright for me. When I was eating that I was LOSING. I am stuck at -46 pounds. Really, I am pissed about it to be honest. I'm also really mad at myself for putting so much dressing on my salad. To be accountable, and perhaps get a "virtual" slap from Janet I am going to list what I ate today below.

Breakfast: Boost Glucose control 190 cal 16 g prot

Snack: Bananna, slice of pear and slice of peach

Lunch: Quiznos Black and Bleu Salad w/ small amount of blue cheese and tiny amount of Balsamic vinegarette.

Dinner: Ceasar Salad w/ 4 oz. chicken and too much dressing

Snack: rest of Ceasar Salad and chicken w/ the excessive amount of dressing and pita

TERRIBLE I know. Today was the worst day I have had food wise to date. I am just disgusted. I must re-train my brain over night and remember that tomorrow is a new day. I think that I am going to go all liquids tomorrow and perhaps Saturday as well. Good thing I just moved my fill appointment up to September 21st. Thank God! This girl needs all the help she can get! Another thing that is keeping me going is remembering that I am getting more exercise in walking now than I have had since my first try at college almost 10 years ago. My classes are spaced so far apart this semester and parking is so expensive that I just strapped my big ole back pack on trucked my butt all over campus all week. Plus, I have these exercise classes to look forward to!

Julie~ Really, I don't have that much energy at all. In fact I'm glad that you said that the more I do it the more energy I will have. I am terrified that I just won't have it in me yet, but I am going to give it a go! Glad to hear that Mimi seems to be feeling a bit better. Sorry about all of your aches and pains.

Janet~ Sorry to hear about all of your pics. I never ever print any of mine unless they are from a special occasion or something. All of them are on my computer and I really need to back them up or else I might lose mine as well. I hope Walgreens can do something to help you with that disk. On a LB note, girl, you need to whip me into shape or something! I am feeling pretty terrible about myself right now and need some help. Can I really do this? If anyone were to ask me today, I would say "no". Yesterday, I was totally gung-ho and would have yelled "yes" from the rooftops. Are these feelings along this journey normal? When you and everyone else who have been successful ever feel like this along the way? Please offer me some insight into what is going on with my psyche today. Thanks, you are the best!

Laura~ Ok, sorry, last night after I logged off I realized that I didn't answer your question. I plan on specializing in Bariatrics when I become a PA. I thought about becoming a nurse, then a nurse practitioner, however, I just don't think that I am cut out to be a nurse. I respect anyone in the nursing community a great deal. Your job is a very difficult one, and I thank you for your work.

Ok, so I'm sooo sorry about all my rambling, but I didn't know what else to do, or whom else to ramble to! VENT!!!!

Alright, I am going to try to go to sleep now as I have a really long work day ahead of me!

Night! ~Meredith

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Meredith, I know I'm not Janet, but I've been where you are... Thing is that one salad is not going to undo anything you've already accomplished.. You learned a lesson and you just should forget it and start fresh tomorrow... As far as being stalled.............this is very normal... It must be some kind of test to see if we can perservere!!!! You just keep on doing what you have been and one of these days the scale will jump and you'll wonder how the heck that happened... Yes, you can do this............ no problem..... you've got us, remember?!!!!! Night...... Julie

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Charlene, I hope you start feeling better soon. I hope the PBing subsides and you can eat at least yogurt.

Julie, I can't even imagine having 500 people at a wedding, even an easy one with no huge catering bill. I don't even know that many people. We had about 70 at ours (I was married for the first time 2 years ago). Some of the pictures are on Face Book. Really glad to hear Mimi is feeling better. What a relief the worst of it is over. Great job on the weight loss!!

1day...you'll have to find the "coffee additive" in one of those little bottles like they use on the airlines. You can sneak one of those in to the coffee house to add to your coffee. Glad to hear your cold is better.

Cheri, good for you in resisting those urgings. It's really hard sometimes. Good luck getting enough students for your program.

Janet, are you printing the pictures to put in albums? I still like that form of pictures but the computer sure stores a lot without the space issue. I'm waiting until I retire to deal with all my old pics. I'll end up making a huge mess and won't finish it, so it will wait for a couple more years. I've been doing books on tape more than anything lately. I can multi task then. I can listen to books when I'm at work designing jobs. (This is one thing about my job that is good). I really need to get new glasses and I'm putting it off because I haven't found an eye doctor I like here yet. I may wait until Florida and then go visit my best friend's brother for a new perscription. Also, I can't do other things when I sit and read a book, but I can exercise with books on tape (CD). Cool huh? I read all those authors too I think, plus a lot of science fiction and some other off the wall stuff. Oh and thanks for the article. It's helpful.

Meredith, one of the things I've learned with all the years of dieting is that if you keep beating yourself up after you digress from your eating plan, it just makes you feel bad. It really doesn't help you the next time temptation hits you. You just have to be aware the next time. I know that dressing tastes good, but do the dressing on the side and just dip your fork into it, then spear your salad. You'll eat a lot less dressing and still get the flavor. You are doing fabulous. I've only lost 33 pounds but it's mostly my fault for not dieting. I'm eating less, just not exactly dieting. I'll get back to it and I'm not gaining. So as far as I'm concerned, I'm still winning. So are you!!!

Phyl, that's great that you were able to get out and about. You'll be running around like crazy soon.

CJ....find a thread that "speaks" to you and people that are supportive and one you want to interact with. That is the best support I've found on the web. I spent the first two months at least in this process reading everything I could and it sure helped. I weighed a little more than you and have been banded since July 2nd. It's coming off slow (mostly my fault) but it's still coming off.

Apples, sorry about the stones. I can't even imagine having that much pain regularlly. Cooking fo 450 is amazing...I though cooking for 50 was a lot of work. Have fun at the lake this weekend!!

Deedee, there is a lot of good advise on this thread. Hope you can find the help you need. Janet has asked some great questions and doing a food log will probably help. It really helps you see where and how much food is consumed.

Okay, it's almost 11pm and I've drank almost 20oz of Water sitting here reading and posting. I'll be up later for sure.

Hope everyone has a great Friday.


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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